alotofpockets · 3 days
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The Tooney and Russo Show | Alessia Russo x Williamson!Reader, Leah Williamson x Sister!Reader & Ella Toone x Platonic!Reader
Where you take over hosting The Tooney & Russo show when Vick is sick.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
“Tooney, you’ve made it!” Alessia stood up and hugged her best friend. You were meeting Ella for breakfast before heading to the studio to film their last podcast episode for the season. “How was the trip?” You asked after you gave her a hug as well.
Ella sat down with a sigh, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the tube is not my friend.” You shared a knowing look with your girlfriend before you both chuckled, Ella and tubes didn’t go together, and she would complain about them every single time. Alessia and Vick had offered to get a studio in Manchester and make the trip over, but Ella insisted that it was more practical if only one person would have to travel. Yet, she often brought her boyfriend with her, so the one person only rule rarely applied. Either way, it was always great when Ella was in town.
“Is Leah not here yet?” You shake your head, “You know my sister, always a busy schedule.” The two Lionesses nodded in agreement, “She said she’d join us when her meeting was done though.”
Just when your food was delivered to the table, Leah made her way through the door. “Sorry I’m late.” You all greet her with a hug and wave off her apologies. The four of you were having a great time chatting over breakfast, when both Alessia’s and Ella’s phones buzzed at the same time. It was a message from Vick, letting them know that she’s sick to the point where she has lost her voice, so she won’t be able to make it to the shoot.
While Alessia and Ella started discussing their options, you were thinking. “I can host it.” Three pairs of eyes met you in question. “Come on, it will be fun! I know all of you, and the fans know me as well.” It didn’t take much to convince them of your idea.
“Hello and welcome to this very special episode of The Tooney and Russo Show with me not Vick Hope.” Alessia and Ella cheered excitedly and Alessia announced “It’s the season finale!” 
“As you can hear and see, I am not Vick. Sadly Vick had to miss out because she’s sick, but I am here to step in. My name is Y/n Williamson, and yes the last name should tell you all you need to know. Speaking of Williamson’s, I am not the only one of them here today. My sister, Captain of the Lionesses, Leah Williamson is our guest for this episode.”
The four of you chat for a bit about the relationship with Leah on and off the pitch. It was an easy environment and it felt like it was just a chat between friends, which of course really it was. 
“Oh and before any of you start saying Tooney is the third wheel because Y/n is my girlfriend and Leah’s sister.” She looked between the two of you with a chuckle, “Let me tell you that those two are like the same person.”
“They really are.” Leah chimes in. “Sometimes when I see Y/n with Ella and Alessia, I think she might be dating Ella instead.” 
“In another life.” You joke, getting a laugh out of the Lionesses trio. “Yeah, we are pretty similar. We have the same sense of humour, and have a lot of the same opinions on things. When Less started dating her, I was afraid that maybe my bond with Less would be affected, but I think Y/n made us even closer.”
“Yeah, sometimes I even feel like the third wheel with them.” Alessia laughs. “But you love it.” Ella says in defence. “Yeah I do, I’m glad the two of you get along so well.”
“At this point, I think we annoy Leah and Alessia equally.” You say proudly, and Ella agrees with you. ”You two are a nightmare when you team up against us.” Leah says teasingly. “But we love you.” Alessia follows up quickly.
When everyone was done laughing you moved onto the next topic. You asked about them winning the Euros and how football changed in England after, and how Alessia’s move from United to Arsenal was through the perspective of her former and new club teammate.
“I actually had a question for you, Y/n.” Ella put out into the group. “What’s it like having the England captain, the woman that is the face of English football, as your sister?”
“That is an interesting question actually. I admire her for everything she has done and is doing, and I am so proud of her and to be her sister, but at home she’s just my sister. We still argue about who gets the last ham sandwich, and who took the last cookie from the jar.” You joke.”
“Oh yeah,” Alessia hooks on, “The love for ham sandwiches runs in the family, it’s not just Leah.”
“I’ve got another question!” Ella perks up. You chuckle, “If you wanted to host, you could’ve just said so.” She sends you a challenging look, before biting back. “Wouldn’t have to if you did your job right.” You chuckle, “Okay fine, you win this one. What’s your question?”
“Well, I know the story, but I’ve seen some comments from fans wanting to hear how Less and Y/n got together, with Leah being Less her captain and all.” You glance at Alessia, letting her speak for the both of you.
“Oh that is an interesting one. Many people think Leah wouldn’t have liked us getting together, but she actually told me to ask Y/n out.” Leah nodded, “Yeah, they kept looking at each other with heart eyes, and I couldn’t take their pining any longer. Every time I was trying to eat my ham sandwich in peace, they would just be all gross.”
You raised your shoulders, “Even I was shocked when Less told me that Leah approved. Now it makes sense though. Leah has always protected me and Jacob, and wants us to be happy. She knows Less and knew that she would treat me right.”
“Alright alright, we get it love birds, don’t ruin my appetite for lunch with your sappiness.” Leah jokes. “Speaking of lunch, I think we’re about ready to go have some. Thank you everyone who has stuck with the Tooney and Russo Show all season, personally I cannot wait for them to start on another season. As always, send in your questions and it could be featured in one of the next episodes!”
As you finished your sentence, the three girls waved to the camera and said bye. The cameras and microphones got turned off, and that concluded the first season of the podcast. “That was so fun!” Leah agreed, “Yeah, thank you so much for letting me be a part of this.”
After the four finished lunch, you went your separate ways again. You and Alessia made your way home, her hand in yours as you strolled the streets. “You were a natural, darling.” You smiled, “Yeah? It was a lot of fun, thank you for allowing me to join you.”
“Mhm! Vick might fear for her job when she sees the episode.” Your girlfriend jokes with a little nudge to your shoulder. “Hmm, as much as I loved hosting, Vick is a much better host. Plus that way I can just sit behind the scenes and look at you with heart eyes all episode.
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wosobronze · 2 days
Might be a lot to ask but do you have any interactions saved of Lucy and Ona when they both played in Manchester or when England played Spain??
this is them literally passing the ball to each other which makes me die😭 there’s also a video of them doing an elbow bump in covid times but god knows where that is
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wordsbyrian · 13 hours
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they call her sloth but this is really giving koala
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mysunshinetemptress · 10 months
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Never yours to fix
Alessia Russo x mum!reader
Warnings: angst absent parent, fluff
As a child you dreamed of being a mum, it was something your parents often talked about you constantly carrying your baby doll a girl you had named Gina.
Although you had dreamed of being a mum you never expected it to happen so soon but after your boyfriend knocked you up at the age of 19 you knew no matter what you would love every moment of it. And you did well mostly, you loved the moments it was just you and Teddy or the moments you shared with your family, you hated the moments she would sit watching the door for her Dad to decide he wanted to spend time with her, the moments she cried into your arms stating “daddy not love me.” The moments he cancelled last minute or didn’t show up at all.
Teddy’s heart had been broken so many times that you often felt like you failed her, you hadn’t not by a long shot you where the best mum a 21 year old could be, Teddy was loved and cared for and you made sure she didn’t have to worry about ever feeling hungry..well your dad did after he got you a job in his company but still it was you there to laugh with her when she was her happiest and hold her when she was at her saddest which was more frequent these days after her Dad found himself a new girlfriend. Being caught up in making sure Teddy was loved and happy you often neglected it for yourself but you couldn’t possibly bring in a new person to your life scared Teddy would get attached and then become even more heartbroken when it eventually turned bad. That was until you met her.
Teddy was staying with your parents while you and your brother attended Manchester United vs Newcastle at Old Trafford, since you where kids both you and your brother held season tickets and although you still bought it you hadn’t used yours in two since having your daughter. Seats picked right beside the directors box at the Bobby Charlton stand you both got comfortable catching up.
You both sat with batted breath as you watch the boys in red try tirelessly to defend sighing and dropping your head in disappointment turning when you heard a laugh, eyes catching two girls sat beside you. The brunette turned before locking eyes with you and smiling sheepishly hitting the blonde girl beside her “sorry, it’s not funny I know but if I don’t laugh I’ll cry.” It was your turn to laugh before nodding “that’s understandable haven’t seen them preform as good as they should be since I was a kid if I’m being honest but once a red always a red so I’ll keep coming.” The girls smiled at you “I’m Y/n and this is my brother Jamie.” The brunette smiled “I’m..” Jamie laughed “oh we know who you are best number seven for United and Alessia the traitor.” You thumped Jamie’s arm at the last part “sorry ignore him he wishes he was half as decent as you Alessia.” The girls laughed as the whistle sounded for half time “right my turn to buy drinks.” You dragged your brother up before turning to the girls “you guys coming “oh no we…”. You smiled “come on it’s on me please.” The both nodded standing before following you to the drinks stand.
