#Max Spohn
theguitarchannel · 2 years
NAMM 2022, the 13 interviews done one Saturday, from Jay Leonard J to Nathaniel Murphy and more
NAMM 2022, the 13 interviews done one Saturday, from Jay Leonard J to Nathaniel Murphy and more
Here are all 13 interviews from Saturday, June 4, 2022 at NAMM in one article. You will find some of the best luthiers in the world, as well as two phenomenal musicians. Enjoy! This day was a great illustration of the fact that it is the meetings that make the most of the interest of big events like NAMM. The interviews done on Saturday at NAMM 2022 Interviewees of the day Andy Powers, new…
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NASA InSight’s ‘Mole’ Ends Its Journey on Mars Jan 14, 2021 The heat probe hasn’t been able to gain the friction it needs to dig, but the mission has been granted an extension to carry on with its other science. The heat probe developed and built by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and deployed on Mars by NASA’s InSight lander has ended its portion of the mission. Since Feb. 28, 2019, the probe, called the “mole,” has been attempting to burrow into the Martian surface to take the planet’s internal temperature, providing details about the interior heat engine that drives the Mars’ evolution and geology. But the soil’s unexpected tendency to clump deprived the spike-like mole of the friction it needs to hammer itself to a sufficient depth. After getting the top of the mole about 2 or 3 centimeters under the surface, the team tried one last time to use a scoop on InSight’s robotic arm to scrape soil onto the probe and tamp it down to provide added friction. After the probe conducted 500 additional hammer strokes on Saturday, Jan. 9, with no progress, the team called an end to their efforts. Part of an instrument called the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3), the mole is a 16-inch-long (40-centimeter-long) pile driver connected to the lander by a tether with embedded temperature sensors. These sensors are designed to measure heat flowing from the planet once the mole has dug at least 10 feet (3 meters) deep. “We’ve given it everything we’ve got, but Mars and our heroic mole remain incompatible,” said HP3’s principal investigator, Tilman Spohn of DLR. “Fortunately, we’ve learned a lot that will benefit future missions that attempt to dig into the subsurface.” While NASA’s Phoenix lander scraped the top layer of the Martian surface, no mission before InSight has tried to burrow into the soil. Doing so is important for a variety of reasons: Future astronauts may need to dig through soil to access water ice, while scientists want to study the subsurface’s potential to support microbial life. “We are so proud of our team who worked hard to get InSight’s mole deeper into the planet. It was amazing to see them troubleshoot from millions of miles away,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for science at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. “This is why we take risks at NASA – we have to push the limits of technology to learn what works and what doesn’t. In that sense, we’ve been successful: We’ve learned a lot that will benefit future missions to Mars and elsewhere, and we thank our German partners from DLR for providing this instrument and for their collaboration.” Hard-Earned Wisdom The unexpected properties of the soil near the surface next to InSight will be puzzled over by scientists for years to come. The mole’s design was based on soil seen by previous Mars missions – soil that proved very different from what the mole encountered. For two years, the team worked to adapt the unique and innovative instrument to these new circumstances. “The mole is a device with no heritage. What we attempted to do – to dig so deep with a device so small – is unprecedented,” said Troy Hudson, a scientist and engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California who has led efforts to get the mole deeper into the Martian crust. “Having had the opportunity to take this all the way to the end is the greatest reward.” Besides learning about the soil at this location, engineers have gained invaluable experience operating the robotic arm. In fact, they used the arm and scoop in ways they never intended to at the outset of the mission, including pressing against and down on the mole. Planning the moves and getting them just right with the commands they were sending up to InSight pushed the team to grow. They’ll put their hard-earned wisdom to use in the future. The mission intends to employ the robotic arm in burying the tether that conveys data and power between the lander and InSight’s seismometer, which has recorded more than 480 marsquakes. Burying it will help reduce temperature changes that have created cracking and popping sounds in seismic data. There’s much more science to come from InSight, short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport. NASA recently extended the mission for two more years, to Dec. 2022. Along with hunting for quakes, the lander hosts a radio experiment that is collecting data to reveal whether the planet’s core is liquid or solid. And InSight’s weather sensors are capable of providing some of the most detailed meteorological data ever collected on Mars. Together with weather instruments aboard NASA's Curiosity rover and its new Perseverance rover, which lands on Feb. 18, the three spacecraft will create the first meteorological network on another planet. More About the Mission JPL manages InSight for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA’s Discovery Program, managed by the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supports spacecraft operations for the mission. A number of European partners, including France’s Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument to NASA, with the principal investigator at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). Significant contributions for SEIS came from IPGP; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain’s Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the temperature and wind sensors.
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spaceexp · 5 years
Mars InSight's 'Mole' Is Moving Again
NASA - InSight Mission patch. October 18, 2019 NASA's InSight spacecraft has used its robotic arm to help its heat probe, known as "the mole," dig nearly 2 centimeters (3/4 of an inch) over the past week. While modest, the movement is significant: Designed to dig as much as 16 feet (5 meters) underground to gauge the heat escaping from the planet's interior, the mole has only managed to partially bury itself since it started hammering in February 2019.
Animation above: This GIF shows NASA InSight's heat probe, or "mole," digging about a centimeter (half an inch) below the surface last week. Using a technique called "pinning," InSight recently pressed the scoop on its robotic arm against the self-hammering mole in order to help it dig. Animation Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech. The recent movement is the result of a new strategy, arrived at after extensive testing on Earth, which found that unexpectedly strong soil is holding up the mole's progress. The mole needs friction from surrounding soil in order to move: Without it, recoil from its self-hammering action will cause it to simply bounce in place. Pressing the scoop on InSight's robotic arm against the mole, a new technique called "pinning," appears to provide the probe with the friction it needs to continue digging. Since Oct. 8, 2019, the mole has hammered 220 times over three separate occasions. Images sent down from the spacecraft's cameras have shown the mole gradually progressing into the ground. It will take more time - and hammering - for the team to see how far the mole can go. The mole is part of an instrument called the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package, or HP3, which was provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). "Seeing the mole's progress seems to indicate that there's no rock blocking our path," said HP3 Principal Investigator Tilman Spohn of DLR. "That's great news! We're rooting for our mole to keep going." NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, leads the InSight mission. JPL has tested the robotic arm's movement using full-scale replicas of InSight and the mole. Engineers continue to test what would happen if the mole were to sink beneath the reach of the robotic arm. If it stops making progress, they might scrape soil on top of the mole, adding mass to resist the mole's recoil.
