#Mali the Elephant
gone2soon-rip · 7 months
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MALI (1974-Died November 28th 2023,at 49). Female Asian elephant who lived at Manila Zoo in Manila, Philippines. Born in Sri Lanka, she was given as a gift to First Lady Imelda Marcos by the Sri Lankan government in 1977 and lived at Manila Zoo from then on. For most of her life, she was the only elephant in the Philippines and was a subject of concern for animal welfare advocates. She was described as the world's "saddest" elephant.Mali (elephant) - Wikipedia
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 29, 2023
Rwanda’s life expectancy has increased by 20 years in the last 20 years
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What did Rwanda change? Three developments stand out: low-cost community-based health insurance plans, national investments in rural health posts, and ramped-up foreign collaborations. In 2020, more than 90 percent of Rwanda’s people had some kind of health insurance. This stands out relative to other low-income countries, where on average 31 percent of people have health insurance.
2. Brandon School Division rejects call to remove library books on sexuality, gender identity
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Loud cheers erupted inside a packed high school gymnasium after the Brandon School Division rejected a call to remove books dealing with sexuality and gender identity from libraries. Hundreds of people in Manitoba's second-largest city showed up for the marathon school division meeting, which ran into the early morning hours.
The trustees ultimately voted 6-1 to reject a proposal to create a committee of trustees and parents to review books available in division schools.
3. Lotto winner pledges to fund classrooms in his native Mali
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Happiness for one lucky North Carolina resident comes not from newfound wealth from a lottery win, but using those winnings to help schoolchildren -- in this case, from Mali.
Souleymane Sana of North Carolina won $100,000 from a scratch-off ticket. Relocating to the United States from Mali -- a war-torn county in West Africa -- Sana is using his earnings to create a non-profit to help school kids from his hometown.
4. Mountain gorillas rebound thanks to Ugandan veterinarian
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In 2018, as their population topped 1,000, they were removed from the critically endangered list and their status upgraded to just endangered. That positive step was due, in no small part, to Ugandan veterinarian Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka. 
Her working home is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, home to roughly half of the world's mountain gorillas. But early on she also realized that to help the animals and keep them free from disease and poaching, she needed to also help their human neighbours, launching successful initiatives to improve the health and well-being of the people living around the park. 
5. Imports of ivory from hippos, orcas and walruses to be banned in UK
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Ivory imports from hippopotamuses, orcas and walruses will be banned under new legislation to protect the endangered species from poaching.
The Ivory Act, passed in 2018, targeted materials from elephants, but a loophole meant that animals other than elephants, including hippos, were being targeted for their ivory.
6. Solar power due to overtake oil production investment for first time in 2023
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Investment in clean energy will extend its lead over spending on fossil fuels in 2023, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday, with solar projects expected to outpace outlays on oil production for the first time.
Annual investment in renewable energy is up by nearly a quarter since 2021 compared to a 15% rise for fossil fuels, the Paris-based energy watchdog said in its World Energy Investment report.
7. Paralyzed man walks naturally, thanks to wireless ‘bridge’ between brain and spine
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Gert-Jan Oskam lost the ability to walk in 2011 when he injured his spine in a cycling accident in China. Six years later, the Dutch man managed to take a few short steps thanks to a small array of electrodes implanted on top of his spinal cord that delivered nerve-stimulating pulses of electricity.
Today in Nature, an international team of researchers reports giving Oskam a better fix, a way to digitally bridge the communication gap between his brain and lower body. Brain waves signaling Oskam’s desire to walk travel from a device implanted in his skull to the spinal stimulator, rerouting the signal around the damaged tissue and delivering pulses of electricity to the spinal cord to facilitate the movement. Oskam can now walk more fluidly, navigate obstacles, and climb stairs.
That's it for this week :)
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star-shine-s · 10 months
★ FNAF 1 (The Withered variants are the same)
* Smoky Quartz (Freddy Fazbear)
* Amethyst (Bonnie The Bunny)
* Tigers Eye (Chica The Chicken)
* Carnelian (Foxy The Pirate Fox)
* Fools Gold Pyrite (Golden Freddy)
* Gold Diamond (Fredbear)
* Purple Diamond (Spring Bonnie)
+ FNAF 2
* Jasper (Toy Freddy)
* Lapis Lazuli (Toy Bonnie)
* Yellow Pearl (Toy Chica)
* Rose Quartz (Mangle)
* Blue Spinel (Balloon Boy)
* Black Jade (The Puppet)
* Charolite (JJ)
√ FNAF 3
* Green Sapphire (Springtrap) (Also applies to Scraptrap, Burntrap and Glitchtrap)
* Jade (Phantom Freddy)
* Lemon Jade (Phantom Chica)
* Black Jade (Phantom Foxy)
* Peridot (Phantom BB)
* Emerald (Phantom Puppet)
∆ FNAF 4
* Enstatite (Nightmare Freddy, Freddles)
* Tanzanite (Nightmare Bonnie)
* Yellow Apetite (Nightmare Chica)
* Fire Opal (Nightmare Foxy)
* Obsidian (Nightmare)
* Yellow Tourmaline (Nightmare Fredbear)
* Black Amethyst (Nightmarionne)
* Kiwi Topaz (Plushtrap)
* Tiffany Stone (Nightmare BB)
* Jadeite (Nightmare Mangle)
* Padparadscha Sapphire (Jack-O-Chica)
* Imperial Topaz (Jack-O-Bonnie)
* Orange Spinel (Grim Foxy)
% Sister Location
* Ruby (Circus Baby)
* Purple Topaz (Funtime Freddy)
