#Mama Baer
embrosegraves · 11 months
𝕄𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℙ𝕒𝕡𝕒'𝕤 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘
(request) dad!Sebastion x mum!Reader(she/her pronouns) Kids: Ada (10), Baer (10), Carlin (7), Della (3) (Baer is pronounced like Bear)
Incredibly brief mention of murder (its from a murder mystery podcast)
A list of translations will be at the bottom :D
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It was a pretty standard evening in the Vettel household. Sebastian was in the backyard tending to the plants and bees, Y/n was cutting vegetables to use for dinner in the kitchen and all four of their children were being entertained by some movies in the lounge room. It was peaceful. 
In the kitchen, Y/n had her phone connected to a speaker as it played the latest episode of a murder mystery podcast she had started listening to. Seb walked in to hear the hosts describing how the victim was killed in disturbingly vivid detail. He walked up to his wife and hugged her from behind.
“Should I be worried, Blume?” He asked, his voice muffled from his place by her neck. Y/n laughed and shook her head. 
“Of course not, Liebe. It was the first thing to play when I connected my phone to the speaker.” 
Putting the last of the cut up vegetables in the pot, Y/n turned around in her husband’s arms. Before she could say anything, the sound of three stampeding children rushed to them. 
“Mama! Papa! Come quick, it’s on the tv!” Baer, their eldest son, called to them. Their eldest daughter (and Baer’s older twin), Ada, rushed to grab her mother’s hand. 
“Schnell Mama, bevor es losgeht!" She exclaimed. 
Seb looked at Y/n in bewilderment. Their children had never acted like this before. They were supposed to be watching some DVDs that they had in the tv cabinet. 
“Lieblinge, what’s going on? What is the hurry?” Seb asked them. This time it was their youngest son, Carlin, (who happened to be holding his baby sister, Della) that answered him. 
“We were watching the gnome movie and they started to play the song that you always put on for Mama when you dance in the lounge!”
Y/n still sported a look of confusion, but she put the stove on simmer nonetheless. She took Della from her brother and rested the young girl on her hip before the children started to lead her and Seb to the lounge room. 
When they got there, Ada was quick to usher her parents to sit on the couch and tell her brother to rewind the movie until just before the song started. Baer wasted no time and before either Seb or Y/n knew, they were listening to a cover of Elton John’s “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” from the Gnomeo and Juliet movie. Seb’s face broke out into a smile as he recalled all of his precious memories associated with the song. Y/n laughed as she listened to the song and watched her children dance in front of the tv like she and Seb and done on many occasions. 
When the song finished, Y/n and Seb clapped and cheered for their children while they all clambered onto the couch to sit with their parents. Ada climbed onto Seb’s lap while Baer and Carlin sat right in between Seb and Y/n. Della had moved to sit on her mother’s lap facing her father. 
“That was lovely, my darlings! Bravo!” Y/n said once they had calmed slightly. 
“Can you tell us about when you first heard the song, Mama?” Baer asked with excitement. Seb laughed and ruffled his son’s hair. 
“Mama and I can tell you all about it after we eat dinner, okay? And then we can all dance for a bit before bed.”
The children cheered before rushing off to the bathroom to wash their hands before they ate. Y/n clasped her hand with Seb’s and gave him a soft look. 
“Thank you, Seb.” she said. 
“What are you thanking me for, Liebe?” 
“For giving me the most wonderful family to cherish. And for being the best husband I could have ever dreamed for.” 
Seb moved to kiss the back of her hand, still entwined with his. “You have nothing to thank me for. You deserve all of this and more.” 
In their moment of love, the couple failed to notice their four children peeking around the doorway, watching. 
“I want to have a love like Mama and Papa.” Ada whispered to her brothers. 
“Right now?” Carlin asked, also whispering.
“Not right now. When I am older maybe.” 
“We will all have a love like theirs when we’re older. I’m sure of it.” Baer whispered with conviction. “For now, help me get Della in her high chair.”
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Translations (provided by Google Translate): Blume = Flower Liebe = Love Lieblinge = Darlings Schnell Mama, bevor es losgeht! = Quick Mama, before it goes!
