jungshookz · 5 years
demons and angels and nurses, oh my!; myg
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😈 pairing: min yoongi x reader
😈 genre: spooktober day (2/7); demon!yoongiverse because it wouldn’t be halloween wiThout everyone’s favourite demon; costume shopping is always cute!!
😈 wordcount: 2.1k
😈 note: demon!yoongi told me that if i didn’t write a spooktober drabble for him he would stand in the corner of my room at night and watch me so here he is!!!! i’m trying to keep these drabbles short n sweet but i apologize if it seems like there isn’t much substance to this one but pouty yoongi and costume shopping is CUTE suE ME 
(picture source here! again, having some trouble finding the original-original source of the picture because it’s literally on everyone’s pinterest page lol) 
this is supposed to be the most beautiful time of the year for yoongi
the leaves are dying
the rain is falling
the pumpkins are spicing
so he doesn’t understand whY he isn’t out in the world wreaking havoc on everyone and is instead stuck shopping with you!!!
(for the record he loves you and cherishes this relationship but PLEASE for the love of satan he needs to get the hell out of here before he falls asleep)
not to be a grump or anything but you guys have been at the costume store for a solid 2 hours and yoongi’s ass is getting sO sore from sitting on the bench for so long
“you know, the key word in couple’s costume is ‘couple’. and so far, this has been a very one-sided couple.”
yoongi glances up from his phone and snorts when he sees you dressed up as a bottle of mustard
“look, i even took mustard so you could have ketchup! ketchup is red and red is the colour of your eyes when you get upset!!”
“well, that’s very thoughtful of you.”
here’s the thing
jungkook’s throwing his annual halloween party (this is the first time he’s throwing it at an actual venue and not his musty dusty cruSty apartment)
would it be so vEry wrong of you to show up there with yoongi? your boyfriend? your devilishly (hA) attractive boyfriend who you would very much like to rub in everyone’s faces?
also there’s literally a 2 for 1 deal on couple’s costume so it would be crazy for you noT to take advantage of that
here’s a list of the couple’s costumes that yoongi has rejected so far:
salt and pepper
milk and cookies
peanut butter and jelly
(you skipped lunch today so maybe that’s why you’ve been choosing a lot of food-themed costumes)
pennywise and georgie!!!!! yoU thought yoongi looked so cute in that yellow raincoat
plus you were kinda feeling that pennywise wig on yourself
a bar of soap and a loOFah
eggs and bacon (again, ya didn’t eat lunch)
you tried to make this experience more fun for yoongi by letting him choose some costumes for you guys but he ended up just choosing costumes for yoU which meant a lot of sexy [insert literally any kind of person/place/thing here]
surprisingly enough he wasn’t a fan of the demon one
in all honesty it was kinda taCky
the cheap red paper horns
the flimsy pitchfork
the pointy, scrawny little taiL
humans really need to be more open minded when it comes to how demons look nowadays
“i am burning up for you, nurse y/l/n…“ yoongi whistles lowly as you step out of the changing room wearing yet another one of his tasteful selections
you don’t understand why there are sexy nurses but there aren’t any sexy doctors
but that’s a conversation for another time
for now you’re trying to figure out how to walk properly without having the dress rise up and expose your enTire ass to this store
you’re not even sure if this costume is in your size considering how tight it is
you feel like if you cough weirdly you’re going to pOp a button and everyone’s going to get a nice look at your boobs
“you’re not taking this seriously anymore.” you grumble as yoongi leans forward to grab your wrists and pull you closer to him
“what do you mean?” he hums as he begins to slide his hand up from the back of your thigh to your- “oW-“ yoongi pushes his bottom lip out in a pout when you swAt his hand away before he can get to the motherland
“i wanna win the costume party and we’re not going to win if i show up wearing a sexy nurse’s outfit and you show up wearing- well, normal clothes!”
yoongi lets out a sigh and props his chin up against your torso and you instinctively reach down to push his hair back “we can go as like, a professor and a student or something.”