Arriving back to your seats Ella was pulled away spotting a family friend so Alessia had decided to take her seat beside you as you both struck up a conversation “so how long have you been a United fan for.” You shrugged thinking “god don’t think I can remember but my entire life really, Dads a red used to live by Busby way as a kid then he met mum, Mum moved from Ireland when she was 22 they met shortly after in the Stretford end actually, got married and when the business did well moved to Hale had My brother then me and the rest is history.” Alessia smiled at your little story “sorry just realised I told you my entire life story.” Alessia laughed nah it’s all good “I’m a red as well although I grew down south, my Dad is a massive fan. My brothers and I followed after him my mum she isn’t really into it but she’ll watch if I’m playing.” You smiled “that’s really cute.” You both continued talking not even realising the final whistle had blown until Jamie shuck your shoulder “ready.” You looked around “oh, well I best be off it was really nice to meet you Alessia.” You stood slowly smiling at the girl as Alessia shot from her seat “wait, I’d ehm well I…you don’t have to.. I mean I don’t even know if this is what your into…oh god spit it out… would you like to go out with me tomorrow.” You looked at her surprised “like a date.” Alessia nodded “yeah…I had a really nice time with you and I would love to do it again if you are free.” You stood thinking before turning to Jamie “I got T don’t worry.” You smiled great fully “I’d love to here out your number in.”
It was your second date when you finally told Alessia about Teddy. “I really like you and before this goes any further I need to tell you something.” Alessia grabbed your hand across the table “breath Y/n.” You looked at her eyes wide in worry “I have a daughter, Teddy..she ehm she’s two and my entire world and listen I understand if this is all to much for you and before you get up and leave just know I have had the best time with you these past few weeks.” Alessia let go of your hand eyes wide in shock “Teddy.” You nodded head dropping slightly “oh my god that is the cutest name ever have you got photos oh when can I meet her, does she have a favourite show, favourite princess, does she like football tell me everything.” You looked at her in shock before bursting into tears as Alessia got up to move beside you “oh shit Y/n I’m sorry.” You shook your head “no I’m sorry I god it’s just I love her so much and I was so scared of telling you in fear you wouldn’t like me anymore because I really like you.” You spent the rest of the night show Less videos of Teddy and telling her all about her and Alessia found herself falling fast watching your eyes sparkle as you talked about your daughter buzzing in anticipation to meet her.
A month after Alessia finally asked you to be her girlfriend you decided it was time to introduce her to Teddy so you invited Alessia around for lunch “hey baby remember Mummy has someone special coming to visit today Teddy hummed focused on playing with her toys “I know your my best girl but I need you to promise me you will be good.” Teddy looked up eyes big “I promise I good girl Mama.” You smiled spreading your arms “ok come give me a hug and a kiss.” Teddy ran over smiling wrapping her little arms around you before wiggling out to go back to playing. Shortly after the doorbell rang and your nerves spiked at the thought of Alessia actually being here.
You opened the door smiling softly as she pulled you in for a hug “hi gorgeous.” You pulled back kissing her cheek before asking “ready.” Alessia nodded excitedly “so ready I’m absolutely buzzin to meet her.” You laughed pulling her in hands locked together “Hey T can you come here a second there is someone I want you to meet.” Teddy threw her toys down jumping up from the floor and raced towards you putting her hands in the air “up mama.” You smiled letting go of Alessia’s hand picking her up as she rested her head on your chest “hey love this is the person I was telling you about, her name is Alessia can you say hi.” Teddy looked at the blonde studying her before smiling “hi lessia I Teddy.”you looked at the older girl smiling as she laughed “hi Teddy your so pretty aren’t you.” It was Teddy’s turn to laugh before she reached over for Alessia’s hair “hair like Punzle.” You smiled nodding “yeah Alessia does have hair like Rapunzle.” Teddy lifted her head getting more comfortable with your girlfriend “you a princess.” Alessia smiled shaking her head “Alessia plays football she’s not a princess.” Teddy’s eyes widened as a smile took over her face “I love football, like my mama and uncle jam and Grandpa.” Alessia smiled as Teddy wiggled letting you know she wanted to be put down before she grabbed Alessia’s hand “I show you I show you.” You nodded at the older girl “go I’ll start lunch.”
It’s safe to say the first meeting was a hit Alessia ended up staying until well after Teddy went to bed your daughter the happiest you had seen her in awhile “oh god Y/n she’s amazing, really amazing and she absolutely adores you.” You smiled resting your head on Alessia’s shoulder as you watched the tv “well I can say the same about you I think today might be her favourite out of the year, you made her laugh more today then I have been able to these last few weeks.” Alessia squeezed you tightly “if you’ll let me I would love to spend more time with the both of you. You’re my girlfriend, I care about you a lot and I care about her a lot too, I don’t plan on leaving, that is unless you want me to but we’ll from the moment I met you at Old Trafford I couldn’t help the butterflies and I don’t ever want them to stop.” You smiled pulling her into a kiss “I’d love nothing more than for you to stick around.”
You and Alessia fell into a routine something you had asked for as to not get Teddy all mixed up. Alessia face timed on the nights she wasn’t up in Manchester which at the start was frequently as she lived in London but after the first night she stayed over and how happy Teddy was afterwards it happened more frequently, so Sunday nights Alessia traveled to yours and would be there when Teddy awoke the next morning she would leave then Monday night and be back Wednesday night and Thursday night before heading back down to do it all over again.
That happened without a hiccup for a few weeks until your ex decided he wanted to start seeing Teddy again, you had forgotten to tell Less that Teddy was at her dads on the Wednesday and you definitely didn’t miss the disappointment on her face when she came through the front door waiting on the 2 yr old to jump at her only to be met with silence “sorry darling, I completely forgot Mickey came to get her this morning he’s back on his “I love my daughter and want to see her” phase again but she’ll be home tomorrow.” Alessia nodded “oh ok, we’ll how about we go out for dinner then.” You smiled kissing her softly “ok sounds good.”
That happened for three more weeks until you where sat at dinner laughing about Alessia being clumsy like always when your phone rang “sorry Less it’s Mickey let me get it.” You stood up walking away from the table answering your phone before you rushed back 5 minutes later “hey hey Y/n what’s going on.” You picked up everything taking out the money for the meal “it’s Teddy, Mickey never picked her up from my parents house I have to go get her I’m really sorry less I have to go get her.” Alessia shook her head “hey it’s ok let me drive yeah we will both go get her.” You smiled at her taking her hand as you both left to get your daughter.
You raced up the driveway Alessia following after you as you knocked on the door, before looking at your dad “where is she.” Your Dad stepped aside as you walked through the house finding your daughter cuddled up to your brother hiccuping “hey Pumpkin.” Teddy’s head shot up at the sound of your voice “Mama.” You kneeled down in front of her “oh baby I’m so sorry.” Teddy crawled off Jamie’s lap before wrapping herself around you “No Daddy.” You dropped your head sighing “I’m sorry baby.” Teddy lifted her head seeing Alessia standing behind you putting her hands out for the Blonde as you passed her over “no daddy Less.” Alessia looked at you trying to work out what to say “I’m sorry T.” Teddy began playing with Alessia’s hair “you stay.” Alessia nodded “I’m staying as long as you want piccola Stella.” Teddy’s little chin began to wobble “no go stay.” Alessia nodded “I promise it’s ok I’m staying.” Teddy began crying feeling overwhelmed.
Alessia was there for Teddy and you after that more so then she had been, she left London earlier to spend more time in Manchester with you both and often stayed longer then she was allowed to with training, but she didn’t care “Teddy needs me, you need me, I’ll stay as long as I have go to make sure she isn’t going to bed crying over that idiot who doesn’t deserve her.” You cried into her arms that night.
