#Pacific Place Wedding Organizer Package
BERPENGALAMAN | Call 0812-1313-7919, Gran Melia Jakarta Wedding Organizer Package
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(0812.1313.7919) Bidakara Wedding Service Budget
Bidakara Wedding Service Budget KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919, The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Pacific Place Wedding, Wedding Package Pullman Jakarta, Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Buffet, Balai Samudera Badminton, Hotel Ritz Carlton Jakarta Pacific Place
Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan namun tak memiliki banyak waktu & belum tahu mulai dari mana?
Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu.
Memopro, Memorize your Memories
Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur)
More Wedding Info : https://bit.ly/Halo-Memopro https://paketpernikahanjakarta.com/
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scentedchildnacho · 10 months
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Slowly its getting better ....a lot of the renters along the coast line slowly chose to leave instead of thinking they could riot at the city......so reductions of affordable crude mean prostitution and felons is definitely getting me left alone more and thats much better sanitation.....
Uhm so I have learned I am going at 43 to have to still have activity like my early 20s and keep hiring him to make me leave with owner snobs and infantiles or cults of hub violence won't get away from how I have come to live
The prostitution problem in pacific beach is just so bad it's just so awful it's like every southern nudist ever came down here and concentrated it's cult till I'm fed like a child once a day....maybe....their whores and they won't get off the cult to die with them of the suicide pogrom
Those creepy bay rentals...i mean no one snatched it up to own it and immediately got safety requirements done
But they never stop driving around like they all were given first wedding packages and it's uhm honey you is already spoiled your not a first time beautiful young bride to be going around drunken and thoughtful
Just constant influxes of displaced people....anyway I try to see the good in people no matter their economic so my swearing taken too incriminatively is your problem not how I mean I'm kind of naive
Parenting has nothing to do with it people who displace their adult responsibility are horrible people....homo genetic and poly genetic issues cannot ever be accomplished by the family .....and aids schizo phrenetic I.a...in absentia a lot of people died of aids and so those jobs for us cannot be replaced ...
The absence of a lot of gay life and I really haven't enjoyed that post modernity
I mean if you think about paris and white as a flamboyant colonial influance then the air is very dry feeling and cold here.......and those philosophies to manifest require wet land restoration or there is no magnesium and potassium in the air and if starvation then obeisity is encouraged
So opoid cult all the time constant obsession with feminine weakness till its if you wont stop torturing yourself with tools and wanting to think about stinky nasty cunt because of how bad of nose and throat carcinogens you get from construction work.....then im going to admit to God and pastor that I can't have feelings till that helicopter problem is mogaed....I'm only happy when I think about that helicopter problem finally executed for the annoying arizonan creation it is
Well he called my cart because I won't really tightly retrofit it dumb ass.....and it's I'm sorry but smoking and really clean living was haunting and scary for people my cart is at least artistic and womanly
Im sorry but it's because I do leave it in ways that people can under really desperate circumstances grab an old jacket if their cold and yours is so tightly retrofitted it looks like a boarding house massacre instead of going home
Anselm Kiefer and americanism and leaning tower of.....and now I'm going to show you little disability organizing that shows upper class violence how quickly and easily it's faults of just to see if they can can be exposed as too stupid and without quality and safety ratings
Uhm acadianna emigration at protecting itself against native preference were actually very hard working strategists......and that cult is just bully stupid....
I mean all I have to show construction is if I push my cart off the sidewalk ramp so I can make the street light....is all they have to do is place a barricade out from the sidewalk ramp...to fix sewage and that whole car line up that won't stop their right turns to go have infantile placements at restaurants that only want them around if money is given....is all given negligent driving and attempted homicide charges for trying to hit someone in the left turn lane.....it's all these small adjustments that push traffick back with itself and away from poverty....
