#Maritime Workers Compensation
jaxtians02 · 1 year
Maritime Workers Compensation | Obryanlaw.net
Worker's compensation can affect maritime workers the same way it does on land, but the Jones Act may be more helpful in many situations. learn more here Maritime Workers Compensation
Maritime Workers Compensation
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obryanlawblog99 · 2 years
Maritime Workers Compensation | Obryanlaw.net
Worker's compensation can affect maritime workers the same way it does on land, but the Jones Act may be more helpful in many situations. learn more here Maritime Workers Compensation
Maritime Workers Compensation
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obryanlaw21 · 2 years
Maritime Workers Compensation | Obryanlaw.net
Worker's compensation can affect maritime workers the same way it does on land, but the Jones Act may be more helpful in many situations. learn more here Maritime Workers Compensation
Maritime Workers Compensation
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obryanlaw23 · 2 years
Maritime law Also referred to as Admiralty Law
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Maritime law, also referred to as admiralty law, encompasses a wide range of federal statutes and court-mandated laws governing the navigable waters in and surrounding the United States. These laws can go by a number of different names, such as the Jones Act or the Longshore Act, but they all work together to protect the rights of Maritime Injury Lawyer workers and provide financial compensation for illness or injury suffered while employed on the water. 
What does this mean for you? It means that, if you are injured or fall ill while working on the water in any capacity, Maritime Lawyer has your back. If your employer or the owner of the vessel you work on is found to be at fault for your condition, maritime law allows you to seek financial compensation for a number of related issues, including pain & suffering, medical expenses, and more. 
What Is Maritime Law?
Maritime law, also referred to as admiralty law, is a body of law that governs the maritime industry in the United States.
Made up of several laws, conventions, and treaties that have developed over hundreds of years, maritime law is designed to protect workers, settle disputes, manage how cargo and shipping can proceed, and even dictate how business can be done under certain circumstances. Every country has their own individual maritime law that dictates how these issues can be managed, and the United States has some of the most complex and wide-reaching maritime laws in the world.
It can, however, be a very complex and unique sector of law far above and beyond typical personal injury law. Maritime law in the United States has hundreds of years of history and precedent behind it, and they can be difficult waters to navigate. If you need help with a maritime injury case, you need the offshore injury lawyers of O’Bryan Baun Karamanian.
O’Bryan Law has combined decades of experience with Maritime Attorney law in its numerous forms, from injured workers to workplace illnesses and everything in between. We’ll travel anywhere in the United States to fight for our clients, no matter where they live or work, and we believe anyone who works or enjoys recreation on the water should get the justice they deserve. Contact the authorities on maritime law today and let us fight for your financial security in the face of injury.
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kellyins · 4 months
Peace of Mind in Phoenixville and Collegeville: How Business Insurance Can Provide Assistance
Running a business in Phoenixville or Collegeville can be both exciting and risky. Unexpected events such as accidents, litigation, or property damage have the potential to disrupt plans and lead to financial hardship. That’s where business insurance in Phoenixville and Collegeville, Pennsylvania comes in: a safety net to protect the hard work and ensure commercial growth. Let’s explore how various forms of insurance benefit different businesses in these vibrant communities:
Contractors: Construction sites are susceptible to accidents. General liability insurance provides coverage for property damage and personal injury claims that may arise from the job. Workers’ compensation covers employees and the business in case of on-site injuries. Consider the option of inland marine insurance to provide coverage for equipment during transportation, along with builder’s risk insurance to protect projects that are currently in progress.
Restaurants and bars: Serving excellent food and beverages comes with its own set of risks. Claims for food poisoning, slip-and-fall incidents, and property damage are all covered under general liability. Liquor liability insurance is crucial for bars and taverns, while business interruption insurance can provide assistance in case of temporary closures caused by fire or other unforeseen events. Don’t forget to consider commercial auto insurance for delivery trucks.
Caterers and Other Food service Businesses: Caterers face unique challenges, including issues with equipment and the occurrence of food-borne illness outbreaks. General liability and business car insurance are essential. Consider adding product liability to protect against potential lawsuits related to food deterioration or allergic reactions. If one is renting a space, it is advisable to consider special event insurance.
Body shops for garage: Accidents are a priority, but it is even more crucial to prioritize self-protection. General liability protects against unintentional damage to customer automobiles while in the care of the business. Pollution responsibility safeguards the environment from damage caused by spills or dangerous pollutants. Worker’s compensation and business car insurance are essential.
