#Mary Elizabeth Winstead Biography
clxser · 3 years
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〔 mary elizabeth winstead, 42, cis woman, she/her ) bonnie chamberlain was seen listening to smalltown boy by bronski beat. bonbon is a comedienne & tv personality and known to be witty & reclusive. ( rosie, 22, gmt, she/they )
further information under the cut;
TW: Homophobia, mentions of bipolar, unhealthy family dynamics
FULL NAME: Bonnie Margaret Chamberlain
NICKNAME(S): Bon-Bon, if you want her to hate you.
BIRTH DATE: June 22nd
AGE: 42
GENDER: Cis woman
OCCUPATION: Former comedian, current TV writer & host
BIRTH PLACE: Alberta, Canada
HOMETOWN: Alberta, Canada
PARENTS: Jebediah Smythe, Evangeline Smythe
SIBLING(S): 2, neither of which she still considers family
CHILDREN: Daughter (Unnamed WC)
PET(S): 4 dogs - Annora, Anahita, Euphemia (all newfies) and Meatball (the husky)
FACE CLAIM: Mary Elizabeth Winstead
GLASSES/CONTACTS?: Reading glasses
HEIGHT: 5’6”
BUILD: Slender, rectangle
PIERCINGS: Several on her ears
POSITIVE: Observant, witty, analytical
NEGATIVE: Sardonic, reclusive, gloomy
ALIGNMENT: True neutral
TEMPERMENT: Phlegmatic
HOBBIES: Reading, journaling, hiking
HIDDEN TALENT(S): If she had any more, she’d be using them.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Making it into a writer’s room
BIGGEST REGRET: Not proposing sooner
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Any of the pageants she was forced to compete in.
Bonnie became convinced while she was still young that she was born in the wrong family. She could remember picking at her dinner over the table while her mom chuckled through a story of her, kicking and screaming through tears as she tried to force her into a ballgown. In the end, she got the dress on, but little Bonnie wouldn’t go on that stage in heels. She had to have her sneakers on, her makeup also needed doing at least 3 times, but for all that crying, she never won a thing! Thank goodness her little sister came along to take up the mantle. They got a full trophy case, and Bonnie got to rest.
She was just the smart, sensible type, her father said. She was a good girl, the kind he could proudly have by his side as he gave his sermons each Sunday; she wasn’t flashy, or determined to make a tartish spectacle of herself. This would stop all of the laughter dead, and result in the rest of dinner culminating in tense silence, but that was just fine. That was how Bonnie spent her early years anyway.
St. Paul was a town for people like her family. Retired beauty queens turned home-makers and preachers made the rules, while aspiring quarterbacks and darling daughters were set to inherit them. There wasn’t much room for Bonnie, and whether their intentions were good or not, they all liked to let her know that. Her interests were weird, she was too quiet, and not quite pretty enough to get away with it. The unremarkable one. That was fine by her.
High school gave a glimmer of hope. She liked her classes, and her teachers liked her. Most surprising of all was her 10th grade English teacher, who gave her detailed feedback and encouragement on every short story she turned in. Then was theatre, something she briefly got involved in - first it was a few pitches she made on the delivery for some of her classmates in their production of Much Ado About Nothing, which led to her theatre teacher incorporating her ideas, which culminated in her being requested to stand in as Don Pedro when the original actor had to back out last minute. She got to the stage of tech rehearsals, and loved every second of it, before her brother saw fit to tell their parents she was playing a boy in the school play. Aghast, they stormed into the principal’s office, and quickly killed that dream, along with any connections she’d made with the theatre kids at her school when her parents made enough of a stink to have the production cancelled altogether.
There was talk of pulling her out to be homeschooled, because she might be on the path to deviancy, but Bonnie thankfully managed to talk her parents out of it. The bargain was that she could stay, if she just tried a little harder to be normal. One more shot at pageants, her mom said, much to her little sister’s devastation - she hadn’t turned out so homely, maybe she had a shot.
Bonnie didn’t win that pageant, but she did have her first kiss backstage when everybody else had already cleared out with her fellow competitor. Another girl.