I have necessary reason to....cars at that weight had no reason other then wanting to see if they could pull off that violence to this project area.....their stupid it's a large hunk of heavy metal on pot hole roads and they keep useing it
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OFFICIAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Pullman Jakarta Thamrin CBD Wedding Organizer Package
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KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding Pullman Jakarta Thamrin CBD, Pricelist Wedding Pullman Hotel Jakarta Central Park, Price List Wedding Fairmont Jakarta, Biaya Wedding Oakwood Premier Cozmo Jakarta, Paket Wedding The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Telah melayani ratusan pengantin di Jabodetabek, mulai dari skala kecil hingga besar. Dengan berbagai latar belakang Pengantin seperti TNI, Polri, Sipil, Pemerintah, maupun Swasta. Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu. Memopro, Memorize your Memories Memopro Wedding Organizer Jl. Mini III D4 No.58 Kelurahan Bambu Apus Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur) https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/ https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizer https://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews #PullmanJakartaThamrinCBDWeddingPlanner #PullmanHotelJakartaCentralParkWeddingPlanner #FairmontJakartaWeddingPlanner #OakwoodPremierCozmoJakartaWeddingPlanner #TheRitzCarltonJakartaPacificPlaceWeddingPlanner #HotelMuliaSenayanWeddingPlanner #FourSeasonsHotelJakartaWeddingPlanner #TheDharmawangsaJakartaWeddingPlanner #GrandSahidJayaWeddingPlanner #SwissôtelJakartaPIKAvenueWeddingPlanner
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Fucking, Google, and Joker: File: black-manta-new-52.jpg (96 KB, 618x412) Damonashu 116 points 1 year ago ALEX DEGEN MAGIC SERPLE 2018 I'd like to imagine that Black Manta spends his time awake at night thinking of new ways to reminds Aquaman how he killed his son 0121121 >»90121140 >>90121185 >»90121418 >>90121437 >>90121471 Anonymous 02/22/17(Wed)05:43:49 No.90121094 @ADACTIVITY 90121568 »90121617 »90121781>»90122145 >>90122957 90123029 >90123691>90124826 >>90125587 >>90126898 Share Save What's his problem? Zarester 74 points 1 year ago The pacific ocean has 3.9 stars out of five on google maps MST KILL "Hey, Aquaman. Help me with this crossword. 17 across, seven letters, 'another phrase for a dead body'." "Cadaver?" Anonymous 02/22/17(Wed)05:45:30 No.90121140 "No. Has an O." >90121094 (OP) Aquaman "Uhm, A corpse?" Who the fuck is downvoting the ocean "Nnnnope. Doesn't work. Oh! I got it! "What is it?" TO BE PERFECTLY FRANK- I'M DOING IT OUT OF SIMPLE SPITE. Anonymous 02/22/17(Wed)05:50:22 No.90121286 "Your son!" >>90121264 Wow, he must really hate Aquaman Share Save Harhan Metal Gear Ray Romano 57 points 1 year ago "Hey Aqua Man, Knock knock." Anonymous 02/22/17(Wed)06:03:46 No.90121559 *sigh* "Whose there Black Manta?" The madman took over a terrorist organization that was on the verge of world domination just so he could use them to fuck with Aquaman. Manta is a man of "Not your son. 'Cus you know. I killed him." sheer will and limitless potential Share Save REALLY HATE YOUR GUTS, YOU KNOW... View Same Google iqdb Sauce NAO Aquaman_Vol_7_23.1_Black_Manta.jpg, 2MiB, 1920x2951 strips_of_serengeti Respect the Pipe 28 points 1 year ago I'm pretty sure Black Manta would just adopt an orphan and take it with him on his next nefarious plot, just so he could tell Aquaman that it's Take-Your-Son-To-Work Day, and rub in how great it is to be a father to a living child. PLAGKTA Anonymous Fri 24 Mar 2017 09:54:01 No.52342588 MANTS Report Quoted By: >5234421152356342 And he'd treat the kid well and make him super happy just to rub it in. >>52342483 >>52331311 >>52329634 Share Save Man, I love Black Manta. Especially his modern incarnation where he basically doesn't seem to have any personality at all except when fucking with Aquaman. He's basically Jason Vorhees or Mike Myers in terms of personality. And he's a member of the Legion of Doom. Can you imagine the poor schmuck that has to sit next to him in Legion meetings? Scarecrow's just sitting there, trying to have a nice conversation with Solomon Grundy (Born on a Wednesday), when Black Manta walks in and sits down and proceeds to just stare straight ahead, hands flat on the table, his only movement an occasional grinding of his teeth. HOWB THE WICE The Legion has supervillains and mad scientists and near-literal gods and demons, and Scarecrow is stuck next to a man, smelling vaguely of fish and blood, who mostly just wants to kill people close to Aquaman with whatever's on-hand at the time. But at least it's better than the one time he tried to be social. Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)22:49:55 No.52440454 >52439850 > In the beginning there was a formless presence which cast its gaze onto the new born universe. > As it gained form millennia later it thought but one thing. >One thought randomly generated and with no outside influence. Fuck Aquaman. >"Uh...hey, Black Manta." >...Did you know that you can completely gut some species of fish, and if you put them back in the water, they'll keep on swimming?" >"..uh...no I didn't." >"...I must kill the sea." Anonymous 11/18/15(Wed)21:02:17 No.77559040 77566345 >>77566848 File: f338e5becd29807d401655ce8...). jpg (318 KB, 736x649) Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)12:49:16 No.52448523 I could only dream of creating an enemy this autistic and hate fueled to throw at my players. Black Manta is a man that both philosophically and symbolically with his suit has encased himself in hate. He is the living manifestation of human hatred brought upon him by the cruel Poseidon like forces of wrathful nature, represented by the ocean. Black Manta has made himself into the very same pitiless, irrational and savage force of hate that the earth lays upon humanity from the seas. He is to Aquaman what a hurricane is to humanity, who he sees as responsible for taking this reckoning upon himself as Lord of the Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)18:20:20 No.52471419 >52447826 52455734 Fucking perfect. I need to add something like this to a superhero campaign of my own >This guy is after you >You don't know why, or how, but he will do everything in his power to slowly destroy you and make you know it was him. >And his power is significant oceans. He has the same all consuming hatred for Aquaman that Captain Ahab had for the white whale The fact that his true origin is purposely obscured makes him even more striking as a shapeless force of nature Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)14:43:07 No.52450280 >>52430715 Fuck man, Manta has given so many reasons that turned out to be lies to fuck with Aquaman that the real reason could very well be that Manta woke up one day, poured himself a bowl fish-o's, turned on the news, saw Aquaman, and thought, "Fuck that guy and everything he stands for." But really, the reason doesn't matter anymore because Manta doesn't need it. Manta isn't a man anymore. Asking why Manta hates Aquaman is like asking why the stars burn or why gravity exists. They just do. Manta has long ago stopped having a reason beyond the fact that Aquaman exists. Manta has long ago stopped being a man. Now? Now Manta is much like the sea he spends so much time in. You can see it in his eyes, the pitiless cold and the cruel indifference. Manta is a force of nature fueled by hate and spite that has long ago stopped having reason for existing beyond the fact that it does. Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed) 1 2:46:58 No.5243 1077 >>52430715 It's like the OP pic says. He just really, really fucking hates Aquaman. He's givien multiple conflicting backstories and motivations, several of which he admits he made up just to fuck with Aquaman. At this point even if he remembers his original reason he probably doesn't care about it anymore. His sole purpose in life is to screw with Aquaman in any and every way he can. There is no line he won't cross, no action too petty, so long as it hurts Aquaman. He has bent his entire being around making Arthur's life as miserable as possible and he will never stop, never falter, never give up. He is to the king of the ocean what the sea is to angry sailors, cruel, uncaring, and relentless. He's Captain Ahab as a comic book character and we love him for it. Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)14:39:05 No.52467471 >>52430715 He literally just really fucking hates Aquaman. Everything he does is to fuck with Aquaman, any crimes he commits are purely either to fuck with Aquaman or to acquire funds to use to fuck with Aquaman. Not a day goes by in which he doesn't sit down and reflect on how much he fucking hates Aquaman Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed) 12:27:15 No.52430777 Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)18:44:59 No.52471769 >52430577 Quite literally the only reason he didn't kill himself when Aquaman died was because of the off chance that he came back to life since Manta is genre savvy enough to realize that heroes do that often Is there ever a hour where Black Manta don't think about his hatred for Aquaman? Do he even sleep? Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)18:50:27 No.52471853 Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)12:29:34 No.52430813 >>52430715 There is conflicting stories about why he does. It really doesn't matter, because his place is a implacably, actually threatening counter to Aquaman. >>52471769 Well, physically at least, he is still human, so he has to sleep at some point. But he probably uses a form of self-hypnosis to ensure that when he dreams, he dreams about hurting Aquaman Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)12:29:45 No.52430817 >52430758 Naw he was faking that. >52430715 He just fucking hates him. Maybe there is something deeper but its a mystery so far since he keeps faking out actual origin stories. Honestly, part of the appeal is that he is just raw anger towards the king of the sea wrapped in a calm, hate-oozing package. He's the Joker but without having been ruined of all character through numerous iterations. Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)12:31:48 No.52430849 >52430758 Yes, well, I have students that are autisitic as fuck and none of them have tried to overthrow a PMC yet to fuel their crusade against me.
