#Mandarin Oriental Jakarta
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PROFESIONAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Santika Cikarang Wedding Organizer Package
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KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding Santika Cikarang, Pricelist Wedding Alila SCBD Jakarta, Price List Wedding Gran Melia Jakarta, Biaya Wedding Mandarin Oriental Jakarta, Paket Wedding Pullman Jakarta Thamrin CBD Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Telah melayani ratusan pengantin di Jabodetabek, mulai dari skala kecil hingga besar. Dengan berbagai latar belakang Pengantin seperti TNI, Polri, Sipil, Pemerintah, maupun Swasta. Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu. Memopro, Memorize your Memories Memopro Wedding Organizer Jl. Mini III D4 No.58 Kelurahan Bambu Apus Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur) https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/ https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizer https://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews #SantikaCikarangWeddingPlanner #TheHermitageaTributeWeddingPlanner #AlilaSCBDJakartaWeddingPlanner #GranMeliaJakartaWeddingPlanner #MandarinOrientalJakartaWeddingPlanner #PullmanJakartaThamrinCBDWeddingPlanner #PullmanHotelJakartaCentralParkWeddingPlanner #FairmontJakartaWeddingPlanner #OakwoodPremierCozmoJakartaWeddingPlanner #TheRitzCarltonJakartaPacificPlaceWeddingPlanner
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BERPENGALAMAN | Call 0812-1313-7919, Arch Hotel Wedding Planner Biaya
KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding Arch Hotel, Pricelist Wedding Santika Kelapa Gading, Price List Wedding Santika Cikarang, Biaya Wedding Alila SCBD Jakarta, Paket Wedding Gran Melia Jakarta Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Telah melayani ratusan pengantin di Jabodetabek, mulai dari skala kecil hingga besar. Dengan berbagai latar belakang Pengantin seperti TNI, Polri, Sipil, Pemerintah, maupun Swasta. Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu. Memopro, Memorize your Memories Memopro Wedding Organizer Jakarta Timur Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur) https://www.paketpernikahanjakarta.com/ https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/ https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizer https://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews #ArchHotelWeddingPlanner #SantikaKelapaGadingWeddingPlanner #SantikaCikarangWeddingPlanner #TheHermitageaTributeWeddingPlanner #AlilaSCBDJakartaWeddingPlanner #GranMeliaJakartaWeddingPlanner #MandarinOrientalJakartaWeddingPlanner #PullmanJakartaThamrinCBDWeddingPlanner #PullmanHotelJakartaCentralParkWeddingPlanner #FairmontJakartaWeddingPlanner
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PROFESIONAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Wedding Planner Price List
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PROFESIONAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Wedding Organizer Harga
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hiltongardenwedding · 2 years
TERPERCAYA | Call 0812-1313-7919, Santika Kelapa Gading Wedding Planner Pricelist
KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding Santika Kelapa Gading, Pricelist Wedding Santika Cikarang, Price List Wedding Alila SCBD Jakarta, Biaya Wedding Gran Melia Jakarta, Paket Wedding Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan namun tak memiliki banyak waktu & belum tahu mulai dari mana? Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu. Memopro, Memorize your Memories Memopro Wedding Organizer Jakarta Timur Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur) https://www.paketpernikahanjakarta.com/ https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/ https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizer https://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews #SantikaKelapaGadingWeddingPlanner #SantikaCikarangWeddingPlanner #TheHermitageaTributeWeddingPlanner #AlilaSCBDJakartaWeddingPlanner #GranMeliaJakartaWeddingPlanner #MandarinOrientalJakartaWeddingPlanner #PullmanJakartaThamrinCBDWeddingPlanner #PullmanHotelJakartaCentralParkWeddingPlanner #FairmontJakartaWeddingPlanner #OakwoodPremierCozmoJakartaWeddingPlanner 
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OFFICIAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Santika Kelapa Gading Wedding Planner Package
KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding Santika Kelapa Gading, Pricelist Wedding Santika Cikarang, Price List Wedding Alila SCBD Jakarta, Biaya Wedding Gran Melia Jakarta, Paket Wedding Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Telah melayani ratusan pengantin di Jabodetabek, mulai dari skala kecil hingga besar. Dengan berbagai latar belakang Pengantin seperti TNI, Polri, Sipil, Pemerintah, maupun Swasta. Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu. Memopro, Memorize your Memories Memopro Wedding Organizer Jl. Mini III D4 No.58 Kelurahan Bambu Apus Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur) https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/ https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizer https://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews #SantikaKelapaGadingWeddingPlanner #SantikaCikarangWeddingPlanner #TheHermitageaTributeWeddingPlanner #AlilaSCBDJakartaWeddingPlanner #GranMeliaJakartaWeddingPlanner #MandarinOrientalJakartaWeddingPlanner #PullmanJakartaThamrinCBDWeddingPlanner #PullmanHotelJakartaCentralParkWeddingPlanner #FairmontJakartaWeddingPlanner #OakwoodPremierCozmoJakartaWeddingPlanner 
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indoweddinghotel · 2 years
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marble-hand · 23 days
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[ manny jacinto, cis-man, he/him ] Look who just landed! VALERIO “VAL” DIZON, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as FORCE LEADER of THE OVERSEERS. The city has plenty of spots for a 34 year old HEXTECH USER like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE MARBLE HAND, being RIGHTEOUS and CREDULOUS.
