#MUSE: Tamaki Suoh ( replies )
cermitshub · 3 years
Kaoru: Shoots a spitball at him. 😘😘😘
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“Why did you-- EW IS THAT A SPIT BALL?!”
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“How fuckin’ old are you?!”
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“Come here!”
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ratcarney · 3 years
tamaki and kyoya walk home on the last day of school before new year’s break. amid the snow, kyoya realizes something important.
“kyoyaaa…” tamaki singsonged. “we must be the last ones in the school at this rate.”
“i’m not stopping you from leaving, tamaki.” kyoya replied, not looking up from his laptop screen.
he needed to finish typing out a few key things for the host club budget before school let out for the new year, and he was in no rush to get back home. he knew that ten days of living with his father constantly telling him that he’d never measure up to his brothers’ accomplishments would get grating by at least day three. to add insult to injury, fuyumi was spending the holiday with her friends, so there wasn’t any hope of her swooping in to save him from their father’s steely glare.
she was twenty-four. it made sense for her to spend the new year with her friends. but that didn’t mean that kyoya wasn’t feeling a little betrayed.
“it’s getting darker.” tamaki stood and looked out the windows in the music room. evidently, he had decided to wait for kyoya so they could leave the school together.
“that’s usually how it works.” kyoya replied dryly.
tamaki sat on the window seat, staring at the sky. “it’s snowing.” he announced.
“mm-hmm.” kyoya didn’t mind tamaki’s idle chatter as much as he did when they first met. it was comforting. light background talk to offset the constant noise in kyoya’s head.
“i love snow.” tamaki tapped on the glass. “i used to watch snow fall on the streets with my mom back in france.” he hummed contentedly. “there was a window in her room and it had these huge velvet curtains…”
kyoya stopped typing. tamaki rarely talked about his mother, and kyoya wanted to be respectful of whatever he was going to say next. without the sound of the keyboard, the room fell silent. the wind outside whistled through the snowfall.
tamaki turned around to face kyoya from across the room. “oh, are you done?” his eyes were hopeful.
kyoya blinked. “i thought you were going to continue.”
“why?” tamaki laughed as if kyoya had said something ridiculous. “come on, finish up with the work stuff so we can walk home.”
“walk home?” kyoya raised his eyebrows. “we can call a car, tamaki. there’s no reason to walk home in the cold when we don’t need to.” as a personal rule, kyoya didn’t stay out in the cold for any second longer than he absolutely had to. all the teasing from the club about his cold-bloodedness had an element of truth to it beyond his identity as the so-called shadow king. kyoya and cold weather had never gotten along.
tamaki frowned, and kyoya mentally prepared for those puppy-dog eyes he knew so well. “but we did last year.”
“we only did that because your chauffeur was stuck in traffic.” and i wasn’t going to let you walk home alone, not with your limited knowledge of tokyo.
“i thought we’d make it into a tradition! walking home together on the last day before new year’s break.” tamaki grinned. kyoya knew his mind was made up, but there was no reason not to make arguing a tradition, as well.
“doing something once doesn’t make it a tradition.”
tamaki stood up from where he sat on the window seat, looping his scarf around his neck to signal to kyoya that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “doing it twice does!”
“clearly you have your heart set on this.” kyoya sighed. the suoh estate wasn’t far from ouran academy, but it wasn’t exactly close to it, either. and he certainly hadn’t dressed for a brisk walk in the snow.
he glanced at tamaki, who was rocking back and forth on heels, evidently restless. his eyes sparkled with anticipation the way they did whenever he really wanted something.
“please, kyoya?”
reluctantly, kyoya closed his laptop. “fine. fine, you win.”
tamaki grinned. “this is going to be the best tradition ever. trust me.” he buttoned up his coat and all but leapt towards the door.
“consider yourself lucky, tamaki.” kyoya muttered. he slipped his laptop into his bag and started to shrug on his coat. “you know how i feel about the cold.” he did. tamaki was the only one in the host club that kyoya felt comfortable complaining to. in all fairness, he may have been the only one in the world that kyoya felt comfortable complaining to.
tamaki’s smile didn’t waver. “we’ll be home before you know it.”
“for your sake, that better be true.”
kyoya followed tamaki out of the music room, trying his best to keep up as tamaki practically flew through the halls and bounded down the stairs towards the main building’s front doors. tamaki gasped upon bursting through the doors, and kyoya didn’t blame him.
ouran’s campus had been transformed into a snowy white wonderland. the topiary and bare trees glittered in the dim midwinter evening.
the air was sharper than they expected it to be, but that only made tamaki’s smile even bigger.
“it’s beautiful.” he whispered, standing in front of ouran’s entrance.
kyoya stood next to him, but he wasn’t looking at the snow.
his gaze got caught on the way the glittering flurries of snow arranged themselves neatly on tamaki’s head, as if nature herself was crowning him king.
tamaki turned to look at kyoya. “what are you looking so serious about?” he tossed his scarf over his shoulder with a smile. “we have walking to do, kyoya.” he strode forward, turning his head every so often to marvel at the snowfall.
kyoya followed slowly, still keeping his eyes on tamaki.
“you know, we’ll never get out of the snow unless you actually walk.”
after about ten minutes, kyoya was quickly regretting his decision to walk home with tamaki. tradition be damned, he could barely feel his fingertips, and the snow wasn’t letting up. his coat was too thin for this. tamaki, blissfully oblivious as always, was still chattering away about nothing at all. kyoya was beginning to think he was impervious to the elements.
finally, tamaki glanced to his side. ��how are we feeling?” he smiled. “you look cold.”
kyoya scoffed and clouds of steam billowed from his lips. “what gave me away.”
tamaki laughed. “here.” he stopped, lifted the scarf off of his neck, and threw it around kyoya before looking up at him with wide, expectant eyes.
“hm?” kyoya asked, tossing the scarf around his neck the way he had seen tamaki do a million times, albeit without most of the showmanship.
