xingelic · 7 years
I’m wondering what’s anyone fav concert
The Lost Planet
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oshxciv · 7 years
[Interview] SEHUN in EXO’luxion Photobook
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EXO’luXion Photobook - SEHUN Interview
Q: Please tell us how you feel after ending EXO PLANET #2 The EXO’luXion.
SH: Through 44 concerts, we get to visit a lot of countries all over the world. It was a really great time. Especially whenever I learn something about the fans throughout this tour. Fans from Asia tear for us, they cheer loudly and excitedly as they enjoy EXO’s performances, seeing them like that makes me feel their passion and so I become serious on a whole new level.  I always thought that I should be the kind of artist who can connect with the fans’ hearts like that. During the North America tour, I think the fans are more like the “having fun while listening to the music” type as they take in EXO songs’ melody, because there are some of them who do not know our songs. Although they sang Growl with us, there are songs that aren’t fully known to them. But despite that, they danced whenever they hear EXO’s songs being played. They enjoy the music with their whole bodies and because of that the concert was really fun.
Q: After completing those 44 concerts, it seems like you have more confidence now. Which aspect do you think have grown in you personally?
SH: Performing on stage was not an easy task for me. Whenever I hear the fans cheer passionately, I get nervous. I tell myself ‘ah I can’t make a mistake’. On the outside, it may seem like I’m not nervous at all but in reality I’m really nervous in the inside. However, as we go through the 44 concerts, I slowly build up confidence so I’m more relaxed whether in performing or saying ment. I even acquired showmanship as well.
Q: <Baby Don’t Cry> is also know as <물(water) Don’t Cry>. It was a performance with water. How was it an opportunity for you?
SH: Director Shim Jaewon-nim suggested that it would be cool if Kai hyung and I do a performance that involves water for Baby Don’t Cry.  Of course, I imagined it to be a very cool performance. Kai hyung and I are in the dancing line that’s why we fit very well. Despite my age, I have a sexy image/side. Hahaha! Did our visual chemistry turn out good? It did right? Hahaha.
Q: Isn’t it more difficult to dance to a ballad song? How was it?
SH: I think all performances/dance are difficult, despite what kind of music it is. Different genres have different atmospheres based on the expressions you use in performing the dance. For a ballad song, you have to blend in with the melody.
Q: What do you mean by blending in with the melody?
SH: Doing certain expressions and gestures to fit the melody. Dancing is like acting, so you should be very careful with the details. In a ballad music, the rhythm is slow. Performance completion is also very important.
Q: <Baby Don’t Cry> is a performance with only you on the spotlight, so there should be a lot of thought in your movements. Which point do you focus on when you practice?
SH: While being on the same stage as Kai hyung, I wanted to exude a different feeling from him on stage.  Although the movements are the same, I wanted to show a different kind of atmosphere so the audience can watch it more interestingly.  I monitor Kai hyung’s dance and make effort on showcasing a slightly different tone/mood. Kai hyung’s dance is filled with feelings of a conventional performance, while mine seems casual yet also cool performance.
Q: In <Baby Don’t Cry> stage, we saw a glimpse of your sexy image. What do you think?
SH: Isn’t it because I’m soaked in water? Haha. In the stage, I’m all wet from head to toe, my clothes are wet as well so the outline of the body can be seen. That’s why I worked out harder. In the Japan concert, my shirt is unbuttoned all the way as to give emphasis to sexiness.  Because it was a time where I worked out a lot, the timing was perfect.  Because SJW-nim said to do <Baby Don’t Cry> performance in water, I wanted to show it properly.
Q: When Baekhyun asked you to wink, you turned really shy.  Are you the type to get shy when doing a wink?
SH: I can’t wink. It’s not for me. In fact, I’m not really fond of doing such cute things. There are lots of ways to convey my feelings to the fans besides winking. I mainly look at the fans’ eyes for a long time. I hope we can look at each other for a long time.
Q: When you were filming for the “date” VCR for the concert, you made the most NGs out of all the members. Are you originally a really shy person?