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ozkar-krapo · 2 years
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Kommissar HJÜLER & Mama BAER
"Perverse Schlaeuche"
(2 cassettes. Beniffer Editions. 2010) [DE]
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parkthedamnthing · 1 year
Mama Baer
I found her in a bookstore at the airport on a trip home from crying in my sister's lap where I poured my Mom Heart and rubbed my heavy / itchy eyes. Where my lack of breast milk was as easy to see as the black coffee I spilled on the blackout curtains. Where my loud / weak squeals almost woke my sister's perfect sleeping baby and echoed perfectly my baby's loud / sad squeals what we call here a cry for a cry. The lap where I left red-eyed and rosy-cheeked and embarrassed and found her whispering / writing in 101 pages catch your breath, Mama. The relief.
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mellamame · 4 years
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complotdefamille · 8 years
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brutalteague · 3 years
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say my name and his in the same breath i dare you to say they taste the same. let the leaves fall off in the summer and let december glow in flames. erase myself and let go. start it over again in mexico. these friends, they don't love you t hey just love the hotel suites, now. i don't care what you think as long as it's about me. the best of us can find happiness in misery. 
name: benjamin baer teague. age / dob: twenty-eight, march 30th. gender / pronouns: cis male, he/him. preference: bisexual, biromantic. hometown: corona, germany. parent(s): reagan fitzherbert and beckham teague. powers: fire manipulation (a lot like johnny storm and ben10).
INTRODUCING BENJAMIN TEAGUE !! here comes the boy!!! there he is!! he’s been around for what seems like forever but this is my first time playing him and i cannot wait !!! below are some bullet points to let you get to know him better. after that are some wanted and taken connections. if you’d like to plot please feel free to message me here on tumblr or even on discord.
benjamin was born an accident to reagan and beckham... and it’s been a wild ride since then. he’s an aries and acts like one.. chaos since birth.
he grew up with his mother most of the time visited elias in the summers until he was older. he was known at the castle for being the full blown brat he is. he’s extremely charming and had the guards and everyone on staff on his side. 
he is the definition of a spoiled brat.. problem child and honestly all around goof. he makes any minor convenience in his life everyone else’s problem beside his own.
and a mama’s boy on top of it all. benny tells everyone that his mama is his best friend and always will be. he goes to reagan for everything and anything. he needs no other woman because he’s got his mama.
he’s a bit of an arrogant ass... but you kinda get used to it because he’s so charming. like-- really really charming. and not to mention he’s hot. so that helps.
chaotic bi-sexual. he sleeps around a lot.. with literally everyone. doesn’t care.. he just doesn’t like being alone at the end of the night.
hobbies include: motorcycle rides down the coast, sleeping with anyone and everyone he find attractive, fighting with anyone and everyone he can, crying into silk sheets when he doesn’t get his way, and getting meaningless tattoos. 
you would think he had plans to like-- be an adult or get a job since he’s pushing thirty but uh he’s a prince and will never be king so he spends his time doing everything but being responsible. 
lives by: here for a good time not a long time.
WANTED CONNECTIONS !! here is a short list of connections for benny i’m still looking for.
** benjamin doesn’t do relationships often. hook ups are common but unfortunately he’s his fathers son and won’t date much** 
childhood friends.
school friends.
TAKEN CONNECTIONS !! here is a list of taken connections for benjamin.
juilet, flynn, leo, clarie, ada, and rosie: siblings, most half and one adopted it doesn’t matter to benny. he loves all his siblings the same. and would literally kill someone for them.
dani, asher, dante, and josh: fight club, the oldest children of the elias families who all are a tight knit group but also... fight a ton. very tight knit group.
aaliya: exes, benjamin was an awful awful boyfriend and it ended horribly. 
kieran: mortal enemy, they hate one another.. have since they were children but kieran got hot and now its a problem for benny. but also he still is a dick to him.
edith: the girl he flirts with to piss of his sister’s boyfriend.
