#Madeline Buckshot
jolifleurbleu · 9 months
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shhhushhh · 4 years
Glass Concrete
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Drago: Is this your surprise to the guests, cuz? Waiting all night in line for a show there is no chance to get in without tickets bought at least half an year earlier?
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Margarita: Mind your own business, will ya?!
Drago: What’s wrong with you and Nel these couple of days? My, my... so edgy!
Margarita: Shut up! I’m so sorry everyone, we won’t be waiting at all.
Jessica: I don’t mind waiting! Until no one gets physical with the crowd.
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Victor: A Madeline Buckshot’s show? I’m impressed.
Margarita: Are you a fan?
Victor: I’m familiar with her work as every Simworld citizen. She is a national treasure and living legend after all. Seeing her live is a onetime experience. Thank you.
Margarita: Take me to an Aria Thrill performance when in Bridgeport and we’ll be even.
Victor: Note taken.
Proprietor: Miss Arström! Please, welcome.
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consequentson · 7 years
5x07, Inseparable
So, I think I just watched one of my most favourite episodes of Bates Motel ever. Everything about it was perfect, characterization was spot on. Commercial break ‘live blogging’ under the cut.
Norman. Oh, Norman. I feel really bad for him. It’s not hard to remember he’s a victim in this, too. I mean, there are definitely aspects of him that aren’t all... okay, besides things directly related to Mother, but -- him actively saying “this is wrong”, questioning whether he should just turn himself in... yeah. :/  I like how transparent Mother is being now, though. It feels like the final season with every new tidbit or transcendent bit of info we get. 
Again, I gotta put it out there how much I like Sheriff Green so far, too. I wonder what prompted them to search the lake, though.  Norman’s getting a little better at lying to her, but I don’t think she’s falling for it. I just kind of respect her way of investigating without being an asshole, haha. Like you don’t have to be a dick to be likable? It usually makes for an amusing character, but I like that they decided to write in a realistic, strong and professional woman to investigate White Pine Bay’s secrets for the final season.
Norma... :( 
This show is fucking heartbreaking, man... Norma deserved better... so much better... 
I really appreciate how the writers have been so consistent in confirming and putting in literal words/dialogue that  Mother is a completely separate person from Norma, too. While it makes Norma’s being dead seem more poignant, it also is more respectful of her, because Mother isn’t Norma and Norma wouldn’t do the things Mother does. Mother is harsh and cruel and without regret. Norma could be harsh and cruel but she was sadder, too; so much more human. Mother’s like some vengeful and ruthless superhuman, which makes sense, because that’s what Norman needed her to be to bare the weight of what he suffered.
Jesus... I know Dylan has every right to be angry -- how couldn’t he be? How could he stand what happened without relying on anger? But I hope he doesn’t completely tear Norman apart or abandon him. I need him not to abandon him. I’ll understand if he does; Dylan’s never been perfect, and it’s been more than implied that he has suffered, too. But I hope he doesn’t.
My chest physically aches. The last scene before commercial break...  fuck, the writers are handling this perfectly. From the second Dylan pulls up to the motel and looks up at the house, his pain is tangible -- and then Norman pulls in beside him, and you can see him force himelf together before he unbuckles and gets out... seeing him walk slowly around the living room, and then when Norman said “I’m so sorry, Dylan, I’m so sorry that I didn’t call --” from that moment I was just overcome with feeling... and it was perfect because it wasn’t total vindication or fanservice -- Mother, lurking around the corner, staring at the brothers, Norman watching her, Dylan glancing nervously over his shoulder... perfection.
I’m gonna be so mad if people say he’s betraying Norman’s trust because he is doing what he has to to protect Norman
Jesus, Norma would be so proud of him... 
I’m really relieved Mother doesn’t want Dylan dead. Had to laugh at her “I know you love him, I love him, of course we love him, he’s Dylan” lmao but yeah I’m glad she wants him gone, not dead -- hoping she stays true to course if Dylan is too stubborn to go... 