They never spoke again. They were too shit-scared to. Going to different schools made that easy enough, but every now and then Bonnie would spot her around town, in the midst of a bustling group of happy, normal friends, even though their eyes would lock every time. They shared a terrifying secret, after all, and that was the only time they could make sure the other wasn’t giving it away.
She ignored that, of course. She wanted to stay at school and keep writing, to polish that craft and get 8 blissful hours of freedom from her parents every weekday. She wanted to gun it for college, and never look back. In her junior year, she won a short story contest that she never told anybody she entered, which helped her to get there. Apparently, it was a huge part of her scholarship to the University of Toronto, which was a huge part of the reason her parents let her go.
The countdown to moving in was excruciating, and process of actually doing so was tortuous. Her parents muttered and griped with each trip to and from the car about all the “freaks” they saw around, especially that girl across the hall. The one with the wild hair and the sparkly eyes who already had music playing in her dorm, who smiled and laughed with her parents as they carried their boxes to and fro. With very firm instructions not to get mixed up with people like that, finally, her parents left.
Bonnie opened up to the world slowly. She went to her classes and kept her head and hand down, she sat near people who looked like they were having fun and tried to imagine doing the same. She watched the beautiful, wild girl from across the hall, who’s name turned out to be Margaret and liked to hang around in their hall’s kitchen while she cooked. They talked, and gradually, Bonnie thawed.
She didn’t realise they were friends until Margaret said so, and she didn’t realise she was friends with her friends until she apologised for interrupting their hang-out, only to be told she had to stay. It didn’t make sense - she was boring compared to them, quiet and gloomy, she brought nothing to the table. That was, until she got the confidence to speak. All it took was one quip, sometimes, just a little something she noticed, and she could have the whole room laughing. It was a powerful feeling. She loved it.
Suddenly, she was branching out. She knew people in her classes, people would approach and speak to her of her own free will, she’d make them laugh and they’d remember her for something other than being the least perfect person in the room.
Getting into comedy was sort of an accident. It started with a few friends from her Understanding Shakespeare class inviting her to a bar after class, only to find it was an improv night. A few weeks later, and she was on stage with them, and an obsession struck. It was one thing to make her friends laugh, but a crowd? Unreal.
It grew from there. Short stories turned to skits, which turned to sets, which turned to open mic comedy nights. They were terrifying and exhilarating, and although her start was clumsy, she had support. Not every friend could make it every week, but Margaret did. She was that little beacon of safety in the crowd, who always laughed even if her voice cracked or the delivery didn’t flow quite like she thought it would. It was during one of those sets that Bonnie realised she had found her favourite person, although what that meant for her, she didn’t know just yet.
That became a little clearer one night when they were out on the courtyard late at night, engaging in some ill-advised under-aged drinking in plain sight. Somebody made a comment about exactly how gay they were, and Bonnie spluttered over her beer, with an incredulous, “whoa, you can just say that?” This was when she found out, much to the group’s amusement, that about half of them were gay, and the other half didn’t know they were yet. When they asked which kind she was, all she could get out was a feeble, “I don’t know.”
There were ups, and there were downs. When the first few months of sheer exhilaration and heart-pounding nervousness passed, a crash followed, like somebody had robbed all the adrenaline from her at once. She had days where she could barely draw her curtains, let alone get any words out on the page, and then fear set in. The idea that one day, somehow, all of these good new things she’d gotten involved in would be taken away. It would be like that stupid play all over again.
At least Margaret was there. She would draw the blinds and drag her out of bed, and get her far, far away from everything. Somehow, she seemed to know the coolest spots, with the freshest air and the nicest views, that seemed to shock her back to life if the physical effort of getting there didn’t do the trick. It was one of those little trips, miles from anything or anyone they knew, where Bonnie finally felt brave enough to take her hand. She didn’t say anything, she wasn’t ready for that, but it was the first shift towards what she really wanted.
