#May he rot in Dracula's dungeon
comraderaccoon · 2 years
When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie
It’s the Romanian authorities open up BITCH!!
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asphyxiateher · 3 years
Only Monsters Come Out At Night
Chapter Four: The Ties that Bind
Summary: Desdemona receives a warning from Lady Dimitrescu before she sets off to spend time with Cassandra. Veronica is alive but just barely. 
A/N: This chapter is longer than anticipated, I tried to be descriptive without being too wordy but alas, I hope you enjoy anyway. 
Desdemona Hawthorne wishes she could convince herself that she does not believe in luck because it’s a flimsy excuse that most people fall back on to justify the unfavorable circumstances they may find themselves in. Growing up in the suburbs, she had heard all kinds of non-sense about how putting enough positive thoughts and energy out in the universe would grant you the gift of receiving everything you have ever wanted in return. Desdemona isn’t quite sure how to describe her current predicament, but she is certain that even vomiting rainbows and shitting out sunshine would not be enough to get her out of Castle Dimitrescu. No, this is the rotten luck she’s grown accustomed to having follow her around and it had tainted this vacation from the beginning. She just wanted to see the castle that inspired Dracula and learn about its history so she could say she went out there to pursue a seemingly impossible dream and made it come true.
Desdemona did not come out here to be imprisoned by three monstrous vampires who either wanted to kill her or fuck her, she couldn’t tell which they wanted to do more of at this point, so this whole unnerving, unpleasant experience warranted a refund. She had been expecting a tour guide and a group of fellow tourists when her group made it up here but instead, here she was stuck in a foul-smelling, subterranean cellar that was currently occupied by her and the three vampiric sisters she mentioned earlier. The eldest sister, Bela, stood in front of Desdemona protectively as she attempted to swat away at her sisters that were now slowly approaching them with raised sickles. “She’s mine, you delusional twit! She gave me something that was clearly important to her, that means she has declared herself to me!” Bela hollered, hissing when Daniela swung her sickle at her. “Bela, you selfish brat, you’re always sucking up to Mother and trying to be better than us at everything, but she told you to share! I am sick and tired of being given the leftovers; sometimes I want the first bite, you know!” Cassandra whines, transforming into a massive ball of insects only to instantly appear by Desdemona’s side.   “Cassandra, you know how it is with Bela; we do all the work, and she takes all the credit! Let us humble our dear sister and take what is rightfully ours.” Daniela snarls, a dangerous glint in her eyes as she flicks her gaze over to Desdemona. She licks her lips and moans when she takes in her prey’s scent, her fear sweetening her blood.
Desdemona was at a loss for words the moment Daniela expressed her clear distaste for her sister’s arrogance. It was not only what came out of her mouth that perplexed the human, but it was in the manner of how she complained to Cassandra about Bela. The whole unsettling conversation between the siblings made Desdemona feel like they were ready to tear her apart so they could divide her evenly between the three of them. In hindsight, she probably should not have given any of the sisters a gift if this was going to be the reaction, but had they all been here the other day, maybe she could have given them all a little something to remember her by at the same time. However, this little opportunity could prove to be beneficial should the women begin tearing and clawing at each other rather than her. Maybe this is where they shred each other apart and Desdemona might have a fighting chance at making it out of here after all. She needed to find out where this was going fast and if she was going to need to take cover.
“Daughters, what is the meaning of this? I have bestowed each of you a gift that the three of you were supposed to share and take responsibility for only to have you throw back the kindness I’ve shown you back in my face!” Alcina’s booming voice in dungeon startled everyone in the room. The chamber door clicked open, exposing the rather imposing figure that belonged to Lady Dimitrescu. She scanned the room and glared at her three cowering daughters, carelessly throwing in another body into the room that she had been hauling behind her. Desdemona’s eyes widened in surprise when she recognized Veronica’s limp body curled on the ground.
“You know you’re supposed to take care of your pets and not let them rot in the cellar! Have I not taught you girls any manners or did I overestimate your ability to take care of this human you are all so fond of? Ugh, no matter, I have another task for you girls. You are to assist Karl with a project; he found an abandoned van not too far from the village and was able to tow it back to the castle. We found some of Desdemona’s belongings that I’m sure you all would be interested in.” Alcina said sweetly, smirking when her daughters expressed their delight at embarking on such a quest. Desdemona carefully approached Veronica’s resting form and knelt on the ground beside her, gently lifting her head and placing it on her lap. She gasped aloud when she saw how bruised and broken Veronica appeared, her hair disheveled as her skin was marred with darkened bruises and scars that indicated severe physical trauma. Veronica shifted in place and lifted a shaky hand in the air, her breathing slow and calm when she feels Desdemona’s fingers clasp together with hers.
 “What…what happened to you, V? You look like shit.” Desdemona teases, hoping to brighten her best friend’s mood somehow. Veronica smiles at Dezzy’s playful tone and lightly squeezes her hand. Veronica suddenly grimaces and turns her head to her side, her tongue rolling around against her cheek before she spits something out.
‘Wait, did she just spit out a tooth? What did Lady Dimitrescu do to you, Veronica?’ Desdemona sadly thinks to herself as she pulls Veronica closer until she’s settled comfortably on her lap.
“You know me, Dezzy, I don’t know when to shut the fuck up. She wants to break me and I want to irritate her until my very last breath; this relationship is in absolutely no way toxic.” Veronica says, coughing out blood when she tries to laugh through the pain.
“Mother, that loud-mouth with the gross blood is touching our plaything. May we slit her throat and hang her upside down until she bleeds out?” Cassandra asks with a sneer. Daniela is scowling at Veronica and she looks ready to pounce but she somehow manages to refrain from doing so after looking to her mother for any signs of approval. Thankfully, Alcina manages to look annoyed with the request more than anything.
“No, no, you girls will not touch what belongs to me. She was starting to bore me so throwing her in here for a day will allow me to recharge. I will, however, remind you that your new task needs to be done immediately so I suggest you find your dear Uncle Karl and help him with whatever he needs. I will tend to your pet and give her a bath. She and I need to have an important talk regarding your needs.” Alcina states as she glances over to Desdemona cradling her best friend in her arms.
“Mother, if Desdemona needs a bath, I would be more than happy to assist you in all matters that concern my beloved.” Bela offers, beaming when she gazes into Desdemona’s eyes.
The crestfallen expression on Bela’s face after Alcina politely rejects her offer has the other two sisters snickering in the back. Disheartened at the idea of Desdemona being handled in the bath by her mother, Bela disintegrates into a million insects and leaves the space. Her two sisters soon follow when their mother shoots them a knowing look.
Alcina’s attention now falls on Desdemona and the surviving Hawthorne twin feels her heart begin to race. She doesn’t quite know how to act around Lady Dimitrescu and judging by how broken Veronica looked, Desdemona figures she must continue to act submissive and demonstrate manners when she’s spoken to. Until she can come up with a formidable plan to escape the castle with her best friend in tow, Desdemona must continue to get to know Lady Dimitrescu and her three daughters better. She’ll eventually figure out what their weaknesses are by playing the long game.
“I guess I better get going, V. Please feel better soon and you know, try not to die.” Desdemona says as she places a gentle kiss on her friend’s forehead.
 Veronica scoffs and bats away at her in response.
“I can’t make any promises I can’t keep. You just do you until you know, find something worth finding out about and tell me all about it. Oh, and Dezzy,” Veronica says quietly as she watches her best friend cautiously approach Lady Dimitrescu, who had been observing their interaction with curiosity. “let it be known that you have the worst fucking luck in the world with women. Take care of yourself, yeah?”
Desdemona sighs at that and offers her friend a knowing smile. She’d spent most of her life being attracted to heterosexual women or women who were emotionally unavailable to her; she didn’t think she’d ever cross the line of the usual types she’s typically drawn to but here she was fighting for survival as a trio of dangerous vampires decided to lay their claim on her.
Des dares to look up at Alcina, who unfortunately had already been staring at her, and she gulps, picking up the pace to keep up with Lady Dimitrescu’s rather large strides. For the most part, Alcina does not engage in much conversation unless she felt the need to point something out about the mansion.
When they enter one of the guest bathrooms, Desdemona can’t help but be a little impressed at Lady Dimitrescu’s design choices. The exquisitely polished gold marble flooring stood out the most as two sinks lined up on both sides of the room, the cherry wood cabinets complimenting both the granite countertops and the glossy tile backsplash. Desdemona had to begrudgingly admit that Lady Dimitrescu had impeccable taste, her jaw dropping at the sight of a large bathtub sitting upon a platform in the center of the room.
Alcina wasted no time in stripping Desdemona of her ratty clothes after she had run enough hot water for her in the tub. The steam and warmth of the water was nearly enough to send Desdemona into a state of relaxation but then she remembered Alcina wanted to have an important discussion with her in private.
  “You know as well as I do that I do not care for humans. Your life has no meaning to me and should I wish to, I could cut you open at any given moment and offer any remaining part of you to the pigs after my daughters and I are through feasting on your corpse. The only reason you are being kept alive is because my daughters are growing fond of you. They’ve ever only known the company of family and the maidens they occasionally feed on so to see a blossoming…relationship between one of my daughters and her plaything is quite remarkable.”
Desdemona doesn’t dare say a thing as Alcina gently lifts her arms to scrub them. The word “relationship” is being tossed around so casually that it makes her wonder if any of these women knew what love was or if any of them were capable of forming attachments to other people.
When the smaller woman doesn’t reply, Alcina grips the back of Desdemona’s head and yanks it back so she could growl in her ear.
“You shall treat all my daughters as equals, pet. You will not favor one over the other two and you will do whatever it takes to keep them happy if you know what’s good for you. I care about my daughters and their happiness and if that means keeping you alive, you better damn well appreciate the gift I’m giving you by allowing you serve them. You shall spoil them, love them and show them affection because if word gets out that you’ve been a naughty little human that’s broken any of their hearts, I will gut you alive.”  
Desdemona feels her fists clench and unclench underneath the bath water at the mention of being gutted alive. A tear runs down her cheek at the disturbing memory of her twin brother’s bowels piling on the floor as Veronica’s screams echoed in the back of her mind. It was horrifying having to relive that particular memory over and over again.
‘You should tell her how much you hate her for killing Desmond. Stop being a pussy and stand up for yourself! Who cares if she beats you!? She murdered Desmond, you should be fighting tooth and nail for your freedom the way Veronica has been doing.’
With a shaky voice, Desdemona swallows her pride and nods in acquiescence to Lady Dimitrescu’s requests.
“I understand, my Lady. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that their needs are fulfilled and that they remain happy under my care.” Desdemona says after a tense moment.
Alcina smiles and releases the grip she had on the smaller girl’s head.
“Good, I’m glad we were able to clear that up like reasonable adults. After I’m done tidying you up, you will spend the night with Cassandra in her room. She has been upset ever since Bela told my other girls how you’d given her a phone full of pictures of you. For your sake, I sure do hope you plan on making it up to both Cassandra and Daniela; they’re starting to feel neglected.” Alcina tells her with a wicked smile on her face and Desdemona has to stop herself from groaning out loud.
She doesn’t necessarily have a plan to appease both Cassandra and Daniela but spending the night with Cassandra was a great starting point. It didn’t help matters that she was absolutely terrified of the sadistic vampire but perhaps it wouldn’t take much to charm her.
After the somewhat relaxing bath, Desdemona was left to her own devices to explore the mansion under the watchful eyes of Alcina. Cassandra’s bedroom wasn’t too far off from the hallway she was currently wandering through but the silence that followed her throughout the castle was still quite eerie. Desdemona’s hand reached for the golden doorknob in front of her when her ears are filled with uncontrollable giggling. She squeezes the knob and slightly turns it only to swat away at a few insects buzzing around her. Desdemona looks to her left and then to her right; there’s nothing on either side of her and so she takes a deep breath, wondering if she was slowly losing her mind the longer she stayed in the castle.
Opening the door, the next thing she sees is a black shadow with glistening white teeth lunging at her. “Rawr!”
Desdemona shouts and jumps back until she hits the wall behind her, her hand clutching at her chest as she tries to steady her heavy breathing. She’s not sure if she should be relieved to see that it was just Cassandra laughing at her reaction to the stupid jump scare but at least she wasn’t in immediate danger…maybe.
