reasonsforhope · 2 months
"For over a decade, the Yosemite toad has been recognized as a federally threatened species, after experiencing a 50% population decline during the Rim Fire of 2013.
The wildfire, which encompassed a mass of land near Yosemite National Park, made the amphibian species especially vulnerable in its home habitat. 
Native to the Sierra Nevada, the toads play a key role in the area’s ecosystem — and conservationists stepped in to secure their future.
In 2017, the San Francisco Zoo’s conservation team began working with the National Park Service, Yosemite Conservancy, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, and the U.S. Geological Survey. 
The goal of all of these stakeholders? To raise their own Yosemite toads, re-establishing a self-sustaining population in the wild. 
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“Over the past several years, SF Zoo’s conservation team has been busily raising hundreds of these small but significant amphibians from tadpole stage, a species found only in the Sierra Nevada, for the purpose of reintroducing them to an area of Yosemite National Park where it was last seen 11 years ago,” the zoo shared on social media. 
By 2022, a group of toads were deemed ready for release — and at the end of June of this year [2024], 118 toads were flown via helicopter back to their habitat.
“It’s the first time anyone has ever raised this species in captivity and released them to the wild,” Rochelle Stiles, field conservation manager at the San Francisco Zoo, told SFGATE. “It’s just incredible. It makes what we do at the zoo every day worthwhile.”
Over the past two years, these toads were fed a diet of crickets and vitamin supplements and were examined individually to ensure they were ready for wildlife release.
Zoo team members inserted a microchip into each toad to identify and monitor its health. In addition, 30 of the toads were equipped with radio transmitters, allowing their movements to be tracked using a radio receiver and antenna.
The project doesn’t end with this single wildlife release; it’s slated to take place over the next five years, as conservationists continue to collect data about the toads’ breeding conditions and survivability in an ever-changing climate. They will also continue to raise future toad groups at the zoo’s wellness and conservation center...
While the future of the Yosemite toad is still up in the air — and the uncertainty of climate change makes this a particularly audacious leap of faith — the reintroduction of these amphibians could have positive ripple effects for all of Yosemite.
Their re-entry could restore the population balance of invertebrates and small vertebrates that the toads consume, as well as balance the food web, serving as prey for snakes, birds, and other local predators.
“Zoo-reared toads can restore historic populations,” Nancy Chan, director of communications at the San Francisco Zoo, told SFGATE. 
Stiles continued: “This is our backyard, our home, and we want to bring native species back to where they belong.”
-via GoodGoodGood, July 11, 2024
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whisker-biscuit · 8 months
The Lines We Cross: Chapter 27
A Daring Rescue
You're the future I pretended I no longer wanted.
Krakarov was perhaps the world’s only forgotten volcano.
Officially declared too dangerous for public access for well over two hundred years, it sat amid an uninhabited stretch of land in the northwest corner of Russia, so far from civilization that it had quietly slipped out of collective memory. Scientists did not study it when there were much more accessible ones. Local and international governments found no need to warn people about it because it was only taught in the most thorough geological studies. Any thrill-seekers looking to climb it were few and far between, and those few who tried never came back. It was a mystery among mysteries, so obscure that the only agreed-upon thing was that it was to be left alone for reasons lost to time.
There were only a handful of people who knew what those reasons actually were, and not a single one of them had ever actually entered the volcano itself.
Until now.
Sly was exhausted. He had left Kunlun by Interpol escort, posing as one of the town survivors and given a ride down the mountain until they reached a proper city. He’d slipped easily away with all of Inspector Fox’s gear, hid in the first abandoned building he could find, and had promptly had a breakdown. Then, he’d locked everything down in the same mental vault that held his parents’ deaths and the source of the scars on his chest, looked over the stuff he had stolen, considered his options, and began planning.
Leaving Carmelita to die at the hands of his greatest nightmare had not been an option. Even if Clockwerk had killed her the instant he’d realized he hadn’t grabbed his real target, the raccoon couldn’t handle the uncertainty of not knowing. If it turned out she was still alive and he had turned tail and ran without even trying to save her, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
And so here he was nearly fourteen hours later, standing at the base of a forgotten volcano, armed with his cane and an assortment of Interpol equipment, running on what little sleep he’d managed to get on the airplane he’d snuck onto to get this far north, and feeling as though he’d just taken a beating from every Fiendish Five member at once.
It was a small price to pay for the quelling of his conscience.
The outer perimeter of Krakarov had a large metal fence wrapped around it, almost two kilometers from the volcano proper. Faded warning signs detailing hazards like falling rocks as well as threats of criminal fines and detainment for trespassing littered the fence in both directions as far as the eye could see, but there were no security measures to reinforce it. No barbed wire, no electric currents, no cameras or guards or anything of the sort.
Just a single, taller than average fence, and for some reason that alone scared him more than anything. Either Clockwerk was that adept at defending his home, or he had anticipated Sly’s arrival and was holding the metaphorical door open in invitation.
Well, if it was an invitation, then there were going to be a lot more visitors than the owl expected. Sly reached into his backpack, slightly smushed underneath the jetpack strapped to his back, and pulled out the GPS tracker he’d stolen from the Interpol truck. He turned it on, stared at it a moment to make sure it was working, then tucked it away again. With any luck, Interpol would come running the moment they realized it belonged to their missing inspector.
Maybe, if he was really lucky, they’d arrive in time to save her before Clockwerk finished him off. She deserved to survive this mess he had gotten her into, even if he didn’t. Especially if he didn’t.
Sly looked the fence up and down with both his hands curled around the jetpack’s harness. There were no signs of life here; not a single person, unevolved animal, or even plant to be found. Everything around him was dust and dark rock in the shadow of the volcano ahead.
With one last glance to the left and the right just to be certain that he was alone, the raccoon began climbing. It was difficult with all the equipment weight, and he winced with every rattle of metal as he had to sacrifice stealth just to be able to scale the thing at all, but after a few minutes he had finally cleared the top and jumped down to the other side. Here, he paused for a moment to catch his breath and wipe away the sweat that had been creeping up his neck for far longer than it took to climb that fence.
Then he began to walk towards the volcano.
It was eerily quiet as he picked his way through the rocky terrain. The air was still and thick with distant heat; there was no wind to blow relief against his fur or his clothes. He kept his stress clamped tight under a lid and stayed alert to the slightest changes around him. The sky was a gloomy grey but devoid of clouds – and concerning silhouettes – and he periodically looked up to scan it in his vigilance. No one ever looked up until it was too late, and he’d made that mistake twice in his life.
Never again. Nothing was going to catch him off guard anymore. He refused to let it until he knew for sure what had happened to –
A change in the landscape.
Among the cracked, uneven ground, he saw a shred of orange. Sly approached it, confused and then immediately alarmed as he realized it was a small tattered piece of Inspector Fox’s heavy coat she had worn in Kunlun. Eyes wide, he dropped to his knees to pick it up, terrified that he would find blood – or worse. It was clean, thank god, but it did little to ease his fear for her safety. All it meant was that she had been here at some point, alive or dead.
Clenching the cloth tightly in his left hand, the raccoon began to stand, but a strange glint between the rocks nearby caught his attention. He tilted his head, catching the light of the shrouded sun just so to find its source. Then his heart stopped for a completely different reason than when he’d found the scrap of coat.
It was a camera. There was a camera embedded in the ground.
Panic seized Sly’s chest. Before a single conscious thought could cross his mind, he had already jumped to his feet and started sprinting away, back towards the fence – back towards that flimsy physical barrier outlining the ancient owl’s territory. Clockwerk knew he was here. He knew he was here and he was going to come after him again if he stayed here, those claws would come after him again, he’d be dead and Carmelita would be doomed –
Carmelita would be doomed if he ran away, too.
He skidded to a halt. Looked down at the ripped fabric in his hand. Looked at the fence, then to the empty sky. Closed his eyes and forced all his panic away, stuffed in that familiar box with the rest of his emotions until he did what he had come here to do.
Turned around and began walking again.
It didn’t matter if Clockwerk had confirmation that he was here. Clearly, he had expected Sly to show, because leaving such obvious evidence out in the open was sloppy at best, and to insinuate that about the owl was an insult of the highest degree. Everything he did was calculated. Everything he did was for a reason. It was a taunt, plain and simple, and it had worked.
It didn’t stop the raccoon from glancing up more often, though.
When he finally reached the base of the volcano, his eyes jumped across the harsh rock to look for a way inside. He found it about five meters to his right; the rock curled inward in a way that was definitely not natural. It was a cave, and it led straight to the heart of Krakarov if the sudden spike of heat was any indication.
The cave opening was deceptively large – it was wide, not tall, so that someone like Muggshot or bigger would have to duck their heads as they entered it but could easily stretch their arms horizontally. For Sly, who was small in both ways, there was no issue at all. He pressed himself against one wall, held his breath to turn invisible just in case of more hidden cameras he couldn’t see, and headed in.
It was slow going. The ground was hard to walk on and often dipped both uphill and downhill for long stretches of time. Every few minutes he paused and crouched to catch his breath, holding perfectly still and perfectly silent in fear of detection until he was ready to move on invisibly again. The temperature was rising steadily the farther inside he got, and all the extra stuff he was carrying – the jetpack, the GPS, Carmelita’s shock pistol and radio, and the two “special” homemade gadgets in his hoodie pocket – added to his fatigue and the sweat trapped under his fur.
It felt a little like he was going into hell. Not too far from the truth if he thought about it too hard, and he was doing everything he could to avoid that.
Nearly half an hour into his trek, the slope evened out into something manageable for once. It was his only warning before he came upon a giant double door blocking him from continuing. The raccoon stopped, craning his head upwards to study the sudden obstruction. It was embedded in both walls and the ceiling, similar to how the camera had been, with no cracks to shimmy through to get around it. In the center of the door were two large handles – built for someone with talons to grab ahold of – and locking them in place was a single, bulky padlock.