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TERBAIK | Call 0812-1313-7919, Pricelist Wedding Package The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place
"KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place, Pricelist Wedding The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place, Price List Wedding The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place, Biaya Wedding The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place, Paket Wedding The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific PlaceMemopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Telah melayani ratusan pengantin di Jabodetabek, mulai dari skala kecil maupun besar. Dengan berbagai latar belakang seperti TNI, Polri, Sipil, Pemerintah, maupun Swasta. Kami mengerti bahwa setiap calon pengantin memiliki pernikahan impian dan kondisi yang berbeda-beda, ditambah lagi dengan keterbatasan waktu sehingga memerlukan bantuan untuk mencari venue, ataupun memilih vendor terbaikMemopro, memorize your memoriesMemopro Wedding OrganizerJl. Mini III D4 No.58Kelurahan Bambu ApusKecamatan CipayungKota Jakarta TimurDKI Jakarta 13890Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur)https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizerhttps://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews#HargaWeddingOrganizerTheRitz-CarltonJakartaPacificPlace #HargaWeddingOrganizerHotelMuliaSenayan #HargaWeddingOrganizerFourSeasonsHotelJakarta #HargaWeddingOrganizerTheDharmawangsaJakarta #HargaWeddingOrganizerGrandSahidJaya #HargaWeddingOrganizerSwissôtelJakartaPIKAvenue #HargaWeddingOrganizerAYANAMidplazaJAKARTA #HargaWeddingOrganizerHotelIndonesiaKempinskiJakarta #HargaWeddingOrganizerHotelGranMahakam #HargaWeddingOrganizerWyndhamCasablancaJakarta "
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PROFESIONAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Harga Wedding Package Cemerlang Hotel
"KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding Cemerlang Hotel, Pricelist Wedding Cemerlang Hotel, Price List Wedding Cemerlang Hotel, Biaya Wedding Cemerlang Hotel, Paket Wedding Cemerlang HotelMemopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Telah melayani ratusan pengantin di Jabodetabek, mulai dari skala kecil maupun besar. Dengan berbagai latar belakang seperti TNI, Polri, Sipil, Pemerintah, maupun Swasta. Kami mengerti bahwa setiap calon pengantin memiliki pernikahan impian dan kondisi yang berbeda-beda, ditambah lagi dengan keterbatasan waktu sehingga memerlukan bantuan untuk mencari venue, ataupun memilih vendor terbaikMemopro, memorize your memoriesMemopro Wedding OrganizerJl. Mini III D4 No.58Kelurahan Bambu ApusKecamatan CipayungKota Jakarta TimurDKI Jakarta 13890Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur)https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizerhttps://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews#HargaWeddingOrganizerCemerlangHotel #HargaWeddingOrganizerPomelotel #HargaWeddingOrganizerTeraskita #HargaWeddingOrganizerParkHotel #HargaWeddingOrganizerCordelaSenen #HargaWeddingOrganizerFierisRawamangun #HargaWeddingOrganizerArchHotel #HargaWeddingOrganizerSantikaKelapaGading #HargaWeddingOrganizerSantikaCikarang #HargaWeddingPlannerTheHermitageaTributePortfolioHotel "
Pullman Hotel Jakarta Central Park, Fairmont Jakarta, Oakwood Premier Cozmo Jakarta, The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place, Hotel Mulia Senayan, Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta, The Dharmawangsa Jakarta, Grand Sahid Jaya
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allinweddingjakarta · 3 years
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The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place Wedding Package, call 0812 1313 1575, Paket Pernikahan Spesial
KLIK https://wa.me/6281213131575, The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place, Paket Pernikahan Hotel Jakarta, Paket Wedding New Normal Jakarta, Paket Wedding Hotel Bintang 5 Jakarta, Gedung Pernikahan Mewah Jakarta, Wedding Venue Terbaik Jakarta, Paket Wedding Hotel Jakarta 2022, Wedding Package Jakarta 2022, Paket Pernikahan Hotel Jakarta 2022, Paket Pernikahan All In, Wedding Package All In, Memopro Wedding Organizer Alamat: Jl. Mini III No.58, RT.12/RW.3, Kel. Bambu Apus, Kec. Cipayung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13890 Patokan Alamat : Samping Kantor Lurah Bambu Apus Jakarta, Belakang Klinik Ananda LANGSUNG OWNER WA: https://wa.me/6281282891133 https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer https://www.memopro.id/ https://www.sewagedungnikah.com/ #paketpernikahan #paketpernikahanjakarta #paketpernikahanbekasi #paketpernikahanallin #paketpernikahannewnormal #weddingpackage #weddingpackagejakarta #weddingpackageallinone #weddingpackagedeal #weddingpackagefor50guests
Hotel Mulia Senayan Wedding Package, call 0812 1313 1575, Paket Pernikahan Spesial
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OFFICIAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Pullman Jakarta Thamrin CBD Wedding Organizer Package
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Konsultan Sampoerna Strategic Wedding Service OFFICIAL, (0812-1313-7919)
Konsultan Sampoerna Strategic Wedding Service KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919, Wedding Hotel Swissotel PIK, Bidakara Ballroom Jakarta, The Westin Wedding Package, Wedding Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta Fairmont Wedding Package
Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan namun tak memiliki banyak waktu & belum tahu mulai dari mana?
Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu.
Memopro, Memorize your Memories
Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur)
More Wedding Info : https://bit.ly/Halo-Memopro https://paketpernikahanjakarta.com/ https://paketnikahanmurah.com/
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PROFESIONAL, 0812.1313.7919 The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Wedding Memopro
The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Wedding KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919, Paket Pernikahan Hotel The Sultan, Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Shangri-La Wedding Cost, Sewa ICE BSD Wedding Ballroom, Wedding Kempinski Jakarta
Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan namun tak memiliki banyak waktu & belum tahu mulai dari mana? Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu. Memopro, Memorize your Memories Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur) More Wedding Info : https://bit.ly/Halo-Memopro https://paketpernikahanjakarta.com/
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Intercontinental Pondok Indah Instagram, Sewa Wedding Ballroom Di Jakarta, The Ritz Carlton Jakarta Pacific Place, Bidakara Jakarta Wedding Service, Pullman CP Wedding Package, Wedding Package Pullman Central Park, The Westin Jakarta Ballroom, Paket Wedding Di Balai Sudirman
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OFFICIAL | Call 0812-1313-7919, Pullman Jakarta Thamrin CBD Wedding Organizer Package
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KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919 | Harga Wedding Pullman Jakarta Thamrin CBD, Pricelist Wedding Pullman Hotel Jakarta Central Park, Price List Wedding Fairmont Jakarta, Biaya Wedding Oakwood Premier Cozmo Jakarta, Paket Wedding The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Telah melayani ratusan pengantin di Jabodetabek, mulai dari skala kecil hingga besar. Dengan berbagai latar belakang Pengantin seperti TNI, Polri, Sipil, Pemerintah, maupun Swasta. Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu. Memopro, Memorize your Memories Memopro Wedding Organizer Jl. Mini III D4 No.58 Kelurahan Bambu Apus Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur) https://www.instagram.com/memopro_weddingorganizer/ https://www.weddingku.com/wedding-vendors/wedding-planner/memopro-wedding-organizer https://www.bridestory.com/memopro-organizer?tab=reviews #PullmanJakartaThamrinCBDWeddingPlanner #PullmanHotelJakartaCentralParkWeddingPlanner #FairmontJakartaWeddingPlanner #OakwoodPremierCozmoJakartaWeddingPlanner #TheRitzCarltonJakartaPacificPlaceWeddingPlanner #HotelMuliaSenayanWeddingPlanner #FourSeasonsHotelJakartaWeddingPlanner #TheDharmawangsaJakartaWeddingPlanner #GrandSahidJayaWeddingPlanner #SwissôtelJakartaPIKAvenueWeddingPlanner
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Werner Herzog On Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe…from Earth
There may be nothing more pleasing than watching a room full of scientists erupt in glee as the probe they spent hurtling into space years prior finally touches down on a moving object in the farthest reaches of space. The information and material that the probe will send back can hopefully answer questions of the universe we’ve been trying to ask since the beginning of our existence. Since before humans even walked the earth, however, the dark blanket of the sky has been depositing meteors to our world that hold important answers of the unknown.