OOC: Jun, PT, any pronouns/siya
Muse’s Name(s): Valerio “Val” Dizon
Tagging System: Below
Interview: Here
Full Name: Valerio Dizon
Nickname: Val
Date of Birth: October 4, 2371
Gender: Cis-man
Pronouns: He/him
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Current Age: 34
Modification: Hextech User – White Titanium Gauntlets AKA The Marble Hands
Affiliation: The Overseers
Birthplace: Marwar District, New Jakarta
Current Neighbourhood: Sora, New Jakarta
Occupation: Force Leader of The Overseers
Known Languages: Tagalog (native), English (native), Mandarin (conversational), Bahasa Indonesian (conversational), Japanese (conversational)
Faceclaim: Manny Jacinto
Height: 5'11"
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Clothing Style: Usually in uniform, otherwise minimal, clean, and comfy a la Scandinavian Minimalist core 
Jewellery: Multiple rings to fidget with if he’s not wearing his gauntlets, but very deliberately keeps his ring finger free
Tattoos: N/A
Marks/Scars: A few burn scars from his time in the bakery, numerous scars from front-line duty, and a larger scar on this back that he got during “training” when he first got recruited into the Overseers
Modifications: Hextech user
Scent/Fragrance: Like freshly baked bread
Likes: Any sort of freshly baked bread or pastry, Filipino drink desserts, a good time in karaoke
Dislikes: Criminals with no remorse, disorderly conduct, people who leave less than 5 star reviews about his mom’s bakery 
Hobbies: Basketball, baking, recipe development
Habits: Fidgeting with rings or the crystals on his gauntlets, code-switching between more casual and formal talk off/on duty
One Cherished Item: A personalized apron and oven mitt set from Santi for their six month anniversary
Always "Val," and never "Valerio Dizon"—unless it was his mother scolding him for staying out too late. Val was the kind of guy who made people feel at ease. Popular, good-natured, the one who’d help walk an old lady across the street without a second thought or share his lunch with a classmate who’d forgotten theirs. Up until high school, he never aspired to be anything more than what he was, a regular kid with a decent life in New Jakarta’s Marwar District.
Born to a single mother who ran the family bakery, Valerio’s Bake Shop, Val’s life followed a comfortable, if predictable, routine. The bakery was a local favorite, known for its warm, flaky pastries and the kind smile his mother greeted everyone with. For Val, the future seemed simple: he’d take over the bakery, maybe work part-time during college, and continue the family tradition. Ambition wasn’t something that had crossed his mind. Why would it? Life was normal. It was fine.
But even in his laid-back existence, he held an unwavering belief in justice. Though he was one of the popular kids, Val always made sure everyone was included, that no one felt left out. He’d step in when the neighborhood kids got too rough, making them apologize if they bumped into someone. Laws and order kept life safe, and that’s how Val liked it. Stable. Secure.
Until it wasn’t.
The robbery was a shock. A bakery of all places. The desperation in New Jakarta was growing, people were hungry—not just for food, but for survival. Val remembers running home, heart pounding, fearing the worst. The storefront window was shattered, glass littering the sidewalk, but his mother, though shaken, was unharmed. Relief washed over him, but reality punched him straight in the face—their safety had been an illusion, a fragile thing easily broken as the bakery’s window.
At the scene, Val’s eyes were drawn to an Overseer, an imposing figure clad in sleek armor, weapons glowing with the eerie light of Hextech crystals. The Overseer moved with authority, surveying the damage with a calm, focused demeanor. Val had never seen anything like it. The man approached him, asked if he was the owner’s son. When Val nodded, the Overseer placed a heavy, gloved hand on his shoulder. “Be strong,” he said, his voice steady. “Protect your mother. We won’t always be here.”
