#Maybe that's why my painting style is so inconsistent haha
gathoscorner · 1 year
Yesssss u reblogged >:) 2, 6, 23 for artist asks? (You dont have to tag ppl if you dont want to but I’d love to hear about your inspo! i love your style<3)
2. who is your favorite character to draw?
this might come as a suprise but, King
i don’t draw him much but when I do I have a lot of fun drawing his skull. He has such a cool design
6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations
yay, finally an excuse to gather all of my favs in one place
oh man, theres so many but I will list the ones I feel influence me the most
hiromu arakawa (fma mangaka) she is not a mangaka, she is THE MANGAKA, my biggest inspiration of all time, i could gush for hours about her art
dana terrace (the owl house creator) the way she draws characters look so alive, when i feel artistically overwhelmed I go to her insta and just browse and idk, it helps me. How she draws clothes slays me. How is she so good???
alejandro barbucci’s work on the w.i.t.c.h comic (he worked on the firsts issues) his work inspired me back when i was a little kid and I feel it left an impact on what I consider aesthetically pleasing even now
sachinteng (twitter. illustrator) i have a goal to fill my wall with posters of all of her illustrations once I get enough money and proper setup. they are the definition of cool
makanidotdot (tumblr. comic artist) so often i go back and awe at the body language in her comics. I started following her when she drew avatar fancomics but now i just follow because she really is that inspiring
jorgejimenezart (twitter. comic artist) started following him this year but i go to his page a lot, love the way he draws the human body and perspective
michaelramsted (twitter. horror artist) i don’t draw horror,but man I enjoy it a lot. i feel that the ability to convey a story powerful enough to create emotions on the viewer with just one illustration is next level greatness. and this artist always nails it
23. draw your fav as a vampire
idk if this meant fav as in fav to draw, or fav character but im going with the girl herself
(feat vampire-hunter!Hunter)
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limitless-shadows · 4 years
Picking up gofushi crumbs from the manga
Disclaimer: Beware of anime/manga spoilers. This is just me commenting on the manga with the lenses of a gofushi fan. So, it’s just my opinion...
This section runs from Vol. 0 - Chapter 1 to Volume 1- Chapter 5.
About gofushi dynamic, mind reading, protectiveness and others.
(Volume 0) Chapter 1
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Not gofushi centric, but it would go well with a Hanahaki AU. For Gojou to call it a personal theory, it seems to me like he has knowledge about it or given it some thought already. Why is that? What prompted him to consider that love is the most twisted curse?
I recall some fan theories mentioning that love can then become a way for Gojou to be wounded... it truly makes it seem more likely for hanahaki to appear.
Chapter 1
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I love how the manga starts with the two of them talking on the phone~ Also,  my thoughts before shipping them... "wow, does that person on the phone like to bully him? Dunno if I like bullies lolol but also Fushiguro seems to have a bad mood too."  and "This Fushiguro guy seems so on edge everytime (throughout chapter 1)".
Chapter 2
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Gojou taking pictures of Megumi... I wonder if he keeps a file with his pics? XD The first time I read it, I thought: “How mean, wait a moment, does he always do this?” and “ For how long does he keep the pics?” Also, Megumi looks so angry but resigned at the same time or he is probably too injured to stop it.
Despite what he says here, I HC that Gojou is overprotective of Megumi. Since he was the only first year during that time, I suppose he usually went on solo missions?
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Megumi automatically assuming that they are souvenirs speaks how used he is to that tendency from his sensei. Also, Gojou being able to mind read what Megumi was thinking XD
I got confused for a bit on my first time reading it, because it’s a “thought” bubble, while Gojou’s is a “speech” bubble and it made me wonder how did he know Fushiguro was thinking that? Either they are very close or reading his face is really easy.
Still, the word souvenir is used here. Which is a much more accurate guess for what is going on in their thinking process (in a: could've been a snack).
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Or: “I hope you don’t mind that I’m using you to look cool in front of my student.” That’s one interesting sensei we have. Although I think he just likes to show off in general lolol
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Protecting Megumi ;-; the seemingly simple panel that made me think more than what I intended.
Why take the effort in drawing Megumi there? Moreover, why fight that close to Megumi? Gojou is keeping a certain distance between him and Megumi so that Sukuna doesn’t hurt his student... For a story telling technique, it makes Gojou look like a more thoughtful character.
