dwjensen · 7 years
My Lesson in Learning
August 20, 2017
I guess that it depends on when you like to welcome the new week, be it on a Sunday evening or on a pale Monday morning such as myself however the week for me was only one day old when God laughed at my plans. On the Monday (for perspective) I was on the chain saw, trimming some trees and gathering wood for an end of week fire with visiting friends. I had some scant moments of fatigue but I felt better for the sweat and a bit of physical work for a change.  The next day I had earmarked for some mowing and whipper snipping; not a great deal but paced out to fit in with chemotherapy on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Monday night was a precursor with a cough ending with an inferno by Tuesday morning; an Ambulance ride to Hospital and 4 days in isolation. This was all standard procedure for people on Chemotherapy who spike temperatures through opportunistic viral or bacterial infections while their immune systems are compromised.
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The Doctor said to me yesterday, “You were lucky that you recovered quickly and the chemotherapy hadn’t began on the next cycle.” I must admit, she was wearing a mask at the time and though I didn’t feel “lucky”, I am grateful to be now home and feeling much better. So this morning when 3.30 said to me “You may as well get up, no more sleep for you!” I thought I’d just reflect and feel the new day. Lesson 1: The Paramedics who attended me did so with respect and professional bearing. I don’t remember ever being as young as 2 of them and I could not fault their work. My visitors later that day were my beautiful wife, a million words would never come close but I’m working on it; the Chief Superintendent of the Ambulance, the Manager of Operations, The Operational Supervisor and the Duty Officer of the local area. How can I ever thank them enough? Lesson 2: The Nurses/Doctors at Mackay Base Hospital…simply brilliant! The health system can certainly treat the populace like cattle, but the people treat you like family. I remember cutting my teeth in Hospitals and these people are so much more clever, so much more mature and so much more empathetic toward their clients; I can’t find enough superlatives for them. If this process is my final one, these 2 lessons have given me even more confidence in the world I leave behind. It screams to me to “Let it go; the shift is over and the new crew will keep the faith.”
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