The most straightforward barrier ever, and yet Sly was wary to take it at face value. He approached it cautiously, still invisible, and scrutinized it for any sign of unseen security measures or even some of Mz. Ruby’s magic, but no matter where he looked or how much he strained his eyes, there was nothing to be found. For all intents and purposes, it really was just a simple gate.
Still not trusting the circumstances of this first true roadblock set up by the Five’s leader, he pressed into the corner where the wall and the gate met, making himself as small as possible as he became visible again, and stared up at the padlock. It looked standard and easy to pick, but it was too high to reach while his feet were on the ground, and he refused to use the jetpack for fear of draining its fuel prematurely.
That left only one option. The raccoon did one more cursory search for traps, cameras, or anything else, then shoved himself off the wall with as much speed as he was capable of. He took a running leap towards the gate and hooked onto one of the handles by his cane; the momentum of his jump was enough to swing him high enough to grab the padlock with his free hand. With his shoes braced against the metal of the door, he began working the lock suspended a solid three meters in the air.
When it clicked open, he carefully pulled it free of both handles before twisting around to throw it as hard as he could down the tunnel he’d come from. It landed out of sight with a quiet clang, which made him wince, but he wasn’t going to touch anything of Clockwerk’s for more than strictly necessary. There was no telling what might or might not be boobytrapped.
Padlock discarded, Sly turned back to the door he was still clinging to like a barnacle. It hadn’t budged much under his weight until he’d removed the lock, but he could feel how it seemed to want to move inward instead of outward. Crouching with all his weight coiled into his legs, he launched himself off the door with a powerful two-footed kick. It did the trick; the gate shifted open just enough for him to shimmy through after he picked himself back up, and he continued further into the dark cave.
For the first time since Kunlun – since Wales, really – the shaky confidence that had built itself up during his time with Inspector Fox began to trickle back. He had successfully gotten through the first of the ancient owl’s obstacles, simple as it seemed, and that made his heart beat a little faster for different reasons than fear. It was only the first step, but he’d done it.
So caught up in his momentary victory, he very nearly walked onto death.
Sly froze with his foot hovering a centimeter above the ground, having barely caught the glint of metal with his sharp nocturnal vision. He looked down at the slightest displacement in the earth – uneven dirt that had been dug up recently, covering a lump that seemed just as natural as every other lump along the bumpy cave floor if not for that tiny, damning bit of metal that had made itself visible. Feeling suddenly sick as he realized how close he’d been to stepping on it, he backed up and very gingerly pushed aside the dirt with the tip of his cane, careful not to touch the metal. It revealed a round device big enough that he’d have to hold it with both hands, with a red blinking light in its center.
He’d almost just stepped on a land mine.
Nausea growing ever deeper, he looked up towards the path ahead, where he could now pick out more of those unassuming mounds scattered across the ground, just waiting to be triggered by one careless intruder. The raccoon swallowed, hard, and began to reach for his backpack – for the shock pistol tucked safely away within. Then he aborted the action before even touching the zipper. There was no telling how powerful these things were; if he shot one, it could cause a cave-in or set off the rest in a fatal chain reaction. And even if neither of those were to happen, the noise alone would surely be enough to bring the owl swooping in. Using Carmelita’s equipment would have to wait. Again.
He crouched in front of the bomb he had unearthed, taking a mental measurement of its size and comparing that to the litany of still-hidden ones in his way. They had all been placed with just enough space between them that he could theoretically maneuver through so long as he was sure-footed and precise, and he had a sneaking suspicion that it had been set up that way on purpose. Clockwerk had goaded him inside his lair with evidence of the inspector’s survival, and now he was deliberately testing him. Seeing how far he had come on his own; pushing him to prove that he hadn’t just stolen back the Thievius Raccoonus, but was actively taking its lessons to heart.
It was time to trust his ancestors. Sly stood up, backed up a few paces, then sprinted forward and took his first jump.
It became a dance. On the world’s deadliest stage, not a single audience member to witness his act, the raccoon flitted across the landmine field with the grace of a ballerina. His feet barely touched the ground when he found a safe place to land, only there for seconds until his gaze had found the next one, and then he was already leaping again.
By the time he finally reached the end of the buried bombs, there was a thin sheen of sweat down his back and he was panting from exertion, but it was accompanied by the bittersweet sting of success. Bittersweet, because he’d proven himself as capable as any other prior Cooper – had been proving that for weeks – but it was at the cost of his former partner. He had wanted the confidence, but not at this price. Never, ever at this price.
After a few minutes of catching his breath, he shook his head to clear his lamenting and continued on. Every second he wasted was less of a chance to fix his mistakes.
One sharp turn left, another right, and then very suddenly, the tunnel opened up and Sly found himself standing over an enormous pit of lava. He nearly staggered at the sudden spike of heat, strong enough to steal his breath, and could only gawk at the very heart of Krakarov.
Rock paths – either naturally formed or intentionally carved – twisted out from where he stood for as far as the eye could see in a dozen directions. Some veered off in towards other caves in the inner cliffside of the volcano, while others went on and on beyond the limits of his vision. There was no ceiling or cover above him, yet the open sky seemed confined from inside the crater. The glow of lava overpowered everything to the point that it was almost painful to look at directly.
And on the opposite end, easily two or more kilometers away, was a cluster of metal structures that could, technically, be classified as buildings. They looked more like the owl had dragged an entire scrapyard into the space, then smashed it all together to save space.
The raccoon scanned the sky for a solid minute, nervous about how much he was now out in the open even with all of his precautions. Then, he took another minute to study all the branching paths ahead of him. There were a lot of places here that could be hiding a kidnapped inspector, and there was no clue as to which direction to search first. If it took all night to find her, he’d do it without a second thought, but the longer he was here then the more likely it was that Clockwerk showed his face in one way or another.
Wasn’t anything to be done about it except to push on. Taking as deep a breath as he could manage, Sly began walking along the biggest path in the vague direction of the distant metal architecture. Every time he came across a particularly large boulder or an especially deep crack in the ground, he hunkered down behind or in them to get his breath back, and never took his eyes off the sky while he did so. It was excruciatingly slow going, even worse than traversing the landmines had been, and he could practically feel the minutes ticking away from whatever remained of Carmelita’s limited safety.
Halfway across the crater, a familiar sense of foreboding made him stop. Up ahead, the path continued towards the metal buildings, and he could finally see another cave that presumably led straight to them. Nothing had changed since he’d started his trek, nothing was out of place and now shadow loomed from above, but instincts honed from half a lifetime of tiptoeing around volatile people kept him from moving another centimeter further. On a whim, knowing all too well how much Clockwerk loved his patterns, the raccoon began suspiciously sweeping along the ground with his cane like he had done in that first tunnel.
It was with expectation, not surprise, when he uncovered metal and tiny blinking lights for a second time.
Sly inhaled quick and sharp through his teeth, painfully aware of the fact that he had become visible from the reaction, and peered farther down the path. Unlike before, there were no identifiers for where the bombs had been buried here. No bumps in the ground, no glints of metal, not a single speck of dirt out of place. Without a metal detector or some other tech he didn’t have, nothing could tell him what was safe to walk on and what would blow him sky high.
He glanced behind him, where the rocky ground had branched off to the left a few meters back in a diverging pathway. It had led to another tunnel in the cliffside; he had ignored it – along with every other separate path – in favor of heading towards the most obvious man-made structure, but now it was looking far more tempting in lieu of walking through another literal minefield.
Sly doubled back to the other path after only a moment of consideration. He’d chosen his original route because it had seemed logical to head that way, but Carmelita could be stuck in any of the dozen other caves. There was no way to know for certain without checking each until he found her – or at least another clue pointing him in the right direction – and he wasn’t in the mood to test his luck with hidden mines a second time just yet. He was careful to sweep the ground for them on this new road, but nothing came up no matter how much he checked, and that innate sense of danger rapidly disappeared the farther he walked.
When he reached the opening of the new cave, he ducked just inside the shadow of it to get some air, a mild reprieve from the heat, and to scan the open crater. Still no sign of Clockwerk, which was either really good or really bad, but so long as he stayed alert, the raccoon was sure that the Five’s leader couldn’t catch him off gua–
Two bright red lights flickered to life within the pitch black of the tunnel. Then a second pair. A third. A fourth.
Six. Nine. Fourteen.
Sly stared in mounting horror as things began to move and shift in the dark. Metal clanged against rock, against other metal, and the raccoon backed out into open space again with his hackles raised and his cane at the ready. So startled that he’d remained visible, his reaction caused every set of lights – eyes, they were eyes – to zero in on him immediately. A synchronous chorus of screeching was his only warning to turn and flee before an entire flock of robotic birds exploded out of the cave after him.
He ran for all he was worth as they chased him. Panic sent his thoughts into overdrive, his mind desperately trying to come up with an escape before they could catch up. He swerved right towards the cave he had arrived into the crater by, hoping that they had a limit to how far they could follow, or at least make it harder for them to fly in the confined space.
Movement flitted in and out of the corner of his eye barely ten steps in; Sly pivoted on his heel on instinct and whipped around with his cane arcing outward in a defensive swing. His reaction saved him from being disemboweled. A silver falcon, much smaller than Clockwerk but still deadly by the glint of its talons, screeched as its body was struck and swerved backwards in the air to right itself before it could fall into the lava below. Three more took its place immediately, cutting him off from moving any closer to his goal and forcing him to backpedal. He ducked raised claws by the skin of his teeth and turned left instead towards the metal structures.
Towards the landmines he couldn’t see.
There was no time to do anything else. There was nowhere else to go. Over a dozen frenzied robots bore down on him with intent to kill, and only one path was clear. He had to risk death to avoid a certain one. Sly barreled into the minefield –
And something strange happened.
Blue erupted across his vision; a spattering of sparkles that were sprinkled seemingly at random throughout the path ahead. Something about them tugged at his soul, urging him closer, to connect with them wherever possible. The raccoon didn’t think twice about it – he let that pull lead him forward and he leapt.
