#MFN Unfriendly Norman
chochotraaaiiinn · 11 months
I want more unfriendly puppets pretty please!!!!
woah, Unfriendly Norman upon yee
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stellarfirefly · 5 months
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When I beat MFN the first time through, one of the cheats I unlocked was free cam mode, and when I thought about it, I wanted to see more of the Unfriendly Neighbors... so I whizzed through the game to get back here to explore and see what I could find. I was not disappointed but honestly, for some reason, I didn't feel right sticking around for too long. I think I was half expecting something to happen if I stuck around too long, but nothing did, thank goodness, seeing as I was not equipped to deal with the ungodly tank-y health of the Unfriendly Neighbors lol Also, one of the doors I clipped to in a building opened...and out of curiosity, I went into it...aaannnd it led me back up to Stage 4 with the Friendly Neighbors, so I had to re-run back through to get to Stage 6 again within the depths of the studio. Enjoy!!
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zinneriz · 1 year
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That's not a roadkill...
(bonus sketch with unfriendly Norman undercut)
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I finally tried drawing Unfriendly Norman and I think I also want to call him Noir because it works and is much shorter. I made him much more angular because I like to draw Norman as very soft. I want to hug Norman so Noir should look not so huggable. I’d still hug him though.
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emo-gremlin · 11 months
A Caffeinated Conundrum
"Good morning Gordon!" Norman chirped, running up to the tired handyman to hug him tightly.
"Hey ki-OOF!" Gordon always forgot how strong the jock puppet was, nearly lifting to man off the ground in his excitement. A clang hit the floor, causing Norman to drop the veteran.
"Oops...sorry Gordon." Norman sheepishly muttered, going to pick up the object. Picking it up, he noticed how...warm it was.
"It's OK, no worries." Gordon replied, yawning.
"What's in here?" Norman asked, handing it to the man.
"My coffee, I...had a rough night last night." Gordon took a sip of his coffee, still trying to wake up fully.
"..Can I try?" Norman requested, looking at the mug in his hand.
Gordon looked at the puppet, and then to his mug. He sighed. "Lemme make some more in the kitchen first, ok?"
Norman smiled, "I'll go get the others and we'll meet you there!"
"Wait! No-" But it was too late, the puppet ran off before Gordon could tell him to stop.
"This...is an awful idea." Gordon trudged to the kitchen of the studio, where the rest of the colorful cast of the Neighborhood awaited him. They said their good mornings to him as he turned on the coffee pot.
"Listen, I'm guessing none of you have had coffee before, right?"
They all replied in the negative.
"OK. I'm only letting you try this once. Got it?" Gordon stated, the look in his eyes told the puppets he meant every word.
"Yep!" Junebug gave him a thumbs up.
He made five cups of coffee, along with a refill of his own, leaving some still in the pot.
"Do humans have this stuff often Gordon?" Lilianna asked politely, taking her cup with a smile.
"Honesty, I don't know how humankind functioned without the stuff before it was invented." The handyman revealed, passing out the rest of the cups. "I personally perfer the classic, which is what I made for you guys. Just black coffee. None of the fancy shamacy stuff kids nowadays drink, with the mocha latte whatevers."
"Smells great!" George commented, taking his cup with a smile.
"Thanks for letting us try this, Gordon!"
It was the biggest mistake Gordon J. O'Brian had ever made.
Norman was the first to take a sip. His eyes went wide the second he swallowed the hot brew. The puppet started to vibrate right before the man's eyes, so violently it looked like he was splitting into two.
"Oh no." Gordon went pale as the others started to drink.
Lenard was next, his eye going wide as he stared at the table. He calmly sat up from his seat and laid face down on the floor. Gordon walked up to him.
"Do not bother me. My thoughts are manifesting." The purple puppet warned.
Junebug started screaming, her cup was empty and so was her seat. Gordon looked everywhere in the room before finding her on the ceiling, clawing to it like a cat in a cartoon.
George had emptied his cup as well, now huddled in the corner with the coffee machine in his arms, hissing at Gordon when the man tried to get it away from the taxi driver.
