#Maybe I don't want to see him suffer LOOOL
doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Heey I loved the hanahaki disease fic^^
Was wondering if i can request a part 2 with bachira and whoever else you want but only if you want to
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Bachira Meguru – sunflower
Meguru has always been a confident guy, rarely events surprised him, that’s why when he coughed a beautiful yellow petal fly out of his mouth Bachira isn’t surprised at all “well, it was just a matter of time” he says to himself.
Meguru doesn’t want to avoid you, he swears, but everybody notices how quick he changes direction when he barely sees a strand of your hair.
It’s Isagi who first bring the topic up after an exhausting training, the only two guy remaining in the changing room.
“So…you have a crush on (y/n) right?”
Isagi you backstabber, how could you say the harsh truth in front of his face all of sudden.
And obviously, a fit of coughing started, and petals come flowing down like a waterfall from his mouth; what a nice way to doll up the fact he was more or less dying.
“Now you are worried Isagi? Maybe next time you should use your over-analysis skill on the field instead of investigating me” Meguru feels a little bad for thinking that, but just a little; maybe next time he won’t snoop around.
But Isagi is a hound and when he sets his eyes on a target he never lets go. That’s why Meguru is standing in front of you, knees already trembling, sunflowers scratching his throat.
“Why are you avoiding me! What have I done?”
Oh, Meguru sees the tears running down your face; it’s a look that doesn’t suit you at all.
But what can he do? Well, he laughs, laughs like a madman, ‘till one of those traitor petals come out from his mouth.
You look surprised, eyes wide open.
“W-what does this mean?”
“Don’t worry dear, it means I love you.” Meguru smiles
Well, it was easy to admit. It’s not like he could hide this anymore either.
And all of sudden the taste of blood on his lips takes a tinge of…strawberry? Oh, your lips are on his ones. Oh, the warmth of his chest is there because his heart is pumping full of love, not of those little thorns.
Oh, if only he knew it was going to be like this earlier.
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Shidou Ryusei – pink petunia
Ryusei thinks of you as an NPC, one of those insignificant soulless pawns that in video games he enjoys killing so much.
Ryusei hates you with every cell running in his body, just looking at you makes his stomach writhe, shivers running down his skin making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Then one day his lungs start to burn too, “another symptom of disgust” he thoughts. Then a single petal comes out from his mouth; what a beautiful shade of pink.
So it wasn’t hate, it is love.
Ryusei can’t stand the thought. A useless NPC became an intrusive thought? You aren’t explosive, your beauty don’t stand out, and you don’t have a single thing in common with him, so why you? What the fuck is wrong with his brain chemicals?
And the more he thinks of how much he can’t stand you the more petals come out, mixed with spit and vomit, but what an explosive feeling you are making him feel.
Ryusei can only smile, he adores all of this. Death sound so exciting.
He tries to get more near you, maybe even hold you, every harsh comeback makes his heart beat faster “yes, it’s coming” and as fast as he came he runs away ready for the next exciting fit.
You never understood Ryusei, he always acted annoyed by your mere presence, not helping the crush you were harboring for him, so seeing him so often now was strange, but how could you complain?
After all, when he was next to you it was the only moment where you didn’t vomit petals. So you kept your façade when you only wanted to smother that demon's face with kisses.
This tug-of-war goes on for a month, an entire month, then the illness decides to get the upper hand.
That’s why you find Ryusei on his knees in front of you, shirt and pants stained by blood and pink petunias that just won’t stop coming out from his mouth, but he is smiling. The damn bastard is smiling and pointing at you. Bastard.
Does he hate you so much that he’ll rather die than love you? Bastard.
Tears stream down your face and you can feel your own flowers scratching your throat. Bastard.
You move, throw yourself at him and kiss him, as long as your lungs let you, but what’s worse is that Ryusei tries to push you away.
You let him go, the petunias stopped flowing out, you can hear his breathing returning normal, yours too.
Ryusei looks at you, thick eyelashes soiled with tears, but he is frowning.
“You have rather died than admit your feelings for me? Bastard!”
You run away, Ryusei stays there, still on his knees.
