#Marv Leventhal
scottwellsmagic · 8 months
799: TRICS 2023 - Days One & Two Report
Thursday, November 2nd
Kayla Drescher                7:00pm – 8:00pm David Jonathon               9:00pm – 10:00pm
Friday, November 3rd
Blake Vogt                    11:00 – 12:00 Eric Jones                      1:00 – 2;00 Lunch                             2:00 – 3:30 Jon Armstrong              3:30 – 4:30 Insights                          5:30 – 7:00 Dinner                            7:00 – 8:30 Friday Night Show       8:30 – 9:30 Pizza Party                    10:00 Until
Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:17 - Scott takes off on his “flying carpet” from Houston to Charlotte for the TRICS convention. He talks about some of the talent who will be at the convention.
00:05:28 - at the registration desk we chat with Tiffany Allen (the wife of Boris Wild) who talks about the registration at this convention plus what it’s like after moving to France
00:12:07 - Shawn Farquhar (the Guest of Honor at this convention) plus Billy Hsueh talk about their recent travels around the world
00:21:44 - Marv Leventhal tells us about the health status of Tom Craven
00:32:58 - Kyle Purnell and John Wolfe chat about this convention and why they attend here regularly plus we recap the lectures from the previous night
00:38:45 - Scott Robinson, main organizer of TRICS tells us that this is year number 14 and some of the special things going on
00;44:00 - Joe Daniels will be the host of the Insights event later today and talks about who will be on the panel
00:49:19 - Roy Eidem confirmed that Tom Craven had passed within the past few hours and since Marv Leventhal and Scott Wells talked about him
00:52:03 - David Coll, Chris Sharp, and Robert Sands are all first-timers to this convention and explain why they came to this event and what they are looking forward to seeing. It’s a nice perspective from the viewpoint of first-timers.
00:55:48 - Michael Kaminskas and Scott Wells give a wrap-up of most of today’s activities.
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Sin City Bombshells
For this post, I am going to be analyzing the following female characters: Nancy, Wendy, Gail, Miho, and Shellie. I am going to be going in depth about Lucille in another post, when I discuss lesbians. I know it’s a lot, but each of these characters represent a different spectrum of female sexuality, and to a certain extent, objectification. Most of the significant female characters are in the sex industry, as prostitutes or strippers, respectively. 
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First, we have Nancy Callahan, played by Jessica Alba. Her story is brought by Bruce Willis’ character, John Hartigan, saving her when she was a child from a child predator. They part for several years and meet again in the future when Hartigan gets out of jail. He sees her as a 19 year old working as a stripper. She tells him that she never stopped thinking about him and has fallen in love with him. It is implied that they start dating afterwards. I don’t mind an age gap in relationships but this one rubbed me the wrong way. Hartigan met her as an 11 year old and he was grown. Now that she is older, she is viewed as a sexual object. I think that this represents the barely legal fetish that a lot of men carry. Along with this, Nancy is the perfect example of the stereotypical image of a stripper. She is a young woman (college age, fresh out of high school) with a heavy baggage of childhood trauma mixed with potential daddy issues. I think she fell in love with Hartigan because he saved her as her lowest. A savior, of sorts. I expected her to have a bigger role in the story because she is a huge name and is even on the cover. She only appears for a small bit and was only accompanied by Hartigan. She is constantly sexualized by her now stripper job and her kidnapping. I think it would have been a cool idea if Hartigan and her teamed up, like a Batman and Robin situation. Her role as a film noir trope is the “The good-bad girl stands in between the girl-next-door and the femme fatale, which highlights her moral ambiguity” (Barroso). Nancy has an innocent image (as we remember her from the beginning of the movie as a child), however, is now grown and had a darker moral code. Her becoming a sex worker also ruptures her moral ambiguity. Some still believe that being involved in the sex industry is immoral and evil. 