A few months later Mickey fell back into his phase only this time Teddy was an awful lot more reluctant to go with him stating “no stay, stay with Mama and Lessia no go Daddy.” Mickey wasn’t to happy about that often screaming down the phone at you stating “how dare you take my daughter away from me you and that bitch blonde.” You hung up on him only for him to come banging on the door. You turned at the noise before looking at Teddy “hey Pumpkin you stay here ok I have to go answer the door Less will be here shortly ok.” Teddy nodded watching the TV. Opening the door stood Mickey “where is she.” You sighed “she doesn’t want to see you.” Mickey shook his head “bullshit she’s two she can’t make up her own mind over what tutu to wear, I won’t ask again Y/n where is she.” You moved slightly as her tried to push past you “for the sake of our daughters happiness im sorry Mickey but no, you do this every few weeks, you get this itch to spend time with her like you’re supposed to and then you push her to the side when you get fed up, she is a two year old child not a toy you can’t keep doing that to her, her tiny heart breaks every time and I’m tired of trying to tell her you love her when you clearly don’t and she is starting to realise.” Mickey pushed you back into the hall “Fuck you she is my kid, you can’t keep her from me TEDDY ITS DADDY LETS GO.” Teddy stood up from the couch running to the door peaking out “hey T.” Teddy shook her head “not my name.” Mickey looked at her confused “yeah it is.” Teddy shook her head again “only Mama and Less allowed not daddy.” Mickey looked at you anger sparking in his eyes “what but I’m your Daddy.” Teddy nodded “yeah but Daddy not love me, Mama and Less love me.” Mickey turned to you “what bullshit have you been feeding her, how…how dare you turn her against me, I’m taking you to court you bitch you can’t keep her from me.” Mickey had you pushed against the wall now as Teddy began to cry, just on time Alessia came through the door “I’d take your hands off her if I where you Mickey.” Teddy ran past you both to Alessia putting her hands up as Alessia lifted her up “you should go.” Mickey shook his head “I’m not leaving without my daughter.” Teddy ducked her head into Alessia neck “yeah you are, your not taking her like this, especially not when you are this angry so I won’t ask again leave, take a few days and when you have calmed the hell down try it again in a nicer manner.” Mickey stepped forward but you stopped him placing your hand on his chest “you have broken her heart enough Mickey, don’t make her fear you as well.” Mickey stopped looking at Teddy “I’m sorry baby, I’ll see you soon.” Mickey walked out after that as you looked at your daughter crying in Alessia’s arms.
Sighing you placed Teddy in bed kissing her head before stepping back into Alessia’s arms. “You ok amore mio.” You nodded “I love you.” Alessia froze for a minute before pulling you closer “I love you too.” You turned facing her “I never got to thank you.” Alessia looked at you confused “for what Y/n.” You looked back at Teddy’s sleeping form “we where….we where never yours to fix but you have, I was so scared of love until I met you and Teddy never knew love like yours existed until she met you, you have made us both the happiest girls in the world these past few months and you have eased my worries…I feared she would cry watching the door every day for the rest of her life for her father to love her like she deserves but you…you have loved her since I told you about her in the restaurant and I know she will never have to worry about being heart broken by you, that she will never have to sit watching the door for you..so thank you for fixing what was never yours to fix but loving us both enough to do it.” Alessia smiled pulling you into a kiss “I would do it again in a heartbeat.” You kissed her pulling her impossibly closer. “I love you.” You smiled “we love you too.”
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putellasawfc · 10 months
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wrong hands !
mary earps x lioness!reader
(tw: this fic contains mentions of sexual assault, i promise it’s not anything too heavy but it is still there so please don’t read if this topic is triggering for you).
you rubbed your hands together in an attempt to accumulate some heat in your palms, hoping that in return the warmth would spread to the rest of your body and bring you some comfort from the freezing temperatures you had been stuck in for the past ninety-six minutes. albeit you had been playing in a very important game with your national team, so the chilly weather had been just a mere thought in the back of your mind whilst you focused on scoring goals with the help of your girls, but now that it was over, it was as if it was hitting you all at once.
you had finished hugging and shaking hands with the opposite team, sharing kind words with the occasional ‘good game’ or even a quick catch up with some of the players you had formed a friendship with over the years. next was the team huddle where sarina went over the highs and lows of the match, praising you all for winning the game and playing good as well as pointing out a few places where she thought you could’ve done better, though it was very brief as it always was after a match, the real talk would happen tomorrow just before you got training again for the next game.
now, you were engaging with the fans who had generously shown up in support of your team despite the november air cutting at their exposed skin like ice cold needles, they still stood with smiles on their faces. some of them held signs, whilst others held shirts they were wanting signed, and more held out their phones in hopes of getting a picture or two with some of the players. it was always heartwarming seeing how much support you had garnered over the recent years. not even just you as a person, not even your team, but women’s football as a whole had seen a large spike in interest lately and it was an amazing feeling.
when you had first began to play football, you played in small stadiums where most of the seats were empty, only a few hundred people showing up to show their interest in the sport if you were lucky. and although you would never take whatever kind of support you had for granted, there was always that side to you who would sit back and watch how easily men’s games filled with thousands and thousands of people eager to watch the ninety minute game, and it would be almost like a small kick in the teeth when you really thought about the difference.
but now, as the number on the board read 56,291 in attendance you couldn’t comprehend how much your passion had blown up over the world. and it wasn’t just other women who were showing their interest in the games, but men too. you knew how sensitive of a subject it was, men being interested in women’s football, it wasn’t something that was popular amongst them but you imagined their newfound support had something to do with the win your team brought home at the euros in 2022, they were finally taking you seriously.
you bent down a tad to take a picture with a young girl who couldn’t have been over the age of thirteen, she held her phone out in one hand and you leant in as close as you could with a gleaming smile on your face, staying in that position until she finished snapping a few pictures of the both of you. her arm lowered and she pulled back with a softer smile now.
“thank you so much!”
“you’re welcome”. you replied, sending her one last smile before you continued your way down the line, wanting to interact with as many people as you could before you were told you had to go back in.
you got another couple of pictures taken, signed a few t-shirts and even a phone case that a woman was adamant she wanted you to sign, and eventually gave away your shirt to a small girl who had asked you politely for it in the sweetest voice you had ever heard. you had folded instantly, disregarding the weather that you had been complaining about since the match ended in your head, your number one priority had now changed to making that little girls night.
finally feeling satisfied with the amount of people you had pleased tonight, you turned to leave, eager to get through the tunnels and under the hot shower. the quicker you were done with that the quicker you could return to your room for the night and get into your comfy pyjamas and cuddle with mary. speaking of, your eyes wandered to the goalkeeper who stood just a few feet away, chatting happily with rachel and georgia about god knows what but with the grins on their faces you could only imagine it wasn’t anything serious. just as you were about to make your way towards the trio, another phone was shoved in your face, quite rudely you thought, that had you pausing in your steps.
you looked to see a guy, who seemed to be just slightly older than yourself with a smug grin on his face as his eyes shamelessly wandered your england kit clad body. you frowned, instantly put off by his perverted demeanour, his actions making you take a step back.
“wouldn’t mind taking a quick picture would ya love?” his gruff voice sounded, and you glanced from him to the phone that was still held out infront of you.
you thought about it for moment, weighing out the pros and cons in your mind. it was only a quick photo, wouldn’t take more than a few seconds and then you could move on. it would definitely spare you any verbal abuse the man would no doubt spew out towards you if you refused the picture, and you’d avoid any negative backlash online if he or anyone present were to post about it and make you look like the bad guy.
so with a hesitant smile you nodded, “sure.”
you stayed a step away from the barrier separating you both but chose to lean in a little to get the picture, just wanting to get it over and done with as fast as possible. what you weren’t accounting for though, as you forced the most convincing smile onto your face, was the pressure you felt starting on your hip, before it slowly lowered to your behind. you frowned, not completely registering what the feeling was until you felt the grip tighten, and that’s when you jumped away in disgust.
the man didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed for what he had just done, still stood there with the smug look on his face as if he was proud that he had just squeezed your behind without consent - and that only angered you more.
“what the fuck? why would you do that?” you exclaimed, drawing the attention of a few people around you both.
the man furrowed his brows as if he was confused by your outburst, the realisation that he genuinely thought what he’d done wasn’t that big of a deal would’ve made you laugh if you weren’t in complete disbelief.
“chill out i barely touched you.” he grumbled, not happy with the amount of attention on the two of you now.
you scoffed, ready to lay in on him for the audacity he had to make it seem like you were overreacting, when a flash of green passed your peripheral vision and someone began doing it for you.