“Oh, you should see the look on your face – it’s priceless! Mmm, and just listening to the sound of your heart rapidly beating in your chest is lovely music to my ears. Fear thickens your blood and the thicker the blood, the sweeter it is.” Cassandra tells her, laughter now subsiding as she stands awkwardly in the doorway.
 “Is there a reason you came to visit little ol’ me or did you get lost on your way to find Bela?” Cassandra spits out Bela’s name with disdain and Desdemona knew she had to convince Alcina’s daughters that they all meant something to her, but she had to treat them all as equals as well.
 “I came to see you, actually. I wanted to spend some time with you and get to know you better since we got off the wrong foot at the beginning of all this.” Desdemona says uncertainly, peering over Cassandra’s shoulders to see if there was something she could work with if she managed to convince her to let her in.
Cassandra gives her a once over, her eyes lingering on certain parts of Desdemona longer than most and relents.
 “I do have a few questions about some of your belongings my dear Uncle Karl found in that hideous vehicle of yours. Now, I do occasionally dabble in the arts myself but these palettes you brought with you are utterly useless and too shiny for my liking! Explain this to me!” Cassandra exclaims as she leads a befuddled Desdemona into her room which was surprisingly ordinary considering the woman’s personality.
Desdemona was about to ask what she meant by shiny when her mouth suddenly hangs open at the sight of several expensive makeup palettes thrown and scattered about. Cassandra picks up a broken Pat McGrath eyeshadow palette and attempts to dip one of her makeup brushes in one of the colors and draws a sloppy line against the canvas she had set up on an easel in front of her.
‘Jesus fucking Christ, she’s trying to paint using your one hundred-and twenty-five-dollar eyeshadow palette.’ Desdemona thinks, desperately trying hard not to cry at the loss of something so precious to her.
Desdemona rolls her lips as she recognizes one of her favorite Morphe makeup brushes lying broken in half across the other side of the room. Cassandra had gone through her makeup bag and successfully destroyed at least a few hundred dollars worth of product. If survival wasn’t a big priority right now, Desdemona would have a mental breakdown over this. For now, she’ll be happy to take a rain check.
“So, I love your enthusiasm, Cassandra, and your idea to paint on a canvas using my makeup is really…creative. How about I show you how to do your makeup with what’s left?” Desdemona asks as she picks up a relatively intact kit that Cassandra paid no mind to.
Cassandra tilts her head in confusion.
“Why would I need makeup? You’re disgusted by the sight of me, aren’t you? I know I’m not as pretty or as smart as Bela, but you don’t need to go around telling me what I don’t already know!” Cassandra screeches, her hands wrapping around Desdemona’s neck and slamming her to the nearest wall. When Cassandra begins to apply a deadly amount of pressure, Desdemona had to act quickly.
“I-I just wanted to spend time with you, Cassandra! You’re beautiful without makeup, but seeing how much you like art, I thought you’d appreciate it a different way!” Desdemona manages to say, nearly coughing up a lung when Cassandra releases her.
The dark-haired woman eyes Desdemona suspiciously but she motions for the smaller girl to continue.
“I just thought maybe you’d want to partake in an activity we both would enjoy. It’s intimate and it would just be our thing, something that no one would take away from us. You’re already gorgeous, Cassandra, but this is a thing we could do for fun. Just you and me doing each other’s makeup...and maybe after we’ve gotten to know each other better, maybe we can just do each other.” Desdemona continues as she tries to double down on her flirtatiousness. She bats her eyelashes at Cassandra and her fingers begin to twirl the ends of her long, wavy dark brown hair.
Cassandra inhales Desdemona’s scent and rolls her eyes to the back of her head as if her blood were truly intoxicating in that moment. “Okay, I’ll let you do my makeup, Little One. Just…hurry up and let’s get to the part where we get to know each other better. I can’t wait to eat you all up once you let me, my pretty little plaything.” Cassandra whispers into Desdemona’s ear, her tongue leaving a wet trail from the nape of her neck to her collarbone. She enjoys the way the smaller girl shudders against her.
“R-right, let’s sit on your bed for a minute. I have some ideas and I’ll need your input. Your opinion is extremely important to me.” Des tells Cassandra, emphasizing how much she valued Cassandra’s contributions to their playdate activity, and it seemed to boost Cassandra’s ego.
Twenty minutes later after Desdemona had helped Cassandra clean her face, Desdemona straddled Cassandra and set herself to work on Lady Dimitrescu’s most insecure daughter. The smaller brunette was leaning closely over Cassandra and it was nearly too much for Cassandra’s senses. She was steadily growing impatient but there was something fascinating in the way Desdemona looked as she began doing her makeup. She looked focused, determined and when she fixed her brilliant gray eyes into Cassandra’s, there was a playfulness in the way she smiled at her. Cassandra felt her heart squeeze at the beautiful sight of her human sitting so peacefully atop of her. She did not want to ruin this moment but Cassandra hates holding back, whether its her feelings on something or when she’s out in the wilderness hunting, she needed to voice her thoughts.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met and I’m glad you got lost in our village. I’ve met all sorts of pretty maidens but they were all so boring and rude, always screaming at the sight of us and running away from us when we wanted to play hide and seek. Your blood is so tempting, I want to bite into your neck and rip out your throat but…this, spending time like this with anyone outside of my family is nice. You’re so sweet it makes me want to taste you, but you also make me want to be around you more in a way that doesn’t involve killing, maiming, or torture, if that makes sense.” Cassandra blurts out in a rush, her cheeks glowing pink underneath the dim light of the torches in her room.
 Desdemona pauses and takes a moment to let all that sink in. Cassandra is adorably awkward, or that’s how she would describe her if she weren’t also an intimidating immortal vampire that could snap her neck at the drop of a hat. Cassandra didn’t like the long awkward pause that formed between them, so she begins digging her sharp nails into Desdemona’s thighs and the smaller girl reacts.
‘Des, you need to stab her in the eye while she’s vulnerable or if she’s really a vampire, try stabbing her in the heart! Kill her, kill her the way they so ruthlessly killed your brother and be done with it. Fight your way out of here, goddamn it!’ Desdemona’s thoughts were overwhelming her and as much as she wanted to fight the creatures that were responsible for her brother’s death and Veronica’s misery, she knew she had to discourage such thoughts from frequently forming in her mind. This game couldn’t be won if she gave in to her baser desires.
“Is your tongue coated in honey, Cassandra? I’m a little embarrassed to admit this but no one has said such lovely things to me before. It makes me want to kiss you.” Desdemona flirts as she brings her hips down against Cassandra, causing the other woman to moan aloud at the intense contact she felt between them. “So…what’s holding you back? Kiss me!” Cassandra demanded, her hands snaking underneath Desdemona’s blouse as her hands explored every inch of skin that she had access to. Desdemona accidentally lets out a moan of her own and freezes, her hands finding Cassandra’s and pinning them above her head. Cassandra liked this darker side of Desdemona, it meant that they could play rough in the bedroom and her plaything would like it. This would be the last and only time Desdemona would top her though.
“I told you, you need to let me finish your makeup and then we’ll get to the fun stuff. Patience is a virtue.” Desdemona says, laughing when Cassandra huffs and crosses her arms in displeasure. The smaller girl bites her lip when she thinks to herself how cute Cassandra seemed but the thought quickly vanishes when images of Desmond’s bloodied corpse enters her mind again.
This was going to be a long game indeed.
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typical-author · 6 years
Original Horror : The Vlad Tepes III Segment
Vlad Tepes: Rise of the Vampire by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 1, Childhood to King
My name is Vlad Tepes, and my story begins here. I am the third Vlad in my family, Vlad Dracul; my father got the name Dracul once he joined the Order of the Dragon. The textbooks named me as, Vlad the Impaler. I have loved my home and have fought countless fights in order to protect it. I was born in Sighisoara, Transylvania in 1431. Growing up I heard of stories of the dragon, and the life span of one ranging for thousands of years. I too, will become “like a dragon” in the life span. You may know me better as Dracula, the first vampire, or Vlad, son of the dragon. I grew up with two older brothers and one younger. During my childhood, my studies were generally German and Latin. I learned to fight and other things not abnormal to this ages schooling. A day came when my father sent me as a detainee, held captive with the Ottomans. What reason should I as an heir live with such people? I did not respect them; I did not even try to fool them. They locked me in a dungeon deep underground.   All I remember was how I wish for day, something other than the lone darkness here. Its funny that when you stay in the dark too long you grow pale white, and in the light too long you could crisp and burn. After many years, they released me after being beaten. When I returned to the light, I felt a terrible burning feeling. The sun felt closer to me then has ever felt before. It took time to get use to the light but I grew an obsession with darkness. I felt as if the world was casting me aside. The ottoman tried teaching me but I was too stubborn. They showed me the ways of impaling victims and showing no mercy. I even learned some of their Turkish talk and used it to despite them. Still when I was unleashed back into the day, I will never forget that feeling. Later in my life, a man and his men attacked my family and me. His name was John Hunyadi and he killed my father and one of my brothers. They buried my brother alive. I have dreams of them lowering the coffin and him inside with his arms crossed around his chest. This dream inspired me for the rest of my life to sleep and try to think as he would. My poor, poor brother, I will rise from the coffin one day like the one you should have. I will remember your final rest and keep it dear. Years went by and the Turks, the Ottoman, constantly ruined my years. I was fleeing to a safe place. Nights went by where I would travel. During those nights, it was as a guiding force was with me. I cannot put my finger on it but during the days, I would often fear my enemy could see me. This was different from staying in the shadows. I ran away to my uncle Bogdan II. There he took me in and I spent years hiding. One day, chopping wood for the upcoming winter, I could not get the visions of things that have happened. Learning impalement from the Turkish and wishing to do it to them who taught me it. Then I would have dreams of being back in that dungeon. Alone in the dark and how I came to like it. My eyes learned to adjust to the darkness. Despite it being pitch black most of the time, I could see many details. Like the bricks and bars, people often sent to the dungeon in fear. I no longer feared their screams. I no longer feared the sins that happened in my life. I then started having dreams of my family killed by John Hunyadi. How that night changed my life. I stopped chopping wood and looked at a tree. It was full and solid with no rot. I chopped it down and before I knew it. I got half way done making a coffin. By the time it was done, my uncle comes outside and gives me a look of concern. He knew what I have been through but he did not encourage me fascinating too far into it. He would give me talks of religion and I would love to hear the stories of drinking red wine as well as the bread of life. The blood of a messiah, drink it and an eternal life is giving to you. I wanted eternal life so I studied the good book. Again, a day came when a family member of mine died. My uncle Bogdan II died and I fled against the wind. That led me to Hungary. I met many people there, friends, enemies, and common folk, rich people. My past became a distant shadow. Then one night the dreams came back. So again, I got a coffin. The ottoman people was starting war, fighting all those who got in their way or simply whomever they wanted to kill. They fought against a Christian movement, they fought against Constantinlope, and they even left their mark in Hungary. So I once again moved. This time I brought people with me. We traveled to Wallachia, such a familiar place indeed.   To take back my land, I had to fight. The people that traveled with me helped as well as some in Wallachia. I headed to the castle with people screaming and houses on fire. It seems as though Vladislav II was the man in charge now. I left the place in the hands of John Hunyadi. It is funny that this is now me, Vlad Tepes Vs Vladislav II. We had such similar names My men cleared the castle. It was no easy task. In the faint echoes of swords clashing, I stood before a king that was soon to fall. He stood with a royal crown on his head, a red velvet cape, dressed like a rich king. He had no sword so I threw mine to the ground. I went up to him, adrenaline pumping through my veins I let out a scream as I suddenly charged him. We traded punches; I threw mine as he threw his. Each time the smacking sounds of our fists brought more pain. He asked why I did not join him, why I did not give up. Of all the things he asked me, I could not recall any answers. I just had knowledge of this land being mine. He grabbed my neck and dragged me down the stairs. It was dark, only the faint candlelight’s would flicker in the stale humid air. I grabbed his hand that was around my neck and squeezed it until I heard the sound of a breaking noise. With his other hand, he punched me in the face. I saw him at his most desperate moment. I came in throwing punches in all the ways I knew how. Finally, I saw nothing but a crippled man with a bent face. One last blow would do him in. I was on top of him, my knees on his shoulders so he could not lift his arms. My face now with dry sweat and my hands covered in blood. I lifted my fist with the whole universe inside me, the power I would now obtain with this final blow. I accepted the will of the gods and smashed his face one last time as I seen the man die. Therefore, it is 1457 and I sit on a throne as a king. The law in the kingdom and its land was in jeopardy. The wars that have happened left people with little hope. I will put an end to this war. I will outlast it, even if it means I have to kill every Turkish foe that comes into this land. I will have revenge.  