The first time Bonnie kissed her was after she spent the night hunched over Margaret’s bathroom sink, dying her hair a bright metallic blue and laughing along as Margaret translated and narrated one of her anime shows from the other side of the room, loud enough for Bonnie to hear. It was only when they cut it short and dried it into its new colour for the first time that she felt herself enough to go through with it.
Her first summer back home was unbearable. Every day there was a tearful fit about her hair, or an attempt to scrub it clean, and some kind of guilt-trip about what had happened to their little girl. Unwisely, she breached the subject of her sexuality over dinner with a “well, what if I was?” comment, which was resolved with a simple, “then you wouldn’t be welcome at this table, sweetie. Could you pass the potatoes?”
When they found out for real, two summers later, it turned out they really weren’t lying. Her father and brother chucked her things out from her old bedroom window while her mother bawled on their doorstep, and her little sister sneered. That was that.
Margaret’s family, gracious as they were, agreed to take her in, and that was where Bonnie learned what a family ought to look like. It was a double-edged sword, a safe and loving place to be was a reminder of what she’d never had before. As much as it saved her, it sent her spiralling. They took her worst episodes in stride, better than she deserved, and watching them try so hard to look out for her was the main push for her getting help. Being diagnosed with bipolar was a sudden blow, but when she thought back, it made unfortunate sense.
She graduated with a degree in English, and not a clue what to do with it. About a year passed, and Bonnie realised she was stagnating. Piggybacking off of Margaret and the generosity of her family started to bring more and more guilt, until she finally decided she had to give them a break and put herself out there, if she wanted any chance of making her hobbies her life’s work. Hitting the pause button with Margaret was agonising, one of the hardest things she’d ever do, but there was a bittersweet understanding between them that, some day, she’d come home.
LA was kind of crazy. Her apartment was crammed and definitely not up to code, but the city was just crazy enough to keep her busy. She worked as a barista in the day and honed her craft at night, between open mic nights and making new friends, trying to work her way into something real. It didn’t necessarily work out the way she silently hoped it would, but towards the end of her time there, she’d managed to book a small handful of even smaller paid gigs, and eventually found herself working as a writer’s assistant. It was an exhausting ride, and those low days felt lower than ever, which was the main reason it didn’t last. She had just barely wormed her way into pitching a few lines in the writer’s room when she hit her wall. Within a weekend she was all packed up, her ride was booked, and she was on her way back to Toronto.
The rest of her life started then. It wasn’t seamless - both she and Margaret had changed, and there was a lot to talk about between them, but it started to work again. Before too long they had their own place. Margaret was working towards her PHd, and in an ironic twist, Bonnie basically followed her parents’ dream for her: she doted on her at home, with meals waiting and scripts clumping together on their computer. She performed where she could in odd places, until she got her first little break on a radio show, of all things. She went from a recurring contestant to the presenter when her predecessor retired, and that was when she found her niche.
The show had a steady sort of popularity, that lent itself to progression. She found herself as a guest again, but this time on TV, in between recording sessions. The pressure that came with that was insane, and had that same push-and-pull effect on her as most changes in her life, but there was always Margaret to go home to, who would brush away those mutterings of self doubt and loathing like nothing else could.
She was nervous to propose. Apparently, the speech she gave was beautiful, although she was so blindingly nervous she couldn’t remember much other than the way her hands shook around the ring box, and ending it with, “and who wouldn’t want to be married to a doctor, right?”
Going into hosting on TV was a jump, but by the time that job opportunity landed in her lap, Bonnie was halfway convinced she deserved it. After all, she was married to the coolest woman she’d ever seen - she could do anything.