Farms: Farming involves certain risks, including unpredictable weather conditions and incidents involving animals. Crop insurance offers protection from weather-related harm and crop loss. Farm owners insurance provides protection for property and equipment, while general liability insurance addresses claims related to injuries sustained by visitors or staff. Consider the benefits of inland maritime insurance when transporting livestock or agricultural products.
Gas Stations: Gas stations and convenience stores deal with flammable materials and attract large numbers of customers, making risk management crucial. General liability insurance provides coverage for injuries to clients, accidents such as slips and falls, and any damage to property. Pollution liability insurance safeguards the environment against harm resulting from leaks or spills. Consider crime insurance for theft and vandalism, as well as business interruption insurance to cover closures caused by accidents or catastrophes.
Yoga Studios: Yoga studios promote well-being, yet accidents can happen. General liability insurance protects participants from accidents and property damage within the studio. If one provides specialist services such as massage or personal training, it is advisable to consider purchasing professional liability insurance. Furthermore, business interruption insurance can assist in recovering financially in the event of unexpected circumstances leading to closure.
Here are just a few examples. Remember, the specific types of insurance required will vary based on the nature of the business:
• Property insurance provides coverage for the facility, equipment, and inventory in case of fire, theft, or vandalism.
• Business interruption insurance compensates for lost revenue in the event of a qualifying incident that leads to a temporary business closure.
• Protection against data breaches, cyber attacks, and online fraud is provided by cyber liability insurance.
• Commercial auto insurance provides coverage for company vehicles, safeguarding them against accidents, damages, and liabilities.
• Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses and lost pay for employees injured on the site.
To prevent disasters, it is advisable to consult a local insurance agent before they occur. They have a deep understanding of the various risks that businesses encounter in Phoenixville and Collegeville and can tailor a policy to meet individual requirements.
- Compare quotes from multiple providers to find the best coverage at an affordable price.
-Regularly review policies to ensure they remain up to date. As a business expands and advances, insurance requirements may alter.
Investing in the right insurance in Phoenixville and Skippack, Pennsylvania provides a sense of security, ensuring coverage for unexpected events. Focus on what the business is up for - running a business and making a positive impact in the community - and let insurance handle the rest. Remember, in Phoenixville and Collegeville, where the entrepreneurial spirit thrives, having the correct safety net is essential for success.
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jamescarey · 5 months
Navigating the Legal Landscape: Unraveling the Top 10 Personal Injury Claims
Personal injury claims constitute a significant portion of legal proceedings, addressing the aftermath of accidents and incidents that cause harm to individuals. These claims range from the commonplace to the extraordinary, each with its unique set of legal intricacies. In this exploration, we delve into the top 10 personal injury claims, shedding light on the diverse scenarios that often land victims in the realm of litigation.
Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle accidents, often overshadowed by motor vehicle incidents, are surprisingly common. Collisions between bicycles and cars or pedestrians can result in severe injuries. Negligent drivers, poorly designed roadways, or defective bicycle components may contribute to these accidents. Seeking compensation for medical expenses and property damage is crucial for injured cyclists.
Recreational Accidents
From amusement park mishaps to injuries during recreational sports, these incidents fall under the broad category of recreational accidents. Determining liability may involve complex analyses, including waiver agreements and safety regulations. Victims often seek compensation for injuries sustained during activities meant for enjoyment and relaxation.
Construction Site Injuries
Construction sites are rife with potential hazards, leading to a significant number of personal injury claims. Workers injured on construction sites may pursue workers' compensation, but third-party negligence can also be a factor. Exploring the nuances of construction site safety regulations becomes essential in these intricate cases.
Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse
Elderly individuals residing in nursing homes may become victims of neglect or abuse, leading to physical and emotional harm. Personal injury claims in this context require a sensitive approach, often involving thorough investigations to uncover instances of malnutrition, inadequate medical care, or even emotional abuse.
Sports-Related Injuries
Participation in sports carries inherent risks, but when injuries result from negligence, lack of proper equipment, or intentional harm, personal injury claims may arise. These cases extend beyond recreational sports to include professional athletes seeking compensation for injuries affecting their careers and livelihoods.
Boating Accidents
Navigating waterways comes with its share of risks, and boating accidents can result in severe injuries or fatalities. Collisions, equipment failures, or operator negligence may contribute to these incidents. Establishing liability in boating accidents involves maritime laws and an understanding of the responsibilities of boat owners and operators.
