lightup0nlight · 1 year
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Maryam, may Allah be pleased with her, was the best woman of her time. In the Qur’an, she is never mentioned as “Maryam, the mother of Prophet Isa ‘alayhis-salaam’, and one of the wisdoms behind this is to show that her greatness is not necessarily tied to Prophet Isa. She was great because of who she was — a woman who perfected her imaan, who was so devoted to her ‘ibaadah, who had such a strong level of tawakkul on Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. And she was a prime example of modesty for both women and men.
Every time Prophet Zakariyya 'alayhis-salaam visited Maryam, he would always find her supplied with fruits. So he asked Maryam — where did she get them? Maryam said:
🌟 ❛This is from Allah. Verily, Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills, without limit.❜ [Surah Ali ‘Imran 3 : 37]
This event showcased the beautiful akhlaaq of Maryam. She was a righteous and beloved servant of Allah, a non-Prophet who received Allah’s miracles in the form of sustenance. But she did not feel self-entitled, didn’t claim to have a special relationship with Allah, didn’t boast about the miracles that Allah gave her.
Instead, she responded to Prophet Zakariyya that Allah gives to whomever He wants — so ask Him. This was a beneficial advice given to Prophet Zakariyya, who wanted a child. So he immediately made du’a to Allah, and Allah answered his du’a by granting him an offspring — Prophet Yahya ‘alayhis-salaam.
But today, the more successful we are, the more we feel that we're better than others;  the more we feel that Allah prefers us more than anyone else; the more we feel stingy from sharing those blessings or that knowledge;
However Maryam, in those short words of hers, taught us that the more Allah gives, the more we should be humbled. The more we should realise that everything we own comes from Allah. The more we should be reminded of Ar-Razzaq, Who gives to whomever He wants.
May Allah bless us with strong imaan, unwavering tawakkul, and husnul-khuluq so that we may reach a praiseworthy station in the Sight of Allah.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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