#Maccabees Update
daydreamtofiction · 1 month
Playlist #3 // Thou Shalt Not Covet
Listen Here | To be updated with every new chapter
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1: Providence
GOLDWING - Billie Eilish
My Boy Builds Coffins - Florence + The Machine
2: Temptation
Tongues - Marika Hackman
Rivers In Your Mouth - Ben Howard
3: Faith
Lost Cause - Billie Eilish
Gina’s World - Marika Hackman
Fresh Laundry - Allie X
4: Sacrilege
Mara - Genevieve Stokes
Toothpaste Kisses - The Maccabees
notre dame - Paris Paloma
5: Sacrifice
Middle of the Bed - Lucy Rose
Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Oxytocin - Billie Eilish
6 & 7: Credence/Divinity
Why Does it Always Rain on Me? - Travis
soleil soleil - Pomme
Big God - Florence + The Machine
Undone, Undress - Marika Hackman
Churchyard - AURORA
Burn it Down - Daughter
Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel Cain
8: Penance
mary magdalene - FKA twigs
9: Sin
Family Tree - Ethel Cain
Cherry - Lana Del Rey
10: Baptism
new skin - VERITÉ
Claude's Girl - Marika Hackman
No Kind Words - The Maccabees
11: Communion
Various Storms & Saints - Florence + The Machine
Home - Daughter
Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club
Heaven is Here - Florence + The Machine
12: Mercy
Habits - Genevieve Stokes
Tonight I Feel Like Kafka - Jealous of the Birds
You Keep Me Crawling - AURORA
13: Heaven
Unpunishable - Ethel Cain
Spiracle - Flower Face
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oakstar519 · 10 months
(aka my cat is gonna be in @irlcats-bracket and y'all had better vote for him) (his poll isn't out yet but it will be soon)
this is maccabee, aka mac. he is a weird little man (affectionate).
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here are several reasons you should vote for mac:
1) he's a handsome little dude.
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look at him! not a single bad angle. he's perfect.
2) he likes sitting in strange places.
this includes: inside of boxes,
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"inside" of boxes,
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on top of boxes,
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inside of boxes that he shouldn't be in,
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and assorted other places such as ladders, my college laundry bag, my dad's tool bags,
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my mom's important files, the top of my bookshelf, and this specific stair.
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3) he likes chewing on the tops of pineapples.
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no joke, he is the reason we can't have pineapples in the house. if we buy a pineapple we have to either put it out on the porch until we cut it up, or chop the top off (as seen in the middle image). otherwise he will chew the leaves up and then vomit them up somewhere in the house.
4) he has a very nice smile :)
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5) we have both a blanket and a pillow with his face on it.
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(the blanket is my mom's; my dad made it for her because it's funny and then i made a bunch of transparent images to add to the corners because what's better than a dozen pictures of the cat? two dozen pictures of the cat. the pillow is mine because i cannot keep mac in a college dorm.)
6) i am not above bribery.
if you send me proof that you voted for him, i will send you a photo that has not appeared on my tumblr before. as of today, 8/24/2023, i have 1,368 photos of him, from december 2012 to the present. you can specify a month and year and i can get you one.
UPDATE for the finals: my mother has agreed to write messages on notecards and take photos of mac with them. if you would prefer a customized note instead an older photo, let me know. (that being said, it might take longer because i have to have my mom take the photos and she does have work and stuff)
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considermeadream12 · 2 years
Songs that remind me of Byler
I made a list of my favorite songs that remind me of Will and Mike somehow - was looking through my own playlists but obviously got inspired from people in the fandom too. Thanks to everybody who made me discover some good new music! xx So this is my personal selection, I might put this into a playlist later, let's see. I will keep this post updated if I discover new songs, so feel free to share your favorites with me!