InSight on Mars. Image Credits: NASA/JPL
If no other options exist, they would consider pressing the scoop down directly on the top of the mole while trying to avoid the sensitive tether there; the tether provides power to and relays data from the instrument. "The mole still has a way to go, but we're all thrilled to see it digging again," said Troy Hudson of JPL, an engineer and scientist who has led the mole recovery effort. "When we first encountered this problem, it was crushing. But I thought, 'Maybe there's a chance; let's keep pressing on.' And right now, I'm feeling giddy." About InSight JPL manages InSight for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA's Discovery Program, managed by the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supports spacecraft operations for the mission. A number of European partners, including France's Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument to NASA, with the principal investigator at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). Significant contributions for SEIS came from IPGP; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain's Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the temperature and wind sensors. Related article: NASA's Push to Save the Mars InSight Lander's Heat Probe https://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.com/2019/10/nasas-push-to-save-mars-insight-landers.html More about InSight: https://mars.nasa.gov/insight/ https://www.nasa.gov/insight/ Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS): https://mars.nasa.gov/insight/mission/instruments/seis/ Animation (mentioned), Image (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA/Alana Johnson/JPL/Andrew Good. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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aitastar · 3 years
作者:Johnny Vedmore
2001 年 9 月 11 日上午,克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab)与世界犹太人大会前副主席、布朗夫曼和劳德家族的亲密伙伴拉比·亚瑟·施奈尔 (Arthur Schneier)坐在纽约市东公园犹太教堂共进早餐。当飞机撞击世贸中心大楼时,两人一起观看了接下来二十年最具影响力的事件之一。现在,二十年后,克劳斯·施瓦布再次坐在现代人类历史上一个决定世代的前排座位上。当悲剧临近时,施瓦布似乎总是坐在前排,他接近改变世界的事件可能是因为他是地球上人脉最广的人之一。作为“公私合作国际组织”世界经济论坛背后的推动力量,施瓦布在达沃斯论坛上吸引了国家元首、主要企业高管以及学术界和科学界的精英超过 50 年。最近,由于他最近担任大重置的主唱,他还引起了许多人的愤怒,大重置是为了世界经济论坛精英及其盟友的明确利益而在全球范围内重塑文明的全面努力。施瓦布在 2021 年 1 月的论坛年会上强调,建立信任是“大重置”成功不可或缺的一部分,这标志着该倡议已经大规模的公共关系活动随后将进一步扩大。尽管施瓦布呼吁通过未指明的“进展”建立信任,但信任通常是通过透明度来促进的。也许这就是为什么这么多人拒绝相信施瓦布先生和他的动机的原因,因为在 1970 年代初他创立世界经济论坛之前,人们对他的历史和背景知之甚少。与许多精英赞助议程的知名主唱一样,施瓦布的在线记录已经过彻底清理,因此很难找到有关他早期历史和家庭信息的信息。然而,由于 1938 年出生于德国拉文斯堡,近几个月来,许多人猜测施瓦布的家人可能与轴心国的战争努力有某种联系,这种联系如果暴露,可能会威胁到世界经济论坛的声誉并带来不必要的审查其公开的使命和动机。在这个无限环聊中调查中,克劳斯·施瓦布努力隐瞒的过去被详细探究,揭示施瓦布家族的参与,不仅涉及纳粹寻求原子弹,而且种族隔离南非的非法核计划。克劳斯的父亲尤金·施瓦布 (Eugen Schwab) 的历史尤其具有启发性,他带领一家受纳粹支持的瑞士工程公司德国分公司作为著名的军事承包商参战。埃舍尔-威斯公司将使用奴隶劳动来生产对纳粹战争努力以及纳粹为其核计划生产重水的努力至关重要的机器。多年后,在同一家公司,年轻的克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 在董事会做出决定,为南非种族隔离种族主义政权提供必要的设备,以进一步寻求成为核大国。由于世界经济论坛现在是核不扩散和“清洁”核能的主要倡导者,克劳斯施瓦布的过去使他成为他公开的现在和未来议程的糟糕代言人。然而,更深入地挖掘他的活动,很明显施瓦布的真正角色长期以来一直是“塑造当前的全球、区域和行业议程”,以确保更大、更古老的议程的连续性,这些议程在世界大战之后声名狼藉。第二次世界大战,不仅是核技术,还有受优生学影响的人口控制政策。施瓦本故事
1870 年 7 月 10 日,克劳斯·施瓦布的祖父雅各布·威廉·戈特弗里德·施瓦布(后来简称为戈特弗里德)出生在与法国邻国交战的德国。卡尔斯鲁厄,戈特弗里德施瓦布出生的小镇,位于巴登大公国,由 43 岁的巴登大公弗雷德里克一世于 1870 年统治。德意志帝国在凡尔赛宫的镜厅举行。他是现任皇帝威廉一世唯一的女婿,作为腓特烈一世,他是德国的在位君主之一。到戈特弗里德·施瓦布 (Gottfried Schwab) 18 岁时,德国将看到威廉二世在其父亲腓特烈三世去世后登上王位。1893 年,23 岁的戈特弗里德·施瓦布(Gottfried Schwab)正式离开德国,放弃德国公民身份,离开卡尔斯鲁厄,移居瑞士。当时,人们注意到他的职业是一个���单的面包师。在这里,戈特弗里德会见了来自瑞士伯尔尼附近基希贝格的玛丽·拉珀特,她比他小 5 岁。他们于 1898 年 5 月 27 日在伯尔尼的罗格维尔结婚,次年,即 1899 年 4 月 27 日,他们的孩子尤金·施瓦布出生。戈特弗里德·施瓦布 (Gottfried Schwab) 在他出生时已经在世界上崭露头角,成为一名机器工程师。当 Eugen 大约一岁时,Gottfried 和 Marie Schwab 决定返回卡尔斯鲁厄居住,Gottfried 再次申请德国公民身份。Eugen Schwab 将追随父亲的脚步,成为一名机械工程师,在未来的几年里,他会建议他的孩子也这样做。Eugen Schwab 最终开始在德国南部上施瓦本镇的一家工厂工作,该镇是巴登-符腾堡州拉文斯堡区的首府。他职业生涯的工厂是一家名为 Escher Wyss 的瑞士公司的德国分公司。瑞士有许多长期存在的经济关系的拉芬斯堡区域,与瑞士贸易商在前期19个世纪引进纱和机织产品。在同一时期,拉文斯堡将谷物运送到罗夏直到 1870 年,同时还在瑞士阿尔卑斯山深处饲养动物和各种奶酪。1809 年至 1837 年间,有 375 名瑞士人居住在拉文斯堡,但到 1910 年瑞士人口已降至 133 人。在 1830 年代,技术娴熟的瑞士工人建立了一家棉花工厂,并拥有 Erpf 兄弟拥有和维护的漂白和整理工厂。拉文斯堡马匹市场创建于 1840 年左右,也吸引了许多来自瑞士的人,尤其是在 1847 年从拉文斯堡到腓特烈港的铁路线开通之后,腓特烈港位于瑞士和德国边境附近的康斯坦茨湖上。罗萨赫谷物贸易商会定期造访 Ravensburger Kornhaus,最终这种跨境合作和贸易也促成了苏黎世机械厂 Escher-Wyss & Cie 在该市开设的分公司。1850 年至 1853 年间,一条连接瑞士与德国路线网络的火车线路建成后,这一壮举就显得可信了。该工厂由Walter Zuppinger于 1856 年至 1859 年间建立,并于 1860 年开始生产。1861 年,我们可以在拉文斯堡看到制造商Escher-Wyss的第一个官方专利“用于织带的机械织机的特殊设施”。此时,Escher Wyss 的 Ravensburg 分公司将由 Walter Zuppinger 领导,他将在这里开发切向涡轮机并获得多项额外专利。1870 年,祖平格和其他人还在拉文斯堡附近的拜恩富特建立了一家造纸厂。他于 1875 年退休,并将全部精力用于涡轮机的进一步发展。📷Escher-Wyss Ravensburg 工厂的成立文件,日期为 1860 年。在新世纪之交,埃舍尔韦斯已经把织带一边,开始将力量集中于生产大型工业涡轮机,并在1907年更大的项目,他们寻求的“审批和让步过程”的1925 年在巴塞尔小册子中报道了莱茵河畔多尔恩附近的水电站建设。