Those words struck something deep within Val. The Overseer’s presence, the power he wielded, and the responsibility he bore—it all crystallized in Val’s mind. He wanted to be strong enough to protect those he loved, to uphold the laws that kept people safe. For the first time, Val felt a drive, a purpose that went beyond the bakery and the simple life he’d always imagined.
From that day on, Val’s path shifted. With less than a year before his high school graduation, he poured himself into his studies, especially anything that would help him understand the law, justice, and the workings of the city. He trained his body, pushing himself to physical limits he’d never considered before. His mother supported him, proud of his newfound determination, even if it meant a different, bigger, future than she’d envisioned.
Val joined the Overseers as soon as he was able, climbing the ranks with a mix of hard work, innate talent, and that fierce belief in justice that had always been a part of him. He specialized in Hextech weaponry, just like the man he admired all those years ago. His titanium white gauntlets becoming his signature, earning him the nickname “The Marble Hand.”
Despite his rise, Val never lost that good-natured, approachable side. He was known for his fairness, his refusal to bend the rules, but also for his empathy. He argued for mercy when he believed people were victims of circumstance, remembering his own past and the desperation he had seen in the eyes of those who had turned to crime.
Now, as the Force Leader of the Overseers, Val is in a position of power he never sought but fully embraced. He sees himself in the new recruits, those young, eager faces that remind him of the boy he once was—the one who had no real ambition until the day his world was shaken. Val takes it upon himself to mentor them, to instill in them the same belief in justice that drives him. He’s seen the darkness in the city, but he’s also seen the light, and he’s determined to guide the next generation of law enforcers, and anyone else he can bring along, towards that light.
Mother - Marigold Santos Dizon
Val had always admired his mom. Growing up, he was a bit of a brat—he can admit that now—but looking back, he feels a little sorry for the way he acted. It wasn’t until he got older that he realized the situation they were in: a single mom running a bakery by herself, keeping everything together with sheer willpower and ungodly early mornings. Val remembers how she would wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning to get the day’s stock of baked goods going, a routine that seemed as natural to her as breathing.
By the time Val was in high school, he couldn’t just watch her do it all alone. He started getting up early too, helping her out before heading off to practice. It wasn’t much, but he wanted to do his part. Those early mornings taught him perseverance, a trait he knows he inherited from her.
Now, as he climbs the ranks in the Overseers and dreams of a better future for both himself and the city, he wishes he could do more for her. Val hopes to see her retire soon, but he wonders if she could really let go of the bakery. It’s been her life’s work, her pride. Would she find fulfillment in retirement, or would she miss the routine, the sense of purpose it gave her?
One thing Val does know, however, is that she keeps asking when he’s going to get married. She says it doesn’t matter who, as long as he’s happy. Val finds her persistence amusing and endearing, a reminder that no matter how much his life changes, some things—like his mom’s unconditional love and prized pandesal recipe—will always stay the same.
Boyfriend - Santi Amarin-Zhao
The words were already spilling out of his mouth before he could think. He had just finished a routine line of questioning, and before Val knew it, his next question had him asking out New Jakarta’s most eligible bachelor and X Academy’s CEO on a date. Val’s heart nearly stopped as he realized what he’d done—he’d never fumbled like that before when asking someone out. He was about to apologize, to take it back, but then Santi said, “Sure.” Just like that. 
They’ve gone on quite a few dates since then, and Val likes to think they’re going steady, exclusive even. But he can’t help noticing the walls Santi has put up. Their relationship isn’t public, Santi avoids any kind of PDA, and sometimes he feels just out of reach, even during late nights when it’s just the two of them in bed. It’s like Santi’s there, but not fully there.
Still, it doesn’t shake Val’s faith in him. He trusts Santi. They both want the same thing, right? For this city to be better, safer. Val tells himself that’s enough, even if getting closer to Santi feels like trying to touch something through glass.
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santi-u · 1 month
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[ bie thassapak hsu, demi-man, he/they ] Look who just landed! SANTI AMARIN-ZHAO, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as the CEO of X ACADEMY. The city has plenty of spots for a 29 year old SIGHIR like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE PEACEMAKER, being CHARISMATIC and INSTIGNANT. 