* Pink Labradorite (Funtime Foxy)
* Aquamarine (Ballora)
* Larimar (Bon Bon)
* Ammolite (Ennard)
* Snowflake Obsidian (Yendo)
* Spessartine (Lolbit)
* Pink Opal (Bonnet)
* Malachite (Happy Frog)
* Thulite (Pig Patch)
* Purple Topaz (Mr. Hippo)
* Sunstone (Orville Elephant)
* Unakite (Nedd Bear)
* Axinite (Rockstar Freddy)
* Indigo (Rockstar Bonnie)
* Yellow Garnet (Rockstar Chica)
* Cats Eye Scapolite (Rockstar Foxy)
* Onyx (Lefty)
* Rhodonite (Scrap Baby)
* Champagne Diamond (Molten Freddy)
* Green Sapphire (Scraptrap)
* Fuchsia Agate (Helpy)
π Help Wanted
* Green Fluorite (Dreadbear)
* Green Sapphire (Glitchtrap)
§ Security Breach/Ruin
* Amber (Glamrock Freddy)
* Obsidian Apache Tears (Roxanne Wolf)
* Pink Moonstone (Glamrock Chica)
* Aragonite (Monty)
* Sunstone (Sunrise)
* Blue Moonstone (Moondrop)
* Chalcedony (Glamrock Bonnie)
* Bronzeite (El Chip)
* Green Sapphire (Burntrap)
* Cinnamon Zircon (Eclipse) [Platonic fusion of Blue Moonstone (Moondrop) and Sunstone (Sunrise)]
• Humans
* Amazonite (Crying Child)
* Pink Sodalite (Elizabeth Afton)
* Garnet (Michael Afton/Foxy Bro)
* Purple Sapphire (William Afton)
* Malaya Garnet (Henry Emily)
* Cherry Quartz (Charlie Emily, Sammy Emily)
* Vesuvianite (Jessica)
* Mulberry Topaz (Marla)
* Nephrite (Jason)
* Blue Tourmaline (Carlton Burke)
* Mali Garnet (John)
* Rhododhrosite (Vanessa/Vanny)
* Rhodusite (Gregory)
* Cherry Topaz (Cassie)
6 notes · View notes
fatehbaz · 2 years
I saw your post on rhinoceros distribution in the Mediterranean, and wondered If you ever came across any mention of modern northern giraffes in western Asia in historical times? Ive seen it mentioned In a blogpost before without sources but never could find anything reputable and was curious if There was anything reputable.
Sometimes claimed to be the “largest animal rock art” image on the planet, “one of the finest examples of rock art in the world,” is the so-called Dabous giraffe petroglyph. The rock art is located in the Tenere region of the Sahara (within the borders of modern-day Mali). The art is estimated to be between 7,000 and 10,000 years old (5000 BC to 8000 BC range). The artists were either Kiffian or the later Mesolithic culture known as Tenerians. Today, this is Tuareg territory.
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Paleontology, archaeology, taxonomy, etc? Environmental history before the Holocene? Not my specialties. Out of my league.
But I think that we can confidently say that wild giraffes were not present anywhere in Southwest Asia within the past 10,000 years. I, like you, haven't ever yet seen reputable sources for giraffe in the region in this time period. They were in North Africa, though.
We know with certainty about Asian elephants living in Assyria and eastern Anatolia, through physical remains, detailed records, etc. We know with certainty about tigers in Mesopotamia and lions in Persia, because they were still alive less than 100 years ago. Rhinos are conspicuously absent in records of the ancient Fertile Crescent. But at least rhinos existed, independently and separated, in both Africa and South Asia. But giraffes, after the end of the Pleistocene? Not so.
Still, just as we have petroglyphs of rhinos in the Sahara, we also have petroglyphs dating from the Holocene of giraffes in Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt.
The historical (19th century) and current (2018-ish) distribution range of giraffes:
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Potential Holocene distribution range of the giraffe within this region:
(1) Giraffe petroglyphs in the Eastern Desert of Upper Egypt suggest that giraffes were present in predynastic times (Holocene, perhaps until 3000 BC, or 5,000 years ago). The Nubian giraffe subspecies may have had continuous range in the Eastern Desert via the Red Sea coastline from the region known to ancient Egyptians as Punt; also in predynastic times, the Nile valley itself, through Nubia, might have been home to giraffes.
(2) Also within the borders of modern-day Egypt, there are more giraffe petroglyphs from the Holocene at the Gilf Kebir wadis; the Gilf Kebir site, like much of the Sahara, would have been much less arid during the Green Sahara climatic period, which appears to have lasted until 4000 BC, suggesting giraffes may have been widespread across the Sahara until that date.
Giraffes may also have lived (3) near the Mediterranean coast by way of the Atlas mountains (in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia). This is supported by the existence of giraffe petroglyphs in the Anti-Atlas of southern Morocco. Some distribution maps also suggest giraffes (4) may have lived near the Mediterranean on the Cyrenaican coast of Libya, which could’ve been populated by giraffes via the use of the Tibesti and Ahaggir mountains. But I don’t know where the Cyrenaican giraffe evidence comes from?
What we do know is that the giraffe, during the Holocene, was present in the Tibesti, Ahaggir, Tassili n’Ajjer, Messak, and Gilf Kebir regions of the Sahara in North Africa . Whether this allowed them to maintain populations in the Atlas mountains or Cyrenaica is unknown, despite W!kiedia and hobbyist references to “giraffes in Morocco until 600 AD.”
Giraffe petroglyphs from the Messak region of Libya:
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So, again from working-class GIS (MSPaint), my guess at giraffe distribution in the Holocene, using petroglyphs and known environment during the Green Sahara period:
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The red circles indicate giraffe petroglyph sites.
Quick run-down of what we know:
- I’ve only seen one reliable reference to genuine evidence/physical remains of Giraffa from relatively “recent” Asia: modern/extant Giraffa camelopardalis remains recovered at Latamne in Syria. But the remains seem to be from the Middle Pleistocene, maybe over 250,000 years old, maybe closer to 1 million years in age. (I'm not sure, I don't know anything about this site.)
- There are several large, clear, and/or conspicuous giraffe petroglyphs in the Messak plateau region of modern-day Libya. The Wadi al-Ajal site, in particular, features impressive giraffe art.