“…we’re dressing up for halloween, we’re not shooting a porno film-“
“it’s just- halloween is the one night of the year that i’m free from my demon duties and i get to do whatever i want and i- i don’t know, i guess i think it’d be a little siLLy using that time to put on some silly costumes and hang out at jungkook’s place with a bunch of people i barely know. plus - a couple months back when we were talking about halloween you said that you’d be okay with me disappearing for 24 hours!” yoongi pouts up at you and bats his lashes
he has a good point
you dO remember having that conversation with him
and it’s true, the fact that he only gets 1 day out of 365 days off
if he wants to spend that one day hanging out with his demon friends then he can do that
it’s just.,,.
u don’t want to sound like a brAt or anything but
halloween is so much moRe fun when you get to dress up with your significant other!!!!!
and u don’t like that he’s calling it silly because now yoU feel silly for enjoying the dress-up aspect of halloween
and now you’re going to have to show up to this party aLone which is not ideal because you already told like 8 people that you were bringing your boYfriEnd
u know what
it’s whatever
it’s not worth getting into an argument over
you’re fine!
it’s fine
it’s whatever
“that’s fair…” you murmur and purse your lips in thought
now you have to come up with a clever single person halloween costume
you still have a couple of days left to decide so you’re sure it’ll be fine
“alright, i suppose you’re right.” you let out a sigh and yoongi grins happily up at you
“thank u, baby”
yoongi gives your bum a swat as soon as you turn around and you resiSt the urge to tackle him in the middle of this costume store
“y/n, you are noT going to believe the things that i have planned out for-“ yoongi’s sneakers squeak against the wooden floor when he spots a familiar face in the apartment “…what the hell are you doing here?”
“good afternoon, yoongi!” jimin smiles brightly and yoongi raises a brow
he sweArs his perfect, pearly teeth are going to blind him one day
“why are you in my apartment?”
“y/n and i are going to jungkook’s party together and she wanted me to come over to try some outfits on!” jimin states as if that’s the most oBvious thing in the entire world and yoongi snorts
“…you guys aren’t going to the party together.”
“ya we are”
“no, you’re not-“
“mmmm i’m pRetty sure we are”
“okay but it’s like- it’s a couple’s costume and you’re not a couple-“
“we don’t have to be a couple! she just needed someone to go with-“
“okay but you’re noT a couple so you can’t say you’re a couple otherwise people are going to think that you guys are like, together-together-“
“you know what the funny part is? we’re actually going to go as-“
“yoongi!” the little quarrel is interrupted when you emerge from the guest bathroom “i thought you were going to be out all day doing… demony things!”
“i was but i finished ea-“ yoongi doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence because he’s pretty sure his tongue rolls out of his mouth and giGantic red hearts start pumping out of his eyes
well he thouGHt he wasn’t a fan of the demon costume but this one definitely doesn’t look like the one you tried on at the store
you’re wearing some kind of a red latex leotard (and it’s taking a loT of effort to not check out your boobs right now)
complete with a pair of thigh high boots and arm sleeves that make it look like your forearms are engULfed in flames aNd of course there’s a long, pointed tail attached to the back that kind of just drags behind you on the floor
a pair of little red horns sit on the top of your head and that,.,,. shouldn’t affect him as much as it is
“you’re going as a demon?” yoongi swallows thickly and reaches up to tuck at the collar of his shirt when he catches sight of some fiery-red garters around your thighs
“uh-huh! you like it? i figured that since you’re not coming with me, i’ll just dress up as you-“ you joke and twist slightly to make sure the tail is still in place “jimin actually made the whole outfit for me-“
“jimin helped you with this outfit??” yoongi raises a brow and
“yep! i thought the puny little tail was kinda pathetic so i made a longer one and that definitely amped up the look aNd the horns are nice and sturdy now-“ jimin leans back against the couch and crosses his arms “i suggested fishnet stockings but y/n thought that would be too much-“
“wait, if you guys are going together, and you’re dressing up as a demon, then what are you dressing up as?” yoongi’s brows knit together as he looks towards jimin
“y/n suggested that i just go as myself - get it, because a demon and an angel - but thEN i was like what if i aLso dress up as a demon and we can do a matchy-matchy thing- pLus, i don’t think i’m breaking any rules because it’s just for halloween so we’re goo-“
“you’re going as a demon?!” yoongi interrupts him and if you looked any closer you’d probably be able to see the steam shooTing out from his ears
what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!