到 1920 年,埃舍尔-威斯发现自己陷入了严重的财务困境。一战后,凡尔赛条约限制了德国的军事和经济增长,瑞士公司发现周边国家土木工程项目的低迷不堪重负。Escher-Wyss 的母公司位于苏黎世,其历史可以追溯到 1805 年,该公司仍然受益于良好的声誉和一个多世纪的历史,被认为太重要了,不能失去。1920 年 12 月进行重组,将股本从 1,155 万法郎减记至 401.5 万法郎,随后又增至 551.5 万瑞士法郎。到 1931 财政年度结束时,埃舍尔-威斯仍在亏损。然而,这家勇敢的公司在整个 1920 年代继续交付大规模的土木工程合同,正如1924 年乌拉赫王子威廉三世写给埃舍尔-威斯公司和乌拉赫之家的资产经理、会计师朱利叶斯的官方信函所指出的那样。海勒。本文件讨论了“德国水轮机制造商协会关于为水力发电厂提供机器和其他设备的一般条款和条件”。1923 年 3 月 20 日,埃舍尔-威斯 (Escher-Wyss) 的广告手册中印制了一本关于“德国水轮机制造商协会在德意志帝国内安装涡轮机和机器零件的条件”的小册子,这也证实了这一点。油压调节器。在 1930 年代初的大萧条摧毁了全球经济之后,Escher-Wyss 宣布,“随着与货币贬值相关的经济形势的灾难性发展;该公司 [Escher-Wyss] 暂时无法继续其在各个客户国家的流动负债。” 该公司还透露,他们将申请法院延期到瑞士报纸抵达Neue苏黎世新闻报,其中r扩展端口版1 1931年12月“Escher-Wyss 公司已获准破产至 1932 年 3 月底,并已任命一家信托公司作为瑞士的馆长。” 文章乐观地��示,“应该有继续经营的前景”。1931 年,Escher-Wyss 雇佣了大约 1,300 名非合同工和 550 名受薪雇员。到 1930 年代中期,埃舍尔-威斯再次陷入财务困境。这一次为了拯救公司,一个财团被带上船来拯救这家陷入困境的工程公司。该财团部分由瑞士联邦银行(恰好由 Max Schwab 领导,他与 Klaus Schwab 没有任何关系)组成,并进行了进一步的重组。1938 年,公司的一名工程师 Jacob Schmidheiny 上校宣布将成为 Escher-Wyss 的新董事会主席。1939 年战争爆发后不久,Schmidheiny被引述有句话说:“战争的爆发并不一定意味着中立国的机械工业失业,相反。” Escher-Wyss 及其新管理层显然期待从战争中获利,为他们转变为主要的纳粹军事承包商铺平道路。拉文斯堡犹太人迫害简史
阿道夫·希特勒上台后,德国发生了许多变化,拉文斯堡犹太人口在那个时代的故事令人悲伤。然而,反犹太主义在该地区抬头并不是第一次被记录下来。在中世纪,一座早在 1345 年就被提及的犹太教堂位于拉文斯堡的中心,服务于一个可以追溯到 1330 年至 1429 年的小型犹太社区。在 1429 年底到 1430 年,拉文斯堡的犹太人是有针对性的,随后发生了可怕的屠杀。在附近的林道、乌伯林根、布赫霍恩(后来更名为腓特烈港)、梅尔斯堡和康斯坦茨定居点,大规模逮捕了犹太居民。林道的犹太人在 1429/1430 年拉文斯堡血腥诽谤中被活活烧死,其中犹太社区的成员被指控在仪式上牺牲婴儿。1430 年 8 月,在 Überlingen,犹太人社区被迫皈依,其中 11 人这样做,12 人拒绝皈依。在林道、于伯林根和拉文斯堡发生的大屠杀是在执政的西格蒙德国王的直接批准下发生的,任何剩余的犹太人很快就被驱逐出该地区。拉文斯堡皇帝费迪南德一世于 1559 年确认了这项禁令,例如,在 1804 年为城市守卫发布的指示中得到了支持,其中写道:“由于不允许犹太人在这里从事任何贸易或业务,因此没有人其他人可以通过邮寄或运输方式进入城市,但是,其余的,如果他们没有从警察局获得更长或更短的逗留许可,则由警察局将其驱逐出城。”直到 19 世纪,犹太人才能够再次合法地在拉文斯堡定居,即使到那时,他们的人数仍然很少,以至于没有重建犹太教堂。1858 年,拉文斯堡只有 3 名犹太人,1895 年,这一数字达到顶峰。 从世纪之交到 1933 年,居住在拉文斯堡的犹太人数量一直在稳步下降,直到该社区仅由 23 人组成。人们。到 1930 年代初,拉文斯堡有七个主要的犹太家庭,包括阿德勒、厄兰格、哈伯格、赫尔曼、兰道尔、罗斯和桑德曼家族。国家社会主义者夺取政权后,一些拉文斯堡犹太人最初被迫移民,而其他人后来在纳粹集中营被谋杀。在第二次世界大战之前,拉文斯堡及其周边地区有许多公开表达对犹太人小社区的仇恨。早在 1933 年 3 月 13 日,大约在德国全国范围内纳粹抵制所有犹太商店的前三周,南澳警卫就在拉文斯堡的五家犹太商店中的两家前站岗,并试图阻止潜在买家进入,并张贴告示在一家商店说“Wohlwert 关闭直到 Aryanization”。Wohlwert's 很快就会“雅利安化”,并且将成为唯一一家在纳粹大屠杀中幸存下来的犹太人拥有的商店。拉文斯堡四家大型犹太百货公司的其他老板;诺夫;默库尔;Landauer 和 Wallersteiner 都被迫在 1935 年至 1938 年之间将他们的财产出售给非犹太商人。在此期间,许多拉文斯堡犹太人能够在国家社会主义最严重的迫害开始之前逃往国外。虽然至少有八人死于暴力,但据报道,住在拉文斯堡的三名犹太公民因为他们的“雅利安”配偶而幸存下来。可怕的纳粹反人类罪行发生在拉文斯堡。1934 年 1 月 1 日,纳粹德国生效的《遗传性疾病预防法》,意味着患有痴呆症、精神分裂症、癫痫症、遗传性耳聋和其他各种精神障碍等疾病的人可以依法强制绝育。在今天称为 Heilig-Geist 医院的拉文斯堡市医院,强制绝育从 1934 年 4 月开始进行。到 1936 年,绝育是市立医院执行最多的医疗程序。在 1930 年代导致德国吞并波兰的战前年代,现在由克劳斯·施瓦布的父亲欧根·施瓦布直接管理的拉文斯堡的埃舍尔-威斯工厂仍然是拉文斯堡最大的雇主。这家工厂不仅是该镇的主要雇主,而且在施瓦布掌舵期间,希特勒自己的纳粹党还授予埃舍尔-威斯拉文斯堡分公司“国家社会主义模范公司”的称号。纳粹有可能在即将到来的战争中争取这家瑞士公司的合作,他们的进步最终得到了回报。埃舍尔-威斯拉文斯堡与战争
拉文斯堡是战时德国的一个异常现象,因为它从未成为任何盟军空袭的目标。红十字会的存在,以及与包括埃舍尔-威斯在内的多家公司达成的传闻协议,使盟军公开同意不以德国南部城镇为目标。在整个战争期间,它没有被列为重要的军事目标,因此,该镇仍然保留了许多原始特征。然而,战争一开始,拉文斯堡就发生了更黑暗的事情。Eugen Schwab 继续为 Escher-Wyss 管理“国家社会主义模范公司”,这家瑞士公司将帮助纳粹 Wermacht 生产重要的战争武器以及更基本的军备。Escher-Wyss 公司是水电大坝和发电厂大型涡轮机技术的领导者,但他们也为德国战斗机制造零件。他们还密切参与了幕后发生的更险恶的项目,如果这些项目完成,可能会改变第二次世界大战的结果。📷1938 年拉文斯堡市政厅前的纳粹官员,资料来源:Haus der Stadtgeschichte Ravensburg
西方军事情报部门已经意识到埃舍尔-威斯与纳粹的同谋和合作。当时有西方军事情报部门提供的记录,特别是战略服务办公室 (OSS) 汇编的数据中的记录组 226 (RG 226),这表明盟军知道埃舍尔-威斯的一些业务与纳粹打交道。在 RG 226 中,有三个具体提到埃舍尔-威斯,包括:文件编号 47178,内容为:瑞士的 Escher-Wyss 正在为德国处理一个大订单。火焰喷射器以 Brennstoffbehaelter 的名义从瑞士运出。日期为 1944 年 9 月。
文件编号 41589显示,瑞士人允许德国的出口产品储存在他们的国家,一个二战期间据称是中立的国家。条目内容为:Empresa Nacional Calvo Sotelo (ENCASO)、Escher Wyss 和 Mineral Celbau Gesellschaft 之间的业务关系。1页。1944 年 7 月;另见 L 42627 关于西班牙 Empresa Nacional Calvo Sotelo 和德国莱茵金属 Borsig 之间关于储存在瑞士的德国出口产品的合作报告。1页。1944 年 8 月。
档案号72654声称: 匈牙利的铝土矿原先运往德国和瑞士精炼。然后一个政府财团在匈牙利边境的杜纳尔马斯建造了一家铝厂。提供电力;匈牙利贡献了煤矿,设备是从瑞士公司 Escher-Wyss 订购的。1941 年开始生产。2 页。1944 年 5 月。
然而,Escher-Wyss 是一个蓬勃发展的领域的领导者,尤其是新涡轮技术的创造。该公司为位于挪威 Rjukan 附近的 Vemork的Norsk Hydro 工业设施的具有战略意义的水力发电厂设计了 14,500 HP 涡轮机。Norsk Hydro 工厂部分由 Escher Wyss 提供动力,是纳粹控制下唯一能够生产重水的工业工厂,重水是为纳粹原子弹计划制造钚所必需的成分。德国人已将所有可能的资源用于生产重水,但盟军意识到日益绝望的纳粹可能会改变游戏规则的技术进步。在 1942 年和 1943 年期间,尽管重水生产仍在继续,但该水电站是英国突击队和挪威抵抗运动取得部分成功的目标。盟军将向该工厂投下 400 多枚炸弹,几乎没有影响到庞大设施的运营。1944 年,德国船只试图将重水运回德国,但挪威抵抗运动击沉了载有有效载荷的船只。在埃舍尔-威斯的帮助下,纳粹几乎能够改变战局并带来轴心国的胜利。回到拉文斯堡的埃舍尔-威斯工厂,尤金·施瓦布一直忙于让强迫劳动者在他的模范纳粹公司工作。在第二次世界大战期间,近3,600 名强迫劳动者在拉文斯堡工作,包括在埃舍尔·威斯 (Escher Wyss)。据拉文斯堡市档案管理员Andrea Schmuder 称,拉文斯堡的 Escher-Wyss 机械厂在战争期间雇佣了 198 至 203 名公务员和战俘。当地林道历史学家卡尔·施魏泽尔 (Karl Schweizer)表示,埃舍尔-威斯 (Escher-Wyss) 在工厂内为强迫劳动者设立了一个小型特殊营地。由于在拉文斯堡使用了大量强迫劳动者,因此有必要在Ziegelstrasse 16的一个前木匠的车间里建立有记录的最大的纳粹强迫劳动营之一。有一次,这个营地收容了 125 名法国战俘,这些战俘后来在 1942 年被重新分配到其他营地。 法国工人被 150 名俄罗斯战俘所取代,据传,他们在所有战俘中受到的待遇最差. 其中一名囚犯是Zina Jakuschewa,她的工作卡和工作簿由美国大屠杀纪念博物馆保存。这些文件表明她是 1943 年和 1944 年被分配到德国拉文斯堡的非犹太强迫劳工。Eugen Schwab 在战争年代会尽职尽责地维持现状。毕竟,年轻的克劳斯·马丁·施瓦布 (Klaus Martin Schwab) 出生于 1938 年,几年后他的兄弟乌尔斯·赖纳·施瓦布 (Urs Reiner Schwab) 出生,欧根本希望让他的孩子远离伤害。克劳斯·马丁·施瓦布——国际神秘人