- Holocene giraffe remains/petroglyphs have been found at Wadi El Akhdar and Wadi El Bakht in Gilf Kebir of modern-day Egypt.
- Giraffe petroglyphs also exist in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
- Among 32 panels at the petroglyph site known as Taheouacht-2 in Morocco are the images of two rhinos, and also two giraffes apparently being hunted by human figures.
- The Dabous giraffe petroglyph of the Tenere region (within modern borders of Niger) proves giraffes were known to Kiffians and/or Tenerians in the region as late as 8000 BC to 5000 BC. (The Dabous art is often described as one of the most awe-inspiring, precious, important, etc. pieces of rock art on the planet.)
- There is no doubt whatsoever that Egyptians were very familiar with giraffes. But they appear mostly in the context of tribute or import from Nubia, Kush, Punt, etc.
- I’m pretty sure(?) that giraffes also appear in the rock art of Tassili n’Ajjer in Algeria. At least, elephants and rhinos appear in this art. The petroglyphs may date to as late as 6000 BC or 4000 BC.
- “Giraffe lived in Morocco until 600 AD” is a hard claim to substantiate. Various websites and resources make the claim, and they cite Wikipedia, which itself cites one line in a giraffe book, but the publicly-accessible view of this note/citation doesn’t specify where/how this was determined. (Maybe the book itself contains more/better info on the source of this claim?)
- Giraffa sivalensis is one of the only relatively better-understood extinct early giraffes, since the various others are unclear and taxonomically suspect (Giraffa jumae, stillei, priscilla, gracilis, ppygmaea and punjabiensis). However, Giraffa sivalensis is presumed to have been recovered from the upper Siwalik deposits dated to something like 2.6 to 0.6 million years of age. So??? This is the same region which yielded remains of some Pliocene and Pleistocene creatures like Asiatic ostrich lineages, some mastodons, and Crocodylus palaeindicus. “Giraffes and humans together in Europe!” Big difference between Homo erectus and archaic Giraffa sivalensis one million years ago, and any interaction between humans-with-domesticated crops of the Holocene only within the past 12000 years.
Using current taxonomy and current known distribution range, the subspecies present in Nubia/Axum and presumably Egypt/Red Sea would be Giraffa camelopardalis camelopardalis, the “Nubian giraffe.” The subspecies designation of Saharan giraffes might be more unclear, since both West African and Kordofan subspecies currently live nearby,but the West African giraffe known as Giraffa camelopardalis peralta today lives closest to the Dabous petroglyphs, Ahaggir, Tassili n’Ajjer, and Atlas regions.
Regarding the West African subspecies, according to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, excerpted from their online site: “At the beginning of the 20th century the West African giraffe were widely distributed, from Nigeria to Senegal, but by the mid-1990s only 49 individuals remained in the whole of West Africa. These few survivors are now formally protected by the Niger government and their numbers have risen to more than 600 individuals. However, their future is still of great concern [...]. No other large wild mammals occur in this area [...].” Regarding the Nubian subspecies, also from GCF’s site: “The estimated number of Nubian giraffe is approximately 3,000 individuals, which includes the genetically identical formerly recognised Rothschild’s giraffe. At present, fewer than 175 occur in western Ethiopia, less than 450 in eastern South Sudan, approximately 700 in Kenya, and more than 1,800 in Uganda.”
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I’d guess that the Nubian giraffe was apparently present northward along the Nile, and eastward toward the Red Sea near the northern border of Eritrea at the historic site of Punt, accounting for the giraffe petroglyphs in the Eastern Desert. Did G.c. camelopardalis live farther north past Nubia into Upper Egypt? Perhaps. But they were probably extinct by the time of Old Kingdom. Other records from the Old Kingdom do describe frequency of encounters with wildlife in Nubia. Even references to elephants in Nubia may actually reflect possible trade or transplant from even farther upriver. Did G.c. camelopardalis live farther north along the Red Sea coastline into the Eastern Desert of Egypt? Maybe. But there aren’t records and the same pressures of the Nile valley of Upper Egypt (human presence, hunting/collection, regional aridification following Green Sahara) were present. So: Probably no giraffes in Egypt proper after Old Kingdom foundation.
The subspecies G.c. peralta (today confined to southern Niger) is the one to watch, I’d say. And like the white rhinoceros (the living Ceratotherium simum and Ceratotherium cottoni), the giraffe is desert-tolerant and local populations can thrive in deserts. Specific populations of African savanna elephant can also thrive in deserts. Using ancient distribution of white rhinos, ancient distribution of elephants, and early Holocene rock art as indicators, I’d guess that, at the time of early dynastic Egypt, the current West/North African subspecies G.c. peralta was present in the Tibesti, Ahaggir, and Tassili n’Ajjer mountains.
It’s possible that they were in the Mediterranean, most likely Atlas Mountians from northern Mauritania, through Morocco and northern Algeria. They also could have been present in Cyrenaica.
But then, if giraffes were present in Cyrenaica, where are the records or literature mentions? Phoenicians, Greeks, some Egyptians, and Romans all settled in Cyrenaica, but the giraffe is mostly only mentioned as a transplant in the Mediterranean, in records about African gifts, menageries, tribute, etc.