“you’re not even going to pretend to refuse it?” tamaki pouted, but the amusement in his eyes betrayed his wounded expression. “not even a little?”
kyoya rolled his eyes. “no. tamaki. i simply couldn’t. keep the scarf. i’ll suffer in silence. really.” he said, his words dripping with sarcasm.
tamaki grinned, fastening the top button of his coat. “no one can ever say that kyoya ootori doesn’t have manners.”
“shut up.” kyoya cuffed him on the shoulder. “if i could feel my legs, i’d walk away from you right now.
“no, you wouldn’t.” tamaki teased. “you know why?”
“i suppose you’re going to tell me.”
“because you love me.” tamaki said matter-of-factly.
kyoya rolled his eyes and adjusted the scarf. it was warm. he allowed himself a secret smile once he knew tamaki’s eyes were elsewhere.
after a few moments of walking in comfortable silence, tamaki spoke up again. “kyoya, have you ever considered how much worse our lives would be without each other?” he asked. kyoya nearly choked.
“well, have you?”
kyoya looked at tamaki like he had gone crazy. “what kind of a question is that?”
“it’s been on my mind for a while, if i’m being honest.” tamaki smiled, looking up at the sky. “if we hadn’t met each other, i wouldn’t be walking home with you right now.”
kyoya, who had taken to walking with his arms crossed in front of him to conserve heat, tsked. “and what a tragedy that would be.”
“i’m serious.” tamaki insisted, and something in his voice made kyoya believe him.
“you would have never made the host club.” kyoya mused.
“hey!” tamaki elbowed him. “we would have never made the host club.”
“right, of course.” kyoya played it cool—that was his assigned Type, after all—but secretly, he genuinely enjoyed the host club. the chance to exercise his business skills was a perk, but it was the look in tamaki’s eye whenever something went truly right that made kyoya savor all of his time at the club. the telltale sparkle when he knew he had a princess completely under his spell.
“and you would still be mean.” tamaki added.
kyoya blinked. “...mean?”
“standoffish. impasse. réservé. distant—“
“suffisamment, tamaki. je comprends.”
“but you know what i mean.” tamaki laughed. “...cold.”
kyoya shuddered and tightened tamaki’s scarf around his neck. “i’ll give you that one.”
“i would have never gotten to go to kyoto, or any of the other amazing places you took me to.” tamaki sighed happily, his breath coming out in white clouds of steam. there was a beat as he contemplated something. finally, he turned to look at kyoya. “i don’t think i’d be able to stand it.”
kyoya raised an eyebrow. “stand what?”
“living here.” tamaki kicked a pebble across the street as he walked. “in japan. at ouran. i don’t think i’d have been able to stand it if it weren’t for you.”
kyoya was used to casual affection from tamaki. little touches on the shoulder, playful shouts of “je t’aime!” when kyoya did something for him, lending kyoya his scarf. he always put it down as a cultural difference, nothing more. but this didn’t sound casual. tamaki gave out sweet nothings every day, little whispers of his undying love for whatever princess he happened to be seeing at that moment. but this certainly didn’t sound like nothing. sweet, yes. but nothing? no. there was a catch in his voice that didn’t happen when he spoke to the girls in the host club.
tamaki stopped and tugged at the sleeve of kyoya’s coat to pull him back.
“thank you.” he said, once kyoya was facing him. “i mean it.”
kyoya stared back at tamaki. his cheeks and the tip of his nose were pink from the cold wind blowing into his face, but he wore a smile that made kyoya feel like he was looking into the summer sun. for once, kyoya was completely at a loss for words.
but he knew what he wanted to say.
there’s no one else i would have gone to kyoto with.
there’s no one else i would have made a host club with.
there’s no one else i would walk home in the snow for.
my life would be so much worse without you, tamaki.
“i know you mean it.” kyoya managed to choke out. a million things were running through his head at once, but they all boiled down to one thing—the one thing he could never say aloud.
i love you.
“good.” tamaki nodded, his smile not faltering.
kyoya stayed frozen, in more ways than one. what could he possibly say to convey to tamaki that there was no one else in the entire world he would rather walk home in the snow with? his voice wouldn’t work to form any semblance of speech. without tamaki’s chatter, the grinding noise in his head threatened to overwhelm him completely. tamaki was probably uncomfortable with the silence. he was probably wondering what was wrong. he was probably—
suddenly, hands on kyoya’s cheeks made the chaos in his head freeze in its tracks.
tamaki kissed him, chaste but deliberate.
he tasted like warm honey, just when kyoya was beginning to think he’d never be warm again.
slowly, after a few blissful seconds, tamaki pulled away, his eyes shining and staring directly into kyoya’s soul. “you weren’t overreacting.” he said gently, a little laugh chasing his words. “you really are cold.” his warm hands lingered on kyoya’s cheeks.
once again, kyoya couldn’t find the words to say. he stared at tamaki, taking in the sight of him. with the crown of snow flurries in his hair, he truly looked like an otherworldly prince. “tamaki, i…”
tamaki rearranged his scarf, placing it snug underneath the collar of kyoya’s coat. “it took me a little while to realize.” he said, smiling. “but i got there in the end, didn’t i? you don’t look at anyone the way you look at me.”
there he went again, reading him in a way that no one else could. tamaki could always see right through him, and though it annoyed kyoya to no end, this time he was grateful that tamaki could understand the words he couldn’t bring himself to say.
kyoya exhaled. “i wouldn’t walk home in the snow for anyone else.” he whispered finally. “and i mean it.” the words felt like cardboard in his mouth. he had never said anything like that out loud before—not unless he knew he was guaranteed to benefit from it. he wasn’t disposed to public displays of emotion, but there had always been something about tamaki that made him feel different. made him act different.
tamaki smiled. “don’t get soft on me now, kyoya.” he said. “i know you mean it.”
kyoya managed to stop staring at tamaki for a second to look up and realize where they were. the suoh estate stood tall and inviting, only a few meters from where they were standing.