The new Apple TV+ documentary Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds by the filmmaking team of Werner Herzog and Clive Oppenheimer takes a look at the history of meteors falling to Earth, and the impact they have on both science and our cultural roots. We spoke with Werner and Clive to discuss the importance of documenting these phenomena and the process of bringing it to audiences in an informational, entertaining package.
DEN OF GEEK: In these types of projects, obviously you want to be able to teach people and show them something they may not know; but is there a need to balance wanting to feed your own curiosities as well? 
Werner Herzog: It’s only curiosity. If we wanted to teach somebody, we would be teachers. But it was always clear we must not be didactic. This has to be entertaining, there has to be that excitement of science. It has to be the awe of what we are seeing, then we are on the right track.
Clive Oppenheimer: It’s show business. And cinema.
But in the same breath, obviously we’re in a time right now where science is somehow under attack, it’s more important that we get these things out there for people.
Clive Oppenheimer: I think with the attack on science, this is probably unstoppable and it serves various agendas and vested interests. You know in some ways I’ve seen it, I’ve seen how it operates, and I think we just have to set this aside. We know what we’re about and we know what we’re trying to do with these films. Above all, it’s to make hopefully a lasting piece of art, which brings together music, cinematography, and extraordinary people and locations and ideas of the human imagination.
Talking about cinematography specifically, I think it’s interesting that there’s so much more being captured now because people have cameras in their hands all the time. It’s so interesting to know that we’re catching these physical occurrences like the meteor in Russia because there’s a whole country of people worried about insurance fraud and using dash cams. 
Werner Herzog: Well, in Russia it’s not insurance fraud. The police would try to extort money from you, stopping you saying you ran the traffic light and extort money. But that all dates back to Yeltsin’s time when police were not properly paid, when pensions were not paid, when school teachers were not paid. So it was a time of catastrophe for Russia. That’s over, but the dashboard cameras remained in the cars. You see them everywhere. 
We were lucky that an event like this was filmed. We were asked by some people who were interested to be in production if we had footage. Yes, but we need this kind of footage in 4k and all there is are such lousy videos from Russian dashboards. And I said, fine, let’s sit with a camera for 800,000 years on Mount Rushmore… maybe we will be sponsored by someone [laughter]. Of course, it’s very fortunate that we have this dash cam footage.
Obviously, the empirical evidence that someone is looking for is coming from these objects as they are studied. But I’m wondering if there are also comparisons that can be made from actual meteors to the space junk that may have fallen back into orbit.
Clive Oppenheimer: I mean, space junk is…I would see this as quite a different kind of phenomenon. There are now archaeologists studying space junk, which I find very, very interesting in itself. But with meteorites we’re looking at things that are four and a half billion years old. So, you know, reaching back to the earliest times of the solar system indeed there are even presolar grains into stellar grains that date before the formation of our own services and that are found in some of these meteorites. 
We’re reaching way, way back in time and we’re also looking at objects that have had, and have huge cultural significance for us. One of the earliest recorded falls of a meteorite was in Japan 1200 years ago. The stone is now a relic in a Shinto temple in Nōgata, Japan. Every five years it’s processed through the streets and this fascinates me just as much as the revelation that they’re carbonaceous meteorites full of amino acids and sugars and other organic molecules. So it’s a very rich topic to dig into.
In regards to the organic molecules, when it came to Jon Larsen’s micro meteorites, I remember him saying that they’ve never found one that was exactly like the other. Or that the compounds found in each one never repeat; but in essence, somewhere that has to be something that broke up and split apart…there has to be another one out there to compare it to right?
Werner Herzog: Because I think some of them were always dust, and only at some time in the history of the universe– billions of years ago–they coagulated to solid larger bodies of metal. And I think about what Jon Larsen, the jazz musician turned scientist says, “Dust is the currency of the cosmos.” Some of them never break up; they were always only dust. And that’s the currency of the cosmos
Obviously, it’s going to be easier to study something that lands on a certain type of terrain, but I’m surprised we didn’t hear a lot about something that possibly may have been found under the ocean, or that created craters in the ocean itself. Are those existent?
Clive Oppenheimer: Yes, almost certainly. If you think about just the probability of where a stone is going to land, most of them are falling in the oceans. And so for sure there will be the down there, but you’ve also got to think of the size of a stone that is going to leave a crater on the ocean floor if it’s traveling through two miles of ocean.