Giraffe petroglyphs at Gilf Kebir in modern-day Egypt:
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 9.22
American Business Women’s Day
Band-Aid Day
Breakfast, Snack, Elevenses, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Tea, Snack, Dinner, Snack, More Snacks, Supper, Snack, and Bilgewack Celebration Day
Canterbury South Day (New Zealand)
Car-Free Day (Europe; Montreal, Canada)
Chainmail Day
Chong Chao (Macau)
Day of Bilbo
Day of Frodo
Dear Diary Day
Elephant Appreciation Day
Emancipation Day (Ohio)
Festival of Disappearances
First Day of Fall [Autumnal Equinox, Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. …
Alban Elfed (Celtic Winter Finding)
Autumnal Equinox (a.k.a. Mabon, Alban Elfed; Celtic, Pagan) [6 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Feast of Carpo (Celtic Goddess of Autumn)
Festival of Ragutiene and Ragutis (Slavic Goddess & God of Beer)
Festival of the Sea Goddess (Eskimo)
French Republican New Year (France)
Higan (Japan)
Kukulcan Snake God Celebration (Ancient Mayan)
Mabon begins (Northern Hemisphere; Neopaganism)
Miķeļi Festival begins (Latvia; The Week of Iron)
National Falls Prevention Awareness Day
Oenach Carman (Ancient Celtic)
Ostara begins (Southern Hemisphere; Neopaganism)
Proposal Day
Sendai Great Tug-of-War (Japan)
Shubun no Hi (Japan)
Spring Day (Argentina)
Svarog’s Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan Mead Drinking Festival to God of Fire & Sky)
Flag Day (Norway)
Flaunt Your Favorite Beach Towel Day
Hobbit Day
International Day of Radiant Peace
Jeans for Genes Day (UK)
National Centenarian's Day
National Day (Saudi Arabia)
National Elephant Appreciation Day
National Girls’ Night In Day
National Laundry Workers Day
National Legwear Day
National Online Recovery Day
National Rock ’n’ Roll Dog Day
One Web Day [ website ]
Remote Employee Appreciation Day
Resistance Fighting Day (Estonia)
Thrue Bab (Blessed Rainy Day; Bhutan)
Treaty of Basel Day (Switzerland)
Trumpet Day (Mormons)
U.N.C.L.E. Day
World Car-Free Day
World Rhino Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cask Ale Week begins (UK; through 10.2)
Ice Cream Cone Day
National White Chocolate Day
4th Thursday in September
Arthur's Day (Arthur Guinness) [4th Thursday]
Remember Me Thursday [4th Thursday]
Independence Days
Brunei (from UK, 1984)
Bulgaria (from Ottoman Empire, 1908)
Mali (from France, 1960)
Switzerland (Becomes independent state, 1499)
Feast Days
Believe the Impossible Day (Pastafarian)
Boidromia (Honoring Apollon, god of rescue during war; Ancient Greece)
The Bottle (Muppetism)
Brother Dave Gardner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Candidus (Christian; Saint)
Coya Raymi (Incan Moon Goddess Quilla)
Digna and Emerita (Christian; Saint)
Emmeram of Regensburg (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Mikeli (Harvest Celebration; Ancient Latvia)
Felix and Constantia (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Santhià (Lorenzo Maurizio Belvisotti; Christian; Saint)
Laud of Coutances (Christian; Saint)
Maurice (Western Christianity)
Paul Chong Hasang (Christian; One of The Korean Martyrs)
Phocas (the Gardener, or of Sinope; Christian; Saint)
Phocas, Bishop of Sinope (Christian; Saint)
Sadalberga (Christian; Saint)
Saintin (Sanctinus) de Meaux (Christian; Saint)
Septimius of Iesi (Christian; Saint)
Theban Legion (Christian; Saint)
Thomas of Villanova (Christian; Saint)
Philander Chase (Episcopal Church)
Ritual of the Netjers and the Two Lands (Ancient Egypt)
Schiller (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
The Band, by The Band (Album; 1969)
Baywatch (TV Series; 1989)
Black Rain (Film; 1989)
Das Rheingold, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1869) [Ring of the Nibelung #1]
Dizzy Up the Girl, by The Goo Goo Dolls (Album; 1998)
Family Matters (TV Series; 1989)
Family Ties (TV Series; 1982)
Fiddler on the Roof (Broadway Musical; 1964)
Friends (TV Series; 1994)
Full House (TV Series; 1987)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Film; 2017)
The Lego Ninjago Movie (Film; 2017)
Lost (TV Series; 2004)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (TV Series; 1964)
Maverick (TV Series; 1957)
Prometheus Unbound, by Percy Bysshe Shelley (Lyrical Drama; 1820)
Queens of the Stone Age, by the Queens of a Stone Age (Album; 1998)
Se7en (Film; 1995)
Sports Night (TV Series; 1998)
Two and a Half Men (TV Series; 2003)
Veronica Mars (TV Series; 2004)
The West Wing (TV Series; 1999)
Calendar Changes
Libra (Balance) begins [Zodiac Sign 7; thru 10.23]
Today’s Name Days
Moritz (Austria)
Emerita, Katarina, Mauricije, Toma od Villanove (Croatia)
Darina (Czech Republic)
Mauritius (Denmark)
Marvo, Maur, Mauri, Maurits (Estonia)
Mauri (Finland)
Maurice (France)
Emmeram, Gundula, Mauritius, Moritz (Germany)
Fokas, Loizos, Louise, Phokas, Zografia (Greece)
Móric (Hungary)
Maria, Maurizio (Italy)
Maigurs, Māris, Marisa, Mariss, Morics (Latvia)
Tarvinas, Tomas, Virmantė (Lithuania)
Kåre, Kyrre (Norway)
Joachim, Joachima, Maurycy, Prosimir, Tomasz (Poland)
Móric (Slovakia)
Mauricio (Spain)
Maurits, Moritz (Sweden)
Druce, Drucilla, Maurice, Mauricio, Maury, Merrick, Morell, Morris, Morrison, Murray (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 265 of 2022; 100 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 38 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 27 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 26 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 25 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 25 Aki; Threesday [25 of 30]
Julian: 9 September 2022
Moon: 22%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 12 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Metastasio]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 1 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 30 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Autumn (a.k.a. Fall) [Season 4 of 4]
3 notes · View notes
mykawinchester · 1 month
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Alone in a Room
"All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To sit alone in a room and say it all out loud
Every moment, every second, every trespass
Every awful thing, every broken dream
A couple years back and forth with myself in a cage
Banging my head 'gainst the wall, tryna put words on a page
All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To be alone in a room, alone in a room."
