#Mahito is best when hes fucking horrifying and inhuman
In JJK the likes like Satoru, Mahito and Sukuna WILL fatshame chubby Darling, but Geto, I think, will totally do it too, as he is grown up, he became a lot meaner and petty and if you are not sorcerer it will tad worse for you chubby self
I had the dumbest thought of Mahito going "I can get rid of your excess body fat if you want! Here 😊" And he literally removes chunks of your fat and turns it into a Curse by imbuing your fear, pain, and body shame. Like it's a walking lump of fat just waddling around and bc it can tell it came from you it treats you like a parent. And Mahito has the gall to ridicule you for being so freaked out after he fucked up your body proportions and put your life at risk (imagine liposuction but without a sterile environment and no attempt at preparation or outpatient care). "Whaaat? You said you wanted to lose weight! I helped! It's a lot faster than dieting or exercise. And if you gain more weight again, I'll just make another one! It's a nice little incentive to not get that size again."
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