“does it make you feel like a big man grabbing women like that yeah?” the person in question focused in your line of sight, the number 1 with the name earps just above it alerting you of who it was.
you took a step towards your girlfriend, worrying about the close proximity between her and the man as she approached him with no hesitation, her body pressed against the only thing separating them so she could get as close as possible, something that distressed you slightly, there was no telling how unhinged this man actually was.
“mary don’t, just leave it.” you grabbed ahold of her upper arm with a gentle grip, “he’s not worth it.”
she ignored your attempt at redirecting her attention, and with the murderous glare she held towards the offender opposite you both, you knew she was not moving until she was satisfied.
“you’re scum mate.” she threw him a dirty look, “thinking you can go around behaving like that. it’s disgusting. you need to apologise to her.”
by now everyone’s eyes were on the three of you, more so mary than anyone else as they watched her anger levels rise. there were phones angled your way, no doubt recording every second so it could get posted to tiktok or twitter as soon as it was over, the thought making you more eager to deescalate the situation.
the man scoffed, now turning to look you up and down in disgust as if he wasn’t just eyeing you up like a piece of meat seconds prior, “i have nothing to be sorry for.”
mary breathed out a laugh, though it lacked humour and she rolled her neck in exasperation at the cowardly response. “stop showing off in front of your little mates, it doesn’t make you the big man you think it does.” she spat, and your grip increased on her arm as she pushed herself further into the metal barrier, closer to the man. “your just a prick who needs to learn how to respect women.”
“mary, come on let’s not start anything now.” your were more than grateful to hear sarina’s familiar dutch accent to the other side of mary, the older woman mirroring your actions as she laid a hand on the goalkeepers other arm.
you hadn’t even realised she was nearby, last you had seen her she was having a talk with the manager of the opposite team, and when you turned to look at her you noticed a few of the england girls were stood behind her too, the small group of them all sharing the same repulsed look on their faces.
“not until he says sorry. you can’t act like that and just get away with it, it’s not on.” she ranted, “you’re lucky there’s so many people around right now or else i’d be doing a lot more than saying a few words.”
the man seemed taken aback by that, the (what you thought was permanent at this point) smug expression finally fading as his jaw dropped slightly, you knew it was obvious not only to him but to everyone, that mary could do a lot of damage if given the chance, especially when it came to protecting the people she loved.
“just say sorry man. you know you’re in the wrong.” bright frowned, wanting nothing more than to share a few nasty words, but with so many cameras out now she knew it was best to keep it pg.
“god fine. i’m sorry. happy now?” the confidence in the man’s exterior had long faded, his face burning with what you could only assume was embarrassment with all the negative attention and you felt a sense of satisfaction at the quick 180.
it was obvious the apology had no genuine meaning behind it, he just wanted the whole situation that he had caused to be over with so he could run away and hide and hope that nobody had caught his face in the recordings. but it was all you were getting clearly, so without any further acknowledgment of him, you turned your back on him and focused all your attention on mary who didn’t seem to be pleased with the rushed words.
“come on babe, don’t let him ruin our night yeah? we won, we played well, no accidents or anything like that. it’s a good night, so let’s go and celebrate.” you grabbed her face gently and moved it so she was now eye level with you, and you watched as her blue eyes softened gradually.
with a heavy sigh and a nod of her head, you revelled in the win and wrapped a hand around her arm, gently pulling her away from the crowd. you didn’t miss the last hateful look she spared towards the man, before she turned and allowed you to lead her off without another word but you chose not to comment on it. you reassured the girls you were okay when a few of them asked, getting a few comforting shoulder squeezes and side hugs from them as you walked. and truly, though you were a little shaken up from the whole incident, you know that with mary by your side you would be okay.
“thank you for sticking up for me. i appreciate it.” you moved so you were standing infront of mary who had sat herself down at her cubicle once you made it back inside, your hands moving to pull her hair from the low ponytail it had been in since this afternoon.
once that was done you ran your fingers through her blonde strands, pulling out any knots that had been formed as gently as you could, smiling at the way her body slumped in relaxation at the sensation.
“no need to thank me love, i’d do it over and over again if i had to. people like that make me sick.” she grumbled, her eyes closing as she sank further into your soft motions.
“i know, but you got him told. think you scared him enough to put him off behaving like that for awhile at least.” you teased, recalling the way his face had paled at her threatening words.
she hummed at that, a smile finally emerging on her face. “yeah, he did look like he was about to wet himself didn’t he?”
the both of you shared a laugh, thankful that you could at least look back and find some humour in the situation that moments ago had you both fuming. her hands, now void of the gloves that warmed her palms throughout the game, found themselves resting on your hips, rubbing soothing circles through your football shorts in an attempt to convey the same coziness that she felt with having you so close by.
“think i should follow you around whilst you take your pictures with the fans from now on.” she spoke, and for a moment you thought she was joking until you saw the genuine glint in her eyes.
“really? i don’t think anything like this is gonna happen again darling, it’s never happened before.” you replied, making sure to be as reassuring as you could with your words.
“yeah i know, but i don’t think i’ll be able to relax if i’m not with you. it hasn’t happened before but it could happen again just as easily as it did tonight. just let me be with you.” she kissed your clothed stomach, “at least for a little while. i don’t know what i’d do if i let you wander off on your own and it ended up happening again.”
your heart warmed at your girlfriends protectiveness, though you never doubted that mary cared for you and your wellbeing immensely, having her confirm it out loud made you fall deeper in love with the woman who had stolen your heart almost two years ago now.
“how could i say no to this face?” you scrunched your nose and grabbed ahold of mary’s chin, moving her face back and forth as she rolled her eyes at your mildly childish behaviour.
“you can be my little shadow for the next few games. saves you walking round like a little lost puppy whilst you wait for me to finish, eh?”
her fingers dug into your hips at the dig and you jumped, squealing in surprise at the sudden motion. “mary!”
“you earned that, so cheeky you are. think you’ve been spending too much time with toone lately.” she shook her head, and you were relieved to have your playful girlfriend back.
“whatever you say earps. now come on.” you whined, dragging out the ‘n’ as you did. “let’s go back to the room. i want some love and some pizza, not really fussed about what order they come in.”
(i’m posting this from my phone so i’m hoping everything looks okay). 🤞🤞
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22plus15 · 4 months
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⏳ one year ago today, lucy attended the manchester derby where ona put on a massive performance, beating man city 2-1 and being awarded player of the match 🌟😎🫶
(full match replay)
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tooneysunited · 1 year
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''you were'' 😂
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alex-rp · 17 days
Maya Le Tissier x Reader
(A/N: This is my first time writing. It’s basically just setting up a potential series to see how it goes. I welcome any feedback, good or bad. Thank you for taking the time!)
(Warnings: none)
You’ve just signed for United, and who better than to show you the ropes than the new club captain.
You were incredibly sought after by Man United. They fought tooth and nail to sign you from your previous team. Now here you were, taking a chance back in England. You’re an England international, so you knew a few of the girls, but had been playing abroad for a few seasons where you had really shown your talents.
The media was all over this story, as were your new teammates. They’d heard about you, seen you play and some even played against you… but now they were all welcoming you to Carrington for your first training session. Your head was spinning with a mixture of excitement and nerves. It was always scary to join a new club, though the thrill was indescribable.
You’re shaken from your thoughts when a calm sounding voice asks for you. “Y/N? Are you okay?” It’s your new captain, Maya. You were already grateful it was Maya. You’d met her before through the England set up and she’d always been such a positive presence. However, you’ve always been drawn to her in a way that you would describe as a high school crush kind of vibe. It had never mattered as you spent most of your time halfway across Europe, but now you were going to be playing together. “Yes! Sorry, I’m just a little nervous” you smile to her, to which she smiles back. “As expected, but I’ll look after you”. Those words were just enough to both calm you down and make you more nervous. “Thank you” you reply a little tentatively, which is unlike you.
You aren’t sure if it’s the nerves of it all, or just the move as a whole, but your first training session doesn’t go to plan. There’s a lot of things running through your mind. You had only arrived in Manchester a few days prior to sign your contract, booking a hotel for the week in hopes that you’d find somewhere to live quickly. The pressure you were under to do well was significantly greater than at any of your previous clubs due to the few United had paid to sign you, and the anticipation from the media. You’d performed well with nerves before, but everything had gone wrong today, which you partly think is to do with the presence of a certain someone.