"Alone in a Room" Asking Alexandria
Sponsored by PANIQ
Self Care Sanctuary
Rain Cloud Shelf 2 (modified & Doubled)
Head: Lelutka - Avalon
Body: Reborn
Skin: Pumec - Astra
Body: Velour x ItGirls - Picasso Babe - Slim Muse
Eyes: Ikon - Apex - Midnight
Hair: Truth - Calamity
Just Magnetized - Widow's Peak set 02
Lelutka - 069
Eyes: Celesticat - Essence (#4)
Blush: Top1Salon - Night Sky
Lips: Top1Salon - Penny
Nails: Oxysins - Monarch Nails
Lilithe' - Selene
Lilithe' - Meliae
Lilithe' - Cerridwen - Flowers - Hips
Lilithe' - Leutogi
Dappa - Clarice
Hexumbra - Face Bats
Sweater: Palette - Beck
Top: Palette - Leila
Leggings: Lunar - Vale
Imbue - Locket Choker
Real Evil - Fated Necklace
Ysoral - Malie wedding ring
Ysoral - Clem Lip Piercings
Little Fish - Angel
Real Evil - Royalty - Queen Bracelet & Ring
Yummy - Enchantress Layered Necklace & Earrings
Yummy - Winter Memories Locket
Rotten - Dainty Nose Junk
Kibitz - Heart Nose Ring (Valentine's S&H Gift)
PANIQ - Crescent Earrings
Violetility - Moth Septum
Violetility - Cupid Horns (Wasteland 1/30 to 2/18)
Pose: Custom
Backdrop: Custom Room
Atelier Burgundy
Chester Office Decor . Wicker Tray (modified)
Northern Lights Hideaway - Bed - Blanket ONLY!
Squishies! - Cat
Squishies! - Dog
Cosmic Dust
Mint Bear
Conjure - Dried Herbs - Roses
Conjure - Energy Ball - Prehnite
Conjure - Energy Point Crystals - Au
Conjure - Raven Feather Bottle
Octavia - Crystal Box
Death Row Designs
Scarlett Hotel - Rebecca's bunny (hunt prize)
Dust Bunny
90s nostalgia . ying yang rug . black
season of giving . owl plushie
storybook living . old backpack
storybook living . researcher's journal
Little Ferret - sit
Little Ferret - stand2
Half Deer
Dragon Plushie - Love
Kerfluffle Sheep - Artist
Kerfluffle Sheep - Blackjack
Magical Girl Pet - Kitty
Vertical Wall Garden - Big
Cannatonic - Moon Madness - Open Can
Cannatonic - Moon Madness - Decor Crumpled
Cannatonic - Moon Madness - Closed Can
Love Juice (Cupid's Fault 2/1 to 2/20)
Plushie Triceratops
Grim Reaper Deco v.2
Skelly Cat
Short Greenhouse Cabinet
Planter Tower Trio
Wall Mounted Moon Planters
Moon Phase
CottageCore WeedSet
Self Care Sanctuary
Rain Cloud Shelf II (Modified)
Modular Shelf - empty tray
Prestige Furniture
Tablet 003
Lil Buddies Plush - Pineapple Express
Plushie Pile
What Next
Bailey Turntable V1
Chicken Nuggets (no tray)
Love & Elephants -Teddy Elephant w Heart (pink) (modified)
Tiny Love - Cosmic Love Lamb (night)
Tiny Love - Delivery of Love Lamb(peony)
Tiny Love - Scent of Love Lamb (cherry)
0 notes
wqbytop100 · 2 months
Top 150 for the week ending May 5, 2024
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -6
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -4
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -7
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -3
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -2
Beat of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -15
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -1
Kissing Strangers --USHER -5
Make Me Your Mrs. --Mae Stephens -8
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury, Two Friends -9
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -14
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -20
Before You Go --Seeb -11
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -10
Buscando Money --TWENTY-SIX, Tayson Kryss -89
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -65
Electricity --FAST BOY, R3HAB -31
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -21
When I Wake Up --Lucas& Steve, Skinny Days -12
Low Again --Bakermat -13
Hell Together --David Archuleta -22
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -23
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -16
Monster --A7S, ALOK -18
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -28
Lonely Dancers --Conan Gray -19
Slide Out --Life on Planets -24
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -17
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -29
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -27
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -32
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -26
Anyone --Morgan Page -30
She's On My Mind --Romy -25
Houdini --Dua Lipa -35
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -34
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -36
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -71
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -39
Mas Qua Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -40
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -41
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -128
Underwater --Dubvision, Afrojack -60
Public --Mike. -52
Love Me --INNA -111
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -46
Come With Me --Claptone -58
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -33
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -45
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -50
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -47
Trimuph --Bishop Briggs -38
Dirty Desire --Vicetone -37
Weak --Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -42
Murder on the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -44
Everyone Knows I'm High --SHAED -48
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -64
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight feat/Frank Moody -51
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony - 109
***Glad I Found You --Elderbrook & George Fitzgerald -(new)
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -49
Give Me --Will Clarke, BURNS -61
Soultrain --Triplism, Nandu, Radeckt -54
What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best -Iamnotshane, EMME -53
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -55
In Your Arms --Jess Bays, Jem Cooke -56
You Know It --Gorgon City -59
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -62
Undone --Forest Blakk -91
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -67
Yellow --Jxdn -98
Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -66
Eat The Bass --John Summit -93
Karma --JoJo Siwa -68
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -86
The Weekend --Anti-Up -90
In The Cards --Jamie Miller -87
Lil Freak --bbno$ -88
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -126
Wish I Never Felt --Nate Smith 97
Business As Usual --Eliza Rose, MJ Cole (Night Shift Mix) -69
Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -72
Shipwreck --Mount Kimble -43
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I-DLE -63
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -70
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botin -74
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -75
Mine --Michael Gerow -80
Keep Your Head Up --We Are Messengers -84
I Hate You In The Morning --Otha -85
20 Something --Jessica Baio -94
Sweet Love --Myles Smith -95
Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue (Offenbach Remix) -148
***Illusion --Dua Lipa -(new)
Lead Me On --Fletcher -57
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -76
Out Loud --Cage The Elephant -77
Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -125
Everything You Do --AFRONKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -112