克劳斯·施瓦布于 1938 年 3 月 30 日出生于德国拉文斯堡,是一个普通核心家庭中的长子。1945 年至 1947 年间,克劳斯在德国 Au上小学。克劳斯·施瓦布在2006 年接受《爱尔兰时报》采访时回忆说:“战后,我担任法德地区青年协会主席。我的偶像是阿登纳、德加斯佩里和戴高乐。”克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 和他的弟弟乌尔斯·赖纳·施瓦布 (Urs Reiner Schwab) 都将追随祖父戈特弗里德 (Gottfried) 和父亲欧根 (Eugen) 的脚步,最初都接受机械工程师培训。克劳斯的父亲告诉年轻的施瓦布,如果他想对世界产生影响,那么他应该接受机械工程师的培训。这只是施瓦布大学证书的开始。1949 年至 1957 年间,克劳斯开始在拉文斯堡 Spohn-Gymnasium 学习他的众多学位,最终从拉文斯堡人文学院毕业。与1958年和1962年,克劳斯开始与各工程公司工作,并在1962年,克劳斯完成了他的机械工程研究在技术的瑞士联邦理工学院(ETH)在苏黎世与工程文凭。次年,他还在瑞士弗里堡大学完成了经济学课程。从 1963 年到 1966 年,克劳斯担任法兰克福德国机械制造协会 (VDMA) 总干事助理。1965 年,克劳斯还在苏黎世联邦理工学院攻读博士学位,撰写了关于“长期出口信贷作为机械工程中的商业问题”的论文。1966 年,他在苏黎世的瑞士联邦理工学院 (ETH) 获得工程学博士学位。此时,克劳斯的父亲尤金·施瓦布正在游比以前游过的更大的圈子。After being a well known personality in Ravensburg as the Managing Director of the Escher-Wyss factory from before the war, Eugen would eventually be elected as President of the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce. 1966 年,在 Splügen 铁路隧道德国委员会成立期间,Eugen Schwab定义了成立 德国委员会作为一个项目“在我们日益融合的欧洲为广大圈子创造更好更快的联系,从而为文化、经济和社会发展提供新的机会”。1967年,克劳斯·施瓦布在瑞士弗里堡大学获得经济学博士学位,并在美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院获得公共管理硕士学位。在哈佛期间,施瓦布是由教授亨利·基辛格,谁他后来说,是谁曾经最影响了他在他的整个生命过程中的思维上3-4数字中。📷亨利·基辛格和他以前的学生克劳斯·施瓦布在 1980 年世界经济论坛年会上欢迎前英国首相泰德·希思。资料来源:世界经济论坛在前面提到的爱尔兰时报2006 年的文章中,克劳斯谈到那个时期对于他现在的思想思想的形成非常重要,他说:“多年后,当我在哈佛学习后从美国回来时,有两个对我有决定性触发事件的事件。第一个是让-雅克·塞尔万-施赖伯 (Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber) 的著作《美国挑战》——该书称,由于欧洲的管理方法低劣,欧洲将输给美国。另一个事件是——这与爱尔兰有关——六国的欧洲变成了九国的欧洲。” 这两个事件将有助于将克劳斯·施瓦布塑造成一个想要改变人们开展业务方式的人。同年,Klaus 的弟弟 Urs Reiner Schwab从苏黎世联邦理工学院毕业,担任机械工程师,Klaus Schwab 前往父亲的老公司 Escher-Wyss 工作,很快成为苏黎世苏尔寿 Escher-Wyss AG 的助理董事长协助合并公司的重组。这将我们引向克劳斯的核连接。技术官僚的崛起
苏尔寿是一家起源于 1834 年的瑞士公司,在 1906 年开始制造压缩机后首次声名鹊起。到 1914 年,这家家族企业已成为“三大股份公司”的一部分,其中之一是官方控股公司。在 1930 年代,苏尔寿的利润在大萧条期间受到影响,并且与当时的许多企业一样,面临工人的破坏和罢工行动。二战对瑞士的影响可能不如其邻国,但随之而来的经济繁荣导致苏尔寿的实力和市场主导地位不断增强。1966 年,就在克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 抵达埃舍尔-威斯 (Escher-Wyss) 之前,瑞士涡轮机制造商在温特图尔 (Winterthur) 与苏尔寿 (Sulzer) 兄弟签署了合作协议。苏尔寿和 Escher-Wyss 于 1966 年开始合并,当时苏尔寿购买了公司 53% 的股份。Escher-Wyss 于 1969 年正式成为 Sulzer Escher-Wyss AG,​​当时苏尔寿兄弟收购了最后一批股份。合并开始后,Escher-Wyss 将开始重组,两名现有董事会成员将首先发现他们对 Escher-Wyss 的服务即将结束。H. Schindler 博士和 W. Stoffel 博士将从现在由 Georg Sulzer 和 Alfred Schaffner 领导的董事会辞职。Schindler 博士担任 Escher-Wyss 董事会成员已有 28 年之久,并在其大部分服务期间与 Eugen Schwab 一起工作。Peter Schmidheiny 后来接任 Escher-Wyss 董事会主席一职,延续 Schmidheiny 家族对公司高管的统治。在重组过程中,Escher-Wyss 和 Sulzer 决定专注于机械工程的不同领域,Escher-Wyss 工厂主要从事水力发电厂建设,包括涡轮机、蓄能泵、换向机、关闭装置和管道,以及用于造纸和纸浆行业的蒸汽轮机、涡轮压缩机、蒸发系统、离心机和机器。苏尔寿将专注于制冷行业以及蒸汽锅炉建设和燃气轮机。1968 年 1 月 1 日,新重组的 Sulzer Escher-Wyss AG 公开推出,公司变得精简,由于几项大型收购,此举被认为是必要的。这包括与 Brown Boveri的密切合作,Brown Boveri 是一组也曾为纳粹工作的瑞士电气工程公司,为德国人提供二战期间使用的一些 U 艇技术。Brown Boveri 也被描述为“与国防相关的电气承包商”,他们会发现冷战军备竞赛的条件对他们的业务有利。这些瑞士机械工程巨头的合并和重组使他们的合作以独特的方式获得了回报。1968 年格勒诺布尔冬季奥运会期间,苏尔寿和埃舍尔-威斯使用 8 台制冷压缩机制造了数吨人造冰。在1969年,两家公司合并,在一个名为“汉堡”的新客船建设的帮助,世界第一艘是全空调感谢苏尔寿埃舍尔维斯组合。1967年,克劳斯·施瓦布正式走红瑞士商界,率先完成了苏尔寿与埃舍尔-威斯的合并,并与布朗博韦里等人结成了有利可图的联盟。1967 年 12 月,克劳斯将在苏黎世的一次活动上向瑞士顶级机械工程组织发表演讲;瑞士机械和金属制造商雇主协会和瑞士机械制造商协会。在他的演讲中,他正确地预测了将计算机融入现代瑞士机器工程的重要性,并指出:“在 1971 年,甚至今天市场上都没有的产品可能占销售额的四分之一。这要求公司系统地研究可能的发展并找出市场差距。今天,我们机械行业最大的 20 家公司中有 18 家拥有负责此类任务的规划部门。当然,每个人都必须利用最新的技术进步,计算机就是其中之一。我们机器行业的很多中小企业走的是合作的道路,或者是使用专门的数据处理服务商的服务。”Schwab 表示,计算机和数据显然被视为对未来很重要,这在合并期间 Sulzer Escher-Wyss 的重组中得到了进一步预测。苏尔寿的现代网站反映了这一方向上的显着变化,并在 1968 年指出:“材料技术活动[由苏尔寿]加强,并形成了医疗技术产品的基础。从机器制造公司到技术公司的根本转变开始变得明显。”克劳斯施瓦布正在帮助苏尔寿埃舍尔威斯公司转变为不仅仅是一家机器制造巨头,他正在将他们转变为一家高速驾驶进入高科技未来的科技公司。还应该指出的是,苏尔寿 Escher-Wyss 改变了他们的另一个业务重点,以帮助他们“形成医疗技术产品的基础”,这是之前苏尔寿和/或 Escher-Wyss 没有提到的目标行业。但技术进步并不是 Klaus Schwab 想要在 Sulzer Escher-Wyss 引入的唯一升级,他还想改变公司对其业务管理风格的看法。施瓦布和他的亲密伙伴正在推动一种全新的商业理念,该理念将允许“所有员工接受激励的必要性,并确保在家中具有灵活性和机动性。”正是在 1960 年代后期,我们看到克劳斯开始成为公众人物。此时,Sulzer Escher-Wyss 公司也比以往任何时候都更愿意与媒体互动。1969年1月,瑞士巨头们设立了一个名为“机械工业新闻日”的公共咨询会议,主要关注公司管理问题。在活动期间,施瓦布会表示,采用专制式企业管理方式的公司“无法完全激活‘人力资本’”,他在 1960 年代后期的许多不同场合都使用了这一论点。钚和比勒陀利亚