Chapter 2, Vlad the Impaler
During this time of war and crime, I had to take action as a king. People were in no shape to defend the land. The money had very little value. The people would steal from businesses they worked at. There was little food. After the war, farmlands were burned down People wondered if I could be a fair king and rule this land. I had some ideas and I waited not. I had meetings with countless people. I set jobs for everyone. We had to build town houses and work on the farms. This way we could live and feed to our desires. I made the trades of the merchants limited to certain towns so I knew they had a good deal on their products. I reestablished schooling and gave the towns churches and faith. I prayed in these times for miracles and I found that in time this land would once again be great. I then turned my attention to the law and order of Wallachia. I let no thief or murderers go unpunished. Therefore, I established a new court and made new laws with my council. We sent men door to door reading these new laws to the people. These laws set for the people were enforced.   I gave speeches to the men who wished to fight for our ways. Despite all the death these poor people have seen and the countless lives of loved ones taken, they said that my speeches gave them hope. Word got around and even more people joined in our forces. Therefore, I continued to give speeches and make different units of battle. We trained well as our archers would stand on the towers of my castle and aim at targets below. It was important to me that the people trained at their posts for when a war did happen. I found in my days experience in surroundings and comfort was keen. With merchants, farmers, workers, schooling, religion and military fix. In no time Wallachia was back up and running. The people seemed happy, and I have earned respect for my leadership. Crime went down and then once again we struck war. We did not do all the attacking; we had to have a strong defense as well. Battle after battle I aimed to win. With each night of victory and the blood of my enemies on my hands, I prayed that the blood was that which would give me eternal life. I wondered if I should drink it. War was tough so I had to make new friends to survive. Therefore, I allied with Matthias Corvinus, son of John Hunyadi. I cannot blame a son for his father’s mistakes and in time, Matthias showed to be quite loyal. These battles were simple minded though. We were once fighting over who controlled a river. If the losing side returned to that river, there would be a much greater battle. I even got some pay back from one of my brother’s killers. His name was Prince Dăneşti, and I made him praise me in every way I could before I killed him and left him in a grave. I watched my side of the river and then a war began against the ottoman. It was to last three years and many people were against them. Even the pope at my time, which name was, Pope Pius 2nd set laws against the Ottoman. I loved it and at this age showed great love for such a war to begin. I had grown in a world of death and war. I have fought battles for my people, with godlike strength and a violent mind. I chopped off peoples heads and impaled them on stakes. I had a field where I impaled my enemies on stakes. My revenge was coming so ever close. I disguised myself as a Turkish man and fought everything from the Serbia to the black sea. With my disguise, I went right in their land and killed many people. Counting each one, I had killed. I had left a letter to their ruler giving the numbers ranging from 20-30 thousand people. I had ceremonies religiously where I would eat bread and drink the blood of my victims. I think that it became an obsession. Sometimes I mixed the blood in with red rum giving a murderer a very appealing drink. It had such a wonderful taste.   With more battles, our towns back at Wallachia grew in numbers. Our towns were rich and clean but the fields filled with thousands of people impaled on stakes. I to my enemies was a very cruel king, but to my people I was a known great defender. In time, the lands around me feared my people, and I loved me. The people had jobs, faith, protection and schooling, which were free. Then it was time to meet my first wife. We fell in love and she understood me in ways no one else could. I loved her in ways no one else could. We would talk about our lives and she even loved me for my good and my bad, my rights and my wrongs.  If you want to know more of this love story like Romeo and Juliette, you may want to read another book. Look up… Dracula! During the heat of the war I did accidentally mistaken a foe for friend. I guess you should blame a son for his fathers doing. As the son grows, he wishes to be nothing like his father, but as the boy turns old, he becomes like his father. It is all in our genes. Matthias Corvinus betrayed me and took me prisoner for crimes I did not do. So once again, for years on end I was in captive. I moved around from place to place, repeatedly. Now, after some time, I was released and soon to re-marry. Now I would like to note that Matthias Corvinus ruled over Hungary and in Hungary was a beautiful woman who admired me. Her name was Ilona Szilagyi and now the little secret; she was cousins with Matthias himself. So I married her and spent time in her house until I was released by Mr. Corvinus personally. We lived our lives until I looked into my reflection to see an old man. Forty-five may not seem as old to you in your time but in countless fights, left in dark dungeons time catches up with you. Then in the faint of a moment, I saw myself young again and in my prime. Drinking from the river my wife called my name and as I looked for her, she was just messaging me to come forth. Then I looked into my reflection. I saw myself young with blood dripping from both sides of my mouth. Then like a demon, I opened my mouth and had horrible teeth the size of fangs. Will I drink the blood of life Jesus had once promised? I was now a believer in Catholicism so I guess when the time is right, I will become forever.
Vlad Tepes: A Calling from Hell Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 1: The First death
I would like to introduce myself as Vlad Tepes. Over time, I have examined many people of bad faith. People spend a lot more time thinking of dying then what its like to be dead. Let me tell you about the time my life ended as a mortal and I became immortal.
It all started the day me and my second wife was traveling back to my Wallachia. Wherever I looked during my trip from Hungary to my kingdom, I saw demons. In the first glimpse, I could see the evil that a dead soul becomes. Then I could notice that a lot of them just wanted help and found it not.
Sweat dripped from my head, as I felt extremely ill. My now soon to be queen, waiting patiently and unaware of what I was going through, was sitting in front of me. I calmed down long enough to have chitchat and clear the mood. She never found me as a monster, very unlike the rest of the world. She accepted me and me to her accepted too.
Still looking at her face, I found that many strange things were happening to my head. I feared I was going crazy or that someone slipped me poison in my red rum. I have never felt anything like it. To this day, I worry that everyone gets an epiphany when raised from the grave to the gates of heavens clouds.
We arrived in Wallachia the second time in my life with a Hungary army. The idea was to enthrone me once again after I have been a prisoner for many years. When the battle began, I fought with a force unknown to me. I have killed many and have done very twisted things to the bodies. Still I felt an evil much greater then me these days.
When I was back as a king, my days went by like years. I would often dine with the dead I killed. Each time the demons would come to me and speak words in an unfamiliar language. Hate, lies, evil, darkness, death, these are the words that would cross my mind. It was flowing through my veins and transforming me. Even those on stakes would be alive and sing hells melody.
I would wake up at night thinking that I had joined the dead and this was my punishment. For fear had no ends during battle I would fight with more and more strength. I would think revenge for my family, safety for my second wife, and revenge for my first wife who they tricked into suicide.
Finally, I felt pain strike my back and fell to my knees. There were cuts all over my armor and blood running down my face. Then it went black, I was all alone and no clue as to what happened. The darkness leads me with a small glint of warm fire. I crawled towards it, and the further I went down the more I felt fear. Then when I could not bare the fear, I went to go back but I could not. I kept going into the fire.
Some people met me with dark crud gathered onto their clothes. I had very little experience as to this new material and came to grasps that I was dead. I knew very little of what was going on. I knew more little about the things I would encounter. I was confused.
The people err um, souls, would speak. That much I figured out, but the way the words came was behind them in the shadows of the fire. The words they spoke did not make any sense. I decided to make conversation with them, so I said hello.
They looked up and said goodbye as jolly as could be and pulled me a seat saying, cannot sit here. I went to walk away but my soul would not leave the seat. I stared at the fires when one of the souls spoke again saying, “I didn’t tell you, you couldn’t sit there. Goodbye, my name isn’t Bishop.” He had the face of a deformed child all grown up.
In shock of these words, I glared into the fire to see human figures swarm and cry. I had a sense in me saying these were false prophets trapped in a spell. I wanted to carry on and find a place a little nicer then this one. Hell is Hell.
Wanting to go somewhere in hell was like falling asleep and immediately dreaming of where you wanted to be. In my case, I wanted to be anywhere but where I was. That just took me deeper, like a peasant in quicksand.
The place is exactly as they described it in the bible and in small talk. The best way I could describe it was a constant nightmare. It would build up until you think you would die or wake up, and then it would start all over.
I cried, as I was tortured, burned and raped. I would black out but only to find myself being a snack to worms and other insects. Then a miracle happened as a red figure of about ninety feet tall came up and lifted me to a throne. There I sat while he glared at me. Other giants gathered around. Some tearing folks in half and some would eat the poor people.
To make it simple and less horrifying I will say it simple. They explained that in order for me to live and survive was to gather souls and torture them. Another option was to kill them. Then their life span would become mine. Therefore, if the victim would live 60 years I would live those years if I killed him.
One of them taught me that if I did not wear dark matter on my soul, Satan would be eligible to throw me into the fire and claim my glory. They also noted that they were children of the fire and that is why they were red. These children burned until they became evil like the Devil.
Finally, when I was satisfying myself with sin, I felt a good presence in my soul. It glowed like the sun and was white like snow. I was losing focus and believed that the killing days were over. I wanted the best things a king could get. This is when I stumbled on temptation and that it had its own place in hell.
I spent time there as a king, learned to seduce woman into becoming my slaves. The dark forces had ways to make the life in hell sometimes enjoyable. I was developing these powers. The drinking of blood came to topic. I found myself taught that it comes in different flavors.  
At first the carnivores came, which would eat the flesh and lick the blood of animals. This inspired the devil to allow demons to eat the souls of the dead. Then came the time when killing a mortal soul and drinking its blood gave you life in the depths of hell. This then became a match up when the messiah offered the same deal to humankind through his blood. So it was either you drank the blood from sinners or a saint.
I had found my dream of eternal life through the blood of my victims. Days it seemed went by until I met a failure face. He had grown older and wore the dark crud on his gowns; still he was dressed like a king. I reunited with my father who lives into the dark pit with the cursed ones. His name is Vlad Dracula.
Vlad Tepes: A Calling from Hell Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 2: The blood of a dragon
“Will you worship the dragon with me? He is the father on our side. He performs many miracles; you really should come with me.” Said my father as he acted like a preacher infused with the Holy Spirit. I suddenly felt concern for him. He and the others from The Order of the Dragon had all entered the dead lands.
I may not have mentioned it before, but when I was young, I became part of The Order It was to give us strength and life as we fought our foes. Still I felt like this was going a little too far. I have not seen my father since I was young when John Hunyadi killed him. I felt as if I had to go.
So the further I went the more tempted I got. It seemed that I was building a lust to become great and large. I wanted everything possible, good or bad. These thoughts were going through my now twisted mind.
It was a long trip and I was growing envious of all those before me, even god. I arrived to see more members of The Order, Sigismund who I seen when I was about four or five was there. He was such an old man and I only remember the funeral well.
It was sad. These men while on earth were there to protect the Christian law. Now they live in the deep living off the blessings of a dragon. We sat around on thrones with the symbol of our cult in the circle.
One of the men remembered me and asked if I recalled those days. He looked at me and I felt eyes in all directions of me. “You shall only be called Vlad while in the human form. As of now, you will join earth again as… Dracula.
The fire was long gone and the gold tent of temptation was in the far. We were surrounded by darkness and hovering on our thrones. It felt best to described it as an astronaut drifting in space. I felt just alone and wished only to be back on earth with my second wife, Ilona.
They told me all about the discoveries they had made in the mist of death. That the Grim reaper was real and that he had sent some of them to the place we are at now. That in Hell you sin to prove your worthy and you spend time being tempted before you are threw out and into nothing.
“Vlad, we have chosen you to see the dragon with the 7 heads of gods warriors. One of which has the power of the messiah, that you are the one worthy to drink its blood.” Said my father as three out of seven men left the circle.
“You will gain the prince of prince’s powers. You will also be he who lives but was dead. Know that once you get back to the high land you will still need the blood of victims to live. In addition, you must stay in the shadows, stay out of the sun. That no one on earth notices you as Vlad Tepes, that the only ones who do notice you are your victims.” Said Sigismund the elder of us left in the circle.
Soon it was just me and I could feel my seat sinking deeper into the pit. After all, I feared I found that the level of fear in hell is unlimited. It grows and grows until you are weak and pathetic. Then a demon or devil will eat you, torture you or kill you in a horrible way.