“we’re here.” kyoya said quietly.
tamaki blinked and turned to look at the mansion looming ahead of them. “yeah.” he smiled. “we are.” the silence between their words didn’t seem as uncomfortable as it used to be. it felt...warm.
“do you want me to walk with you to your place? the snow doesn’t seem like it’s doing you any favors.” tamaki laughed. “we can walk together.”
kyoya shook his head. “thank you, tamaki, but it’s late, i don’t want to keep you.” he took tamaki’s scarf off and wrapped it around his neck, just as affectionately as tamaki had done for him. “and i’m...warmer now.”
tamaki touched the scarf, then touched kyoya’s shoulder. kyoya couldn’t describe it, but to him, the gesture was meaningful beyond words. tamaki’s touch brought sunlight. it brought warmth. it brought love.
and kyoya was telling the truth.
for the first time in a long time, he was warm.
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falling-pages · 3 years
I know about you: Tamakyo
These boys need to feel some happiness and I'll be darned if I'm not the one giving it to them. This is just Kyoya finally getting his well-deserved cuddles.
The gang is on the run from people who wish them dead, Tamaki starts seeing things, and Kyoya learns to let himself be taken care of.
"Kyoya pressed a kiss to his neck to thank him. Thanking him for saving him, for helping him, for making life worth living all over again and again and again every time he smiled."
Tamaki Suoh x Kyoya Ootori
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of riots, evacuation, similar themes.
Tamaki shuffled in the darkness, groaning when he felt the empty space next to him. The sleeping bag was still warm without a certain Shadow King, but he would have preferred clinging to his boyfriend’s body over all the extra space. Kyoya knew Tamaki couldn’t sleep without tangling him in his arms.
So if Kyoya were missing, that led to two theories: he was in danger, or he was sitting by the fire.
Tamaki sat up and stretched, hand smacking against the knife handle on his left. The first theory canceled itself out simply by the fact of his own presence. If some wild thing had taken and eaten Kyoya, he would have been taken, too. He had never heard of a predator picking and choosing a meal when there was a whole buffet of tents to feast upon. Plus, they had a guard dog in Mori, whose razor-sharp senses had been keeping them all in line so far.
They all had survived so far just by sheer luck and Mori’s instincts, and he hoped that luck wouldn’t end the moment he stepped out of the tent.
Something rustled. A shadow moved in front of the crackling fire, long and tall and bespectacled--
Theory number two, proven.
Tamaki laid back down and folded his hands together, propping his head against his interwoven fingers behind him. He watched as the figure paced in circles around the fire, torso bent at an angle, posture tight and rigid. Waiting for Kyoya to finish, Tamaki turned back onto his side, pretending to go to sleep until his love returned to his arms.
Except, he didn’t. Kyoya sat on a log and bent forward, cradling his head in his hands.
It was odd, seeing him like this. He had a habit of staying up late, yes, but once he went to bed he stayed knocked out until the noontime sun shook him awake.
A streak of worry coursed through Tamaki’s veins, and he wondered if it even were Kyoya sitting out there, or if it were an imposter, a traitor, infiltrating their camp.
He grabbed the knife and crawled out of the sleeping bag, pausing at the edge of the tent. It was half-way unzipped, and through the transparent orange cloth, Tamaki confirmed it was his love who sat dejected and alone just a few feet away--his posture was unlike him, but he was wearing Tamaki’s shirt, and the leather straps from his necklace rode along his neck.
“Kyo?” he whispered, setting the knife off to the side. His voice kept its softness, even with the dehydration. He would do anything to dunk his head beneath a creek’s tide and gulp, despite Mori’s warning insurrectionists likely poisoned all the local watering holes.
Kyoya fidgeted, not sitting still for the first time in his life. It was good enough of an invitation, so Tamaki stood, dusted his hands, and joined him on the log.
“Please come back to sleep,” Tamaki mumbled. “The sleeping bag is cold without you.”
Kyoya smirked, finally looking up at him beneath his thin wire rims. That smirk detailed it was a lie, they both knew Tamaki’s body heat was enough for both of them, especially in such a tight, confined space.
But in the firelight, that smirk twisted into a grimace, highlighting the tears welling behind Kyoya’s eyes, and Tamaki reached out and grabbed him, sinking onto the log and pulling him against his chest, rubbing circles up and down his shivering back until the racking sobs and moans reduced to sniffles.
In his shock, Tamaki could only whisper words of comfort and press kisses into his hair. Above it, though, he knew that Kyoya only needed to hold him--that if he could feel his love, that would help quell the sea of anxiety and fear tormenting his soul.
Kyoya clutched Tamaki’s shoulders, kneading his fingers in and out of the seams of his shirt. He had been his anchor since the day he had arrived in Japan, with his cheery voice and chipper eyes and light-filled soul. Together they were a tangle of heartache and wishes, hope and regret, two young men in love thrown into a world that had once coddled them, now trying to kill them.
Their only hope of survival was each other.
“You know, Kyoya, I’ve been thinking,” Tamaki mused, “and since the rioting, the wanting to eat the rich and all that...since they’ve destroyed our property, I suppose we aren’t rich anymore! We should be safe!”
And just like that, the moment broke.
Kyoya didn’t know if he were supposed to laugh or scoff, but after a moment for his brain to process the statement, he let out a mix of both. Tamaki was famous for his fanciful ideas, but this stretched even the definition of fanciful.
“We are the heirs of some of the richest corporations in all of Asia,” Kyoya replied with a sneer. The teardrops dried on his cheeks. “The insurrectionists are not going to just forget what we look like.”
“They might! Put you in contacts, give Mori-senpai a wig, put the little devils in dresses and give Renge a moustache, we’ll be fine!”