❯ tags — interview — bio — headcanons — wanted connections & plots
OOC Information
Fayn / PST (Vancouver, Seattle, Los Angeles) /  They/Them 
Muse: Santi Amarin-Zhao 
Tagging System: here
Interview: here
Muse’s Statistics
Full Name: Santi Amarin-Zhao | สันติ อมรินทร์ | 兆三緹
Nickname: Silk / Xiao Ti (小緹) / Titty (lmao)
Date of Birth: 28 May 2376
Gender: Demi-Man
Pronouns: He/They
Sexual Orientation: Queer
Romantic Orientation: …Ask him when he’s drunk. (Queer)
Current Age: 29
Modification: Sighir (Classified) Human :)
Affiliation: X Academy
Birthplace: New Jakarta
Current Neighbourhood: Sora
Occupation: CEO of X Academy, Philanthropist, Insider Threat, Dog Papa :)
Known Languages: English, Thai, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Bahasa
Faceclaim: Bie Thassapak Hsu
Height: 6'0"
Eye Colour: Dark brown, almost black
Hair Colour: Naturally black, tends to dye it dark, reddish brown 
Clothing Style: Has an extensive suit collection, surprisingly only a fraction of which are custom tailored. Wears more eccentric and femme-leaning blazer choices when feeling up to it. Tends to wear layers and long sleeves even during warm weather. Wears a hat to disguise himself in the Slums. Occasionally wears glasses.
Jewelry:  Watch he inherited from a mentor. Occasionally wears a bracelet and necklace with no real sentimental meaning, just only for the vibe. 
Tattoos: N/A
Marks/Scars: An innumerable amount of scars all over his body, even his face, as a result of testing done on him. They’ve all healed nearly perfectly thanks to his Sighir powers, and as a result, they’re nearly imperceptible / basically invisible unless you know what you’re looking for and are literally up in his business. He doesn't usually let anyone get that close, physically or emotionally.
Modifications: N/A
Scent/Fragrance: Tom Ford Ébène Fumé — overall woody and smoky; has notes of incense, palo santo, black pepper, violet leaf, leather, and labdanum
Positive Traits: Charismatic, compassionate, loyal
Neutral Traits: Guarded, resourceful, analytical
Negative Traits: Hyperindependent, manipulative, self-destructive
Peeves: His lunch getting double booked, expense reports, interviews, people who pet Khoi without asking Khoi if he’d like to be pet, people who don’t respect nature
Fears: A particular part of the city he now avoids going to at all costs; locked, windowless rooms; his parents; vulnerability
Skills: Partnership management, B2B commerce, research design, organizational management, public speaking, tying the perfect tie in one shot, being able to tell what kind of spices were used in a dish, inhuman-like terrifyingly high pain tolerance
Goals: Autonomy and control over his own fate
Likes: His black golden retriever (Khoi), a tasteful accent pocket square, street food, boba, bugs (butterflies in particular), a certain Overseer :)
Dislikes: The smell of antiseptic, stainless steel furniture and decor, loss of control 
Hobbies: Cooking, going out to Bartori or the Marwar Market in disguise to eat street food
Habits: Sleep talking, overworking, checking the app on his phone to make sure Khoi is okay at home
One Cherished Item: The chrysalis of a butterfly he helped raise in secret from a caterpillar when he was a child
UNN's Class of 2405: 30 Under 30 Interview with Santi Amarin-Zhao, CEO of X Academy
Date: September 12, 2404 Time: 13:57 PM NJT Location: X HQ, Santi’s Office
The interview takes place in the sleek, ultra-modern headquarters of X Academy, a towering structure that dominates the skyline of New Jakarta. The office is a blend of glass and metal, with a panoramic view of the sprawling city below. Santi sits behind a minimalist desk, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp, betraying the meticulous mind behind the polished exterior. The interviewer, an experienced journalist from the United News Network, is acutely aware that this is more than just a profile piece—it’s an opportunity to peel back the layers of one of Mars' most enigmatic young leaders.
Interviewer: "Santi Amarin-Zhao, thank you for joining us today. It's not every day that we get to sit down with one of the youngest CEOs in New Jakarta's history. Let's start from the beginning—being born and raised on Mars is still not an everyday occurrence, and especially not nearly three decades ago. How has your upbringing shaped the leader you are today?"
Santi offers a warm smile, the kind that has won him the admiration from many of the million citizens of New Jakarta, but behind that smile is a carefully crafted persona. He knows exactly how to play this role, the heir to a legacy of power and innovation.
Santi: "Thank you for having me. My upbringing was nothing short of a privilege, and I recognize that every day. My mother's side was instrumental in the initial colonization efforts, and my father's side were some of the original Braax mine owners. Their combined legacy is something I take very seriously. Growing up, I was always taught that with great power comes great responsibility—not just to my family, but to the people of New Jakarta."
