#Mauvier X Male reader
idk6123 · 1 year
Family Break (Mauvier X Male Reader)
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They feel forever since they managed to get a break. Not just a regular break, a big one. With the constant war going on, it felt like they never going to take a break. But with the end of Sombron, everything seems to end up peaceful, with no sign of war or conflict anything soon.
With the recent success, Veyle was the first one to celebrate. Not just with all of her friends and allies, but with just with her closest friends. So with excitement, she went to Mauvier and his husband, Y/N to invite them to a day to the beach. They agreed, but they weren’t the only ones to get invited. Alear and Marni did as well, but since the divine dragon was too busy with their current duties, they declined. Still, Marni luckily accepted.
So with a bright, sunny day, the four people who left the fell dragon’s army arrived at the beach at the desert land known as Solm. In their swimming gear and both grown men carrying everything they need for today; the group are ready for a fun day. They managed to find a good spot, where’s not too busy, but there are still enjoying the tropical weather.
“Wow! Just look at it!” Veyle looks beyond excitement when she spots the sea. “I can’t wait to get in.”
“I don’t see why you couldn’t.” Marni looks back at Mauvier and Y/N with a smirk. “Any chance you enjoy unpacking our stuff?”
“What? No, we can’t do that!” Veyle responds.
“It’s alright. If you want to swim right now, go ahead Lady Veyle.” Mauvier reassures. “Let Y/N and I set up our belongings.”
“Are you sure?” Veyle asks, not wanting her friends to be left out.
“Yes.” Y/N responds. “It’s only take a couple minutes. Compared what we’ve been through, it’s nothing.”
Veyle still looks unsure. This time, it’s Marni that tries to convince her. “C’mon Lady Veyle. They’re up to this. We can swim together later if you really want to.”
“I guess that’s true.” A smile creeps on the fell child’s face. “Alright, let’s go.”
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Marni looks quiet excited. “Reach ya there!” Without a warning, the armor knight runs towards the ocean.
Veyle looks a bit startled. “What!? Hey, wait for me!” Soon enough, she runs after he friend.
Mauvier and Y/N both smile at the scene as the two girls begin to have a water fight at the beach.
“Never would I imagine they would be friends, but I’m glad they are.” Y/N comments.
“Both of them changed a lot when I first met them.” Mauvier adds. “I suppose the same could be said of us.”
Y/N smiles at his husband. “I agree. Honestly, I was scared when we betrayed the Hounds. And I wished Griss survived. Even part of me wished Zephia did so too. But I’m happy we did.”
Mauvier smiles back. “I wish we could talk more, but we shouldn’t postpone our duties.”
“Right! Let’s unpack!”
The two begin to unpack the bags they brought. Beach blankets, folding chairs, food and cold drinks. Even a parasol, which they putted on. They also have some extra items they brought, such as extra swimsuits, a beach ball and sunscreen.
After packing, Mauvier offered Y/N sunscreen. So he sits behind him to put the lotion on his back. “Ugh, I can feel my skin burning already.”
“At least we’re under a parasol.”
“I feel like that isn’t enough.” Y/N let out a groan. “Maybe we should’ve gone to Fyrene instead?”
Mauvier smiles. “Don’t worry. I putted enough on you, so don’t worry about burn wounds. Speaking of which…” Mauvier stands up and takes a couple of steps forward. “Lady Veyle! Marni! You need to put some sunscreen!”
Veyle and Marni snaps their heads back at them. “We’re coming!” Veyle yells.
Both girls quickly run out of the water to get back at their friends. Once arrived, Veyle and Marni put on the sunscreen. After they’re done, Y/N put on some on the remaining parts of his body. Afterwards, he helps his husband by putting in on his back, returning the favor.
“God, why is it so hot here?” Marni soon complains. “How could anyone live here?”
“I can.” Veyle says with a chirpy voice. “It would be so fun living at the beach. I can just go swimming anything I want. But I suppose that’s true with the Somniel.”
“I hope you’re kidding. That just sounds of everyday sunstrokes.” Although sounding negative, Marni seems to enjoy the small banter. “Speaking of which, I could use some ice cream. Mauvier.”
“You can’t just order him around.” Veyle puts her foot down before Mauvier even had a chance to.
“Why not? I’m sure he’s fine with it.”
“While that is true, I prefer if you could ask it kindlier.” Mauvier says.
“Yeah, yeah.” Marni merely ignores his request. “I’m sure the rest want some too. I heard there are some spicy ones.”
This intrigues Veyle instantly. “There are?”
“Yes. Heard they put some kind of Solmic pepper in it.” Marni explains.
Y/N raises his eyebrow. “Shouldn’t be the first place of ice cream to cool you off? Not making it spicier?”
“I dunno. But it exists. So Veyle, do you want it?”
Veyle looks somewhat guilty, which Mauvier noticed. “No need to be distressed. If you want it, I get it for you.”
“Are you sure?” Veyle asks worriedly.
“I’m sure.” Mauvier smiles. He looks back at Y/N. “I get some of you too.” He stands up.
