unburnablematsu · 8 years
matsu kissing h/c’s
Oso - all tongues and hands. He’s shoving his tongue into your mouth before you’ve finished agreeing to kiss him and his hands are all over you, esp your ass. His teeth scrape against yours and he nibbles a little too hard at first. He pulls away and wipes his mouth with a shit-eating grin ‘That was great!’ Yeah. Maybe for him.
Kara - a shy kisser with a curious tongue. He will ask you with a sputter in his tone and take you in his arms before pressing his lips to yours meekly. His tongue will outline your lips and his teeth will nibble. He smells of leather and roses and taste like one-too-many breath mints. Moans from you will give him the confidence he lacks and he’ll become aggressive. 
Choro - he asked to kiss you like a week ago, but still hasn’t done anything. Only until you’re both at this perfectly arranged date and he’s sitting in front of you nervously does he seal the deal. He’s rigid and skittish the entire time but relaxes when you squeeze his hand reassuringly. No tongue and nips, though, he hadn’t planned that far ahead.
Ichi - you’re gonna have to initiate it. All he does is stare at your lips most of the time, the question very obviously in his eyes, but he’s Ichimatsu and he doesn’t know how to communicate verbally. You do it when you’re in one his favorite alleys after feeding the cats. It’s soft and messy and he stills immediately at the contact, but the cat’s mewls in the background relax him. He can barely look you in the eye after, though.
Jyushi - You’ve been trying to kiss him for weeks now, but can barely get more than 5 minutes of him being still. It happens when you’re both having sweets together and you get some on your face. He offers to clean it and then without shame, tells you how pretty your lips are. When you crawl into his lap, he’s practically vibrating with excitement and goes for the kiss. It’s all tongue and it’s all over the place, but swallowing his laughter makes you warm in your tummy and you expected this. He is Jyushimatsu, after all.
Todo - He starts leaving little hints. Kissy faces on your coffee order, social media posts that are suggestive, and he’s constantly stealing glances at your too full lips. It’s National Kissing Day when he finally asks you and he smells sweet, like a bakery but he’s lean and strong. His tongue dives effortlessly in your mouth and he giggles when your tongues crash against each other. He licks the inside of your mouth and suckles softly. When you pull apart, he’s red in the face and asks if he can take a picture of you two kissing to post up. You wonder why you’re feeling surprised. 
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naruniverse · 8 years
You know, I don’t think the bros especially have a negative effect on the others, etc, like we mostly say. They are afraid, because they are (until now)  “everything” for each other, that’s all. But they don’t talk about it, so they rather prefer stay down together than growing up together. But, if they could talk about their feelings they could grow up together in the good way, not this one.
I mean, if they just talk about their feelings and what they want for the future, they could actually have the best effect ever. Because, they are not only everything for each other, but they need each other.
I’m sorry it’s just a quick thing (and for the mistakes) but I wanted to say it.
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It’s almost 6AM and I haven’t slept yet but I just had a thought re: Jyushi flinging Eitaro and his girlfriend into the sun at the end of the skit
So, Eitaro was able to make friends by using the gags and antics that Matser Jyushi taught him - and that means, he used those same gags and antics to win the heart of the little girl who’s now his girlfriend.
What if Jyushi didn’t fling Eitaro into the sun just because he got a girlfriend
Because remember, Jyushi used his gags and antics to win the heart of a girl before too
But instead of getting a girlfriend, she just got away
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You know, it really is a good thing that Jyushi was in the right place at the right time before Homura jumped off that cliff. And it’s not just because she’s alive.
Imagine if Jyushi had arrived too late, or if Jyushi hadn’t gone to the beach that day at all. Homura would’ve succeeded, she’d be dead, and that would be the end of it, right?
Except not really. Eventually someone would’ve come down to that beach and seen her dead body strewn among the rocks. They’d call the authorities, the authorities would come to collect her body, and they’d examine it to figure out her identity. The media would pick it up too, especially if suicides at the beach were uncommon, and it would be all over the news.
If Homura was lucky, the fall’s impact would’ve made her unrecognizable, and she would be either buried as a Jane Doe or have her body donated to science. 
But most likely she wouldn’t be so lucky.
Someone would recognize her eventually. But they wouldn’t recognize her as Homura. 
They’d recognize her as that one AV actress.
And the media would sensationalize the hell out of that. Local girl kills herself at the beach? Not so interesting. But local porn actress kills herself at the beach? Now that will get everyone talking.
And it sure would, wouldn’t it? People would whisper among themselves, viewers would flock to watch this dead AV actress’ work, there would be debates on what could’ve driven this poor AV actress to kill herself and the ethics of the porn business. It would be among the top stories before eventually falling into obscurity, but even then things like the internet won’t let people forget that easily.
Now Homura won’t be remembered as Homura, or even as a sad girl who desperately needed help.
Even in death, she’d always be remembered as a porn star. To the world she would’ve left behind, that’s all she is and ever will be. Right?
So it’s a very, very good thing Jyushi was at the beach that day.
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I mean close as alike! Sorry!
Ah! So Choro is more similar to Otoutomatsu, and Totty is more similar to Animatsu?
Well, I mean… I think it depends. Both Choro and Totty have some level of childishness to them, but both also have some level of tsukkomi-ish maturity to them. It depends on the situation. Lately with Choro being less uptight about his “responsible Matsu” image, we’ve been seeing more of his childishness. Totty I can’t say for sure, but he did kinda stand up to his parents in S2Ep2A instead of act all cute to get on their good side; maybe we’ll be seeing a bolder Totty who doesn’t hide behind his baby brother status in S2? Who knows! :0
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unburnablematsu · 8 years
Throughout the entire series, Karamatsu has been overlooked. Every scene he's been in ends with his brothers ignoring him or the scene gets cut completely. This is the joke when it comes to Karamatsu. So in reality, we haven't gotten much dialogue from him because of this. And when we do, it's one of his painful lines that we just laugh off. But episode 24 showed us the true side of Karamatsu. He's truly the second eldest brother and when push comes to shove, Karamatsu is not painful. He is supportive, understanding, and there's no doubt in my mind that he is always, ALWAYS willing to listen to his brothers and their concerns. This character developed so quickly and it was just in a single skit. THAT is Karamatsu, raw to the core and I love it.
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