He landed perfectly on a cluster of sparkles. Nothing exploded under his feet. A screech to his left gave him enough forewarning to keep running, to jump to the next array while he still had momentum, and he narrowly avoided two falcons trying to slam into his shoulder. The way ahead was free of robotic birds as they came at him from behind and both sides, trying to snatch him up or knock him off balance and onto a waiting landmine.
The odd twinkles protected him from the ground, his dexterity protected him from fatal claw strikes, and his cane made up for those that veered too close in attempts to body-check him. Somehow, miraculously, Sly kept going through the bombardment from above and below without ever getting a scratch, and when the blue sparkling finally faded away, he stopped leaping and went right back to sprinting. He had no idea if he was clear of the bombs, but something in him said that he was, and that same something had just kept him from being blown into a hundred little raccoon pieces. He couldn’t slow down to question it when there was still an entire bloodthirsty flock gunning for him.
Up ahead, he could see the tunnel entrance that surely led to the buildings he’d been so focused on before, but it looked large enough to welcome the robots on his tail. Already, Sly could feel his adrenaline waning under heat and his low reserves of energy, and he knew that he’d be either caught or mauled within minutes if they continued their chase unless something changed. Another screech and whoosh of hot wind made him whirl around to block claws with cane. He continued his three-sixty turn to redirect the screaming falcon sideways into one of its brethren, then stuck his free hand into his hoodie’s front pocket as he righted himself to face forward again.
His fingers found one of the two devices hidden there – as well as the button on it. He pressed down on it at the same time that he pulled the device out, coming closer and closer to the yawning cave mouth. Right before he rushed through, Sly threw the thing as hard as he could at the rocky overhang looming over his dark escape.
It hit its mark. The device – the bomb exploded above him as he threw himself forward, narrowly missing the tumbling rocks that instead came down on the robotic birds right behind him. He hit the ground but staggered back to his feet, not daring to stand still in the blast radius of the cave-in he had just caused. Dust kicked up the air around him so thick that he could barely see even with his nocturnal vision, and the entire tunnel shook as boulders fell in an overwhelming cacophony of noise.
As suddenly as it had started, it was over just as fast. The last of the rocks hit the ground, the rumbling ceased around him, and silence took its place save for the strained breaths of one frazzled raccoon. He leaned heavily against a wall and risked a glance back, grimacing when he realized that the entire opening had been completely blocked off by the cave-in. There was not a single shred of light from the outside crater he could see, and he wasn’t about to tempt his tenuous luck further by trying to move the rocks aside.
The robo-falcons weren’t anywhere to be seen or heard, which he hoped meant they had either all been crushed or had given up pursuit now that their target was impossible to reach. Even so, he kept his cane at the ready and remained alert to the point of jumpiness as he began walking down this new tunnel that he’d trapped himself in.
It occurred to him, belatedly, that they might have been leading him down that single path and not letting him stray for more reasons than killing him with landmines. It was very possible that they had intentionally funneled him this way because it was where he needed to go to find Carmelita. The realization made him nervous at the same time that it gave him hope; if she was dead, they’d have no reason to do this. Clockwerk could have let him wander aimlessly through the volcano until he collapsed from exhaustion or the heat, and then finished him off without any effort. Surely, the fact that he was going to all this trouble to string Sly along meant that she was still alive, and he was still on the right track.
But it also meant the owl was lying in wait for him somewhere or somehow, and he had just wasted one of his precious few means of fighting back. He didn’t know if bombs even worked on whatever Clockwerk was made of, but having some semblance of perceived power in his hands had given him courage. Now, he only had a single chance left to leave a dent in the monster’s armor.
There was nothing to do but keep going and hope that it didn’t come to that. If he could find Carmelita and free her before Clockwerk bared down on them, there was still the jetpack. They could still make a clean getaway into the night, and then she could come back with the full force of Interpol to take down the final member of the Fiendish Five for good. As for what happened to him, well…he doubted the inspector would let him go free after putting her life in danger. If she wanted to arrest him for the part he played in this entire mess, he’d already given her his word that he wouldn’t run anymore. Before, it had been out of despair from the realization that his life was forfeited no matter what he did. Now, even if he made it out of here alive, he didn’t have anything left to return to. A criminal, raised by other criminals, who only knew how to steal and lie and cause problems; there was no “normal” he could even pretend to mimic, and he was done hurting innocent people for his own survival.
Sly was either leaving this volcano in cuffs, or he wasn’t leaving at all. His only goal was living long enough to save the person whose life had been irreparably damaged just by knowing him, just by trusting him.
His train of thought halted as his surroundings caught his attention.
Something was different about the walls. He frowned, unable to place what it was with the limited details his gaze could provide in the dark, and moved to the nearest one to press his hand against it. The fabric of his glove threatened to snag on the craggy surface as he trailed his fingers along it while he walked; until suddenly, it became smooth under his touch. Semi-cool rock had cut off into warm metal instead, and continued that way ahead as far as he could tell. Cautiously excited in the change, the raccoon picked up the pace, grateful to feel the temperature slowly dropping the farther he went.
Then, in the distance, there was light at the end of the tunnel – literally. He trapped the air in his lungs and disappeared from sight before it came anywhere near him, and then stepped out into the blinding glare.
As his eyes adjusted to the harsh light of the new room, the first thing he noticed was machinery everywhere. Computers and processors lined the walls, cords of all shapes and sizes hung from the ceiling, and the ground was alight with security lasers and overhead spotlights. Perches large enough for a particular owl to land on were littered everywhere, and a quick glance up showed a giant metal door that no doubt would have led out into the sky if it had been open.
And then he saw Carmelita.
She was in another, smaller room, separated from this one by a layer of glass, and he could see even from here that she had been trapped there in a tall, see-through cylinder. Her back was to him as she pounded on the glass, clearly trying to break out of her prison, and his heart swelled to see that she was still alive, still fighting.
Sly didn’t shout or whistle to attempt to get her attention. Even if she could hear him through the distance and multiple barriers between them, Clockwerk had eyes on her. He could see cameras in the room that was holding her – although, bizarrely, not in this one – and if she reacted to his presence too early, it would alert the owl. Nothing to do but hope she could hold on a little longer while he made his way through the maze in front of him. The most straight-forward path was a death trap. Even without the lasers and the spotlights, he could see metal tiles across the floor that he recognized from his time working on Raleigh’s ship; they were pressure plates, highly sensitive to touch and guaranteed to set off alarms at best and automated weapons at worst. Invisibility was no help against that.
His eyes trailed left, where one of the large iron perches sat several meters above him and the traps ahead. The faintest hint of blue began to creep across it the longer he stared. It wouldn’t get him all the way across the room to where Carmelita was being held, but it was certainly a start. The raccoon rolled his shoulders, cracked his neck, readjusted the weight of the jetpack, and started running.
He jumped for the perch and caught its end by his outstretched hands, dangling for only a moment before pulling himself up onto it. It was round and precariously slippery, threatening to send him falling with the slightest misstep, but he kept his mind on everything he’d learned from the Thievius Raccoonus instead of letting the nerves overtake him. Centimeter by centimeter, he edged along the perch until he reached the other end without so much as a teeter.
Here, he could see the rest of the room and all its hazards very clearly. But with the addition of those sparkles popping up everywhere, he could also now see all the possibilities, too. Sly’s gaze jumped back and forth, calculating the best way to work around the security and reach the glass separating him from the inspector.
A spire jump here, a rail slide there – he’d done this a million times. Now he just had to do it a million and one.
Onto a hanging cable he latched, scaling up it like a monkey on a vine. From there, a leap to land delicately on top of a roving spotlight. Springing off of crouched legs to throw himself halfway across the room, to a second perch several meters from Carmelita’s “room.” Flattening himself against a computer to avoid a rotating laser that could probably saw him in half, then taking advantage of the gap in its cycle to find and move towards the next waypoint.
On and up and down and around he went, until finally his feet touched lightly down in front of the glass wall through which he could see the fox. She had turned around sometime in his maneuvers so that she should have caught sight of him, but her eyes remained fixed on the container she was still trying to get out of, and never once glanced his way.
The raccoon had a few guesses as to why she seemed unaware of his presence, but they didn’t matter when he was about to make himself known. After one quick glance behind and above to make sure nothing robotic had snuck up on him through his complicated balancing act, he pressed his hand to the glass and tested it with his bodily weight. It shifted under the sudden force. Emboldened, he took a few steps back, braced himself, then swung his cane into it with all his might.
It shattered instantly. Carmelita’s head whipped around to stare at him with wide eyes as he picked his way through the glass-littered ground and into the room with her. Before he could do anything – say anything, even – she slammed her hands against the last barrier separating them with more panic than he had ever seen on her face.
“Sly, you can’t be here!” She cried. “It’s a trap!”
There was a strange hissing in the air as something green and noxious began spilling into the room from the vents all around them. The raccoon whirled on his heel at the sound of a reinforced metal door slamming shut behind him, sealing the hole in the glass he had made. He pulled his mask out from beneath his shirt collar and pressed it against his nose and mouth, heart hammering in his chest, just as every screen in the room lit up to reveal Clockwerk’s hateful, patient gaze.
“You sentimental fool!” He chuckled, sounding more like he had just won a bet than any stronger emotion. “Empathy has always been the downfall of the Cooper clan.”
The thin layer of protection Sly had tried to give himself wasn’t enough. Already, dizziness was overwhelming him and he felt the treacherous urge to cough as the fatal gas filled both the room and his lungs. Carmelita, momentarily spared from the trap because of the container she was trapped in, began throwing her shoulder against the glass, screaming at him to find a way out before it was too late. His eyes darted all over the room, trying to do exactly that, but there was only one exit, surrounded by machinery and the mocking camera feed of his worst nightmare.
He turned around to swing his cane at the door that had sealed him in. The reverberating shockwave that traveled up his arms and through his body staggered him instead, sending him to one knee as he gasped on instinct. The gas greedily took advantage of his mistake, and suddenly the entire room was spinning. The raccoon tried and failed to stand back up; he could barely hear Inspector Fox’s desperate voice through the ringing in his ears. He lifted his head just enough to lock eyes with her.
