measuringlife · 5 years
Measuring Me: Weighty Issues
Weight is such an interesting thing. As someone who weighed upwards of 225 pounds at one point in my life, there was something so magical about reaching a healthy BMI. I remember in like 7th grade stepping on a scale in a store and it read 175, I had no idea what that meant. Well aside from always getting a lecture at the pediatrician about my weight, cholesterol, other blood work. AKA more things that I had no real idea about. It wasn’t until my 2010 weight loss journey at age 26 that I started to learn.
For so long I fantasized about reaching 169 pounds, that was 24.9 on the BMI scale which was the very top of the healthy range. I got as close as 174 back in 2010 and 2012. My body seemed to really like being 190 for years. Which I accepted, somehow finding “comfort” that “at least it was 200 pounds.
Last summer I finally saw the 170s after 6 months of being back on Weight Watchers and a solid fitness routine. Earlier this year I saw the 160s for the first time ever. I hit my goal of 169 prior to my March 31 “deadline.” It’s funny how the numbers really don’t tell the whole story. I thought I’d look like a different person at 169 pounds, but I don’t I’m still me albeit leaner. Seeing 169 didn’t flip a switch it’s been all the habit changes that have changed me. I carry myself differently, I dress a little differently, I’m more toned, I find other things to occupy myself besides food. Although I hit this goal weight, it’s not my goal body yet. I’m not quite sure what that body will look like, but I know how hard I’m working and how strong I am and how much stronger I am capable of getting.
At 5’9.5 inches tall the internet tells me the low 150s is an ideal weight for me. So I’ve sort of settled on a new target weight - which I like better than goal weight, but a target can be changed. My new target weight is 154 pounds. This would mean I would have lost exactly 50 pounds since first joining Weight Watchers in February 2017 and 42.5 pounds since I fully committed to this journey on December 28, 2017. Overall that will have me a 68.8 pounds lost since I started Measuring Life in January 2010. 70 pounds lost feels INSANE, like unimaginable, but as of today I’m 166.6 pounds which means I’m down 56 pounds overall!
I often think about meeting my friend KO back in fall 2010 early into my journey and running career. I was introduced to this tall thin blonde woman who I was told is also a runner - in fact, she was training for a marathon at the time. I remember thinking oh great I have to share running stats with this skinny lean chick who could run circles around me. I later learned KO had lost 100 pounds years before I met her. Looking back I hated myself for judging her, but I smile at thinking well that’s gotta be an NSV right there - someone envying your body and ability at first glance.
I look forward to the people in my life “who couldn’t imagine me at 200+ pounds,” but I also greatly appreciate the support I’ve received along the way on this journey. Once I hit whatever weight, the real test will be maintaining it. Very curious about that leg of things, however I know I’ve learned so much about nutrition and fitness over the years. I have lost this weight (and gained it back sometimes to lost it again) slowly over time, so I feel more confident about keeping it off forever.
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Throwback Thursday aka a belated 10 year challenge: Feb 2009 ➡️ Feb 2019! . The picture on the left is 10 months before I started my health and fitness journey in a committed way through my Measuring Life blog. I would guess I was around 225-220, so it’s a ~50 pound difference between these two pictures.
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measuringlife · 6 years
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To quote Hairspray “HEY MAMA, WELCOME TO THE 60s”
Wow this is insane and amazing and EARNED! I have an “ideal” BMI for my height which is such big a health goal for me! Never in my adult life have I seen the 160s, but I’ve spent 9 years dreaming and working towards this.
I came close in 2010 and 2012, but 2019 is my year! This dream that once seemed impossible is a reality and only gives me more hope, encouragement and motivation to chase down other dreams, including my ultimate goal weight of 155. This journey is so much bigger than weight, but the confidence I get from my commitment to my health and sense of accomplishment I get from weight loss really supercharges me to chase down my purpose and passions.
Dream big my friends, dream big!
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measuringlife · 6 years
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A little #transformationtuesday after being inspired from @kodessa_does_ww today! . November 2016 ➡️ January 2019
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Sunday secret time! These shorts sent me to the emergency room. Let me explain. . In grad school I spent summer 2006 interning and needed to wear a uniform including these shorts which my employer was going to order for us from J. Crew. I never wore J. Crew before this and I didn’t have a chance to try a pair in stores before telling them my size to order. . At the time I was in a size 16, I would have probably ordered an 18 to be safe, but 16 was as high as they went so I ordered them. My internship was in Alabama, land of fried foods and sweet drinks which I indulged in for the 10 weeks I was interning. Around week 8 I noticed a large red bump with red around it under my belly fold and it was an angry red bump. . Being far from home I went with a friend to the emergency room out of an abundance of caution. The doctor and I eventually determined the bump was a result of my belt which was getting too tight and was pitching my skin via the belt loops of these shorts. I was mortified to realize this was what happened. I was exempt from wearing a belt the last 2 weeks. . Turns out I ended up getting a full time job where I interned two years later. Thankfully soon after I started my weight loss journey and got to wear size 14 and then 12 from J. Crew. . As I was going through clothes to sell/donate I came across these size 16s and thought I bet I could fit an arm in with me. I was shocked when I realized I could squeeze both arms in with me now. I definitely remember being squeezed into these shorts back then too. My weight loss journey has been full of ups and downs, but I’m so encouraged about where I am and I’m ready to donate the clothes that no longer fit, I don’t need to keep them around “just in case.” I’m determined to not ever go back! .
