zappajenkins · 11 years
Final Blog Submission
During our first semester of ‘Making networked culture’ we covered a range of areas such as the Internet and viral communication as a whole.  For my final blog I wanted to choose the blogs that also covered a range of different areas when it comes to network media. My first blog I chose was ‘Big Brother is watching you – week 2’ because it was very interesting for me as I had a very low understanding of how networking on the Internet actually works. It was very engaging to see how things form with other networks so everything is linked in someway or another. Also the fact that everything we do on the Internet is tracked engaged me as it really makes you think about what you post and do on the World Wide Web. The second entry I chose was week 3’s ‘Link link link’ as I’ve had personal experiencing in having to hyperlink things before. This topic is very interesting because it shows how so many sites are connected. By the invention of hyperlinking you can now quickly go to to new pages, or sites that allow you to find new information about the same or similar topics in a click of a button. I wanted to blog about this because hyperlinking is a major factor in making a networked culture and bringing everything together. Furthermore week 5’s ‘Evolution of sound communication’ post was another important part of the class ‘making a networked culture’ however was different to the other blogs as they were more focused on the internet side of the class. Sound communication is one of the most vital parts of living nowadays as ‘everyone’ has a phone and for conversation purposes it’s the best way possible. I found it fascinating how far this specific technology has come in 200 years and am very excited to see how far it can go as technology advancement is rapidly increasing. “Effective and efficient or just pure laziness’ is the next blog entry I chose as it was a direct opinion with personal experience behind it. With the rapid development of Internet banking and online shopping, security of passwords and pins are getting more and more important, however I personally believe we are getting lazier at actually keeping this information safe. By having so many different sites and everything connected it can be hard to tell which sites are genuine and which ones are there just to take your money via scams. My last entry that I have deemed worthy of my final blog submission is week 7’s “Viral media – SHARE SHARE SHARE’ which is all about how objects on the Internet get continuously transferred until it becomes all over the internet or fades out. It is possibly the biggest component of the Internet in the past few years due to the massive growth of social networking sites so it was a must to blog about and is a crucial factor in my opinion to this subject. This class has given me a much better knowledge on programs such as iMovie, audacity and of course blogging but also an actual overall understanding of Networked Media as a whole.
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