ok u know what to be fair you’re letting him off the hook for the night which is what he wanted
but he didn’t know that you were going to be wearing that
and he aLso wasn’t aware that jimin was apparently going to be your demon boyfriend for the night
and knowing how ditzy jimin is he’s probably going to lose track of you and then you’re just going to be prey in the eyes of the many, mAny other demons who are out on the prowl on halloween
you walking around wearing that with your aura as pUre as gold (even though half of it belongs to yoongi but still your aura is like 78% pure) is equivalent to serving a piece of fresh salmon on a silver platter to a pack of wild bears and yoongi suddenly has a vERy strong urge to taint your aura again and again and again so that people know exactly who you’re with-
“jimin.” yoongi clears his throat calmly, “you have five seconds to leave before i kick you out.”
jimin’s lips part in a gawk
“wha- what did i do-“
“four- three- twO-“
“alright, i’m going, jesus-“ jimin grumbles and lets out a huff before he disintegrates into a beam of golden sparkles
a moment of silence goes by after jimin leaves where you and yoongi are kind of just staring at each other
the air in the room feels different and you feel your heart sKip a beat when you notice yoongi’s eyes flicker to black for a millisecond
if you had blinked you probably would’ve missed it
“what’s the matter with you?” you cross your arms and tilt your head slightly and yoongi scoffs before poking his tongue into his cheek
“what do you think is the matter with me?”
you don’t miss the way his eyes trail over your figure and you don’t have to be a roCKet science to figure out what thoughts are running through your boyfriend’s head
“…you want me to keep the horns-“
you don’t even get a chance to finiSh asking before yoongi’s grabbing you and practically dragging you to the bedroom
(yoongi makes a mental note to apologise to jimin later for shRedding up your handmade costume.)
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carryonmyswansong · 6 years
A Birthday Celebration, Chapter 3: Welcome to the Tea Party
This work of fiction contains adult themes and subject matter. Please do not read, reply, or reblog, if you are under the age of 18.
Series Summary: Today is your birthday. Waking from your slumber, you realize that today is not going to be as ordinary as you originally thought it was going to be. Chapter Summary: A celebration is had. Some shameless flirting takes place. Benny teases you some, leaving you wanting more. Word Count: 3637 Characters: Reader; Supernatural - Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel; Once Upon A Time - Jefferson the Mad Hatter, Regina Mills, Killian Jones; Constantine movie -  John Constantine; BBC’s Sherlock - Sherlock Holmes; The MCU and X-Men Universes - Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, Professor Charles Xavier, Remy LeBeau; Criminal Minds - Doctor Spencer Reid Pairings: Reader & Benny, Reader & Remy Warnings: shameless flirting, hinting at sex A/N: I hope you have fun with this one lol - the next chapter will be quite a bit more... lemon flavored. 
Beta’d by @thorne93
Link on AO3 Series Masterlist
All page dividers were created by me. Please do not save and use. I make page dividers and will make a set for you, for $3. Please message me if interested.
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As you walk through the door, there is a huge contrast in lighting. You shield your face with your hand, and squint your eyes, as the sunlight filters through the trees above you. Benny seems unaffected, as he leads you through the long archway of trees. You wonder how the sun isn’t bothering him. His type of vampire doesn’t burst into flames but they do need shade, since the sun makes them uncomfortable. You think the sunlight here might be different than in his universe…
Your thoughts are interrupted when Benny stops walking and you promptly walk into him. You whine a little as your body makes contact with his, feeling his muscles ripple under your touch, bracing so he doesn’t fall over.
“Darlin’, if you wonted to hold me, you just have to ask.” You can hear the smile in his voice as you turn a bright shade of crimson.
You fumble for something to respond with but it all comes out as gibberish. Giving up, you shake your head, leaning it against his back. You sigh and you go to walk around him to see why he stopped.
“Now hold on a second. Can’t spoil the surprise jus’ yet.” He stops you and covers your eyes with his hands. You note how surprisingly soft they are. Your body moves, without your consent, as you press your back to his front.
Benny hisses in surprise and you feel… something twitch against your backside. You quietly whine under your breath.