There were tears in her eyes. She was crying. She was crying over him.
It was like a stream of ice down his neck, jolting him to just enough awareness to remember the second bomb still in his pocket. With fumbling fingers and spotty vision, Sly pulled it out and somehow managed to turn it on, already feeling his brief energy bump disappearing just as quickly as it had appeared. He looked back at the metal door, reinforced and impossible to penetrate, then forward, beyond Carmelita’s glass prison to the handful of computer screens where Clockwerk watched everything with cold, detached delight.
Blue sparkles.
Sly didn’t think twice. With the last of his strength, choking on his own breath, he threw his last trump card.
The resulting explosion flattened him even further than he already was. His head hit the metal floor and it would have made him see stars if his vision wasn’t already going dark. He didn’t know if it had worked. He didn’t know if it had broken open the wall, or Carmelita’s prison, or if she had even survived. All he knew was that he couldn’t breathe, he was choking, he was dying –
Warm hands wrapped around his middle, hoisting him up against a warm body. His cheek lolled into the crook of a shoulder – her shoulder – and he decided that this was a very nice place to be.
“C’mon, Ringtail, don’t give up on me yet. We’re almost out. Stay awake. Please.”
Stay awake. That sounded so hard, but her voice was so very nice. Sly moaned in protest but forced himself to open his eyes, watching wisps of green gas disappear around him as Inspector Fox carried him through the hole in the wall and into the unknown.
A/N: The Ao3 Author's Curse is real and it finally got me. In the month since the last update, I have 1) been stranded at work for a few days because of bad weather, 2) been in two separate car wrecks (no one involved hurt, thank goodness) and 3) had a close family member rushed to the ER after a bad accident. Chronologically. It's been a time.
Enough about that though - Sly is finally seeing our favorite hint to Jump and Press the Circle Button! Betcha thought I wasn't going to include that little mechanic, huh? It's a little different in this version; instead of literal thieving opportunities, it's more of a realm of possibilities for self-preservation. Was incredibly fun to figure out where best to apply them throughout this chapter. As for why they didn't manifest until now...eh, we'll call it the power of love or something. I'm tired lol.
Also! I got an amazing gift fic over on Ao3 from the lovely @brainsforbreakfastt that's set in this AU! Please please please give it a read if you haven't already, it made my entire week and they worked very hard on it.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
It Could Cost $21 Billion to Clean Up California’s Oil Sites, Study Finds
For well over a century, the oil and gas industry has drilled holes across California in search of black gold and a lucrative payday. But with production falling steadily, the time has come to clean up many of the nearly quarter-million wells scattered from downtown Los Angeles to western Kern County and across the state.
The bill for that work, however, will vastly exceed all the industry’s future profits in the state, according to a first-of-its-kind study published Thursday and shared with ProPublica.
“This major issue has sneaked up on us,” said Dwayne Purvis, a Texas-based petroleum reservoir engineer who analyzed profits and cleanup costs for the report. “Policymakers haven’t recognized it. Industry hasn’t recognized it, or, if they have, they haven’t talked about it and acted on it.”
The analysis, which was commissioned by Carbon Tracker Initiative, a financial think tank that studies how the transition away from fossil fuels impacts markets and the economy, used California regulators’ draft methodology for calculating the costs associated with plugging oil and gas wells and decommissioning them along with related infrastructure. The methodology was developed with feedback from the industry.
The report broke down the costs into several categories. Plugging wells, dismantling surface infrastructure and decontaminating polluted drill sites would cost at least $13.2 billion, based on publicly available data. Adding in factors with slightly more uncertainty, like inflation rates and the price of decommissioning miles of pipeline, could bring the total cleanup bill for California’s onshore oil and gas industry to $21.5 billion.
Meanwhile, California oil and gas production will earn about $6.3 billion in future profits over the remaining course of operations, Purvis estimated.
Compounding the problem, the industry has set aside only about $106 million that state regulators can use for cleanup when a company liquidates or otherwise walks away from its responsibilities, according to state data. That amount equals less than 1% of the estimated cost.
Taxpayers will likely have to cover much of the difference to ensure wells are plugged and not left to leak brine, toxic chemicals and climate-warming methane.
“These findings detail why the state must ensure this cost is not passed along to the California taxpayer,” state Sen. Monique Limón, a Santa Barbara Democrat who has written legislation regulating oil, said in a statement. “It is important that the state collect funding to plug and abandon wells in a timely and expeditious manner.”
Representatives of the state’s oil regulatory agency, the California Geologic Energy Management Division, did not respond to ProPublica’s request for comment on the report’s findings.
Rock Zierman, CEO of the California Independent Petroleum Association, an industry trade group, said in a statement that companies spent more than $400 million last year to plug and clean up thousands of oil and gas wells in the state. “This demonstrates their dedication to fulfilling their obligations and mitigating the environmental impact of their operations,” he said.
Fees on current oil and gas production will offset some of the liabilities, but they’re nowhere near enough to address the shortfall quantified by the new report.
“It really scares me,” Kyle Ferrar, Western program coordinator with environmental and data transparency group FracTracker Alliance, said of the report’s findings. “It’s a lot for the state, even a state as big as California.”
Industry in Decline
High oil prices have translated to huge profits for the industry in recent years, but Carbon Tracker’s report found that’s likely to be short-lived. Only two drilling rigs were operating in the state at one point this year, meaning few new wells will be coming online, and more than a third of all unplugged wells are idle.
Judson Boomhower, an environmental economist and assistant professor at the University of California, San Diego who has studied California’s oil industry, said there are inherent uncertainties in estimating future oil revenues. For example, one variable is how quickly the country shifts from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric. But, he said, Carbon Tracker’s estimates for environmental liabilities track with his research.
“It’s a state in the twilight of its production period, and that means big liabilities,” Boomhower said. He added that now is the time for regulators to prevent companies from offloading their wells to “thinly capitalized firms” unable to shoulder the cleanup.
As ProPublica reported last year, the major oil companies that long dominated in California and have the deep pockets necessary to pay for environmental cleanup are selling their wells and leaving the state, handing the task to smaller and less well-financed companies.
Roughly half of the wells drilled in California have changed hands through sales and bankruptcies since 2010, according to data Ferrar analyzed.
Smaller companies are often one bankruptcy away from their wells being orphaned, meaning they’re left to taxpayers as companies dissolve. The Biden administration recently committed $4.7 billion in taxpayer funds to plug orphan wells.
And the industry’s environmental liabilities in California are far bigger than Carbon Tracker’s report quantifies.
Purvis only included environmental liabilities associated with onshore oil and gas production. Billions of dollars more will be needed to plug offshore wells, remove rigs and reclaim artificial islands used for drilling off the coast of Long Beach, Ventura and Santa Barbara.
Additionally, the report did not quantify the emerging risk of “zombie wells,” which were plugged years ago to weaker standards and are likely to leak if they aren’t replugged. That’s an expensive endeavor, as the average cost to plug one well in California — to say nothing of cleaning up surface contamination — is $69,000, according to Purvis’ research. But some California wells have already begun failing, including in neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
“They’re Not Going to Have Money to Do It Later”
Time is running out to rectify the funding shortfall, for example by increasing the money companies must set aside for well plugging.
Carbon Tracker’s report — using state production data and financial futures contracts on the New York Mercantile Exchange — estimated that as production declines, 58% of all future profits from drilling oil and gas in the state are likely to come over the next two years.
“We have our backs up against the wall in California right now,” Ferrar said. “If companies don’t put money towards it now, they’re not going to have money to do it later.”
Environmental policies could accelerate the industry’s decline. California voters will decide on a ballot initiative in 2024 that would reinstate large buffer zones between communities and oil wells, limiting drilling.
Purvis said acting quickly to plug wells would also “stimulate economic activity” and help smooth the transition for oil and gas workers who stand to lose well-paying jobs in the shift away from climate-warming fossil fuels. Spending large sums to plug old wells would create short-term employment for oil field workers.
As California faces the consequences of its failure to quickly clean up aging oil and gas infrastructure, there are likely several million more wells around the country that are either low-producing or already orphaned and will soon need to be decommissioned.
“California’s going to be a test case or the leading edge of this,” Boomhower said. “This same problem is eventually going to manifest everywhere.”
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The global demand for Exploration & Production (E&P) Software was valued at USD 7,981.2 Million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 26,367.1 Million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 14.20% between 2024 and 2032.The Exploration and Production (E&P) software market has become an integral component of the oil and gas industry, facilitating improved efficiency, cost management, and strategic decision-making. As the industry continues to navigate the complexities of resource extraction and production, the deployment of advanced software solutions has emerged as a critical enabler of operational excellence. This article delves into the E&P software market, examining its significance, key drivers, and future prospects.E&P software encompasses a range of applications designed to support various phases of the oil and gas lifecycle, from exploration and appraisal to development and production. These software solutions provide tools for seismic data interpretation, reservoir modeling, geological mapping, well planning, production forecasting, and asset management. By leveraging these technologies, companies can optimize their exploration and production activities, reduce uncertainties, and enhance overall productivity.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/exploration-and-production-e-and-p-software-market
Market Drivers
1. Increasing Complexity of Operations
The complexity of modern oil and gas operations necessitates sophisticated software solutions. E&P software enables companies to manage large volumes of data, perform advanced simulations, and integrate multiple disciplines such as geology, geophysics, and reservoir engineering. This integrated approach allows for more accurate decision-making and minimizes risks associated with exploration and production activities.
2. Technological Advancements
Advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics have revolutionized the E&P software market. These technologies enhance the capabilities of software applications, enabling real-time data analysis, predictive maintenance, and automated workflows. For instance, AI-driven algorithms can analyze seismic data to identify potential hydrocarbon reserves, while ML models can optimize drilling operations and production strategies.