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali-Koa -110
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -121
Without Your Love --Deorro, TELYKAST, Catello -122
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzeer -92
Some Kind Of Static --Neil Francis, Alan Braxe -83
Lose Control --Teddy Swims -78
Me Voy Acostumbrando -Enrique Iglesias -96
Can't Stop Us --Regard -99
Human Nature --Yot Club -101
Yes, An? --Ariana Grande -79
Kill Anyone --Two Feet, Ari Abdul -106
Can I Have This Groove --Kenyon Dixon -123
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -125
Me Before You --Bleachers -108
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Buble -81
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -82
I Got Time --Brittney Spencer -100
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada -102
Better Me --Michael Schulte, R3HAB -150
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -103
Texas Hold 'Em --Beyonce -105
Graveyard --A R I Z O N A (Shoffy Remix) -104
It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -107
Premedicated --FETISH -141
Good In Goodbye --Frank Walker, Trivecta -142
Whatever --KYGO feat/Ava Max -149
Say It Right --Dubdogs, Farfetch'd -120
ADHD --Mae Stephens -118
Dreams --Ali Farben, Maurice Lessing, Emma Wells -127
Kiss Me Better --Julie Bergan -119
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE, ALWZ SNNY, Robbie Rosen -117
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -115
Flex --Tony Dark Eyes -116
All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -114
One On One --The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -113
Beautiful Things --Benson Boone -129
Life Goes On --HU -140
Never Be Lonely --Jax Jones, Zoe Wees -144
Rusty --Layto -130
Progressive Heart --Pat Premier (Dave Aude Remix) -131 >>>
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -132 >>>
Dizzy --Sick Individuals, LOUI LANE -133 >>>
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -134 >>>
Cutting Through The Country --Medium Build -135 >>>
She --Karin Ann (Benny Benassi Remix) -136 >>
Fire In The Soul --Yulia Niko, Carn Crua -137 >>>
Need Your Love --Ikay Sencan, KALUMA, Adam Woods -138 :>>>
Next Years Light --Elliot Moss -139 >>>
Broken By You --Alexander Stewart -143 >>>
Gravity --Matt Hansen -145 >>>
***End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT, Jordan Shaw -(new)
***3 New on the Chart this week 5.5.24 #60 Glad I Found You #94 Illusion $150 End Of Time
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starrtreksblog · 4 months
Safari Special Memories: Elephants
A three and a half week eight country Abercrombie and Kent luxury African trip and safari was my first “trip of a lifetime” in 2008. The highlights, for me, were the animal safaris and local tribes or organized groups who performed songs and dances in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mali (including Timbuktu), and Morocco. I had previously been to Kenya and Tunisia, so this…
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inspiresafaris · 5 months
African elephant
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What is the African elephant? African elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins and can be identified by their larger ears that look somewhat like the continent of Africa. (Asian elephants have smaller, rounded ears.) Although they were long grouped together as one species, scientists have determined that there are actually two species of African elephants—and that both are at risk of extinction. Savanna elephants are larger animals that roam the plains of sub-Saharan Africa, while forest elephants are smaller animals that live in the forests of Central and West Africa. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature lists savanna elephants as endangered and forest elephants as critically endangered. African elephants are keystone species, meaning they play a critical role in their ecosystem. Also known as “ecosystem engineers,” elephants shape their habitat in many ways. During the dry season, they use their tusks to dig up dry riverbeds and create watering holes many animals can drink from. Their dung is full of seeds, helping plants spread across the environment—and it makes pretty good habitat for dung beetles too. In the forest, their feasting on trees and shrubs creates pathways for smaller animals to move through, and in the savanna, they uproot trees and eat saplings, which helps keep the landscape open for zebras and other plains animals to thrive. Trunks and tusks Elephant ears radiate heat to help keep these large animals cool, but sometimes the African heat is too much. Elephants are fond of water and enjoy showering by sucking water into their trunks and spraying it all over themselves. Afterwards, they often spray their skin with a protective coating of dust. An elephant's trunk is actually a long nose used for smelling, breathing, trumpeting, drinking, and also for grabbing things—especially a potential meal. The trunk alone contains about 40,000 muscles. African elephants have two fingerlike features on the end of their trunk that they can use to grab small items. (Asian elephants have just one.) Both male and female African elephants have tusks, which are continuously growing teeth. Savanna elephants have curving tusks, while the tusks of forest elephants are straight. They use these tusks to dig for food and water and strip bark from trees. Males, whose tusks tend to be larger than females', also use their tusks to battle one another. Diet Elephants eat roots, grasses, fruit, and bark. An adult elephant can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day. These hungry animals do not sleep much, roaming great distances while foraging for the large quantities of food that they require to sustain their massive bodies. African elephants range throughout the savannas of sub-Saharan Africa and the rainforests of Central and West Africa. The continent’s northernmost elephants are found in Mali’s Sahel Desert. The small, nomadic herd of Mali elephants migrates in a circular route through the desert in search of water. Because elephants eat so much, they’re increasingly coming into contact with humans. An elephant can destroy an entire season of crops in a single night. A number of conservation programs work with farmers to help them protect their crops and provide compensation when an elephant does raid them. Herds Elephants are matriarchal, meaning they live in female-led groups. The matriarch is usually the biggest and oldest. She presides over a multi-generational herd that includes other females, called cows, and their young. Adult males, called bulls, tend to roam on their own, sometimes forming smaller, more loosely associated all-male groups. Having a baby elephant is a serious commitment. Elephants have a longer pregnancy than any other mammal—almost 22 months. Cows usually give birth to one calf every two to four years. At birth, elephants already weigh some 200 pounds and stand about three feet tall. Threats to survival Poaching for the illegal ivory trade is the biggest threat to African elephants’ survival. Before the Europeans began colonizing Africa, there may have been as many as 26 million elephants. By the early 20th century, their numbers had dropped to 10 million. Hunting