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alliscnbeck · 4 years
hi, hello, my name’s kristen and i’m gonna be playing allison beck! i’m in the est timezone, and right now i’m playing way too many video games, going on too many walks and runs and i’m absolutely in love with my precious doggo kodie.
under the cut you’ll find a bit of information on beck (always beck and never allison or allie, those are reserved for her parents only) and some links! if you want to plot, i’m all ears. i’m game for either doing it through tumblr or if u feel more comfortable exchanging disco stuff i’m also good with that! (@frostfordstart​)
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ALLISON BECK (mary elizabeth winstead) / 35 / FARM HAND 
she’s an only child, born to charlie and lynn beck. both her parents are well known and active within the frostford community (idk what they do but people know them oKAY xD).
she wasn’t the it girl in high school school, but a lot of people knew her and knew of her, so she was relatively popular. she’s a conversationalist and makes friends easily, so she’s well known not in the snobby sense, but just in the ‘she was a good friend to have and a generally nice person’ sense.
left for college at seventeen after graduating high school, not because she hated frostford, but because she lived for new experiences and places. those who knew her knew she thrived on adventure and were not surprised she ventured off.
attended the university of maryland for all of her degrees. undergrad, grad & masters in criminal justice and criminology.
applied for and became an fbi agent.
spent 8 years as a special agent before sustaining career ending injuries during a botched operation --- FACT IS NOT WELL KNOWN.
returned to frostford in search of some ‘much needed rest and relaxation’ by recommendation of her therapist --- FACT IS NOT WELL KNOWN.
suffers from ptsd and lasting effects from her injuries --- FACT IS NOT WELL KNOWN.
has an esa named zeus (german shepherd) who is exceptionally trained and the bestest and goodest boi.
works @ rollins farm as a ranch hand, general help.
WANTED CONNECTIONS: high school friends, exes, past unrequited crushes, drinking buddies, close friends, frenemies, old high school nemesis. read more at her CONNECTION PAGE! she also has an ABOUT PAGE, and a BIOGRAPHY SUMMARY!
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead was born on November 28, 1984. Let's check here now Mary Elizabeth Winstead Biography, Personal Life, Career, Money, Films. She has
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footyshows · 7 years
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Kill the Messenger Official Trailer #1 (2014) – Jeremy Renner Crime Movie HD
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italianaradio · 5 years
Ewan McGregor: 10 cose che non sai sull’attore
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Ewan McGregor: 10 cose che non sai sull’attore
Ewan McGregor: 10 cose che non sai sull’attore
Ewan McGregor: 10 cose che non sai sull’attore
Ewan McGregor è uno degli attori più brillanti e versatili che la storia del cinema abbia mai conosciuto, capace di interpretare tanti ruoli diversi e di sostere i generi più disparati.
Il suo talento per la recitazione è innato e lo ha dimostrato più e più volte, affascinando e conquistando il pubblico di tutto il mondo.
Ecco, allora, dieci cose da sapere su Ewan McGregor.
Ewan McGregor film
1. Ewan McGregor: i film e la carriera. La carriera di Ewan McGregor è iniziata ben presto: nel 1993 ha debuttato nelle serie Lipstick on Your Collar, Scarlet and Black, per poi apparire al cinema con Le cinque vite di Hector (1994), Piccoli omicidi tra amici (1994) e Trainspotting (1996). La sua carriera continua con Una vita esagerata (1997), Star Wars: Episodio I – La minaccia fantasma (1999), Moulin Rouge! (2001), Star Wars: Episodio II – L’attacco dei cloni (2002), Big Fish – Le storie di una vita incredibile (2003) e Star Wars: Episodio III – La vendetta dei Sith (2005). In seguito, lavora in The Island (2005), Miss Potter (2006), Sex List – Omicidio a tre (2008), Angeli e demoni (2009), L’uomo che fissa le capre (2009) e partecipa a film come Beginners (2011), Il pescatore di sogni (2011), The Impossibile (2012) e Mortdecai (2015). Tra i suoi ultimi lavori vi sono Miles Ahead (2015), Pastorale Americana (2016), T2 Trainspotting (2017), La bella e la bestia (2017), Ritorno al bosco dei 100 acri (2018) e la serie Fargo (2017).