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lounesdarbois · 4 years
Aider un camarade à déménager
« Quittez tout, vous trouverez tout. »
Saint François d’Assise
Il faut aller chercher une camionnette de déménagement à l'autre bout de la ville. On fraude un métro, on fraude un train, on marche longtemps dans un parking souterrain, voilà c'est ici. Le camarade fait un crochet par Quick pour prendre un menu à emporter et il s'éloigne sous la pluie et mes blâmes diététiques, pendant que je remplis en ligne les formulaires d'état des lieux du véhicule, déverrouille la portière avec un téléphone. Une camionnette louée avec un téléphone loué, c'est fou le commerce "interface-machine". Le pote revient et monte au volant, moi à droite, démarrage. Tout se passe bien. D'abord une petite marche arrière à l'aveugle pour se mettre en jambes, avec le levier de vitesse dans la main droite et un cheeseburger dans la main gauche, à hauteur du nez pour y faire un croc de temps en temps, et l'autoradio sur Nostalgie FM qui chantonne un morceau des Beach Boys Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take ya to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama. Des tas de voyants s'allument sur le tableau de bord, et une stridulation d'alarme retentit par-dessus la musique. C'est le frein à main qui n'est pas desserré voyons! Et paf tout de suite l'allure du véhicule augmente. Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go. C'est parti pour deux jours de déménagement de cinglé. Nous nous y sommes pris trop tard et c'est en catastrophe que nous accomplissons chaque geste, pressés par les échéances qui sont autant d'heure H et de couperets sur un billard: douze heures pour rendre un appartement vidé et récuré de fond en comble, vingt-quatre heures pour rendre ce véhicule.
Adolescent je me promettais une fois adulte, de vivre dans la beauté, par et pour la beauté: j'aurai la verve d'Edouard Baer, l'ameublement Armani Casa, les vêtements hooligan chic, l'érudition de Pierre Grimal, le courage physique de Marcel Bigeard, le détachement de Sempé, et la France pour jardin semée de maisons de pierres blondes, de dentelures de feuilles de chênes qui se détachent sur un ciel de soir d’été et de clairières comme sur les tableaux d'Hubert Robert. Il n'y eut rien de tout cela et j'arrivai à la majorité dans un Grenoble abominable, dans le shit, le tam-tam et les dépressions.
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Nous avons au préalable "fait les cartons" c'est à dire bourré des sacs de fortune avec toutes sortes de tableaux, de linges de maison, d'objets sortis d'héritages lointains et dont plus personne ne connaît la valeur.  Les dentelles de Bruges, les écharpes de cachemire, les lustres du plafond, trésors des cristalleries européennes, emballés tous en vrac dans des journaux titrés "Alan Waquebaert quitte Namur", émergent ça et là d'un amoncellement de sacs, sachets, boîtes, paquets. Nous avons démonté des meubles, vidé le contenu des tiroirs à la verticale dans les poubelles, puis judicieusement entassé celles-ci sur le palier, palier dont les voisins d'en face se trouvent être les propriétaires d'ici.
Fracas dans la cuisine, le cache de porte du lave-vaisselle a frappé le carrelage. Catastrophe. Bientôt un réparateur bruxellois accourt, long et maigre, soixante-cinq ans, cheveux blancs jusqu'aux omoplates, gestes fébriles. Il se blesse au doigt en manipulant le cadre intérieur de la machine, toute de métal à bord tranchants, abominable. Du sang partout, des jurons, nous improvisons un pansement au sopalin et scotch et le congédions ; cette porte doit être réparée dans les dix heures prochaines et nous devons vider le chargement du véhicule d'ici une heure dans une maison des faubourgs de Charleroi, l'un des comptoirs du camarade.
En route il me semble soudain que ce n'est pas la grande forme. J'ai tous les symptômes d'un empoisonnement alimentaire passager et il va falloir rendre ce qui est de trop, tout en déchargeant des paquets dans un décor de briques et de désespoir wallon humide. Bientôt à Charleroi étalé sur un canapé, en proie aux joies des chauds et froids internes je rabat la capuche et médite un remède possible. Il me revient soudain que les Grecs recommandaient de traiter l'acidité par l'amertume et je progresse bientôt courbé en deux vers la cuisine, à la vitesse de 0,2 kilomètre par heure. En fouillant ici et là il s'avère possible de mêler dans une eau frémissante du thé vert et du curcuma en poudre. Un grand verre de ce mélange vous donne des frissons tellement c’est amer mais se révèle très vite constituer un baume souverain sur la douleur, et un fortifiant merveilleux. Me revoilà dispo et mon ami a dans l'intervalle terminé la manutention. Nous rentrons à Bruxelles. Tout s'arrange?