The classics
Taylor Swift / Seven
Ricky Montgomery / Line without a hook
Conan Gray / The Story
Taylor Swift / Cardigan
Billie Eilish / Everything I wanted
The Neighbourhood / Sweater Weather
Conan Gray / Heather
Ruth B. / Dandelions
Harmless / Swing Lynn
Phoebe Bridgers / Emotion Sickness
The oldies
Bronski Beat / Smalltown Boy
The Cure / Boys don’t cry
The Beach Boys / California Dreaming
The Smiths / Back to the Old House
Chris Isaak / Wicked Game
A Flock of Seagulls / I Ran (So Far Away)
Walk the Moon / Ghostbusters
Tears For Fears / Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Naked Eyes / Always Something There to Remind Me
The Beatles / I Want To Hold Your Hand
Queen / Bohemian Rapsody
Elton John / I’m Still Standing
Eagles / Hotel California
The ones you don’t have in mind
Calpurnia / Say It Aint So
The Maccabees / Toothpaste Kisses
Ella Jane / nothing else i could do
Big Giant Circles / Outside the Realm
Lorde / Buzzcut Season
Alizée / L’e-mail a des ailes
Jeremy Loops / Vultures
The ones that hit on a personal level
Studio Killers / Jenny (I wanna ruin our friendship)
Tom Goss / Son of a Preacher Man
Ezra Williams / My Own Person
Troye Sivan + Seed / Papercut
Belle & Sebastian / Safety Valve
Sufjan Stevens / Fourth of July
Troye Sivan + Betty Who / Heaven
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rgbwebtech · 1 year
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stickyllamastudent · 4 months
Truth or Pagan ??
Sun 2/25/2024 5:59 AM
below is place to look for updates and free education resources and if not there get back to me
“Hi (word of god evangelism), I’ve started a GoFundMe, and it would mean a lot to me if you could support the fundraiser by making a donation or even sharing my fundraiser with your friends. You can see my fundraiser here: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/poor-in-the-world-who-need-help-thru-our-church]. Any and all donations are appreciated, but even sharing the fundraiser will help me reach my goal!”
Angel Numbers, Spirituality, Symbolism and Astrology - Totally the Dream
You searched for 75 books missing from bible - Totally the Dream
The List of 75 Books Removed From the Bible - Totally the Dream
The List of 75 Books Removed or Excluded from the Bible
The Protevangelion
The Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa
The Gospel of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate)
The Apostles’ Creed (throughout history)
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans
The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca’s to Paul
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
The Epistle of Clement
The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
The Epistle of Barnabas
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans 
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans
The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp
The Shepherd of Hermas (Visions, Commands, and Similitudes)
Letter of Herod To Pilate the Governor
Letter of Pilate to Herod
The Lost Gospel of Peter
The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
Book of Enoch 1
Book of Enoch 2 (known as The Secrets of Enoch
Enoch 3 
Book of Esdras 1 
Book of Esdras 2
Book of Maccabees 1
Book of Maccabees 2
Book of Maccabees 3
Book of Maccabees 4
Book of Maccabees 5
Book of Tobit
Book of Jasher
Book of Judith
Book of Esther
Book of Ecclesiasticus / Sirach
Book of Jubilees
Book of Baruch 1
Book of Barucu 2
Book of Baruch 3 
Book of The Shepherd of Hermas
Book of Wisdom / Wisdom of Solomon
Book of The Psalms of Solomon
Book of The Odes of Solomon
Book of Giants
Book of Adam and Eve 1 
The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
The Gospel of James / The Protevangelion
The Gospel of Peter
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Nicodemus / Acts of Pilate
The Syriac Infancy Gospel / Infancy of Jesus Christ
The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus, King of Edessa
The Epistle of Aristeas
The Epistle of Jeremiah
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans
The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca
The Epistle of Pilate to Herod
Assumption of Moses
Apocalypse of Moses
Testament of Abraham
Apocalypse of Abraham
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs 
The Acts of Paul
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
The Apostles Creed
Psalm 151
Story of Susanna*
Story of Bel and The Dragon*
Story of Ahikar*
The Prayer of Azariah and the Songs of the Three Holy Children*
Prayer of Manasseh
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swampy-sayin-it · 9 months
The Adventures of Rev. Harold "Harry" Tick The Bible
Let us introduce you to the Rev. Harold "Harry" Tick, head Pastor of the Fundamentalist, Holiness, Church of God. Rev. Tick believes that the Bible is the only thing one needs to preach God's word, and the King James Version is the only one "authorized". This is a pseudo conversation I had with the good Rev. Tick on the Bible.
Me: So, Rev Tick, no other Bibles can be considered authentic translations before the King James?
Tick: Why would there be other translations anyway? The King James is the one we use because it is the only one authorized.
Me: Then who authorized it? It should say on the title page.
Tick: Let me take a look and satisfy your question. See, it says "approved to be read in Churches."
Me: The other notation here says it was produced in 1611. That would be about 1600 years after the last Apostle died. That brings me to this question, "are any of the Bibles produced before the King James valid then? And then, if not why?"
Tick: You mean there are other Bibles before the King James? How can that be? This is the only one "approved to be read in Churches."