2. Non solo attore, ma anche doppiatore, sceneggiatore e regista. Nel corso della sua carriera, McGregor ha prestato la propria voce in film come Faster (2003), Robots (2005), Valiant – Piccioni da combattimento (2005), per poi essere la voce narrante dei documentari Fastest – Il più veloce (2011) e Hebrides: Island on the Edge (2013). In quanto sceneggiatore, ha lavorato alla mini-serie documentario Long Way Round (2004) e Long Way Down (2007), mentre come regista ha realizzato l’adattamento cinematografico di Pastorale Americana (2016).
Ewan McGregor fidanzata
3. Attualmente è fidanzato con una collega. Ai tempi della separazione dalla moglie, sopraggiunta a maggio 2017, Ewan McGregor si stava già frequentando con la collega Mary Elizabeth Winstead, di 13 anni più giovane, conosciuta sul set di Fargo. Non è chiaro se i due abbiano deciso di frequentarsi solo dopo la separazione, ma in ogni caso sono insieme da allora.
4. È stato sposato per tanti anni. Ewan McGregor ha avuto un matrimonio di lunga durata con la scenografa francese Eve Mavrakis: i due si erano sposati nel luglio del 1995, per poi separarsi nel maggio 2017. Dalla loro unione sono nate le figlie Clara Mathilde (1996) e Esther Rose (2001), mentre hanno adottato Jamyan (2001) e Anouk (2011).
Ewan McGregor Trainspotting
5. Ha letto dei libri per prepararsi al ruolo. Per il suo personaggio in Trainspotting, Ewan McGregor ha letto diversi libri che parlavano di crack ed eroina, ma non solo: l’attore, infatti, è andato anche a Glasgow ad incontrare delle persone che facevano parte del Calton Athletic Recovery Group, un’organizzazione di recupero di eroinomani.
6. Aveva pensato di iniettarsi eroina. Per comprendere meglio il suo personaggio, l’attore aveva pensato di iniettarsi per davvero dell’eroina nel braccio. Ma ci ha subito ripensato, decidendo di lasciarsi ispirare da quello che aveva visto e letto.
Ewan McGregor Fargo
7. Ha interpretato due ruoli. Nella terza stagione della serie Fargo, Ewan McGregor ha interpretato due ruoli: nella serie, infatti, ha l’attore ha dato vita a due fratelli gemelli, Ray e Mark Stussy, uno stempiato, con i baffi e qualche chilo di troppo, l’altro elegante e ricco.
Ewan McGregor Instagram
8. Non ha nessun profilo ufficiale Instagram. A differenza della maggior parte dei suoi colleghi, Ewan McGregor non possiede nessun account Instagram ufficiale. In realtà, fino a non molto tempo fa, l’attore era presente in maniera abbastanza attiva sul social: ad oggi non sono chiari i motivi della sua latitanza.
Ewan McGregor Star Wars
9. È stato il suo primo film ad alto budget. Fare parte di un film come uno degli episodi di Star Wars è un’esperienza unica, specie se è il primo film ad alto budget. Ewan McGregor, infatti, fino ad allora aveva lavorato in produzioni indipendenti o, comunque, a basso budget.
10. Ha studiato per interpretare Obi-Wan Kenobi. Per dare un’interpretazione esaustiva di Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episodio I – La minaccia fantasma (1999) l’attore scozzese ha studiato i film di Alec Guinnes per garantire la precisione in tutto, dal suo accento al ritmo delle parole.