Escher-Wyss 是一些最重要的发电技术的先驱。正如美国能源部在他们关于超临界 CO2 布雷顿循环开发 (CBC)(一种用于水力发电厂和核电厂的设备)的论文中指出的那样,“Escher-Wyss 是已知的第一家为 CBC 系统开发涡轮机械的公司,从 1939 年开始。” 继续说明已经建造了 24 个系统,“Escher-Wyss 设计了功率转换循环并为除 3 之外的所有系统建造了涡轮机械”。到 1966 年就在 Schwab 进入 Escher-Wyss 和苏尔寿合并开始之前,Escher-Wyss 氦气压缩机是为 La Fleur 公司设计的,并延续了布雷顿循环开发的发展。到 1986 年,这项技术对军火工业仍然很重要,核动力无人机配备了氦冷布雷顿循环核反应堆。埃舍尔韦斯介入了与制造和至少早安装核技术在1962年,如由本专利为“用于核电站热交换设备”和该专利在1966年为“核反应堆燃气轮机设备紧急冷却”。在施瓦布离开苏尔寿埃舍尔-威斯之后,苏尔寿还将帮助开发用于铀浓缩的特殊涡轮压缩机,以生产反应堆燃料。当克劳斯·施瓦布于 1967 年加入苏尔寿埃舍尔-威斯并开始将公司重组为一家技术公司时,苏尔寿·埃舍尔-威斯在全球核军备竞赛的阴暗面中的参与立即变得更加明显。在 Klaus 参与之前,Escher-Wyss 经常专注于帮助设计和制造民用核技术部件,例如核能发电。然而,随着渴望的施瓦布先生的到来,该公司也参与了核武器技术的非法扩散。到 1969 年,Escher Wyss 并入苏尔寿的工作已完全完成,他们将更名为苏尔寿公司,并从其名称中删除了历史名称 Escher-Wyss。由于瑞士当局和一位名叫 Peter Hug 的人进行的审查和报告,最终发现 Sulzer Escher-Wyss 在 1960 年代开始秘密采购和制造核武器的关键部件。在施瓦布担任董事会成员的同时,该公司也开始在种族隔离政权最黑暗的时期在南非非法核武器计划的发展中发挥关键作用。克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 是创立公司文化的领军人物,该文化帮助比勒陀利亚制造了六件核武器并部分组装了第七件。在报告中, Peter Hug 概述了 Sulzer Escher Wyss AG(合并后简称 Sulzer AG)如何为南非政府提供重要组成部分,并发现了德国在支持种族主义政权方面的作用的证据,同时还透露瑞士政府“知道非法交易,但'默默容忍',同时积极支持其中一些或只是半心半意地批评他们”。Hug 的报告最终在题为“瑞士和南非 1948-1994 – 瑞士联邦委员会委托的 NFP 42+ 的最终报告”的作品中定稿,该报告由 Georg Kreis 编写并于 2007 年出版。到 1967 年,作为生产钚计划的一部分,南非建造了一座反应堆,即位于佩林达巴的 SAFARI-2。SAFARI-2 是开发重水慢化反应堆项目的一部分,该反应堆将以天然铀为燃料,并使用钠进行冷却。这种与开发重水以制造铀的联系,纳粹在埃舍尔-威斯的帮助下也使用了同样的技术,这可以解释为什么南非人最初让埃舍尔-威斯参与其中。但是到了 1969 年,南非放弃了佩林达巴的重水反应堆项目,因为它正在耗尽其 1967 年首次开始的铀浓缩计划的资源。📷储存中的南非核武器1970年,埃舍尔,韦斯被肯定深深卷入核技术,在记录看到在可用Landesarchivs巴登-符腾堡州。该记录显示了公共采购过程的详细信息,并包含有关与参与核技术和材料采购的特定公司进行奖励谈判的信息。引用的公司包括: NUKEM;乌德; 克兰茨;普鲁士;埃舍尔-威斯;西门子; 莱茵; 莱宝;鲁吉; 和臭名昭著的Transnuklear。瑞士人和南非人在这段历史中有着密切的关系,当时残暴的南非政权很难找到亲密的盟友。到 1977 年 11 月 4 日,联合国安理会通过了第 418 号决议,对南非实施强制性武器禁运,这一禁运要到 1994 年才能完全解除。Georg Kreis 在他对 Hug 报告的详细评估中指出了以下几点:“即使在 1978 年 5 月之后,当局仍采取放任自流的态度这一事实在 1978 年 10 月/12 月反种族隔离运动与 DFMA 之间的换文中脱颖而出。正如 Hug 的研究所阐明的那样,反种族隔离运动瑞士种族隔离运动指出,根据德国的报道,苏尔寿埃舍尔-威斯和一家名为 BBC 的公司为南非铀浓缩厂提供了零件,并多次向 ESCOM 提供信贷,其中还包括瑞士银行的大量捐款。这些断言引发了一个问题,即鉴于对联合国禁运的根本支持,联邦委员会是否不应该促使国家银行在未来停止为 ESCOM 授权信贷。”瑞士银行将帮助资助南非的核武器竞赛,到1986 年,苏尔寿埃舍尔-威斯成功地生产了用于铀浓缩的特殊压缩机。世界经济论坛的成立
1970 年,年轻的新贵克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 写信给欧盟委员会,请求帮助建立“欧洲商业领袖的非商业智囊团”。欧盟委员会也将赞助该活动,派遣法国政治家雷蒙德·巴雷担任论坛的“知识导师”。当时担任欧洲经济和金融事务专员的雷蒙德·巴雷 (Raymond Barre) 后来成为法国总理,并被指控在任期间发表反犹太言论。因此,在 1970 年,施瓦布离开埃舍尔·威斯(Escher Wyss)去组织一次为期两周的企业管理会议。1971 年,世界经济论坛的第一次会议——当时称为欧洲管理研讨会——在瑞士达沃斯召开。来自 31 个国家的约 450 名参与者将参加施瓦布的第一届欧洲管理研讨会,主要由来自不同欧洲公司的经理、政治家和美国学者组成。该项目被记录为由克劳斯·施瓦布和他的秘书希尔德·斯托尔组织的,后者将在同年晚些时候成为克劳斯·施瓦布的妻子。克劳斯的欧洲研讨会并不是一个原创的想法。作为作家恒河JEY Aratnam状态d相当连贯地在2018年:“克劳斯·施瓦布的“达沃斯精神”也是“哈佛精神”。商学院不仅提倡召开座谈会的想法。著名的哈佛经济学家约翰·肯尼斯·加尔布雷思 (John Kenneth Galbraith) 拥护富裕社会、资本主义的规划需求以及东西方的和解。”诚然,正如阿拉特南所指出的,这并不是达沃斯第一次举办此类活动。1928 年至 1931 年间,达沃斯大学会议在贝尔维代尔酒店举行,该活动由阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦共同创立,但因大萧条和迫在眉睫的战争威胁而停止。在罗马俱乐部和WEF
促成克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 研讨会成立的最有影响力的团体是罗马俱乐部,这是一个有影响力的科学和金钱精英智囊团,在许多方面反映了世界经济论坛,包括推动由技术精英。该俱乐部于 1968 年由意大利实业家 Aurelio Peccei 和苏格兰化学家 Alexander King 在意大利贝拉吉奥的洛克菲勒家族拥有的住宅举行的一次私人会议上创立。它的首批成就之一是 1972 年出版的一本题为“增长的极限”的书,该书主要关注全球人口过剩,警告说“如果世界的消费模式和人口增长速度继续保持同样的高速度,地球将在一个世纪。” 在1973 年世界经济论坛第三次会议上,佩切伊发表了对该书的总结发言,世界经济论坛网站认为这是这次历史性会议的重要事件。同年,罗马俱乐部将发布一份报告,详细介绍全球治理的“适应性”模型,该模型将把世界划分为十个相互关联的经济/政治区域。长期以来,罗马俱乐部因其对减少全球人口及其许多早期政策的痴迷而备受争议,批评者称其受到优生学和新马尔萨斯主义的影响。然而,在俱乐部 1991 年臭名昭著的书《第一次全球革命》中,有人认为,如果群众能够将这些政策与针对共同敌人的生存斗争联系起来,则此类政策可以获得民众支持。为此,第一次全球革命包含一段题为“人类共同的敌人是人类”的段落,其中陈述如下:“在寻找我们可以团结起来对抗的共同敌人时,我们想到了污染、全球变暖的威胁、水资源短缺、饥荒等符合要求的想法。就它们的整体和相互作用而言,这些现象确实构成了一个共同的威胁,每个人都必须共同面对。但是,将这些危险视为敌人,我们就落入了我们已经警告过读者的陷阱,即将症状误认为原因。所有这些危险都是由人类对自然过程的干预造成的,只有通过改变态度和行为才能克服这些危险。真正的敌人是人类本身。”此后的几年里,罗马俱乐部和世界经济论坛的精英们经常争辩说,人口控制方法对于保护环境至关重要。因此,世界经济论坛将类似地利用气候和环境问题作为必要时推销其他不受欢迎的政策(例如大重置的政策)也就不足为奇了。过去是序幕
自世���经济论坛成立以来,克劳斯·施瓦布已成为世界上最有权势的人之一,他的大重置使审视这位坐在全球主义宝座上的人变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。鉴于克劳斯·施瓦布在改变现有秩序各个方面的深远努力中发挥的突出作用,很难研究克劳斯·施瓦布的历史。当您开始深入了解像施瓦布这样的人的历史时,他坐在其他阴暗的精英推动者和摇摆者之上,您很快就会发现许多信息已被隐藏或删除。克劳斯是一个想隐藏在社会阴暗角落的人,他只会让普通人看到他们所选择的角色的完美呈现。真正的克劳斯·施瓦布究竟是一位善良的老伯伯,希望为人类造福,还是他真的是纳粹合作者的儿子,他使用奴隶劳动帮助纳粹获得第一颗原子弹?克劳斯是我们应该信任的诚实的业务经理,我们应该信任他为普通人创造一个更公平的社会和工作场所,还是他帮助推动苏尔寿埃舍尔-威斯进入技术革命,导致其在非法制造核武器中的作用南非的种族隔离制度?我所查看的证据并不表明他是一个善良的人,而是一个富有、人脉广泛的家庭的成员,该家庭有帮助为侵略性的种族主义政府制造大规模杀伤性武器的历史。正如克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab)在 2006 年所说, “知识很快就会无处不在——我称之为全球化的‘谷歌化’。不再是你知道什么,而是你如何使用它。你必须成为一个引领者。” Klaus Schwab 认为自己是一名领跑者和顶级牌手,不得不说他的资历和经验令人印象深刻。然而,当谈到实践你所宣扬的东西时,克劳斯被发现了。世界经济论坛优先事项清单上的三大挑战之一是不扩散核武器,但克劳斯·施瓦布和他的父亲欧根在经商时都没有遵守同样的原则。恰恰相反。今年 1 月,克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 宣布,2021 年是世界经济论坛及其盟友必须与群众“重建信任”的一年。然而,如果施瓦布继续隐瞒他的历史以及他父亲与 1930 年代和 1940 年代埃舍尔-威斯的“国家社会主义模范公司”的关系,那么人们将有充分的理由不相信他越权、不民主的潜在动机。伟大的重置议程。在 Schwab 的案例中,证据并不仅仅指向糟糕的商业行为或某种误解。相反,施瓦布家族的故事揭示了为了利润和权力的基本动机与种族灭绝独裁者合作的习惯。纳粹和南非种族隔离政权是现代政治中领导力最糟糕的两个例子,但施瓦布家族当时显然看不到或不会看到这一点。就克劳斯·施瓦布本人而言,他似乎帮助清洗了纳粹时代的遗物,即其核野心和人口控制野心,以确保更深层次议程的连续性。在 Sulzer Escher Wyss 担任领导职务期间,该公司寻求帮助南非政权(当时是世界上与纳粹关系最密切的政府)的核野心,保护 Escher Wyss 自己的纳粹时代遗产。然后,通过世界经济论坛,施瓦布帮助恢复了二战后受优生学影响的人口控制政策,当时纳粹暴行的曝光迅速使伪科学声名狼藉。有什么理由相信克劳斯·施瓦布,他今天的存在,反正已经改变了吗?或者,他仍然是为确保一个非常古老的议程继续存在而进行的长达数十年的努力的公众形象?关于施瓦布先生行为背后的真正动机,应该问的最后一个问题,可能是对人类未来最重要的问题:克劳斯·施瓦布是在试图创造第四次工业革命,还是在试图创造第四帝国?
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pimdm · 4 years