The girls all give you a little sympathy hug or a smile to reassure you it wasn’t the end of the world, but not your captain. Once everyone has cleared out of the locker room, Maya comes to sit with you. “What’s on your mind?” She asks you calmly. “I’ve seen you, I’ve played with you, I know that’s not you” she adds. Something about how she presents herself has always made you trust her and it’s probably why you have a soft spot for her. You want to open up to her, tell her everything… but you’re very aware you can’t. “I don’t really know. Maybe it’s moving here with nowhere to live, or if it’s the fact the media have painted me as the best player in the world… I don’t know” you start to explain. Maya doesn’t interrupt, but looks to you to carry on. You sigh and do so. “I just want to do well I guess” you shrug and avoid Maya’s eyes. You couldn’t.
She rests her hand gently on your thigh, making you fight the blush you hope wasn’t visible. “I already know you want to be here, so we just need to get you settled in” she smiles before you see an idea pop into her head. “Would it help if you came to live with us? Lucia has just been transferred so there’s a room if you want it” She gives you a look. It doesn’t even take a moment of thinking before you nod. “Yes. Please. I think it’ll help” you smile, gratefully. Maybe you should have thought about it more so the idea of actually living with Maya would have registered in your mind, but in the moment you just agree. It does give you a chance to spend time with your teammates and it might not be as bad as it seems, right?“Don’t be nervous” she tells you, as if reading your mind. “We’re lucky to have you. And I told you, I’ll look after you” Maya adds, with a friendly wink. She really does mean that she’ll look after you, you just have to learn to grow out of your feelings. For the sake of the team, if anything…
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outsideratheart · 10 months
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mltcentral · 8 months
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it’s criminal that there’s not a HQ image of this but 🤷‍♀️
via fanzinewsl on twitter
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hedghost · 8 months
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batman and her goons
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mearpsdyke · 4 months
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obsessed with this pic
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lionesses-lover · 1 year
New Girl - A. Russo
The one where you are hopelessly in love with the new girl on the team but she doesn’t seem to notice you.
word count: 5.5k
Notes: First fic ever! Hope you enjoy :)
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The obsession wasn’t something you had planned. It crept up on you so suddenly that you never had a chance to process it. The minute you realised it was there you were already overcome with the powerful emotion and it was too late. You were hooked on the sweet, slightly clumsy blonde. 
Eight Years Ago
The first and only time you met was at an international camp. Norway U17s were playing England U17s at St George’s Park and at the big age of 16 it was your first time away from home and the pressure of representing your country was weighing heavily on your shoulders. The evening before the match you had felt sick to your stomach with nerves and nothing - not even the kind words of your best friend Ingrid - was able to calm you down
On the morning of the match you were still trembling with fear but tried to pull yourself together and eat some breakfast to help stop your stomach from screaming at you, telling you to go home. You eventually managed to get ready and go out to the pitch for your warm up. Then, you saw her. Chasing around a smaller brunette girl shouting something about shin pads.
“Tooney! I need those shin pads please give them back or I’ll tell the coach!” She shouted
“No way Alessia,” her friend, Tooney, replied, “this is payback for hitting me in your sleep on the bus.”
Alessia. That was her name. It was perfect.
You were stuck in place when you saw her. The light from the sun hit her perfectly, making her blonde hair shimmer and her blue eyes glisten. She looked like an angel, and just as she was turning around to carry on chasing her friend, her eyes locked onto yours. Only for a split second, but to you it felt like hours. However, before you could go and talk to her you were dragged away by Ingrid and then the match started. It was a tough match as the teams were quite evenly balanced, but unfortunately for you it ended 3-2 to England, with the girl who was already beginning to consume your thoughts scoring the winning goal in the 87th minute. All you wanted to do was go and introduce yourself, but sadly you had a flight to catch back to Norway. But that didn’t stop you from rapidly searching Instagram and eventually finding her account. Alessia Russo. Her full name sounded even more perfect. After scrolling through her posts, smiling to yourself at how gorgeous she looked, you quickly hit the follow button and turned your phone onto airplane mode before settling into you seat ready for the flight.
Unfortunately for you, that was as far as the interactions between the two of you went. A one second glance on opposite ends of a football pitch. When you switched your phone back on after your plane back home had landed you went straight onto Instagram in the hope that she had followed you back.
She hadn’t.
Present Day
“Have you heard the news?” Keira said as she bounced up to you upon entering training that day.
“No what’s happened now? Who’s injured” You asked, slightly worried as the last time Keira said there was news she revealed that Lucy had needed a minor surgery on her knee, which wasn’t the news you were hoping for.
“No one is injured don’t worry,” she replied, laughing at the panic that had spread across your face, “we are getting a new teammate tomorrow.”
“And we think you will really like her” said Ingrid, smirking whilst watching your reaction.
“Who is it?” You said.
“Alessia Russo, the blonde ex-Manchester United player, mine and Lucy’s teammate with England” answered Keira, grinning from ear to ear and bouncing around the changing room excitedly.
“Oh my god” you whispered to yourself, sitting down in shock at the thought of the girl you’ve been madly in love with for eight years finally noticing you. You turned on your phone to see the announcement posted on the FC Barcelona Femeni Instagram. Then you saw another notification.
@alessiarusso99 has started following you.
You couldn’t believe it.
“Are you finally going to make a move now?” asked Ingrid as she came and shook you out of your daze, reminding you that you needed to leave the locker room and walk to the training pitch. “You’ve been following her on Instagram for ages now, never messaged her and I know you’ve been in love with her for years. I think now is the perfect opportunity!” She said hopefully.
“I barely know her and she’s only just discovered who I am and followed me back, I’m sure she won’t be interested,” you replied sadly, “but that’s not going to stop me giving her the best welcome to Barcelona ever.”
“Ingrid, Y/N” shouted Alexia, your captain, “you can give relationship advice later, it’s time to train!”
After a very tiring and busy training session, filled with lots of teasing from you teammates, Mapi and Lucy in particular, who all knew about your not so secret crush, you finally made it home to your apartment. However you were not empty handed as you had decided to stop at a grocery shop on your way home to pick up some gifts to give to Alessia to try and welcome her to the team nicely tomorrow morning. You had bought some of your favourite chocolates, some fresh fruit and a small bottle of champagne so she could celebrate her new contract properly.
You went to bed early that night and made sure to set your alarm to wake up an hour earlier the next day. You were determined to make an unforgettable first impression on Alessia and that required you to get into training early so you would have the chance to speak to her and give her your gifts.
As you started to drift off to sleep, all you could think about was that gorgeous blonde who stole your heart in one moment all those years ago.
Your alarm woke you up bright and early the next morning and you had to take a moment in bed to remind yourself that today wasn’t a dream. She was really coming to play with you. After eight years of wishful thinking about being with her, eight years of staring at her through social media, your dreams were coming true. You were finally going to meet her.
After a quick drive you arrived at the training centre with a full hour before training began. As you roamed the empty hallways on your way to the locker room your eyes searched for a glimpse of  beautiful blonde hair, hoping you could talk to her and introduce yourself before your teammates arrived.
Unfortunately it appeared that luck wasn’t on your side today as Alessia didn’t appear until the rest of the team had arrived, Ingrid and Keira smirking to each other when they saw you patiently sitting by your locker with a small package next to you.
But when she did finally enter the room you were blown away. She was even more beautiful than her social media showed. You hadn’t seen her in person since that match eight years ago, but you were well aware that she had changed from a young girl into a grown woman, and that she had grown even more into her beauty in that time. You were not aware that her social media didn’t do her enough justice, even though she looked amazing in her Instagram posts. She was spectacular in person. Her long, tanned legs and her sleek blonde hair which was tied into her signature ponytail. Her stunning blue eyes which were shining with pride having just signed a new contract with one of the best clubs in the world. All of her was perfect. 
She walked timidly around the room, being introduced to all the players by Keira and Lucy, who had taken it upon themselves to give their national teammate the best start to the team possible. Finally, after what seemed like years, they reached you. 
“Hi Alessia it’s so nice to meet you, I’m y/n” you said, standing up to shake her hand in introduction.
“Hey,” she replied, quickly releasing your hand before staring down at the floor uncomfortably.
“I think you two have played against each other before” interrupted Keira, grinning at you.
“Um, yeah quite a while ago, I think you actually scored the winner Alessia,” you chuckled softly, hoping she would feel more comfortable.
“Oh, that’s weird I don’t remember it,” she said.