On bombarde sur l'autoroute. Des voyants s'allument sur le cadran de bord. Avant même de pouvoir y prêter attention un orage effroyable s'abat sur le pays, et l'autoroute devient un tobogan de parc aquatique. Le halo des phares ne porte plus qu'à trois mètres. Trente-cinq minutes de ce régime et nous arrivons, parquons le véhicule devant le logement à vider et mettons pied à terre. La portière latérale est grande ouverte. C’était pour ça les voyants allumés. Elle a été grande ouverte pendant trente-cinq minutes sous une averse de mer du nord. Bon, on ne dit rien. Un sac en toile que l'on avait bourré de paires de Crockett & Jones, trempé. On ouvre le sac pour vérifier les chaussures: miracle elles étaient cirées et fourrées d'embauchoir en pin, la pluie a glissé sur le cuir lorsque le bois sec ne l'a pas bue. L’averse a tourné au crachin. “La pluie tombait comme une aumône” dit quelque part Houellebecq dans un poème.
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Avant de charger encore le véhicule il faut abandonner un bureau années 60 les quatre pieds en l'air sur un trottoir, sous la pluie, comme un bœuf abattu. Ces trucs sont invendables, les gens ne distinguent plus l’artisanat de la camelote, ne jurent que par Ikéa, les copeaux agglomérés sans style, sans race, sans passé. Signe des temps. Bientôt plus rien ne vaudra plus rien sur le marché, la beauté seule restera le critère inattaquable.
Il faudra beaucoup d'autres choses. Il faudra porter des tapis emballés dans des rideaux chouraves au logeur depuis la camionnette en triple file aux warnings dans un escalier branlant qui tient par miracle avec des poutrelles de soutènement jusqu'au 4ème étage chez des locataires ahuris et pas prévenus pendant qu'un GSM sonne pour la neuvième fois d'affilée dans une poche sans pouvoir l'éteindre (deux mains occupées). Mais qui appelle, bon sang? C'est un candidat Airbnb avec accent africain complètement paniqué qui a payé sa location et ne trouve pas la clé, normal nous sommes occupés à autre chose! Et puis le logement que tu as loué, mon petit père, a été vidé par nos soins et tu vas dormir par terre, ça te va comme ça? Et puis quoi, est-ce que nous sommes au service de ces fils d'ambassa-bassadeurs qui n'ont d'argent que par notre argent? De toute façon il patientera. Demain après l'état des lieux et la remise des clés, de ses clés à lui-aussi, il devra pour finir son séjour passer par la courette et grimper au logement par une échelle dissimulée sous une bâche dont lui indiquons l'emplacement, puis pousser la fenêtre de l'antichambre que nous aurons maintenu entrouverte au moyen d'un segment de carton astucieusement inséré entre le vantail ouvrant et le dormant précadre. Ce stratagème permet de sous-louer le bien au-delà de la fin du bail même après en avoir rendu les clés au logeur. Mais ce primitif à peine capable de saisir la complexité de phrases du genre de "clé sous paillasson" et qui téléphone 9 fois de suite pour se les faire répéter sera-t-il à même de suivre les directives évoquées ci-dessus? C'est le cadet de nos soucis.
On redescend, on remonte encore avec des tringles chargées de vêtements, des tapis, des trumeaux en marbre. Il reste un canapé à 40 euros et une armoire Ikéa. Ecœurés nous abandonnons ces marchandises sur le trottoir.
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Mince, le lave-vaisselle cassé avec sa porte effondrée! Bim une idée, je me rappelle que nous avons un camarade menuisier dans un quartier tout proche. On l'appelle en catastrophe et le pressons de passer réparer d'ici une heure, il accepte. Réseau en béton, nous avons. Il arrive, pose des points de colle avec un  pistolet à colle, compresse la porte... Ça tient. Merveilleux, on a presque fini. Dans douze heures il faudra avoir quitté les lieux.