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© Pierre-Marie Drapeau-Martin
« Le pouvoir se charge de vous » ouvre son troisième chapitre dans le cadre de la 70e édition de Jeune Création. Visible du 12 au 26 septembre, l’exposition s’enrichit de nouvelles contributions qui portent un regard sur certaines des luttes qui traversent notre époque, sur les moyens de faire, de montrer, de dénoncer ou de célébrer le pouvoir.
Avec : Pooya Abbasian, Carla Adra, Shadi Alzaqzouq, Antide Champagne de Labriolle, Karem Arrieta, Eduardo Arroyo, association AIDES, Carmen Ayala Marin, Michelle Baillon, Manon Bara, Luc Barrovecchio, Joachim Biehler, Benoit Blanchard, Elvire Bonduelle, Mauro Bordin, Matthieu Boucherit, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Camille Bres, Michail Camellinni, Jeremy Chabaud, Marion Chaillou, Chevaline Corporation, Dorian Cohen, Jean-loup Cornilleau, Max Coulon, Xavier Dartayre, Delphine de Luppé, Steve Di Geronimo, Pierre-Marie Drapeau-Martin, Arthur Dreyfus, Dugudus, Martin Faure, Fred Deux, Alexis Gallissaires, Anne-Valérie Gasc, Julia Gat, Yifat Gat, Nathalie Genot, Ludivine Gonthier, Nathalie Grenier, Hélène Gugenheim, Marko Isidor, Kanaria, Rieko Koga, Magdalena Lamri, El Mehdi Largo, Hervé Lassince, Virgine Laurent, Mathieu Legrand-Losfeld, Gaia Light, Lucas Ruiz, Fabien Merelle, Donka Mishineva, Sophie Monjaret, Flavien Moras, Olivier Nouvellet,  Riccardo Olerhead, Abel Omer, Franck Omer, Benoit Pingeot, Bernard Plasse, Marius Pons de Vincent, Paul Rebeyrolle, Cecile Reims, Camille Santacreu, Julien Serve, Quentin Tran Spohn & Mathieu Spohn , Cieja Stojka, Julio Villani, Nathalia Villanueva, Henri Wagner, Yang Wang, Lucie Watts, Joon-Young Yoo et Emile Zola.
Galerie Jeune Création 43 rue de la commune de paris 93230 romainville Métro Ligne 5 (Bobigny-Pantin-Raymond Queneau) 12-26.09 2020 mer. sam. 12h-18h
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portaldiario · 5 years
Reforma educativa, paridad de género y derechos de los afromexicanos, entre los asuntos atendidos por la permanente
Durante el Segundo Periodo de Receso del Primer Año de Ejercicio Constitucional de la 60 Legislatura, la Diputación Permanente celebró seis sesiones en las que recibió 14 iniciativas de decreto y 14 puntos de acuerdo, emitió tres decretos y cinco acuerdos, y convocó a tres periodos extraordinarios en los que el Pleno resolvió tres minutas enviadas por las Cámaras de Senadores y de Diputados del Congreso de la Unión, relativas a reformas constitucionales en materia educativa, de paridad de género y de derechos de las personas, pueblos y comunidades afromexicanas.
La diputada Karla Leticia Fiesco García (PAN), quien presidió la Permanente que este día concluyó sus funciones, dijo que este órgano parlamentario reflejó la madurez política y el criterio de diálogo, respeto y unidad que ha caracterizado a la 60 Legislatura, y que las decisiones tomadas se enriquecieron con las aportaciones de las y los diputados de los diferentes grupos parlamentarios, y en todos los casos se llegó a resultados unánimes.
Aseguró que los legisladores tuvieron especial cuidado en garantizar la representación y continuidad del Poder Legislativo, cuidando la observancia del principio de la división de poderes y favoreciendo una relación institucional respetuosa con el Ejecutivo, el Judicial y con los municipios.
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Por otro lado, detalló que, en ese periodo de receso, que comenzó el 30 de abril, las comisiones y los comités legislativos celebraron 31 reuniones, en las que estudiaron y analizaron 39 iniciativas, dos puntos de acuerdo y seis asuntos propios de las comisiones, y emitieron 11 dictámenes, que servirán de sustento al quehacer que la Legislatura realizará en el periodo ordinario.
Precisó que la presidencia de la Diputación asumió la representación de la Legislatura y defendió sus intereses ante distintas autoridades; en materia de actos jurisdiccionales fueron sustanciados 158 juicios de amparo indirecto, 150 informes justificados y 68 informes previos. Y como parte de la comunicación permanente del Poder Legislativo con otras instancias y con la ciudadanía, se dio trámite a mil 236 documentos. 
La legisladora agradeció a la Junta de Coordinación Política y a sus compañeros por la distinción para los integrantes de la Diputación Permanente de ejercer esta función, la cual "nos ha permitido contribuir con las responsabilidades del Poder Legislativo, y, sobre todo, servir a las y los mexiquenses, con quienes tenemos un permanente compromiso". 