I was mow covered in black crud when to my amaze a dragon with seven heads appeared before me. Its colors would change and they were very bright. I gazed, as I have never seen anything so wonderful in my life. I may have fought for the law of the church my whole life and I will keep that dear. It is just that this ancient monster could hold all the powers I sought.
“Come forth and face me. Have no fear. Fear not. You wish to drink my blood and rise from your death. I hold the secrets to rebirth. Fight me and take my blood by force. Become young, Dracula.” said one of the dragon’s heads.
I went up to face it and puncture the skin of it. I thought to myself it will be slower then me due to its side. The only advantage it had over me was I giving up faith and worshipping the dragon. I could end up not wanting to leave its side
I ran across the dark crud that spreads across the galaxy, I was quick and ran up its leg and was sitting on its back when I grabbed a knife from my pocket. As fast as I could I went to stab it and drink the blood as soon as I could. It did not turn out the way I planed. The dragon hissed and moved while shaking I had no choice but to drop the knife and get a grip on the ever color changing scales of the dragon.
When it was the right time, I went in and ran up the back to the neck that fascinated me most. With no weapons in hand, I had no time to think so I opened my mouth and dug my teeth into the dragon’s neck.
“Vampire!” yelled the dragon as he heaved me off his whole body. I was there being held up by whatever it was that was holding me up. My soul started to fade and I was disappearing. I began to feel as if I was decayed. A pain in my faint mouth hurt due to my top teeth digging into my lower gums.
I found myself surrounded by church folks that must have been in some kind of cult. They told me it has been three years since my death. During that time, they retrieved my body parts from Cumana monastery and Sango. Apparently, I was beheaded in was. They buried me in two places.
The cult that raised me back had so many questions. The bowed to me and worshipped me. They said they had used the Émigré manuscript on me to bring me back to life. I was fully aware of what had happened while I was dead and it haunts me to this day.
I felt a death like feeling all through my body. The people around me started to smell sweet like melted candy. Slowly I was able to hear their heartbeats and the blood course through their veins.
As my mentor said, “no one must know that I exist, only my prey”. So one by one, I killed them, as some of them screamed, and fled. I chased after them in the woods of the cemetery. I could tell there was another heartbeat and I knew more people were coming. I fed on over 30 people that night and I assure you I will feed on thousands to come.
I cannot touch the day, as I am now a child of the night. I have learned the ways of temptation and no mortal can resist me. I am now in a state where I cannot control my hunger. I must feed nightly or sleep and feast on many when I awake. Why was I choseto be the last survivor of the order of the dragon? It does not matter; I Dracula will be eternal through the blood of my victims.  
Vlad Tepes: Out of the Grave Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 1: Dusk of the Dead
Three hundred years I have lived in the darkness and fed upon the living, Three hundred years I have been undead, and for three hundred years, I have not seen the light of day. I can recall the special prey I have bitten like my own age. It is something not hard to forget.
First on the list is Edward V of England and his royal Brother Richard. I caught them held captive in a tower and drank their blood as they thought I had helped them escape. That killing was in 1483, one of my first royal killings as Dracula.
Then there was many more, John Cabot in 1499 while he and his shipmen were out on sea. I had Gasper Cartel-real in 1501 and then his sister Miguel Cartel-Real a year later. Francisco De Hokes who also was at sea. I loved getting people out at sea and feeding on them while they were miles from land. It gave me time to enjoy my prey. You know, talking to them, watching them beg for their lives, the usual.  
I often posed as a sea traveler and feasted on the blood of many. People like George Bass in 1803, Theodosia Burr Alston in 1812, Benjamin Briggs and everyone on the Mary Celeste. I even remember one named Lamont Young and his brother in 1880, which is closest to my time now.
It is 1881 and I have another hobby. I like to invest in real estate to house visitors and feed on them in the night. I killed a man name Benjamin Bathurst, and John Lansing in two of my hotels. They only found my secret storage for bodies in one of them, so I continue to use the other for seasonal feasts.
As time went by the places I owned got the reputation as haunted houses. Everybody said the houses were haunted. Therefore, I would sell them and buy more. Still, a single man cannot afford the world.
The world had changed so much and I found that my age and body would not. People believed in Marketing. The new world, it had been discovered. I often would think of settling down in it, the place called America.
One day I received an ordinary letter requesting my house in London and that they were going to be throwing a party for twenty-five people. I jumped in excitement, as this would be my first big feast in a year.
I sent them a note telling of how I would meet them after the sun sets. It was four days away and I made haste to London. I stayed a day in the cellar away from light and in my coffin. I made the coffin myself, as coffins were now a hobby of mine. I made a petal. When I pressed the petal the coffin spring forth and the top would open.
I could hear the mortals unlock the door in the late afternoon. By vibration of shadows, I could tell where they moved. I even heard them talk thanks to my ventilation holes I put up in the walls. That way I could tell when someone was in my house while I was off guard.
They talked about how lovely the place was and complemented on the furniture and paintings. After all some of the things in the house were over 200 years old, and I bought them myself while they were brand-new.
Boring talk began and past when I felt the sun go down. I sprung my coffin up and quickly moved through the house surprising the people who came to rent it. However thoughtful for you to make yourselves at home, I told them. Smiling I showed them the house and all three story’s, plus the attic and cellar. They asked me about the coffin and I simply said it belonged to the gravedigger that managed a graveyard for some time.
A family of a husband, a wife, and two kids came to me to discuss payment for the week they would stay. The other guest waited patiently trying to guess the age of the house and everything in it. The family and I made an agreement on the house and I began to get thirsty for some blood.  
I almost made my raid when they announced more people would be arriving shortly. I counted the heads of the people and came to 19. The total would be more if I waited so I did. I then started to play mind games with the women and secretly started seducing them without even looking or speaking at them.
Some tried to hide the fact but I aroused them indeed. The others would try to flirt with me but I did nothing to show I was interested. I only wanted my victims to feel good about me. It makes it more enjoyable
It was still dusk when some of the people arrived. I went to greet them as I was the house caretaker then I noticed it was not their guests. It was the gravedigger from the graveyard not to far away. A lot went through my head as he approached, not only have I known the scent of his blood, but also I could tell that even his heart had stopped and his blood was that of a dead man.
He looked up and in the tint of my lamp; my company saw that his eyes were glazed white and that he had blood running down his mouth. Was there another immortal like me? I thought to myself that maybe he had tasted the blood of the dragon and was like me. Something was different though he showed no signs of life as he walked past me and towards the crowd of people.
The gravedigger was carrying a shovel and he cracked the head of one of my renters. People ran inside and some outside. The gravedigger broke open the skull all the way and started eating the brains of a nerve twitching man. People were frightened and I too wondered that was going on.
In the field, I saw more then a hundred more creatures that had no pulse coming. I yelled to the people get inside, lock the door and open only to me. Most did as told but a few people came up to the gravedigger and went to fight him. Before he moved slowly and was easy to avoid. Now that he feed off life, he was faster and more vicious. Some one grabbed his shovel and knocked him in the head when the undead gravedigger brushed it off like nothing and bit the neck of one of the men. I walked up and snapped the neck of the poor mad and insane gravedigger thinking to myself, these people are my meal.
The crowd of undead was very close to the house now. The people were running and screaming. They came to their senses. They were all trying to open the door to the house. Together we all grouped inside and I told them to barricade the windows and doors. I told them, after they wondered with what, that they could use anything.
If we were to survive this night, we would all have to work fast as the zombies were right at our doorstep. I yelled that we only have to barricade the first level windows and doors that if they break through we would go to the second story up the stairs and hold them off there. I am Vlad Tepes. I am the first vampire and I will have my meals.
Vlad Tepes: Out of the Grave Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 2: To be Vampire or Dead
People did as told, they grabbed everything they could and started covering the windows. We were a little short on time. The females and kids were so frightened I sent them to the second floor to pray.
It was a vampire and 12 men make a zombie proof house. Putting stuff up against the windows was no easy tasks. Zombies were already there biting and clawing at us. Half the men would fetch stuff to use on windows while the others used the materials to block off the windows. I locked the door and put a doorstop on it so the only way to open the door was to break it down.
I could feel living heart beats coming closer to the house in a carriage. I prayed that they did not come. I knew that these monsters get more powerful the more they feed. The look and speed of the gravedigger showed me that.
Everyone in the house heard the screams of the new arrivals as the zombies attack them. People inside cried as most of them were friends. The windows were now board up and the men had bite marks and scratches all over them from the task. Slowly but surely they were dying and I sensed they would become like the very thing we were trying to keep out.
We re-grouped with the others upstairs and told the girls it would be okay even though we all knew something evil was afoot. The men tore off some clothing and wrapped their wounds. They were growing sick and pale as if they were catching a plague. The women hugged their men and the children cried. I wondered to myself if I should just feast on their blood now or wait until this was all over.
One man spoke up and asked why the zombies do not come after me. After all, I was quickest and helped on all the windows. They said that there was something wrong with me and I had this planed. They acted as if I was a follower of Ishtar who once tried to raise the dead to feast on a village. They could tell with a look in my eyes I was surprised at the events but I did look as if I was out to kill them.
I calmed them down saying we should be safe and that nothing was getting into this house. Still I had no explanation as to why the Zombies did not bite or even target me. Perhaps the undead cannot feast upon another undead. I had no intensions to drink their blood, as they probably had no intensions to eat my brain.
Outside all you could hear is moans and banging against the house. They knew we were in here but I preyed that they would go away. This house was new to me and had less kill counts then any other that I owned.
One man, who asked why the zombies did not attack me, started vomiting up blood and was losing focus, “I swear if I become like them, Christ, they came from the grave, but if I do, Vlad, You will be the first person I try to kill.” He said as his worried wife tried to comfort him.
I said that if everyone believed that the Zombies would not attack me that I was willing to be the front line fighter. I wanted a vote and as we voted, many agreed that as caretaker it was in my responsibility to do it. I agreed as I wondered to myself how much faith was in me to battle hundreds of undead.
Time was running out, as I had to get everything straightened out before sunrise. I could feel the fear coming from the 19 visitor’s souls. Some hearts were pumping fast and some were slowing down. I walked away from the people and closed my eyes. I had a strong connection with darkness and could tell what was going on outside.
Six people had their brains pulled out and ate. Six people thought they were going to a party. Sadly, the zombies killed them and if they did not I would have. I also could tell that some of the zombies were stronger and faster, and even by the slightest more wise. I heard the breaking of a window, nothing to worry about as the breaking was from outside and the window was boarded up inside.
I returned to the guests who were now in shock. I comforted them with my powers and tried to make everyone as calm as night. Then the man who wondered about me lost it. He walked right up to me and took a bite right out of my neck. I punched him, as it was a disgraceful doing. Then he snapped and turned undead.
I looked at people concerned that they might not be ready for what I was going to do. I kicked the person’s leg and put him on his knees then I grabbed his head and pulled it off. Blood spurted out of the neck and dripped off the head.
I looked embarrassed in front of them and shook my head in sadness. I then looked at the men that were infected. We had a talk as to what would happen if or when they turned. They agreed that we would have to kill them. Some said to kill them now. It is heartbreaking the love people had in this time. You would have people protest, refuse to be dealt with in the 21st century.
We came up with a new plan.  That the men infected would stay on the first floor and fight anything that came inside. The women and me would go into the basement and wait for help. I told them that if I showed any symptoms of infection I would helped them up on the first floor.  The 12 men were busy with their final moments with there friends. This was a good plan and I found that not only I, but also the fresh ones would be all alone in the cellar.
It was a bold move on their part as they grabbed weapons and headed to the first floor. The women and me went to the dark cellar and waited with only slight sounds coming from my vents. We heard a door crush open and the 19 men fighting and screaming. I felt pain in my body but not that was awful but more of like a reproduce inside. The venom from the one who bit me was in my veins.  
I looked at the women and trapped them in a spell where they felt sexually fulfilled and tempted to do my every desire. They bent their necks to the left all lined up and I sucked the blood out of each of them but the last one. I was full and I knew she would be dead.
While I sat there, I knew that the night had been over and the zombies were leaving the house and heading back to the graveyard. I turned to the dead women and children and to my surprise; one of them arose back up with a very familiar feeling. Apart of me had transferred into her. She was now my slave and a vampire. I guess being bit added me a new power. That power is to make more like me. Vampires.  