3. Cost Efficiency
The oil and gas industry is constantly under pressure to reduce operational costs and improve profitability. E&P software solutions help achieve this by streamlining processes, reducing downtime, and minimizing wastage. Automated data analysis and predictive maintenance capabilities enable proactive asset management, reducing the likelihood of costly equipment failures and production disruptions.
4. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
Environmental sustainability and regulatory compliance are paramount concerns for the oil and gas industry. E&P software aids in monitoring and managing environmental impact, ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements. These solutions facilitate real-time tracking of emissions, spill detection, and adherence to safety standards, thereby mitigating environmental risks and enhancing corporate responsibility.
Key Market Segments
The E&P software market can be segmented based on applications, deployment models, and geographical regions.
1. By Applications
- Seismic Processing and Imaging: Software for interpreting seismic data to identify subsurface structures and potential hydrocarbon reserves. - Reservoir Simulation: Tools for modeling reservoir behavior and predicting production performance. - Drilling and Well Planning: Solutions for optimizing drilling operations, well placement, and completion strategies. - Production and Operations: Software for monitoring and managing production activities, enhancing operational efficiency, and optimizing resource recovery.
2. By Deployment Models
- On-Premises: Traditional deployment model where software is installed and operated on local servers. - Cloud-Based: Modern deployment model offering scalability, remote accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Cloud-based solutions are gaining traction due to their flexibility and ease of integration with other digital technologies.
3. By Geographical Regions
- North America: Dominant market due to extensive shale gas exploration and advanced technological adoption. - Middle East and Africa: Significant growth potential driven by large oil reserves and increasing investments in digital transformation. - Asia-Pacific: Rapidly growing market fueled by rising energy demand and exploration activities in countries like China and India. - Europe: Steady market with a focus on sustainable energy practices and regulatory compliance.
Future Prospects
The future of the E&P software market looks promising, driven by ongoing digital transformation initiatives, increasing adoption of AI and ML, and the need for efficient resource management. As the industry continues to evolve, E&P software will play a pivotal role in optimizing operations, reducing costs, and enhancing environmental sustainability. Companies that invest in advanced software solutions will be better positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the dynamic oil and gas landscape.
Key Players
Schlumberger Limited
Paradigm B.V.
ION Geophysical Corporation
ETL Solutions Ltd.
Exprodat Consulting Ltd.
Landmark Solutions
Baker Hughes Incorporated
IHS Inc.
Emerson Electric Co
Computer Modelling Group Ltd.
Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
GE Oil & Gas
Pason Systems Corp.
Ikon Science Limited
Type of Software:
Geophysical Software
Reservoir Characterization Software
Drilling and Well Planning Software
Production Optimization Software
Data Management and Integration Software
Asset Management Software
Field Development Planning Software
Reservoir Simulation Software
Production Forecasting Software
Deployment Model:
Oil Exploration
Gas Exploration
Unconventional Resources
Deepwater Exploration
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Reservoir Management
End User:
Oil Companies (Operators)
Oilfield Service Companies
Geoscience and Engineering Consulting Firms
Government Agencies
Academic and Research Institutions
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
About Us:
Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
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erm-groups · 3 months
Risk Aversion: Safeguarding Investments through ERM Preparation
In today's fast-paced business world, ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) companies are crucial for maintaining stability across various sectors, including ERM groups and ERM mining businesses. Here’s a look into their effective strategies for anticipating and mitigating risks.
Understanding ERM Companies
ERM companies specialize in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could disrupt business operations. They offer tailored solutions to address specific challenges within industries like ERM mining.
Predicting Risks in ERM Mining Businesses
ERM mining companies face unique challenges such as geological uncertainties and regulatory shifts. Their ability to foresee potential disruptions is vital for ensuring operational continuity and financial resilience.
Preventing Risks through Strategic Planning
Effective risk prevention starts with strategic planning. ERM companies analyze historical data, market trends, and emerging risks to develop proactive strategies. This approach allows them to identify vulnerabilities early and implement preemptive measures effectively.
The Role of Technology in ERM
Technological advancements play a pivotal role in enhancing risk management capabilities within ERM groups. AI-driven analytics and advanced monitoring systems enable ERM companies to detect and respond to risks in real time, ensuring proactive risk mitigation.
Collaboration and Expertise in ERM
Successful risk management relies on collaboration across departments and leveraging specialized expertise. ERM companies foster a culture of continuous improvement and risk awareness, empowering teams to contribute effectively to mitigating potential threats.
In conclusion, ERM companies play a critical role in today's business environment by predicting and preventing risks that could disrupt operations. By adopting proactive strategies and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, these firms not only safeguard their clients' interests but also foster sustainable growth and resilience.
Partnering with a proficient ERM company is essential for navigating uncertainties and seizing opportunities in a competitive market. As businesses strive for stability and longevity, proactive risk management remains fundamental to achieving sustained success.
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ccsenergy · 5 months
Managing Risks in CCS Ventures: CCS Energy's Expertise
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiatives are pivotal in the global fight against climate change. However, the intricacies of CCS projects demand meticulous planning and execution for success.
At CCS Energy, we understand that effective risk management is indispensable throughout the life cycle of any CCS project.Drawing on our extensive experience, we provide bespoke solutions to pinpoint and alleviate potential risks and uncertainties, enabling companies to achieve carbon emission reductions with efficiency.
Among the foremost risks in CCSendeavours is the technical challenge.
Each phase presents its technical hurdles, from capturing CO2 emissions from industrial processes to transporting and injecting them into underground formations. Achieving the secure and effective implementation of these procedures necessitates scrupulous attention to detail.
For instance, the reliability and efficiency of capture technology, the robustness of transport infrastructure, and the stability of storage sites are all paramount.
To address technical risks effectively, rigorous testing and validation of technologies and processes are imperative. Moreover, developing contingency plans to navigate potential setbacks is essential for project success.
At CCS Energy, we take charge of conceptual designs and engineering analyses, conducting thorough geological and petrophysical assessments. This allows us to pinpoint suitable locations for underground CO2 sequestration.
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Our comprehensive services extend to evaluating subsurface reservoirs in your operational area, offering insights into potential CCS applications.
With CCS Energy by your side, rest assured that your CCS project is in capable hands. We're committed to delivering cost-effective solutions and guiding you towards a sustainable future with reduced carbon emissions.
Decisive Steps to Financial Stability in CCS Ventures Given
Their substantial capital requirement, it is paramount to address financial risk in CCS endeavours. Uncertainties surrounding project costs, regulatory frameworks, and market dynamics can contribute to financial vulnerabilities.
To mitigate these risks, thorough financial modelling and analysis are indispensable. By scrutinising economic viability and formulating robust financing strategies, we strive to bolster project resilience.
Before committing to a CCS venture, our team conducts exhaustive feasibility studies. We delve into the legal, economic, and operational landscapes, evaluating how they intersect with your business objectives and the suitability of CCS solutions.
We assess various scenarios, from greenfield projects to existing carbon-producing infrastructure, and examine surface and subsurface assets. Moreover, we explore the integration of CCS with other low-emission technologies to facilitate yourdecarbonisationn efforts.
Navigating Regulatory Compliance and Public Perception
Compliance with regulations and standards, encompassing safety, environmental, and legal requisites, is paramount for CCS projects. Regulatory risks from regulatory changes or failure to secure necessary permits pose significant challenges.
Effective management of regulatory risks necessitates a comprehensive grasp of the regulatory landscape. Engaging with regulators and stakeholders throughout the project's lifecycle is vital, alongside implementing contingency plans to address potential regulatory shifts or delays.
CCS initiatives often encounter opposition from local communities, 
environmental organisations, and other stakeholders. Concerns regarding safety, environmental impact, and economic viability must be addressed proactively.
To mitigate this risk, early and frequent engagement with stakeholders is crucial. Providing transparent information about project benefits and risks and addressing concerns promptly fosters trust andminimisess opposition.
At CCS Energy, we possess the expertise and specialist skills to manage risks associated with CCS projects. Our commitment to helping clients achieve net-zero emissions drives us to offer tailored solutions, tapping into additional asset value through global emission trading schemes.
Our team comprises CCS experts and engineers dedicated to identifying efficient carbon capture and storage solutions, thereby reducing carbon footprints. When you're ready to embark on a sustainable journey towards environmental positivity, contact us for unparalleled solutions and technical expertise.
Contact Details:
Address:PO Box 5603 St George's Terrace Perth WA 6831
Contact  No: (08) 6313 3913
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reportbyleofrank · 5 months
Exploring the Boric Acid Price Trend: A Comprehensive Analysis
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Understanding the price trends of boric acid, a versatile compound with a wide range of industrial applications, is essential for businesses operating within sectors reliant on this substance. In this thorough analysis, we delve into the complexities driving boric acid pricing, offering valuable insights and perspectives for industry stakeholders.
The Boric Acid Price chart, including India Boric Acid price, USA Boric Acid price, pricing database, and analysis can prove valuable for procurement managers, directors, and decision-makers to build up their strongly backed-up strategic insights to attain progress and profitability in the business.
Introduction to Boric Acid: A Multi-Purpose Compound
Boric acid, also known as hydrogen borate, is a white, crystalline solid with various applications across industries. It is commonly used in detergents, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, and as a precursor in the production of borate salts. Boric acid's unique properties, including its antiseptic, antifungal, and flame retardant characteristics, make it a valuable ingredient in countless products.
In the first half of 2023, Boric Acid prices exhibited different trends in various regions. In Asia, prices declined by 8% due to reduced downstream demands. Europe experienced fluctuating patterns, initially rising due to supply chain disruptions but later stabilizing as supplies improved. North America saw oscillating prices, rising initially because of supply curtailments but declining afterward due to weak demands from downstream industries. Supply-demand dynamics played a crucial role in shaping the price trends in each region during this period.