“Mmmm as much as I like this, we got somewhere to be, love. You gotta stop doin’ that or we ain’t gone make it to the party. And I really don’ wanna disappoint our guests. We got time for this after, though, if you still want.”
You wiggle against him for good measure, not trusting your voice. He groans in your ear and nips it with his teeth. “Now, sugar, behave yourself and I’ll reward you later.”
You shiver and he nudges you forward, urging you to walk. You let him guide you. The cool air of the tunnel of trees gives way to deep warmth of an open space. You tilt your head and Benny lets you. He chuckles as you sun yourself like a cat. He swears he can hear you almost purr under your breath, as the sun soaks into your chilled skin.
“You ready, darlin’?”
“I’m tempted to turn back around into the trees and do something extra naughty with you, where everyone can hear us but no one can see us, but I guess we can go to the party.”
Benny growls under his breath as the front of his body rubs against the back of yours. He leans down and whispers in your ear, “Your filthy little mouth is stirring things in me, chère, that I haven’t felt in a long time. We are definitely gone have some fun later.” He runs the tip of his tongue across the shell of your ear, before gently nipping the flesh there. He loves the way your body reacts when he does this.
Clearing his throat and breaking the spell, he says a little louder, so the others can hear him “Let's get this show on the road”, and slowly removes his hands so your eyes can adjust to the change in light again.
You blink rapidly, to try and clear your blurry vision and you nearly fall backwards as you take in the view in front of you. Thankfully, Benny was still standing close to you and catches you and keeps you on your feet. Your breath hitches as your senses are assaulted on all sides. You gasp, despite yourself.
As your vision adjusts, you take in the view. In front of you is a very very long table. It is adorned with cakes, various drinks, and all sorts of things too pretty to eat. The table is surrounded by chairs, most of them occupied. The ones that aren’t, do have owners and you suspect that they are only empty because the occupants are otherwise mingling with the others.
Benny ushers you to a chair. It isn’t at the head of the table, but really there can’t be a chair there because the table is deceptively round. It should be oval shaped but time and space bend here so it isn’t something you try and wrap your head around. You suspect that if you tried, you’d only induce a headache.
Benny sits next to you, scooting his chair so close to yours that his knee bumps yours. You smile up at him, as he looks down at you, seeking your approval.
All you can really think about is how beautiful he is. Something in your expression must have given him the answer he was seeking because he smiles warmly at you again.
Breaking the spell of the moment, Benny checks his watch and clears his throat. “Time to get this party started,” he says, with a smile. You all but swoon as the light makes his eyes sparkle and the creases next to his eye crinkle just right. He caresses your cheek, and then loudly claps his hands getting everyone’s attention. It happened so fast you aren’t even sure he touched you at all.
The conversations around the table abruptly end and everyone finds their seats.
“Friends, family, ladies, gentlemen, persons of indeterminate gender, and others, our Guest of Honor has finally arrived. Jefferson, if you would direct the tea pourin’, and Dean, if you would direct the food servin’, I will direct the present givin’!” He claps his hands again, as if to drive the points home. Before walking away to direct traffic, he leans down and whispers in your ear, “I can’t give you your gift in polite company, chère. But I’m gonna give you a taste of it a little later.” Before you can respond, he’s already too far away.
Behind you, a table appears, and next to it, a large trash bin. You assume it is for wrapping paper.
Jefferson is the first to walk up to you, so he can attend to his duties. He hands you a large hat box. Inside is a hat of unimaginable beauty. Complimenting your hair and skin tone perfectly. It suits your taste in fancy clothes, and you know you have something to wear, the next time you are invited somewhere formal. You bow your head and thank him. He grasps your hand and kisses the back of it tenderly, before walking away to help serve the tea.
Behind him, a line started to form. Everyone who brought you a gift, slowly filing into place, to wait their turn.
Next approaches Regina Mills. A large clothing bag in her hands. “Miss (Y/L/N), you may want to stand, for this. It is rather long.” She smiles at you. You unzip the bag and almost fall back into your chair. Inside is a dress that matches the hat that Jefferson gifted you. It is your perfect size. Compliments your hair and skin perfectly, and you tell yourself “Say ‘perfect’ one more time” because it is. “Jefferson and I worked together to make a matching set for you. The hat and dress will change shape, size, and color, to suit your needs, taste, and any physical appearance changes that take place. This is the default design.”
