#MaxMayfield EricaSinclair StrangerThingsFanfic Max'sLetters
Max Mayfield’s Letter to Erica Sinclair (my mini-fanfic for a Twitter contest)
Dear Erica,
If you’re reading this, it might mean I never got the chance to grow up and become your sister-in-law. That would be among my biggest regrets. I hope you know that would have meant the world to me. I never had a sister before you became one in my mind. You are seriously a badass. I heard all about your adventures with Dustin and Steve and Robin. They never would have been able to infiltrate the Russian base under the Starcourt Mall without your personal badassery. Watching you stand up to Murray with your sass and your facts and make the adults take us kids’ perspectives seriously, you were a role model for me in that moment. Also, I know what it feels like to need to carve out your own personality from the shadow of an older, sports-star brother. You really shine. Thank you for being here for me. Please know whatever happened to me wasn’t your fault. I really mean that. Survivor’s guilt is painful, and I hope to spare you from that. 
Take care of dear Lucas for me. I’ll always love you both…wherever I’ve gone. 
Love, your sister at heart, Max.
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