Random sidenote bc I haven’t commented on Romero’s storyline this episode yet -- I’m surprised at how helpful Maggie Summers is being. She really seems to have turned herself around since the last time we saw her in season one. I’m glad the writers were also sure to confirm Romero’s buckshot wound was infected; a little surprised, considering he had those supplies from that ambulance, but it makes sense since he was out of commission for a couple of episodes, so I’m glad the writers are at least covering their bases.
But I’m just so proud of Dylan rn I can’t concentrate on much else. He’s not abandoning Norman at all, he’s doing everything he can to save him. And Norman, not being angry with Dylan’s return, when he lowered his voice and whispered to Dylan that he missed “our mother”... 
Oh god, and a nice little nod to season one -- 
Madeline: Oh, I-- Dylan: [nodding dismissively] You didn’t know he had a brother. 
Same shit, different day.
w o w
this episode was fucking perfection in every way and i cannot wait until next week to see how this plays out, holy fucking shit
at least we know why emma comes back to white pine bay now, too -- i mean her husband almost just got knifed by his ‘brother’
I’m just so excited about this that i don’t even really have words except wow
fucking hell this episode almost makes up for the slower episodes earlier
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izzylovessims · 12 years
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Makeover #33: Madeline Buckshot.
Madeline is an elder but she's had a lot of plastic surgery to stay young for her ever changing boy-toys.
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jolifleurbleu · 9 months
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jolifleurbleu · 4 years
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consequentson · 7 years
My live reactions of 5x06, “Marion”, between commercials, and afterthoughts.
Skip-to-the-end consensus/takeaway feelings though?
Norman and Dylan are Norma’s boys, through and through.
Okay I was... slightly happier with Rihanna’s performance until she had to turn her bitch on. She doesn’t do moody convincingly. I liked the scene with her and Norman where she was eating the sandwich okay-ish, though. But that phone call was awful, lmao.
The scene where Dylan found out about Norma was way too short and rushed and the fact that it cut back to a scene with fecking Rihanna just made it worse, sigh.   But what tiny bit we saw was phenomenally acted. I love how Dylan brought back bagels, lmao. “Here, I pissed you off, lemme feed you.” I wonder who taught him that???? (Here’s lookin at you, Norma.) It was kinda weird that he asked Emma what was wrong, though. I think he was just in denial and hoping/praying she wasn’t still  gonna be upset when he came home again or something. But... yeah. That scene was ridiculously short and just... idk, the way it happened felt -- choppy??? But the acting was great. Here’s hoping folks GIF the crap out of it so it doesn’t feel so short like it was on screen. :/ 
... I’m just rambling now tryna pass time till the commercial break is over. I like the dynamic between Norma and Mother now? I guess? It’s new, and it’s sad, because it makes me miss Norma even more, but yeah.
Uuugh when are you gonna diiiiiieeeee. Rihanna just needs to go away, lmao. She’s just so stiff, why can’t she be a stiff??? 
This whole part of the episode I was like “barf, don’t care.” 
Kinda surprised Norman gave up Sam’s address so willingly though. Honestly Dylan muse was pretty okay with that, even if it was supposed to be a bitchy or immature move or something??? Idk, I just feel like Sam Loomis had that confrontation coming. I mean, it’s the world’s most boring plotline, but yeah. 
I’m just worried now that Sam is gonna die instead of Marion. I just want this particular storyline to be over, lmao. So fucking boring and Gossip Girl-esque. Oh no, people are cheating, oh damn.  I don’t watch this show for this shit.  Give me more of this Mother / Norman dynamic, give me Norman confronting his own demons and being forced to do so by characters that have been there from the start of the show that we actually give a shit about. Like... I’d rather have Chick around than the Loomis’ or Marion, even if I don’t really like him anymore, y’know? At least Chick has been a part of the White Pine Bay world for awhile now and has more connections to the main characters. Idk, idk. 