Vlad Tepes: The Preserved Life Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 1: From the Tomb
They seemed to have the same curse as me. They could not live in the sunlight, nor could they live without that of a human’s blood. I was making a family of Vampires. They served me in everyway I could ever want. They were never displeasing. It had been over 400 years since I had drunk blood of the dragon, and the years were tiring.
Many of my people lived in mines, sewers, caves, coffins. Anywhere but where the light could touch. At night, we would storm the streets and in time, we were giving a heavy reputation around the world. I even sat with some authors and told them my stories. They changed them for the most part but they left some facts in them.
Some people would follow me and live where I would. Others would take off into the night and avoid me. Even so, if they were around me they were my blood sucking puppets. We were well fashioned, groups of us would throw parties. As the people danced in the ballrooms, we were feasting on them one by one, as the night went by.
Still daytime was a lonely time. We felt very little love, and only knew satisfaction. We were the monsters of the world and people were learning about us. There was a rule I placed, and that rule was we must never turn a being with family into a Vampire. If one was to become like us, he or she must be bit and left dying. They could not become like us if we drank all the blood.
A small army and I headed into the dangerous deserts of Egypt. Here we would die if the morning came too soon. We entered a tomb and examined it as a place to stay. Inside was dusty and many dead corpses lay around from what seemed to be sacrifices. I as leader knelled my head and used my senses to examine the tomb. I could tell the movement of things, I could see, smell, hear and feel everything that darkness touched.
Morning came and we stayed in the pyramid. Nights went by and we explored the ancient kingdoms while others made their way to me, the master. If I call they shall come and since I knew these places were deserted I called them all. This could be our sleeping grounds for when we were to rest for years.
There were 12 vampires to every tomb spread across the desert. As explorers came, we would drink their blood until they died. In my tomb, I pulled out the dead preserved bodies of ancient kings. I still had my fetish of sleeping in coffins and these were the most beautiful resting places on the whole earth. Well for the dead it was the best resting place.
We prepared to sleep and my followers took the preserved bodies out of the tombs and slept in their stead. I dreamt about the past. How I could go back and be a better man. I would dream about finding my covens homes. I remember however the worlds of my elders, ’No living being must know you as Vlad Tepes, only your prey’.
My fellow Vampires as Vlad Tapes knew me. They were not living so I was not breaking any of the rules. As a member of the order of the dragon, I told my rich prey my name was Vlad Dracula.
I could sleep and feel the darkness in the entire galaxy. The light casts out the night, and the night casts out the light I wish I were powerful enough to exist in the light. That it would break through me but I would remain the same. I would be enough to exist forever. I tested the theory on other vampires to see if we could stand the light. It was to no avail. We would die because the lights rays were like bullets of acid, or atom bombs.
I awoke after some time as I felt heartbeats in our tomb. It was morning so I decided to let them explore the tomb until nightfall and then strike for the kill. Others knew this and planned this same. Explores were one of our most successful brand of prey. They lived far away so the rumors would not speculate that it was Vampirism.
Night came and when we arose, our fingernails had grown to an ugly unusual size. We were old and shriveled up. We focused on human blood only. We raced through the tomb, I whispered in the halls, “there are watchmen”.
The explorers and travelers had tents up and fires burning. Several guards patrolled the camp and we crept out of the pyramids all horrifying in looks. When a patrol officer seen us we bit into him before he could yell. Then we had fun with our prey, awakening them one by one and taunting them. As soon as one got to the point of yelling, they were soon a fine meal and a dead corpse.
As we headed back into the tomb we looked beautiful and in a young fresh age. Our hair was longer and so were our fingernails but our skin was smooth, pale, and very intriguing. Some of my offspring laughed and made jokes of the people that we killed. I was too old to like a joke, and in my time, they were not funny. My brood was becoming more evil then me in terms of pranks, but I held the power to give or take life from them.
Not too long after the explorers of the pyramids were dead, angry people came to vanquish the devils that did this. My intimate ones and I did as before. This time we were not all shriveled up and terrible looking. We opened our coffins and to my complete amaze, I was not alone.
A body all wrapped up and weakened by age stood there. He gazed at me before I just closed the coffin and acted as he did not see me nor I seen him. I heard others get up. By others, I mean the dead mummies. These tombs were rightfully theirs, yet we tried to steal them. I then peaked out of the coffin a second time to see the petrified being grab a torch and with his hand, he lit it on fire like magic.
When he left the room, I opened the coffin and began to chase behind the creature. I have seen the undead rise from the grave; I too have done the same. Still I was wishing that I were the one and only leader of this existence. I trembled behind him, thinking that I knew nothing about this creature and the undead I seen before could not use magic. This must have been the power of the elder gods.
I have learned from many classes and teachers that people in the B.C. would preserve them in hopes that one day they would rise. I asked myself why this day, and I also asked if they would have any grudge that I pulled them out of their tomb. I would not have if I knew that more undead creatures were sleeping there. With my family, I believed in order, trust and faith.
I dispatched my people and we worked to carefully examine the pyramid. The “Mummies” that had been wakening had all made it outside. The village of people was there with guns, fire, and melee weapons. I seen the 20-30 mummies all stand close to each other as they were face to face with a mob of people. Those people if you remember were here to kill the monsters that killed the explorers so I felt blame and shame on me.
It all happened so fast it is hard to put it into words. The fight started with a living person, weak and pathetic, stabbing straight through a mummy’s stomach. Without even realization of it, the mummy touched the sword and it became a snake. The snake was not like a normal snake. This one had a head like usual but its tail was also a head. From there the human stood he found that the sword he had a firm grip on was now a mutated reptile.
The mummy then stuck his hand into the eyes of the victim pulling them out. With the eyes of the human in his hands, the mortal fall down and then the mummy ate the eye. The town’s people looked at us. A woman yelled, “Aren’t you going to help us?”
So we headed forth with helping the humans not on our mind. In our minds, we would help the mummies so that they could forgive us for interrupting their sleep. We may even be the cause for the awakening and to that; I felt blame and shame.
Vlad Tepes: The Preserved Life Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 2: A Monster to Monsters
Together, Vampires and mummies surrounded the human mob. We carefully used our instincts to engage in fight. Every time a Vampire sunk their teeth in a human, the body of the prey would burst into flames. So not only did we know that these mummies could cast magic, we knew they did not wish for us to feed on human blood.
The mortals were gone and we were angry with the magicians for not letting us drink the blood. Instead of us leaving a dead body, they completely burnt them and only left the eyes un-effected. The leader then showed himself, who was larger and intact then the rest. The creatures surrounded us monsters and as we hissed, the mummies came and carried us away back into the pyramid.
Down the halls, we tried to fight but they used magic that would break our bones and even set us on fire. We would heal but we were no match for ancient creatures. They put us in a four-wall room and locked the door. It seemed that this was their prison and we were trespassers. I did not know what would happen. I could not say what feelings I had toward these creatures. So far, all I know is they did not like us or hate us.
In time, when it was almost day some two shriveled up creatures came in and grabbed us. This time we did not even try to fight, we knew they held powers greater then our own. Therefore, they marched us out of the pyramid and up the stairs to the tip of the outside of it. There stood the great leader and the one who looked much fresher then the rest.
“Which one of you is the leader of this evil?” said the leader all broken and ready to fall apart. I used my powers to make one of the other vampires confess they were the leader. The man smiled and walked up to me. He said that he knew it was I but the question was a test to see if my “kind” can be trusted or not.
“Let’s make a deal? You give me some of your people as slaves to watch over us while we sleep or I will tell my people to throw you straight into the sun light when noon comes.” said the mummy. He was forever in love with himself and his land. I could tell by his movements that it was so.
My people frightened by the words of this mummy. None of us wanted to be in the sun light. We knew if we did anything other then what the leader said we would die. They had powerful spells and we only had extra strength, speed and senses.
“My name is Vlad Tepes, and I am the first Vampire. May I ask who you are?” I said in the only words I could think of. Then he grinned and replied, “I wish I could say I was the first of my kind. I am Ramesses II son of Seti. First, while fully alive, I ruled this land. Now let me explain something to you Vlad. We lived in the days of prophesy. We lived before the father of your father was even born. We listen to the earth and the gods. This is how we got our magic and this is how we got our preserved life.”
“I got it, but why do you wish to enslave us? We will leave and never bother you again,” I said to the old king. “The day light will kill us! It is not as if we harmed any of your creatures! Let us go and we will be gone. You can not have any of my family.” I yelled and spit in the old king’s face.
“I will not be shamed by this fowl creature! Take them back into the pyramid and bring them one by one into the sun once its up.” said Ramesses II as he bent over to whisper in my ear. “You see Sir Tepes; I can go into the sun as I did not get my powers from a dragon in cursed lands.”
They dragged us down the pyramid into prisons and rooms that had no doors. Dawn came and one by one, my minions died from the light. We vampires could all feel their death and pain. I sensed that many of my followers wanted me to give in. All my vampires were to stay and keep watch for the mummies and that they will be pupils to learn magic.
I left alone into the world on my way to America. As my children learned so did I. I block out the teachings that my people were learning from the mummies. I hated the mummies more then any other creature of the undead. I never want to see one of those creatures again. So now, I am again, all alone.
The other vampires were being good. Thee mummies let them out for several weeks at a time to feed. Then they were to return to the tomb and keep watch over it. If they did not then the mummies would throw others into the sun.
I packaged myself in boxes and sailed myself across the sea to visit them every occasion. They would often not look me in the eyes. I felt like I had disgraced my kind. I felt like I was giving up and I have never done that before. Therefore, I fought with all my strength against the mummies.
I traveled the halls forcing my other vampires to get out of the way or to run. I needed not any help. I got to them before they could cast spells. I ripped their heads off; I tore their arms for their bodies. I even broke their legs. Still these creatures were immortal and I could think of only one way to end a species such as these. I must remove the source.
I ran into the tomb of Ramesses II and he awoke. He quickly started the battle by blinding my eyes. I did not need eyes as I felt every move of his by his shadow. He said he was impressed that I would go through so much trouble just for my people. He also said that I was a worthy king.
I did not care about flattery; all I wanted was my people to be free. I told him about it and he said when the time was right he would send them back to me. He just wanted to rule what was not his.
I hissed into the room as I felt his hand come towards me. When I went to charge him, he laid it upon me and every bone in my body broke. I was healing quickly, but he would lay his hand on me again breaking them more and more each time. I felt defeated.
I was back in a trap room where I waited for what seemed like days. I stayed up all these days watching the place where they entered me. I did not move, I did not breath, I did nothing but think that once that door opens I will kill whatever it is behind it.
Then they came, and Ramesses II was with them. I beat the two warriors but I was not fast enough to stop Ramesses II from touching me with his hand therefore breaking my bones. This is pain even for an immortal.
He carried me outside and even though I was hurt, I was still aware that it was noon outside and if he exposes me to the sun, I will perish. I saw the brightness. How it changed since I remembered. I yelled and tried with broken arms and broke legs to get out of the arms of Ramesses II. It was too late and I close my eyes as we walked out of the tomb.
He dropped me outside and I did not feel like I was dying. I firsts looked at him then at the sky. The moon was blocking the sun and it was a total eclipse. “Funny isn’t it?” Asked Ramesses the second, “How even though you were not told, you can be out during the day. You have to wait until the moon covers the sun. Let this be a notice that if you ever kill my people again I will throw you into the sun and you will turn to dust” He added and walked into the pyramid.
Two more mummies came out of the tomb and laid their hands one me. I could sense the words of my fellow family. They were saying that the mummies were giving me the power to travel as fast as darkness. I knew then that I could fly and even run faster then before. I was more powerful with the mummy’s knowledge of the universe.
I then closed my eyes again. I felt my people insure me that they were not in harms way. I felt them say that they get riches and gold. I felt like I had done my best, today was not a day to continue the fight. I took off running as fast as I could to a shelter. He said, one day my vampires will be set free.  Then we together will have eternity… I felt human.  
Vlad Tepes: Howl at the Moon Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 1: Sin with Flesh and Blood
The year is 1988 where I walk the dark streets night by night feeding upon human prey. I wondered the world and have been nearly everywhere. I was in America though in the northwest region out at night looking for travelers to kill. I felt a strange smell come over me. I resisted and thought America was dirty, but it was not what I thought it was. It was stranger.
