#Mac Loudon is a good guy!
“A New Beginning”
Mac Loudon fic (Word count: 1.057)
Based from “Life is Strange: True Colors”
And obviosly filled with spoilers if you haven’t seen/played the game.
I don’t own all the character of all Life is Strange: True Colors. (Except for OC and additional characters that needed for this fanfic lol.)
I just finished watching -and let me say it again, watching, not playing- “Life is Strange: True Colors” and I just couldn’t help but want to write about him 😭.
I have little knowledge of Life is Strange universe. I watched Life is Strange 1 and Life is Strange: True Colors. Besides from that I haven’t seen: “Before the Storm” and “2”. So I’m sorry if I butchered something in this fanfic.
Is it just me who cheers for Mac? Like in the end Mac isn’t bad at all y’all 😭.
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A/n: gif is not mine. Please kindly check the owner of this gif. (@thaiika​)
I couldn’t fucking believe it! Alex actually did it! She actually brought Typhon down to crumble. And now I felt like I could finally breathe. Somehow my sudden panic attack that grew from “Gabe’s accident” turned into dust. I let go of my breath that I seemed to hold.
God…. It’s finally fucking over. But at what price though? Riley broke up with me. I lost my job now that Typhon went down, which led me to another problem. God, such a catastrophic event today. What would happen now for Haven Springs?
I shook my head. That’s for another day. For now, I just went back to my bed, feeling safe again.
Haven Springs a couple days later was still in a state of shock. The people seemed to process everything they knew from the news media. Fuck…I was still processing it too. We all were. But I wasn’t going to let it stop me from starting a new life. A new beginning. If Riley could do better, so was I. So I had to pay a visit to the Black Lantern, where Alex Chen stayed.
Even though we were still in the state of shock, Haven Springs still shone so bright for what came next. God, when did I become so dorky and shit? Fuck that shit! I shock my head. Alex Chen. Right, searched for her and paid a visit.
I opened the door to the Black Lantern and saw that it was already filled with people. Some students were busy with their own messy shitty lives and other  people who came by just to eat. Duckie was there too, talking to someone. Probably more to tell them a story rather than talking.
I searched at the bar and didn’t find Alex. Maybe upstairs? Just before I stepped up, I heard someone called, “Mac? What are you doing here?”
I turned around and saw it was Ryan Lucan, the son of the owner of the Black Lantern, Jed Lucan. “Hey Ryan. Is Alex here?”
“Nah, she’s in the record store, taking care of it after Steph’s gone outside. Living her dream.” He said as he wiped down the counter. “So, why are you looking for Alex?”
The tone of his voice seemed … new? Like I’d never seen him before like that. Like he worried that I might do something. Oh right … he was his girlfriend after all. “I was just going to pay a visit.”
He looked at me again. “That’s new. What for?”
I sighed, “She promised me that I’m better off from Typhon. Now that it is gone. I’m practically jobless.”
“Oh … right ….”
“Yeah,” I scoffed.
“Well, you should go to the record store now if you want to see her.”
I nodded and bid him goodbye. Okay then, to the record store it is.
I walked across and went inside the record store, Rocky Mountain Record Traders. The place was nice, cozy even. Tons of records neatly tucked in a box, figurines lined up on shelves, and last but not least: Valkyrie, the devil cat. Honestly, she didn’t like everyone except Steph and maybe Alex too. And most certainly didn’t like me at all.
I looked behind the counter and still didn’t find Alex. I looked behind the window glass of the record store and found her. She was broadcasting something, I didn’t know for sure. So I just knocked on the glass and she was startled. She glanced at me and took off her headphones. The door to the record room opened and she walked towards me. “Mac! You surprised me! So what’s up?”
“You did it. Typhon is down.”
“Yes! I know right, it was one a hell of a ride and one thing that made me learn some important things too.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. I come to you because you know….”
You’d gotta be kidding me. “Typhon down, we win and that shit. And one more important thing: I’m fucking jobless!”
She winced at me, “Oh yeah … that.”
“You better be have some fucking job for me Chen.”
“Better, I have one for you, come again at the Black Lantern tomorrow.”
“Fine!” I walked out of the store and headed out to the flower shop where Eleanor worked.
Even though me and Riley broke up. I still didn’t want to lose contact with her Grandma. Well, this was me still hoping to talk with Riley too.
I helped the best as I could to ease Eleanor from the list for the day. Even though she didn’t tell me her problems, I could tell that she had something going on with her. And I wasn’t going to let her do it alone. I wanted to help her to the fullest.
“Thank you, Mac!” She said as I finished helping her. “You had no idea of what you did today, completely save me the trouble. I’m truly grateful. Again, thank you.”
“No problem, Eleanor.”
I walked down the street again and didn’t notice that the sun had set to the color of warm orange. Guess I should go home for now and tomorrow go back to Alex.
“Ta-da!” Alex shouted as I asked her again about the job and all she did was throwing her arms at the bar counter of the Black Lantern.
I gave her a hard stare look, “That’s a counter. I know that. What the hell are you trying to show me, Chen?”
“This! You’re going to work at the Black Lantern now! I know that it is not the best place since Riley dumped you-”
“Thanks to you Asshole!” I shouted.
“-here, but we thought you could do a great job here!”
I sighed hard, “And are you sure about this Ryan?”
“Yeah why not? Besides, Alex can see if you do any harm to- Ouch!” Ryan pressed his palm against his ribs where Alex had elbowed him hard.
“What the hell are you guys talking about?”
“Nothing!” They both shouted at me, then Ryan continued assuring me about the job that it was a pleasure to have another one to look after the Black Lantern.
“Well,” I said, scratching my head. “If you say so.”
And my new beginning was starting in the Black Lantern, where all so many secrets that had been buried, came up to Haven Springs.
A/n: Thank you for reading lol! And I’m sorry if I missed some little details from “Life is Strange: True Colors.”
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