Me: Brother Tick, there was a Version of the Old Testament that was produced about 100 years before Jesus was even born. It is called the Septuagint. The Septuagint was produced for the Greek speaking peoples who were Jews. Most of the Greek Jews, or the Samaritans, did not read Hebrew and so 70 scholars translated the Hebrew scriptures, used at the time, into Greek.
Tick: So, what does that have to do with the King James?
Me: About 2/3 of the New Testament quotes are found in the Septuagint. Along with that there is the doctrine of the resurrection found in the books of the Maccabees. More important is that Jesus might have read the Septuagint too. This was the popular standard to read amongst the people.
Tick: What about the Hebrew scriptures?
Me: Once the Jews were dispersed from Jerusalem for the final time, until 1947, the priests and Hebrew scholars decided to codify the Old Testament in 490 AD. Their standard was that nothing written after BC 450, or not written in Hebrew would be included. That meant 7 books were left off the Old Testament you have today.
Tick: So, what did they do with those extra books?
Me: A version of the New Testament was compiled by the Gnostic Marcion in the early 2nd century. His version contained only edited copies of Luke's and Paul's writings and none of the Old Testament. Marcion considered the "god" of the Old Testament evil and the "god" of the New Testament good.
So, what this did was force the Church to compile and produce a New Testament. After many years of laborious work in settling into what we have today as the New Testament. Keep in mind there are literally hundreds of New Testament writings that were written in the early centuries.
Tick: so, what we have here is a Holy Ghost inspired Bible, right?
Me: Yes, we do Brother Tick. There were many updated translations over the many years and differences about the extra books in the Septuagint. Because the New Testament was not officially complied until the Council of Carthage on 397 AD were all 27 books of the New Testament settled as "authorized". In the meantime, the Church was using the Septuagint version of the Old Testament in their translations.
Tick: Why did the Church use the Septuagint instead of the Hebrew version?
Me: Well, Brother Tick, the versions with the extra books were considered the "authorized" versions when they made translations. For instance, the Latin Vulgate was translated into Latin for the Roman society in the late 4th century by St. Jerome and Latin became the official Biblical language in the Roman Catholic Church. There is more. Before the King James was produced, in 1568 the Latin Vulgate was translated into English for the Catholic Church. This was the standard bearer for the English-speaking Catholic Church until the 20th century. Why this version is important is that it was used in translating the New Testament for the King James.
Tick: How can that be? The King James is only used in Bible believing churches.
Me: What I told you is historical truth. Now, you can run but you cannot hide the truth.
Here is what I recommend to you so you can enrich your biblical knowledge. First head to the nearest Christian bookstore. Ask the clerk to get you a Strong's Concordance to go with your King James. This has every word in your Bible referenced and cross checked. Then, get a copy of Vine's New Testament words in Greek. This is for the person that likes to study but cannot read Greek. Finally, get a parallel Bible. This will help you get a grip on the context of the scriptures by comparing to other newer translations.
I see your church is stagnant. This might be that your sermons are stagnant and sometimes off target. Get these books, go home and pray for your next sermon and when God speaks a topic, or passage to you then go and dig into it with these tools.
Me: Brother Tick, I would not recommend anything to you that would not expand your biblical knowledge I do not use myself. Until next time Brother Tick, be open to what the Holy Spirit is telling you. God needs you to succeed.
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robertawilliams · 2 years
Keyword Permutations - A Google Maccabees Update
Another Great #NEWS Post from #FTHM Please Consider Sponsoring us on #Patreon http://bit.ly/FTHMuK
There is currently a lot of chatter on all the sites due to the latest Google Maccabees Update. According to reports this update mainly hits affiliate sites, some are saying this was precise to sites with various categories and sub-categories like e-commerce structures, some are saying it is a bug with the algorithm showing deprived class sites over superior quality sites. However a lot of people…
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kaiyote · 3 years
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i'm now the SECOND highest ranking maccabees blog >:)
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abbsee · 3 years
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heartcravings · 4 years
Rules: Answer all the questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better!
Thank you so much for the tag dear Coco @k-odyssey ♥
Nickname? Sam
Real Name? I go by Sam ♥
Zodiac? Capricorn
Favourite musicians or groups? I love a lot of different music... EXO and all subunits and solo work, Alex Turner, Kris Wu, Foals, Mitski, Florence and the Machine, Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, Noiserv, Kings of Convenience, Warpaint, Chet Faker, Arlo Parks, Dean, Loco, Code Kunst, The Vaccines, Arcade Fire, Daughter, Beirut, Vampire Weekend, The Maccabees, Whitney, Bob Dylan, Nirvana, Editors, Joji, St. Vincent, Karen O., Bombay Bicycle Club, Phoenix, Toro y Moi, Car Seat Head Rest, TV on the Radio, Dynamic Duo, Maggie Rogers, Cigarrettes after sex, Wild Beasts, Pulp, Bon Iver, The National, The Smiths, Joy Division, Bowie, Beatles, Queen and so many others!
