chtozaepta · 2 years
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Annabelle McAlistair everyone!!!
Feeling cute might resurrect a bf later 😌💖🎶💃💀👀
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inkpot-tales · 2 years
September Reading Wrap Up
September wasn’t a particularly good reading month for me. I felt like I was having to force myself to read which wasn’t fun. All in all I did manage to read three books:
Here For the Right Reasons by Jodi McAlistor
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson
The View From the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman
Here For the Right Reasons by Jodi McAlistor 3.5 A romantic comedy all taking place on the set of a popular television dating show. Cece James agrees to join the show because the pandemic has caused her to lose her job and she is desperate for money. Unfortunately for her she doesn’t make it past the first night. However, as the country is put into lockdown none of the contestants can leave the production grounds and slowly she and Dylan Jayasinghe Mellor get to know each other better behind the scenes.
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson 4.5 The sequel to A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, this book picks up a few months later as Pip Fits-Amobi swears off being a detective. However, when the older brother of one of her school friends goes missing and the police don’t look into it, Pip is forced to begin an investigation that will uncover more dark secrets her town has been hiding.
The View From the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman 4 A collection of non-fiction essays on many topics that almost always come back to the art of storytelling. Gaiman offers insight into the books, comics and movies that have impacted him the most and the creators who have inspired him over the years. From basement comic book stores to fairy tales and the Academy Awards, Gaiman covers a huge swathe of his life as he thinks over art and storytelling.
And onto spooky season where I will hopefully read more!
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diary-of-a-doe · 3 months
9TH of March 1897
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It has been an awfully long time since i wrote in a diary, how ever with being threatened today to be killed all because someone was being uncooth has me a little shaken.
Since arriving in the state of McAlistor I have found myself in good company of the Lemoyne doctors and also the Rhodes Docotor's, of course that i now even extended to the Annesburge's doctors as DR Natasha has recently moved over there.
Dr Quinn was kind enough to take me on board and allowed me to learn under all the others that we work with to help me gain the experience that i needed in order to start my journey to be a medic.
I have no since been a medic for about 2 weeks now and lets just say it is not a easy job to do.
Just today poor Dr Cross was struggling to stop bleeding from a gunshot wound to the leg of a gentleman. Honestly that man and his bone-saw is gonna be in trouble one day.
I found out today that Dr Vegas has a medical student as well, Sloane, she's a delight to have around and i do hope she does well.
Even though I have these people around me and I am relatively safe, i do miss home and try to visit often.
When I do visit home I often come back with repaired socks and leave with new ones to repair. The children at the orphanage grow up so quickly.
My sister Yvellyn is still travelling with her partner as far as I am aware, I haven't seen her in sometime now and I do miss her dearly, I know someday we will meet again but for now I have to face this world on my own.
I only hope I am strong enough to stand on my own two feet.
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bubblyernie · 6 years
if your ocs were gods and goddesses, what would they be the god/goddess of?
oo how interesting.
well, i want to get the obvious one out of the way. 
Venicia is my “roman gladiator magical girl” character so.. idk i suppose shes all about victory and triumph!
callie and calvin have to go together, and I say Callie is the sun while Calvin is the stars. since Callie is more bright and spunky and Calvin is more of a grungy “rambunctious teen” and their colour schemes are yellow and gold.
austin i want to say is....willpower or determination (or not giving up in general?). more of a state of being/spirit than much of a deity. he’s really into soccer which is a team sport so being driven by your will to play for a team would also tie into it
kennith would be a creative muse. thats it. very easy choice. like a roman statue. or greek statue. yup thats him.
audrey would be..kinda specific. its the greek type of love called “storge love” which is more of a friendly, sweet, non-physical love. its more into friends and family than more of a romantic partner. audrey is the oc i made to be really sweet and soft so
kennedy.. she isnt much of a fleshed out character honestly, i just made her with the design, BUT. she strikes me as a forest-scholar fantasy type. a nymph maybe. shes scottish, so lots of folklore about fairies n stuff there, and her colour scheme is greenish-teal so thats also really foresty
Chase is like.. sooo timid idk. the whole arc around him was justice and finding the truth so..like a bit of a quiet superhero type, not a god. 
