#Mastery Writing Masters PublicRelations
katasharenee · 7 years
Writing fo Interactive Media - Mastery Journal Assignment Month 3
This month’s class consisted of crafting our own stories, planning and editing our stories, and promoting them as well. The material provided for this class was helpful and informative. I didn’t know what to expect in the class besides writing, but I was surprised to find out that there is more to just writing a story. A great story has to be planned, researched, then drafted. There are many steps that went into just two stories. I was challenged to figure out the five W’s in each story I wrote which consist of who, what, when, where, and why.
One assignment I enjoyed working on was the about me research assignment. Looking at other professionals about me pages pushed me to want to write a creative about me page. Each about me page was written to fit both the individual’s personality and profession. The materials that help aid in the research were equally influential. The materials were detailed and easy to follow.
 Another assignment that helped me was the content plan that we had to complete on the second, third, and final week. It helped me visualize the “Big” picture. Going into writing the story has become easier because I now have a plan to execute the story with a well thought out drafted plan.
Overall, I have learned so much in this class. Moving forward, I plan on using the techniques I have learned in this class like having a content plan before each story I write and finding similar professionals I look up to and study their execution plan when it comes to the content they release. One thing I will always take with me is always establishing the five W’s. Finding the five W’s will strengthen my story because I have reason behind the content. I look forward to the rest of my journey while using each tool and technique I had learned from this class.
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