“You’re a sweetheart.” Y/N complements him.
After a peck on the lips, Mauvier stands up and begin walking around for a stall. About a minute later, after getting pass multiple beach enjoyers, he found a stall, with a man standing behind it.
“Welcome! Anything you want to order?”
“Yes. I want to order some ice creams. Let’s see… one vanilla ice cream cone. One with chocolate and strawberry. And I heard there is one that is spicy…”
“Ah yes, the Hot and Cold Solmic Delicacy. Funny, isn’t it? Never would I thought someone would order these, but it certainly captured an audience.” The man behind the stand comments. “Anyhow, four ice creams, coming up.”
Mauvier can’t help but look back at the sea. To his surprise, he can’t see Y/N, Veyle and Marni from where he’s standing. In the background, the shop keeper is making the ice cream. He notices Mauvier where is looking at.
“Got a fun day?”
“Oh, yes.” Mauvier looks back. “It’s been a while when we could relax.”
“Gotcha. I feel the same. Ever since the Fell Dragon is gone, I sensed everyone else feeling the same way. Speaking of which, I should do something with my family too. It’s been a while since I gone out with my wife and kids.”
“Family…?” Mauvier doesn’t get at first what he meant, until he realizes that he thinks Veyle and Marni are his and Y/N’s children.
“And it’s done. Because you’re with your family, I charge you less. 15 gold please.”
“Ah, yes. Thank you very much.” Mauvier hands over the coins to him
The store clerk hands over the ice cream cone, as well some tissues. “Have a great day, sir.”
“Thank you. You too.”
While Mauvier walks back to the group, he keeps pondering about what the shop keeper said. Y/N is his husband, so it would make sense that they would be family. But Veyle and Marni? Sure, he cares about them a lot. But to the point that they’re family? That he isn’t sure about. He doesn’t disagree with the statement, but merely wondering about it. They were some kind of family back when they were the hounds, but that was different.
Mauvier arrives back with the four ice creams that starts to melt. With a wide smile, Marni is quick to snatch the chocolate one. “Thanks Mauvier!”
Mauvier hands over the spicy one to Veyle. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome.” Mauvier sits down next to Y/N again. “Which one do you want?”
“Uhh… Vanila, just because it’s a classic.”
And so, the four enjoys their cold beverage, all the while chatting like normal people and looking at the beautiful sea. It feels like minutes pass. Everybody ate their ice cream and chatted for minutes to no end.
“I want to go swimming again. Veyle, Mauvier, Y/N, you’re up to it?”
“Always.” Veyle says with a smile. She and Marni stand up. Both of them look back at the couple. “You’re coming?”
“In a minute. There is something I want to discuss with Y/N.” Mauvier replies.
Marni pffts. “Really? You’re on the beach and you’re still stuck upped with your duties? Well, whatever. At least we’re having fun.” With wide smiles, the two sprints back to the sea.
Y/N looks back at his husband, who look deep in thought. “Is there something wrong?”
“No, everything is alright. I’m just lost in thought.”
“All alone?”
Mauvier chuckles. “Just hearing you adding that, I can tell you spend enough time with emblem Corrin.”
“True.” Y/N chuckles. “But enough joking. What’s up?”
“Well, when I was getting ice cream, the store venter mistook us as a family. As in two fathers and their children. And I can’t stop thinking about it. We were some kind of a family back when we were the hounds. But… I don’t know. I view you as family, and I care a great deal for Veyle and Marni, but I’m not sure I would call them a family.”
“So that’s what you’re thinking about.” Y/N comments. “If you want to know my opinion, I view us as some kind of… friend group, I guess? I mean, obviously I view you as my husband. But lady Veyle and Marni are more like little sisters to me rather than children.”
Mauvier let out a quiet hum. “I guess I view them sooner as siblings rather than children as well. Though… I do like the sound of a family.”
“Oh, but we’re a family. We’ve been through so much, it’s not hard to think differently of each other.”
“I meant; I like the idea of having a family. You, me, a son or daughter. Or even multiple children.” Mauvier then realizes the current situation and quickly backs down. “My apologies. I shouldn’t talk something like that when we’re having a trip.”
“No! It’s alright.” Y/N reassures. “I… think it’s a good idea to think about the future, now that we defeated the Fell Dragon.”
“You do?” Mauvier can’t help but smile.
“Yes. Maybe we should think about a place to settle down? With our efforts with the war, I doubt we can’t afford a nice place. Maybe somewhere in Fyrene, or Brodia?”
“That sounds nice. Of course, I want to live near Lady Veyle to continue my duties. But besides that, I’m open to live anywhere.” Mauvier comments.
“Sounds good to me.” Y/N nods. “Once we get a house, that’s when we get children. Since making them is out of the question, as much I love to try.” Mauvier chuckles. “Maybe we should adopt one?”
“That sounds wonderful. I know the experience of being an orphan, as does Marni. And we ended up on a path that most people disagree on, even when we stepped off it. I want to prevent that to happen to any child, with you by my side.”
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