George pounced on the mug before Gordon could snatch it away, downing it in one gulp.
"Oh God what have I done?" Gordon muttered to himself, trying to think of what to do.
Norman was still in his seat, still shaking, pupils so wide it looked like his eyes were completely black. "I am going to fist fight God." He stated, looking Gordon as dead in the eyes as he could in his current state.
"Please don't." Gordon replied.
George cradled the maker of coffee in his arms, drinking out of the pot and looking all over the kitchen for the grounds to make more.
Junebug was still screaming as Lenard laid perfectly still, seemingly unaffected by the chaos around him. Junebug knocked one of the cabinets off the wall, causing the coffee bags George had been looking for to fall out, the magenta puppet crawling on all fours to grab them before Gordon had a chance to react.
The handyman heard the door to the kitchen open.
"WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DID YOU DO OLD MAN?!" A voice, similar to Norman's but deeper, rang out amongst the pandemonium.
Noir, an Unfriendly version of Norman, had walked in, along with two others; Tax, an Unfriendly George, and Lestat, an Unfriendly Lenard.
"I need your hel-DEAR GOD NO GEORGE PUT THAT DOWN!" Gordon screamed, now unwillingly playing tug of war with a bag of coffee as the rope.
Noir noticed Norman's cup, only a sip had been taken from it. He raised a brow as he put it to his lips and swallowed some down. "Hm..not bad, wanna try guys?"
"PLEASE JESUS DON'T DRINK IT!" Gordon cried, trying to get Junebug off the ceiling.
Tax and Lestat both tried the brew, now cold from neglect.
"Whoa." Noir mumbled, his eyebrows raised before punching Tax square in the face. Lestat dodged the swing aiming for him, running and tripping over his friendly counterpart, still lying on the floor.
Tax immediately swung back, the two puppets hyper and violent, destroying one of the tables when Noir was thrown onto it.
Gordon put his head in his hands, too tired to full think logically, and already emotionally drained.
"WHAT THE HOO HAY IS GOING ON HERE?!" Ricky yelled from one of the pipes near the sink. It was close enough to the coffee maker that George smacked the sock puppet out of the pipe. "MINE!"
"Oh thank God! Ricky, please tell me you know how to fix this."
Ricky looked him seriously in the eye. "You do realize I have no hands, right?"
"Now's not the time for bullshit Ricky!" Gordon shouted at the smaller puppet.
"What did you even do?!"
"I...I gave them coffee."
"How was I supposed to know this would happen?!" Gordon argued.
"Boys." Lilianna approached the two, holding a braided rope in her hands. The end of which was topped with Tax's signature hook.
"How did you-"
"Noir knocked out of Tax's belt when he sucker punched him. I took it to avoid any casualties." She replied calmly.
Lestat came up behind her. "So like, what are we doing then? We just hide until it's over?"
Lillianna shook her head, twirling the rope in the air and aiming at Junebug, grabbing her by her sweater and bringing the screaming yellow puppet to the floor. "Lestat. In my room, I have a few stage cables, go fetch them for me, would you?"
Lestat gulped, nodding. He somehow was able to avoid the chaos as he ran out of the kitchen.
"Gordon, I hope your time in the military taught you how to break up a fist fight." Lilianna stated.
Gordon nodded, going to break up the fight between the two unfriendly neighbors.
"Now Ricky," Lilianna started, putting the smaller puppet on her shoulder. "I need you to get the hand puppets, and you four will distract George to get the coffee maker away from him." She placed him in the pipe before turning to Junebug, still shrieking and clawing at the floor.
"You, young lady need to stop yelling." Lilianna pulled a ribbon from her pocket and gagged the younger puppet with it, muffling her screaming.
"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! STOP IT YOU TWO!" Gordon shouted at the two eyeless puppets, holding the two apart.
"YOU'RE A FUCKING CUNT YOU KNOW THAT TAX?!" Noir yelled, trying to get out of Gordon's grasp.
Lestat had returned with the rope.