Airplane and Aviation Accidents
While relatively rare, airplane and aviation accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries. These cases involve complex federal regulations and international laws. Establishing liability may require expertise in aviation standards and procedures, making legal representation crucial for victims seeking compensation.
Hazardous Materials Exposure
Exposure to hazardous materials in the workplace or through environmental contamination can result in long-term health issues. Personal injury claims related to toxic exposure demand a thorough understanding of environmental laws, occupational safety regulations, and the medical complexities associated with such cases.
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Beyond physical harm, personal injury claims can address the intentional infliction of emotional distress. These cases often involve deliberate actions that cause severe emotional suffering, and victims may seek compensation for therapy costs, medical bills related to emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Repetitive motion injuries, often associated with certain occupations, result from prolonged and repetitive movements. Workers in industries such as manufacturing or data entry may suffer from conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Establishing a connection between the repetitive motions and the resulting injury is crucial in these personal injury claims.
The realm of personal injury claims is expansive, encompassing a wide array of incidents that lead to harm and suffering. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, each type of claim requires a nuanced understanding of the specific circumstances and relevant legal frameworks. If you find yourself entangled in the aftermath of any of these incidents, seeking legal advice is paramount to navigating the complexities and securing the compensation you deserve.
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freemanattorney · 5 months
Gary M. Freeman, Attorney at Law: Your Trusted Houston Injury Advocate
Welcome to the virtual home of Gary M. Freeman, a distinguished Houston Injury Attorney dedicated to providing top-notch legal representation for individuals seeking justice after personal injuries. As a seasoned legal professional, Attorney Freeman specializes in handling complex cases, including those related to maritime injuries. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the unparalleled expertise and commitment that sets Gary M. Freeman apart as a leading Houston Maritime Injury Lawyer.
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Unraveling Legal Excellence
At Gary M. Freeman's law firm, we take pride in a legacy of success built on unwavering dedication to our clients. Our track record speaks for itself, with numerous victories in securing fair compensation for those affected by personal injuries. As seasoned professionals, we understand the nuances of the legal landscape, ensuring that our clients receive the best representation possible.
Personalized Approach
What sets us apart is our commitment to a personalized approach in every case we handle. We recognize that each client and every injury case is unique, demanding tailored legal strategies. Attorney Freeman and his team invest time in understanding the specifics of each situation, allowing us to craft robust arguments and secure favorable outcomes for our clients.
Houston Injury Attorney: Navigating Complex Cases
Attorney Freeman's expertise as a Houston Injury Attorney extends across a spectrum of personal injury cases. Whether you're dealing with a car accident, slip and fall, or any other form of personal injury, our legal team possesses the knowledge and experience needed to guide you through the legal process seamlessly.
Maritime Law Mastery
For those facing maritime-related injuries, Attorney Freeman stands out as your go-to Houston Maritime Injury Lawyer. With an in-depth understanding of maritime laws and regulations, we skillfully navigate the complexities inherent in these cases. Our goal is to ensure that maritime workers receive the compensation they deserve for injuries sustained on the job.
Client-Centric Philosophy
At Gary M. Freeman's law firm, we understand the emotional and physical toll that personal injuries can inflict. Our client-centric philosophy revolves around empathy and compassion, ensuring that our clients feel heard and supported throughout the legal journey. We prioritize open communication, keeping our clients informed at every step.
Transparent Legal Process
Transparency is at the core of our legal practice. We believe in keeping our clients well-informed about the legal process, potential outcomes, and any developments in their case. By fostering clear communication, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, instilling confidence in the legal representation they receive.
Outranking the Competition
In a competitive legal landscape, it's crucial to stand out. Here's why Gary M. Freeman, Attorney at Law, is poised to outshine the competition:
Robust Online Presence
Our commitment to excellence extends to our online presence. Through a meticulously curated website, we provide valuable resources, informative content, and client testimonials. This not only establishes trust with potential clients but also positions us favorably in search engine rankings.
Client Success Stories
Real success speaks louder than words. On our website, you'll find a dedicated section showcasing the success stories of clients we've represented. These testimonials serve as testaments to our legal prowess and contribute to our credibility as a leading Houston Injury Attorney.
Thought Leadership Content
In addition to client testimonials, our website hosts a wealth of thought leadership content. From insightful blog posts to in-depth articles on personal injury and maritime law, we aim to educate our audience while strategically incorporating keywords such as Houston Injury Attorney and Houston Maritime Injury Lawyer.