Bientôt il y aura les effroyables négociations d'état des lieux, sous le regard furieux de propriétaires rêches comme des toiles de jute, dans une ambiance en bronze massif d'une pesanteur insoutenable, lorsque l'on compte les secondes et que ça ne finit jamais.
Nous sommes à jeun et j'aime extrêmement cette sensation lorsqu'on est au bout de ses forces et que l'on s'en découvre de nouvelles, insoupçonnées. Cette phrase dans les romans autobiographiques de Dostoïevski: "il n'avait rien mangé depuis trois jours", me porte et me transporte. Il y a une noblesse du jeûne et Paul Morand me comble avec son "J'aime manger, mais je n'aime pas avoir mangé". J'ouvre une porte d'armoire de cuisine pour vérifier que tout est vide et que voilà dedans? Bon sang un énorme lave-linge. Et par-dessus le mastodonte, quoi? Un sèche-linge rotatif. Je claque la porte écœuré et gueule des insultes à travers les pièces désertes à l'intention du camarade.
Il nous faut un "diable" pour bouger ces crasses, et un lieu de stockage. Oh ça c'est réglé: le gars fréquente une meuf actuellement qui a un logement avec cave dans le quartier européen, on lui fourguera le tout à cette eurocrate. Il reste juste le temps de foncer au grossiste de vin là-bas plus haut dans la rue, cinq minutes avant fermeture pour un mois, pour lui soutirer un petit peu son diable. Les heures suivantes sont brouillées, nous descendons et montons l'électroménager sur des escaliers, dans des camionnettes, dans des tunnels de cave, occupés que nous sommes à rentrer des lave-linges dans des caves, des sèche-linges dans des ascenseurs comme on fait rentrer des carrés dans des ronds, au forceps, au chausse-cube et au "han" de porteur d'eau avec la sueur qui perle au front. Mais tout s’arrange. 
Le camarade m’offre un magnifique tapis, et un tableau splendide: le panthéon de Rome. 
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Je rentre écouter ceci. Bon, bon, je sais... Mais elle a une voix superbe.
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junkychaos · 4 years
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V.A. - PATTERN RECOGNITION A BENEFIT COMPILATION FOR BRADLY KOKAY(no part of it/usa cdr 2020) HUGE BENEFIT COMPILATION JUST ANNOUNCED! In September 2020, artist Bradley Kokay lost his art studio, 20+ years of art and collage material, as well as other personal belongings, in a large-scale fire. Much of the town in Oregon burned down. This international compilation of long-standing experimental / noise artists is a benefit to help Kokay recover art supplies and rebuild his workshop. Kokay uses mostly xerox machines and transparencies to create sometimes mural-size collages, occasionally in real time at public places as a sort of performance. He relies heavily on physical source material, and doesn't use computers for his work at all. All proceeds from this release will go directly to Bradley Kokay. 1. GX JUPITTER-LARSEN 2. MODELBAU 3. MAMA BAER 4. HOWARD STELZER (FEATURING ARVO ZYLO) 5. JUSTICE YELDHAM 6. ILLUSION OF SAFETY 7. irr.app.(ext.) 8. HAL McGEE & JEFF CENTRAL 9. ERIC LANZILLOTTA 10. MENTAL ANGUISH 11. SHARLYN EVERTSZ & ARVO ZYLO 12. NOVASAK 13. TORTURING NURSE https://nopartofit.bandcamp.com/album/pattern-recognition-a-benefit-for-collage-artist-bradley-kokay
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babyhugz · 7 years
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lkdkasdlkasdklalskd · 4 years
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Kommissar Hjuler / Mama Baer, Arme Nüsse, 2008
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amayaswatchtower · 5 years
loisfreakinglane replied to your post “the show is trying so hard to sell me on roger and bree’s epic love...”
omg right??? like they shoulda found a dude who is CLEARLY signed with IMG Models but put some glasses on him and call him a ‘nerd’ and be done with it.
Bree’s mama aint cross time and space and back for Jamie’s super hot himbo self for her daughter to settle for..................this.
