sugarwaterradio · 5 years
Macabre Video Of Fake Trump Murdering Obama, Maxine Waters and Black Lives Matter Screened At Pro-Trump Rally.
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Since Donald Trump's campaign to the house was revealed in 2015, the country has seen an influx in racist and sexist based attacks including death threats against Rep. Maxine Waters after she publicly called for Trump to be removed from office in 2017.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vjeqd-UPCM If you were ever unclear of what President Donald Trump and his constituents stand for, the latest video screened by supporters at his latest rally definitely gives you a clear eye view. As the New York Times reports, during a three day conference sponsored by a group called American Priority at the Trump National Doral Resort in Miami, Trump supporters screened a parodied clip of the 2014 dark comedy film “Kingsman: The Secret Service” which depicted Trump murdering his political opponents, former President Barack Obama, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Black Lives Matter. During the graphic clip, the fake Trump is seen repeatedly punching someone with Rep. Maxine Waters‘ face superimposed on them and another character with the word “JAIL” superimposed on them throws Waters out the window. Then the menace continues on graphically and violently killing others, which includes the depiction of Barack Obama getting his neck snapped and a person with “Black Lives Matter” superimposed on them getting shot in the head. While there is no doubt whatsoever that if the roles were reversed and a clip this graphic in nature was screened during President Barack Obama’s second presidential campaign there would be outrage and the end of his presidential bid, the Trump administration and supporters continue to feed into the vile clip with their “fake news” anti-facts rhetoric during rallies across the country and online. Since Trump has been in office, not only has the administering of propaganda-style news from non-reputable sites increased, so have the attacks on people of color which is so violently highlighted in the clip. Organizers of the pro-Trump rally, American Priority, denounce the video claiming that they were screening the clip as a part of a “meme exhibit” and was unsure how the video ended up being shown at the conference. “Content was submitted by third parties and was not associated with or endorsed by the conference in any official capacity,” said the organizer, Alex Phillips. “American Priority rejects all political violence and aims to promote a healthy dialogue about the preservation of free speech. This matter is under review.” White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham took to Twitter to convey Trump’s condemnation of the clip, saying: “Re: the video played over the weekend: The @POTUS @realDonaldTrump has not yet seen the video, he will see it shortly, but based upon everything he has heard, he strongly condemns this video.”
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Stephanie Grisham ✔ @PressSec Re: the video played over the weekend: The @POTUS @realDonaldTrump has not yet seen the video, he will see it shortly, but based upon everything he has heard, he strongly condemns this video. Despite his “strong condemnation”, Trump is still taking to social media to continue to feed the narrative that he is a “victim” of the very system he upholds in office. While the response to the video came from the office of the Press Secretary, Trump is using his account to continue to attack reputable news sources such as CNN and New York Times for their continued coverage into the falsehoods of his presidency and the illegal activity which has led him down the road to impeachment.
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Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump Wow! Hunter Biden is being forced to leave a Chinese Company. Now watch the Fake News wrap their greasy and very protective arms around him. Only softball questions of him please!
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Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump The Fox Impeachment poll has turned out to be incorrect. This was announced on Friday. Despite this, the Corrupt New York Times used this poll in one of its stories, no mention.... Since news broke of the distasteful video, original poster Meme World issued a statement blasting the New York Times stating: “MemeWorld has not and does NOT condone ANY violence committed by ANYONE, for ANY REASON. The Kingsman video is CLEARLY satirical and the violence depicted is metaphoric,” it said. “No reasonable person would believe that this video was a call to action or an endorsement of violence towards the media.This attack on the American Priority Conference and a MemeWorld contributor comes from the same New York Times that supported a play calling for President Trump’s staff to Assassinate him in the style of Julius Caesar. This attack is yet another example of the Mainstream Media’s hypocrisy. The Kingsman video was played on a small tv in an empty room for a few hours during a 3-day event that FEATURED AN ANTI POLITICAL VIOLENCE PANEL.” While anyone with a brain understands that the current administration isn’t fit to run a SIM’s city, let alone the real United States, that’s not stopping some Black people from drinking the Kool-Aid. As previously reported both Kanye West, Omarosa Manigault, and Isaiah Washington have both declared their love for Trump, and sunken place mayor Candace Owens has even blazed the campaign trail to denounce the reality of the increase in racist attacks and homegrown terrorism since 2016. Despite the overt acts of racism, a July Quinnipiac University poll showed a majority (51%) of voters believed that Trump is a racist, while 45% said that he is not. Even with the influx of people, namely women of color, being elected to office and compelling proof of systematic racism being presented, Americans seem to want to stay dense in regards to the racist attacks people of color have faced since the inauguration of Trump and how huge of a role that Trump himself actually plays into it. As former Trump supporter and “African American friend” Gregory Cheadle pointed out during his interview with PBS, “Trump is only out for white people” and he doesn’t care who knows it. “President Trump is a rich guy who is mired in white privilege to the extreme,” Cheadle told PBS. “Republicans are too sheepish to call him out on anything and they are afraid of losing their positions and losing any power themselves. When you look at his appointments for the bench: White, white, white, white, white, white, white. That to me is really damning to everybody else because no one else gets a chance because he’s thinking that the whites are superior, period.” From chants of “build a wall” to “send her back”, Trump and his followers have shown that they not only support the clip but in so many ways are trying to make it a sad reality. Read the full article
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