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measuringlife · 6 years
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I’m officially tied for my lowest @ww weigh in thus far - which was back in late July that came as an unexpected 5.4 loss in one week that must have been a fluke! . Last week I had my period which ALWAYS results in a ~2 pound gain. Glad to see this week I’m down that gain and then some. I’m earning every ounce of this loss and looking forward to some new weight loss territory for the first time ever!
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Today I also went to the GYN for my “Well Woman” exam. Check those staaaaaaats! Actually my resting pulse is usually in the low 50s, but doctors appointments always get my blood pumping! I was given gold stars throughout the appointment for my healthy lifestyle! .
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Weighed in this morning since I’ll be traveling tomorrow 173.8 . Pulling this chart from @fitbit is a wonderful reminder of how far I’ve come this year. I still I have my sights set on reaching 168 by New Year’s Eve which would put me at a normal BMI for the first time ever as an adult.
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measuringlife · 6 years
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I practice what I preach when it comes to measurements. Am I perfect? Not even close, but I have the data. However when I’ve had a set back or got too busy (re: 2017) I slacked, but if you fall down 7, you need to stand up 8. (That’s another favorite mantra)
Here’s a breakdown of the pictures in order:
🔸my weight loss graph from my fitbit scale for 2018
🔸my weight loss since I got my fitbit scale in Feb 2016
🔸my trusty monthly overall weight loss/gain calendar
🔸monthly measurements for 2018
🔸progress measurements and total change from Jan 1, 2017 - Jan 1, 2019
I keep this in a google sheet and also have my fitbit linked along with an app called MY Weight (Monitor Your Weight) which shows your how your doing on progress or gives you when you can expect to real a weight goal.
Did you measure/weight yourself today? If not make a plan to do it soon. Your future self will thank you!
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Yesterday while decluttering my workout pants drawer I came across these bad boys from Express circa 2002-2003. I remember wearing these size Large swooshy-esque pants to the gym in college thinking I was hot shit. . I’ve kept these pants and a few others for 15+ years as a reminder of where I was and at some points where I was hoping to get back to. . However I’m ready to release them to the donation pile. Being firmly in low 170s is new territory and I have new goal pants in mind.
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measuringlife · 6 years
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I NEVER wear belts (re: the post about how wearing a belt sent me to the emergency room when I was ~220 pounds) . However today’s pants are too big, but I’m hoarding my favorite clothes for when I leave for CA this weekend. . I found a brown belt which was a miracle in and of itself. I needed to use the very last notch which is totally an NSV! .
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measuringlife · 6 years
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For 2019 I decided to swap out my circle chart and make one in the back of my @passionplanner. I’m also logging my @ww blue dot days (healthy eating zone) here too. . I haven’t been striving to work out everyday, but I told myself if I have at least 20 minutes to walk then I’m going to walk during work on the treadmill or outside. . This expectation shift in myself has led to 9 days so far that my work walk was my only exercise, but those 150-200 calories burned still count in the big picture! . I am such a visual person and tracking on paper and in color really helps me stay focused and accountable each day!
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Weighed in today at 175.0!!! So glad to have finally pushed past this 3 month plateau! Sticking to @ww and all my Body Pump trainings & practicing sure has helped!
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Dec 31, 2017 ➡️ Dec 31, 2018
⬇️22.1 pounds!
I remember trying on last minute NYE dresses at Ross wanting something cheap and stretchy. I knew with some Spanx I’d feel okay going out in this dress and I already made the commitment to myself that 2018 was going to be able my health and well-being. Amazing to see how much inside and out has changed in just 365 days!
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Feb 2017 ➡️ Feb 2019 . I remember how tight H&M shirt was across the chest when I bought it, but a few weeks into my @ww journey in 2017 I felt confident enough to wear it for the first time. . Fun fact I actually got engaged the night I took that picture in the left, but I was in sweaty gym clothes! More on that in a few weeks on our engagement anniversary.
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measuringlife · 6 years
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Another example of a picture I cropped when I posted it on social media to hide my body.
Timehop can be unforgiving at times because it shows you the picture you took and also what you posted. Seeing them in succession is always a reality check.
I wonder what digital pictures I deleted because I didn’t like how I looked to worse hard copy pics I tossed that I’ll ever get back.
The last pic is my most recent picture with my friend A (and my sister and another A friend who is nearly done with my new logo - but more on that soon).
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