The world had changed a lot in the years. People had telephones and television. The world was lit up with lights and the proper life that I had loved was slowly dying. I am five hundred and fifty seven years old. I am much older then most of the green that was on the earth. Industry destroyed and rebuilt the world. The human race was more like a plague and the world was infected.
I had lived through the witch hunting’s of the New world, and how even today witches and warlocks are cast out. It is sad because now-n-days witches and warlocks do not have the power they use to. Those powers died as the keepers burned in fire or hung from a tree. All that was past now and it was a new world indeed.
I still traveled in old fashion buying tickets to the opera every chance I could. Many things were going on and I missed my family of vampires now more then ever. This is the story where I find a new family, something I have long awaited.
It was snowing and a family of people was traveling the low road. I did not own a car, but I could travel just as fast as one on foot. I wondered the woods keeping out of site from people. I thought to myself as I always do. It was only a matter of time before all this forest would make a store or a village. Americans had very little morals.
I smelled a stench as I was traveling the roads. Soon it became unbearable and I took to the other way. It was like a dark force trying to catch up to me. It was like running down a long road with rain right behind you and sun in the front. Soon the smell was all over the place and I heard the steady and fast pace of a heartbeat.
I turned around and shouted, “What are you! Big foot?”, and then came the wolves. They had surrounded me and it looked as though for once I will be the meal. This is going to be fun, I thought further to myself. Therefore, the big bad wolves came in by groups and they tried desperately to take a chunk out of my flesh. This concerned me as I am beyond dead and wild life never seemed to notice me.
I was bitten a couple of times and I would instantly be healed due to all my immortal powers. Then something unimaginable happened that I have only read in books. The wolves backed off and were less aggressive. One approached me and I felt like I had earned their approval in the pack. Good I thought, soon I can get away from here.
The wolf then stood on its two hind legs and slowly turned into a human. It was completely amazing. It was a shape shifter. This monster was different then others I had encountered. They all had heartbeats and were perfectly healthy creatures. Together we looked into each other’s eyes walking in a circle not knowing what to expect.
“What are you?” we both yelled out in a tone of amazement. I told him the story of how I am Vlad Tepes the first vampire. I expected to hear an answer from him when my vision went blurry and I was seeing everything in black and white negatives. Dark places would be bright and what was before a shinny moon was completely black.
I then felt pain all over my body and I fell to the ground. I was conscious but I could not move. I knew I was lifted up and then carried by the man to what looked like there slice of the free land. There were very little houses. The smell that sickened me was everywhere. They put me down by a fire and I remembered the time I went to hell and sat beside false prophets by a fire. This fire though reminded me of the people I have killed and sent to hell.
I was in a trance when I realized the moon was fading and the sun would soon be up. I rushed up although I did feel rather sick. I walked up to people who seemed to be displeased and frightened of me.  I would huff out single words like coffin or shelter as I grabbed a hold of people’s arms. They pushed me away and I finally ran into a tent.
There was another man in the tent and I roughly spoke out “I can’t be touched by the sun”. He closed the door to the shelter and I could feel him keeping watch over it every second of the day that came. Again, night broke out and we gathered around the fire. This time a few men sat there with me that must have been mighty gods because I could read them as old as the earth.
They felt to me much like Indians although they were not from America at all. I sensed they were from the old world, they even seemed as though they dated back to the age of Ramesses II the mummy.
They told me some information about them. They were from the old days as I had guessed and they were first born through a man named Lycaon. He sat by the fire and waved his hand to me as he smiled. They kept there youth every time they went from wolf to human. So again, I found another type of immortals. This was tricky because they had blood but I did not wish to drink it.
Lycaon told me that there were several types of werewolves that night. Some that would turn into a human looking animal. These they said were from the breeding of old versions of werewolves. Ishtar made the first pure werewolf. A pure werewolf could was man. Once in wolf form he could not change back. I had read about her in The Epic of Gilgamesh. The second of their kind was one who could change back and forth. He was the one who was telling me these things, Lycaon.
There were people with pet wolves. At instinct, they jump into the wolves. Once in wolf form, the wolf can join a pack. I saw several kids that were walking around camp with full-grown wolves by their side. One of the children patted his ‘dog’ and then like magic slipped right inside him and glanced my way.
“You… Your… not going to kill me is you?” I asked with very little strength. They laughed and shook their heads saying no. Sadly as I had somewhat expected, they explained that they meant to kill me last night but found that I was immortal. The story goes if a werewolf you too become like them bites you.
Therefore, I would change possibly into one of them or a new breed they have not seen. All other werewolves “before” becoming immortal were regular humans. I would make for an intriguing experiment. Tonight we traveled to local towns. Each breed of werewolves traveled in different areas to feed. They held me up until we got to town and as I feed; I gained a little more power.
They laughed and joked about how I can drain them of blood then leave the flesh for them. That is all that they wanted anyways. They did not feed to get powers they fed to survive. They were not as evil as I was.
Later the night we went back to camp and they spoke more about their kind. They do not have to eat human flesh to survive, but they have to feed their wolf side in order to keep young. A werewolf could go years without eating or transforming before he would have to go feast and gain his youth again.
The kids too that would merge with regular wolves would regain their childhood bodies and live forever. How jealous I was, a monster that can choice to be or not to be. I had sometimes wished that I stayed dead and toughed it out in hell. I was growing tired of this planet and wished for more.
The next night came and they all gave a celebration. I wondered what it was all for and then I figured it out when they invited me to sit next to Lycaon. Tonight was going to be the night where I would learn to let the animal inside me out. I would learn Lycanthropy and I had no idea what was going to come next.
Vlad Tepes: Howl at the Moon Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 2:  What is Your Inner Animal?
The best Lycan taught me ever. Lycaon was not only the first shape shifter but he was a father and role model to his kind. He explained that when I begin to change to let my self-go. I could die if I held back. The gift is not for us all, and even though I was an immortal, I could be frozen or transformed forever.
Therefore, the people cheered and the other werewolves cleared the area. I would have enough room to transform. Becoming a wolf excited me, I felt like I was more ready then most of the people here.
I started to feel the effects taking place. Lycaon looked curiously at me and was ready to give a helping hand. I could tell he had done this before. He looked too experienced to stand close to me when I was about to turn into an angry untamed werewolf. Therefore, it began.
My body began to swift in ways I have never known. I felt bones break and move, some of them changing in size, and others growing smaller. Fur started growing around my neck and on my head. It was different then the hair that was originally on my head and chest. That hair fell off. New hair started to grow.
I was developing senses with it. I could feel the breeze and suddenly I went blind. My ears started growing in size, no, not only in size but I could hear for miles it seemed. I could also vision the things I heard. So not only could I feel and hear wherever darkness was, I could hear even in the day now.
My back was the most painful. My skin was ripping in two places and what looked like another set of mutated hands came out. They were deformed and then all down my sides my skin started merging to the new claw like wings. My face then broke and started shifting form. I started to wrinkle. My fangs and mouth grew larger.
I started to grow a tail where the wings latched. My legs could bend in both directions made it quite difficult to stay standing. Not only did my flesh and bones change. It was my veins and nerves. I grew sensitive to the touch but I knew without even looking.
“Wow, look! It’s a VAMPIRE bat.,” one of the Lycaon said jokingly and everyone burst out laughing. I could tell that I was not in the wolf form I was expecting. I was curious as to what I could do though, so I took off into the night flying.
While I was up there I had an increasing thirst for blood. It was true.  I was a vampire bat. Everything was dark but I could feel things from sound and movement in the area. This was normal for a bat, but I was a six foot two bat with about a 12 plus foot wingspan.
When I sensed a lone traveler, I swooped down and without even trying; I fit his whole head into my mouth and sunk all my teeth into his neck. I then went back up into the air with him dangling. While I flew towards the full moon, I was the shadow. I let go of my meal and sent the bloodless corpse to fall to his death.  
I went back closer to the werewolf camp where I would attempt to change back. I went to get closer to the land but while still in the air I started to re-obtain my human form. It was a lot quicker to change into a human then it was to change into a bat. I miss timed it and came crashing down into the village.
They came to retrieve me and explain things a little more clearly. They said that now that I have an animal form inside that I do change from time to time to feed it. I should consider it a pet that I must not ignore. For the first stages of mutation, I must live like my animal to keep it from completely taking over. If I negate it, I will either turn into the form forever or die.
Therefore, they took me to a cave away from camp to live. While hanging upside down like all the other bats, I suddenly got the remembrance of the time I was alive back in Wallachia. I felt like the bats were talking to me and singing songs of death.
A few months went by and I felt that my beast form was satisfied. After a while, I felt well about it. Even though the wolves made fun of me and mocked me. I was not displeased with any of it. I had an inner monster in me.
Now there was Lycaon, who was the original official shape shifter. He approached me in a hostile way telling me that I have too much power. I had to admit that every monster I came across had given me a gift.
He knew about me gaining dark immortality from Hell. He knew that a virus-infected zombie bite me and could spread my curse around as they could. He knew about my experience with the mummies. How they taught me to use darkness in space to travel. Now he even knew about my shape shifting.
He then wanted to see what it would be like if I was to bite one of his people. I told him that if it became a vampire and could only exist in the night, mummies would be on their way to capture it. I had no control over what it would be like for them.
Therefore, we set up the ceremony and they brought some regular humans as sacrifices. They knew that I must feed until I am full and then bite the one I want to change. Either that or I would not be able to stop and I would surely drink the entire werewolf’s blood.
Therefore, I feed and then took a bite in the werewolf. Then I quickly quit cause the taste of blood was so horrible tasting. They asked it that was enough to change a being into one of my kind. I spit out the taste in my mouth and told them it will do. All they need it the venom.
A day went by with the two so-called “dark ones” were kept in a small cabin. The next night people again gathered around to see what the results were from the bite. The man, whose name was Carlo, observed himself. His skin was becoming blacker then ebony. He said that he could see the events in my life. I told him that was normal. It was how my kind considered each other family.
Then his started to change into a darkened half blood wolf. The kind that was human with wolf hair and instincts. Then the people started chanting “Hybrid” repeatedly. I felt like I was in some bizarre cult. Carlo then while cheering the crowd on fell to his knees and with a steady stare he looked at the crowd as blood dripped out from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
He froze in place. People would try to move his arms but could not prevail. I sensed he was dead, as I knew that my connection to him had been lost. Maybe if we had the right mixture of blood the Hybrid theory could work. Lycaon and I talked about how maybe someone that was purely vampire could perform better. Therefore, for now it seems that I am the main monster of the night.  
Vlad Tepes: The Dead Walk the Streets by Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 1: The Wake
Being a vampire is not all it has thought to be. You are constantly dead and your heart ceases to beat. You can walk around but not much satisfies you. The only way to exist and feel alive is to feast on human blood. It gives a slight kick, your heart begins to beat and in time we can become, and evolve, better then humans. The only draw back is we need the human DNA. Some species went around dead got the same kicks by eating the brains of the living. Some would eat the flesh, eyes, brains, and yes, the soul.
Now the species like vampires but opposite have come. They are somewhat avengers if you may. They need the DNA of other immortals to live. The draw back for them is they cannot exist in the night. Even a long-term shade on them will increase their need to feed and will to hunt. In time, they will start to decay unless they find artificial light of some sort. The blood they get from the vampires lets the insides of them stay intact. They sleep in tanning beds; they hunt for prey in the day. They have almost every advantage over us.  Vampire and Eripmav, yes a silly clever name, which is just Vampire, spelled backwards, are at war. Along with Vampires, Zombies, mummies, Demons and Werewolves.
Zombies come and go, growing stronger and wiser then humans with each brain they eat. They are real horror because you do not know when or where they will pop up. They get their armies from long lost graves very much like mummies. Zombies how ever only become stronger for a short while. Eating the brain makes a slow moving soul-less zombie into a fast moving, smart predator. They are however mortal and do not heal as fast as the rest on the list.
Mummies have lived far longer then any of the other creatures of night. They preserved themselves thousands of years ago in tombs. These tombs only the undead would be able to navigate. Setting up traps and protecting themselves and their treasure. They sometimes come out and collect the eyes of victims to see the things they have not. They possess ancient magic, as calling upon flames or fancy illusions. Fortified in gold armor, they are slower but well… very good at killing.
Some may or may not believe in the demons. Some have seen though with their own eyes the terror they do. Possession, killing, and nightmarish appearance make them a powerful foe. They leave their victims soulless and in terrible murder scenes. They can exist in either the physical or the spiritual form. Both of which can drive you mad and give an early death to the weak sided human race.
