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💙 ~ SpaceMan & StarChild ~ 💜
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
Demon: Sorry I’m late. I was... doing things.
Vinneketh, slides in disheveled and grinning: I’m things.
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Shandi’s Whumptober!
I think it’s time for a story with one of my favorite KISSteria OTPs~ Enjoy!! 
Day 15: Emotional Damage
It had been so long since Demon had left for the Underworld, Vinneketh had lost track of time. Had it been weeks? Months? Years? He couldn’t remember anymore. Just as he began to lose hope he began to hear the servants of the temple talk about a volcano mysteriously forming out in the forbidden territories. His heart leapt inside of his chest. Was that the sign he had been waiting for. He had to find out! 
“Aiutu where are you going..?” Ayesha watched Vinneketh move about frantically, gathering what he needed to travel. “..Can I go with you..?” 
“No, Little Jewel..not this time. You will have to stay with uncle Radames.”
“B-but why..?” She started to sniffle.
“Because..where I am going could be very dangerous..and I cannot risk you getting hurt.”
“I wanna go!!” 
“Little Jewel..the desert is perilous and the heat can be deadly. Besides..” He smiled and picked her up. “I want you to make sure our home is presentable for Baba’s return~” 
Ayesha’s eyes practically lit up. “Baba?! Baba is coming back?!” 
“I am not certain..but I am going to find out~” 
“W-will you..tell Baba I miss him..?”
“Of course I will, sweetheart~ And then I will bring him back here so that you can tell him~” 
“Wish me luck, will you?” 
After leaving Ayesha in the care of his Master, Vinneketh set off into the desert.
Even with his magic, the desert was less than kind. Sometimes it felt as if only his passion to find his husband was all that kept him going forward. As he reached the volcano the ground began to quake under his feet. He observed the volcano closely. 
“The progress is only minuscule but it is growing bigger. I wonder if..” Feeling a wave of dizziness, he stopped and fell back. The heat was quickly becoming unbearable. He reached for his water, turning to the volcano as he drank. He could only hope that he was right about it. 
It was weeks before the volcano grew to full size. The ground cracked apart under its tremendously growing pressure. It was there that Vinneketh stayed. He watched. He prayed. He called out hoping his Beloved would answer. A sudden eruption spewed lava and burning rocks from the opening. It then blew apart, and Vinneketh could see giant wings spreading out from the column of black smoke.
“B-Beloved..is that you..?” 
Demon quickly caught the collapsing body of his husband before he could fall to the ground, drained and completely exhausted from the heat. “Yes, Treasure..it is I.” 
When Vinneketh awoke, he was in bed. Was all he had seen just a dream?
“Aiutu’s awake!!” Ayesha ran into the room and climbed up on the bed. “Look Baba, he’s awake!!” 
Demon folded his wings and stepped inside. He looked different. Bigger. His armor was heavier and covered in spikes. His once human-like fingers had grown into black claws. His feet were now a Demon’s talons. And yet..his face looked exactly the same. It was the face he loved. “It wasn’t a dream..you’re here~” 
“I am.” 
“Yes. What happened?” 
“I was challenged. One of my kin wished to fight me for superiority in the Demon hierarchy. I won. I was rewarded.” 
“What..does this mean then..?” 
“The Underworld is my sovereignty. My position will be challenged again. I must return to defend it. But I don’t plan on going anywhere in the near future.” 
Seeing the jagged red marks across Demon’s chest made Vinneketh frown. “You’ve been scarred.” 
“Battle damage. They will heal in time.”
“You just will not allow any of this to concern you, will you?” 
“I won’t. My family is all that concerns me now.” 
“We have missed you too, Beloved~” 
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“You’re magic on the guitar, Treasure~” “My heart pounds with your bass, Beloved~” 
                                         ~The Demon and his Treasure~
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Shandi’s Writer’s Month Prompts!
Day 5: Word: Heart | Setting: Body Switch
#2 of 3 makeups! Of course with my KISSteria OTP~ Enjoy! 
Today would be the day. He would go to StarChild and confess everything. He had gone over what he would say in his head a million times. Why was he still so scared? 
“I’m sorry, Tomaziel..I just..don’t feel the same way..” 
“This is..completely out of the blue isn’t it? We don’t even know each other that well.” 
He shuddered.
Yeah. that was why.
No. StarChild wasn’t like that. He would never say anything like that. Right? Of course not. They had been exchanging letters for weeks. It was clear there was something between them. He just had to..make it official. He expelled the breath he was holding and knocked on StarChild’s door. 
The door opened and their eyes met. They both smiled.
“Tomaziel! How wonderful it is to see you! This is certainly a surprise..I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon. Please come in~” 
“T-thank you..” 
Internally he was rolling his eyes at himself. Stuttering on the first sentence. Good start, SpaceMan. He had the biggest urge to leave so he wouldn’t embarrass himself any further, but was stopped by StarChild’s hand pressed against the small of his back. 
“You look like you have a lot on your mind. Care to sit down and talk~?” 
“Yes..I do want to talk. This is something..very important.” 
“Oh?” The concerned look on the Star Prince’s face made him even more nervous. Like..he was expecting to be told the exact things he’d had in his own head for so long. He couldn’t allow that. He reached out, took StarChild’s hands and looked directly into his eyes. 
“StarChild..I need to tell you... ...” 
“I mean..I want to ask you... ...” 
“I’m sorry..saying this in person is..so much harder than writing words on a paper.” 
“I most certainly agree~” 
“I can’t..tell you how much your letters have meant to me. Exchanging such..intimate thoughts with you has been my saving grace for as long as we have done this. The trouble is..now I’m discovering that it isn’t enough anymore..” 
He squeezed StarChild’s hands. “I need to be with you. I wish I could..put into words how much presence you have in my heart, but mere words are insufficient. I want to express my love for you in so many different ways..”
“You..love me..?” 
“If I hadn’t made it clear enough in my letters let me make it crystal clear to you now. I am so in love with you I can’t imagine a life without you in it. From the moment we first met I felt something for you, and it took me too long to realize that something was love. I won’t make that mistake again. I can’t bear the thought of losing you. I want to be with you always.” 
When crystal tears fell from the Star Prince’s eyes, Tomaziel was quick to wipe them away. “You’re so beautiful, StarChild..even when you cry~” StarChild laughed softly. “I didn’t even think that was possible but I actually believe it when you say it~” 
“You’re not..sad are you..?” 
“No..they’re just tears of joy. I haven’t..felt this happy in a long time~” 
“Neither have I~” 
“In all honesty, the place where I am right now..I feel I really don’t deserve your love..”
“Don’t worry..we’ll work together to fix that~” 
“You’ll wait..?” 
“If there’s anyone worth waiting for, it’s you~” 
“You once called me your Knight in your letters. I have every intention of fulfilling that role..my lovely Prince~” 
“Will..you stay here tonight..?” 
“I’m not going anywhere. Not ever~” 
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