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specialistmorgenj · 7 years
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glorioussimon · 6 years
underappreciated things about rise 1x10: opening night
i’m going to be crying by the end of this and by now i’ve just accepted that
correction it just started and now i’m crying
i remember turning it on when it first aired and waiting for the previously on and when there weren’t any i was so shook
soon goodbye, now love by tom rosenthal
maashous looking at the picture of him and his mom
vanessa being surprised by the lock on the door
when gail is taking the mazzuchelli family picture everyone’s smiling except for gordy who’s just making a deadpan expression at the camera
everyone insisting that maashous be in it
gordy putting his arm around maashous
vanessa acknowledging that lilette was right
lilette having no idea what to think about philadelphia
“you know what the audience is gonna see?” “....substandard theatre?”
simon is SO SALTY about the petition
“if anyone wants to show up, which you probably shouldn’t. the show’s gonna suck now thanks to everyone that signed that stupid petition.”
he’s clearly not happy that his dad’s going to see it. he feels unsafe with him there and it breaks my heart
gwen refusing to live with her dad
both gwen and simon using the excuse that the show’s going to suck to try and deter their parents from coming to it
tracey’s cool house
tracey calling lou out
lou wanting tracey to be at opening night
“not tonight, lou” tracey i’ve got some bad news
all of the music in this episode makes me cry
i didn’t start tearing up the first time i watched this until i saw robbie’s mom in the car and that’s when i knew that i wasn’t going to make it out of this finale alive
michael and sasha's selfie
the lights on the spring awakening sign being like the ones in all you desire and the ones on the mazzuchellis’ porch
michael finally telling sasha what he thinks she should do
lilette being so excited that mama thorne is there
robbie saying “so everything is back to normal” and sounding so happy about it makes my heart hurt because not only does he not know about lilette moving, he does know that his mom is dying, and that her being out of the hospital for just a day doesn’t change that or make everything normal again. he’s just trying to convince himself that it does.
maashous getting the fuck out of lou’s office when evan shows up
i don’t know why but i find the way that evan describes the beating scene so funny
“the scene where the boy beats the girl with the stick”
jeremy sasha anabelle and francis watching through the office window
lilette’s shocked face when lou says that they’re going back to the original version
sasha’s too
everyone looks so excited when lou says that they can say fuck
simon referencing the desdemona scene as vaguely as he possibly can
lou saying that he might not be invited back to direct next year almost seems like the show saying that it might not be back for a second season and wow here are the tears again folks
the camera has to pan way up when it goes from showing simon’s face to anabelle’s face and it makes me laugh
i never noticed the hair clips that violet is wearing she looks so pretty
lilette being the first to raise her hand because she knows that it will be her last chance to
and then simon not raising his hand at first because he’s terrified of what will happen to him if he does the original scenes but eventually raising his hand anyway
michael and jolene smiling at each other
everyone panicking when mr baer says one hour to curtain
jeremy waving his hand in front of mr baer’s face
this montage makes me emotional as fuck
the fact that the last thing they filmed being them getting ready for their show
robbie listening to music to hype himself up or calm himself down
simon putting on his st. francis jacket
simon and jeremy not making direct eye contact but looking at each other through the mirror
the boys practicing their choreography
idk what cheryl and lexi are doing but it’s cute
the violins in the song starting when it shows the band
maashous finding the suit
“lou! you CANNOT change an entire show one hour before curtain. some of us here have a family history of heart issues -”
this entire exchange between lou michael and the propmaster
“just to clarify, am i committing suicide or just feeling really sad?”
michael is so salty about not having his gun
the propmaster throwing something on the ground in his haste to turn around
michael’s face when the propmaster says that he can just use his finger is fucking gold
michael, ready for death
enough games where the fuck can i buy a stanton high spring awakening shirt
if i were to make those and sell them on redbubble or something would anyone be interested in buying one. this is a legit question i want to know
kaitlin’s smile when she sees maashous
maashous had to look up how tie a tie on youtube
gail straightening the tie
maashous thanking gail for everything
it sounds like maashous is going to say something but then the lights flicker so he has to leave? what was he going to say
“we’ll celebrate tonight after the show!” gail i have some bad news
the propmaster tearing apart the props room
"cough once for suicide, twice for no suicide”
it looks like there’s a stock photo of a kid with a tuba behind the propmaster?