Werner Herzog: You can say that you wouldn’t see anything, but of course in the Yucatan Peninsula you have a crater that’s 200 kilometers in diameter. Part of it is in the ocean, which I think didn’t exist like that before, 65 million years ago. 
Clive Oppenheimer: Interestingly, the micrometeorites –  this cosmic dust that Jon Larsen looks for on roofs of sports arenas and elsewhere – this was first discovered in the late 19th century during what’s regarded as the first oceanographic research cruise. They dredged up sediments from the deep Pacific, and they found these little spherical particles which they realize were extraterrestrial. They’re there because they’re in areas of very, very low sedimentation from the continents that are a long way from where erosion is washing land sediments to the seabed. So they concentrated there. 
They’re found as well in the icing remote parts of Antarctica. The remarkable thing that Jon Larsen did was he said, “Well, this dust must be everywhere. It must also be in car parks in New York City and on the roofs of shopping malls. I’m going to have to sift through an awful lot of bird excrement, but I’ll find it.” He spent five years doing that till he found his first particle but now he’s got thousands of them and found out how to discriminate between them. It’s extraordinary, it’s a whole new branch of science.
Did you look into anything interesting that didn’t make it into the film?
Werner Herzog: We have something that made it halfway into the film, and that’s a black stone in Mecca, the holiest site of the Muslim world. Neither Clive nor I are Muslims – we’re not allowed to set foot into the city of Mecca. Of course we respect this, and we tried to organize with this young, very gifted Saudi filmmaker who had filmed before in Mecca. We gave him very precise instructions, there’s a wonderful shot in the film, but we have it only for three seconds. We needed it for 30 seconds but he never got the full permits to do it and we were already into editing. So, if we had to rely on cell phone footage, which was shot by one of the pilgrims.
Clive Oppenheimer: There’s nothing in the way of something being left out of the film but there are other topics (I would have liked to cover). There’s the whole year of asteroid mining; of going out there and coming back with rare earth elements and precious metals. And there are outfits that are seriously looking into the logistics of that. There’s a Japanese company that does – let’s say you know you really want a fancy wedding, well why not have a meteor shower for the reception? So they are dropping little bits of dust from satellites to make your very own meteor shower.
Werner Herzog: Sand falling to create a meteor shower for the bride [laughter].
Clive Oppenheimer: I’d have loved it if we could have done that.
Werner Herzog: The Japanese have the most wonderful, spectacular idea when it comes to that. 
Clive Oppenheimer: Great for the premiere of the movie.
What is your dynamic like when you enter into these projects? Do you approach it as Clive having a certain expertise and that Werner is kind of acting in our place as the novice – to ask the questions the audience may have?
Clive Oppenheimer: We work very closely and we’re in frequent contact throughout the pre-production, as we’re thinking about locations and crew, and during the editing. But we bring different skills to it and I think for me it’s neither a disadvantage or an advantage that I don’t have a training in fine arts or in filmmaking. So I can say, or suggest possibly outrageous ideas, and generally with Werner they don’t meet with negative reactions. Werner also has a very different approach.
Werner Herzog: The beauty of life is that I never had any training in fine arts and filmmaking either. I never went to film school.
That may be true, but so many people revere your films. And even though you are still making narrative films, a lot of people now know you for these documentaries. 
Werner Herzog: It’s an abomination because much of my documentary filmmaking is feature films in disguise. And what will remain of what I have done will be two things. The book that I have written–the prose texts is one thing. Like, Conquest of the Useless or, Of Walking in Ice. Then there are the feature films; Aguirre: The Wrath of God, The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, or Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans…anyway.
There are still throngs of younger audiences now who just know your voice from various cartoons you’ve lent it to (American Dad, Rick and Morty), and of course because of things like The Mandalorian. It’s almost like you’re creating another version of yourself. 
Werner Herzog: No, it’s not another version of myself, It’s just me doing professional work. I’m a professional man and I do what I’m good at. I would never be in a film as an actor in a romantic comedy. See, I gotta play the badass.
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Clive Oppenheimer: I’ve lost sleep, you know, ever since I saw him in Jack Reacher. That was terrifying.
Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds premieres on Apple TV+ on Friday. Nov. 13.
The post Werner Herzog On Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe…from Earth appeared first on Den of Geek.
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