You carefully zip the bag back up and lay it on the table. Once it is safely in place you all but run to Regina and wrap your arms around her like it is your saving grace. “Thank you so very much. It is absolutely gorgeous.”
She smiles, kisses your cheek in a fond manner, and returns to her seat. You catch Jefferson’s eye and he winks at you.
John Constantine walk up next, and gifts you a priceless artifact that lets you find whatever realm you need at any given time so you can find your way back to your favorite characters. Like Jefferson, he kisses the back of your hand before walking back to his seat.
Killian Jones gifts you an antique compass and spyglass so you will never get lost. He caresses your cheek, after you hug him, and departs with “You deserve the best, love”, and smiles.
Sherlock Holmes plays a song for you on his violin… one he wrote himself. He doesn’t allow you to thank him, but bows and walks away with a glimmer in his eye you’ve never seen before. He only smiles to himself when he thinks you can’t see him and that was the best gift he could give you because that little smile is so beautiful.
Stephen Strange gifts you a key to his sanctum so you can have a quiet place to study. All you have to do is hold the key, and think about wanting to visit with him, and a doorway will open and portal you through. You look from Stephen to Sherlock and swear they could be brothers. But before you could entertain the thought, Stephen is wrapping his arms around you and his cloak is… his cloak is patting your bottom. You jump back and start laughing. Stephen looks mildly taken aback before he realizes you are batting away the groping “hands” of his cloak and turns to scold it while it tries to float off and away from its master.
Steve Rogers gifts you a gorgeous piece of art he drew himself. It is a portrait of the two of you in a warm embrace. This makes you blush as you stammer out your thank you to him. His ears turn pink. He waits for Bucky to give you his gift, so they can walk back to their seats together.
Bucky Barnes presents you with a metal flower made from a very large bullet casing. “I made this after I shot it out of the sky with my sniper rifle. I kept it a very long time, hoping to gift it to someone special. It is older than you are. I tooled it a little so the edges aren’t rough.” He kisses your cheek. Steve wraps his arm through Bucky’s and they walk back to their seats, leaning into each other like they have secret to share. Both look so happy. You can’t help but grin. As Bucky and Steve walk away, Jefferson passes by them. The three stop and Steve almost does a double take. Jefferson winks at them and Bucky looks as if he is fit to burst into laughter. Steve punches Bucky lovingly on the shoulder and they continue on their way. This causes you to laugh out loud, startling a very adorable little mouse nibbling on a tea cake near your hand, who squeaks at you very loudly, in protest. You gingerly extend an index finger, petting it reassuringly. It goes back to its snack, grumbling under its breath.
Peter Parker swings up to you from somewhere at the other end of the table, using the nearby trees as places to anchor his webbing. He gifts you something to help with your writing. One part magic and two parts science, it resembles a book and it records your dreams and passing thoughts to use for your stories. “Mr. Stark and several of the Inhumans helped me make it,” he tells you. You hug him in thanks and he walks away blushing and so flustered he forgets about swinging back to his seat.
A loud voice announces, “Loki, God of Mischief, Lord of Lies, son of…” and is cut off by an even louder voice… “Would you get on with it, Brother! She knows who you are! Can you believe this guy, announcing himself?” followed by a boisterous laugh. You hear a groan and a very annoyed “Very well” as a green mist makes its way to you. Out of it steps the God, himself. Loki presents you with a gold bracelet that appears to be a snake. He explains that when you are in danger, the snake will come alive and become much larger, to protect you. You embrace him and kiss him soundly on the mouth. To which his brother cheers loudly. You both blush and he walks away with a little pep in his step.You smirk to yourself, quite pleased.