continued to increase. By 1970, their numbers were down to 1.3 million. Between 1970 and 1990, hunting and poaching put the African elephant at risk of extinction, reducing its population by another half. In the years since, poaching has continued to threaten both species: Savanna elephants declined by 30 percent between 2007 and 2014, while forest elephants declined by 64 percent from 2002 to 2011 as poaching worsened in Central and West Africa. In 2021, the International Union for Conservation of Nature recognized them as separate species for the first time, listing savanna elephants as endangered and forest elephants as critically endangered. As few as 400,000 remain today. Compounding the problem is how long it takes for elephants to reproduce. With reproduction rates hovering around 5 to 6 percent, there are simply not enough calves being born to make up for the losses from poaching. African elephants are also losing their habitat as the human population grows and people convert land for agriculture and development. Elephants need a lot of room, so habitat destruction and fragmentation not only makes it harder for them to find food, water, and each other, but it also puts them in increased conflict with humans.   Conservation The decision to recognize African elephants as two separate species is seen as an important step for conservation, as it highlights the different challenges that each species faces. Scientists hope that the listing will bring more attention to forest elephants, which have often been overlooked by governments and donors when grouped together with more visible savanna elephants. African elephants are protected to varying degrees in all the countries of their geographic range. They’re also protected under international environmental agreements, CITES and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species. There have been recent efforts to bring re-legalize the international trade in ivory, but those so far have failed. Conservation groups and governments have worked to set aside land for wildlife—including corridors that connect those protected lands. Still, researchers believe that up to 70 percent of elephants' range is on unprotected land. To curb poaching, stopping the illegal trade is key. Advocates have launched campaigns that address both the supply side (poaching) and the demand side (people who buy ivory). There has been some progress in recent years, especially on the demand side: In 2015, China—believed to be the world’s biggest illegal and legal ivory market—agreed to a “near-complete” ban on the domestic trade of ivory. Since the ban went into effect, public demand for ivory seems to have fallen. On the supply side, protecting elephants from poaching also requires a local approach. In 2019, a study showed that the suffering of elephants is tied to that of the humans living nearby: Regions with high levels of poverty and corruption are more likely to have higher poaching rates. This suggests that helping communities develop sustainable livelihoods could reduce the lure of poaching. Read the full article
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ghanashowbizonline · 5 months
Sports Today - 2023 Africa Cup of Nations: We remain focused and humble - Ivory Coast coach Emerse Faé ahead of Mali clash
#image_title With the thrilling 2023 Africa Cup of Nations nearing a crucial stage, attention is now focused on the determined Ivory Coast team, guided by coach Emerse Faé. Following an incredible victory over Senegal, the current African champion, the Elephants is about to face Mali in the quarterfinals. Before the match against Mali, Faé gave a unique speech to his players full of confidence…
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jefferyryanlong · 5 months
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Infinite Pau Hana - January 24, 2024
Hour 1
The Navigator - Hurray for the Riff Raff Entrance - Hurray for the Riff Raff Brown-Baggin' - 24 Carat Black Stoned Soul Picnic - The 5th Dimension Ankh - Sun Ra Monk's Mood - Thelonious Monk Why? (Am I Treated So Bad) (live) - Cannonball Adderley Glory Glory Hallelujah - The Art Reynolds Singers Guinean - Herbie Mann Day O - Harry Belafonte Ki Sa Pou-n Fe - Atis Independan Brand New Feeling - The Awakening Row My Boat - The Four Mints
Hour 2
Body and Soul - Sarah Vaughan In a Sentimental Mood - Duke Ellington and John Coltrane R.I.P. - Elephant's Memory Aquarius - The Sergio Mendes Trio Walk on By - Dionne Warwick How Strong - Ken Parker Agnus Dei - Lalo Schifrin Empathy - Duke Pearson One Rainy Wish - The Jimi Hendrix Experience Bluette - The Dave Brubeck Quartet Alabama - John Coltrane Rain - SWV Gula Matari - Quincy Jones
Hour 3
Sorriso Selvagem - The Gentlemen Kule Kule - Konono No. 1 I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song) - Louis Prima Onyx Hop - Frankie Newton "T" Plays It Cool - Marvin Gaye Mali Sadio - Toumani Diabate Baja Bossa - Oliver Nelson The Magic of Your Mind - Al Wilson Cosmic Messenger - Jean-Luc Ponty Unity - The Comet Is Coming Takashi - Flying Lotus Best Life for You - The Bombillas You Got to Learn to Let It Go - Sam Waymon
KTUH - 90.1 FM Honolulu, 91.1 FM North Shore, ktuh.org
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visions-antiques · 6 months
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Mwanga Basket (Tanzania) φ35 x H32cm Aquatic Plants ¥5,940 tax incl.
Burkina Basket (Burkina Faso) φ40 x H25cm Elephant Grass & Leather ¥8,800 tax incl.
Agadez Basket (Niger) φ20 x H34cm Palm Tree & Leather ¥7,480 tax incl.
Bolga Basket (Burkina Faso) W45 x D23 x H34cm Elephant Grass & Leather ¥10,450 tax incl.
Dogon Basket (Mali) φ50 x H29cm Milulu ¥11,000 tax incl.
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gazettereview · 7 months
'World's Saddest Elephant' Mali, Dies in Captivity at the Manila Zoo -Read more at https://gazettereview.com/worlds-saddest-elephant-mali-dies-in-captivity-at-the-manila-zoo/ - https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/mali-the-elephant-dies.jpg #World
'World's Saddest Elephant' Mali, Dies in Captivity at the Manila Zoo
Mali, the ‘world’s saddest elephant’ has died after spending over four decades at the Manila Zoo. The Asian elephant, which caught the attention of singer Paul McCartney back in 2013 when he raised awareness for the animal in association with PETA, earned the nickname because she’s the only captive elephant in the country and had […]
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labelleperfumery · 7 months
'World's Saddest Elephant' Dies After Decades of Confinement at Manila Zoo
Mali, the “world’s saddest elephant,” has passed away following health complications after decades of confinement at Manila Zoo in the Philippines … where she spent most of her life alone in a pen. The announcement was made Wednesday by the… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/11/29/world-saddest-elephant-mali-dead-dies-manila-zoo/
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dertaglichedan · 7 months
World’s saddest elephant Mali dies alone aged 43 after solitary life in rotten zoo following kidnap by dictator
AN elephant dubbed by activists as the world's saddest has died at a Philippine zoo where she spent almost all of her life alone.
