#Marcia ficgate
sexynetra · 8 months
Okay I think I am going to take a short socials break after this but I just wanted to make a few points.
1. As I said, you have all been so incredibly sweet and it’s super heartwarming and I don’t know what I would have done without y’all rallying behind me
2. Please nobody send hate to Marcia, and don’t send hate to the original poster either, that will just fan the flames (I don’t think any of y’all have been or would, I just want to make where I stand on this clear!)
3. I don’t think Marcia had malicious intent retweeting it — especially given her taking it down relatively quickly. The fault lies with the person who posted the original tweet. That being said, after all of this, I have some very complicated feelings regarding Marcia and I ask that that be respected, for me and anyone else who feels that way. I don’t think any of us hate her or wish her ill will, and once this is less imminent I may go back to stanning her, idk! But for now I have very complicated mixed uncomfortable emotions surrounding her and I think I am allowed to feel that way given that whatever fallout there is will inevitably center around me, and I am fucking terrified about that fact.
4. Again I love you all and I’m so grateful for how sweet you have all been. I may pop in here and there to message friends but I probably won’t be posting much if at all for a bit, and I’m gonna go on a bit of a writing hiatus while I figure out next steps
I love you all and I love this community and I hope that this is all a blip in the past soon, but for now I need to prioritize my safety and wellbeing and that means separating myself a bit 💕
Okay this got long but. I love you all, I’ll be back before you know it <333
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