johnny cruz bringing lilette chocolate
all the good luck posters in the hallway
i have no idea whether or not to trust johnny or not and for that reason i dislike him
lou peeking out at the audience
“please let this not suck”
nothing will ever compare to the chills i got the first time i saw lilette stepping out on stage
pta mom nancy being horrified by the revealing dress
mama who bore me transitioning right into the reprise doesn’t make any sense but it sounds cool so i’ll let it slide
 the chorus on “hope that it glows”
can the audience hear evan yelling at lou? probably
evan: you could be fired! lou: ask me if i give a fuck
mama who bore me reprise hypes me up so much i love my girls
okay i have to acknowledge the order of this because what the fuck. i get that we didn’t see all of the songs but?? totally fucked before don’t do sadness? i believe after woybr? and i always thought that all you desire was supposed to be somewhere between woybr and those you’ve known but it’s at the end? i don’t understand this
everything about totally fucked
everyone is great in this but i want to give special notice to simon for just. being like that
francis michael lexi and gwen hanging off the scaffolding gives me so much anxiety what if one of them falls
they’re holding on one-handed please be safe kids
the camera just zooming in on the most inappropriate parts
ward’s face when they say fuck
sadie’s lowkey awkward face
so many audience members look so stunned
the saunders family has no idea what the fuck to do
the dream is for the cast of rise to do a full production of spring awakening that i can analyze the shit out of
lou and gail covering sadie’s eyes
some of the audience members just straight up leaving
sadie peeking under her parents’ hands
“we always have allentown” where’s my spinoff that’s just rise in allentown
maashous’s fear when tracey shows up
tracey doing the choreography with the kids
i would die for cheryl
when they did touch me in episode 7 simon and jeremy were on opposite sides of the stage but now they’re standing next to each other and it’s extremely important to me
tracey convincing evan to fuck off
she loves her kids so much
also this is the last scene where we hear maashous speak pour one out for our lighting director everyone
i have to mention clark in his adult man costume again
the fact that lou and simon’s conversation occurs while the scene with moritz and his dad plays out on stage makes the whole thing so much more emotional
simon’s clearly been crying and i hate it
simon thinking that he let lou down
lou telling simon that he’s proud of him
tbh i really like lou and simon’s relationship
tracey helping cheryl with her hair
the contrast between the first time that simon and jeremy performed woybr and the last time
the lighting in this scene is so nice props to maashous
the hand kiss!!!
i wish that we had some more insight into what simon was thinking here. was this a split second decision or did he actually talk to jeremy or anyone about it? i know that there were deleted scenes where he talked to jeremy and he talked to lilette but idk where they were in the episode and i want them more than anything
also i want the full woybr scene
fuck you, nbc
jeremy looks so surprised when simon leans in to kiss him
the way that simon looks at jeremy after the kiss
i’m pretty sure that this is the moment when papa saunders really realizes that his son is gay and that’s the real reason why he leaves
lilette’s face when robbie hugs her during i believe
i love how they do i believe with the rest of the cast blocking wendla and melchior from the audience. idk why i just really like it
also loving how they actually have a river during don’t do sadness/blue wind
the strickland parents looking so proud of gwen
“i should’ve never called you middle-aged.”
i wish that we could have heard more of michael’s part in don’t do sadness
evan: “i could go up there and stop this right now.”
superintendent lewis, crying: “let them finish.”