Este órgano legislativo también estuvo conformado por las y los diputados Alicia Mercado Moreno, Iveth Bernal Casique, Mario Gabriel Gutiérrez Cureño, Brenda Selene Aguilar Zamora, Nancy Nápoles Pacheco, Sergio García Sosa, María de Jesús Galicia Ramos, Crista Amanda Spohn Gotzel, Valentín González Bautista, Claudia González Cerón, Max Agustín Correa Hernández, María Luisa Mendoza Mondragón y María de Lourdes Garay Casillas. (Foto: Especial Portal)
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mrlongkgraves · 6 years
Nurse acts quickly after decapitated rattlesnake bites husband
A Texas nurse “jumped into professional mode” after her husband was bitten by a rattlesnake minutes after he had cut off its head in their yard.
The couple was preparing their yard for an upcoming cookout when disaster struck in the form of a decapitated rattlesnake.
According to the NPR story:
Jennifer Sutcliffe — who happens to be a nurse — told KIII TV she jumped into professional mode after her husband, Jeremy, was bitten. She got him into the car and called 911 to find the nearest hospital to Lake Corpus Christi in Southern Texas that had anti-venom medication on hand. It was an hour away, Sutcliffe told The Washington Post.
Eventually, he was flown to Christus Spohn Shorelines Hospital. According to a People article, “once there, Jeremy went into septic shock and doctors placed him in a medically induced coma that evening.”
“There was actually three different times in the first 24 hours that the doctors told me that they didn’t think he was going to make it,” Sutcliffe told the Washington Post. “As a nurse, knowing what they were talking about was scary. I kept talking to him while he was in a coma, and I kept telling him to fight it, and he made it through.”
According to the People article:
Jeremy came out of his coma on May 31, after receiving a total of 26 doses of antivenom, a massive amount considering snake bites typically require two to four doses, Sutcliffe says. As of Thursday, Jeremy remains in stable condition, though he is experiencing acute renal failure.
“He’s stable, but he’s still on dialysis because his kidneys aren’t working,” Sutcliffe said. “They’re doing a lot of wound care as he lost the skin on his right two middle fingers, it’s just a high risk of infection for that wound.”
How you can help the Sutcliffes
The couple has set up a GoFundMe page, which as of Friday morning has raised $1,380 of the $100,000 goal. According to the GoFundMe page:
He is still recovering with acute renal failure that requires dialysis and is getting aggressive wound care to his hand. He has Medicare Insurance due to disability from having Guillian Barre in 2011 that left him unable to work. With Medicare he has to pay 20% of everything and it has no max out of pocket limit like most insurances. So our portion will likely be an extremely high amount.
How to care for rattlesnake bites
The best data available indicates that about 9,000 people are treated annually for pit viper snakebites in the U.S., and pit viper snakebites account for six to seven deaths per year.
Because snakebites may go unreported to poison control centers, this number is probably underestimated. Though mortality is very low, victims can suffer significant toxic effects, loss of function, disfigurement or even amputation.
Most of these consequences can be linked to inappropriate treatment, delay in seeking appropriate help or inaccessible medical care. Misconceptions about the proper treatment of these emergencies abound. Healthcare professionals as a team need to monitor snakebite victims closely, even when they appear to be out of danger, and use the expertise available from local poison control centers.
As a healthcare professional, do you know what to do when you encounter a rattlesnake bite?
The Nurse.com Rattlesnake Bite course is meant to update clinical knowledge of nurses, fitness professionals and health educators about the recognition, care and treatment of patients who have snakebites. After studying the information presented in the course, you will be able to:
Recognize signs and symptoms of snakebites
Name four treatments that should not be used for rattlesnake bites
List three indications for antivenom administration and infusion precautions
The post Nurse acts quickly after decapitated rattlesnake bites husband appeared first on Nursing News, Stories & Articles.
from Nursing News, Stories & Articles https://ift.tt/2HwodId
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ngaitana · 6 years
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Y esto nos dejo el siglo XX capturado en un museo de los "modernos"... Jackson Pollock, Diego Rivera , Franz Marc, Max Beckman, Paul Klee, Henri Matisse, Clay Spohn, Ruth Asawa... (en SFMOMA San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
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theguitarchannel · 2 years
NAMM 2022 - Full video and photo report of the Saturday
NAMM 2022 – Full video and photo report of the Saturday
Saturday at the NAMM 2022 was an amazing with a lot of visitors. It felt really good to see this joyous crowd throughly enjoying the guitar show! No less than thirteen interviews to bring you the information straight from the show floor. NAMM 2022 Saturday report Interviewees of the day Andy Powers from Taylor GuitarsCsaba Bedenek from FibenareMatt Eich from Mule ResonatorThomas Blug with Pete…
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NASA's Push to Save the Mars InSight Lander's Heat Probe NASA's InSight lander, which is on a mission to explore the deep interior of Mars, positioned its robotic arm this past weekend to assist the spacecraft's self-hammering heat probe. Known as "the mole," the probe has been unable to dig more than about 14 inches (35 centimeters) since it began burying itself into the ground on Feb. 28, 2019. The maneuver is in preparation for a tactic, to be tried over several weeks, called "pinning." "We're going to try pressing the side of the scoop against the mole, pinning it to the wall of its hole," said InSight Deputy Principal Investigator Sue Smrekar of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "This might increase friction enough to keep it moving forward when mole hammering resumes." Whether the extra pressure on the mole will compensate for the unique soil remains an unknown. Designed to burrow as much as 16 feet (5 meters) underground to record the amount of heat escaping from the planet's interior, the mole needs friction from surrounding soil in order to dig: Without it, recoil from the self-hammering action causes it to simply bounce in place, which is what the mission team suspects is happening now. While JPL manages the InSight mission for NASA, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) provided the heat probe, which is part of an instrument called the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3). Back in June, the team devised a plan to help the heat probe. The mole wasn't designed to be picked up and relocated once it begins digging. Instead, the robotic arm removed a support structure intended to hold the mole steady as it digs into the Martian surface. Removing the structure allowed the InSight team to get a better look at the hole that formed around the mole as it hammered. It's possible that the mole has hit a rock, but testing by DLR suggested the issue was soil that clumps together rather than falling around the mole as it hammers. Sure enough, the arm's camera discovered that below the surface appears to be 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 centimeters) of duricrust, a kind of cemented soil thicker than anything encountered on other Mars missions and different from the soil the mole was designed for. "All we know about the soil is what we can see in images InSight sends us," said Tilman Spohn, HP3's principal investigator at DLR. "Since we can't bring the soil to the mole, maybe we can bring the mole to the soil by pinning it in the hole." Using a scoop on the robotic arm, the team poked and pushed the soil seven times over the summer in an effort to collapse the hole. No such luck. It shouldn't take much force to collapse the hole, but the arm isn't pushing at full strength. The team placed HP3 as far from the lander as possible so that the spacecraft's shadow wouldn't influence the heat probe's temperature readings. As a result, the arm, which wasn't intended to be used this way, has to stretch out and press at an angle, exerting much less force than if the mole were closer. "We're asking the arm to punch above its weight," said Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu, the lead arm engineer at JPL. "The arm can't push the soil the way a person can. This would be easier if it could, but that's just not the arm we have." Interplanetary rescue operations aren't new to NASA. The Mars Exploration Rover team helped save Spirit and Opportunity on more than one occasion. Coming up with workable solutions requires an extraordinary amount of patience and planning. JPL has a working replica of InSight to practice arm movements, and it has a working model of the heat probe as well. Besides pinning, the team is also testing a technique to use the scoop in the way it was originally intended to work: scraping soil into the hole rather than trying to compress it. Both techniques might be visible to the public in raw images that come down from InSight in the near future. About InSight JPL manages InSight for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA's Discovery Program, managed by the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supports spacecraft operations for the mission. A number of European partners, including France's Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument to NASA, with the principal investigator at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). Significant contributions for SEIS came from IPGP; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain's Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the temperature and wind sensors.