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Personal opinion --> Personal... feelings?
Megumi being selfish with his requests @_@ and asking something like that to Gojou because he knows he can be trusted with the issue. Gojou calls Megumi a kawaii student, which makes this scene even cuter lolol.
Also, saying: "Leave it to me!". When dealing with Megumi's Zen'in deal, Yuuji's execution and Okkotsu’s execution. Aaah. Because he is the strongest, he knows that he can fulfill such requests, plus he is helping people who can become his allies, so it’s a win-win situation.
I think... from my first time reading this, I felt like they had a closer relationship already and was suspicious about them. I mean, who goes taking pics of someone bruised saying he will show it to others (does he always do this?), is able to read their mind regarding souvenirs, wants to show off, and then helps with personal requests? smh gofushi already strong by ch2 for my past non shipper self
Chapter 3
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How does he know he know that? Gojou might have been told about it (because he asked?) or actually went to see him @_@
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He really likes to tease Megumi, huh? XD He would probably take more photos to add to his folder of Megumi pics. Why didn’t they add Gojou saying “True” in the anime tho. 
Edit: After rewatching the anime, he did :D it was just a fast line.
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Enjoy your youth, Megumi! He wants Megumi to have more friends? :D
Although it’s kinda sad... Megumi who is usually distanced from people, but I wonder if he feels lonely, if Gojou feels that Megumi is lonely. And hopes that Megumi makes more friends ;-; It worked out in the end, during the Death Painting arc.
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Even though Megumi may not like/agree with what Gojou does, he still goes along with it... it’s just-- this form of acceptance? or resignation lol After all the time they have known each other? Maybe he thinks he may end up liking it in a: it’s not so bad after all.
Also, in the anime they went out the same day which cuts the time that the three could have known each other :(
Edit: Yes, from the rewatch, the line was the same as in the manga.
Chapter 4
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I wonder if Gojou ever pranked Megumi with a custom uniform order- and that’s why Megumi warns Yuuji.
Gojou and Megumi's matching uniforms cough cough with the high neck style. Megumi warning Yuuji about this side of him. That side being: how he does uncalled things? Megumi learnt to put up with that lolol
...and my heart just goes aaaaaaaahhh since the 9 years made him used to it and reflects a bit of domesticity? Even though it can be interpreted as resignation, it still makes this a beautiful relationship?? ;-;
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Megumi asking Gojou about his plans, is this how they usually exchange information about each other’s schedules-
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I just like to see his reaction whenever there are such anthics haha. In a: “Oh, here we go again, and my classmates are too easily excited”. Then he already knows how it's going to play out, and Megumi is not even angry about it, just disappointed? Because he only has a sweat drop and not a vein popping.
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Extra panel of disappointed Megumi looking at his classmates following Gojou’s theatrics XD
I really miss the first year trio + Gojou interactions ;-;
Megumi’s  ....  ----> “They are acting so silly.” or “They fell for his trap.”
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Megumi knowing what’s up :D
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Megumi worried about Yuuji after the Sukuna mention, but Gojou telling him not to overdo himself ;-;
Chapter 5
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Gojou choosing to sit on the floor rather than on the other... stool? or seat? in the bottom left corner, to be closer to Megumi.
Also reminds me of their first encounter, where the way he squatted made him be near Megumi's height.
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Maybe an inconsistency from the drawing, or not enough space in the panel, but Gojou shifted closer to Megumi lolol
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I like how it's more obvious in the anime, they had an extra scene animated where they showed Megumi and Gojou escorting the kid to his home :D Still, Megumi is shown trailing behind in the panel, so it can be inferred.
Why have two people do that and not just one? Megumi could have done that on his own? So that Gojou can have more time to get to know his two new students? He is a busy person after all. Alternatively, Megumi could have stayed back. Or... what if Gojou is being protective so he went with Megumi too?
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lol Gojou guessing why Fushiguro is being silent.
Can he really read Megumi that easily? Even if he is able to, he could just say something else.
[Part 2]
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kiyoitsukikage · 7 years
First Databook Character Sheets
Yoshi! @silalcarin asked me to do Hinata's concept art + Masashi-sensei's inteview (which, I discovered, is not really an interview, but a description of the pictures).
