pretty-idol-hell · 11 months
Idol Land PriPara episode 7
Idol Land PriPara episode 7 was released today for monthly pass holders! It will be available for the general population on 11/1.
The PriPara Police are back!
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With Ajimi too, riding a wave of hashtags? I wonder if this is why we've gotten a few Ajimi coords in Prism Stone lately. (Well, I guess her birthday's coming up too.)
Anyway, ever since Mario broke into PriPara the bugs have been out of control.
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Dorothy sells Meganii some special spray for 5000 idollars that ends up being glasses spray, not bug spray!! HAHAH!
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Disappointing monetization, pointless hashtags, and countless bugs. You have to hand it to them for being self-aware.
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Anyway, Amari is still feeling guilty for all this and after being confronted by the others she finally tells them everything. Upon hearing her story, Meganii supplements that when Amari entered PriPara, a high load was put on the system and the brand Fullmetal Rabbit mysteriously appeared.
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LAALA'S REACTION HAHAHAHHAAA. This scene pans across all the characters looking concerned and Laala just :D
Anyway, despite everyone not being all that phased, Amari is still humiliated by her "dark past" and comes up with an excuse to run away as fast as possible.
She goes back to her room, where she throws everything she has related to Mario and her "dark past" into a trash bag. As she does this, Mario realizes he's disappearing faster than ever.
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Amari is interrupted by her school's Gloria clone before he can disappear completely though, and Mario is more determined than ever to make sure no one ever forgets him.
Still, Amari vows never to visit PriPara again... until she realizes she forgot her wasabi mayo and sneaks back in only to be caught in a trap by Pepper.
No worries though, Pepper won't eat Amari since "weak creatures have lean meat".
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But this is how Amari runs into Non Sugar and ends up at their hideout. Despite Non assuring Amari that she has no reason to run from SoLaMi Dressing, Amari just can't get over the embarrassment and is sure everyone is laughing at her (especially Dorothy). Amari's constant crying reminding Non of Laala the day before summer vacation ends, she takes pity on Amari so Non and Non Sugar dry her tears and comfort her.
But Non Sugar has other things to do! They are working on a new Making Drama for their special performance tonight!
However, things quickly derail when Pepper's friends from the Sapana visit, causing a conflict with Chili, and Ajimi blows through on top of that.
Amari tries to get Non to escape with her, but Non refuses to back down. Eventually, she manages to blast away Ajimi and calm her teammates, reminding them that they decided that they are the only ones who can awaken Yui and save PriPara!
But they never finished their Making Drama. But here is where Amari shakily steps in to tell them that they already have, and how she was moved by their determination not to run away or something like that. So, Non Sugar decides to run with it!
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These coords! These are the ones that they got from winning the Prism Stone poll, right!?
And Spicy Hotcake!!!!
But okay. Since Sugarless Friend was on the Switch, I'm thinking it will probably be the next song added to the game. (As a paid song I'm sure, but still, 300 yen is worth it for some non sweet Non Sugar I think.)
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The Non Sugar SCR! I thought it was so unfair during season 3 that they had to share, but it is super cute.
So, did Non Sugar have the power needed to free Yui? Maybe they actually did. We'll never know because Mario's Cyalume Tornado interferes.
After the live, Amari sees Non writing her meticulous notes and is reminded of her own notebook. The others confront Amari and convince her that everyone has their own dark past she has nothing to worry about. Amari "chakiros" with Non Sugar, officially becoming friends, before heading home.
After landing in the trash pile she threw her stuff into, Amari decides to save her notebook after all.
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Upon opening it up and looking at the ripped page, she suddenly remembers she gave Mario a weak point.
If only she could remember what it was....
