#Maxwell Elizabeth Puckett
illgetthe · 1 year
Maxwell Elizabeth Puckett & Issac "no middle name" O'Connor
Oh and Zoey Grace Puckett as well :3
ok starting with max HHGG RAAH
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The still vaguely pretentious name bit is still there however in a way all middle names are. Elizabeth unlike lawrence is a name you give with love. (Lawrence you love as a person. Elizabeth is a fancy loving word.) You send a lawrence to the circus to show off how good he is at calligraphy you pass down to an Elizabeth your family trauma WHICH speaking of you know that white werewolf who was garcias mentor Shrike? (Which by the way read that in the recap before chapter 8 which somehow I completely missed and never read hello?) Looks like an Elizabeth/Lizzie to me. I know it's not relevant but if shrike and ms puckett were ever besties before the disaster that's where the name came from. to me. ANYWAYS ignoring that: elizabeth gives max that vague feminine/ enby /something that the little twerp has somewhere inside. You could call this name across the house if my boy didn't do the dishes when he was supposed to. Haha funny ENOUGH HAAHA the stupid baby names websites whisper their secrets in my ears and one secret is Elizabeth means God's promise/God is my oath. Haha haha this broken god catboy would be doomed from the start! Hahaahahaahaha!!!! Eh hem cough the problem with ranking here is the still remaining consideration towards lawrence, which as of now is my only max middle name to compare to. While lawrence takes the power already stored within the name Maxwell Puckett, and increases it tenfold, Elizabeth gives it a new flavour, a new twist (color: green)- to me it's a weighty name , something kind and sad at once. And also unfortunately very british. Is something like that too much for blue cap, scooter boy max? Would he be looked at my his goofy parents and be bestowed this name? To decide whether I'd rank this a 9 or a 10 i needed to stop and consider what middle names are to, at the very least, myself. Very simply, very factually: a name not usually associated with someone until you know them better! Very often taken from a relative your moma' or dada' or what'ever'a liked! MAXWELL and PUCKETT is the sandwhich bread, lettuce, cheese, but Elizabeth is the hidden pickle. You see the Max at first sight, the metal scooter boy, the random middle schooler. You learn of, unfold, later feel the Elizabeth. Therefore, perchance, I do'eth claim: 10/10 elizabeth is a name for someone with mommy issues.
Going to reblog and adress grace + isaac ?¿¡error•`¡ o'connor
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illgetthe · 1 year
isabel mei guerra + maxwell vincent puckell :-)
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AYGHH what draws me to this one is that it's a chinese name, so in my mind it would have been given by Ms chen...AAAA jt means! Beautiful or plum! And it contrasts the name guerra (war) × isabel (pledged to god is one meaning ) with something that is just. BEAUTIFUL. my beautiful baby!! I finally remembered what I was trying to say earlier because originally i was not going to write the pickle in the sandwich (re: max middle name Elizabeth post) I was going to say something like where you open up a fortune cookie with the hard shell and the little fortune inside is the middle name! You don't know it until you open up the cookie!
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Max first sees her as a 'small, cheerful girl' but almost everyone else sees her as (or wants her to be) a fighter and are only focused on that. That's the shell, bab-y! For a more point-blank analogy something meaning 'good natured', 'kind' or maybe even 'conflicted' or 'empathetic' would work, but I like 'beautiful' because it's something LOVING but also isolated to who isabel is as a person. Her mother loves her! She looks at her and goes 'beautiful'! 'let me give this fresh wrinkly baby a cute middle name'! The isolation found in a simple description both seems to me like something symbolic of the (supposed) rift between Amy Chen, working mother, and isabel....but it also doesn't try to define her. It's not something meaning 'tough' or etc, although that would be just as interesting as a middle name, and it's not a family name that also happens to belong to the tradition she's trying to go against (or redefine) in her life (yall remember the traditions wack rap from her?). Its just sweet! 9.5/10!
AA okay. Okay. Vincent for max: combines both the logics i used for last posts (vaguely pretentious/only fictional people would have this name *just kidding*) (gender vibes. sad sounding....british *french/latin actually*.). That makes this HARD. HARDDDD. At first i was going to say "WELL im an all or nothing guy so although this is the best of both worlds I'm here for the EXTREMES so 8/10" but then i was like ITS SUCH A GOOD NAME THOUGH! Then i was like "it kinda reminds me of like, a prince- an ice prince! not max-ish on that account!" but then i was like HAHA makes me think of the pucketts (puckells.....) forcing their dirty skateboard trick 7 year old son to have combed hair and nice clothes....a little proper gentleman...and regarding fortune cookie logic he's over here trying to be cool flip kid but inside you get a name that sounds lonely yet pretty and means 'prevailing'. AAAAA! HE PREVAILS! Its a name that fits him cozily yet also he might be embarrassed of it! And Elizabeth has 'oath' in its meaning...hggrh... gaah!! I think I'll drive myself insane thinking on it much longer so : 9/10. Forge would approve if someone added a 'THE GREAT' to it, I think. Thank you!!
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