#Man-Bat loves his Auntie J :')
chiropterx · 2 years
"Cute-Bat! For you my dearest sweetest little bat!" Joker waved over her people as two of them hesitantly and begrudgingly carried over a crate filled with Bananas. And just as they put it down she pulled a pistol from her breast pocket and shot the two of them in the back. Causing them to go limp against the crate. "Bananas! And people! Lots of love from your Auntie J!"
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Pointed ears prick at the sound of that familiar voice, Man-Bat chirping back excitedly in response. Auntie J was here, and her presence always meant good things! Immediately he flutters down from the overhead beams he'd been hanging from, curious as to who these other people were that his favourite human had brought along with her... though any concerns soon slipped out of his mind as he watched them carrying the heavy cargo they'd brought along - a crate jammed pack full of bananas! Was he dreaming? The heady sweet scent of bananas told no lies and just when he thought things couldn't get any better, Autie J then brought out a pistol, shooting the newcomers right where they stood! They slumped heavily against the crate, scent of fruit mingling with the even sweeter scent of warm human blood that was much better than any of the unfamiliar new smells outside. Happy as a bat with a fruit basket, Man-Bat hopped forth, letting out a joyful squeak as he plunged his head into the crate. Bananas! There were so many of them to eat, ripe skins coated in a lovely splatter of crimson blood which only helped the plump yellow fruits go down his gullet more easily. His tongue lapped messily around his ivory fangs; table manners had never been his strong suit but if he could speak he would surely be thanking Auntie J for her most generous gift, and that he loved her just as much in return!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FANS REACT: Yoo Mira and Han Daewi's Fights Get Everyone Pumped Up
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  We’ve got two more big tournament matches on the docket in today’s episode as Yoo and Han have to do battle against the power of pro wrestling and a baseball bat respectively. Jin’s punishment is also decided upon and it ends in a very strange way. We’ll certainly have to wait and see how some aspects of that ending play out, but for now, let’s get to what you all thought of Episode 3! If you’d like to see your thoughts featured here, make sure to use the hashtag #TheGodofHighSchool when discussing the episode on social media.
    This episode of The God Of High School was so sick so many good fights.???????? pic.twitter.com/1EUxyAFD9f
— Project J (@SilverDKing) July 20, 2020
    duuude #TheGodOfHighschool is certianly a spicy watch! Animations and BGM are good! I'm definitely going to end up reading the webtoon source of this series when the season ends. pic.twitter.com/hBQB5vT0i6
— ????@HAIKYU402; THANK YOU FURUDATE-SENSEI!! (@Umumperor) July 20, 2020
    #TheGodofHighSchool AMAZING EPISODE! Kinda sad we didnt see Bat Mans backstory.... pic.twitter.com/azlq4N01DT
— SamaTag (@SamaTag5) July 20, 2020
    consistent as i expected. very very great animations sequence as always. not just Mira vs Mah Miseon but Han vs Baek in particular are the spotlight of this episode. Han got the Byakko and Suzaku elements etc i love it. and also loved how Park Mujin showed interest in Jin Mori pic.twitter.com/OVfS7Yivn4
— 裕理(Yuuri)@FGO・アズレン・太もも好き (@SKH_AshikagaKou) July 20, 2020
    The God of High School, Episode 3 highlights. •Miseon and Mira fight should have been way longer ???? •Daewi is a friend we all need in this world, and his fighting style is chef kiss • MAPPA was definitely in their bag when it came to the animation of this series pic.twitter.com/ySxt4Movye
— ???? your favorite anime Auntie ???? (@blackgirlsanime) July 20, 2020
    #TheGodofHighSchool pic.twitter.com/mWBQzhQGRx
— ???????? (@Lunark_A) July 20, 2020
    One of the most epic moments in this episode ????#TheGodofHighSchool pic.twitter.com/4V0yES8aOA
— ????????????????????????| ???????????????????? ????????????, ???????????????????????????????? (@ariyachaan) July 20, 2020
    Jin Mori who? I only know Han Daewi ???? pic.twitter.com/cCuGQSch7b
— Lisa ✨ (@ssuneater_) July 20, 2020
    My goodness they have stands! They have stands!#TheGodOfHighSchool Jojo theme starts playing. pic.twitter.com/kU9mjGuHjK
— Victor Monjaras (@Journeyman15) July 20, 2020
    LOLOLOLOL #goh_anime #GodofHighSchool #TheGodofhighschool pic.twitter.com/NalYE574Me
— RubenGallar ???? (@RubenGallar) July 20, 2020
    What were your thoughts about episode 3? Were you surprised by how the episode ended? What do you think is going to happen to Jin after eating that suspicious fruit? Let us know down in the comments below!
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      Jared Clemons is a writer and podcaster for Seasonal Anime Checkup where he can be found always wanting to talk about Love Live! Sunshine!! or whatever else he's into at the moment. He can be found on Twitter @ragbag.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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redandpointy · 8 years
Not the first kiss ‘cause that was in the book but have something hopefully cute, entirely inspired by how adorable Laura Baily is and Imagery laden.
The air smelled like jasmine.
Jasmine and stir-fry greenery and flowing water and people. So many people. Kalec turned and saw he was surrounded on by a semi-circle of people of  every description. Some he recognized, like Alexstrasza and and Nozdormu and Khadgar and Modera and Baine Bloodhoof and Vol'jin. So many faces he knew. Others were shadowed or he couldn’t quite make out who they were in this light; trolls and worgen and humans and dwarves and dragons seated behind the smaller people or sailing in lazy spirals above. One was immense and blue.
Senegos? No... not him.