You are taking a break from opening packages, and sipping your tea, waiting for the next person to arrive. As you are sitting here, looking off at nothing in particular, something sleek and metal makes its way to you. You look up, focusing your eyes. It is a very fancy wheelchair with a very large X on both large wheels. The man in the chair is bald and you smile warmly at him. “Charles!” you greet him, brightly. He smiles wide at you, extending both his hands. You place yours in his, and he brings them to his lips like he is greeting an old friend. You then lean down and wrap your arms around his shoulders and he leans into you. “Happy birthday, (Y/F/N). I’m so happy to be here with you.” Charles Xavier’s gift to you is one that is deeply personal. You kneel in front of him, and he presses his forehead against yours. He slowly restores the missing memories of your childhood. The happy ones. Memories from long ago, of your dad boil to the surface. Events you only dreamed about, that faded fast, after waking. Your smile deepens, as the long forgotten memories paint beautiful pictures in your mind’s eye. “Thank you, Charles. That means so much to me”. He kisses your forehead and wheels away.
You sit back in your chair, and bask in the glow of the warm feelings that wash over you from the day you’ve had so far. You know you’ve been here for hours and hours already, opening gifts and interacting with people. You also know that time will pass differently at home and when you return there, it will be as if no time passed at all. You take a sip of sweet tea that never seems to get warm, the ice never melting, and take a bite of something that looks like roses but tastes like strawberry shortcake. You hum in approval.
As you finish your snack, two bodies approach. Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Wanda smiles warmly at you, and Pietro leans down kissing your cheek. Before you can blink, he presents you with a small box. Inside the box are what appear to be wedding bands. Wanda, feeling your confusion, explains. “We are twins, and because of this, and because of the experiments done on us, we are basically soul bonded. Closer than your typical twins, we both can literally feel each other’s heartbeats. I always know where he is in the world, and he is the same.” Pietro picks up where Wanda left off, without missing a beat. “Most humans can’t do that, so we thought that when or if you find someone you’d want to be that close to, this would be the perfect way. They can be worn as wedding bands, or if your soulbond isn’t a romantic one, they can be worn on any finger. They adjust in size and when both of you are wearing them, you can feel each other’s heartbeats and know where each other are.” “They are made of vibranium, infused with my magic. When you wear them, they will glow red, much like my magic does,” Wanda finishes. “That is amazing. Thank you!” You aren’t sure what else to say. The rings are truly a very thoughtful and personal gift. You stand and embrace the two of them, tightly. They walk off, arms linked, the air around them swirling with Wanda’s magic, sending out happy vibes. You sit back down and brush your fingertips over the rings. A flow of red, washes over them where your fingers make contact, and then subsides. You close the box and set it on the table in front of you.
As the twins walk away, a figure saunters up. He bows, takes your hand, and kisses the back of it like you are old lovers and he is reliving a wonderful memory of the coupling. This causes you to turn a deep shade of red and your body heats up. “Hello gorgeous. When Benny told me this shindig was for you, I decided to dress in my best finery.” Remy LeBeau steps back and extends his arms in a dramatic manner, as if presenting himself to you and you take him in. He’s wearing a black satin top hat, with a belt of red just above where the brim starts. The rest of his ensemble is a three piece thing with coat tails. The coat is a fancier, tailored version of his light brown trench coat. The jacket underneath is black satin. The vest is a deep shade of red. The shirt is also black, but not as deep as the hat or jacket. He isn’t wearing a tie and the collar of his shirt is open down to the edges of the vest, revealing a thick dusting of chest hair.
Your jaw all but hits the floor. “I figured I’d go with something classic,” he says with a smirk. You aren’t sure what to say but you are pretty sure you are drooling a little. He steps closer to you and your breath hitches. He leans down and whispers in your ear, his lips brushing your skin there “My gift cannot be given just yet. You must wait for it. I will be joining you and Benny later tonight.” His lips brush your cheek. You want to respond but you aren’t sure what to say. You do notice that he doesn’t go back to his original place at the table and pulls up a chair next to yours. You want to faint.