SH: I am. If I were to act in a drama or movie, I get really shy even while having a script to read. But if a scene is like that kind, I’ll get shy even more.  If I was in that situation, I think I’ll not wipe the foam off of my girlfriend’s lips myself.  I’d probably say “What’s that on your lips? Wipe it.”. But in order for the fans to see, I did it. I was so shy up to the point that I cringed. But it seems like the fans enjoyed it so I’m satisfied.
Q: There was an accident at the 4th Seoul concert. Your head was accidentally hit by the camera. What was the first thing that came to your mind?
SH: It was really painful. Then it was bleeding. When I saw the blood I panicked. I had to get off the stage, but there are thousands of fans who went there, how could I get off the stage?  But I thought about it again, and thought that it’s a better judgment to temporarily get off the stage. So I came down, went to the waiting room and got  treatment.
Q: When you injured yourself, you still went up to the stage and said your ment. Why did you shed tears?
SH: I went up on stage first before I head to the hospital. I went up on stage to personally explain to the fans what had happened. But as I walk up to the stage, my tears started to fall and I don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because I felt sorry towards the fans because I can’t complete the performance for the concert.  I felt bad that I couldn’t show the fans the stages that the members and I prepared for them.  Whenever I see the video of me crying, I feel so embarrassed and asked myself why did I cry.
EXO’luXion Photobook - SEHUN Backstage Interview
Q: With EXO members together on one stage, the time is very enjoyable and off the stage is also a happy time for you. How do you feel when you practice with them?
SH: If I were to describe, it would be both painful and happy, because the practice is very tiring physically but the mood is very good. Although the time and practice before we go on stage is very hard, the feeling of wanting to show it to the fans and thinking of how will they react to our complete performance makes me excited. I also have fun with the hyungs during practice.
Q: In EXO Planet #2 The EXOluXion, you spent many nights in different cities, what do you mainly do at night before the concert?
SH: I eat a lot and then go to bed early. In order to be in my best condition the next day, I take health supplements and take a lot of rest.
Q: In the waiting room, which member do you usually chat with?
SH: All members. I talk to them about daily happenings, we often talk about games or TV programs and so on. Thinking about it, we don’t talk about anything regarding the concert. Haha!
Q: Do you have know-hows on how to ease the pressure and calm down before the concert?
SH: I may not seem nervous on stage, but before the stage I somehow get really sensitive. I don’t eat anything two hours before the show, not even rice. If I eat before the show, the food might not be digested well and my stomach might feel uncomfortable. So I don’t eat no matter how hungry I am. That’s why after the concert, I’m really very tired because I’m hungry. So at the end of the concert, I immediately go eat dinner.
Q: Do you still feel nervous even if it’s already your second tour?
SH: I think even if it’s the 10th tour I would still feel nervous but also excited at the same time. Will I feel different on our 100th tour? Haha!
Q: You said in the concert before “I felt a bit empty but then I found out I’m just hungry”. Do you really feel empty after the concert?
SH: I feel empty every time. After the concert, as I walk down the stage my mind goes blank. I’m always taken aback by the empty feeling.  That’s why I spend time with the hyungs. I am a person who likes to be around people rather than be alone. But somehow I feel alone after concert. While eating dinner, the hyungs and I talk and the empty feeling is being cured (gotten rid off?).. It’s sad that after the concert we’ll have to go separate ways. That hollow feeling lessens a lot when we’re together so that’s why I don’t like to be alone after the concert.
Q: Why do you feel empty?
SH: Because it was a really enjoyable time with the fans for 3 hours. On a gorgeous stage, we conveyed each other’s feelings of happiness.  But once we get off the stage, the feelings suddenly disappear. I could really feel the big difference. I wonder do the fans also feel empty after the concert? I once looked at the fan site (fancafe) and I saw fans commenting that they feel empty after the concert. Now I know that the fans and I feel the same way.
Q: The time you spend with EXO members after the concert must be really precious,  it show how much you love the members. Who are you most envious of in EXO?