Vishwamali, better known as Mali to locals, has spent over four decades at Manila Zoo after being kidnapped by the country's dictator and gifted to his wife.
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She was just three years old when she arrived in the capital Manila from Sri Lanka in 1977 as a gift to Imelda Marcos, the notorious shoe-loving wife of late dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
Mali was the last surviving elephant at the zoo after her companion Shiva died in 1990.
The Asian elephant was dubbed as one of the "world's saddest" by the non-government organisation People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
The country's only jumbo has tragically died of congestive heart failure on November 28 at the age of 43.
Mali's death was announced on Tuesday in a Facebook video tribute by Manila mayor Honey Lacuna.
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globalgeography · 9 months
Ivory Coast/Côte d'Ivoire
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Note on the flag: The orange and green are opposite of the Irish flag, although the two are frequently confused.
Government type: Presidential Republic
President: President Alassane Ouattara (elected in 2010)
Languages: Languages of the Niger-Congo language family prevail. "Kwa in the south, Mande in the northwest, and Gur in the northeast. A trade language, known as Dyula-Taboussi and akin to the Mande Bambara, is spoken throughout the country by Muslim traders, and français de Moussa is a pidgin French widely spoken in Abidjan. The official language is French" (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Religion: Islam is the predominant religion, with Abidjan as the highest concentration. Another 40% are Christians, half of them Roman Catholics and the rest a variety of other Christian sects. Most of the remainder are irreligious.
Ethnic groups: The ethnic variety in Ivory Coast is particularly wide, and no one group forms a majority. In the modern day, the barriers between the ethnic groups have diminished and intermarriage has led to relaxed relations between them. As with many African nations, the ethnic groups do not follow the political borders, and every major ethnic group shares connections with those of the same ethnicity in neighboring countries. The predominant ethnic groups are as follows:
Akan (38%), Northern Mande (22%), Gur (22%), Kru (9.1%), Southern Mande (8.6%), and several dozen other ethnic groups make up 0.3%
The Mande were a great source of cultural influence throughout the region. Historically, this group invented West African agriculture, and were the political leaders of two major empires in Western Africa, the Soninke Empire of Ghana and the Malinke Empire of Mali (U.S. Library of Congress)
Cereals and starchy crops (using rotational farming to preserve soil fertility), cocoa, coffee, timber (highly prized African mahogany comes from these forests as well as other species), oil and natural gas (Encyclopedia Britannica, U.S. Library of Congress)
Capital Cities:
Abidjan- located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Guinea, population 4.3 million. The de facto capital and administrative heart of the country.
Yamoussoukro- located on Lake Koussou in the center of the country, population 212k. The capital city by law because of the influence of former president Félix Houphouët-Boigny.
Currency: West African CFA franc (abbreviated XOF), colloquially called simply "francs"
Land and Environment: Ivory Coast is made up of four major regions. The coastal region is "studded with lagoons on its eastern half" (Encyclopedia Britannica). The equatorial forested area historically occupied much of the south-central region. The cultivated forests (including areas used for plantations) lies to the east. The northern savanna is sparsely populated with wide land used primarily for raising livestock. The Komoe National Park is in this northern savanna region and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Brief History: There is a significant gap in knowledge on early inhabitants of this land prior to the current ethnic groups. The dense rain forest also made political cohesion difficult and impractical until outside influences changed the economic needs of the inhabitants. Surrounding nations such as the Sudanic empires and traveling North African traders (who introduced Islam to the region) populated much of the area and, it is presumed, subsumed many of the indigenous ethnic groups through intermarriage. The Portuguese and French arrived in larger numbers in the 17th century, mainly using the lands as a rest-stop on their journeys to elsewhere. Thus, the Transatlantic Slave Trade had little impact on the people living there (countrystudies.us). There was a short-lived obsession with elephant ivory that ended when the elephant population declined, but nonetheless it gave the country its name, the Ivory Coast. By the 20th century, the French had subjected the Ivory Coast to economic exploitation as well as Nazist racial theories during the Vichy presidency. The French surrender in World War 2 led to a greater freedom of African thinkers, including a prominent Communist party, that eventually led to the nation's independence. During this time, Felix Houphouet-Boigny rose in prominence, was elected president, and transformed the political landscape. (countrystudies.us)
Former president Felix Houphouet-Boigny is an Ivorian person of note, and he has had the greatest influence on the modern political structure of any one man. He was the first president of the country following independence beginning in 1960, and he represented an age of economic prosperity, dubbed the Ivorian Miracle due to the economic struggles of other nations in West Africa at the time. He was politically centrist, advocating for diplomacy with France and maintaining positive relations with them while maintaining sovereignty. His political style was modeled after his Baoule elders, soft and non-confrontational yet insistent, a style which lent to his ethos as an untouchable political monolith. He also heavily emphasized primary sector industry, particularly coffee and cocoa, which allowed them to prosper within limits ("growth without development" according to his own words (Encyclopedia Universalis, via Wikipedia). This came to a head during the global recession in the 1980s, which showed many holes in his leadership, including his extravagant displays of wealth while poverty in the Ivory Coast doubled. Still, many cultural landmarks and government buildings, including the Yamoussoukro Basilica (the largest Catholic church in Africa and among the largest in the world), were commissioned by Houphouet-Boigny. Even the current president of the Ivory Coast was once Houphouet-Boigny's appointed Prime Minister.
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