To be honest, I might have misinterpreted your request (maybe you just wanted the part regarding Hinata), but the interview was very interesting and I got carried away (especially after I saw that there was also something about Jiraiya). So...
Some terms you’ll meet in this interview:
- 設定 settei. I translated it with “setting”, “creation”, “design”, “character sheet” and so forth. Basically, it’s a character’s or a place’s concept art, to be used as a reference (it can be both for the artist’s staff, for the animators or for the artist himself, for later uses).
- 先生 sensei. It obviously means ‘teacher’, but it’s also the form you use when you speak to artists who became famous in their field: when they say sensei here, they mean Masashi Kishimoto.
- イメージ ime-ji. I often translated it with ‘mental image’. It’s a loanword from the English ‘image’, sometimes used as a verb meaning ‘visualise’. It has mostly to do with the author’s imagery of the world.
- 世界観 sekaikan. Literally, the ‘vision of the world’ (I translated it with various words). It’s the outlook of the fictional world, how the world of Naruto looks like. In this interview, it’s mostly used with the expression ‘slightly off’ (when Masashi-sensei decided to discard an idea because it would sound inconsistent/weird in the Narutoverse).
- 読切 yomikiri. ‘Non-serialised story’ (though I should have translated it as ‘one-shot’ or ‘pilot’ probably), as opposed to the Naruto serialisation. I guess they’re referring to this one. I think that’s something a newbie artist draws for manga editors, a sort of let’s-try-and-see-if-the-readers-like-the-story.
- 打合わせ uchiawase. I translated it as “preparatory meeting”, I guess that’s something the artist and the producers do before publishing stuff. It can also mean “previous arrangement”.
- 担当 tantou. Translated it with “the ones in charge”, maybe I should have gone with “supervisor” or something. But, ah, you get the idea.
There. The numbers correspond to the pictures. Anything between square brackets is something I added up to clarify my translation.
[Sideband:] Character sheets
The Nine-Tailed Mythological Fox Spirit
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“This is the non-serialised Naruto”
The non-serialised Naruto had the appearance of a human, but he was a fox inside.
Though in the present setting the mythological fox spirit is sealed inside Naruto…
Before the serialisation was decided, I changed it in a preparatory meeting with the ones in charge of it.
The demon fox is intense, they said.
No matter if he takes a human shape, he’s a fox really, then the readers won’t be able to sympathise with Naruto… they said.
And I also ended up thinking something like… “that’s pretty true” (laugh).
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“This is the Nine-Tails drawn for the first time”
This is the Nine-Tailed Mythological Fox Spirit I drew in the spur of the moment as the image expanded [in my mind].
And then, since I was pleased with it, I used it as it is also in the main event [as opposed to preparatory sketch].
I traced it with a lightbox (laugh).
For this reason, I drew nothing but that after all, the Nine-Tails (laugh).
However, also the appearance of the present world of “Naruto” spread from it in some respects. Of course, also things like the creation of the characters and the development of the story expanded.
So it’s like the concept art drawn in order to transmit the story and the setting to the staff, when you make a movie.
 [I always rejoice internally when I see an awesome artist being a lazy bum. Because retracing a previous painting is something I’d totally do.]
The faces on the Hokage Rock [lit: the Hokage Face Rock, though I couldn’t find a corresponding term in English – it’s only called the ‘Hokage Rock’]
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“There was a dog”
That’s the only thing that could upset the present appearance of the “Naruto” world from the root (laugh).
As a matter of fact, the Third Hokage was a dog, at the beginning.
He was the dog the Second Hokage had, an exceptionally awesome dog, so I tried to make him elected as Hokage in the setting.
Though I thought “It’d be interesting if a dog stood at the summit of the village, what would happen…”
However, in the end I thought that it would be slightly off with the appearance of the world, and I gave it up.
That’s why the present Third was supposed to be a dog.
So I changed it right before the serialisation, erased only the face of the dog in a hurry and it disappeared in the trash (laugh). I used the other parts as they were though.
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[Actually I’ve read a post long ago in Tumblr where they answered exactly that question, and my greatest regret is that I haven’t saved it and now I can’t add a link here, because it was freaking hilarious]
“There’s a heinous face (laugh)”
My mental image of the Hokage wasn’t quite settled at first. The first and the Second… I had put an x-mark on the First, but they haven’t changed much from now since the mental image in relation to these two was good enough; however, the Third and the Fourth Hokage are impressively different.