Request for Free Sample: https://www.procurementresource.com/resource-center/boric-acid-price-trends/pricerequest
Factors Influencing Boric Acid Price Trends
Several factors contribute to the fluctuating price trends of boric acid:
Supply and Demand Dynamics: The balance between boric acid supply and demand is a primary driver of its price trends. Fluctuations in demand from end-user industries, such as agriculture, glass manufacturing, and electronics, can influence boric acid prices. Similarly, changes in production capacity, mining operations, or disruptions in the supply chain can impact boric acid supply and prices.
Raw Material Availability: Boric acid is primarily derived from boron-containing minerals such as borax and colemanite. Therefore, fluctuations in the availability and extraction of raw materials can affect boric acid production and prices. Changes in mining regulations, environmental restrictions, or geological factors may influence the cost of raw materials and, consequently, boric acid prices.
Market Competition: Competition among boric acid producers and suppliers can influence pricing dynamics. Pricing strategies, marketing efforts, and product differentiation play a role in determining market share and profitability. Additionally, the presence of alternative products or substitutes may exert downward pressure on boric acid prices.
Regulatory Environment: Regulatory factors, including safety regulations, environmental standards, and trade policies, impact boric acid production and usage. Compliance with regulatory requirements, such as safety data sheet (SDS) specifications or labeling regulations, may increase production costs for boric acid manufacturers, affecting prices.
Geopolitical Factors: Geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and diplomatic relations can affect boric acid prices. Changes in trade policies, tariffs, or export restrictions imposed by major boric acid-producing or consuming countries may disrupt supply chains and influence prices. Additionally, geopolitical events such as conflicts or sanctions can create uncertainties in global markets, leading to price volatility.
Industrial Uses Impacting the Boric Acid Price Trend:
Boric acid finds crucial industrial applications as an antiseptic and insecticide, playing a role in maintaining hygiene and pest control. Its flame-retardant properties are employed in various products for fire safety. In nuclear power plants, boric acid acts as a neutron absorber. Additionally, it is used in ceramics and glass production, detergents, and serves as a buffering agent and pH adjuster in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food products, contributing significantly to different industrial sectors.
Navigating Boric Acid Price Volatility
To navigate the volatility of boric acid prices, industry stakeholders can consider the following strategies:
Diversification of Suppliers: Diversifying sources of boric acid supply and establishing strategic partnerships with reliable suppliers can help mitigate supply chain risks and disruptions. Maintaining a flexible supply chain allows companies to adapt to changing market conditions and ensure continuity of operations.
Market Intelligence: Utilizing market intelligence tools, conducting market research, and staying informed about industry trends are essential for making informed decisions in a dynamic market environment. Monitoring boric acid price trends, supply-demand dynamics, and competitor activities enables companies to identify opportunities and risks in the market.
Risk Management: Implementing risk management strategies, such as hedging against price fluctuations or entering into long-term supply contracts, can help mitigate exposure to boric acid price volatility. Assessing geopolitical risks, monitoring regulatory developments, and diversifying product portfolios are essential components of effective risk management.
Efficiency Improvements: Enhancing production efficiency, optimizing manufacturing processes, and reducing operating costs can improve the cost competitiveness of boric acid production. Investing in technology upgrades, energy-saving measures, and waste reduction initiatives can enhance operational efficiency and profitability.
In conclusion, the pricing dynamics of boric acid are influenced by a combination of factors, including supply-demand dynamics, raw material availability, market competition, regulatory environment, and geopolitical factors. By understanding these factors and implementing strategic measures to navigate price volatility, industry stakeholders can enhance their competitiveness, manage risks, and capitalize on opportunities in the boric acid market.
Contact Us:
Company Name: Procurement Resource Contact Person: Leo Frank Email: [email protected] Toll-Free Number: USA & Canada - Phone no: +1 307 363 1045 | UK - Phone no: +44 7537 132103 | Asia-Pacific (APAC) - Phone no: +91 1203185500 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
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lcavictoria · 5 months
Unlocking the Value of Land Capability Assessments: Understanding LCA Pricing and its Role in Australian Land Development
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Understanding LCA Pricing: Factors and Considerations
LCA Pricing varies depending on several factors, including the scope of the assessment, the complexity of the site, and the specific requirements of the client. Typically, LCA pricing is determined based on the following considerations:
1. Site Characteristics: The size, location, topography, soil composition, and environmental conditions of the site can significantly influence the complexity and cost of the LCA. Sites with challenging terrain, sensitive ecosystems, or unique geological features may require more extensive assessments and specialised expertise, leading to higher pricing.
2. Assessment Scope: The scope of the LCA can range from basic site suitability evaluations to comprehensive environmental impact assessments. Clients may choose to tailor the assessment to their specific needs, selecting additional services such as soil testing, vegetation surveys, or groundwater analysis, which can impact the overall cost.
3. Regulatory Requirements: Local planning regulations, environmental guidelines, and land use policies may mandate certain assessments or mitigation measures as part of the development approval process. Compliance with these requirements may involve additional costs associated with regulatory permits, consultations with relevant authorities, and adherence to specific standards and protocols.
4. Expertise and Resources: The expertise and qualifications of the assessment team, as well as the resources and equipment required to conduct the assessment, can influence pricing. Experienced professionals with specialised knowledge in soil science, hydrology, ecology, and environmental management may command higher fees, reflecting their expertise and the value they bring to the assessment process.
5. Reporting and Documentation: The preparation of comprehensive reports and documentation detailing the findings, recommendations, and conclusions of the LCA is an essential aspect of the assessment process. Costs associated with data analysis, report writing, and presentation of results may be factored into the overall pricing of the LCA.
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What is an LCA? Despite the variability in pricing, the value proposition of LCAs in Australian land development cannot be overstated. LCAs provide critical information and insights that inform land use planning, resource management, and decision-making processes, ultimately leading to more sustainable and resilient development outcomes. Some of the key benefits of LCAs include:
1. Risk Mitigation: By identifying potential constraints, hazards, and limitations associated with land development projects, LCAs help mitigate risks and uncertainties, minimising the likelihood of costly delays, disputes, or environmental damage down the line.
2. Sustainable Land Use: LCAs promote sustainable land use practices by assessing the capacity of land to support various activities, such as agriculture, residential development, or infrastructure projects, while preserving ecological integrity, soil fertility, and water resources.
3. Regulatory Compliance: LCAs ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and environmental standards, helping developers navigate the complex landscape of planning approvals, permits, and compliance obligations.
4. Informed Decision-Making: Armed with comprehensive LCA data and analysis, stakeholders can make informed decisions regarding land acquisition, site selection, project design, and investment strategies, maximising the likelihood of project success and long-term viability.
5. Stakeholder Engagement: LCAs facilitate meaningful engagement with stakeholders, including landowners, government agencies, indigenous communities, and local residents, fostering transparency, trust, and collaboration throughout the development process.
Conclusion: Investing in the Future of Australian Land Development with LCA Victoria
As Australia continues to experience rapid population growth, urbanisation, and land development pressures, the importance of sustainable and responsible land management practices has never been greater. LCA Victoria, with its expertise, experience, and commitment to excellence, stands ready to support the evolving needs of the Australian land development industry. By offering comprehensive LCA services, tailored solutions, and actionable insights, LCA Victoria empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and unlock the full potential of Australia’s land resources. Invest in the future of Australian land development with LCA Victoria and embark on a journey towards sustainable, resilient, and prosperous communities for generations to come.
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bizparsan0 · 6 months
Unveiling Subsurface Secrets: Mining Geophysics with Parsan Biz
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Mining geophysics plays a pivotal role in the exploration and extraction of valuable mineral resources buried beneath the Earth’s surface. Among the forefront companies driving innovation in this field stands Parsan Biz, pioneering advancements that revolutionize how we uncover subsurface treasures. Let’s delve into how Parsan Biz is reshaping the landscape of mining geophysics:
Cutting-Edge Technology: Parsan Biz harnesses cutting-edge geophysical technologies to provide unparalleled insights into subsurface structures. Through the utilization of advanced equipment such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic surveys, and seismic imaging techniques, Parsan Biz enables mining companies to accurately map geological formations, identify potential ore deposits, and optimize exploration strategies.
Precision Mapping: With Parsan Biz’s expertise in mining geophysics, companies can achieve precise mapping of subsurface features with high resolution and accuracy. By integrating data from various geophysical surveys, including gravity, magnetic, and resistivity measurements, Parsan Biz generates comprehensive 3D models of the subsurface, facilitating informed decision-making throughout the mining lifecycle.
Risk Mitigation: Mining operations are inherently fraught with uncertainties, ranging from geological complexities to environmental considerations. Parsan Biz helps mitigate risks associated with exploration and extraction by conducting thorough geophysical assessments of prospective mining sites. By identifying potential hazards such as fault zones, groundwater accumulations, or unstable rock formations, Parsan Biz empowers mining companies to proactively manage risks and ensure operational safety.
Environmental Stewardship: As sustainability takes center stage in the mining industry, Parsan Biz is committed to minimizing environmental impact through responsible geophysical practices. By employing non-invasive surveying techniques and adhering to stringent environmental regulations, Parsan Biz helps mining companies minimize disruption to ecosystems and reduce their carbon footprint, fostering a more sustainable approach to resource extraction.
In conclusion, Parsan Biz is at the forefront of innovation in mining geophysics, empowering mining companies to unlock the full potential of subsurface resources while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing operational efficiency. Through the integration of cutting-edge technology, precision mapping techniques, risk mitigation strategies, and environmental stewardship principles, Parsan Biz continues to redefine the boundaries of exploration and extraction in the mining industry.
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Unveiling the Potential: Well Investments and Tax Incentives in Oil & Gas
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In the realm of investment, the oil and gas sector has long been regarded as a lucrative arena, attracting both seasoned investors and newcomers alike. Amidst the various avenues available, well investments stand out as a cornerstone of this industry, offering significant potential returns. Coupled with attractive tax deductions, these investments present an enticing opportunity for oil and gas investors, particularly those eyeing the burgeoning natural gas market.
