#Masked Matterhorn the Chocoholic
Angel: My favorite time of the year, what better ways to show your love with a Heart shaped Box full of chocolates. I have a Truckload!! ;3
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Saddle Rager: Do you want Masked Matterhorn to love you? Because a truckload of chocolate is the only thing that would make Masked Matterhorn love you.
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The pony behind that "Turn All Chocolate White" event did lead to a lot of bad times... And said pony needed to get a lot of therapy, given they ruined the rep of white chocolate for a lot of people. (This White coco lover had a deeply unheathy toxic lust for the White Chocolate) But from what I understand the pony now is living better, understand everyone got different tastes and even invented this "Mystery Chocolate" that looks like White Chocolate, but can taste like any other coco candies.
Masked Matterhorn: I’m glad they recovered and will never do it again. I’m not sure I can even imagine what my life would be like without dark chocolate.
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