ANYWAYS. I just need Rihanna to be done on this show and for the Loomis’ to feck off.
THAT PHONE CALL. MAX KILLED THAT. Wow. I usually hate “phone call scenes” bc it’s so... idk, I just hate watching people with phones pressed up against their heads?? Haha. But Max fucking killed that. I was super pissed off with Norman at first, he was being so insensitive, but when Dylan yelled at him, literally said “BULLSHIT,” and Norman slowly dissolved, like holy shit. I’m worried Dylan won’t be able to see Norman as a victim in this... I know it was his first reaction, but holy shit, Dylan was furious. I mean it makes sense, obviously, but yeah I’m just... I’m scared he’s not gonna wanna help Norman. I’ll understand it, but it’ll make me sad. But also, holy fucking hell, I am feeling so vindicated and proud of Dylan for knowing Norma would never do that. For Dylan standing up for Norma’s strength and resilience. He knows his mother suffered more than any one person should ever have to suffer, but that she was strong enough to bear it and live. Fuck, I’m so proud of him for knowing. Even if it’s denial -- just the fact he said it out loud, he spat it so vehemently. Gahhh. I have a lot of feelings about that phone call.
And that fucking scene with Norman and Mother!!! Epic. So so so proud of Norman for trying to stand up to her. Because she isn’t Norma... the way he told her “not to act like her”. I’m just so proud of these brothers right now, even as my heart is breaking for them. 
Dylan and Norman are Norma Louise Bates’ boys. 
My feelings.
jesus fucking CHRIST Norman ;-;  I am so so so so so proud of this boy. He is trying so hard. If only we were all so strong to battle so hard against our darkest selves. 
I hope this is the last we see of Marion, and that Norman now murders Sam. I mean, it’ll be pretty... predictable? Even if he murders Madeline instead of  Sam, really. But it’ll feel right, I think, even though I would rather their storyline be finished entirely -- to have it just kinda fade without any more of Norman’s involvement although it’ll be obvious Norman was the one who told Marion where to find Sam would just be weird. 
Part of me hopes he murders Sam because Sam is trash and Madeline doesn’t deserve to die. But the common plot tool is revenge or spite -- and Madeline doesn’t seem the type. Although we already have Romero playing that line, even if we haevn’t heard from him yet this episode (really Alex, how long does it take for ex-sheriff bulldog to get back up again after a buckshot wound???).
I am missing Romero, though. But I know his plot is very to the point this season, so... I guess it kind of makes sense they’re trying to draw it out. I just wish they would have figured out a storyboard for this season that focused more on characters like Romero and Emma and Dylan rather than the Loomis’.
Sitting here giggling like an idiot after that promo, man, lmao. Good fucking lord, hahahah. I really hope they’re not baiting us again with showing Dylan as if he’s gonna be in the next episode but then he isn’t, so I’ll do my best not to get too excited about it by being annoyed he has to interact with fucking Madeline Loomis, lmao. 
Good god. That scene with Mother and Norman in the office, that cinematography/direction with half her face hidden behind Norman’s profile -- I had shivers! That was so fucking awesome. Mother talking about Norma in third person was excellent, and so refreshing to hear because I’m so sick and tired of people in this fandom acting like “Soul Bates” was mutual/consensual  just because of Norman’s illness lmao. That whole thing was awesome though. 
Thinking back on it, also heartbreaking because Norman was so scared and Norma was so scared, but they had each other -- Dylan had no one, literally fled the place he was supposed to be able to call home because he couldn’t stand it alone. 
I liked that Mother talked about how Norman had wanted to kill Sam when he was older, because I’ve thought the same about Dylan. What son wouldn’t want to on some level, y’know?
Anyways, yes. This episode, man. It was awesome. 
Still kinda salty about how little Dylan has been involved this season, but I’m hoping with his return to White Pine Bay it’ll be rectified (although I’m kind’ve... not expecting much at the same time because of how extremely disappointed I’ve been in this aspect thus far.)
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