Kyoya couldn’t help but laugh at that, a real laugh, and bury his head back into his boyfriend’s chest. He inhaled that distinct Tamaki smell, expensive cologne long forgotten in their evacuation, that persisted despite the sweat and dirt of a week of hiding and travelling in the forest. It pulsated from his soft skin, and Kyoya pressed a kiss to his neck to thank him. Thanking him for saving him, for helping him, for making life worth living all over again and again and again every time he smiled.
But as their laughter faded, the stench of their situation landed back into Kyoya’s mind, souring his mood. They were on the run from a burning society, and with the next safe colony still so far away, the doubts kept him awake.
“Be serious with me, Tamaki,” Kyoya griped. “Do you really have any hope any of us will make it out alive?”
Tamaki’s smile faded as he searched his boyfriend’s face, looking for the anchor and solidity he knew was there. He knew it was there. But it was hidden beneath that stern exterior, a mask of iron inherited from his father, a trait Tamaki had worked so hard with Kyoya to shatter. But in that seriousity was realism, the sobriety to Tamaki’s joviality, and he knew he finally had to face the music.
“I don’t know,” he replied, to which Kyoya scoffed.
But then Tamaki took his hand and spread every finger, admiring the way the skin stretched around each long, bony digit, how evenly polished and clean each nail was, even in the middle of the woods, how miraculous it was that each tendon could connect to bone that could connect to muscle that could be controlled by the brain, especially a brain as terrifyingly wonderful as Kyoya’s. How every part of him was beautiful, sacred, worthy. How he wished he could fill each insecure crack and crevice with his love and reassurances.
He brought that hand to his lips and kissed every knuckle, gently, like a butterfly landing on a rock. He kept his head bowed but heard the quiet sound Kyoya let out, a sound in between surprise and contentment.
“I don’t know about all of us,” Tamaki continued, “but I know about you.”
Kyoya jutted out his lower lip, unsure of how to respond amidst the tidal wave of emotion ravaging his soul. Tamaki folded his hands around Kyoya’s kissed one, like a protective shelter.
“The others are my family, and I love them dearly, but you are my priority,” he said. “I would do anything to make sure you get to the Akaishi Mountains. If my mother were here, I would ask her to pray. If Nekozawa were here, I would ask him to appeal to every spirit he knows. If I could I would sell my own soul to ensure your safe passage.”
Tamaki lifted his face to Kyoya’s, clenching his jaw with such a chromatic force he could have chipped a tooth. “I love you more than anything, and I will do anything in my power or out of it to save you.”
A log in the fire snapped, but neither man noticed. All was silent in the air except for the promise, heavy and saturated and sinking in the air. They were going to make it. They had to.
“Come back to bed with me, yes?” Tamaki whispered, a yawn snatching the end of his sentence. His arm floated back down around Kyoya’s shoulders, rubbing warmth into them. Coaxing, prodding, as gentle as he ever was.
With the butterfly kisses smattered across his cheeks to accompany the plea, how could Kyoya refuse?
Something tight rolled in his chest, reverberating with every beat of his heart. He was always the one to take care of everyone else, protecting them through influence and power, his family’s money or private army. And yet here they were, all of them, on the run from those who wish them dead because of him--with Tamaki cooing and cradling him, taking care of him for once. Like he deserved it, like it was his reward for all the scamming, scheming and choking business deals he had performed.
So he let Tamaki propel him upwards, pulling him up into the night sky, where dozens of stars saw fit to smile on them as they lumbered back to the tent. Once inside, Tamaki gently laid him down inside the sleeping bag, secured the tent, and crawled in next to him, blowing air onto his chilly fingers. Kyoya allowed him, detaching the lock around his heart and throwing it into the forest beyond.
Tamaki hummed as he warmed the Shadow King, pausing only when Kyoya lifted his head from his chest to press a kiss against his chapped lips. It was so gentle, and rarely did Kyoya initiate affection, that Tamaki nearly cried from the happy blooms snaking through his body.
“Thanks,” Kyoya whispered, laying his head back down on Tamaki’s chest, syncing his breathing.
“Let me take care of you, baby,” Tamaki whispered, kissing Kyoya’s forehead. “I swear I will.”
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rose-demica · 4 years
A guest shows up at your house drunk. (Prompt)
Fandom: Ouran High Host Club
Series: Unnamed WIP,
Pairings: Kyoya Ootori / Violetta Tatsuya (OFC)
Warnings: Underage Drinking
Tags: @evilskank-inthemegacoven
This is a little old, and doesn’t fit in with the current direction the story is heading, but it was fun to write. 
Violetta Tatsuya didn't know what she was expecting from a lazy night in, she had completed all the paperwork the White Lily League had pressed upon her earlier. She had just settled down in front of the huge flat screen television in her private drawing room when a butler barged in. Her requested glass of Red wine sloshed over the sides of the silver tray it had been delicately placed atop a few moments earlier. "A guest, my lady, for you." He announced, Violetta reached for the nearest item of clothing, shrugging it around her shoulders, covering up the low cut tank top she would wear to sleep in later that night. She nodded at the butler as her arms slipped through the sleeves, wrapping around her waist to hold the shirt closed until she found the time to make herself more presentable. "Lady Tatsuya." A man called, stumbling through the door, it took a moment for Violetta to recognize the normally perfectly composed male. "Kyoya?" The light reflected off of his glasses as bloodshot and glazed over eyes attempted to focus on her.