Favourite sports teams? i usually just cheer for my country
Other blogs? @100daystofinishmyphd but it's been a whole lot more than 100days... and I haven't updated at all!
Do i get asks? sometimes. i do like to receive them, so feel free to send some if you want too!
How many blogs do i follow? 450 😳 that's a lot! but so many of them are dead 🤭
Tumblr crushes? i feel like i don't have any right now, though i love all my friends here! ♥
Lucky numbers? I don't really have them, but i kind of like the 26 and 27.
What am i wearing? A striped wool dress, it's comfy!
Dream vacation? anywhere i could wander! i keep mentioning Japan, South Korea, Scotland and Iceland, but if i was allowed to travel alone, with guaranteed safety and no financial or time constraints, i would grab my backpack, a water bottle, a few rice crackers and my sketch book and go to Russia, visit there, get into a train heading to Mongolia, travel with some nomad tribes, check those lakes and mountains and deserts, continuing southeast, visit part of China, then North Korea and South Korea. Go to Japan for a while and then go visit other south asian countries for a month or two... then come home say hi to my parents and start traveling again soon! what a life!
Dream car? i don't care as long as it would be sustainable!
Favourite food? I cannot choose just one thing!! hm, rice? peaches? strawberries? prunes? idk, i'm a foodie, I just like food!
Drink of choice? water
Instruments? I learned how to play the flute in school, but i remember really wanting to learn the cello. when i was around 4 or 5 years old, my ballet class was right next door to a cello class and i used to hear them practice while i put on my maillot. I just didn't have enough time. I also really prioritized my playing/free time xD
Languages? Portuguese and English. French and Spanish i mostly understand reading and listening (if spoken slowly), but i can never answer fast enough to have a regular conversation. Learning korean on a app. also tried Japanese but it got to hard too fast xD
Celebrity crushes? I used to say Tom Hardy, Anna Prior (from Metronomy) and Alex Turner. But when i stumbled with a certain Park Chanyeol everything changed... So yeah, Chanyeol ♥
Random facts? i can bend my thumbs at a 90° angle in the direction you are not suppose to bend them. also i can over extend my fingers making a convex shape with my hands... it's a little freaky but not too much!
I'll be tagging @baekhunz @luvpcy @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt @intergalacticpcy @yeolville @likelike-love and @byuns-coco if you are up to it! Anyone else who sees this and wants to share your answers please feel tagged by me ♥
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604 · 4 years
Ink, bluejeans, lemon?
blue jeans; what is your favorite item of clothing that you own?
oooh probably my junji ito long sleeve tee.... i got it at hot topic lol
lemon; what is your favorite fruit?
I saw you already answered ink and eyyyy I just learned the word 'etiology' too! It was in an essay about 3 Maccabees. Best regards, and do avoid being trampled by drunken elephants.
that’s so sick, i love reading your updates about what you’re learning in school omg it sounds like such an interesting field of study. i never read maccabees myself but i do know the plot. i will stay away from elephants.. thank u😘
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kalgroup · 6 years
How to stay at the top despite ever changing rules
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You may have recently noticed a drop in your Google ranking and overall traffic to your website. What you may not realise is that this is due to Google updating their algorithms. But then again, why should you know that, surely your agency should sort this?
As a leading digital marketing agency with a flourishing SEO team, we are one step ahead and have already informed our clients of the changes, and the SEO team, led by Kelly Burns, has begun acting on these updates. Kelly shares her thoughts on the updates below.  
As we work across so many sites we can quickly spot trends, and by comparing the effects on different sites, we are able to identify factors responsible for any changes in performance.
Because we can identify changes early, we’re already on the case with responding to the updates to ensure rankings remain as high as possible. Below are a few of the changes we’ve found.
Google snippets and metadata increase
Google has announced that it will be changing the length of snippets from 150 to 350 characters. Snippets are text, either from the page itself or metadata, which help search engines to better understand the information on a page. They are also used on results pages to give a user more information about the site.
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The Maccabees update
Reported losses of 20-30% in traffic across car and motorhomes industries has been caused as a result of the recent Maccabees update. The focus with the update is on user experience and relevance and has targeted sites with thin content, pages that contain similar content (such as product listing pages), and sites which are not optimised for mobile.