Gary M. Freeman, Attorney at Law, stands as the beacon of legal excellence in Houston. With a commitment to personalized representation, mastery of personal injury and maritime law, and a robust online presence, we are poised to outrank the competition.
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21st-century-blogouts · 7 months
EDITORIAL - Dangerous workplaces
Even as the fate of two Filipinos taken by Hamas militants remains unknown, the government confirmed yesterday that 17 Filipinos were among the 25 crewmembers of a cargo vessel that was hijacked by Yemeni Houthi rebels in the Red Sea on Nov. 19.
The Houthis said they seized the Galaxy Leader, describing it as an “Israeli ship,” and brought the vessel to the Yemeni coast to pressure Israel to stop its offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Israel has said it has no citizens on the ship, although some reports said the vessel is Israeli-owned.
Yesterday, the Department of Foreign Affairs said it had received word that the Houthis did not intend to harm the ship’s foreign crewmembers. The DFA said it was reaching out to foreign governments in the area where the ship was seized, to ensure the safety of the overseas Filipino workers. The OFWs’ safety, however, is uncertain, considering the viciousness of Hamas’ attack specifically targeting civilians including foreigners in Israel.
The hijacking once again highlights the risks faced by Filipinos who find it necessary to earn a decent living outside their own country, even if the job takes them to the world’s zones of armed conflict. Among those killed by Hamas in its attack on Israel on Oct. 7 were four overseas Filipino workers.
Despite the continuing war, fewer than 300 of the 30,000 Filipinos working in Israel have opted to return home, even if the Philippine government shoulders the expenses. The Jewish state is a favored destination for OFWs, providing high compensation and generally good working conditions. And Israel has expressed appreciation for the Filipinos who have remained with their Israeli employers amid the war.
Even when the work environment is less than ideal, however, there is no lack of Filipinos seeking employment. Despite all the horror stories emerging about OFWs being duped by online recruiters into cryptocurrency scam operations in Myanmar and Thailand, Filipinos continue to take their chances, lured by the promise of high pay that they cannot hope to earn in their own country.
This is not the first time that Filipino seafarers have been held hostage by rebels and bandits in other countries. With most of the world’s commercial vessels having OFWs in their crew, any hijacking, maritime terrorist attack or hostage taking for ransom could have Filipinos as victims. The plight of the 17 Filipinos should give urgency to the development of an environment conducive to the creation of decent jobs right here in the Philippines.
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
The offshore industry, including maritime and oil and gas sectors, is vital for our global economy. Yet, it's a workplace where accidents are a stark reality. When incidents occur at sea or on offshore platforms, they can be particularly complex and dangerous, leading to injuries, fatalities, and environmental disasters. In these situations, having an experienced offshore accident attorney by your side can make all the difference. This article explores the role and significance of offshore accident attorneys and how they help victims find justice, compensation, and answers amidst the vastness of the sea. The Unique Challenges of Offshore Accidents Working offshore presents a unique set of challenges and risks that set it apart from onshore occupations. Whether it's a maritime vessel, oil rig, or an offshore construction site, these challenges can result in various types of accidents, including: Maritime Injuries: These encompass accidents on ships, boats, and vessels, which can lead to injuries or even fatalities. Common causes include slip and falls, equipment malfunctions, and harsh weather conditions. Oil Rig Accidents: Offshore oil and gas platforms can experience fires, explosions, equipment failures, or blowouts that lead to significant injuries and environmental damage. Diving and Underwater Accidents: Commercial divers are at risk of injuries related to underwater welding, equipment malfunctions, and underwater welding accidents. Construction and Maintenance Accidents: Workers on offshore construction sites face various hazards, including falling objects, equipment failures, and collapsing structures. Transportation and Helicopter Accidents: Transportation to and from offshore sites can result in helicopter crashes or boat accidents. Environmental Disasters: Offshore accidents can lead to oil spills and environmental contamination, causing significant damage to ecosystems and local communities. The Role of an Offshore Accident Attorney Offshore accident attorneys are legal professionals who specialize in handling cases related to accidents and injuries that occur in offshore and maritime environments. Their role is multi-faceted and extends beyond traditional personal injury law. Here's how they make a difference: 1. Investigating the Accident: One of the first responsibilities of an offshore accident attorney is to conduct a thorough investigation into the accident. This includes gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, examining safety protocols, and determining liability. They may collaborate with experts in maritime engineering, environmental science, or safety regulations to build a strong case. 2. Navigating Complex Regulations: Offshore accidents involve a web of maritime and admiralty laws, as well as industry-specific regulations. An offshore accident attorney is well-versed in these intricate legal frameworks and can help victims understand their rights and legal options. 