"Is that my shirt?" He blurted out, hand covering his mouth as he realised he had spoken his thoughts. "Leave us." Violetta ordered the butler, who fled from the room, eager to tell the others of whom had drunkenly showed up at her door. "Kyoya." She moved with years of trained grace to his side, wrapping one arm around his waist, the other tugged his arm over her shoulders, holding it there as she navigated him towards the couch. "Excuse me, my lady, shall I send for a car to take Master Ootori home?" A much more competent butler knocked on the door, calling out softly. Violetta glanced at the man she was supporting, before making up her mind. "No, Master Ootori can remain here. Have a guest room prepared, make sure painkillers and water are readily available, and be sure that competent staff are on hand when he awakes." "Of course my lady, can I get you anything now?" Violetta forced Kyoya down onto the couch, using one hand on his chest to hold him still when he tried to get up once more. "Just water." She replied, eyes flicking back down to the man when she felt a gentle tug on her hair. "Such a beautiful colour." He murmured to himself, letting the strands of dark red weave through his fingers playfully. "Kyoya." Violetta whispered, his eyes flicked to her, then to the hand holding him down. "My shirt." A smile tugged at his lips, his fingers tracing the skin just below the folds of the sleeves. Violetta rolled her eyes, of course it was his shirt, only he was so pedantic about the sleeves being folded, folded not rolled, a certain way. "How do you have my shirt?" Kyoya voiced her thoughts, she definitely hadn't taken it from his room, nor the Ouran host halls. "I am unsure." She responded, realising he was waiting for her to answer his musing. "Perhaps it was Sylvia and Haruhi, they did take the club's cosplay clothes to that commoner's washing house." Kyoya sighed, letting his hand fall to rest on top of hers. "You're beautiful." The sincerity in his voice astounded her, it could not have been true, she was in her worst night time wear, makeup removed and hair no doubt a mess from all the times she ran her fingers through it while calculating budgets. A nervous habit her father had not managed to break. Heavy breathing cut off Violetta's chance to reply, Kyoya falling asleep. Slowly she retracted her hand from under his, removing his glasses and placing them on the nearest solid surface. A hand ran through his raven locks, easily tussling out the knots. "Sweet dreams Master Ootori." she whispered, kissing his forehead before breezing from the room. ~~~ Kyoya awoke with a groan, limbs strangled by sheets and blankets too silky and far too soft to be his own. His back sunk into the mattress, lacking the firmness he was so used to. Slowly he opened his eyes, blurry images only half coming into view, there was a distinct lack of quality lighting in the room. Only a small lamp seemed to illuminate a small corner of the huge room; more specifically it lit up a table that held two small pills, a large jug of water, and his glasses. Pushing aside the sweltering blankets, Kyoya forced himself into an upright position, hand holding his head as it decided to make its presence known. An army of drum playing monkeys, hurling and screeching while being horribly off key assaulted his senses. "Master Ootori? We had not expected you awake so soon. I apologise for our mistake. Here." A silver tray made its way into his watery view, he took his glasses first, putting them on so he could make out the two small white capsules before him. "For your hangover sir. I shall have a meal brought up immediately. Is there anything in particular you wish for?" Kyoya shook his head slightly, taking the full glass, and downing the pills with ease. The soft shutting of the door sounded like a clap of thunder in his head. With a groan he covered his ears, laying back down. Kyoya could remember very little of the night before. He remembered suits, ball gowns, and a large hall filled to the brim with people, dancing and mingling. He remembered being proud, watching it all go off without a hitch. So it must have been a host party. The twins? They were always up to no good, they must have spiked his drink, Had they gotten to anyone else? What was supposed to be a soft knock startled him out of his thoughts. Light flooding into the room as the door opened, hitting his eyes as though someone was shining a spotlight directly into them. He squeezed them tightly shut, listening for the sound of the door shutting before he would dare attempt to open them once more. "His father searches for him, my lady, what shall I say?" A soft spoken female questioned, "Call Tamaki Suoh, he will cover for his friend. No one is to know of Ootori's whereabouts nor the state in which he arrived at my door, understood?" He recognized the female voice that spoke the second time. Lady Violetta of the Tatsuya family? How had he ended up at her place? This had to be her family's estate, right? "Help! Kyoya." Tamaki raced towards him, Sylvia hot on his heels, the younger woman clearly furious with the club president. Kyoya remembered the sight, and accepting a drink from Hikaru. Easily smoothing out whatever it was his best friend had managed to do to anger the newest transfer. He had been busy overseeing the proceeding ball and ensuring all the hosts - and hostess played their respective parts, keeping the guests happy and coming back. Never realising the drink he had never emptied, no matter how much he drank from it. Kaoru and Hikaru were especially nice, odd, how did he not notice this sooner? The twins were really that nice unless they had something planned. How many others had they tricked into consuming alcohol? It could ruin the club's pristine image. The bed shifted, dipping as a weight settled itself on his left hand side. A gentle hand rested on the side of his face, sweeping a few strands of hair back into place. Lips as soft and smooth as silk lingered on his forehead, long hair brushed over his neck and chest, tickling him ever so slightly as Lady Violetta pulled away. What had he said to her in his drunken state? What words of truth had she pulled from his unwitting lips. "Relax Kyoya, I did nothing to take advantage of you. You were asleep before I got the chance. Try to get some more rest, you can hide out here until you feel better, or ready to face the world again." The hand pulled away from the side of his face, his skin tingling where it had been resting. "Excuse me, my lady. Breakfast is ready, where would you like it served?" A male voice whispered, clearly cautious around Kyoya's half drunk, half hungover state. "I shall have mine in my study, Master Ootori can have his here if he so chooses. Please have the staff obey him as they would me." Kyoya was startled as the weight on his bed shifted, sinking even further down, something pressing against his left hand side. "Etoile, behave, get off the bed." Violetta scolded, trying to contain her laughter. Kyoya's eyes flew open as something licked his face, a long pink tongue startled him into squeezing his eyes