“she’s pretty amazing, isn’t she?” “yeah, he is.” this is so cheesy i love it so much
jolene as a reformatory boy is the reason why i’m gay
gwen and gordy having a beautiful romantic moment while the reformatory scene plays out in the background
“pretty deep for a dumb football player.”
clark and francis don’t even change their clothes when they become reformatory boys so it just looks like otto and georg have changed their names and become delinquents
lexi as the abortionist
i remember reading that there was a deleted masha scene and i’m so sad that we didn’t get it
i remember that we saw the kiss in a promo but we had no idea who sasha was and i couldn’t tell who it was from the back of her head so i spent a lot of time just trying to figure it out
sasha’s smile after she and michael kiss
and michael’s stunned expression
robbie acknowledging that this might be the last time his mom gets to see him act
“i think you might have changed my life, mr. mazzu.” bitch me too the fuck!!
the graveyard scene with wendla and moritz on either side of the stage
the rest of the troupe looking apprehensive
everyone in the audience just crying
robbie not being able to sing his part
pta nancy looks so upset. me too
mama thorne knows exactly why robbie is crying so hard and i’m so sad
i can’t tell if the choreography calls for wendla and moritz to have their hands on melchior’s shoulders or if lilette and michael are comforting robbie and tbh i really like that?
lou and tracey hugging
as much as i love all you desire i wish we could have seen the whole troupe do purple summer
sasha shoving michael in the background
“don’t go.”
i love how they have hanschen and ernst on one side of the stage and ilse moritz and martha on the other side during all you desire
the camera going to gwen’s parents when she sings “you’re my only desire”
the character development between gordy’s first scene in the series and his last
simon and gwen’s solos (especially simon’s) never fail to give me chills
i feel like that last kiss between melchior and wendla was unscripted and just robbie wanting to kiss lilette one last time
just how meta the whole situation is. the fact that so many people benefited from this show, that they created something beautiful, and then it was unfairly cancelled because of a few louder voices.
it appeases the people they’re hired to appease.
i remember that when carry you started the first time i watched it i was getting hyped for sean and then there was no sean and i was sad
simon watching jeremy sing
the fact that it looks like mr baer is conducting carry you
sasha grabbing michael’s hand
why is francis always climbing the scaffolding
tracey doing the choreography with the kids
cheryl waving at the audience
i can finally reveal that i made a cameo in this episode. i was the one who gave harmony flowers.
the way that jeremy looks at simon when he grabs his hand
simon doesn’t look upset that his dad isn’t there. he looks relieved.
mama saunders is so proud of him
michael smiling at sasha
gwen saying that her dad giving her a bouquet of roses won’t make anything better earlier in the episode and then when her dad actually does give her roses she just looks resigned to it
simon cheering for lilette is so cute
papa thorne being the first one to stand and the fact that it looks like mama thorne asked him to
he looks so proud
everyone is so proud of their kids most of all me
simon and jeremy switch places for the final bow and it’s probably a continuity error but i choose to believe that they did it intentionally so that they could stand with their friends
kaitlin crying when she sees that maashous is gone
the entire rise fandom should get matching maashous was here tattoos
harmony and sasha pulling lou onto the stage
michael jumping up and down when tracey comes out
sasha with her arms around harmony and lexi
jeremy’s hand on francis’s shoulder
these kids love each other so much
i love them so much
the kids are so happy. they have no idea what’s just been taken from them. and honestly, i’m a little glad that if the show had to end, it ended here - in this brief moment of happiness, before it all falls apart.
end scene.
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achtsamkeit4life · 4 years
Der kleine Bär Winnie Puuh
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Der kleine Bär Winnie Puuh • Autorin: Susanne Burkhardt • Dauer: 6 Minuten • auch als Podcast • „Kennst du den kleinen Bär Puuh aus dem Hundert-Morgen-Wald?  Meine Mama liest mir jeden Abend eine kleine Geschichte von ihm vor.“ Natürlich wusste ich von Winnie – Puuh, ...  AUF BLOGSEITE WEITERLESEN ... https://achtsamkeit4life.com/2020/07/26/der-baer-winnie-puuh/
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lolita-patterns · 4 years
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themed knitted fingerless glove patterns
silver brunia by ieva šimkutė pilelė ;; sourwood mountain by erica jackofsky ;; fern garden by patricia sallume
foxy mittlets for mama foxes by mertsu ;; greenway sheep by agnes barton
f-hole gauntlets by sasha brandt ;; alice’s queen of hearts by crystal baer ;; musica by anne neumann
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michaelsmithimagery · 7 years
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Mama & Papa Baer
Baby _ _ _ _ _ _  coming 08/17
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