Now rarely you can come across the werewolves. Some think that werewolves and vampires are at war. When it comes to food, we are. They feed upon flesh and doing so does not give them any power. It does only calm them down from being the dogs they are. They are animals and have unbelievable strength.
I, Vlad Tepes, take on the night to come. Forcing my victims dead and getting that kick in my heart. I love that beat. It makes me feel human once more. I feel my surroundings. Someone must have seen me feed as I sense the blood and heart beat flowing faster. It is coming from the south.
I see a shadow of a man from the lamplights running into a tunnel. I feel the darkness, the only light I have, carry me towards the human. It is somewhat of a gravitational pull. It holds me and glides me. I am a vampire and the darkness is my only friend. A good one mined you.
I enter the tunnel to find myself in front of a human being spellbound by a rather strange mummy. The mummy spoke words, casting his spells. He slowly approaches his prey. A mortal as some call them, trapped in what could be a dazzling dream. He had no instinct of what was currently happening. Then something struck me as the Mummy forced his hand into the opponent’s chest. He was that of an older type I have not seen in person, only in pictures.  
“I am Seti the first,” said the mummy as the humans dream has ended and he lay dead in the tunnel surrounded by lights. The mummy bent down and nearly crackled his bones. He tore out the eyes one by one and placed them in his mouth. When he looked at me again I could see the mummy how he wanted me to see him. Words went through my mind as well. “Ethos I, Minatare Seti I, I set the illusions, I set the dreams. The Eripmavs has somewhat of a contest.”
With those words, I did not want to be around this ancient. Him having the powers to take my eyes and see what I have seen in these 515 years on earth. I traveled with the shadows of the night. Towards the moon I went. With my quick sense, I looked for more prey only to find the sounds of people screaming in unbelievable terror. What has happened in this night was very unusual. I flew down. Alternatively, as I like to put it, “was handed down” by darkness into the streets of the USA. Yes, believe it or not you friend here, Dracula, settled in the land of the free.
I traveled between the shadows and light of the street lamps. There were six humans running out of a hospital. They did not run very fast.  The creatures were faster. The zombies somehow managed to devour hospital patience and turn the morgue into a small 50-man army. Oops I thought to myself when I seen the zombies burst out of the hospital running towards the humans that left. They were much faster. I would have guessed they all ate two or more brains each before the current time my watch read.
I could vision it now. Somewhere in the local graveyard, a few zombies spawned and made it to the streets. With wounds, someone must have called the paramedics. Well they restrained the creature and took him to the hospital. Here other zombies followed to save a friend, maybe. You know the saying, everyone for himself or herself. They would have started in the waiting room and made their way through the hospital killing and eating the brains of the humans. Some got away. Some were sick and dying… or too injured to survive.
I smelt the blood and could tell that only a few rooms remained occupied by flesh not dead. They were not going to make it out. Then I saw the mummy again. The one who would place spells on me hearing his names and such talk. “Do not follow me you BC. Not if you don’t want your arms and legs placed in all directions of the world.” I said in my talk. I call Mummies BC. Because that is the time, they were born. Some were not. The powerful and oldest who admired me are. I am however the first Vampire.
Again things went through my mind as to now he played with my senses and made me sense something was out to get me. There was only one thing I feared. One was something greater then I. Two was the new species, those anti vampires.
I took a dive towards our friend Seti in hopes to show aggression and soon he will leave me alone. Then suddenly I saw myself in the daytime. I was not dying or turning to dust. Somehow, this brought a smile to my face. To feel the suns rays on my skin was something I have dreamt about even in stories or movies.
I could not, this was a dream, I should not, and he would have me scream. I waited as I found it hopeless to fight now that I am in his spell. Then he showed me revelations. A picture in my head was he knelled down eating a light bearers eyes. Then I saw what he seen. I felt the power of the mummies.
One named, Aye, was trained and I seen her talking to a friend. They discussed how tomorrow they “move in” on the dead ones. Well this was entertaining me. At lasts a fight worth the time. It came to me that now we should strike first. Seti gave up his grip and the sunlight and the dream went away. I found my self suspended in air held in place while taking my dive. I lowered myself and soon seen a demon with our mummy friend.
Sometimes you could see him… Other times disappear only to reappear in different horrifying forms. “I thought demons were most hated by your kind Sir Seti. This night may prove to be some ‘sight’”. I stopped what I was saying as I remembered mummies like to take the eyes to see. “He has his forces I have mined; we’ll gather and lead the undead to the headquarters of the Eripmav that my eyes have seen. They protect the living so there will be many meals.” Seti said as the demon horrifyingly shook his head faster then one can imagine. “Better call upon your wolf friends” the demon said to me. The end of the night has let to come.
Vlad Tepes: The Dead Walk the Streets by Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 2: The ascend
The city that we were in was dark. It was lit up on every street-by-street lights and lamps. The sewers were much warmer then ground level. Steam would rise out when the heated air met the colder atmosphere. People had shops open. From what I have come to know about nightlife, is people are a lot more sinful. People were lustful, prideful, greedy, and just deadly like me.
Now I wonder the area, searching for any survivors in the incident. The demon, who can never be trusted, was breathing heavily on my back. I turn around and slap him leaving a scratch on his red burning face. I stop at a local shop, which had a TV displayed in the window. The current news was on so I decided to have a look.
The news reporter was a woman, wearing all tan clothing. The color actually matched her skin and it was a good choice of fabric to show off her curves. “...and now the current news, A doctor, who was burned to death by local villagers, has mastered a way of creating life through a put together corpse,” said the woman on TV as I noticed a new girl about the age 26, standing beside me. She spoke loudly and showed very little fear, “What a sick doctor. No one can play god. Not even Doctor Frankenstein.” She said as I smiled and quickly turned in her direction putting my hand around her head. I hastily pull the hair away from her neck and tilt her head so I could have a large area to eat. Many people will remember how I eat. I have been painting it on the streets over the years.
During my blood sucking I did not even have to use any senses, I felt the ground shake. People came out of the buildings around me to see what it was. I, held in place, held a dead body in my arms. I wondered if rumors would arouse and I will have to move again. Old Transylvania was home of yours truly. Today not many people remember this place. Only darken souls know it as home of the vampire souls. Same as your fellow storyteller, yours truly, Count Vlad Tepes.
The demon that was with the mummy was present and I seen him walk over to a human. It was terrible. While possessing the body the demon ate the soul in a matter of minutes. The human feel dead, the earth was still shaking, and the human that died rose up as a Zombie. I dropped the body of the mortal and then I seen what was causing the quake. A stampede of people with lycanthropy came. They both turned and in human form came rushing. In the middle of all this was Seti the first or Seti I, as people have known him better. This is when we raged war with the light bearers. Now I head to the headquarters watching the demon turn humans into Zombies while werewolves eat the flesh. I would even get the chance to feast as the army of darkness raged the streets.  
Werewolves are the worst of the undead. Vampires are complete angered at their blood. They are this because they are not dead. Only vessels much like a human that can shape shift. We can smell their blood but it has a horrible stench, not like the blood of our dear prey. To find one with lycanthropy, one must look in the right places.  
We storm closer and closer towards the large building of Eripmav. The mummy was leading a parade of wolves. Zombies, many demons, and I joined them. The demons run up the walls of the building, we have now reached our destination. The lights go out on every floor with each window the demons touch. I waltz in, dancing and parading around like the media would picture me. The first room is very regular, a woman at the front desk and two security guards guarding the elevators. The demons were draining power from a building. It had lights blinking on ten off.
With a press of a button from the secretary two coffins like, white beds come break from the ceiling. The beds had symbols on them. They are a decoration to someone who knows. This was after all a salon. As I sense the blood inside them I notice some blood, like mine, coursing through their veins. They have been eating my kind for far too long. When they open up the beds, the light hit is the room. I felt a great deal of fear since if these rays hit me; it could damage and or weaken me. Three Werewolves go to crash the beds two connect hits with each other in an attempt to take the one on the right. While the other werewolf takes the bed on the left down with no fight.  
The power was still fading. Upstairs we could hear moaning as even the lights from their funny tanning beds were going out, making them very vulnerable from all the darkness this night has gave. The elevator came to our floor. Seven figures came out wearing suits that apparently glowed inside. I rushed towards one, beating the armor until I heard a breaking noise. This was my signal to move on to another since I believed the breaking was that of a light bulb. I was much faster then they and I showed no mercy.
The mummy was tall and strong. He took the dead from all around. He ripped out the eyes of the dead light ones. Then he proceeded to talk telepathically to the others telling where to strike. He was efficient and even caught my mind when he told me to go outside and wait on the rooftop. I did as told and was sitting there looking up to the stars. I could see a blinking light coming closer. I knew that the whole building was covered in madness and the pray was weak and the dead were winning.
The light kept coming closer. Then I realized it was a helicopter coming. A forced breeze hit my back, and I turned to see two Eripmav come out with suits on. I laughed. I flew towards them and punched the suits until I heard those lights break. Then I rose up and towards the helicopter to kill whoever was to come and “rescue” their friends. Then to my short surprise the men inside burst into flames. I looked around to see who did this I found let another mummy. A one I too recognized as an ancient, His name is Ramesses II. I was more familiar with this one.
That night the Eripmavs Died, the Demons went back to hell, the Zombies went to the graves, and the wolves went home. Lycaon, Seti I, Ramesses II, and Vlad Teoes III are thee only ones left. “I’ve learned more of our enemy through the dead eyes. There are more and tonight was just a diversion. They are still going to attack tomorrow. We’ll be the victims this time.” said Seti the first. So our story continues… this time, the villains will be the prey.  
Vlad Tepes: The Beautiful End Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 1: E R.I.P. Mav
The full moon lighted softly on the earth and gave a glimmer of a majestic red shine on a local graveyard. I was to take a virus from an experimental military bio weapon and apply it to the dead. This same thing brought forth zombies from earlier this year. It resembled the virus where I gained the power to transfer my immortality to others so many years ago.
Therefore, I kneeled before a tombstone with RIP engraved on it. With blood I put “E” in front of the “R” and “mav” after the “P”. This blood will slowly raise the dead out of the grave and into our realm of existence. We would need the numbers if we were going to survive.
Still knelled by this tombstone, I knew that we would not outlast this fight. We started with hundreds of thousands and before a year, we were down to thousands.
I got up from my pray and turned to my wolf friend as we began to leave. We had bases where we stayed in the dark.  There we continued to go out and feed when our urges told us to. The enemy of enemies would come to the bases in the day and either blow up our mines or tear the roofs off buildings.
We worked in teams to stay alive and we fed until our bodies needed no more. Some of us worked double shifts, which would last weeks. The werewolves were the only ones hard to keep awake as they live like normal humans outside of their wolf counter part. The Mummies, Demons, and Vampires were the only ones who could stay awake for days.
We lived in a cavern where there were many tunnels and places for each species to stay. It was a horror house. All should fear if one might come near it. During this time, the zombies stayed outside and the mummies were the second defense due to both being able to live in direct sunlight.
Most of the werewolves were nocturnal as well so they took their place in the inner cavern area where they would patrol the tunnels. The demons were the ones that would wonder between areas going to wherever was best fit for them.
I took my place with the kings of the old and let my fellow vampires stay close to me. We were the only ones that could not touch light or we would turn to ash. Eve though we all had a weak point. We kept ourselves well guarded.
All was calm and with each sunset, we were over the moon delighted that we had survived. Each day we feared of an attack. The strand of a virus we stole from a government official kept the zombies on patrol.
We were at peace and then it happened, the Eripmavs attacked at sunrise. This time our story takes a downfall towards the worst. When they first barged our fields we could sense that there was not many of them. The destruction of the zombies was fairly spaced apart within time.
Soon they were at our front gates and the next line of defense was the mummies who were only loyal to Ramesses II. To counter this he agreed to stay in the back with Lycaon and myself. The mummies headed out wrapped in linen strands and glorified with their Egyptian artifacts.  
Some wore helms the shape of beasts and creatures only known in the B.C. era. All of them were dressed in jewels said to increase spiritual energy. Ramesses II and his father Seti took the most magical of items,
Good and evil started to fight. The killer of killers finally comes for our blood. Vampires were bitten and drained. We threw spears into the air and swords were clashing together. I could sense decapitations happening to each side as more and more fell to their death.  As before, the Eripmavs were defeated but they had taken down a dozen of the mummies in our arsenal.