shut again, hands coming up to try stop the onslaught. "Etoile!" Violetta shrieked with laughter as the dog turned its affections to her. Kyoya opened his eyes to see Violetta half heartedly fight the husky off. A smile crept over his face as he saw the younger woman with her guard down. "Settle down girl." Violetta rested a hand on the pup's nape, instantly the dog was settled, laying down against Kyoya's side. Nudging him with her head until he relented and petted her. His long fingers smoothing out the huskies grey and black fur. "I prefer cats." He grumbled, as his arm was made subject to a huge lick. Etoile didn't seem to care for his insult, her tail whacking him repeatedly in the leg. "My Lady, Master Ootori, I apologise for the interruption, but Master's Hitachiin are demanding to see you. Apparently they're certain he is here." A elderly man half knocked on the door as he spoke. "Kyoya-sempai!!" Kyoya whimpered slightly at the exceedingly loud yells of the two young men. Violetta smiled, before motioning for the twins to keep quiet. They ignored her, barrelling onto the bed to wrap themselves around a furious Kyoya. "I believe you owe Master Ootori an apology. I shall have breakfast sent up for you. Etoile, come." Both woman and dog gracefully got up and left the three men alone in the large guest room. "What-" Kyoya growled, eyes flickering between the two boys as they stumbled over one another in an attempt to explain. "We only meant for you to have one or two Kyoya-Senpai." "We just wanted you to have a little fun." "We didn't realise how much you had until-" "We're sorry Kyoya-senpai!" Kaoru cut his elder brother off, nudging him to stay silent. "Until what?" Both twins refused to meet his gaze, suddenly finding various other things around the room interesting. Kyoya knew he had no need to speak, glaring at both of them until one finally caved. "Well Kyoya-" Hikaru started to speak, Kaoru sighed, laying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling. "You see-" He spoke softly, "It's my fault really." Both boys spoke in unison, looking guiltily at one another as they began to recall the night before. "I don't know guys, this can't be smart." Haruhi cautioned the twins, watching as they tried to pick a bottle of alcohol they hoped Kyoya wouldn't be able to taste. Haruhi was supposed to be helping the torn twins to decide. "It'll be good for him Haruhi, he needs to loosen up and have fun." The boys chorused, reiterating the exact reason behind their evil-genius plan.
"If you say so." Haruhi reluctantly pointed at Kaoru, who held his bottle of vodka up victoriously. Hikaru scowled as he placed the gin back on the shelf. "Do I want to know how you were able to purchase alcohol? You aren't yet 20."  Kyoya interrupted the twins flashback with a sigh. "The butler is." Hikaru announced with a smirk, "We told him it was a present for a older friend." Kaoru added, "Technically not a lie, he just failed to ask how old you were." "Anyway-" Hikaru and Kaoru both smiled at each other, a perfect opportunity to finally spike the uptight shadow King's drink. They slipped a glass into his hand as he dealt with Tamaki and Sylvia. Sharing yet another sly smirk as Kyoya drank deeply, not noticing the vodka that accompanied the punch. After that, the twins found it easier and easier to top up his glass, the alcohol getting stronger and stronger each time, the twins trying to one up each other with each refill. They didn't realise how much the older man had drunk until it was too late. Kyoya was stumbling slightly, taking advantage of the well placed tables and support pillars around the room to remain standing, His hair was dishevelled for what may have been the first time in his life. Top few dress shirt buttons undone, much to the female population's amusement, his tie was loosened around his neck, flirting with a young red haired woman. 
Sylvia and Haruhi seemed to notice the impending disaster, Sylvia sweeping the Shadow King out onto the dancefloor as he made as though to kiss the student. The guests thoroughly enjoyed what they assumed was a performance. Tamaki expertly distracted the females so Haruhi and Sylvia could sneak Kyoya out and into a nearby limo.
"No one realised. We're sorry Kyoya-Senpai." Both twins chorused, ending their tale of the night before.
"Breakfast." A butler announced, three trays laden with food handed to each young boy. Kyoya smiled to himself, eyes on the young woman in the doorway. It seemed not everything had gone entirely awful after all. 
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pilindiel · 5 years
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The Night We Met |AO3|
Pairing: KyoKao
Rating: G
Word Count: 1108
Kyoya clearly remembers the day he first met Hitachiin Kaoru.
Kyoya clearly remembers the day he first met Hitachiin Kaoru.  
It was a sticky summer morning, the kind that makes the air thick with moisture even through the bearing heat of the sun. Kyoya, for once in his life, unbuttons his cuffs and rolls up his sleeves, desperate enough for some relief from the stagnant air to lose some of his typical decorum.
Tamaki had insisted the windows stay open to more clearly see the blooming summer flowers he was so enamored with, so Kyoya obliged, knowing any protest would eventually lead to Tamaki getting what he wanted regardless.  It honestly wasn’t worth the energy.
That didn’t mean he liked the idea.  He sits at a table in the shade towards the back - the only spot in Music Room 3 close enough to the door to get the minuscule leak of processed air conditioning - and he flips through his new book with a scowl.
Tamaki prattles on about one thing or another regarding their new club when the door creaks open.
They come in with a gust of wind; a cross-breeze through the opened door and window that is so welcomed Kyoya has no choice but to look up.
On the outset there’s nothing remarkable about them.  Crisp, white uniforms with the gold emblem and decals of Ouran’s official middle school attire and fiery, matching red hair that makes them stand out against any backdrop.  Identical in every way except for the parts in their hairstyles. Unmistakably the young heirs of the Hitachiin family.
The Matriarchal-run Hitachiin family is strong, but eccentric.  Their grandmother, Hitachiin Kazuha was never a woman to be trifled with in business or design, but her daughter Yuzuha and her spouse were both prominent in their respective fields.  Even though Mr. Hitachiin paled in comparison to his entrepreneurial wife, his computer software company was quite the commodity amongst the upper classes. Position-wise, Kyoya can see why Tamaki is so taken by them.
Though, Kyoya is slowly learning those are never Tamaki’s intentions.
Tamaki bounces over to them, exuberant as always, and he drags them forward as he babbles about plans for the club Kyoya has heard hundreds of times before.  “Your mother is a fashion designer, right?!” He asks excitedly to the bewildered pair, as if anyone at the Academy wasn’t privy to everyone else’s business, “Does she design your clothes for you, too?”