The Fourth had a rather heinous face (laugh).
Well, I had various things going on in my mind.
Design sketches 
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“The Grass Nin looked like a troop”
The Grass Nin looked like a troop but they couldn’t convince me and I changed them. So, I drew them again, but… this guy (on the bottom right) suddenly turned into Orochimaru, so… finally I was pleased with it and made up my mind about various things (laugh).
“Lovable pugs”
They are the ninja dogs I thought about when Kakashi uses the Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique. There’s also Pakkun. I like pugs, because they’re cute (laugh). When I drew him, while I made them chat about various things in my imagination I expanded the character’s personality.
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“The mental image had almost settled”
The jōnin I thought about before the serialisation began… I mean, the design sketch of the sensei and others. If you look at them, it’s already clear who was going to become which character. Well, if the mental image came clearly, I kinda made up my mind in one shot (laugh).
“I just drew it out of fun”
That’s just what I drew out of fun, right (laugh). This was what I drew once to convey my mental image of Hinata to my assistant though. I intended to draw it being aware of the appearance of the world, but… it turned into a more modern-style girl (laugh).
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“The huge guy was deleted…”
He reached the level of rough sketch, but the just huge and unattractive guy was likely to be deleted from the moment he appeared already. In the preparatory meeting with the people in charge, we ended up saying “he doesn’t make your heart throb from a reader’s point of view, right?”.
Moreover, it was the scene that shows Gaara’s first battle, so I resolutely drew it again.
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[In the first caption, it says 金太郎とペットのポチ Kintarou to petto no Pochi. I’m unsure about the meaning, I guess it’s the ‘pet called Kintarou’. Apparently, petto no Pochi is  something like ‘Spotty the pet’ (pet with a ridiculously common name).]
“I planned to use it in the Land of Waves volume”
Originally, there wasn’t Zabuza and I had planned to use this character. But I gave it up for the same reason of the discarded character of the page before. (Ah! It’s the character I had made earlier, haha…) I think just about the fact of making the enemy characters entry on stage, that is, how they’re likely to hurt the protagonists. [Twisted sentence here: I guess he means that when he creates villains, he also need to think how they’ll look appearing on the scene and the impact on the protagonists.]
“Serious taste…”
Naruto had just graduated from school so I thought it was okay even if I made him act in a funny way. However, it had turned completely like a story set in a school [学園もの gakuenmono I think it’s intended as a manga genre]… I had forgot about the whole “ninja” thing.
Sound effects lettering
Appearance pattern
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“That’s incredibly unskilful”
That’s sound effects lettering practice. They’ve been incredibly poor from the time of the non-serialised story (laugh). I often practiced using various comic strips as a reference. Well, even now they’re not my strong suit really (laugh).
“Having a mental image of moving pictures”
It’s the thing in which I drew some pattern of the production of the scene where a ninja appears, or the scene where they disappear, having a mental image of moving pictures. Once inside your head, the action turns into a moving picture. Then, you draw thinking about the composition you cut out from there.
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[The pictures in which he practiced his signature say (in this order): Masashi (with the ma and sa character written as one), Masashi (all linked together), Kishimoto Masashi (stand-alone characters), Kishimoto (above) Masashi (below, ma and sa together), Kishimoto Masashi (current signature).]
“That’s Naruto’s face together with the signature”
When I write my signature, I put the face of the protagonists. Well, that looks like the practice of that. The Naruto I drew here are all smiling, but I often thought what kind of expression I should do.
“I decided on the spot”
When the serialisation was decided, some friends came and saw me. So, make us an autograph, they said. That time, I ended up saying “Crap… I haven’t thought about my signature!” (laugh). I decided on the spot. Saying “Which should I choose, let’s do this” with my friends.
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“At the beginning, [I decided to] make a fatty middle-aged man”
I had decided from before the serialisation that Jiraiya would certainly appear even in “Naruto”, because of his fame in various ninja legends. At the beginning, I decided that I’d make him a fatty middle-aged man… that he’d transform in an unattractive-faced middle-aged man (like the picture at the very top) when he got angry or excited seeing pretty girls. That that’s why he got stronger when he transformed, but not good-looking. However, I thought that drawing him differently would have been troublesome (laugh). Though he was also supposed to use frogs that are carried on both his shoulders, in the same illustration.