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Next is Wendy. She is played by Jamie King. Wendy is the twin sister of Goldie, Marv’s prostitute lover. The reason she is given that name is the striking image of her soft golden billowing hair. Goldie was killed, hence Marv (Mickey Rourke) going on the hunt to find her killer. He blames himself for her murder and goes on a revenge spree to avenge her as he couldn’t save her previously. Since the beginning, she is framed in a sexual lens. She is described as an angel sent from heaven. She is naked the second the audience sees her in a passionate lovemaking scene. She is enveloped in light. Dana Leventhal observes, “The men idealize, romanticize, pine for the women by placing them on impossible pedestals (circumscribed by sexuality and desire) as cherished imaginings and visions, and through this possession make it their duty to guard and safekeeping them, especially since the women are jeopardized or victimized by brutal crime and injustice” (Leventhal). He finds out that Goldie has a twin, Wendy. Wendy is hardened and dead set on revenge, as she should be. She is a no nonsense type of woman. Wendy is tough and willing to bring the murderers to justice. She is still sexualized, nonetheless, as Marv always compared her to her sister, and viewed her the same way. Donaldson writes, “The women of classic noir are often alluring, moral ambiguous, and two steps ahead of the men in the story” (Donaldson). Wendy is alluring, as she starkly resembles her prostitute twin sister. She is morally ambiguous as she is dark and calculating, yet she joins Marv (the anti-hero) on avenging the wrongful murder of her sister. Wendy is one of my favorite characters as I liked how merciless she was. 
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Gail, played by Rosario Dawson, serves as one of two women of color characters. That is a discussion for another day, as I am going to be analyzing her character. She is the femme fatale. Barroso defines the trope as, “The femme fatale...is mysterious and seductive, known for using her charms to ensnare men and get them into dangerous, and most often, deadly situations. Her main characteristic is using her feminine sexual traits as a way to achieve hidden purposes” (Barroso). She is tough and isn’t going down without a fight. She is the epitome of female empowerment in the eyes of men: tough and battle ready, and looks good doing it. From the picture alone, she is scantily clad. She looks great and I like her outfit but I know the reason why she is dressed like this. She is cunning and commanding. She resembles and reminds me of a dominatrix. Sexually dangerous and isn’t afraid to beat down men. She has masculine traits like being the leader of the gang and she is gritty and domineering. She kills men in a severely violent manner and is strong and self sufficient. 
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I freaking love Miho. She is, by far, my favorite character in the film. The movies that Devon Aoki appears in, her characters always reign supreme. There is a reason Suki from 2 Fast 2 Furious is still so popular and raved about. However, there is something I hated about her character. She didn't say a word. Her character is the epitome of age old Asian stereotypes: the silent ninja. Miho would strike her sword on her opponents in the same “badass” manner as a ninja would. Her character had so much potential and I feel like it was a waste to have her be silent the entire time. Both her and Gail are the tough girls in the film. Leventhal writes, “The women are not helpless, powerless, or weak; rather, they are cunning and battle-ready. Not only do they refrain from asking for help from the male protagonists, but they either resist or fight to save themselves from their enemies” (Leventhal). Miho is presented differently from the other girls of the film. Her, along with Gail, are not the average damsel in distress, which I like. Laura Woodhouse rants, “Miho...initially appears to be the only truly powerful woman in Sin City. She is not possessed by a man, she is not a victim, she is certainly not physically passive as she goes on to kill many more men and can easily win a fight with any man...It is almost as though Miho is a different creature, a member of a race of silent killers that exist only to perform acts of violence. Quite simply, she cannot be presented as a ‘normal’ female because she has superior killing skills to a man and this threatens the patriarchal nature of Sin City. The creators of Sin City rob Miho of a voice in order to justify her power” (”The F Word”). 
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Last, but not least, there is Shellie. Played by the late Brittany Murphy, she is a prostitute. Her costume in her major story arc is a black underwear set with a white oversized button down shirt. Given that she was in her own home and she is allowed to wear what she wants, but it rectifies the stereotype that women walk around their home scantily clad, sexually available for overnight guests. Along with that, it fits her day job of being eyed on by the voyeuristic audience. Shellie is conceived as the victim character; she needs the help of her boyfriend to save her from her deranged pimp of a boss. Leventhal notes, “the traditional formulations or projections of femininity as sexuality are retained, as are the concomitant age-old misogynistic conceits of male domination/paternalism in the guise of safety and defense of women, i.e., the cliche that women are weak and need rescuing by men from other men” (Leventhal). Shellie mirrors the poor princess locked up in a tower, needing her Prince Charming to come and save her. 
Barroso, Malu, et al. “The Representation of Women in Film Noir.” High On Films, 10 Oct. 2019, www.highonfilms.com/women-in-film-noir/.
Donaldson, Kayleigh. “Problematic Faves: Sin City.” SYFY WIRE, SYFY WIRE, 24 Apr. 2020, www.syfy.com/syfywire/problematic-faves-sin-city.
Leventhal, Dana. “Superwomen? The Bad-Ass Babes of Sin City – or Are They?” Bright Lights Film Journal, 28 Apr. 2019, brightlightsfilm.com/superwomen-bad-ass-babes-sin-city/.