"Ah, right on time. Now, Norman and Lenard both seem stable enough to be left alone, so I need you to assist Gordon in tying up your friends."
"Oh boy..." Lestat looked over at them worried. He was the weakest of the Unfriendly Neighbors, no real match for the two that Gordon was keeping apart.
"You can do it." Lilianna encouraged him, tying up Junebug in a nice bow. The yellow puppet squirming to get free, but only knocking herself over in the process.
Ricky had returned with the hand puppets, now trying to get between George and the machine. The yellow clad puppet hissing and snarling at them, scaling up another cabinet with the coffee maker in tow. His weight caused the thing to fall off the wall, the impact making George let go of the machine.
Randy got his hands on it, hopping to the highest point of the nearest wall with it, out of George's reach. Handy and Pig tackled him to the floor as Ricky unplugged the appliance.
One by one, the puppets, now subdued were gathered, some tied up to keep them from causing more trouble, others dragged to the center of the kitchen with the rest.
"You are never doing that again." Ricky told Gordon.
"I know." Gordon sat, exhausted and catching his breath. "Still...Lilianna, how come you weren't affected?"
"I perfer tea." She said with a smile, sweeping up debris.
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shylittleunicorn15 · 1 year
Posting these arts separate
Updated Norman: added some stitches to their face
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Same goes for Normes
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Next is a newer one it's junebug
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And Lenard
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I'm working on the others
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bergselise · 9 months
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lavafet · 10 months
I love when people ship an oc with a character! It’s like “Yess love them!!!” Idk I just wanna see my favorite characters receive affection I guess. That said I think Jamie is super cool and think the drawings with him and Norman are so cute!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I agree! :} I'm a big sucker for romance myself so I love seeing ships of all sorts, especially with my favorites. I'm glad you like them so much! ♡♡
Little somethin' for your travels that came to be last night :]c
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There is some opportunity to be had with the puppet clones..... 👀
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listonlouis · 8 months
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welcome to the neighborhood, and the...uh Unfriendly neighborhood.
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robcantorell · 11 months
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do more Eene of wh and Mfn and remember
• Norman and Junebug are the two new kids who are brother and sisters •Lenard is Rolf •Lilliana is nazz •George is Kevin
and unfriendly Junebug and unfriendly lilianna along with unfriendly Julie are Marie lee and may kanker
and rowdy pillar is eddy’s brother
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Here you are! Sorry it took so long! Also, is Rowdy Pillar a character you created?
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normalnorman · 1 year
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Unfriendly Norman model free to use for reference
Its abit hard to put the teeth in their proper place as they are separate models. Also the unfriendly textures are labeled as ''creep_(character name)'' and teeth as teef
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jacks-shacks · 1 year
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I just thought of the whole thing Norman talks about brushing his teeth with Worcestershire sauce and I just made this. I would have drawn it but I felt lazy
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Since my other doodle blew up here I decided to post my other drawings I had first made for Norman as well. Originally I made it so his pupils expressed more because I’m pretty sure the MFN puppets don’t have eyelids! I originally posted these on twitter but there doesn’t seem to be a very active fandom there unfortunately…
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emo-gremlin · 1 year
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m0nst3r-fvngz · 8 months
Can you draw unfriendly norman pls? /:
YA:3 also scary(?) warning:(
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:3 here’s unfriendly norman:3
And here’s some information abt him:3
•highly dangerous(ofc)
★I mean like smashing through walls and concrete(well he can smash through walls and sure as hell try to do the same to concrete pillars)
•will rip ur skin off…
•actually tried to keep himself in one piece(failed/stopped caring)
•eats any food he sees
★His rule is- ‘if it bleeds, it’s food’
•only eats things that bleeds
•teeth somehow moved further back in his mouth
•can see
•not hee hee(reference to someone on tumblr who drew Norman and UF norman and it said not hee hee…I think)
•growls and yells a lot(like grown man yells/screams)
•likes chewing fingers
•chews bones
•goes for the neck
•will kidnap you.
•May eat you
Anyway that’s all I can think of:3
Bye bye:3
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