Once, I made them do a two-man comedy act in the character sheet called “Husband and Wife Frog” (laugh).
However, it was difficult from the prospective of the design, so I also give it up…
  [I love how he dug out his old ideas, years later, to create Fukasaku and Shima and Jiraiya’s Sage Mode.]
Summoning Animals
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“The oriental dragons and western dragons are different” [Actually, it’s “dragons and dragons are different”, with the first being ドラゴン doragon, the transliterated English word dragon, and the second being 竜 tatsu, the Chinese dragon]
This is the dragon I drew thinking that I’d make it Naruto’s summoning. In my mental image, Chinese dragons have a thin body. And western dragons are chubby and have big feet. So, that is an overly fat Chinese dragon (laugh). It became fat and looks like a western dragon…
“Speaking of ninjas, there’s the mental image of frogs”
That’s Gamabunta’s first design. But in the preparatory meeting, since he’s a toad I added warts and made him a toad. Then, I also decided to make him express himself in the Hiroshima dialect. So, I said “I come from the Okayama prefecture, near Hiroshima, so leave it to me” (laugh).
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“It’s a compilation of ideas”
Before the serialization, I drew some reasonable ideas for the frontispiece. I’ve almost never used them though (laugh). However, the picture in which [Naruto] is gardening appears (JC vol.3 pag.86).
“Imagining Naruto that makes graffiti”
That’s what I drew while thinking in what way I could make Naruto paint graffiti on the Hokage Rock.
It’s also the picture I thought I’d use in the first chapter, yes.
“I discarded it myself”
I drew it to use as the first chapter’s frontispiece, but when I thought that to point Naruto’s gaze towards the readers it became unnatural, so I discarded it. It was also slightly off with the appearance of the world (laugh).
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“Anyway, I love clouds”
That’s the thing in which I just drew Naruto and clouds imagining a moving picture, not to use or not use it.
I’ve liked clouds since I was a child, and also the sky (laugh). That’s why I love things like comics where there are clouds and the sky, and fantasy in which the clouds are whirly like the “Neverending Story” (laugh). I think I want to draw something like that once, too, though. It’d be nice one more whole chapter, a story in which they fly among the clouds (laugh).
...phew, that was long. But very interesting (artistically speaking)~
So, @silalcarin asked me to include in this post something we've discussed about.
Her question was: Were Ibiki, Iruka, Kakashi, Hinata, Anko, etc., were all of these character sketches the earliest concept art? Were these characters the earliest characters Kishimoto created after Naruto himself?
(Apparently, there's a dispute about whether Sakura was created before Hinata or not. Silalcarin also provided me with a translation, made by Koshej back in 2013, which you can read here)
My answer: First of all: yes, they are early sketches. The first line of the paragraph says 連載が始まる前に, which is literally “before the serialization began”. I don’t know where that “I have designed the characters at a very early stage." comes from, to be honest: the Japanese raw of the title says イメージはほぼ決まってました, “the mental image had almost settled/I had almost made up my mind”. So, the other translation is not *wrong*, content-wise, but it’s not what the text says (more like a free interpretation of it). As for the order of creation, I admit I have no idea. The text doesn’t clearly say if they’re the very first characters, or if they’ve been created early in general. I think it’s difficult to say which characters he created first… because I remember I’ve seen other character sketches, which Kishimoto provided at the end of some Naruto chapters (I remember there were Iruka, Konohamaru, Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke as well), together with some other he discarded in the end. Long story short: 1) yes, Anko and co. are pre-serialized sketches, 2) Koshej’s translation is not wrong in general, but mine is closer to the original one (that’s why I had a hard time explaining the terms, and sometimes my translation is almost unreadable), 3) there’s no way to tell which character was created first after Naruto, unless you’re Kishimoto himself I guess (or at least, this databook doesn’t clarify it here).
