#Maybe Kikyo should have been Moroha’s mom since she personally knows how to love and care for children
inukag · 4 years
how do you feel so far about the new series so far?? especially the pacing?
My feelings on the new series have been an absolute roller coaster so far lmao. Grab some popcorn because I have a lot of things to say under the cut...
I’ll start with the negative part so we can end on a good note. I won’t talk about Sesshomaru’s baby mama situation because we don’t have a definitive answer and probably won’t have for a while if Sunrise is wise. I just hate that this is even a mystery we need to worry about because it makes a lot of people uncomfortable, but I’ve made peace with it and I’m just hoping it won’t be an important part of the story. It feels manipulative that they’re luring us in by not telling us why our favorite characters disappeared while also not giving us this information that is going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people. I’m not surprised though.
Anyway, when it comes to the actual execution of the series itself, so far I’m not a fan of the amount of plot threads that they have introduced in only 4 episodes. First we had a lot of hints that Yotsume was someone we had to watch out for, that he was responsible for root head taking control of the tree of ages and sending Towa to the present. Then we learn that Setsuna lost her memory because of some kind of butterfly demon, so the quest became killing that butterfly demon. Now in the fourth episode we’re introduced to what feels like the real main villain of the series, an enemy of Sesshomaru who wants to destroy the world. I’m sure this will all be connected somehow but I personally feel like they are throwing all of this at us too quickly without properly setting up each element individually.
Another smaller issue I have is with the girl’s abilities. For Setsuna and Moroha, they already spend years fighting demons so it’s understandable that they have cool abilities (I do wonder who trained Moroha to use her spiritual power since it wasn’t Kagome but that’s a minor issue that can be explained later). But with Towa... I’m disappointment that so far she doesn’t seem to get the same development that Inuyasha got when he learned to master the Tessaiga. Towa can materialize a sword made of her demon energy, at will? Without any kind of explanation of that or showing her struggle with it? She can immediately use this powerful “blue dragon” attack when it took dozens of chapters for Inuyasha to use the wind scar? Anyway, it doesn’t feel like this is getting the proper time it needs.
But my BIGGEST disappointment with the show right now is how they refuse to give Moroha any emotional moments. She has the once in a lifetime chance to travel to the future (we don’t know if they’ll learn to control the rainbow corridor), meet her mom’s family, that she doesn’t remember, and we still got 0 information on her backstory. I’ve heard the argument “but maybe she doesn’t want to talk about it so she lied to the Higurashi family” that’s fine, but I would have liked to see it? I would have liked for Moroha to have some kind of introspection at least? They could have shown a flashback of her childhood or the last memory she has of Inuyasha and Kagome.... but we got nothing. A lot of people say “it’s a mystery that’s why they don’t show us anything” I have to disagree. If it’s a mystery we should care about, then they should at least set that up? It doesn’t feel like it’s part of the plot if everyone acts like nothing is wrong or act like Moroha isn’t obviously Inuyasha and Kagome’s kid (I’m looking at you, Kohaku). It just makes the characters look really dumb for no discernable reason. Rumiko said she didn’t want to make a “Inuyasha #2″ and that’s why Moroha isn’t the focus, which is fine, but not giving us anything about her past after 4 episodes when you had the perfect opportunity to do so is pretty disappointing. As the audience this is just frustrating because it feels like a deliberate attempt to push Inuyasha and Kagome to the side.
With all of that being said, there is also a lot of things I like about Yashahime. The art style and character design is the first thing. I love the bright colors, the dynamic fights, and the character expressions. They could have made this look more “modern” like other sequels have done (Digimon Adventure tri comes to mind) but they didn’t and instead it looks like a natural upgrade from The Final Act and I love that. I think Rumiko did a fantastic job with the design of the girls. I know some people didn’t like the red streak in Towa and Setsuna’s hair, but it doesn’t bother me at all. Setsuna looks like a perfect mini Sesshomaru, but she already showed more emotions in 4 episodes than Sesshomaru ever did which makes me like her a lot more than him. Towa being gender non conforming is something that I find super refreshing and I know it makes some people happy to see themselves represented in a genre that is usually oversaturated with male protagonists. Moroha is the absolute perfect inukag child that we have all being dreaming about for years. I love that everyone immediately adopted her. She’s a perfect mix of her mom’s cleverness, cheerfulness and friendliness, while also having her dad’s chaotic energy and fighting spirit. 
Speaking of the girls, their interactions are amazing to watch and I love that the show is focusing on cousins going on an adventure together. I love how much Towa cares about her 2 sisters (Setsuna and Mei). I love the banter between Setsuna and Moroha and how reminiscent it is of Inuyasha & Sesshomaru’s relationship (but with less violence and hatred, lmao). Moroha immediately started bringing everyone together by being the mediator and I think that’s lovely.
The first episode was also really nostalgic. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the “Since Then” chapter when it was released (Inuyasha and Kagome arguing over Kikyo felt old and root head wasn’t really interesting in itself) but somehow in Yashahime I felt like it had more life? I love the detail with the Kikyo roots conversation because it seems like it foreshadowed Treekyo (the spirit of the sacred tree taking Kikyo’s form, lmao). Speaking of details I love of many parallels there are with the original series. Especially with Moroha mimicking things that her mom and dad did (the backpack and bike, getting the kappa’s foot from grandpa, her getting out of the bathroom naked, etc.). That’s definitely playing off on our nostalgia again but this time I don’t mind at all, haha. So character wise, outside of my disappointment at Moroha’s backstory not being explored, I think they did a good job so far at establishing the main girls and start developing their friendship. 
Oh and Kaoru Wada once again did a fantastic job with the soundtrack, the new character songs for the girls are bops and fit them perfectly! I also love they seem to use songs from the original soundtrack too. 
tl;dr: I do have a lot of issues with the pacing and writing. I wouldn’t mind too much if this was just an issue with the antagonists or the plot because I’m mostly watching the show for good character moments, but I’m pretty disappointed that we still don’t know anything about Moroha’s backstory. I still have hope that this will improve later on and I’m going to watch even if it gets worst because I love the girls and I am dying to see the inu gang again.
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