As he speaks, Santi’s thoughts drift momentarily to his childhood, where lessons were taught not in classrooms, but in boardrooms. His mother, a brilliant scientist, would often take him to meetings where breakthroughs in Martian terraforming and mineral research were discussed, while his father, a shrewd businessman, exposed him to the intricacies of corporate strategy. From a young age, Santi learned that every action, every word, was a move in a larger game—a game he was expected to win.
Interviewer: "That's a powerful ethos to live by. Many would say that you were born into success, but you've clearly worked hard to maintain and build upon that legacy. What drives you to keep pushing forward, especially in such a high-stakes environment?"
As the interviewer asks this, Santi leans back slightly, as if contemplating the question. The truth is, the drive to push forward comes not from ambition alone, but from a deeper, almost primal need to assert control over a life that has always been orchestrated by others. But that’s not something he can admit out loud.
Santi: "You know, it's easy for people to assume that everything was handed to me on a silver platter, but the reality is far more complex. Yes, I had opportunities that others might not, but I was also held to incredibly high standards. From a young age, I was taught the importance of hard work, and that success is not just about what you achieve, but how you achieve it. I’ve always believed in leading by example, which is why I make it a point to be in the trenches with my team, whether it's working late nights on a project or navigating the complexities of our latest research initiatives."
He recalls the countless nights spent in the labs of X Academy, not because he needed to be there, but because he wanted to understand every aspect of the institution he would one day lead. He wasn’t just a figurehead—he was determined to know the ins and outs of every department, every project. The long hours weren’t just about work; they were about proving, perhaps to himself more than anyone else, that he was worthy of the legacy he was born into.
Interviewer: "It's clear that your work ethic is something you take pride in. Let's talk about X Academy. Under your leadership, it's become a beacon of hope for many in New Jakarta, especially with the rising tensions in the city. How do you balance the pressures of being a public figure with the responsibilities of running such a pivotal institution?"
Santi’s expression shifts subtly—a flicker of something deeper, darker. He knows that the public sees him as a beacon of hope, a leader who can unite the fractured city. But the truth is, the very tensions they hope he will resolve are often of his own making. He is both the architect of chaos and the one who brings order, a duality that he keeps hidden beneath layers of charm and calculated sincerity.
Santi: "Balancing those pressures is definitely a challenge, but it's one I embrace. X Academy was founded with the goal of advancing scientific research for the betterment of all Martian citizens, and that mission is something I take to heart. At the same time, I understand the power of public perception. People are looking for someone to believe in, especially now, and I’m grateful that they see me as that figure. However, it’s not just about what I can do as a leader, but what we can achieve together as a community. Creating opportunities for all, committing to public good—these are not just slogans, but guiding principles in everything I do."
He remembers the latest crisis he orchestrated in the Akumu Slums—a small piece of information, leaked at just the right time, setting off a chain of events that sent shockwaves through the city. It was a dangerous game, one that could easily spiral out of control, but Santi thrives on the thrill of it. The chaos serves a purpose; it keeps people looking to him for solutions, reinforcing his role as the indispensable leader.
Interviewer: "You've been dubbed 'The Peacemaker' by some, yet New Jakarta is far from peaceful, if we must be honest. How do you reconcile this title with the realities of the city?"
Santi knows this question is coming, and he’s prepared. The irony of the title isn’t lost on him—it’s part of the persona he’s carefully cultivated. He is the Peacemaker, but peace, as he defines it, is a tool, a means to an end. True peace would leave him with nothing to control, nothing to fix, and that’s a reality he’s not ready to face.
Santi: "The title 'Peacemaker' is both a compliment and a burden. Peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice and opportunity. It’s no secret that New Jakarta faces many challenges, from economic disparities to social unrest. But these challenges also present opportunities for growth and innovation. My job is to navigate these complexities and find solutions that benefit the city as a whole. Sometimes, that means making difficult decisions that aren't immediately popular, but I always have the long-term prosperity of New Jakarta in mind."
As he speaks, his mind wanders to the many nights he spent alone in his office, staring out over the city. From this vantage point, he could see everything—the glittering towers of the elite, the sprawling slums below. It was all part of a grand design, one he was orchestrating from behind the scenes. Every conflict, every resolution, was a step towards a future only he could envision.
Interviewer: "There's a lot of talk about the criminal underworld in New Jakarta, particularly in the Akumu Slums. How does X Academy fit into this picture, and what steps are you taking to ensure that your initiatives aren't just a band-aid on a larger issue?"