“What’s it matter to you?” they say in unison, annoyance clear in their tones.
“Do you think she would ever design outfits for us?” he asks brightly.
Their combined “ What?! ”s are lost on Tamaki as he stops by Kyoya’s chair.
Honestly, Kyoya expected them to be overwhelmed, swept up by the extravagance of the room and Tamaki's overbearing indulgence, but he’s pleasantly surprised to find quite the opposite.
It’s nice to be around people who don’t fall for Tamaki’s antics.
The one on the right looks positively bored, picking at his nails between giving Tamaki weary glances, while the other has a rather unusual look in the gold of his irises. Something Kyoya can't place.
His sharp gaze lands on Kyoya and there's a spark of inquisitive, astute energy behind his stare.
No, not odd.  Intriguing. Perhaps Tamaki wasn't so random in his choices after all.
“And you are?” they ask brattily as Kyoya stands.  It’s almost refreshing how little they seem to care about Kyoya’s position.  Surely they know an Ootori when they see one.
He offers them a bow and gets nothing but curt nods in response.
“Ootori Kyoya,” he says. The both purse their lips.
“How much did you bribe him to be part of your club?” they ask, attention turned to Tamaki's flushed expression. He suddenly looks flabbergasted, turning to Kyoya for support, and it takes all of Kyoya’s resolve not to smirk.  
Instead he indulges himself and shrugs.
“Please,” he says, hand over his heart, “Do you honestly believe the Suoh family could afford me?”
Tamaki looks affronted - wailing dramatically about villains on all sides - but oh , there's something exciting about the way the twin with the inquisitive eyes quirks his lips into a grin. His brother chortles at his side, but those eyes are on Kyoya only and his chest warms at the attention.
Apparently the dig at Tamaki garners him some favor and after the laughter dies down, they introduce themselves properly.
“Hitachiin Hikaru,” the twin on the right says with a short bow.
“Hitachiin Kaoru,” the other follows, “It’s nice to meet you, Ootori-san.”
Kyoya casually slips his hands into his pockets, regarding them both.  “I assume you will be joining us?”
There’s a flash of apprehension between them, but it’s gone before Kyoya can figure out what prompted it.
“Absolutely,” they reply.
Tamaki bounces back with a smile, all misery forgotten, and he places one of his hands on each of their shoulders.
“Now remember,” he says haughtily, “You must maintain high grades if you want to remain in my good graces.”
“Who would want that?” they respond.
With a shriek Tamaki begins to usher them out, lecturing them about upcoming exams and irresponsible children, and Kyoya can practically hear the way their eyes roll.
They're at the door when Kaoru stops. His brother raises an eyebrow, but Kaoru turns and meets Kyoya's eyes, striking him to his core.
“Ootori-san,” he says.  Kyoya straightens.
A knowing smirk.  A flash of those golden, keen eyes. “That book?”  He gestures to the abandoned novel on the table and Kyoya raises an eyebrow.  “You're going to hate the ending.”
Kyoya blinks, surprised at the skip of his heart.
Before he can inquire more, Kaoru is ducking out of the music room and into the air-conditioned hallway.
The door shuts and leaves Kyoya with a comforting chill across his skin, the lingering scent of apple blossoms.
“So...” Tamaki drawls, strolling up to him, “What do you think?”
“What do I think about what?” Kyoya muses, taking a sip of his now lukewarm tea.
“The twins!” Tamaki cries, exasperated, “They'll make a great addition to our club, don't you think?”
Kyoya hums noncommittally, fingers dragging lightly against the sun-soaked warmth of the book's cover.  It’s on old novel, with faded pages and cracked spine, and Kyoya outlines one of the once vibrant characters on the cover with a slender finger.
“Intriguing,” he murmurs, “In it’s own way.”
It’s midnight when he finishes the final chapter in his room, dressed down for sleep and accompanied by the cold, artificial light of his bedside lamp.  Exhausted and dumbfounded, he can’t hold back the laugh that fills his chest.
The ending is terrible, and Kyoya smiles.
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ouranking · 5 years
I’m on mobile. Can I get a link to your rules?
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Hello my dear! My Rules page is a pop up so let me go ahead and copy and paste them and put them under a read more for you.
Hey there! My name is Luna! and you have managed to find my rules page. Please take the time to read over them. Most of my rules are the basic ‘don’t be a dick’ rules, so hopefully it won’t be too hard to get through. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.
LAST UPDATED: 09/17/2018
This is a Tamaki Suoh blog from Ouran High School Host Club. My interpretation of him is based on the anime and manga so please expect me to incorporate things from both! I will also be throwing in the flare of my own headcanons into the mix, so please expect that.
I am SEMI-SELECTIVE blog. What this means is that I am reserving the right to decide who I want to roleplay with at any given time. I do this for my anxiety sake, and I don’t ever want to roleplay with someone out of guilt or obligation. All I am asking is that you please respect this, I have a hard time with confrontation, but I am not about to be bullied either.
My activity often varies day to day, there are some days that I’m on all day long, and other days where I don’t touch my computer at all. I’m a stay at home mom, and sometimes my children don’t exactly make it easy to actively be online. I also have other hobbies like video games, and sometimes I’m just in the mood to binge watch a show rather than trying to do drafts.
When it comes to DRAFTS, and replies I want it to be known that I am not fast most days. I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to writing, and even on my good days I’ve been known to queue things if I feel like I need a chance to get caught up. I ask nicely that you don’t harass me for a reply, though if it has been over two weeks you can kindly ask me if I’ve seen your reply because sometimes tumblr can be dumb, or I can be spacey.
Anyone is allowed to send in MEMES, however I reserve the right to decide not to answer it for whatever reason. You are totally allowed to turn any meme I answer into a thread, AS LONG AS YOU MAKE IT A NEW POST.
