darkduck80 · 1 year
4AM and Morro needs a parent figure
its 4 am and i relized ther is a lack of redeemed morro au with Morrro actullying having a parent figure i dont care what you think but thats a child! and it needs some parent figure like anyone ecxept for WU like i dont hate Wu it just he dossent deserve Morro you saw what Wu did to him when he took care of him. exactly so he needs anyone else and idc if Morro is fucking 70 years old. ghosts dont age and he clearly died from age 12 to 15 a minor a child and dont forget the Queen of the cursed realm yeah pretty sure she fucked Morro up more than Wu over here so child at heart brain looks NOW moving on resones why he deserves a parent figuers
1- he needs someone who has a brain
2-he is full of truama and needs help
3- he needs someone to love him
4-parents are the best and everyone deserves a good parent
5-because i said so
6-whos going to get him out of trouble and if you say Wu that old man ass only sits in his room drinking tea and medteting half the time annd other times he says oh i forgot to tell you something like no 100% he has 0 idea whats Morros doing
7-idk look at this poor truama baby dossent he deserves a good parent that will actully help him and not fill his head with lies *coughs Wu coughs the Queen of crused realm*
Now who is the best for this mission
for me it Cole here ill tell you why
1-Cole is the best dad
2-he can actully relate to some stuff when Morro is talking about being a ghost
3-Cole chould ground Morro better then everyone since earth and whateverand keep hhim from troubles
4-Cole would do Morros hair in the moring (i like the hc that cole knows how to take care of hair and braid since he did thay to his mother)
5-cole would check on morro every now and then since he care
6-Cole would help morro getting used to human body again and would learn alot about morro(good things)
7-hes the best option between the ninja tbh
8-Morro would propbly have alot of nightmare of every single shitty thing in his life about propbly his whole life and would propbly will be scared so much he will have the guts to go to the most trusted ninja between them Cole and he would stand outside Coles room opening the door waiting to Cole to see that hes here and cole would wake up to see 2 pupils of eyes looking at him from his door frame propbly shaking and when he askes if Morros okay Morro will deny it saying that hes not scared and just making sure Coles not scared amd cole would just say mhm(clearly knowimg morros scared) get in and make room for morro to join him
9-okay belive me i have more but by brain is not working anymore now its 4:33Am and im siting in the bathroom typing in my small ass phone so yea heres why Morro should have a parent figeur thank you for reading
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