3. Determining Liability: Identifying the responsible parties in offshore accidents can be challenging. It may involve the vessel owner, employer, manufacturer of equipment, or even government agencies. Your attorney will work to determine who is liable for your injuries and losses. 4. Pursuing Compensation: Offshore accident attorneys work to secure compensation for their clients. This may include damages for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, disability, or even wrongful death in cases of fatal accidents. They are experienced negotiators and litigators, capable of pursuing the best possible outcome through settlement or, if necessary, in court. 5. Handling Insurance Claims: Dealing with insurance companies in offshore accident cases can be complex. Attorneys are skilled in managing insurance claims, ensuring that clients receive the maximum compensation possible. 6. Environmental Claims: In cases where offshore accidents lead to environmental damage, offshore accident attorneys can also assist with
claims related to ecological restoration and compensation for affected communities and ecosystems. 7. Representing Victims in Court: When negotiations fail to yield a fair settlement, offshore accident attorneys are prepared to represent their clients in court. They have the experience and legal expertise to build a strong case and advocate for their clients before a judge and jury. 8. Class Action Lawsuits: In situations where multiple individuals are affected by the same offshore accident, attorneys may help victims pursue class action lawsuits, allowing them to collectively seek justice and compensation. 9. Addressing Long-Term Consequences: Offshore accidents can result in long-term or even permanent injuries. Attorneys understand the challenges victims face and work to ensure they receive compensation that accounts for ongoing medical care and future loss of earnings. 10. Providing Emotional Support: In addition to their legal expertise, offshore accident attorneys often provide emotional support and guidance to their clients, helping them navigate the trauma and stress that can accompany such incidents. Choosing the Right Offshore Accident Attorney Selecting the right offshore accident attorney is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Consider the following factors when making your choice: Experience: Look for an attorney with a proven track record of handling offshore accident cases. Experience is invaluable in navigating the complexities of maritime and admiralty law. Specialization: Ensure the attorney specializes in personal injury cases related to offshore accidents. This expertise is crucial for a successful outcome. Resources: Offshore accidents require extensive resources for investigation, expert consultation, and litigation. Ensure your attorney has access to these resources. Reputation: Read reviews, testimonials, and client references to gauge the attorney's reputation and success in the field. Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital during the legal process. Choose an attorney who can explain complex legal matters clearly and keep you informed. Location: Select an attorney familiar with the jurisdiction where your case will be heard, as this can be advantageous when dealing with local laws and courts. Fee Arrangement: Discuss the attorney's fees and payment structure upfront, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your case. Conclusion Offshore accidents can have far-reaching consequences, affecting the lives of victims and the environment. An experienced offshore accident attorney is a crucial ally in seeking justice and compensation. These attorneys are adept at investigating accidents, navigating complex regulations, determining liability, and pursuing compensation through negotiations or litigation. When seeking an offshore accident attorney, consider their experience, specialization, reputation, resources, and communication skills to ensure that you have the best possible representation in the face of these complex and challenging situations.
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baricfunding · 8 months
All about pre settlement lawsuit funding for Jones Act
Maritime workers are out on the high seas most of their work life. They are bound to adhere to a lot of regulations to ensure their safety since they are likely to be met with several risks while being deployed at sea. Keeping mind the safety and well-being of the maritime workers the government has passed the Jones Act to cover and regulate the issues concerning maritime operations and vessels. The Jones Act majorly revolves around regulations governing foreign shipping transactions. However, the act also addresses and implements the responsibilities of the central maritime industry to guarantee the safety of the crew members.
Workers, who are employed at the sea, and in specific, maritime vessels, are ineligible to receive regular compensations when they incur injuries during working hours. Thus, they are pushed to arrange for funds separately when they are met with injuries at the workplace. This is where the Jones Act could be deemed helpful since maritime workers could use the same to claim compensation for their physical injuries.
The law was enacted by the government in the year 1920 and has assisted a significant number of injured maritime workers in receiving rightful compensations since then. But like all lawsuits, the approach to seeking money through the provisions of this act could be time-consuming. This is why it is essential to go with a pre settlement lawsuit funding for Jones Act cases. This funding process is more like a cash advance granted to help with the immediate expenses of an injured maritime worker. The victims would have multiple financial obligations to avail themselves of the necessary medical treatment, run their households, etc. Therefore, a pre settlement lawsuit funding for Jones Act cases could be significantly helpful.