Santi’s smile doesn’t falter, but inside, he feels a spark of satisfaction. The criminal underworld is a complex web, one that he’s intimately familiar with. He’s not just aware of it—he’s a part of it, a shadowy figure pulling strings from the comfort of his high-rise office. But that’s a truth he’ll take to his grave.
Santi: "The situation in the Akumu Slums is one of the most pressing issues we face, and it’s something I’m deeply concerned about. X Academy's role is to provide education and resources that empower people to create better lives for themselves, but we can’t do it alone. That’s why I’ve been working closely with the Overseers and other city leaders to address the root causes of these problems. It’s not just about education; it’s about creating a sustainable ecosystem where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. As for the criminal circuit—let's just say, we're keeping a close eye on things and doing everything we can to ensure that X Academy’s work is part of the solution, not part of the problem."
He remembers the recent heist at one of X Academy’s facilities, a heist that the public believed was a tragedy. What they didn’t know was that Santi had orchestrated the entire event, leaking the location of the facility to a rival faction in the slums. It was all part of a larger plan, one that would ultimately strengthen his grip on the city. The stolen research was never meant to be used—it was a decoy, a test of loyalty and competence for those who would carry out his orders.
Interviewer: "Lastly, with everything you've accomplished so far, what does the future hold for you and X Academy? How do you plan to continue your family's legacy while also making your own mark?"
Santi pauses, considering his response carefully. The future is something he thinks about often, but not in the way most people do. For him, the future is a canvas, one that he can shape and mold to his liking. His family’s legacy is the foundation, but the empire he’s building will be his own.
Santi: "The future is bright, but it’s also uncertain—and that’s what makes it exciting. My family’s legacy is something I’m incredibly proud of, but I’m also focused on carving out my own path. For X Academy, that means continuing to push the boundaries of scientific research and making sure that our work has a real, tangible impact on the lives of the people of New Jakarta. Personally, I’m committed to staying grounded, to listening to the needs of the community, and to never losing sight of the values that brought me here. My goal is to make sure that when people think of X Academy, they don’t just think of a name—they think of a force for good that is changing the world for the better."
As he finishes, Santi glances out the window, his mind already racing with the next steps in his plan. The interviewer thanks him for his time, and Santi responds graciously, but his thoughts are elsewhere. The interview is just another move in the game, another step in a carefully plotted journey that only he knows the destination of.
Interviewer: "Thank you, Santi. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you, and we’re all looking forward to seeing what you accomplish next."
Santi: "The pleasure’s all mine. Thank you for the opportunity to share my story."
As the interviewer leaves, Santi sits back in his chair, allowing himself a rare moment of introspection. He’s come so far, but there’s still so much to do. The city of New Jakarta is a complex machine, and he’s the one turning the gears. The future he envisions is one of power, control, and legacy—his legacy, not just his family’s. And he won’t stop until every piece of the puzzle falls into place.
End of interview.
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ofgreaterthings · 16 days
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[ wakeema hollis, cis-woman, she/her ] Look who just landed! THALIA TURNER-SEWELL, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as A POLITICIAN for THE CITY OF NEW JAKARTA. The city has plenty of spots for a 36 year old HUMAN like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE SUN, being CHEERFUL and CUNNING. ( moth, 28, EST, removed for discretion )
full name: thalia iris turner-sewell
nickname: tally, lia
date of birth: june 21st, 2369
gender: cisgender woman
pronouns: she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual (with female preference)
romantic orientation: biromantic
modification: human
affiliation: unaffiliated
birthplace: brooklyn, new york city, new york
current location: sora
occupation: politician
known languages: english (native), japanese (fluent), mandarin (fluent), indonesian (intermediate), thai (intermediate)
quote: "nothing can dim the light which shines from within"
label or archetype: the sun - a person who radiates positivity wherever they go
tropes: the sunshine character,
media parallels: mel medarda (arcane), tiana (the princess and the frog), cruella de vil (cruella), leia organa (star wars), miranda priestly (the devil wears prada)
theme song: here comes the sun - the beatles
positive traits: cheerful, eloquent, resourceful, confident
neutral traits: analytical, diplomatic, objective, decisive
negative traits: manipulative, smug, demanding, prideful
peeves: people talking about her behind her back, being reminded of her past, being wrong, dishonesty, betrayal
fears: losing her status as a politician, unruly crowds, earth's environment becoming unlivable, negative press
skills: debate, painting, strategic thinking, creative writing, mindfulness, emotional regulation, understanding mechanics, critical thinking, interpreting data, problem solving
goals: becoming a successful politician (achieved), improving the environment on earth, becoming a member of high society
faceclaim: wakeema hollis
height: 5’10” (178 cm)
eye color: brown
hair color: black
clothing style: always immaculately dressed for public appearances, usually consisting of a blazer or cardigan with a top underneath and trousers. footwear can be flats or heels depending on the occasion. for formal events she dresses in gowns, with a preference for knee length or longer style dresses. thalia’s outfits are accented with blue or yellow pieces.
