#Martin deserved to be retired with his family dying of old age
angelfireeast · 6 years
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A tribute to my favorite superhero duo Firestorm. You will be missed.
"Goodbye Grey. Goodbye Jefferson."
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bllackcanarys · 7 years
How do you feel about the crossover?
I haven’t watched it yet. tbh I don't know if I even want to watch it.
From what I’ve seen on here:
Woo for Sara and Alex for kicking ass and having sex.
Woo for Leonard being back.
I don't care about any other characters on the other shows.
But let’s get to my reason for not watching the crossover:
Martin Stein
Ok, so you have your superheroes as villains, that’s completely fine. But as Nazis? Arrowverse you’ve crossed a line. CW you’ve crossed another line. The writers and the people who approved this crossover should be ashamed of themselves. 
And Barry is “too good” to kill Nazis? Excuse me, Barry. I don’t care that you don’t kill people. It’s either you kill Nazis or you kill millions of innocent people. Your friends included.
Oh and guess what? Your friend did end up dying. My favorite part.
Martin. Stein. Did. Not. Deserve. To. Die. The man was trying to retire and be happy with his family. HE DESERVED TO BE HAPPY. Not only that, BUT HE’S JEWISH. You had a Jewish man get murdered by a Nazi. Did the Jewish community not suffer (and continue to suffer) enough? The Jewish man should have been the superhero, NOT BY DYING. He should have saved the world and lived to retire and die happily of old age with his family. But no you idiots (the Arrowverse writers and the CW) had to ruin it. 
To the Jewish community. I’m sorry that the Arrowverse and the CW don’t care for you and are ignorant.
To everyone else. I hope you are all outraged. You should be outraged. And if you are not? Educate yourself and become outraged. Otherwise, go fuck yourself.
Anyway, excuse me while I sit in the corner and cry (and be mad) about Martin Stein dying. :)
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