You’ll both have to sort things out
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lawxbread · 4 years
hiya!!!can I ask for a scenario with some angsttt?😂😂I was thinking maybe sanji got hurt in a fight and was hiding his injuries but his fem!s/o found out? thanks so much in advance!! (I don't rly like nsfw smut stuff I just love angsty stuff for some reason loool)
(´• ω •`) ♡ Hey yo!! Thanks a bunch for requesting! I got so upbeat reading your ask since we all love Sanji, so I couldn’t wait to write it! Like you, I find myself appreciating writing/reading angst stuff lately so... your request came in handy !! I hope you enjoy it, have a nice and safe day! <3
I’d never think of you as a failure
Sanji x fem!reader
  Summary: Sanji has been acting weird since he came back from an exploration mission. Thanks to that, an excruciating event happened between you and Sanji. Obviously, you couldn’t help but try to figure out what’s going on with him. Sanji’s cheeling past with his family certainly has to do with it. Well, at least he has you to count on.
 Warnings: angst, disagreements, troubled past
Word count: ~1.7k
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"I miss him..." You mumble to yourself as soon as you wake up, seeing the left side of your bed empty.
 It's been a few days since Sanji, your boyfriend, left the ship with Luffy, Robin, Franky, and Law's crew to explore an island. The band split into two groups to streamline the process of going in search of the blue poneglyphs. Consequently, you and the rest of the crew are in charge of keeping tabs on the ship, while the other group is using  Law's submarine since all of you agreed to meet at the next island.
 You and the others have been waiting for the rest of the crew as you already arrived on the encounter island four days ago.
  "Good morning, Nami." You greet the Straw hats' navigator while you approach Sunny's aquarium. She is sitting on the bench, "Morning, Y/N!". You both start a conversation, then you bring up the subject of the rest of the crew's members comeback, showing your worries about Sanji's safety. "I can't stand it anymore. I miss him so freaking much." You say as you cross your arms, with your hands gripping upper them. "I guess I've been used to be by his side." Nami can't help but give you a sad look. She tries to comfort you by saying they will arrive when you least expect it.
  Suddenly, You hear someone yells, "THEY'RE HERE!! LUFFY AND THE OTHERS!!"
 "Oh my god. And I want to earn a hundred million bellies!" Nami jokes as soon as she realizes the amused fluke. You don't hesitate a second and run towards the room's door in an attempt to check if it's true, with your heart pounding out of your chest, utterly desperate.
  You see Usopp in the ship's mainmast, with his hands screening his eyes from the sun's light as he tries to get a better view of the group coming. He can't stop smiling and screaming about the other group's return, giving you a glad feeling.
 "Oi!! Oi, oi, oi!" It's Luffy, happily waving at all of you. Your eyes automatically start looking for Sanji in the crowd. As soon as you see your boyfriend, without a second thought, you run towards him, immediately jumping out of Sunny, "Sanji!!".
 When Sanji notices you, a smile from ear to ear on his face appears. He opens his arms, implying to give you a tight hug.
 Quickly, you hug him. The warmth you feel when you both embrace each other is incomparable, "I missed you." Sanji whispers as he holds you. 
 When you are about to let go of the embrace, you slowly rub your arm over Sanji's right shoulder, "Ouch!" Sanji unintentionally lets out, as if he was in pain. "What happened??" You worriedly ask. "It's Nothing, Y/N-chan." Sanji grins while he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear, "I'm okay. Don't worry." You can't help but fret about him. Still, you pass this matter over for a while.
Thereabout eight hours have passed since Luffy's group return. Since then, you've been spending this whole time with Sanji. 
 You are sitting on a bench in front of the kitchen countertop while you watch Sanji cooking the banquet for the celebration later, "You look tired.", you say with a concerned voice tone as you fold your hands together on the countertop. "How long has it been since you've slept decently?" Sanji scratches his neck with his index finger, "I'm not tired, Y/N-chan." Sanji replies while he puts some flour on the tip of your nose, leaving it entirely white. So then, he chuckles. "I've been sleeping well, don't worry." Afresh, he smiles, but you know he's hiding something from you. Sanji is unsettled, for sure.
  The big celebration starts, lots of food all over the dinner table, which follows the Straw hats' classic menu: basically, the favorite dish of each one of the members. All of these, prepared by your sweet boyfriend and, also, the best cooker you've ever met, Sanji. 
 Luffy approaches the table, his mouth drooling for complete. Expectedly, he starts eating a piece of meat. When suddenly he asks with his mouth full, "Where's Sanji?" He's right. Sanji said he was quickly going to go to the room of you both about 45 minutes ago. You lean back and look up, wondering why Sanji is taking so long. Owing to that, you get up from your seat, "I'm gonna go call him."
 An anxiety awareness comes as you walk towards your room. You don't know why, but you are having an awful feeling about Sanji's absence; a quickened breath takes over your lungs. Perhaps this is due to his behavior since he arrived. Genuinely, you know that he is not well, and it worries the hell out of you.
