#MEMES ┊❛ (ʳᵉˢᵖᵒᶰᵈᵉᵈ)
yekvfrye-blog · 7 years
‘ oh yeah, excuse the public for wondering about your safety, sir. ’ [ hELLO THERE, KUYA. ]
A close call, that’s what it was. He had almost been hit by a speeding car, his thoughts drifted too far that he failed to notice as he continued to walk across the street. The vehicle had collided with a post as it swerved in an effort to avoid the young man, creating an uproar within the vicinity. The commotion had caused Jacob to realize what was going on but he remained motionless, wide-eyed and still trying to process what had just transpired. It was very unlike him to get caught in a daze ( unless he had a sleepless night like every other college student out there or he had an argument with his old man again. )
The driver ( who, thankfully was unharmed though the same could not be said for his car ) visibly distraught stomped towards Jacob & berated him for the accident HE had caused. His brows furrowed, lips thinned in annoyance at how he was blamed ; he would have apologized if he had a minute to gather his bearings but instead spat an insult in frustration prompting the driver to physically assault him. The crowd grew as both men exchanged blows.
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The sound of sirens were heard across the street, in the cops’ arrival were they finally halted from trying to maul each other to death. Jacob had been escorted away from the site, his knuckles bloody, lip bleeding and bruises now decorate his face (more than the other man). He perches by the ambulance with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and buries his head in his hands, a curse he mutters under his breath ; Great! just another reason for his father to scold him if he finds out about this – which he somehow ALWAYS does. He has no excuse this time as the police were involved. The lad just sits in silence before being approached by a woman offering some “advice”  ❝ Well send them my gratitude! ❞ he responds with a bit of arrogance in his tone.
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yekvfrye-blog · 7 years
‘ there’s a lot of things that you can’t see that are real. you can’t see gravity – that’s real. ’
He had just returned from an assignment and is now at his desk filing a report to submit to the chief, impressive ( or concerning ) considering its been a few days since being discharged from the hospital. He’s not young anymore but Jacob still has that spirit despite the grueling emotional torture from his previous private investigation concerning Jack, a former student he adored like a son back in the day &  it affected him deeply for what he had become – A criminal, a murderer but the assassin tries not to ponder on it too much as he had already been dealt with.
Admittedly, he found it difficult to navigate for he had lost an eye in the scuffle with Jack and still had a cast slung over his shoulder ( he grimaces, growing impatient at his casted arm. He wants it to heal fast and not feel the pain in his limb anymore ), it took longer than expected for him to be in the field ; the once agile assassin was now slow & careful, his boisterous demeanor has been calmed as he presently holds a more committed view in this profession ( albeit he still confides in The Rooks when he needed the assistance ).
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Jacob treads the hall towards Sohee’s office, calls her attention by knocking thrice on the already open door and places a folder on her desk as he relays the outcome of the earlier mission, remarks of a paranormal occurrence he experienced while there though ultimately failed to find its cause. He laughs a little at her response through a pang of nervousness, he wasn’t entirely sure whether she was joking or being serious but he makes a snide remark in return to wash away the sullenness in his voice  ❝ or whatever passes by my right! ❞ 
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yekvfrye-blog · 7 years
‘ no, i won’t haunt you cause i’ll be dead. ghosts aren’t real. ’
Once, he believed in that notion and had a strong opinion against the paranormal ; Stupid & useless he thought, a waste of time so he didn’t bother too much and shrugged off any odd happenings that occurred within the walls of his own home. Until his beloved twin sister dragged him into meeting a contact persuading them to join this “Ghost Club” of his, Evie of course, quickly accepted ( with an excited, goofy grin on her face he recalls ) while he had his doubts but ended up voluntarily involving himself in their antics. ( taunted by his sister for this though he argued  that he needed something to do, to stretch his legs and seek some adrenaline, Jacob wasn’t one to sit around all day while she does all the “FUN” part. )
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Though still not thoroughly convinced of these spirits’ existence, the club did manage to accomplish one thing: pique Jacob’s curiosity to the point that he came to respect their beliefs as he himself had witnessed these hauntings ( yet in some instances, his poking around managed to debunk most of it as mere pranks much to the club’s dismay. )   ❝ and what if they are? ❞ The young assassin responds, brows raised and lips pursed questioning the belief he was previously against.  ❝ but do haunt me and let me know how the after life is! ❞ He now jests with a smirk on his lips and a shrug of his shoulders.
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yekvfrye-blog · 7 years
❝ ever get that feeling of déjà vu? ❞
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❝ Have you and Evie been hanging out? ❞  He recalls how out of the blue his sister would ramble about science and the paranormal, going on about how parallel worlds affect this  déjà vu phenomenon. Admittedly Jacob found it quite interesting but not so much for him to dig too deep into it – until now. He shuts his mouth now deep in thought as he remembers a certain dream he’s had ❝ Well there was  this one instance where I – ❞ and Jacob shares his experience claiming he wasn’t entirely sure whether it was real or an imagination.
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yekvfrye-blog · 7 years
❝ you said you would arm wrestle me. nervous? ❞
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❝ Hah! Hardly ❞  There was a challenge staring him straight in the eye and Jacob never backs down from any even after that embarrassing defeat under her hands. It’s the fire that rages in his heart and the adrenaline flowing through his veins that propels the young leader forward ; more eager to win than ever.
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