His father? No... Perhaps it had been Senegos? He was gone but where-
A smaller blue shape darted by with a quick grin and curling horns, followed by a blue even bigger and broader than he, his scales several shades more pale and a host of little ones, their scales flashing in the light.
Kalec’s heart lifted on seeing his favorite brother and sister and his nieces and nephews. So many…
“Bet you’re not nervous at all. After all this is kinda… extra.”
Kalec turned to see Anduin, his hair much longer, his eyes nearly as high as Kalec’s own, standing close by. He looked rather regal though his robes were simple and official. A priest of the Light.
“I am,” the Prince admitted. “Haven’t done this before, you know. Still time to ask Queen Moira,” he smiled, perhaps a bit strained.
“You’ll be fine,” Kalec heard himself say.
A shadow passed overhead and a small black whelp dove out of the sky to land near… Aggra? and Go'el beside her? The whelp turned into his human form and crossed his arms, tapping busy fingers impatiently.
He was suddenly aware of the tall boughs above him and the great lake beyond the orc couple. His peers, the other Aspects stood by as well as the same mixed crowd. Across the way was a willowy woman with long golden hair and shining blue eyes. The air smelled of jasmine and magic. The Well of Eternity sang joyously in the back of his head.
The winds shifted as the orc couple embraced and Kalec turned back to find Anduin tugging at his collar. A woman with long dark hair batted his hands away and fixed it for him while another in armor laughed quietly. Kalec felt as if he should know these additional people but he did not. The light had shifted from morning to noon. Had it not just been morning?
Had Yu'lon been curled around the tower before, her great muzzle held in her paws? And beside her…
A massive blue dragon, his muzzle silvered in age, reflecting the light like snow, his remaining horns resembling deep blue crystal under bands and wings and strands of gold with laugh lines around his golden eyes. Under his wing a smaller, slim blu,e with dark scales, her legs encrusted with glowing sigils where they were visible under the battle barding, her figure fine and honed like a knife, her eyes the same color has his own, eyes the color of magic, eyes he had not seen in millennia. “Mother?”
Kalec turned back to Anduin. The others were gone. Had there been others? “What?” Kalec asked him.
Anduin smiled. “Sorry I thought you said something. Ah, there’s father and Auntie Jaina.”
Kalec turned again and there was a crowd but he couldn’t tell who they were. He didn’t care. They’d become a kaleidoscope of colors and scents and sounds and were utterly irrelevant. There was a vaguely Varian-shaped man in a finely cut tunic striding through the crowd, but Kalec’s eyes were on who he was escorting.
The dress was blue and something gauzy that floated like a cloud serpent. Her hair flowed, long and white and shimmering and alive and warmed by the bold lock of sunlight remaining at the front. She who was First in Love grinned at him and he felt himself grinning back. Her eyes glowed blue with magic.
He walked to meet her because it was simply idiotic not to meet her part way so he could be with her sooner. The light and sound of the crowd now circling them fell even more distant. He wished to sing in joy and so he did, sweeping her into a dance as he did so. His mate hated to be the center of attention but she laughed at his antics, light and carefree and unburdened as he drew her around.
And the others danced.
The skies were full of dragons and cloud serpents and riders on Wyverns and gryphons. Modera swept by with a bewildered Varian, followed by Khadgar and a night elf he didn’t know, and Alexstrasza and Aysa and his class of students and Horde and Alliance and druids and shamen and mages and paladins and dragons and mortals. Light shone on them all, keeping away the growing dark as night began to fall on the courtyard.
Alexstrasza and her sister broke from the dancers and laughed as they raced away like whelps. Despite being full size in their enormous true forms, no one was harmed or knocked down. Ysera tossed her sister something and the red grabbed it then leapt into the air. She flew until she was lost into the gathering dark above. The crowd stopped dancing and drew close.
Then the air exploded in fire and light and color and sound. The fireworks shook his chest and rattled his teeth and the crowd cheered. The red flew down followed by so many dragons Kalecgos could not count them all; reds and greens and bronzes and blues and even blacks. They winged away into the darkness trailing colored lights which swirled in their wake.
Jaina tucked herself in close to him and nuzzled his chest. She smelled like jasmine.
Kalec tilted her head up and leaned down…
His mouth was full of hair.
Sputtering and spitting Kalec leaned back on one arm, looking around in confusion. He was on a plush mattress inside a tent. Illumination and warmth came from a single crystal in a lattice nearby. Ah. Right. Vacation. Time for just the two of them. Remote and alone. He and his prime consort.
Jaina rolled over and blinked up at him owlishly. She sat up. In the low light he could see she had impressive bed head, her long pale hair mussed and twisted. He reached out to groom it into place for her with careful fingers.
“Sorry,” he murmured.
“S'ok,” she said, smiling sleepily, eyes closed, face turned towards him. “Y'kay?”
“I am. Strange dream,” he said.
His First in Love leaned rubbed at her eyes, yawning. Her nose scrunched when she yawned. She blinked again, looking around then back at him.
“Wanna talk about it?” she asked, leaning into his fingers, her eyes falling shut again.
Kalec knew if he asked, she would wake up and speak with him, but the last remains of the dream were already evaporating like smoke. he trained gentle fingers down the side of her face and she  smiled up at him, warm and falling back to sleep.
“Go back to sleep,” he suggested, leaning down. He kissed her softly then again on her nose. “Back to sleep.”
“M'kay,” she said, slipping back under the covers and cuddling against his side.
Kalec drew her into his arms, burying his face into her hair intentionally this time. She smelled of jasmine. Kalec fell asleep.
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