graylinesspam · 11 months
would anyone actually be interested if i wrote some MandoxOC one shots?
i've just spent so much time thinking about it that i might do it for funsies. but its not my usual style.
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balletorchid · 3 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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leia-hill · 4 years
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“He was sitting very, very still. As if her touch were gossamer and at the least wrong move it would dissipate. Ninety-nine percent sure.” 
I commissionned (again! krkrkr) @commander-sarahs-art for this AWESOME illustration of Harper and Mando! I really, reaally love it. Thank you so much ✩◝(◍⌣̎◍)◜✩
Harper belongs to @kehrite (aka sailaway on AO3). This commission actually illustrates a scene of the first chapter of kehrite’s fic : Strangers in a Strange Land. This OCxMando fic is so great, I highly suggest you to give it a try. And guess what, dear fellow french speakers, I’ve translated it in french!  ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧
Thank you a lot @commander-sarahs-art, I had so much fun!
AO3 original fic : “Strangers in a Strange Land” => https://archiveofourown.org/works/21661462/chapters/51655267
AO3 translated fic : “En terre étrangère” => https://archiveofourown.org/works/22652209/chapters/54139897
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rjnorth-writes · 3 years
The Horizon
Pairing: Mando/Din Djarin x OC/Aiya - though not paired in this. Pre-meeting. 
Word Count: 453
Summary: Pre-Story (to come). Aiya reflects on how things are and her past/present on Tatooine. 
Warning: Slavery, mentioning of sex work and prostitution (only if you know what goes on at the Palace). 
A/N: I thought this would be very appropriate for Aiya, and a great way to introduce her character before I get the story up. She’s one of my favorite characters I’ve created. Aiya and Din are just lovely together (though you don’t know that yet). This is just a very short drabble that might get included into the story.  Masterlist
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There weren’t many moments of quiet for the life of a slave on Tatooine, especially not one under the thumb of her owner. Aiya knew that if she slacked off any while working in the scrapyard then the likelihood that she would be rented out or loaned to Jabba’s Palace again were extremely high. She would take the long days working out in the unforgiving suns and burning her fingers on hot metal or soldering than being there. 
But in the earliest hours of the morning after the Palace was closing down and the business had yet to open, Aiya liked to get up. It was earlier than she needed to, but she would take any bit of time she could to just feel like she owned some sort of control in her life. A life that did not belong to her. Aiya would get up and stand on top of the shop roof where the transmission antena was accessible to watch the sunrise over the horizon. The occasional bantha would cry out, and every so often a patron of the cantina out too late would stumble by on their way to their lodging, but for the most part it was just Aiya basking in the less intense warmth of the first sun coming over the horizon. 
For someone that was so very tired of the sand and heat, she knew it was the most beautiful sight she would most likely ever get to see. There wasn’t much promise that Aiya would ever be free, or live to see another day. Not when sickness could sweep through the slave’s quarters faster than a professional racing varactyl, or the fact that the visitors to Mos Eisley and Tatooine in general, would have a shady variety. 
Mos Eisley was far quieter than Mos Espa where Jabba’s Palace was located. It was at Jabba’s Palace when she was younger that she lost the only family Aiya had left. Abandoning Tatooine with freedom and a romantic companion, Aiya’s sister had been gone for years, it felt, leaving her entirely too alone upon returning from her consignment to the Palace. While she preferred Mos Eisley to Mos Espa, it came with a sense of hollowness. Her quarters were no longer filled with the hushed giggles from you younger sister, Odalla as she told of the adventures she and her best friend has snuck off to have when she was supposed to be working in the scrapyard. 
But Oda was gone, and as the years passed without her return to free Aiya, Aiya lost what little hope she had left festering in her breast. It was just Aiya and the solace of the sunrise over the horizon of Tatooine. 
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elylandon · 4 years
I'm sorry but I don't find you "reader" character relatable or anything at all. She's supposedly been through a lot of crap, but she trusted and all that way to quickly imo, like people with real trauma don't really do that. It just seems unrealistic. Plus, isn't this supposed to be a reader insert, it just feels like she's more OC. You probably should have marked it MandoxOC.
It’s okay if you don’t relate to Reader, and I do realize that as time has progressed with this story, she has become more of an OC. I didn’t intend for that too happen. Her story has been basically forming in my head as we progress, so I apologize if that threw you off. I could see changing the listing to (Reader/OC Hybrid) or something. I didn’t realize it was something that would bother anyone. 
However, I’d like to address what you mean by her progression being unrealistic. Firstly, she’s fictional, so it doesn’t really matter. But in reality, every person handles their trauma differently. A person with real trauma actually could evolve the way Reader is evolving, deciding to trust and love again as soon as she is. And it’s monumental when someone can overcome and do that. I’ve taken into consideration that she has spent weeks with Mando and the child, almost 24/7 really, and those aren’t normal circumstances. So, in my opinion, it has given Reader plenty of time to be skeptical, and then see that these two don’t mean her any intended harm, and because belonging somewhere is the one thing she wants more than anything, she’s willing to trust them. I personally think that is very reasonable. But, like I said, if someone can’t do that in real life, that is understandable and 100% okay. Again, she’s fictional. She should not be the ruler at which one measures their own progress through trauma. 
Hope that makes sense. And I hope you continue to read to see how much more she progresses, as her story isn’t even close to being finished. But if not, again, that’s okay. :)
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balletorchid · 4 years
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Wrest Pin │ Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Game 
ꕥ ꕥ ꕥ
“There were steps leading to the throne and Evangeline climbed them, lifting her dress just in the slightest as not to trip, unable to look at Din even though she had seen him hundreds of times. When she found him finally, he was sitting there…Again, not like himself. This was a man who looked far too confident and relaxed on his throne, which in reality, she could feel his emotions were anxious, just as much as hers were. Evangeline glanced at the marble floor…then back at her husband and she whispered so only he could hear…
“All those times I said I understood,” Evangeline croaked weakly, tears slipping through that she knew only he could see between them.
Evangeline finished shakily…
“I never did.”
Because she realized she had only ever said it to comfort him.
“Don’t run. Understand?”
“I understand.”
“You’re not dying. Understand?”
“I understand.”
Slowly, she lowered herself to her knees and bent forward, putting her forehead to the ground. She heard the people behind her all drop into bows of their own, and she supposed that was what the elder woman had meant when she had said Evangeline had to be the first to bow.”
ꕥ ꕥ ꕥ
Awesome art commissioned from the very talented: @anabimelo  ❣
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balletorchid · 3 years
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She is just a bounty to the cold Mandalorian with the strange green baby.
Nothing more.
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balletorchid · 4 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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balletorchid · 3 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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balletorchid · 3 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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balletorchid · 3 years
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She is just a bounty to the cold Mandalorian with the strange green baby.
Nothing more.
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balletorchid · 4 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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balletorchid · 3 years
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Sovereign | A Mandalorian Short Story
The new ruler of Mandalore took the throne a little over a standard year ago. In exchange for Mandalorian protection, she is arranged to marry their Mand'alor...Meanwhile, the Mandalorians are promised unlimited access to her planet's precious gems.
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balletorchid · 3 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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balletorchid · 4 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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balletorchid · 4 years
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Din might have rathered died than have the stranger take off his helmet to save his life.
But being unconscious when being saved…complicates things.
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