#Maryam finished tgcf
yeonslayjun · 4 months
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I.....I......I Finished it.....
I feel empty now
what am I supposed to do now?
Well this was one hell of a ride and I would like to give my thanks to the loml Tami for intoducing me to tgcf cuz DAYUM GIRL THANK YOU and also for making me want to use tumblr (I didn't even remember I had an acc pls) to rant.
Honestly It was fun to spew out so many theories and Going- I KNEW IT or I WAS RIGHT everytime I guessed right which was *cough* A LOT *cough* also I hate mxtx for making me suffer but love her a the same time... Truly the best authors are the ones we hate the most LMAO
Dayum this feels weird wtf
I hate finishing books like the moment I start reading I want to reach the end asap but once it's over I lament over how fast it finished...Truly a dilemma pls
Anyways stick around ig?lol
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