To combat this problem, we have started adding more content to listings pages, however this is only the start and as a team we’re developing a more complex strategy on how to optimise product pages to deliver the maximum returns.
Mobile page speed update
At the start of February Google announced a new page speed update for mobile searches and with more than 50% of traffic in the mobile leisure industry coming from mobile sources, this has had a significant impact on many websites and their traffic levels.
One option, which our clients will benefit from, is our major investment into infrastructure. We’re installing and upgrading new web servers which will help to increase mobile page speed and deliver content quicker.
But it’s not just about the servers. We are working closely with our web team to look at the complexity of code the site uses. For more complex websites a number of databases will have to be contacted before a page is loaded. Some of this code may be able to be streamlined to make the process simpler and all images and videos should be optimised to improve load time.
In other cases, for those websites that have been around for more years than can be remembered, it might be time to consider a whole new website, more suitable for mobile viewing.
As always, we are continuing to monitor performance and actively managing clients’ sites to keep their minds at ease. To keep up to date the work is complicated and lengthy, but ensures we are always abreast of any future changes, allowing us to react swiftly to maintain our clients ranking and remain the leading digital marketing agency in the Leisure industry.
To find out how our highly skilled SEO team can support your business, help you rise through the Google rankings and increase traffic figures, contact us today 01427 610127.
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stickyllamastudent · 4 months
Truth or Pagan ??
Sun 2/25/2024 5:59 AM
below is place to look for updates and free education resources and if not there get back to me
“Hi (word of god evangelism), I’ve started a GoFundMe, and it would mean a lot to me if you could support the fundraiser by making a donation or even sharing my fundraiser with your friends. You can see my fundraiser here: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/poor-in-the-world-who-need-help-thru-our-church]. Any and all donations are appreciated, but even sharing the fundraiser will help me reach my goal!”
Angel Numbers, Spirituality, Symbolism and Astrology - Totally the Dream
You searched for 75 books missing from bible - Totally the Dream
The List of 75 Books Removed From the Bible - Totally the Dream
The List of 75 Books Removed or Excluded from the Bible
The Protevangelion
The Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa
The Gospel of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate)
The Apostles’ Creed (throughout history)
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans
The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca’s to Paul
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
The Epistle of Clement
The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
The Epistle of Barnabas
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans 
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans
The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp
The Shepherd of Hermas (Visions, Commands, and Similitudes)
Letter of Herod To Pilate the Governor
Letter of Pilate to Herod
The Lost Gospel of Peter
The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
Book of Enoch 1
Book of Enoch 2 (known as The Secrets of Enoch
Enoch 3 
Book of Esdras 1 
Book of Esdras 2
Book of Maccabees 1
Book of Maccabees 2
Book of Maccabees 3
Book of Maccabees 4
Book of Maccabees 5
Book of Tobit
Book of Jasher
Book of Judith
Book of Esther
Book of Ecclesiasticus / Sirach
Book of Jubilees
Book of Baruch 1
Book of Barucu 2
Book of Baruch 3 
Book of The Shepherd of Hermas
Book of Wisdom / Wisdom of Solomon
Book of The Psalms of Solomon
Book of The Odes of Solomon
Book of Giants
Book of Adam and Eve 1 
The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
The Gospel of James / The Protevangelion
The Gospel of Peter
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Nicodemus / Acts of Pilate
The Syriac Infancy Gospel / Infancy of Jesus Christ
The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus, King of Edessa
The Epistle of Aristeas
The Epistle of Jeremiah
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans
The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca
The Epistle of Pilate to Herod
Assumption of Moses
Apocalypse of Moses
Testament of Abraham
Apocalypse of Abraham
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs 
The Acts of Paul
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
The Apostles Creed
Psalm 151
Story of Susanna*
Story of Bel and The Dragon*
Story of Ahikar*
The Prayer of Azariah and the Songs of the Three Holy Children*
Prayer of Manasseh
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gerardbecher-blog · 5 years
Sports News And Results
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Soccer Match Livescore
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robertawilliams · 2 years
Keyword Permutations - A Google Maccabees Update
Another Great #NEWS Post from #FTHM Please Consider Sponsoring us on #Patreon http://bit.ly/FTHMuK
There is currently a lot of chatter on all the sites due to the latest Google Maccabees Update. According to reports this update mainly hits affiliate sites, some are saying this was precise to sites with various categories and sub-categories like e-commerce structures, some are saying it is a bug with the algorithm showing deprived class sites over superior quality sites. However a lot of people…
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