Woodhouse, Laura, et al. “Sin City.” Word, 18 June 2005, thefword.org.uk/2005/06/sin_city/.
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scottwellsmagic · 9 months
793: Magic on the Beach - Day One Report
Thursday, October 5th
2:00 pm - Registration Opens, Wonders Theatre Box Office
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Dealers Sneak Preview Show (ten minutes per dealer)
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm - Lecture: Amazing Adamz - Children’s Show Business
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm - DINNER Served By Magic At The Beach Wonders Theatre
7:00 pm - Wonders Theatre House Opens
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm - Masters of Sleight of Hand show - Dan Harlan, Steve Beam, John Shryock, Gogo Cuerva
9:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Lecture:  Christian Miró - Comedy Magic Lecture
10:00 pm - 11:30 pm - After Hours in Houdini Lounge
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scottwellsmagic · 2 years
722: TRICS 2022- Days One & Two
Thursday - November 3, 2022 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Michel Huot 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Saint and Hinton
Friday, November 4, 2022 11:00 - 12:00 Newcomer Lecture 1:00 - 2:00 David Regal 2:00 - 3:30 Lunch 3:30 - 4:30 Terry Ward 5:30 - 7:00 Insights with Boris Wild (Standing Ovations), Terry Ward (The Theme Park Life), Bernie Chickering (Gaff Cards), David Regal (Producing The Carbonaro Effect), Max Nelsoon (What’s in Max’s Drawers?), and Steve Beam (Guest of Honor Interview) 7:00 - 8:30 Dinner 8:30 - 9:30 Boris Wild 9:30 Pizza Party
Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:18 - We start off the trip at the airport with coffee and Dunkin’ Donuts
00:03:54 -Charlie Randall talks about attending the TRICS convention and his excitement about attending again this year.
00:08:29 - Scott Robinson, the organizer of TRICS, tells us what to expect and who is will be performing and some of the challenges he’s faced with last minute changes to booking the talent.
00:16:32 - Chris Hage, WonderCraftcards.com is one of the dealers who designs and sells playing cards.
00:23:03 - Gregory Wilson is a last minute fill-in and talks about moving to Las Vegas, lecture items, places he’s been performing, and much more.
00:42:35 - Marv Leventhal was a co-editor of the old Minotaur Magazine (along with Dan Harlan) talks about this and other magic conventions and how TRICS compares.
00:51:22 - Kyle Purnell talks about how TRICS has helped him find attention such that he is working at other conventions like MagiFest plus some of his new creative ideas.
00:56:37 - We wrap up the day with one of the performers and presenters, Terry Ward.
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scottwellsmagic · 3 years
648: TRICS 2021 - Days One and Two Report
Thursday November 4, 2021
Selected Members of Sleight Club 7:00pm – 8:00pm Kyle Littleton 9:00pm – 10:00pm
 Friday November 5, 2021
Newcomer Lecture 11:00 – 12:00 Michael Ammar 1:00 – 2;00 Lunch 2:00 – 3:30 Ryan Plunkett 3:30 – 4:30 Insights 5:30 – 7:00 Dinner 7:00 – 8:30 Garrett Thomas 8:30 – 9:30 Pizza Party 9:30
Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:17 - On the road again with Scott as he heads to Charlotte, NC
00:03:32 - Charlie Randall meets up with Scott at the airport as they discuss the upcoming convention and their definition of “Sessioning”
00:12:36 - long time attendee, Glen Yost, talks about why he has been attending for so long
00:17:53 - John Miller from Atlanta, GA talks about the Obie’s 4F, Atlanta Braves, and TRICS
00:21:24 - Organizer and host, Scott Robinson, gives us some info about TRICS “by the numbers”
00:28:28 - Minotaur Co-Editor, Marvin Leventhal, offers to send the “missing issue” to any subscriber who never got Issue 4 of Volume 8. He also talks about Monday night’s lectures at TRICS.
00:33:45 - Dexter Cleveland, a.k.a. Algonquin McDuff discusses his contributions to the magic community and his best friend, John Moehring.
00:37:35 - Stephan Barksdale is a newcomer to magic conventions and gives his reasons for attending this as his first TRICS as his first convention ever
00:43:47 - Michael Kaminskas is at this convention but heads to Mexico City for another convention then on to the Magic Castle plus making cups and fake fruit as his side (?) business.
00:48:17 - Another first time attendee to TRICS and to any magic convention, Duane Short chat with us about why and how he found this to be his first.
00:52:55- Jonathan Levit and Scott do a wrap up of what the activities of the day have been.
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