So, uhmm, that's what I have to say on the matter. Silalcarin also gave me this link (in which you can read further thoughts on the matter)
Last but not least, I feel like to add a link to another interview I translated, from the fourth databook, in which they talk about character creation and such (unfortunately, the part about Sasuke's creation was too difficult for me to translate, so once again I can't give an answer to the question "were Hinata and company created before Sasuke and Sakura")
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der-aggressor · 7 years
I want to be an asshole All the numbers
Curious, huh? You are lucky that I would grant beautiful boys every wish. But don’t expect I won’t demand a reward for my effort…
   1. Would you rather be blindfolded or blindfold me?I have to admit I like both, but blindfolding you would be the bigger pleasure for me since I tend to be rather dominant when it comes to boys.
   2. Would you rather orgasm while performing oral or during intercourse?Depends on the skills of my partner and how much they turn me on in general. Piercings and split tongues are very likely to impress me, but on the other hand intercourse feels great, too, since I have a pierced dick. There is no general answer to this question to me.
   3. What was your high school sex fantasy?I have no memories of high school because of a stupid ‘accident’, so I can’t answer this.
   4. What’s your favorite position?My partner sitting on my lap, because even though it maybe isn’t the most effective position for both it’s perfectly intimate (yeah, I can be romantic, too…). Missionary style is fine of course, too, because of eye contact and choking and spitting…but I wouldn’t have something against a great doggy style as well. Sometimes you’re just in an animalic mood.
   5.  Which part of your body do you consider the most sexy?I’m pretty self confident about my body, I like my chest and my stomach, but real talk: My tongue is the sexiest part. It’s long and likes to crawl in openings. Otherwise…you decide.
   6.  Do you like to swallow?Of course.
   7.  Who do you fantasize about when you’re alone?I won’t name any names here, but usually there are boys in my mind with cheeky, attractive faces and body modifications. Nothing is hotter than steel and paint decorating the skin.
   8. Your last sexual encounter; good or bad and why?Good. Why? It’s most of the time good if both partners are into the same things/expect the same from each other. I had ones who didn’t understand what bdsm means (because mostly I do bdsm) and even didn’t seem to want to learn about it, what only can lead to disappointments. You have to be willing to take things as they come and even better tell me about the things that turn you on so I can respond to you in the best way. It’s a rather complex topic, but I have to say most of the time I made good experiences, and so was my last one.
   9. Where is one place you would never have sex?Never? I truly can’t think of any. Nothing is too dirty or too risky, I guess.
   10. Top or bottom?Both, but I can rather live without being bottom/submisse than being top/dominant.
   11.  Best sexual complement you ever got?It’s enough if you say or let me feel how much you want me to do something. Or trust me deeply.
   12. When was the first time you masturbated?Can’t answer this, too, since I have no memories of my teenage years.
   13.  Have/would you ever have sex outside?Of course. Probably it’s the most fun. Freedom. And risk. What else can you ask for?
   14. Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?This is a secret.
   15.  Do you sleep in pajamas, underwear, or nothing at all?I feel best in nothing than my own skin, so I prefer sleeping naked. Or if it’s cold with underwear on.
   16.  If you had a sexual “to-do” list, what would be on top of the list?I tried out very much, but at the moment maybe pistol play or doctor and patient-roleplay. I’m very much into this, you can’t tell.
   17. Is a weird “sex face/orgasm face” a total deal breaker?I’ve never seen a weird orgasm face, so show me one to win an award. No, real talk: Don’t be afraid of your o-face, it’s hot as fuck and if you think it might look weird you will ruin your fun. Rather than this some moaning voices are way more unattractive than an o-face.
   18. Do you have a gag reflex?Haha. It takes much to trigger it, I guess.
   19. Is your sex life award-winning or a total flop?Oh, I can’t complain in any way. These days it’s totally award-winning, but don’t you think I’m already totally satisfied…
   20. Are piercings sexy?Next question, please. Seriously, piercings are the main reason for me to want to fuck someone most of the time.
   21. Can/Have you ever squirted before?Not relatable.
   22. List your kinks.There are way too many. It’s easier to tell what I’m not into: Vomit and shit, these are definitely my hard limits. Most important kinks are everything that includes tongues and saliva, bondage, dirty talk/humiliation and face slapping, to mention a few of my favorites.
   23. How did you discover you were kinky?I just were. It’s as easy as that.
   24. What was your first kinky sexual experience?This was with my past master I guess. He had much of sexual equipment and I decided to try something out, so it all began with a crop and a stingy ass…
   25. Any unexpected ways kink has improved your life?  If so, what are they?It’s usually easier to find a slave than a master, so when I discovered I was dominant, too, it totally improved my life and opened me many ways I wouldn’t be able to experience if I wasn’t a switcher.
