#MM 2019 making J'onn a racist alien cop only to impersonate a Black man on earth is...a choice
jesncin · 1 year
Dc really terrible on fantasy racism. The white martian is the colonizer who murder and commit genocide but they retcon it by making ohhh the green martian treated white martian as second class citizen. If they don't know how to explore the topic either they choose to not go with that topic in the first place or hired somebody who's come from racialized marginalized group
Anyway sorry for the unnecesarry rant is miss martian gonna be present on your comic or other character
Yeah! While I understand writers wanting to try different dynamics between white and green martians by switching up who's oppressing who, I'm ultimately really unconvinced with either version of martian fantasy racism because it's always superficial. Prejudice between martians is skin deep ("you have x skin color therefore are inferior to me!") and never truly systemic.
Totally fine! I like talking about martian lore, haha. I can't confirm or deny if miss martian will appear in Sons of Mars (and I acknowledge that saying this is in itself a pretty definitive answer lmao).
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