The mummies did not return to their posts and neither did they raise the zombies from their head injuries. This was unacceptable behavior and we the three kings all focused our thoughts on bringing them back inside the cavern.
Ramesses II then looked upon our pale faces with a look of concern. I went to sense the area with my dark gifts but that was not enough. Seti then stood before us and said that the army has sensed thousands of Eripmav coming our way. This would be the final fight and maybe the loss of our immortality.
Quickly the demons came to aid the mummies in the outer area of the cavern. The eripmav had a war cry that echoed through the area. I bet the sounds of their screams echoed miles away.  
The magical mummies then cast magic upon the enemy. Flames, darkness and hell entered into them. They charged in numbers greater then our own. It was not long until Ramesses II went to aid his kind in the battlefield. Before he could leave, his father came to stop him and take his place.
They were his people too and his before his sons. He would tend the fight in hopes that victory will come and our stories would continue. Seti took his armor and weapon then left towards the exit of the cavern. Our desire was now purely evil and twisted into causing much suffering to the ones who wished to extinct us from the planet.
The war continued on and many undead fell but still some held the ground. Seti came out and like a fearless warrior; he began to detach the enemy limb from limb. Each swing he would gravely wound the opposing team. The jewels he possessed were giving him the power to block those who would do him harm. The thing the Eripmavs lacked was the ability that they jewel did not do the same for them.
During the day the powers Seti had faded away but the sun was setting. This would mean that all creatures of the night could walk outside and have the advantage of the darkness wearing them down.
Seti looked at the sun and Ramesses II got a sad look on his face and lowered his head. I could tell that his father did what he could but it was the end for him. His powers were not almighty and the enemy had hundreds of thousands on their side. He knelled to the ground and the Eripmav surrounded him, waiting for his powers to deplete.
The sunset and the night took over. The final blow towards Seti and his preserved life had ended. This was sadness for the mummies, which were all dying and losing their power. Now we took the battle to them. As we traveled through the cavern towards the exit we all howled, hissed, and moaned towards the end passage.
Once we came out we were at full force and the enemy came with artificial light. I backed into the cavern but before I could, a beam hit me and it did not affect me. The light I figured was for them alone. They had no intension of using it against the vampires.
Hundreds of our kind stood to keep the entrance of the cavern sealed and out of enemy hands. We kept our numbers low; as we knew, we were monsters and could not control our need for human DNA. This was not the case with Eripmav. They multiplied and outnumbered us solely to destroy us.
The night had started. We were face to face with our enemy. Together with all our might, we would battle to the end. We forever disappear. W waited for them to strike. The undead were weak and tired from the lights before.
Therefore, we looked and we mixed up our group to let them know that we are one. We did not show any hatred for each other. We lived to honor ourselves and we will die to protect each other. This is our destiny. This is what the war between heavens in hell was. This was the revelations.
Vlad Tepes: The Beautiful End Written by: Joseph Wayne Clark
Chapter 2: The Illusion of a successful conclusion
The moment we moved, the Eripmavs were ready to jump us. We came out of our dark cavern. The undead killers had a thirst for our blood. I now know what it feels like when I go to claim my victims.
You feel fear, you think that everything you have done, or not everything you will do is ever going to be anything ever again. It is a terrible feeling and I could never disown it. I will never be able to give back what I have taken. It is a circle of life and a curse I bearer for immortality.
I plowed into the first light absorber I came to. From there I worked around to the lesser ones. They quickly fell and stronger more rested Eripmavs joined into the fight. With accelerated healing and unnatural speed, I made quick work through many of them. It reminded me of the days I was in Wallachia. How I battled for my people and fought countless fights.
During the fighting and the cries of the fallen, I felt a glimpse of righteousness. Again the moon was glowing red as to display the blood loss within this old mine. With all our forces, the Eripmavs were no match for all of us. It was five intelligent evils against one new spawn race with only a lifetime of experience.  
The demons surrounded the field and I knew something was going to happen. I motioned to Ramesses II to draw his men out of the field. Elders and demons never really learned to co-exist. In their day’s evil was something they fought with themselves. That is the reason my people were slaved. They could not let evil enter the world after all of it was washed away.
The demons were summoning a beast. The untamed beast would kill both undead and sin eaters.  In a magical transparent spiritual way, it arose and demolished a whole area of enemies. I could see the demons grow delighted at the rise of the first beast. Then a great door appeared in the sky. This was something no one has seen but has only heard the tales from Lycaon himself.
As I lay down to the ground, I felt an extreme weight come over me. At last, angels have come down to lock away the untamable beast. When they approached it in battle, powerful energy shocked through us all. The collision of heaven and hell was now unavoidable and I got a deep sick feeling that this would be the end. Ramesses II and Lycaon talked about this for many years.
As the untamable beast died, another had come. The angels fought with all their might. Finally, they killed the beasts. This ended the spell that the demons had conjured up. It was a splendid feeling that heaven and hell moved briefly as we fought for our lives.
I got up when I felt the weight that held me down was gone. Many people were dead, vampires, wolves, and eripmavs. The angels did not leave without removing the threat from happening again. I looked around with all my senses and could not find a single demon nor lost soul anywhere at all. It seems that now it is just a few hundred more eripmavs and us the three kings.
Ramesses II still had some mummies but they were weak from fighting this whole battle. They went to carry on and to protect their ancient king. With very little vampires now left in the world, we paired up with the mummies.
The werewolves however were not so fortunate. It seemed Lycaon was the last of his kind and almost a fallen king. Then to my amaze, a dozen came appearing off the cavern walls. They were in both human and wolf form. Therefore, the battle persists and daytime was coming at any moment.
With our last remaining people, fighting the battle was soon to be lost. We did our best to last as long as we did but there was too many of them and this was our last stand. With everyone cut open, bleeding, and adrenalin pumping through every muscle I say in the far four more eripmavs come.
They were bigger as if they spent their lives as body builders. Two of them were extremely tall while the others were extremely buff. I stood in my stance and with just animal instincts; I defended myself while my eyes locked on these four.
The two taller powerhouses gave a motion by the smaller ones. They began to head towards the fight. I yelled to my fellow friends “be warned”. The last of the eripmavs were tired and the werewolves took care of them.
The two taller ones then came to a halt as they came merely to greet us. They talked as how they were impressed with our attempt to survive and congratulated that we made it through to the end. Then they changed the vibe and said we must now die.
Lycaon who could heal sprinted towards one, which then grabbed a machete off the ground from the previous fight and sliced off Lycaon’s arm. He stood in shock as blood spurred out across the field. The stat eripmav then did a twirl in the air and decapitated Lycaon of his head. This triggered him to transform into a wolf again.
The eripmav was not please at this and started to kick the wolf in every vulnerable spot. You could almost cry at the brutality of the smacks. Then the eripmav picked up a vampire body that had lost his energy and ripped off its head. This produced great anger into me as I witnessed the event.
While he laughed at any attempt Lycaon made during beast or man to attack, the eripmav took everything he could dish out. Then quickly Lycaon went to bite for the eripmavs throat. This did not please the light bearer and did not prevail to damage him. Instead, the eripmav grabbed Lycaon by the wolf head and dug the fangs of my fellow vampire into him.
Lycaon looked towards me with sad eyes as I stood in place. I knew that a werewolf could not survive a bite from a vampire. Lycaon will die and become a statue frozen in time. He grew black as the night sky without stars, and then he froze as cold as death itself.
I charged at the big grunt and jumped on him smacking him around and stabbing him with my dagger. I then remembered the time I fought against the seven-headed dragon. I gained the blood of immortality from the neck of the false messiah and lived to tell tales of it. This person was no different and he quickly fell to one knee.
I sensed the other coming towards me when Ramesses II came in the fight by laying a hand on the giant and breaking every bone in his body. Ramesses II then proceeded to cast fire upon the foe scourging the flesh off his body. I dug my teeth into the powerhouse as drained him of his blood. To say it simple and dry, he died as I tossed his body into the shadows where they could not exist.
The next person that came gave yet another congratulations as well as a farewell I will kill you ending. One of the tall ones decided to join the fight. I stood at him and Ramesses II stayed by my side.
The last tall one, who remained a distance, spoke out to taunt me. He said that if I was to survive a fight that I should go ahead and call him Van Helsingr. Much has happened in my life but no mortal by that name had ever defeated me. It was a publisher’s request that Bram Striker was to give his stories a successful conclusion.
So the tall man walked up and punched me in the eye as I fell back he grabbed me by the leg and threw me into the far distance. I began to transform into my lycanthropy bat form and raced through the skies to join the battle again.
In such little time, the eight-foot man was breaking Ramesses II down into a fragile stance. It was not a pleasant site, and I began to see him reach out to me with his hand. I dove down, went back to human form, and held it.
With his last words he inherited me all his magical abilities as well as telling me he did not do so before cause he wanted it to be like this. I walked up to the giant and with powers I have not seen came out of me. A shockwave of darkness came around me breaking the surrounding lights, which were helping the eripmav survive. Then I touched him and felt light deep within.
It seems that the eripmavs had internal lights build into them so there insides did not decompose. Most creatures that roam the earth are in skin and despite their religious beliefs have darkness surrounding every organ… even the heart.
So while I touched him I began to battle with the light inside. This time it was no easy task and the eripmav threw me off him. Therefore, I disappeared into the shadows and while he turned to find me, I would blindside him taken the light and hiding it from his heart. After a few more blindsides I appeared to him again and touched his head as he too fell to one knee and within time faded away into the air.
Now the dreadful part came where the sun was about to peak over the horizon and I must flee. Therefore, I walk into the cavern when suddenly the last of the eripmavs grabbed me and dragged me back towards the outside.
With little to no hesitation, he opened his mouth with a hiss and took a bite directly out of me. He then continued to feast on me as I lay weak then I noticed that as he bite me my powers were slowly draining from me.
I lost the power to use magic as that was the most fresh in my DNA. After a while, I began to lose the ability to shape shift as well. Before too long the daylight came. I tried to drain him of his powers and possibly get mine back.
He was growing stronger and I had little to no time to hesitate. I clawed him with my fingers and punched him continuously in the face until he let go of his bite. Once he did despite me being extremely weak and near death, I took a bite out of him and began drinking his blood. He fell to one knee and I thought to myself for the power he displayed it was early for him to fall so soon.
As I feed upon his blood, I dragged him with me towards the edge of the cavern where the shadows would block me of light. He then arose with full might and looked as if I had never even touched him. The sun had given him the power of immortality while the darkness was bandaging me. He then grabbed me by one arm and one leg and threw me into the light.
I felt the end upon me and the scourging sunbeam onto my skin where it was be expelled from for over 400 years. I started to burn and my skin was feeling radiation I have not had since I was a man. Still it did not kill me. I smirked as I walked towards him saying that I absorb the powers of those who bite me, especially monsters!
He looked as though he made a grave mistake and for a moment, I felt as though I would win the battle. Then I felt the powers of light and darkness goes to war with each other. The only way I could describe it is the way Lycaon must have felt when he turned to death. I had little time so I began to drink the blood of my victim even more.
I was not growing stronger but he was growing weaker. Then I saw his skin tighten up as though all his blood was gone. I let go to push him into the carven and while I did, he let out a scream as he turned to dust. I walked towards the sun for a few minutes. There was no sense in me trying to live. The fusion of a dark and light existence was going to end me no matter what I did.
I walked until I seen my self slowly fade away into ash. However, I did not fade completely; I still kept a mental awareness somehow. My ashes touch across the green, the sea, and they sky. I feel the presence of the heavens, the earth, the mortals, and the sea. It is all comforting to me despite that I will never be able to exist again. I keep the memories of my friends, the good, the bad, all the way until the end.  
I know that Ramesses II and the rest of the mummies have lived. Some explorer will put them back together.  I only hope that their magic is strong enough for them to witness another 1000 years. I know Lycaon was pleased to finally rest after all he was the first king on earth to live as an immortal.
As I past upon the wind in ashes, I wondered to myself. What creature would I have become if I drank the blood of the messiah? I would have held his powers instead of the dragon. Would I be a different man? Would I have wondered what the outcome of this war would bring? What would I think about my family, Lycanon, or Ramessess II? In the end I truly ask myself, is it too hard to ask to be good?
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