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Mars InSight's 'Mole' Is Moving Again NASA's InSight spacecraft has used its robotic arm to help its heat probe, known as "the mole," dig nearly 2 centimeters (3/4 of an inch) over the past week. While modest, the movement is significant: Designed to dig as much as 16 feet (5 meters) underground to gauge the heat escaping from the planet's interior, the mole has only managed to partially bury itself since it started hammering in February 2019. The recent movement is the result of a new strategy, arrived at after extensive testing on Earth, which found that unexpectedly strong soil is holding up the mole's progress. The mole needs friction from surrounding soil in order to move: Without it, recoil from its self-hammering action will cause it to simply bounce in place. Pressing the scoop on InSight's robotic arm against the mole, a new technique called "pinning," appears to provide the probe with the friction it needs to continue digging. Since Oct. 8, 2019, the mole has hammered 220 times over three separate occasions. Images sent down from the spacecraft's cameras have shown the mole gradually progressing into the ground. It will take more time - and hammering - for the team to see how far the mole can go. The mole is part of an instrument called the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package, or HP3, which was provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). "Seeing the mole's progress seems to indicate that there's no rock blocking our path," said HP3 Principal Investigator Tilman Spohn of DLR. "That's great news! We're rooting for our mole to keep going." NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, leads the InSight mission. JPL has tested the robotic arm's movement using full-scale replicas of InSight and the mole. Engineers continue to test what would happen if the mole were to sink beneath the reach of the robotic arm. If it stops making progress, they might scrape soil on top of the mole, adding mass to resist the mole's recoil. If no other options exist, they would consider pressing the scoop down directly on the top of the mole while trying to avoid the sensitive tether there; the tether provides power to and relays data from the instrument. "The mole still has a way to go, but we're all thrilled to see it digging again," said Troy Hudson of JPL, an engineer and scientist who has led the mole recovery effort. "When we first encountered this problem, it was crushing. But I thought, 'Maybe there's a chance; let's keep pressing on.' And right now, I'm feeling giddy." About InSight JPL manages InSight for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA's Discovery Program, managed by the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supports spacecraft operations for the mission. A number of European partners, including France's Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument to NASA, with the principal investigator at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). Significant contributions for SEIS came from IPGP; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain's Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the temperature and wind sensors.
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NASA's InSight Prepares to Take Mars' Temperature Updated at 1:15 p.m. PST (4 p.m. PST) on Feb. 13: The sixth paragraph has been edited to more accurately explain the heat probe's process of measuring thermal conductivity. NASA's InSight lander has placed its second instrument on the Martian surface. New images confirm that the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package, or HP3, was successfully deployed on Feb. 12 about 3 feet (1 meter) from InSight's seismometer, which the lander recently covered with a protective shield. HP3 measures heat moving through Mars' subsurface and can help scientists figure out how much energy it takes to build a rocky world. Equipped with a self-hammering spike, mole, the instrument will burrow up to 16 feet (5 meters) below the surface, deeper than any previous mission to the Red Planet. For comparison, NASA's Viking 1 lander scooped 8.6 inches (22 centimeters) down. The agency's Phoenix lander, a cousin of InSight, scooped 7 inches (18 centimeters) down. "We're looking forward to breaking some records on Mars," said HP3 Principal Investigator Tilman Spohn of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), which provided the heat probe for the InSight mission. "Within a few days, we'll finally break ground using a part of our instrument we call the mole." HP3 looks a bit like an automobile jack but with a vertical metal tube up front to hold the 16-inch-long (40-centimeter-long) mole. A tether connects HP3's support structure to the lander, while a tether attached to the top of the mole features heat sensors to measure the temperature of the Martian subsurface. Meanwhile, heat sensors in the mole itself will measure the soil's thermal conductivity - how easily heat moves through the subsurface. "Our probe is designed to measure heat coming from the inside of Mars," said InSight Deputy Principal Investigator Sue Smrekar of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "That's why we want to get it belowground. Temperature changes on the surface, both from the seasons and the day-night cycle, could add 'noise' to our data." The mole will stop every 19 inches (50 centimeters) to take a thermal conductivity measurement of the soil. Because hammering creates friction and releases heat, the mole is first allowed to cool down for a good two days. Then it will be heated up by about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) over 24 hours. Temperature sensors within the mole measure how rapidly this happens, which tells scientists the conductivity of the soil. If the mole encounters a large rock before reaching at least 10 feet (3 meters) down, the team will need a full Martian year (two Earth years) to filter noise out of their data. This is one reason the team carefully selected a landing site with few rocks and why it spent weeks choosing where to place the instrument. "We picked the ideal landing site, with almost no rocks at the surface," said JPL's Troy Hudson, a scientist and engineer who helped design HP3. "That gives us reason to believe there aren't many large rocks in the subsurface. But we have to wait and see what we'll encounter underground." However deep it gets, there's no debating that the mole is a feat of engineering. "That thing weighs less than a pair of shoes, uses less power than a Wi-Fi router and has to dig at least 10 feet [3 meters] on another planet," Hudson said. "It took so much work to get a version that could make tens of thousands of hammer strokes without tearing itself apart; some early versions failed before making it to 16 feet [5 meters], but the version we sent to Mars has proven its robustness time and again." About InSight JPL manages InSight for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA's Discovery Program, managed by the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supports spacecraft operations for the mission. A number of European partners, including France's Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument, with significant contributions from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Zurich, Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain's Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the wind sensors. IMAGE....NASA's InSight lander set its heat probe, called the Heat and Physical Properties Package (HP3), on the Martian surface on Feb. 12, 2019. JPL manages InSight for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA's Discovery Program, managed by the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supports spacecraft operations for the mission. A number of European partners, including France's Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument, with significant contributions from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany, the Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH) in Switzerland, Imperial College and Oxford University in the United Kingdom, and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain's Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the wind sensors.
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portaldiario · 5 years
El estudio de una eventual nueva ley para la UAEM se procesara en un ambiente de pluralidad y diálogo: Max Correa
En el estudio de todas las propuestas para reformar la Ley de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMex), tanto la 60 Legislatura estatal como los siete grupos parlamentarios, y en especial el de morena, “tomaremos en cuenta a todas las voces; vamos a escucharlos a todos”, propiciando un ambiente de diálogo y pluralidad para no caer en la polarización, aseguró el diputado Max Agustín Correa Hernández (morena).
Al participar en el foro al que convocó la Red Universitaria para la Transformación de la UAEMex, en el salón Benito Juárez de la Cámara de Diputados, el diputado morenista dio la bienvenida a la propuesta de ley para la máxima casa de estudios presentada por este colectivo, y se comprometió a esperar la que presenten las autoridades universitarias o el Ejecutivo estatal, con el fin de trabajar en el diseño de una sola.
Ante docentes, empleados y alumnos de esa institución, así como los académicos Fermín Carreño Meléndez y Jaciel Montoya Arce, dirigentes del colectivo organizador, Correa Hernández se pronunció por replicar este foro en otras regiones de la entidad para recoger las opiniones, propuestas y demandas de universitarios de distintos centros académicos de la UAEMex, como el de Zumpango, donde ya fue invitado a escuchar y conocer planteamientos sobre los problemas y las condiciones que enfrenta su comunidad universitaria.
Con la presencia del coordinador del grupo legislativo del PES, Carlos Loman Delgado, y los legisladores de morena Crista Amanda  Spohn Gotzel, Xóchitl Flores Jiménez, Faustino de la Cruz Pérez, María de Jesús Galicia Ramos y Gerardo Ulloa Pérez, apuntó que se dará seguimiento a las propuestas, presentadas en el foro, de realizar auditorías a la Universidad, trabajar en una reforma integral a su legislación y garantizar la gratuidad de la educación.
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El legislador Max Correa refrendó el respeto de la bancada de morena a la autonomía “bien entendida” de la UAEMex, y recordó que con la aprobación del Presupuesto de Egresos 2019, los legisladores autorizaron incrementos de recursos para la Universidad etiquetándolos para investigación académica, pago de adeudos al Issemym y subsidio de créditos a estudiantes.
Al dar la bienvenida al encuentro, su compañero Faustino de la Cruz Pérez felicitó a los convocantes porque es todo un reto perfilar y buscar un cambio profundo en esta casa de estudios, que es un baluarte de la entidad. Tras recordar que la institución se ha visto envuelta en problemas como la “estafa maestra” y los adeudos con el Issemym se pronunció por su democratización.
En su momento, Fermín Carreño aseveró que esta ocasión será histórica, porque la Legislatura abre sus espacios para escuchar a los universitarios. Con el Foro se quiere, continuó, sensibilizar y aportar elementos de análisis a la Soberanía Popular, con el objetivo de que pueda diseñar una nueva legislación universitaria y tome medidas para detener el daño que se la hace a la Universidad.
El encuentro se realizó en cuatro bloques denominados Auditoría Especial, Propuesta de Ley Alternativa, Gratuidad de la Educación y Derechos Laborales, coordinados, respectivamente, por Augusto López, Eduardo Sandoval, Mariel Masie y Manuel Soto.
Correspondió al investigador Jaciel Montoya exponer las conclusiones, entre las que destacó la urgencia de practicar una auditoría externa a la institución y nombrar un auditor externo conforme a lo que dispone la Ley del Sistema Anticorrupción del Estado de México y Municipios.
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Otras conclusiones se refirieron a democratizar todos los órganos de gobierno de la UAEMex, así como garantizar la paridad en el Consejo Universitario y la representación de los centros foráneos en este órgano; asimismo, garantizar la gratuidad de la educación en los términos de la Cuarta Transformación que promueve el presidente de la República, y terminar con los despidos injustificados de docentes, violaciones a los derechos laborales de académicos y empleados, asegurar el derecho a la vivienda de éstos, en el marco de los programas del Infonavit, así como regularizar y mejorar las condiciones laborales de los profesores de asignatura.
Para resolver todos estos señalamientos y demandas, los participantes se pronunciaron por la intervención de los diputados mexiquenses de la 60 Legislatura.(Foto: Especial Portal)
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