now turning the tables. more of a bunch of deities of..not so great things. 
cliff im actually gonna put as a deity of rebellion. developing his character i wrote that he “runs a blog, and a gang!” and he pretty much ditched his family and health to go do his own thing. he still has great personality traits tho, just like how theres two sides of rebellion. 
okay travis is an ass and hes the deity of pride, and probably money. just earthly things. you have to be careful tho, he’ll play plenty of tricks trying to strike a deal with you. travis does work in a casino after all
this was a fun ask i love it
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caprin-fishie · 4 years
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Luna McAlistor, The freelance worker
In red dead redemption 2, there’s an online mode and you make your own character, so I made Luna and I gave her a back story to
She was a banker with her father and moved with him to the town of saint denis to open there bank and start a new life as banking partners
but after a couple days of opening, there bank was robbed by some muggers and her father was taken hostage, the sheriffs and Luna went to go save her dad and the money, but Luna’s father was killed in the crossfire and the muggers got away,
without her father by her side, luna gave up on her banking job, and now roams the land as a freelancer, from hunting and trading to even bounty hunting, doing basically any sort of work to got money,
and hopping one day to find the people that killed her father and bring them to justice
Hope you enjoy! 😊
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October Book Challenge
So I missed A LOT of days here thanks to bad internet and being away. But now I am back and I thought I’d catch by compiling the questions I missed into one post so here we go.
Day Three: Your favourite series?
My first reaction here was to say Harry Potter but truth be told, I have gone off that series a bit in recent years. Bet you can guess why. I think instead I’m going to say The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare. The books are full of fascinating lore and lots of diversity and a focus on various kinds of relationships from romance to found family which is something I really enjoy. And, as the series is so large and still growing, there is a book, character or relationship for everyone.
Day Four: Favourite book of your favourite series?
Leading off of that I’m going to say The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare. It’s set in the middle of the original part of the series, The Mortal Instruments, but focuses solely on my two favourite characters, Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. Sweet, funny and full of adventure, I highly recommend it.
Day Five: A book that makes you happy?
A book that made me really happy when I read it would be Red, White and Royal Blue. Everyone who has read this book will understand immediately and if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend that you do. It’s a sweet enemies-to-lovers romance with a good dose of politics. It’s a book that left me smiling and feeling incredibly hopeful for the future.
Day Six: A book that makes you sad?
The first book to come to mind was The Book Thief. Again, pretty obvious why this one upset me but I will never forget the horror when you realise Liesel is all alone. This book broke my heart but was a brilliant read.
Day Seven: A book that makes you laugh?
I struggled to think of one here and the one I’ve chosen may not be everyone’s first pick. I chose The Princess Bride for this slot as I read it again earlier this year and found it to be far funnier than the first time I read it. Goldman has a very dry wit as he twists the story to confuse the reader by telling a story within a story. And I have to admit that the self-aware stories are some of my favourites.
Day Eight: Most overrated book?
It’s more of a series but The Cormoron Strike novels by Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling) isn’t as good as I think a lot of people made it out to be. I’ve read all four of them and to be honest, the only reason I pushed on was for the character of Robin and even then I don’t know if I can put myself through another one let alone the apparent nine still to come.
Day Nine: A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien. I never watched the Lord of the Rings movies as a child ad I definitely didn’t read the books. I actually picked up the book because a friend so the first Hobbit movie and said it was good. I wasn’t preparing to hate it but I definitely didn’t think I would love it but the book has become one of my favourites.
Day Ten: A book that reminds you of home?
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. I read this book when I was twelve and ever since it’s been one of my comforts during rough times. The story follows Meggie, a bookworm, as she learns that her father has been keeping a lot of secrets from Meggie. Secrets about himself, her mother’s disappearance and even about Meggie herself. It’s a fun read and if you love books, its incredibly heartwarming with a lot of nods to many childhood favourites.