Well Investments: A Pillar of the Industry
Well investments encompass financing the drilling, operation, and maintenance of oil and gas wells in exchange for a stake in the profits generated from production. These investments can take various forms, including direct participation in drilling projects, partnerships with exploration companies, or investment in royalty interests. While they offer the promise of substantial returns, well investments also come with inherent risks, such as fluctuating commodity prices, geological uncertainties, and regulatory challenges.
Despite these risks, well investments remain a cornerstone of the oil and gas industry, attracting investors drawn to the potential for high yields and portfolio diversification. Successful well investments require thorough due diligence, strategic planning, and expert guidance to navigate the complexities of the energy market effectively.
Oil and Gas Tax Deductions: A Lucrative Incentive
One of the most significant advantages of investing in the oil and gas sector is the availability of tax deductions, which can enhance the overall profitability of well investments. Governments around the world offer tax incentives to promote domestic energy production and stimulate investment in the sector. These tax deductions can significantly reduce the tax burden on investors and enhance the attractiveness of oil and gas investments.
One common tax deduction available to oil and gas investors is the intangible drilling cost (IDC) deduction. IDCs encompass a range of expenses associated with drilling operations, including labor, materials, and equipment rental. Investors can deduct these costs in the year they occur, providing an immediate tax benefit and reducing taxable income.
Additionally, investors may also benefit from depletion allowances, which allow for the gradual recovery of capital investment in oil and gas properties. Depletion allowances recognize the diminishing value of natural resources over time and enable investors to deduct a percentage of gross income generated from production activities. These tax incentives not only offset investment costs but also incentivize continued investment in exploration and production activities.
Oil & Gas Investor: Navigating Opportunities
Oil and gas investors play a crucial role in driving the growth and development of the energy sector. Whether individual entrepreneurs, institutional entities, or partnerships, these investors contribute capital, expertise, and resources to fuel exploration and production activities. By leveraging their financial acumen and industry knowledge, oil and gas investors capitalize on emerging opportunities, manage risks, and optimize returns in a dynamic market environment.
As the energy landscape continues to evolve, investors must stay informed about emerging trends and opportunities within the oil and gas sector. The growing prominence of natural gas as a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels presents a particularly compelling investment opportunity. With advancements in technology and shifting regulatory landscapes, natural gas investments offer the potential for sustainable growth and long-term profitability.
Well investments, coupled with advantageous tax deductions, offer an attractive proposition for investors seeking to capitalize on the opportunities within the oil and gas sector. By strategically navigating the complexities of the energy market and leveraging tax incentives, investors can enhance the profitability and sustainability of their investment portfolios. As the energy demand continues to rise and the industry evolves, well-informed investors stand poised to unlock the full potential of oil, gas, and natural gas investments.
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digitalworldai · 7 months
Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies for Drilling Operations in Unconventional Reservoirs
Drilling operations in unconventional reservoirs present unique challenges and risks compared to conventional reservoirs. Unconventional reservoirs, such as shale gas and tight oil formations, require advanced drilling techniques and technologies to extract hydrocarbons effectively. However, these operations are associated with risks like safety, the environment, and project economics. Therefore, a comprehensive risk assessment and mitigation strategy are essential to ensure successful drilling operations in unconventional reservoirs.
Risk Assessment:
Before commencing drilling operations in unconventional reservoirs, it conducts a thorough risk assessment to identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities. 
Geological Uncertainty:
Unconventional reservoirs often have complex geological formations, leading to uncertainties concerning reservoir characteristics and properties. It can result in challenges related to wellbore stability, formation damage, and unexpected pressure variations.
Environmental Impact: 
Drilling operations in unconventional reservoirs can have significant natural impacts, including habitat disruption, air and water pollution, and land degradation. The environmental risks are carefully assessed and mitigated to comply with regulatory requirements and minimize ecological damage.
Risk-Based Design:
Incorporate risk-based design principles into wellbore construction and hydraulic fracturing operations. Employ robust casing and cementing designs to enhance well integrity and prevent leakage. Implement best practices for hydraulic fracturing fluid management to minimize environmental impact.
Regulatory Compliance:
Ensure compliance with applicable regulations and industry standards governing drilling operations in unconventional reservoirs. Obtain necessary permits and approvals from regulatory authorities and engage with stakeholders to address concerns and mitigate social risks.
Drilling operations in unconventional reservoirs present unique challenges and risks that require careful assessment and mitigation. With the merger of advanced technologies, risk-based design principles, and regulatory compliance measures, operators can minimize operational risks and optimize production outcomes in unconventional reservoirs. Effective risk management is essential to unlock the full potential of unconventional resources while safeguarding the environment and communities where drilling operations happen.
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helmerichpayne · 7 months
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Recent well positioning uncertainties evaluation per SPE published ISCWSA model for MWD survey tools suggests that 80% of the inclination measurement error budget is a consequence of BHA sag. BHA sag is the misalignment of the directional sensor with the borehole direction due to deflection of the MWD drill collar under gravity and borehole curvature. The magnitude of the error depends on BHA type and geometry, sensor spacing, hole size and several other factors.
This paper presents a new methodology based on modern 3D BHA/Hole interacting modeling for BHA sag corrections and residual error evaluation at each MWD survey stations. 11 different typical 17½" and 12¼" rotary and steerable motor BHA’s with variable gauge stabilizers were computed in multiple configurations (borehole geometry, BHA settings, friction...) following a Monte Carlo process which involved more then a million simulations. Results of this study show that the residual BHA sag uncertainty as proposed by the ISCWSA model can be further reduced by as much as 50%.
A simplified software automated process was developed in order that Operations Support Centers can easily integrate the proposed methodology as part of near real time Survey Management advanced processing routines. The proposed process contributes to improve significantly wellbore placement through the pay zone while drilling. Reduced trajectory positional uncertainties contribute to the construction of sound geological models for rational well target design, positioning and development pattern fine tuning during the drilling campaign.
In turn reservoir management including mature fields shall benefit from improved Wellbore Placement as a multidisciplinary task by locating more accurately layer tops and contacts. Read out the full tech paper from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/resources/technical-publications/improved-bha-sag-correction-and-uncertainty-evaluation-brings-value-to-wellbore-placement. Download the tech paper PDF from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/technical-publications/Improved-BHA-Sag-Correction-and-Uncertainty-Evaluation-Brings-Value-to-Wellbore-Placement.pdf. Reach out to us to know more: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact.
We are a drilling rig company in oil and gas sector. We provide automated drilling solutions along with safety, contact us to know more!
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The global demand for Exploration & Production (E&P) Software was valued at USD 7,981.2 Million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 26,367.1 Million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 14.20% between 2024 and 2032.The Exploration and Production (E&P) software market has become an integral component of the oil and gas industry, facilitating improved efficiency, cost management, and strategic decision-making. As the industry continues to navigate the complexities of resource extraction and production, the deployment of advanced software solutions has emerged as a critical enabler of operational excellence. This article delves into the E&P software market, examining its significance, key drivers, and future prospects.E&P software encompasses a range of applications designed to support various phases of the oil and gas lifecycle, from exploration and appraisal to development and production. These software solutions provide tools for seismic data interpretation, reservoir modeling, geological mapping, well planning, production forecasting, and asset management. By leveraging these technologies, companies can optimize their exploration and production activities, reduce uncertainties, and enhance overall productivity.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/exploration-and-production-e-and-p-software-market
Market Drivers
1. Increasing Complexity of Operations
The complexity of modern oil and gas operations necessitates sophisticated software solutions. E&P software enables companies to manage large volumes of data, perform advanced simulations, and integrate multiple disciplines such as geology, geophysics, and reservoir engineering. This integrated approach allows for more accurate decision-making and minimizes risks associated with exploration and production activities.
2. Technological Advancements
Advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics have revolutionized the E&P software market. These technologies enhance the capabilities of software applications, enabling real-time data analysis, predictive maintenance, and automated workflows. For instance, AI-driven algorithms can analyze seismic data to identify potential hydrocarbon reserves, while ML models can optimize drilling operations and production strategies.
3. Cost Efficiency
The oil and gas industry is constantly under pressure to reduce operational costs and improve profitability. E&P software solutions help achieve this by streamlining processes, reducing downtime, and minimizing wastage. Automated data analysis and predictive maintenance capabilities enable proactive asset management, reducing the likelihood of costly equipment failures and production disruptions.
4. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
Environmental sustainability and regulatory compliance are paramount concerns for the oil and gas industry. E&P software aids in monitoring and managing environmental impact, ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements. These solutions facilitate real-time tracking of emissions, spill detection, and adherence to safety standards, thereby mitigating environmental risks and enhancing corporate responsibility.
Key Market Segments
The E&P software market can be segmented based on applications, deployment models, and geographical regions.
1. By Applications
- Seismic Processing and Imaging: Software for interpreting seismic data to identify subsurface structures and potential hydrocarbon reserves. - Reservoir Simulation: Tools for modeling reservoir behavior and predicting production performance. - Drilling and Well Planning: Solutions for optimizing drilling operations, well placement, and completion strategies. - Production and Operations: Software for monitoring and managing production activities, enhancing operational efficiency, and optimizing resource recovery.
2. By Deployment Models
- On-Premises: Traditional deployment model where software is installed and operated on local servers. - Cloud-Based: Modern deployment model offering scalability, remote accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Cloud-based solutions are gaining traction due to their flexibility and ease of integration with other digital technologies.
3. By Geographical Regions
- North America: Dominant market due to extensive shale gas exploration and advanced technological adoption. - Middle East and Africa: Significant growth potential driven by large oil reserves and increasing investments in digital transformation. - Asia-Pacific: Rapidly growing market fueled by rising energy demand and exploration activities in countries like China and India. - Europe: Steady market with a focus on sustainable energy practices and regulatory compliance.
Future Prospects
The future of the E&P software market looks promising, driven by ongoing digital transformation initiatives, increasing adoption of AI and ML, and the need for efficient resource management. As the industry continues to evolve, E&P software will play a pivotal role in optimizing operations, reducing costs, and enhancing environmental sustainability. Companies that invest in advanced software solutions will be better positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the dynamic oil and gas landscape.