Across the room your eyes met with Ingrid as she looked at you sympathetically. She knew how much it must hurt you that Alessia doesn’t remember the moment you have been replaying in your head for almost a decade.
“No worries, like I said it was ages ago,” you smiled at her, before turning around and picking up the package you had been anxiously waiting to give her, “I actually got you a small gift, sort of a ‘Welcome to Barcelona’ thing, I hope you don’t mind.”
You had hoped she would open it then and there but sadly she just took the package, murmured a few words of thanks and moved on, following Keira as she was introduced to Alexia. 
Despite the slight rejection of your gift, you carried on getting ready for training as usual, ignoring the pitying looks of some of your teammates. You remained optimistic as you knew exactly what type of training was happening today, because you had checked the schedule in the coach’s office this morning before everyone arrived.
Today, the Barcelona women’s team would be doing training in groups based in their position on the pitch. This meant that, as you were also a forward, you would be in the same group as Alessia, who you hoped would agree to be your partner.
However, the universe seemed to have decided to make life hard for you today. By the time you plucked up the courage to ask Alessia to partner with you for one of the drills you were met with rejection once again.
“Sorry, I told Mariona I would go with her”
“Oh,” you said, trying to hide your disappointment as she refused eye contact and once again looked uncomfortable in your presence, “no worries I hope your first training goes well.”
Once again, you only received a small murmur of thanks before she turned around and walked away.
“Don’t worry,” said your national teammate Caroline as you partnered up with her instead, “I’m sure she is just nervous about being here.”
“It’s just sad,” you replied quietly, “I was so excited to finally speak to her and now I don’t think she likes me. What did I do wrong?”
“I don’t think it’s just you, she doesn’t look very happy to be with any of us,” Caroline answered, subtly pointing over to the other side of the pitch where Alessia and Mariona were working together in silence, with Alessia awkwardly looking around at the rest of the team.
“Hopefully she warms up to us soon,” you said, “I’m not sure my 16 year old self would forgive me if I let the girl of my dreams go without making a move again”
A month later, Alessia had made her debut for Barcelona and attended every single training session, slowly adjusting to the style of play that was always seen at the club. However there was one major issue. Alessia had not gone to any team bonding nights or accepted any offers from teammates to hang out after training. No one on the team knew what she did with her time, not even Keira or Lucy despite their many attempts to get Alessia to socialise.
Throughout the last month you had continued to try to partner up with or chat to Alessia, eager to get to know her better. However every time you were met with the same reaction. Short answers rejecting you whilst she looked uncomfortable. Each time this happened, it felt like a small piece of your heart was shattered, and you were dangerously close to having no heart all together after being rejected daily by the woman you so desperately wanted to be loved by. 
The heartache you were experiencing eventually got so unbearable that you found yourself going home with Ingrid and Mapi one night, in tears after attempting to ask Alessia if she wanted to go out to celebrate the latest Barcelona victory with the team. 
“I just don’t understand,” you cried as you sat with Ingrid sobbing into the cushions on her sofa, “why doesn’t she like us? Why doesn’t she like me? What did I do wrong”
“You didn’t do anything. I’m not sure why she doesn’t like us but it’s nothing to do with you,” replied your best friend as she felt her heart ache for you. She knew how desperately you wanted Alessia to like you, and didn’t understand why the blonde was so adamant not to accept your attempts at friendship.
“I agree with Ingrid, y/n”, said Mapi, “I’m sure it’s nothing personal, maybe she’s just shy.”
After another few hours of crying your heart out to your best friend and her girlfriend you decided to go home and attempt to get some sleep before enjoying your day off tomorrow. But once again, the universe had other plans. You were driving through the dark streets of Barcelona when you passed the apartment block where Keira and Lucy lived. It was also the apartment block where Alessia lived, in the apartment next to her English teammates in an attempt to make the transition to Barcelona easier for her.
Angry, hurt and disappointed, you suddenly felt the urge to visit the blonde. You needed an answer as to why she rejected the team, why she rejected you. You needed to know whether there was a chance that you would ever be someone she loved. 
So, you parked your car, walked into the building, took the lift to the second floor and walked up to the door of Apartment 3. Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door and waited. Thirty seconds later, the door opened and you were met with the blonde beauty you cared so deeply for. 
“y/n, what are you doing here?” she asked, slightly alarmed at your sudden presence at her door.
“I need to speak to you, can I come in?” you asked shyly, now fully aware of where you were and what you were doing.
“Um,” she hesitates, looking behind her into the apartment, before eventually sighing and opening the door, “sure, come in.”
As you step into Alessia’s apartment for the first time, you are hit with a shock. It’s empty. The only things in the main rooms are a table and chair in the kitchen and a sofa and television in the lounge. There are no photos, no trophies or medals, no personal belongings suggesting that someone actually lives there. You look to your left into the bedroom and you see a mattress on the floor. She doesn’t even have a bed. 
Alessia clears her throat, “What did you want to talk about?”
“Why is your apartment empty?” you interrupt.
“I haven’t got round to settling in properly,” she answered, looking down sadly, “I also don’t really know my way around the city. I don’t leave the apartment that much.”
“I’m on the phone a lot. I call my mum, dad and brothers once a day, and my best friend Ella every two days. I also call some more of my old teammates every week.”
“Do you miss them?” you asked softly.
“So much,” she replied, looking up so you could see the tears that were appearing in her eyes, “I haven’t been away from them since I went to UNC for college but this is different.”
“I understand,” you told her quietly, “when I moved from Norway to Barcelona I was terrified about being alone that I texted my mum every hour. It was stupid but I genuinely thought no one else would talk to me.”
She stayed quiet, sitting down on the sofa playing with her fingers. You could tell she was trying not to cry. Taking a deep breath, you sat down beside her.
“Is that why you haven’t been accepting anyone’s offers to hang out?” you asked, “because you miss your family so you want to speak to them?”
“Sort of,” she confessed, “ I guess it started off that way but now I’m scared none of the others will like me. Barcelona is a tough team to join - you guys are all so close that it’s a bit intimidating to try and make friends with.”
“But we have been trying to get you to hang out with us for almost a month, you’ve even turned down Keira and Lucy,” you said.
“I guess I was worried I had missed too much. I thought it would be awkward if I tried to get close to the team now after being quite antisocial for the first month,” she sighed, running a hand through her beautiful blonde hair. “I’ve also been so busy trying to get settled into my new home at the same time as trying to improve and develop my skills on the pitch.”
“But you are doing great! You have played in 3 matches so far and the team is winning all the time,” you argued.
“I haven’t scored,” she whispered, “I’m a striker and I haven’t scored. I’m letting the team down because I literally can’t do the only thing my job says I need to do.”
“That will come with time,” you reassured, slowly reaching a hand out and placing it on her back, rubbing circles in an attempt to comfort the crying blonde, “when you are properly settled in you will be able to relax and just enjoy playing the game you love. The first thing you need to do is sort this place out. You can’t live with no bed and no photos and personal items around.”
“I don’t know where to go,” she admitted shyly.
“Well, we have a free day tomorrow, why don’t I go home now, you promise to get some sleep, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning and take you shopping. I’ll even help you organise everything so you feel more at home,” you suggested, secretly hoping she’d say yes in order to give you a chance to spend time with the blonde you had been dreaming of for eight long years.
Taking a deep breath, Alessia looked up at you.
“Alright, pick me up at 10?” she suggested shyly.
“I’ll be here.” you smiled.
The next day, as promised, you were outside Alessia’s front door at 9:55, five minutes early, which gave you five minutes to calm yourself down and reassure yourself that it was all going to be okay. You had been given a golden opportunity to make the girl you loved like you a little bit and you were not going to ruin it. Slowly, you reached out and knocked on the door, just like you had done the night before.
“Hi,” said Alessia as she opened the door, “I wasn’t sure whether you were being serious last night.”
“Of course I was being serious,” you chuckled, before holding out your hand and offering her the bouquet of flowers you had picked out at a local florist in your way to her apartment, “I um, I got you these, I thought they would be the first step in getting you settled into Barcelona.”
“Thank you so much y/n” she said, taking the bouquet as a grin began to spread across her face, “ I’ll put them in the sink until we buy a vase.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, it didn’t cross my mind that you wouldn’t have one,” you said, suddenly feeling very nervous.