SH: Xiumin hyung who is very mature. He doesn’t interfere but instead shows his support in the background.  When there’s a problem, he says his words really carefully but those words are all so powerful. On the other hand, he does aegyo very well and he’s always full of aegyo on shows. Suho hyung who is our reliable leader. Whenever the members have a problem, they will always look for Suho hyung. Doesn’t this sentence explain it all? Lay hyung’s passion for music is really amazing. I really want to be like him. I also carry a passion for music, and I want to be an artist who has passion for music even more. Chanyeol hyung is very optimistic in everything. He has a bright and warm personality. Especially, Chanyeol hyung’s positivity is a really strong point. I hope he won’t lose this bright side of him. Baekhyun hyung is a warm-hearted person. He takes good care of EXO as well as the staffs. I think Chen hyung is very comfortable but also very difficult. Why? Because he’s so kind. He is so kind like a fool (**truly very kind to the extent of being like a fool**). So I am more careful as to what I talk to him about because I know that hyung will be very considerate of me. And also when a problem arises in the team, he takes charge in solving the problem. No matter how I see it, I feel like D.O. hyung is that hyung who I can talk about almost everything. Whatever worry I share with him, he calmly listens and then gives me rational advice. And D.O. hyung is the type who will do something if he decides on it. Whatever he decides to do, he will do it completely with his best and full effort. He is a cool hyung. Kai hyung’s concentration will never be hindered no matter what. His concentration on stage is very good, and if there’s something that fascinates him, he will put his full concentration to it and be engrossed in it until until he masters it. He’s someone you can trust.
SEHUN’s strong points according to the hyungs
XIUMIN: Because Sehun is the maknae, whatever he does is cute. I also think he is the most handsome in EXO. Also, I could say that he somehow have this high class aura. He is tall and in my standards, he gets the 1st place in good looks in EXO! Haha. You could really see how much Sehun likes his hyungs. He wants EXO to be together always. There are times that I feel sorry towards Sehun because I couldn’t spend more time with him. I will use this opportunity to say something to him. Sehun-ah, you know hyung’s heart, right? I love you!
SUHO: Sehun is a person with lots of affection. He believes that relationship with people is very important. I once saw Sehun cry because of what our staff did before. When I saw that I felt that Sehun really does have a warm heart.
LAY: Sehun is very good-looking. He’s tall. Haha. His good looks is a strong point and I’m really envious of how handsome he is. Hahaha. There are times that being the maknae is tough but he takes care of the hyungs really well. I like his bright personality.
BAEKHYUN: Our maknae Sehun is really cute! There are times where he disobeys us but it doesn’t really matter because he’s cute. He has improved in his recent stages and I’m really proud of him.
CHANYEOL: Sehun is the member I hang out and talk to a lot. It may seem like he’s a person who jokes around a lot but in reality he’s a very deep person. He has a realistic personality and that helps EXO a lot.  There are things that we can’t do anything about even if we worked hard for it and Sehun is the one who makes realistic judgments.
CHEN: Sehun is really cute. Whatever he says or does is still cute and I like that about him. I hope Sehun stays the same in the future.
D.O.:  Sehun-ee, ah… That kid has strong focus. He is usually cute like a maknae but once we start our activities he shows great focus on doing them. EXO members all have great ambitions/desires to complete a stage but Sehun’s desire is really strong.
KAI: Sehun is very loyal. He always thinks of the members and that’s why he’s very loyal. I think loyalty is Sehun’s best trait. The loyalty that Sehun gives is what will come back to him as well.
Credits to 吴世勋吧Ohsehunbar, 泰苗勋苗开开苗TXT
Translated by OSHXCIV
[바람훈༄ OSHXCIV]
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kyeomhikz · 8 years
Pains of a fangirl
Warning: What follows are full of exaggerations from a fangirl. Don’t expect much. :P
I don’t know if I am allowed to say this but, it isn’t just in romantic love that we get our hearts broken. I believe that as long as we love, there is always a tendency for it to happen.
But first, let me ask you if you a question. Have you ever loved someone who doesn’t specifically know your existence yet you are contented just by the mere fact that you are one of the millions who they claim as their love ones? If yes, we’re gonna relate with each other. You can be with me in this story.