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mirukiamauri · 8 years
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millepara · 7 years
idol time pripara episode 47 spoilers (a day late thanks to kamameshi)
the new checkerboard clock tower looks so... delicious. really feeling Paku in this ep
I like how everyone in Paparajuku pripara comes running over with big smiles on their faces when they see a giant monster stomping around
NOOOOO MEGANII!!!! YOUR GLASSES... you’re worthless without them...
hey, I think this is the first time I’ve seen what’s-her-name..Koi? in pripara? they just revealed her with no fanfare... :(
is this whole episode just going to be about destroying various settings in pripara?
oh. I was wondering how they were going to work a live into this ep. also if they could evacuate everyone by turning them into light or data or something and beaming them up into the time garden why didn’t they do that before Paku destroyed everything
I could watch Chuppe running on this treadmill for literally an entire day and not get tired of it, I think
I really like the Galala/Paku and Paku flashbacks in this ep... cute.
Meganii!! your main feature is back!!
L AALA......... I. don’t have any words for this except maybe. VORE 
if Laala’s trying to keep Yui’s/her dream from being eaten, then who’s singing
and she’s asleep, taking after Falala. I wonder if we’re getting a special group song next week to wake her up or what.
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pretty-idol-hell · 3 years
Idol Land PriPara 02
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The PriPara gates only opening in certain places at certain times reminds me of the Digital Gate from Digimon ahah. I love this. It also just fits the concept of a mobile game well. You can fall in from anywhere. 
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(I’m always saying Hijiri and Rei are the Prism Dads in King of Prism but this is another level.)
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Ace Asashi and his CUTE FACE
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Strong Minato vibes from this 
(......Gawd I’m projecting King of Prism on these boys so hard)
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Okay Amari is right. Not about being a trash idol, but being THE ONLY ONE WHO CARES ABOUT YUI (aside from Shogo) DESPITE THE FACT THAT SHE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW HER 
No, I don’t care about Mirei’s explanation here (about how just having fun in PriPara technically helps her) hahaha just wow.
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Okay so they DO know what happened to Shuka... Aw...
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Even Meganii has limits 
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Do you know what this is? Do you know what this freakin is!?
It’s dailies.
okay that’s pretty hilarious
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That’s a new one
Amari you’re gonna have to get used to having fans
Because your biggest fan
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I kinda like this new glass wall thing
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Oh for f*cks sake
You’ve got to be kidding me
It’s been 
And they’ve still got ONE SONG (and six spider legs)
Did it ever occur to Shogo that if singing the same song over and over again isn’t waking up Yui maybe they should IDK try a different song
(Really tho PLEASE for the love of god let them perform their other stuff this season)
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Mamma mia (I forgot about this)
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AHHH!!!! Amari’s performance was different this time! She only did the generic Making Drama last time but she actually got her own brand Making Drama this time. MR = Mousou Reality (fantasy reality = fantasies becoming real?)
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Okay excuse me what
I uh
I thought this could only happen to vocal dolls
Okay so I rip on stuff in these posts all the time but I actually do hate this
I’d rather she just stayed asleep hahaha
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The goat costumes! The Shogo face. 
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Oh that’s Amamiya! Is he a regular at Danpri?
He’s probably been before, but this was super noticeable to me because I just finished rewatching the first season of PriPara. And they talk a lot about boys not being able to go and often show Amamiya watching from the outside. Like there was this one specific scene where Reona is talking about Dressing Pafe performing for all the boys who can’t go. And it’s so funny looking back on because Danpri is kind of a huge retcon. Like apparently this entire time there was this whole PriPara for boys nobody talked about hahah.
Edit: Wait... why do the boys above have shirts that say PP? It’s not for PriPara. Does the Prism Stone of the Danpri world have the initials PP?
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Taking bets on how many more episodes they’re just gonna do the thing.
Maybe they’re gonna just sit back and judge and when the entire season’s over they’re gonna be like “Well that was OK” and walk away. 
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Yeah so he’s just Amari’s imagination become reality. Maybe she kickstarted it by bashing into the glass?
Oh actually I wonder if he’s gonna team up with Dark Nightmare so that’s why they’re waiting ahaha hmm. 
Welp, until April (or whenever the anime starts for real).
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