 Even though it's also your room, you try to respect Sanji's privacy, considering that you don't know what he is doing inside there. 
 In reason of that, you knock on the door. No answer. You try it again. Still no answer. You do it five more times, and Sanji doesn't reply. 
 So you decide to come in.
  You gradually open the door as you murmur, "Sanji?" 
 You take slow steps on the wooden floor. Sanji is not in the main room, so you call on his name using a louder voice, "Sanji!". Suddenly, a noise comes from the bathroom. 
  You immediately head over there. Hence, a feeling of shock erodes your body as you see Sanji failing to try to hide a big bruise on his right shoulder. You can't stop looking at the wound as you put your hands over your mouth in shock. The wound is really bad. It looks like it was an extremely strong punch's blow or something like that. Apparently, the injury has been there for about a week, so it's not recent. That is, Sanji was hiding it from you. 
  Sanji freezes and stares at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, " Y/N-chan..." His voice, a stuttering timbre. "Why didn't you tell me?" You ask him as you crease your brow and twist your mouth, trying to think of a logical reason that explains why he'd done that.
  Sanji is simply shocked. He presses his fingers firmly against the palm of his hand. As if he is holding on to the urge to do something he doesn't want at all. Unexpectedly, his eyes flood with tears. Sanji was holding back the urge to cry. Cry in front of you.
 "No, don't cry!! I hate it when you cry!!" You give him the saddest look you've ever had. He's paralyzed from head to toe. The only movement you see as you look at him is the tears running down his cheeks. 
 "Sanji!!!!" You shout to him while you fight back the craving to cry. Hands lead to your forehead as you feel your bloodstream on fire. Sanji is not saying a thing. He is doing nothing but cries and staring at you while he does so. "God...This is breaking my heart." Your voice is in a whiney tone, implying an inevitable shedding of tears. Then, eventually, your eyes well up.
  "J-just talk to me...Please." You beg. Sanji shakes his head slightly as if he is trying to take a kind of stupor away. He glances at you with a fake smile, "I'm sorry for not telling you." He wipes his tears with his left hand, "I don't know why I cried." Sanji artificially chuckles, "I'm okay."
 The cooker is lying to you again, so you confront him, "Stop telling me you're okay!!!!!" You exclaim. Sanji looks surprised at you. Then you add, "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." And when he opens his mouth to answer you, you interrupt him, "And don't try lying to me again." You give him a severe look.
  A bleak silence takes over the bathroom for about 10 seconds. Sanji keeps staring at you, hesitating to speak the truth.
  But then, he decides to blow off steam to you. "I got hurt in a fight." He looks down, avoiding your glance, "I didn't wanna you to think..." A line appears between your brows. "To think I'm weak." He looks back at you, "Damn it! How pathetic am I for crying like a baby in front of you??!" Sanji sighs as he palms his forehead.
  You give Sanji a once-over, "Sanji!!!". He wide-eyed stares at you, "Why would you think that??" You can't help but be nervous, "I can't..." You cross your arms, "I can't just sit by and do nothing when obviously you're suffering." Further, Sanji is hesitating again. He lights a cigarette as a down look fills his face. When, finally, he confesses, "My family... used to treat me like..." Sanji blows a cigarette smoke, "... like a failure because they thought I wasn't strong enough."  Sanji admits as he squeezes his eyes shut, fighting back his tears. "I don't wanna you to think I'm a failure and to doubt my strength as they did." He adds, "That's why I hid my injuries from you." Sanji quivers his lips as you gradually approach him.
 "Sanji..." you mumble his name while you walk towards him. He opens his tearful eyes and gazes at you. When, suddenly, you hug him like you're never going to let him go, "I'd never, under any circumstances..." You look up, trying to maintain eye contact with him, "...Think of you as a failure." You smile with your eyes and mouth at him. 
 Sanji is shaken. Now he's crying again. But with joy. He can't stop smiling and crying at the same time. He holds you even more tightly in his arms; even though it is painful for his injured shoulder, he doesn't care. It's like he's anesthetized at the moment. 
 "Mmm...You're warm." He says.
  The words you just said ended up comforting Sanji's traumatized and troubled soul.  "Now, let me treat your injury properly." You ask him with a grin.
 Later, you're sitting on the edge of the bed with Sanji as you bandage his injured shoulder. When, suddenly, you stop bandaging and then, you kiss it, "If I could..." You say as you look at Sanji's profile face, "I'd kiss away all of your scars." Lovingly, you smile at him. At last, Sanji looks back at you. 
  A pleasant silence fills the room as he presses his forehead against yours, "I love you." Sanji whispers.
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