It all started when I was in fourth year high school. I really had no interest in k-pop or whatever that is, until a friend showed me that “eureureong eureureong eureureong dae” thing. Guess you already had an idea what I meant by that. Yep, I was referring to EXO’s debut song, Growl. (I became a fan from Growl era, just FYI.)
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Just a background, EXO is a Korean boy group under SM Entertainment. Originally, it has 12 members but it only has 9 now. I’ll tell you the why later. Members (according to age) are Kim Min Seok ‘Xiumin’, Lu Han ‘Luhan’, Wu Yi Fan ‘Kris’, Kim Joon Myun ‘Suho’, Zhang Yi Xing ‘Lay’, Byun Baek Hyun ‘Baekhyun’, Kim Jong Dae ‘Chen’, Park Chan Yeol ‘Chanyeol’, Do Kyung So ‘D.O.’, Huang Zi Tao ‘Tao’, Kim Jong In ‘Kai’, and Oh Se Hun ‘Sehun’. EXO is divided by EXO-K (Korea) which promotes mainly in Korea), and EXO-M (Mandarin) which promotes in China. In EXO-K, vocal line are Suho, Baekhyun and D.O.; rap line is Chanyeol; and dance line includes Kai and Sehun. For EXO-M, vocal line are Luhan and Chen; rap line are Xiumin, Kris, and Tao; and Lay for dance line.
And since I ain’t planning on writing about EXO’s history and profile (because you’ll already find lots on the internet), I’m gonna proceed with my real intention: to tell you how is EXO related on what I’ve said earlier about heartbreaks. I am gonna let you know how a single k-pop group can break you… not just once.
Remember what I told you about EXO being a 12-member group to being 9? The story goes like this. My first heartbreak is one of the members leaving (I’m only referring to the heartbreaks caused by me being a k-popper, lol). They are family, they are one… they are my babies. So the thought of one being gone is just painful. By the way, the first to leave is Kris. And him leaving is already too much, but then, I’ve realized there can be much more to it when another member decided to part—Luhan. I mean, it wasn’t that long yet since Kris left so it’s like reopening the wound that hasn’t even healed yet. I’m not even sure if that wound would ever recover again, because it was another pain to take when Tao was announced to leave, too. I’ll no longer tell you the whole story why they left. All I know is that I hated to hear the word “lawsuit” after that.
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And then January 2016 happened. I know some can relate to this and some cannot. To those who has the same feels as I, let us all together cry our hearts out. This was the first time that EXO is having a concert in the Philippines that I am already a fan. But to my greatest dismay, I am not able to attend it, the EXOluXion in Manila. Why? Because I am from Bicol, I have studies to think of, I am poor and I am a #TeamBahay. At the night of their concert (both Days 1 and 2)—without fooling around—I really am just in bed thinking that they are actually performing and I’m not witnessing it live and I really am upset but I cannot feakin’ cry because I was just so busy thinking how I missed an opportunity to see them. That was a totally devastating heartbreak. I can’t get over it for days, maybe months? The only consolation that I held on to just to freakin’ move on is the promise of them coming back. Yeah. I promised to myself I will be attending it no matter what.
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Now what sucks? I’ve saved money for the ticket but I am still not able to attend the concert that they promised to PH last year. EXOrDIUM in Manila. God knows how I much wanted to be there but thanks to the situation, I can’t. AGAIN. I am really upset and disappointed and dismayed and I don’t know what to do cause I am just so sad and broke I just want to rant this out just so I wouldn’t have to keep this all to myself cause I don’t know what I’ll do if so.
Please don’t tell me I’m just over reacting ‘cause I don’t. You don’t know how I feel right now cause you weren’t in my shoes. Now I am having so much regret that I didn’t push through this event. And I hated it when right at the moment I am writing this I heard someone singing “I just wanna live forever,” cause girl I am dying at the moment you are wanting to live forever. I feel so messed up.
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What I wish right now? That this is all a dream. That this pain isn’t real cause it hurts. Now I want to apologize for over reacting but fudge I want to show how disappointed I am.
(Photos not mine. Credits to the owner.)
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