“It’s fine don’t worry about it,” she chuckled softly, stepping out of the apartment, “that’s why you’re here, we are going to get me properly moved in so I can finally score my first Barcelona goal!”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m here for,” you said quietly. Was that all she thought this was? Did she just think you were doing this as a favour? You wished you could tell her how you felt, how you have been in love with her since you were 16 and you saw her once at a match. But sadly she didn’t even remember that match.
Taking what seemed like your millionth deep breath of the morning, you eventually said, “Come on Lessi, let’s go.”
If you had paid more attention to Alessia instead of focussing on trying to stop your hands shaking with nerves as you closed her front door behind her, you would have noticed the small blush that covered her cheeks as she heard the nickname you had used without noticing.
“I can’t believe you’re that clumsy!” You laughed as the pair of you returned to Alessia’s apartment, arms full with boxes of household items.
“It’s not my fault I couldn’t see the step was there!” she argued, grinning widely at you, “carrying this massive box is hard!”
You chuckled at her before replying: “Well at least you can finally sleep on a proper bed instead of a mattress on the floor.”
“Only if you help me set it all up,” she said, hoping you didn’t plan on leaving yet.
“Of course I’ll help,” you answered, your heart flipping around in your chest at the thought of spending even more time with the blonde, who finally seemed to be feeling more comfortable around you.
Four hours later, as the sun began to set in Barcelona, you and Alessia flopped tiredly onto her sofa, before looking around at her apartment. It looked like a home. You had bought some nice decorations for the rooms, as well as convincing her to finally unpack the many boxes containing photographs, trophies and medals from over the years, convincing her to display them to make the home seem personalised.
“It looks lovely, I feel so much better thank you y/n”she said softly, turning to face you, “I’m so glad to have you as my friend.”
Your heart broke a bit more upon hearing her call you that. As you looked into those beautiful blue eyes you desperately wished you could find the courage to confess all the feelings you had been keeping secret for the entire day. But sadly, you couldn’t. You didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. You didn’t want to pressure her into something when she was still settling into her new life. 
“You’re welcome,” you replied quietly, “I’m always here if you need me, um, I should probably go, it’s getting late and we have training tomorrow.”
“Oh, um, sure,” she said, getting up to walk you to the door, “See you tomorrow.”
“Bye Lessi,” you said as you stood in her doorway, before taking a deep breath and doing what you knew deep in your heart you had to do. 
You slowly leant forward and hugged her. Putting your arms around her waist and letting her arms fall round your shoulders. It wasn’t a long hug, but it was what you both needed. You needed some love given to you after being in love for so long, and Alessia needed some comfort and a sense of belonging from a kind person who had managed to force themselves into her heart within a few hours.
As you pulled apart, both of you wearing matching blushes on your faces, you couldn’t help but smile at the hope that something could finally happen between the two of you.
“Right, I really need to go now otherwise I’m going to be late going to sleep, which means I’m going to be late waking up and so might be late to training and then Alexia will kill me,” you said, suddenly getting very nervous standing in front of Alessia.
“Bye y/n, see you tomorrow”
Two weeks later
If you said the past two weeks had been great then you would be lying. They had been like a dream. 
Every morning you walked into training and were greeted by a grinning Alessia Russo, who had become a totally different person. Her blonde hair shimmered and her blue eyes shone brightly as she chatted to many of your teammates throughout the weeks, making up for the time that was lost as she was adapting to Barcelona life.
You had finally had the opportunity to partner up with her in a few training drills and it was wonderful. The bond between the two of you was slowly getting stronger and that was showing both on and off the pitch. The pair of you had began hanging out after training every day - watching movies, visiting coffee shops and going shopping to grow Alessia’s wardrobe after she had admitted to you that she left most of her clothes back in England.
However, the only thing that wasn’t perfect was your growing love for the English blonde. You tried to keep your feelings hidden but it was becoming increasingly difficult not to confess everything to her as you became closer. 
“I don’t understand you,” said Keira one afternoon at training, as she watched you watch Alessia run around, chasing after Aitana and Claudia.
“What do you mean?” you asked absentmindedly, trying to contain a smile as the sweet noise of Alessia’s infectious laugh reached your ears.
“You are obviously in love with her and she is obviously in love with you, why don’t you tell her how you feel?”
You turned round to face Keira, the smile on your face vanishing, “It’s not that easy, she doesn’t like me,” you said sadly, “she thinks of me as a friend. That’s it.”
“I think you’re being stupid,” sighed Keira, “at least tell her how you feel, please. I don’t like watching you obsess over her. It just makes you sad because you’ve convinced yourself you’ll never have her, which is a lie.”
“I just don’t want to get hurt,” you said, “I’d much rather be her friend than nothing in her life.”
Taking a deep breath, you turned away from Keira, trying to stop your tears appearing at the thought of Alessia rejecting you.
“y/n! y/n!” shouted Alessia, desperately trying to get your attention over the loud music at the club, “come and dance with me!”
You hesitated, not wanting to risk being at such a close proximity to Alessia without being able to hold her or kiss her.
As if she could sense your hesitation, she shouted once again, “Pretty please, think of it as my reward for getting my first Barcelona goal.”
You were hooked. The combination of her adorable puppy dog eyes and the memories of her gorgeous 57th minute strike (assisted by you) against Real Madrid earlier that day were more than enough to convince you to go and join her on the dance floor.
As you approached the beautiful blonde you had your first opportunity of the night to take in her outfit. She was wearing a gorgeous all-black suit paired with a black crop top. She looked flawless. You just wished you could tell her that she took your breath away.
However, it seemed that Alessia had also been having similar thoughts, as she shouted “you look so good tonight, I love your style, you look amazing,” before throwing you a lopsided grin.
“Thank you Lessi, you look beautiful,” you said, finding courage in the compliment you had just received.
You slowly placed your hands around her waist as she looped her arms around your neck - the pair of you slowly swaying to the music that was being played in the club.
“I’m so happy you helped me settle in to life here, it’s wonderful. I’m really grateful to have found a friend like you,” she said happily.
There it was again. Friend. The word that made your stomach turn and you heart crack. You wished she would see you as more than that - you would give her the world if she asked you - would a friend do that?
Once again, it was as if she could sense your hesitation as she softly asked, “what’s wrong y/n? Did I do something? You seem sad.”
You rapidly looked around, trying to think of an excuse to leave the conversation before you became dangerously close to exposing yourself. However, all you saw was Ingrid and Mapi, dancing a few metres away from you. They looked so happy and in love. Mapi looked at your best friend as if she was the only person in the room and Ingrid looked at her as if she had hung the moon and the stars. 
You wanted that. You wanted that with Alessia. It was all you had wanted since you first saw her on that football pitch all those years ago.
Suddenly, you were hit with the realisation that if you didn’t do anything about your feelings then you would never have the love you so desperately wanted. Slowly, you turned back to Alessia, smiling gently as your eyes met with her.
“No I’m not okay Lessi,” you said calmly, trying to take deep breaths and say what you needed to say, “I’ve been in love with you since I saw you on the football pitch at St George’s Park eight years ago and I know you don’t remember it but you stole my heart and you are all I’ve been thinking about ever since. I’m so sorry if you don’t feel the same way and I really don’t want to make things awkward between us but I needed to tell you before it breaks me. Because I can’t keep living my life too scared to admit that I love you.”
You quickly shut your eyes after your confession, not wanting to watch her reaction in fear of disgust and rejection taking over her face.
“y/n” she said slowly, “I need to tell you something too”
You looked up to face her, ready to hear that you were too late - she was in love with someone else.
“I remember the match. I didn’t at first, but when I was sorting out all my photos the other day I found a photo from the match. We won 3-2. I scored the winner.”
You nodded carefully.
“You’ve been so lovely to me over the past few weeks. You made an effort to try and get to know me even when I was too shy and homesick to accept your kindness. I was so excited when I joined Barcelona from Manchester United. Not only because I was going to play for the best club in the world but because I was going to finally meet the player that my friend Ona had been telling me about. The beautiful Barcelona player who her Spanish teammates played with. I found you on Instagram and I was hooked, you are gorgeous.”
“Lessi..” you began, still trying to absorb the new information about her feelings.
But before you could ask what she was trying to say, Alessia leant forward and captured your lips with hers, pulling you into her by the waist whilst giving you a bruising, passionate kiss in the middle of the dance floor. 