Spencer Reid walks up to you, hands you a book of his favorite poetry, wishes you a happy birthday, with his hand on your shoulder. You touch his hand, squeezing it in thanks and he walks away with a smile on his face. You flip open the book, and inside he’s written a little note on the first page. “Beautiful words, for a beautiful soul.” - SR
Sam and Dean Winchester make their way to you, followed by Castiel. Sam hands you a leather bound book, with a dragon on the front cover. Inside is a catalogue of all the monsters they’ve encountered so far. The book should be really heavy but it surprisingly isn’t. Dean gifts you a small dagger. It has runes carved into the blade, handle, and leather sheath. “It is meant to fit between your boobs, behind the center thing in your bra. Sam helped with the symbols. They are for protection and keep you hidden from demons. Cas helped with the blade. It's made from an angel blade.” He gestures to you and you nod your permission. He slips the small dagger between your breasts, fingertips lightly brushing your skin, drawing out the necessity for them being there. You shiver a little and the tips of Dean’s ears turn pink. You almost want to tell him “more”, but Sam clears his throat and grins at you both. When Dean is finished, he looks up at you and makes a face that resembles that of a proud child, showing his mother a drawing he did. You stand and hug the three of them. Castiel presents you with a necklace. The chain is silver and the pendent is too. It is an anti possession symbol. “I made this from the remnants from making the blade for Dean.” He places it around your neck and it sits right above where the handle of the dagger pokes out from your cleavage. You hug him again. He blushes a little and hugs you back. Sam and Cas walk back to their spots at the table and Dean makes his way to wherever they keep carting in food from. You assume to is to make sure whatever dinner foods that are going to be served, are on time.
More people show up. More faces you know from the stories, TV shows, and movies you love, but it all starts to blur together. You aren’t sure how you are going to get everything back to your home or how you are going to explain all the new things to those you live with, but you are so happy at how the day is turning out, that you don’t care.
As the line winds down, and you finally get a break to yourself, you are lost in thought for a while. After what feels like an hour or more, Benny appears next to you. He claps his hands loudly, getting everyone’s attention.
“Thank you, everyone, for bringing your gifts. Now that that is done, it is time for dinner! Dean, if you would?”
You hear from somewhere in the back, “Yeah, brother. Everything is ready.”
And with that, several people spring into action as food it brought out to the table, from the treeline surrounding the clearing where your party is being held.
All the food being set out has a something for everyone. Your favorites, and the favorites of all the people present. A smile plays on your lips at the beauty of it all. You sit back in your chair and wait for all the food to be placed. Once everything is where it should be, Benny sits down in his chair, looks over to Remy with twinkle in his eye, and announces “Everyone, dig in!”
You don’t know why, but this makes your skin heat up and you feel flushed. You begin to pile food on your plate and enjoy the meal.
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Chapter 4: Cajun Spice, and Everything Nice
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I will not be tagging anyone from my character or universe tag lists. However, the tag list for this series is open, and will remain open until CHAPTER 7 is posted!
If you want to be added to the tag list for this series, you MUST be age 18 or older (no exceptions), have your age listed on your profile, and follow @carryonmyswansong​​. If you qualify, please message me or send an ask off of Anon. Please keep in mind that writing, posting, tagging and maintaining lists takes time and effort so please consider leaving feedback when you read something you’ve been tagged in.
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re-rift · 4 years
instant heaven || atsushi || trial 4.3 || re: servin, mayumi
Atsushi raises his brow. He didn't notice it before becuase munny was busy being a fool, but upon the mention of Servin's alibi, he figures he should say more. not much narration here im trying to draw
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"Dang, now that you mention it, that makes things kinda weird! Servin, you were with me at the poghouse at 2am, you know, the time after Persephone died like you said? Then you left at 3:15." He chuckles into his hand, pouting jokingly afterwards. "What, you didn't want to mention me? Uuu..."
"Anyway, 4 hours is a lot of time to goof around. But what about 25-30 minutes?" He taps his cheek. "That, combined with the fact you said that nobody was around to see you... well. Sounds very convenient, doesn't it? I'll let the others handle that info, though..."
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"But, something is still bothering me... Despite everything, Perseph still seemingly died with a smile, right? Do you think there was an agreement or something? Also, does anyone know what poison symptoms Perseph or Servin had? I know a lot of you had symptoms that made you all aggressive, so maybe we could take those into account...? I dunno." 
He sighs. This is too early for this. Isn't it still morning?
"Also, Tominaga-san, you said that one of the knives matched the side wound? Mmmm... What if that wound was inflicted post-mortem to throw us off track? Plus, you said it only kinda matched... I think the glass shard was big enough to make, uh... injuries similar to a knife."
It was bigger than a hand after all! But he doesn't say that. He doesn't wanna get sent to meaty handgate again.
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