Fonti: IMDb, Daily Mail, Biography
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Ewan McGregor: 10 cose che non sai sull’attore
Ewan McGregor è uno degli attori più brillanti e versatili che la storia del cinema abbia mai conosciuto, capace di interpretare tanti ruoli diversi e di sostere i generi più disparati. Il suo talento per la recitazione è innato e lo ha dimostrato più e più volte, affascinando e conquistando il pubblico di tutto il […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Mara Siviero
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secretlymysti · 6 years
Mary Elizabeth Winstead Biography, age, weight, height, body measurement, scandal, affair, movies
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead Biography, age, weight, height, body measurement, scandal, affair, movies. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is an American actress and singer. She was born in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, U.S. on November 28, 1984 (age 33). She appeared in many movies including, Sky High (2005), horror series Wolf Lake (2001–2002), Monster Island (2004), Final Destination 3(2006). She was nominated for many awards including, Screen Actors Guild Award, Scream Award, IGN Movie Award, Teen Choice Awards.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead Biography, age, weight, height, body measurement, scandal, affair, movies
Birthday: November 28, 1984 Nationality: American Famous: Actresses Pop Singers Sun Sign: Sagittarius Age: 33 Years Born In: Rocky Mount, North Carolina, United States Famous As: Actress Height: 1.73 M Spouse/Ex-: Riley Stearns (M. 2010) Father: James Ronald Winstead Mother: Betty Lou Knight City, States, Provinces & Districts: North Carolina
Mary Elizabeth Winstead Body Measurement
Body shape: Hourglass (explanation) Dress size: 8 Breasts-Waist-Hips: 36-26-37 inches (91-66-94 cm) Shoe/Feet: 9 Bra size: 34B Cup size: B Height: 5’8″ (173 cm) Weight: 135 lbs (61 kg)
Mary Elizabeth Winstead Movies
2005 The Ring Two Young Evelyn Unrated version only 2005 Checking Out Lisa Apple 2005 Sky High Gwen Grayson / Royal Pain 2006 Final Destination 3 Wendy Christensen 2006 Bobby Susan Taylor 2006 Black Christmas Heather Fitzgerald 2006 Factory Girl Ingrid Superstar 2007 Death Proof Lee Montgomery 2007 Live Free or Die Hard Lucy Gennero-McClane 2008 Make It Happen Lauryn Kirk 2010 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ramona Flowers 2011 The Thing Dr. Kate Lloyd 2012 The Beauty Inside Leah 2012 Smashed Kate Hannah 2012 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Mary Todd Lincoln 2013 A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III Kate 2013 The Spectacular Now Holly Keely 2013 A.C.O.D. Lauren Stinger 2013 A Good Day to Die Hard Lucy Gennero-McClane Theatrical version only 2014 Faults Claire Also producer 2014 Alex of Venice Alex Vedder 2014 Kill the Messenger Anna Simons 2016 Swiss Army Man Sarah Johnson 2016 The Hollars Gwen 2016 10 Cloverfield Lane Michelle 2018 All About Nina Nina Geld 2019 Gemini Man 
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Danny Filming 2019 The Parts You Lose 
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Gail Post-production
Mary Elizabeth Songs, Music
Year Title Artist 2010 "Love Your Flawz" Caitlin Crosby 2014 "Did We Live Too Fast" Got a Girl 2016 "Noise Pollution (Version A, Vocal Up Mix 1.3)" Portugal. The Man
Mary Elizabeth Awards, Nominations
Year Award Category Production Result Ref. 2000 Young Artist Award Best Young Actress in a Daytime TV Series Passions Nominated 2001 Young Artist Award Best Young Actress in a Daytime TV Series Passions Nominated 2006 Hollywood Film Festival Best Ensemble Cast (shared with cast) Bobby Won 2006 Broadcast Film Critics Association Award Best Cast Bobby Nominated 2006 Screen Actors Guild Award Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Bobby Nominated 2006 Scream Award Scream Queen Black Christmas Nominated 2010 IGN Movie Award Best Ensemble Cast Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Nominated 2010 Teen Choice Awards Choice Actress Action Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Nominated 2012 Independent Spirit Award Best Female Lead Smashed Nominated 2012 Phoenix Film Critics Society Award Best Actress Smashed Nominated 2013 Dallas International Film Festival Shining Star Award for Best Actress Smashed Won 2013 Daytime Emmy Award Outstanding Digital Daytime Drama Series The Beauty Inside Won 2016 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie: Drama 10 Cloverfield Lane Nominated 2017 Saturn Awards Best Actress 10 Cloverfield Lane Won 2018 Critics' Choice Television Awards Best Supporting Actress in a Movie/Miniseries Fargo Nominated 2018 Saturn Awards Best Actress on Television Fargo Pending
Mary Elizabeth Pictures
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