Previously, there had been many times where you had dreamed of kissing Alessia. But no dreams could ever compare to the real thing. Her lips locked onto yours so perfectly it felt as though she was made for you. As cliché as it sounds, everyone else in the busy club seemed to fade away. You could vaguely hear Keira and Lucy shouting in the background but you blocked them out, instead choosing to wrap your arms around the blonde, trying to savour every second of this moment.
Eventually, you both pulled away, breathing heavily and smiling giddily.
“So does this mean you feel the same?” you asked shyly, hoping to hear her confirm what you already knew.
“How could I not? I love you too y/n” she answered, pulling you into her again and pressing her lips against yours.
“Finally!” You heard Ingrid say, “she’s only been crushing on Alessia for eight years”
Finally, you thought, finally you had the girl of your dreams.
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22plus15 · 7 months
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sweetest pic you’ll see all day 🥹 ona & lucía garcía at the 2015 u-17 euros 🫶 (via @WEURO)
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
You Know I Adore You (I’m Crazy For You) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: some anxiety
word count: 1425
summary: requested and requested x2, ona coming out 🌈
a/n: i am so sorry i took so long to get around to your request nonny, this isn’t as good as it should be but i hope you like it and happy pride month!
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‘Ale? Can we talk please?’ Ona asks.
Her voice is quiet, eyes downcast. Alexia was busy but she made time for the younger girl immediately. The Barcelona captain was worried for the Manchester United fullback who has seemed particularly uneasy this camp.
As Alexia follows Ona out of the dining room, she sends a quick text to Mapi, asking the blonde to meet them at Ona’s room. The younger brunette is close to her too and Alexia thinks that Ona’s fellow defender might be able to offer her some support.
The twenty three year old is silent as she sits on her bed, twisting the ring she’s wearing round and round her finger.
Alexia is really worried now and is relieved when she hears a soft knock on the door.
Ona jumps and Alexia grabs her hands, assuring her that it’s just Mapi.
Both players sit on either side of Ona who bites her lip nervously. She’s biting it so hard Alexia is scared that she’s going to make it bleed.
‘I-I have to tell you something. I want to tell you something.’
‘Okay. We’re here for you Ona.’ Mapi encourages, squeezing the younger defender’s hand gently.
‘No matter what.’ Alexia promises.
‘I’m gay.’ Ona softly admits.
‘Oh thank goodness. Dios mio Ona.’ Alexia exhales.
Ona is shaking, trembling with fear and uncertainty.
Mapi pulls her into her arms, kissing her forehead sweetly, ‘I’m so proud of you. I’m so happy that you feel safe and comfortable enough to tell us.’
Alexia kisses Ona’s cheek, ‘I thought you were in trouble, Ona. You were so anxious. I’m so thankful that you wanted to share this with us.’
Ona smiles then, soaking in the tight embrace that she’s in. She doesn’t know why she was so afraid earlier, it’s not as if Mapi and Alexia would have judged her and she voices those thoughts out loud.
‘I guess I was a little anxious.’
Alexia laughs, kissing Ona’s cheek again. Mapi tucks a strand of hair behind Ona’s ear, smiling at her.
‘We forgive you for worrying us Oni.’
Ona giggles, feeling a weight lift off her now that she had finally told two of her teammates.
Then she pauses, ‘Can you help me tell the rest of the team please. I just, I just want them to know.’
Alexia grins slyly.
‘This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain other teammate of ours? One that we all know is gay?’
Ona’s eyes widen and she blushes, mumbling something about how it doesn’t and is completely unrelated.
Neither Mapi nor Alexia believe her but they agree to help their younger teammate all the same.
Alexia arranges for the team to gather in her room for a movie night.
You think nothing of it, Alexia has always been keen on team bonding. She believed that a team that knew each other well, played well together.
You’re the first to arrive, having a tendency to be early for everything. It comes as a surprise to you that Ona is already there.
‘Hey you.’ You greet, a smile forming on your face when you see her.
‘Hi.’ Ona giggles, leaning into your side as soon as you sit down on Ale’s bed.
You drop a kiss down onto her head and you feel the brunette shiver.
She cuddles further into you and if you weren’t so focused on her as the rest of your teammates file into the room, you would notice the way Alexia’s and Mapi’s eyes soften.
When the whole La Roja team is squeezed into Alexia’s hotel room, Alexia clears her throat to quieten the room.
She shoots Ona a meaningful look and the fullback stiffens in your arms.
‘Um. I-I have something to share with you guys.’
Ona hesitates for a brief moment before looking you in the eyes and blurting out, ‘I’m a lesbian. I’m gay and I thought I should tell all of you because you’re my team, my second family.’
There isn’t a split second’s hesitation for the room to erupt in cheers.
Ona’s cheeks heat up as Leila excitedly screams, ‘Welcome to the club!’
She grins at the support she’s receiving but she’s really only looking at you and waiting for your reaction.
You’re smiling brightly at her, a tiny glimmer of hope in your gaze as you hug her a little tighter.
‘Congratulations on coming out, Ona. You’re so brave.’
‘Gracias.’ Ona hums, reveling in the feeling of being in your arms. She loves it and frequently wished it happened more often.
You’re drinking your coffee when Mapi plops down into the empty seat in front of you.
‘You have no excuse now.’
Leila appears beside her best friend then.
‘Obviously it means that you have to tell Ona how you feel.’ She states.
You roll your eyes at the pair, ‘No I don’t. Just because I now know for sure that she likes women doesn’t mean that she’ll like me.’
‘Chica. She doesn’t just like you, she loves you. Ona came out for you, idiota. She wanted you to know so that you can make a move.’
You’re silent for a moment as you take in Mapi’s words. The older woman usually joked around a lot but she was serious about this.
‘D-Do you know where she is now?’
‘In her room.’ Leila answers eagerly.
The mostly full cup of coffee is left behind as you leave the dining room immediately.
Mapi and Leila smirk as they watch you rush off to find Ona.
Ona is just coming out of her room when she sees you.
Her face lights up and she bounces over to give you a tight hug.
‘Hi Oni.’
She grins and blushes when you kiss her cheek lightly.
‘How are you feeling?’
‘Good. I’m really happy.’
You smile at her when she turns to you, ‘How are you feeling today?’
‘I feel like I need to tell you something.’
Your heart beats a little faster as you carefully scan her face for any sort of reaction.
Ona doesn’t hesitate, lightly brushing her pinky against yours in comfort, ‘Oh. Would you like to go back into my room to talk about it?’
‘Yes please.’ You softly answer.
Ona senses your anxiety and takes your hand in hers, leading you into her room. You try to hide the way butterflies flutter in your stomach at the contact.
She nudges you gently once you’re back in her room.
‘You can tell me anything. You can trust me, I promise.’
‘I know.’
You chance a glance at the brunette, trying your best to be courageous enough to admit your feelings to her. Ona had been brave enough to come out so surely you could be brave enough to tell her about your feelings for her right?
Ona hums after a moment, her lips ticking upwards into a little smile.
‘I know by the way. That’s kind of why I did it.’
‘You like me.’ The brunette states, matter of factly.
‘I-I do?’
The surprise in your tone makes Ona laugh.
‘You do. You have for years. I’ve seen the way you look at me.’
‘I do.’ You mumble in disbelief, because you really thought you were subtle about it.
Ona laughs again, sitting down on her bed beside you and kissing your forehead affectionately.
‘I’ve waited for you to admit your feelings for years. I tried so hard to show you that I feel the same but you never picked up on it.’
‘I’m sorry.’ You breathe and Ona shakes her head.
‘You drove me crazy you know? I thought I was so obvious. I don’t know what I would have done if last night didn’t work.’
‘I’m sorry.’ You say again, staring at her in a daze, still trying to come to terms with the thought that she had known and reciprocated how you feel all along.
Ona shrugs casually, ‘Te amo. I have for years.’
You blink at her for a moment before shaking your head, ‘I’m an idiot. Mapi and Leila are right.’
The brunette fullback who has your heart giggles loudly.
‘You are. But that’s okay. I love you anyway.’
You grin at her, cherishing the way her chocolate brown eyes sparkle with happiness.
‘Can I take you out on a date this weekend?’
‘I thought you’d never ask.’
Her eager words and bright smile give you the warmest of feelings inside. She’s the one for you, you just know it.
‘I love you too.’
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Spanish Translations:
dios mio - oh my god
gracias - thank you
chica - girl
idiota - idiot
hola - hi
te amo - i love you
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btlle · 3 months
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this just came up on my pinterest and i want all my girls back please 💗
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