Along with memes, anyone is allowed to reply to one of my OPENS or like one of my STARTER CALLS. The only time this changes is if I specifically tag it as 'mutuals only’, and I ask that you please respect that. Though I do try to write everyone a starter or make sure I answer everyone’s reply to an open, I’m not perfect. I may miss one or two, or I may not be able to come up with something decent.
I am a multi-ship and multi-verse blog, and what this means is that any and all interactions I have with fellow rp partners are all in their own separate verses. Unless discussed ahead of time by all parties involved. I love all forms of AUS and CROSSOVERS and most of the time am more than willing to figure out something with my rp partner if their character isn’t from the Ouran canon. Especially since Ouran isn’t exactly an active fandom, i plan on making plenty of different possible Aus for Tamaki to make him more accessible for crossovers!
When it comes to shipping, I have been often times described as a shipping hoarder. I am also someone who can see a potential ship quite easily. However, I’m still a fan of chemistry between characters. I am of course always willing to hear someone out of they think there is a chance that a ship can be formed, however this does not give anyone the right to push their muse onto me or Tamaki. Please respect this. If I think the ship feels forced in any regard there is a good chance I will drop it.
Plotting is a team effort, no one person should be expected to come up with the entirety of any plot. With that being said, if you approach me for plotting, or like a plotting call, please be prepared to actively engage with me and work with me to try and come up with something for our characters. If it seems like you are unwilling to actively help me out then there is a good chance that I will lose interest and give up altogether.
If you are an ORIGINAL CHARACTER looking to interact with me I am totally game! The only thing I ask is that you have at least some sort of about page so I can read up on your character, or be willing to answer any and all questions I may have about your character.
When it comes to nsfw content such as roleplaying out a sex scene it goes without saying that I will only write such things with someone who is 18+, even then I rarely ever write out sex scenes. This is honestly because I feel uncomfortable and am never satisfied with my writing. However I do still write it from time to time with people I know ooc and am comfortable with and those threads will be tagged.
Another added note about NSFW content is that there will be no sex scenes happening within Tamaki’s main verse because he is still a minor by U.S. Standards and since that is where I live I’m going to abide by that law. HOWEVER. I have verses where Tamaki is over 18 and am more than willing to discuss such things in those verses, though like i said before I rarely ever write sex scenes to begin with.
I rarely do exclusives, the reason being that every time I was involved exclusively with someone it went to shit and only caused problems and unneeded drama. I will however take on mains and all that means is that muse permitting those people will have priority, along with having to deal with my ass sending them songs, feels, memes and writing them random starters from time to time.My current mains can be found in the next tab over titled 'mains’.OOC DRAMA
Alright here is the dealio my friends.
I am not a fan of OOC Drama, i’ve seen my fair share of it and i’m just not a fan. With that being said, I want to be left out of it. Whatever the drama is, just leave me out of it all. I’m not a fan of callout posts in almost every capacity. I think they are beyond childish, and scream ‘high school drama bullshit’, like it’ a goddamn burn book and no one needs that shit okay? Dragging your personal beef with someone like that is just.. -deep breath- my point is, I don’t like it.
Obviously i’m not a fan of anon hate, and I won’t tolerate it on this blog at all. You can expect them to be blocked immediately. I am here to have fun writing a character that I love with all my heart, and i’m not about to let tumblr’s toxic nature ruin that for me. So please if you have a problem with the way I run my blog then just unfollow me, or even block me if you have to. I’ll do what is good for me, and you do what is good for you.
Also, don’t warn me about people. I know you probably think you are just doing something nice and looking out for people. But more often than not, you are just putting me in a really uncomfortable position that I don’t want to be in. So do yourself a favor and just.. Don’t.
For the most part I am a relatively laid back person, I love to chat with my roleplay partners OOC, because a lot of time that helps me get to know them and it just helps for world building and creating something truly amazing together. With that being said, if we are writing together, especially if we have a ship.. I can be a babbler. I tend to get excited about ships and the things we plan to do and i love talking headcanons and ‘what ifs’ situations that can be created into plots. If this is something that bothers you, or you aren’t a fan of it? Tell me up front. If it’s the case then I’ll refrain to a pace that you are more comfortable with. I say this because if you say you are okay with it, and then proceed to.. give me short answers and make me feel like you aren’t interested, I will probably drop the ship because my anxiety can’t handle that.
Another thing to keep in mind, I have anxieties myself. Sometimes I don’t click with people as easily as I do others and that’s okay! However please remember that I’m occasionally busy and I may not always be around and on my computer. Sometimes I am forgetful, especially with the tumblr IMs system. However please please don’t spam me there with questions of like ‘did i do something wrong?’ or ‘ am i annoying you?’ etc. this makes me extremely uncomfortable and make me more likely to just nore reply at all as horrible as it sounds, but anxiety is a bitch and no one is perfect.
When it comes to following blogs, I do my best to look over new followers in a timely manner and a lot goes into my decision on whether or not I’ll follow a blog back. Please keep in mind that I obviously can’t follow everyone back because that would make my blog way too fast pace and I can’t have that.
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drvcxrys · 3 years
“you look like bad news”. - haruhi and tamaki (@irresistiibles)
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(¸.• → “aw, why?” he honestly just wanted to spend more time with haruhi, he was very excited to be here and just spend some time with her, like old times. “i wanted to take you out for lunch, go with me? we can maybe go and eat...ootoro if you want.” he was ready to please, he just couldn’t help himself and he knew how she likes the fancy tuna.
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cermitshub · 3 years
"Why are you looking at me like that?" // Haruhi && Tamaki.
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"I can't help it, you just look so cute, Haruhi!"
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cermitshub · 3 years
“Looks like it’ll rain again, doesn’t it? Ah, don’t mind me… just thinking out loud, is all!” (For Tamaki from Toshiro?)
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"Yes, it does. Rain seems to make those either really sleepy, or really sad, maybe some would be happy or calm about it." He mused out loud with the male. "How do you feel about rain?"
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