jewelry: exclusively wears rose gold pieces. has her singles and doubles pierced, for her singles plain studs and for the doubles a small pair of diamond earrings, a plain band ring that she wears on her left ring finger, and a faux moonstone ring she wears on her right index finger. the plain studs double as surveillance cameras for her security(the camera feature is disabled when in the confines of her home), and the diamond studs have signal jamming properties, when activated they render any electronic device within a 300 foot distance temporarily useless. the plain earrings are occasionally swapped out for hoops that can emit an energy shield for up to 20 minutes. the plain ring also acts as a smoke machine, it can deploy smoke that dissipates after half an hour and the moonstone ring functions as a projector.
tattoos: a black and white lotus on the back of her right bicep
marks/scars: none
modifications: none
scent/fragrance: orange blossom, bergamot, and lemon
likes: reading, green and herbal teas, debates, the rooftop gardens, nature, hiking, beaches, sunny days, cooking meals for loved ones
dislikes: rainy days, unintelligent people, redundant (or rhetorical) questions, pollution, cold weather, snow, winter, betrayal, dishonesty
hobbies: painting, cooking, gardening, creative writing, historical research, volunteering, meditation, yoga, pilates, tennis, robotics, philosophy and ethics research
habits: tendency to be overdramatic, assumes others have bad intentions, talks with her hands, holds grudges, talks fast when excited, hums when bored, gossips about others
one cherished item: a real moonstone ring - the ring that her wife put on her finger on their wedding day
sight: blinding white, a radiant light
sound: birds chirping on a tree branch outside your window
taste: the tart bite of a ripe, juicy orange
touch: the warmth of sunlight on bare skin
thought: a new, completely blank journal - new beginnings
(death mention tw, terminal illness tw)
thalia was born to a lower class family, where she witnessed her parents work several jobs for years in order to provide her with opportunities for a better future. her mother and father worked tirelessly to ensure that she could get into a private school, only the best for their daughter. one of her most cherished memories is her mother telling her "you're going to do great things, thalia." after one of her teachers commended her on creating an outstanding school project.
thalia considers that phrase to be her life motto; she heard it in her head when she first took an interest in politics, when she was accepted to her first choice university, when she won her first election. it shaped her into the driven, ambitious woman she is today. it reminds her that no matter how many times she fails, she will always get back up and try again. she was destined for greatness, it was written in the stars. so far, the stars hadn't steered her wrong yet.
these words were the last she heard from her mother, months after receiving a terminal prognosis. the disease had been caught too late, any treatment would only extend her life for a matter of months. despite how fate had turned, her mother never let her forget that she was capable of great things, she witnessed it with her very eyes. her mother's smiling face and her hand grasped in thalia's is the last memory she has of her mom, burned into her memory.
it was after her loss that she began looking into extraplanetary prospects, running into new jakarta as she was researching. she had heard the name before, something in her history books about the first settlement on an extraterrestrial planet. from what she could tell, the politics there were booming; the perfect opportunity for a young and upcoming politician. leaving her grief behind with her, she made the decision to move to new jakarta.
ten years after moving to mars, thalia is a known and established politician on the planet of mars. she's known for her activist views in regards to the relationship between the overseers and the gangs. she largely believes that so long as they limit their activities to petty crimes, the gangs should be left to their devices and the overseers should stay out of it. both before and after she moved she researched the political climate between the overseers and the gangs in new jakarta extensively.
after researching the gangs, reading every piece of information she could get her hands on, she came to the conclusion that from an economical perspective the gangs were too important to get rid of. they were largely what kept the slums from completely going bankrupt, at least in her opinion. they provided sora and mawar with products as well, just maybe less than legal ones. but some things thalia can turn a blind eye to.
thalia also focused her attentions on x academy and hextech, recognizing them as important elements in the economy of new jakarta. even with how new hextech was as a company, thalia could already recognize that this was going to be a game changer once it was available to the general public. furthermore, she could see how the technology could be implemented to benefit upper class society. she's especially interested to see how the politics surrounding hextech might come to be.
she also found herself being invited to high society events after a couple of years as a politician on mars. suddenly she was being invited to galas, art shows, film festivals, charity events. this was new to her, when on earth she sometimes received the odd invitation but now it was a regular occurrence. thalia found herself living a cushy, lofty life that she was only just beginning to grow accustomed to. know that she knew what she was missing out on, she certainly didn't want to lose it.