Baric Enterprises is the go-to place when in need of a pre settlement lawsuit funding for Jones Act cases. The company has successfully aided hundreds of injured maritime workers by approving funds without any delay. Thus, reach out to their office today to know more about their services.
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davidsmithdoc · 9 months
Effective Strategies for Keeping Seasonal Workers Engaged in Your Maritime Enterprise
Seasonal workers are the backbone of marine businesses, ensuring smooth operations during peak periods. However, retaining these valuable contributors can be a challenge due to the industry’s dynamic nature. In this blog post, we will explore five practical strategies that can empower your marine business to effectively retain and nurture its seasonal workforce.
To begin, let’s discuss the importance of seamless onboarding and comprehensive training. Despite the temporary nature of their employment, seasonal workers should receive the same onboarding experience as permanent employees. Pairing them with senior staff for mentorship and support can enhance their experience and create a positive psychological safety culture.
Competitive compensation and tailored benefits are also crucial in attracting and retaining top talent. Consider offering performance-based bonuses to recognize their efforts and boost morale.
Positive workplace culture plays a significant role in employee retention. Creating a close-knit team through social events and interactions with permanent employees can keep seasonal staff engaged and eager to return.
Furthermore, offering professional growth opportunities, such as skill development programs, workshops, and mentorship, not only strengthens their commitment but also benefits the marine industry as a whole.
For more insights on retaining seasonal employees in the marine industry, read the full blog by Dockmaster: Top 4 Ways To Retain Seasonal Employees In Your Marine Business
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obryanlawnetblog · 1 year
Commercial Fishing Boats In Washington
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As one of the oldest maritime professions in the world, fishermen are constantly at risk for injury and accident due to the hazardous environments they frequently find themselves working in. Rough seas, improperly maintained equipment, the carelessness of the shipowner or their coworkers – fishermen face a lot of dangers out on the high seas, and injuries are common. If you work on a commercial fishing vessel within the United States, or on a vessel that flies the American flag, you’re covered by maritime law in the event of an injury. These laws, commonly referred to as the Jones Act, cover workers in the event that their injury is found to be caused by carelessness on the boat owner’s fault, whether through negligence, lack of proper safety equipment, or any other cause that demonstrates a lack of responsibility on the owner’s part. These laws have helped compensate and protect fishermen just like you for nearly a hundred years, and they can be your greatest asset in the event of injury on the job. Many times after one of their employees is injured, ship owners will try to find ways to settle out of court for an amount far less than what the employee is truly entitled to because of their injury. Before you talk to your employer at all about the incident, you need to contact an experienced maritime injury lawyer like O’Bryan Baun Karamanian. We’ve got the skills, experience, and attitude needed to stand up to the big shipping companies and their hotshot lawyers, and with our focus on maritime law (as opposed to more general injury law like so many other law firms) we know exactly what to do to fight for your rights in court. Contact us today for a free case consultation and let us get you the justice and compensation you deserve. Commercial Fishing Boats In Washington
Visit link - https://www.obryanlaw.net/industries/commercial-fishing/
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herdelusioncowboy · 1 year
Oil Rig Injury Attorney
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If you have been recently injured while working at an oil rig you may be entitled to financial compensation. Call O'Bryan Law for Oil Rig Injury and Accidents Attorneys. Oil rigs can be among some of the most dangerous workplaces in America. Harsh seas, dangerous weather conditions, and a high risk of accident while working with hazardous machinery and substances all combine to make oil rig accidents, injuries, and even fatalities a sadly common reality. If you’ve been the victim of one of these accidents or injuries, there’s a good chance you’re entitled to financial compensation – and that means you need O’Bryan Law. With decades of experience as maritime injury lawyers fighting on behalf of oil rig employees under maritime law, O’Bryan is the only oil rig injury attorney you’ll ever need. Even while there are no official legal certifications for it, oil rig law and maritime law, which is closely related, are distinct legal practices with their own complications and requirements. O’Bryan Law has been a practicing maritime law and Jones Act attorney for decades, and we specialize in maritime injury, longshore worker, and oil rig injury cases the same way that a tax lawyer would specialize in certain aspects of tax law. If you work on an oil rig, your injuries are covered under the Jones Act for potential financial compensation. In the event of an injury, after receiving treatment make sure to contact a maritime injury lawyer before you speak to your employer. In too many cases, the holding company of an oil rig will attempt to contact you to get you to take an insultingly low settlement to prevent court actions. Don’t fall for the big company’s schemes and tricks. Contact O’Bryan Law and let us fight for justice on your behalf. We’ve got decades of skills and experience backing us up, and our loyalties are always with the worker, never with the corporation.  Oil Rig Injury Attorney
Visit link ­ https://www.obryanlaw.net/industries/oil-rig-platforms/
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
The ethical concerns being raised over hiring of foreign nurses
As regions like the Maritimes race to recruit foreign-trained nurses, the International Council of Nurses says there are many ethical issues to consider.