   26. What do you think is important in keeping a BDSM relationship healthy?This is probably the perfect question for me since I had a bdsm relationship some time ago and…yes, broke free from it.I guess it’s better if you don’t play 27/4 because it’s just not inconsistent with the normal life of a person. It boxes you in your role all the time, and for a continuance it may destroy your relationship since it got a burden and so the fun fades. Bdsm is not just playing a role for me, of course, but if you ask me no person can be dominant or submissive all the time and have the full control over the life of their partner.
   27. Something that never fails to make you horny:Getting praised like a god. Yeah, I’m vain.
   28. Where is one place you would never have sex?We already had this question if I remember this right…
   29. The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when:My partner and me got entangled with our piercings…his smiley and my guiche. Just take care!
   30. Whats the best way to sexually bind someone? (handcuffs, ropes, etc.)Depends on how long someone should be bound. If it’s for a rather short amount of time I’d choose handcuffs (because steel is tempting). But for some positions you just have to take ropes since you can’t lock handcuffs on anything and can’t make someone unable to move at all with…
   31. Whats the fastest way to make you horny?Just be a good dirty talker, I’m a sucker for this since imagination and desire is sometimes even sexier than the real thing. (What doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to dry hump you from the first moment you looked me in the eyes…)
   32. Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:My pistol. It’s not for little boys to play with.
   33. Two things you like/dislike about oral sex:Like: Tongue action, amounts of saliva and cute puppy eyes looking up to you.Dislike: It’s a a little hard if your partner has a distinct gag reflex, if you have bad luck they’d vomit all over your cock, and that’s definitely a killer for the mood. The only disadvantage when I’m the one who gives head is that I won’t be able to tease with words, hehe.
   34. How big is too big?I don’t care much about size. Never thought about this.
   35. One sexual thing you would never do:Like I said before: Vomit and shit are my hard limits.
   36. Three spots that drive me insane:Ear, neck, armpits. And the usual areas.
   37. Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?More than anything. I’m craving for all reactions of my partners. Reactions are my fetish.
   38. Is it good sex even if you don’t cum?I don’t think so. If I don’t cum, doesn’t it mean that it wasn’t turning me on enough?
   39. Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? Why/Why not?I watch all kind of porns, but gay porn will be forever my favorite I guess. Why? I may be pansexual, but I clearly tend to boys and I’m attracted to them the most. Good femdom porn is hard to find, so there are not so many options left, hehe.
   40.  If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be now?Weird question. It would be still a new born.
   41. Do you like giving head? Why/why not?I like it, of course, since sometimes it’s more blessed to give than to revieve…I just like to pamper my partners and make them feel good. That’s as important as my own pleasure.
   42. Do you own any sex toys? If so, how long have you had them?Indeed the most of them I bought not a long time ago. In Germany I had nothing but toys for my own pleasure, but back in Japan I purchased things like ropes and handcuffs and so on. So I have them since a few months, they are all like new…
   43. Do you watch porn?Look at my blog. I do. Not all the time, but there are periods where I almost do nothing else all day long.
   44. Have you had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)I don’t remember and: No. Whoever my parents may be…
   45. How would you react if you found out your parents had sex on your bed?Which parents would do this? Sound like horrible parents. It’s disgusting if you ask me, and I would say this to them.
   46. Spanking: turn on or turn off?Turn on!
   47.  What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?Bedpost. I even filmed it because it looked spectacular, but I guess the movie had destroyed itself before bad things could happen.
   48. Biggest sexual fantasy?Fucking someone in the subway at night. Or kidnapping someone (of course only if the other person agrees me to do this). Caging him in a cottage in the forest for days. Fucking him whenever I want to. Acting like I would kill him if he runs away or if no one wants to pay ransom money for him. This would be a thrilling adventure…
   49. Kitchen counter, couch, or on top of the dryer?In the cellar by surprise. If this isn’t possible I would do you on the kitchen table, the other options are uncomfortable and not my number one choice, but if you’re horny and need a quickie it may be enough, too.
   50. Thoughts on period sex?I indeed would have no problem with it. On the contrary I would even like it.
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