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citiesborn · 22 days
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your alias, timezone, & pronouns: rainie, est, she/her muse’s name: heart srisevok tagging system link: tbd. [ baifern pimchanok, cis-woman, she/her ] Look who just landed! CHALIDA “HEART” SRISEVOK, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as THE OWNER of NEXOS NIGHTCLUB. The city has plenty of spots for a 33 year old HUMAN like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE HEDONIST, being CHARISMATIC and NARCISSISTIC. ( rainie, 23, EST, removed for discretion )
full name: chalida zhong, heart srisevok nickname: while "heart" was originally a nickname she legally changed her named to heart upon arrival to mars. date of birth: may 27th, 2372 gender: cis female pronouns: she/her sexual orientation: lesbian romantic orientation: lesbian current age: thirty-three modification: human affiliation: nexos nightclub birthplace: new york city, new york, earth current neighbourhood: sora occupation: owner of nexos nightclub, information broker known languages: english, thai, mandarin
WHEN CHALIDA ZHONG FLEES EARTH in the dead of night she has three things in her bag. 1. twenty-thousand dollars in liquidated bills, a handle of kentucky bourbon - aged twenty years, and a pair of bedazzled dior sunglasses. when she lands on mars chalida zhong is dead and heart srisevok is born. raised on the upper east side of manhattan heart's childhood was a heady mix of swedish boarding schools, lunches at le bernandin, and sneaking out of the marble penthouses her father kept at different points in the city. her mother, much like her daughter was a bored socialite who had even less interest in having a daughter than she did in being married. her father was old money - fortune 500 conglomerates and caviar for breakfast. and in the middle of it all a young chalida desperate for some sort of attention. but her father's attention is domineering at the best of times and cruel at the worst. still she acts out, lashes out at anything she can - ruins business dinners and ends up on the cover of the social papers in handcuffs. when she was eighteen he demanded this behavior come to an end. she was getting married whether she wanted to or not. from that point on it became near impossible to leave the house. heart knew that just leaving new york wouldn't be far enough. so she liquidated her trust fund shoved what she could in boxes and bags and bought herself a first class ticket to mars. after she landed she shook off her old name. taking on her mother's maiden name and the nickname she'd had growing up. she quickly blew through her trust fund partying and in need of quick cash began escorting. due to heart's life in new york high society she blended seamlessly into the upper echelons of sora. her rates skyrocketed and more than money she began collecting information. by twenty-four heart had blackmailed her way into the upper ranks of sora. she'd amassed enough money to quite escorting entirely and opened nexos. it wasn't enough to run the most successful nightclub in new jakarta though. rumors ran through the place like water so heart gave her staff an objective. hear something? come tell her and reap a healthy bonus on top of an already generous salary. heart developed a reputation for knowing things. after all who wouldn't trust a beautiful woman in a pair of designer heels? what could she possibly do to betray some man who thought himself far more intelligent and savvy than her. for the right price she'd tell you the rumor she heard. of course if you wanted to thank her by sending her some sort of gift she'd never be upset by that.
pinterest: right here quote: "i will always be the virgin prostitute, the perverse angel, the two faced sinister and saintly woman." -anais nin. label: the hedonist tropes: ethical slut, loveable alpha bitch, hard-drinking party girl media parallels: samantha jones ( sex & the city ), faye valentine ( cowboy bepop ), brooke davis ( one tree hill ), ramona vega ( hustlers ) theme song: crazy girls by toopoor
positive traits: charismatic, intelligent, effervescent, loyal neutral traits: cynical, unconstrained, honest, outspoken negative traits: selfish, vindictive, narcissistic, jealous peeves: boring people, business meetings, slow walkers fears: spiders, being forgotten, her father skills: manipulation, drinking a whole bottle of top shelf tequila without dying, bitching goals: to become so rich and powerful she's untouchable
faceclaim: baifern pimchanok height: 5'5 eye colour: brown hair colour: brown clothing style: heart prefers skirts and dresses over pants. her clothes tend to be especially tight, revealing, and daring. she's typically the most overdressed person in the room and doesn't wear many shoes aside from heels and the occasional pair of boots. she's an admitted shopaholic with an enviable closet of designer clothes. jewelry: much like her clothing heart has an extensive collection of jewelry she cycles through based on her outfits. she's not particularly attached to any of the pieces tattoos: a small sun on her left hip fragrance: some variant of expensive designer perfume
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