Howard Catton, the chief officer of the International Council of Nurses, said even before the pandemic, the world was short by about 6 million nurses. That’s only gotten worse.
He says countries like Canada, the US, UK and Germany are leading the way to recruit international nurses.
“But often when you look at the countries that they’re recruiting from, those countries have fewer nurses per head of population than the countries that are doing the recruiting,” Catton said.
Nova Scotia has seen a surge of interest from foreign-trained nurses ever since the Nova Scotia College of Nursing relaxed licensing rules for seven countries where the scope of practice is similar. These countries include the Philippines, Nigeria, India and the U.K. and U.S.A.
While the Philippines has long produced more nurses than it needs, and been a top world supplier of nurses, Catton points out how the country recently declared it’s short by about 350,000 nurses.
He adds India has also supplied a lot of nurses to the world but that country has ambitions to increase access for its own people and needs about 4 million nurses to do that.
“That means there really are some ethical issues and considerations here about the risk of harm to the countries that you’re recruiting from,” Catton said.
In a recent interview, Gail Tomblin Murphy, Nova Scotia Health’s chief executive nurse and vice-president of research, innovation and discovery, noted how Nova Scotia follows ethical recruitment principles created by the World Health Organization.
Tomblin Murphy said the NICHE program prioritizes internationally-educated nurses who are already in Nova Scotia over international recruitment, and it is building partnerships outside Nova Scotia to enhance the global nursing and healthcare workforce.
At the individual level, Tomblin Murphy pointed out how NSH is not only focused on bringing workers here, but making sure workers have a place to live, a job, and support.
“I feel very strongly that what we are doing is abiding by ethical principles and Nova Scotia is a leader in that regard,” said Tomblin Murphy.
Delegations from Nova Scotia have been travelling to India and Philippines to build partnerships.
“We can have faculty exchanges, where faculties from those countries India and Philippines, come and do some of the teaching with us and in Nova Scotia, and that our Nova Scotia, for instance, faculty can make exchanges as well,” said Tomblin Murphy.
Tara Sampalli, a senior director with Nova Scotia Health, has been part of delegations that have gone to India and the Philippines. She notes the aim of the NICHE program is to support people who’ve already made up their minds.
“For people who’ve already who’ve made the transition, they want to come. We want to make sure they’re not spending more money trying to make their way. But we say Nova Scotia wants you, we will support you end to end,” said Sampalli.
Catton says it’s important to consider the country as well as the individual.
“Are countries who are leading the recruitment effort, for example, are they building nursing schools? Are they providing health education lecturers to go in to support?” he said.
“Are they providing any financial compensation for the loss of those nurses and healthcare professionals because it’s the countries they’re recruiting from who have paid to educate to educate those nurses.”
Catton believes there needs to be a shift by all countries to invest more in health and make sure they’re educating enough people to meet their needs now and in the future.
Khalehla Perrault, a spokesperson with the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, said the province understands it has a responsibility to the communities they recruit from, and doing so in an ethical manner is always front of mind.
“In many cases, these nurses are people who have identified an opportunity to explore outside of their country and we want to make sure Nova Scotia is the best place for them,” Perrault said.
“In other cases such as our recruitment efforts in Kenya, we are giving people who need options an important opportunity.”