Key Players
Schlumberger Limited
Paradigm B.V.
ION Geophysical Corporation
ETL Solutions Ltd.
Exprodat Consulting Ltd.
Landmark Solutions
Baker Hughes Incorporated
IHS Inc.
Emerson Electric Co
Computer Modelling Group Ltd.
Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
GE Oil & Gas
Pason Systems Corp.
Ikon Science Limited
Type of Software:
Geophysical Software
Reservoir Characterization Software
Drilling and Well Planning Software
Production Optimization Software
Data Management and Integration Software
Asset Management Software
Field Development Planning Software
Reservoir Simulation Software
Production Forecasting Software
Deployment Model:
Oil Exploration
Gas Exploration
Unconventional Resources
Deepwater Exploration
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Reservoir Management
End User:
Oil Companies (Operators)
Oilfield Service Companies
Geoscience and Engineering Consulting Firms
Government Agencies
Academic and Research Institutions
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
About Us:
Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
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gameonoverdogcom · 10 months
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ccsenergy · 5 months
Managing Risks in CCS Ventures: CCS Energy's Expertise
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiatives are pivotal in the global fight against climate change. However, the intricacies of CCS projects demand meticulous planning and execution for success.
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At CCS Energy, we understand that effective risk management is indispensable throughout the life cycle of any CCS project.Drawing on our extensive experience, we provide bespoke solutions to pinpoint and alleviate potential risks and uncertainties, enabling companies to achieve carbon emission reductions with efficiency.
Among the foremost risks in CCSendeavours is the technical challenge.
Each phase presents its technical hurdles, from capturing CO2 emissions from industrial processes to transporting and injecting them into underground formations. Achieving the secure and effective implementation of these procedures necessitates scrupulous attention to detail.
For instance, the reliability and efficiency of capture technology, the robustness of transport infrastructure, and the stability of storage sites are all paramount.
To address technical risks effectively, rigorous testing and validation of technologies and processes are imperative. Moreover, developing contingency plans to navigate potential setbacks is essential for project success.
At CCS Energy, we take charge of conceptual designs and engineering analyses, conducting thorough geological and petrophysical assessments. This allows us to pinpoint suitable locations for underground CO2 sequestration.
Our comprehensive services extend to evaluating subsurface reservoirs in your operational area, offering insights into potential CCS applications.
With CCS Energy by your side, rest assured that your CCS project is in capable hands. We're committed to delivering cost-effective solutions and guiding you towards a sustainable future with reduced carbon emissions.
Decisive Steps to Financial Stability in CCS Ventures Given
Their substantial capital requirement, it is paramount to address financial risk in CCS endeavours. Uncertainties surrounding project costs, regulatory frameworks, and market dynamics can contribute to financial vulnerabilities.
To mitigate these risks, thorough financial modelling and analysis are indispensable. By scrutinising economic viability and formulating robust financing strategies, we strive to bolster project resilience.
Before committing to a CCS venture, our team conducts exhaustive feasibility studies. We delve into the legal, economic, and operational landscapes, evaluating how they intersect with your business objectives and the suitability of CCS solutions.
We assess various scenarios, from greenfield projects to existing carbon-producing infrastructure, and examine surface and subsurface assets. Moreover, we explore the integration of CCS with other low-emission technologies to facilitate yourdecarbonisationn efforts.
Navigating Regulatory Compliance and Public Perception
Compliance with regulations and standards, encompassing safety, environmental, and legal requisites, is paramount for CCS projects. Regulatory risks from regulatory changes or failure to secure necessary permits pose significant challenges.
Effective management of regulatory risks necessitates a comprehensive grasp of the regulatory landscape. Engaging with regulators and stakeholders throughout the project's lifecycle is vital, alongside implementing contingency plans to address potential regulatory shifts or delays.
CCS initiatives often encounter opposition from local communities, 
environmental organisations, and other stakeholders. Concerns regarding safety, environmental impact, and economic viability must be addressed proactively.
To mitigate this risk, early and frequent engagement with stakeholders is crucial. Providing transparent information about project benefits and risks and addressing concerns promptly fosters trust andminimisess opposition.
At CCS Energy, we possess the expertise and specialist skills to manage risks associated with CCS projects. Our commitment to helping clients achieve net-zero emissions drives us to offer tailored solutions, tapping into additional asset value through global emission trading schemes.
Our team comprises CCS experts and engineers dedicated to identifying efficient carbon capture and storage solutions, thereby reducing carbon footprints. When you're ready to embark on a sustainable journey towards environmental positivity, contact us for unparalleled solutions and technical expertise.
Contact Details:
Address:PO Box 5603 St George's Terrace Perth WA 6831
Contact  No: (08) 6313 3913
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datajournalismntu · 11 months
Gone with the Wind? Underwater Cultural Heritage and Wind Power Dilemma in Penghu
By Shannon Chang, Emma Shen, Wendy Lo, and KC Yang
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Penghu, located at the heart of the Taiwan Strait, has historically been surrounded by major navigational routes. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, vessels traveling between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan often used Penghu as a stopover on their route.
In the 19th century, international trade routes also passed through the northern waters of Penghu. A large number of merchant and fishing vessels traversed this area over centuries. However, the waters near Penghu are affected by strong winds and unpredictable currents, along with many hidden reefs, making it a perilous area for vessels. Some of these distressed vessels were salvaged, while others sank to the sea floor, becoming a rich part of the underwater cultural assets.
As Taiwan pushes forward in its quest for renewable energy, the government is actively developing offshore wind power. Penghu presents optimal conditions for wind power development, luring companies to invest in harnessing the gusts that blow over the strait. As turbines prepare to nestle amidst the waves, a pressing issue emerges from the depths - the delicate equilibrium between energizing the future and preserving the past.
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Swept by the Southwest and Northeast monsoons, Penghu harbors a high potential for wind energy generation. According to Central Weather Bureau’s data, the annual average wind speed is 6.3 meters per second, with the average wind speed in November and December reaching up to 8.4 meters per second. Currently, the Geological Survey and Mining Management Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs is conducting surveys in the waters of Penghu. Wind turbine manufacturers have taken interest in the northern waters off Jibei Island in Penghu, designating four offshore wind farm sites, including the “Huanpeng No.1 to No.3 Offshore Wind Power Projects” led by Taiya Renewable Energy, and the “Guofeng Offshore Wind Power Project” announced by the Spanish energy company Iberdrola.
Additionally, the “Hailong No.2 and No.3 Projects” along with the “Xufeng Project” in the Changhua waters are under construction, and they overlap with Penghu shipwrecks. Among them, the “Hailong No.2 and No.3 Projects” have passed the review process and secured financing, aiming for completion and commercial operation before 2026.
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The “Underwater Cultural Heritage Preservation Act” stipulates that before undertaking any aquatic development, developers must conduct an investigation of underwater cultural assets. If suspected underwater cultural assets are discovered, development activities must cease immediately, and the Ministry of Culture must be notified. Zang Zhenhua, an academician at the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica, pointed out that wind turbine manufacturers indeed adhere to the regulations set by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, steering clear of regions potentially rich in underwater cultural assets. However, the current progress in the detection and identification of underwater cultural assets in Taiwan is quite slow, casting a shadow of uncertainty of whether there are yet undiscovered valuable assets in the potential development areas.
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The wind turbines to be used in “Huanpeng No.1 Offshore Wind Power Project” are expected to have a height of 260 meters and will be installed on the seabed at depths of 20 to 40 meters, with a “jacket structure” used for the underwater foundation, anchored to the seabed with three or four pin piles. Presently listed as cultural heritages, shipwrecks and scattered artifacts lie on the seabed 3 to 10 meters deep and seem unlikely to be directly affected by the wind turbines. However, Zang points out that a large number of target objects are not yet listed for protection. Moreover, there might be more undiscovered cultural assets buried deeper under the sea floor, all of which could be damaged during the construction of the wind turbines.
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As of the end of December in 2019, the underwater archaeology team from the Academia Sinica discovered a total of 90 suspected shipwreck sites in the waters around Taiwan, with 20 of them confirmed as shipwrecks or other target objects. Zang stated that currently, eight sites have been completed for the underwater cultural assets registry, of which six are in Penghu (with one location not disclosed). The known five shipwrecks include: (1) a Qing Dynasty wooden boat from the mid to late Qing period, sunken in the southwest waters of Kongque Island; (2) the “Jiangjyun No.1,” which sank near Wang’an Tanmen Harbor during the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty; (3) the S.S. Bokhara merchant ship that ran aground north of Gupo Island in 1892; (4) the Warship Guang Bing that sank in the southeast waters of Jiangjun Island in 1895; and (5) the Yamafuji Maru, which was sunk by torpedoes from an American submarine at the Six Feet Reef on the west side of Penghu in 1942.
Zang believes that ancient navigational routes could serve as pointers for locations of shipwrecks. However, vessels might have deviated from their courses due to typhoons, encounters with reefs, and other factors. To pinpoint more precise locations of shipwrecks, it’s crucial to gather information from local chronicles, news reports, oral histories from local fishermen, and other documents, Zang added.
Zang also highlighted that at present, the predominant methods used to identify underwater cultural assets are acoustic and magnetic signal detections, just like the Chinese idiom “finding a needle in the sea.” He said that the most direct and effective method is having detection personnel dive into the sea for visual identification, yet the shortage of personnel poses a challenge, hindering the pace of exploration and resulting in slow progress.
The challenges encountered in exploring underwater cultural assets may not be resolved in the short term, while the development of wind power is advancing rapidly. Zang hopes that through education and advocacy, the public will recognize the value of underwater cultural assets, emphasizing that “once the assets are damaged, the loss is permanent.”
As Penghu embarks on the journey of wind power development, finding a balance between the pursuit of sustainability and the preservation of history will be the compass guiding it towards smooth sailing.
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