Perrault added the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment is working hard to develop educational partnerships that will provide mutually beneficial arrangements through things like faculty and student exchanges.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/b1QqIs3
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polawyer · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Jones Act Claim: Why You Need an Offshore Accident Attorney
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PO Lawyer - The Jones Act is a federal law that protects offshore workers who are injured or killed while on the job. If you're an offshore worker who has been injured due to the negligence of your employer, you may be entitled to compensation under the Jones Act. However, navigating the legal system can be difficult, especially when dealing with complex maritime laws. That's why it's important to hire an offshore accident attorney who can help you maximize your Jones Act claim. We'll discuss the benefits of hiring an offshore accident attorney and how they can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Understanding the Jones Act
Before we dive into the benefits of hiring an offshore accident attorney, it's important to understand the Jones Act and how it works. See Also: Navigating a Police Misconduct Lawsuit: Your Legal Options The Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, is a federal law that provides legal protection to seamen who are injured or killed while on the job. Under the Jones Act, seamen are entitled to compensation for injuries that are caused by the negligence of their employer or fellow crew members. This compensation can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
The Benefits of Hiring an Offshore Accident Attorney
1. Knowledge of Maritime Law Offshore accident attorneys have a deep understanding of maritime law and how it applies to your case. They can help you navigate the complex legal system and ensure that your rights are protected. They are familiar with the Jones Act and other maritime laws that may be applicable to your case. 2. Experience with Offshore Accidents Offshore accident attorneys have experience handling cases involving offshore accidents. They know the common causes of these accidents and can help you determine who is responsible for your injuries. Read More: Hiring the Right Employment Lawyer: 10 Critical Elements to Keep in Mind They can also help you gather evidence to support your claim and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. 3. Maximizing Your Compensation Offshore accident attorneys can help you maximize your compensation under the Jones Act. They can evaluate the full extent of your injuries and calculate the total cost of your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. They can also negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. 4. Representing Your Best Interests Offshore accident attorneys are dedicated to representing your best interests. They work for you, not the insurance company or your employer. Related: How to Choose the Best Oilfield Injury Attorney They will fight to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve and that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.
How to Choose an Offshore Accident Attorney
Choosing the right offshore accident attorney is important to ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your case. Here are some things to consider when choosing an attorney: - Experience: Look for an attorney who has experience handling cases like yours. Ideally, they should have experience with offshore accidents and the Jones Act specifically. - Reputation: Check the attorney's reputation online by reading reviews and testimonials from past clients. Look for an attorney with a strong track record of success. - Communication: Choose an attorney who is easy to communicate with and who will keep you informed throughout the legal process.
If you've been injured in an offshore accident, it's important to hire an offshore accident attorney to help you navigate the complex legal system and maximize your compensation under the Jones Act. Dont Miss: Tips For Associate Lawyers Work-Life Balance Offshore accident attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help you get the compensation you deserve and represent your best interests throughout the legal process.
1. What is the Jones Act? The Jones Act is a federal law that provides legal protection to seamen who are injured or killed while on the job. 2. Who is covered under the Jones Act? Seamen who work on vessels that operate on navigable waters are covered under the Jones Act. 3. What types of compensation can I receive under the Jones Act? If you are injured due to the negligence of your employer or a fellow crew member, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. 4. Why should I hire an offshore accident attorney? Offshore accident attorneys have a deep understanding of maritime law and the Jones Act. They can help you navigate the legal system and maximize your compensation. They are dedicated to representing your best interests throughout the legal process. 5. How do I choose an offshore accident attorney? When choosing an offshore accident attorney, look for someone with experience handling cases like yours, a good reputation, and strong communication skills. You want an attorney who will keep you informed throughout the legal process and fight to protect your rights. Don’t forget. With. Development Perfect Organiztion Lawyer by clicking on the link. In. Lower. This : Facebook. (By clicking on this link, you will be logged into PO Lawyer Facebook) Let’s click now. Or you can also see our Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest, VK, Tumblr, Diigo, or you can visit our Google News. We Are Also There Channels YouTube For Look Lawyers Information us Visually Come on Now Join Us. Read the full article
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obryanlawfalling · 1 year
Falling Overboard Attorneys
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If you or someone you care about fell overboard on a cruise ship. Man overboard may be the two most frightening words a maritime worker can hear, and every second can count when trying to save a life. “Man overboard” may be the two most frightening words a maritime worker can hear. Even in the calmest of waters, a worker falling overboard can be a life or death situation, and every second can count both in their rescue and in their immediate medical treatment after the fact. The sort of injuries that one can suffer when falling overboard, both from the initial fall as well as the dangerous conditions of the water below, can be life-threatening and long-lasting. These injuries are a danger faced by maritime workers each and every day, and can often be the result of improper safety precautions or negligently dangerous conditions onboard the vessel. Many times, MOB scenarios can be attributed to a lack of proper safety precautions, or a lack of communication about vessel navigation and/or potential weather conditions. If you fell overboard from a vessel due to improper safety installations or procedures, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries. Contact the maritime attorneys of O’Bryan Law today to begin a review of your case.  Falling Overboard Attorneys
Visit link ­ https://www.obryanlaw.net/injuries/man-overboard/
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