Day Eleven: A book you hated?
Atonement. Hands down. Everyone seems to love this book (or at least the movie) but I couldn’t get into it and didn’t finish it. Briony was so irritating that I had to keep putting the book down and it was a struggle to pick it back up and eventually I just gave up. The framework of the novel is interesting but it’s unfortunately become a book I’ll probably never pick up again thanks to a bad first experience.
Day Twelve: A book you love but hate at the same time?
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The characters are all cruel and cold and treat one another terribly, so much so that you don’t even know who you are truly rooting for. In fact, I found myself rooting for characters, not because I liked them but because they were challenging characters I really didn’t like. All that being said, it’s a fascinating character study set against the dazzling and corrupt backdrop that was New York in the 1920s. Which is incredibly fitting if you know much about the actual characters. Pretty but awful.
Day Thirteen: Your favourite author?
I don’t know if I have a single favourite author. There are several that have caught my attention whose writing I love. For the sake of answering I will pick one but I wouldn’t classify her as my absolute favourite. Rather she is one of my favourite authors and that is Rainbow Rowell. I’ve enjoyed everything of hers that I’ve read and her characters are some of the most relatable I’ve ever come across, especially Cath from Fangirl. Not only that but she gave back the wonder that was the Harry Potter series in the form of Carry On and Wayward Son with a diverse cast and a more sensitive approach to the creation of the magickal world the characters reside in.
Day Fourteen: Book turned movie and totally desecrated?
I could say the Harry Potter series as I have a lot to say on those movies but I’m actually going to say The Hunger Games. The book is a horrifying dystopian about inter-generation abuse in the extreme but the movie turned the narrative into exactly what the novel was critiquing. The movie is what The Capitol wants the Games to be seen as but rather than critiquing this the movie appeared to endorse it. A horrifying death match between children was turned into a romance which was a disgusting homage to the book.
Day Fifteen: Favourite male character?
This is incredibly difficult as so many characters come to mind but the one I’m leaning towards most is Magnus Bane from the Shadowhunter Chronicles. A biracial, bisexual immortal warlock who loves cats and glitter? Sign me up. Magnus has one of the biggest hearts as well, no matter what he says and is incredibly loyal to those that he cares about, staying behind to face down everything from demons in the pit of Hell to annoying family members. Characters who have stayed kind despite everything that has happened to them are, honestly, incredibly undervalued and Magnus definitely fits the bill.
Day Sixteen: Favourite female character?
Cath from Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl. As I mentioned above, Cath is one of the most relatable characters I’ve ever come across in fiction. A shy nerd who loves her books and writes fanfictions about her otp is probably super relatable to a lot of people. What I loved most about Cath is how unapologetic she is for her nerdy love. She relationships are pretty turbulent during the novel and it is through reading and writing that she finds peace and, eventually, the strength to let the past go.
Day Seventeen: Favourite quote from your favourite book?
This question was incredibly difficult as I do not have a single favourite book but rather a shelf full of favourites. In the end I’ve settled on one of my favourite quotes from Inkheart by Cornelia Funke.
“Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you security and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly.”
Day Eighteen: A book that disappointed you?
Dracula by Bram Stoker really disappointed me. I had such high hopes for such a classic novel but I found that once Van Helsing entered the story it became dull and the horror of Dracula became so distant as to be almost nonexistent.
Day Nineteen: Favourite book turned into a movie?
It’s probably not my favourite but I think this may be one of the most faithful adaptations of a book I’ve come across. The Secret Life of Bees is one that I almost put under ‘a book that made you cry’ but I think its adaptations makes it more fitting here. The changes they did make to the movie don’t detract from the core story and the movie retains the importance of the bonds between all the main characters.
Day Twenty: Favourite romance book?
There are a lot, especially from this year alone but I’m going to pick It Sounded Better In My Head by Nina Kenwood. This book was incredibly realistic with its depiction of the confusion a first relationship can cause. The importance of the main character, Natalie’s, friendships isn’t lost in light of her new romance but rather they run parallel to the romance and are just as important. The book it short, sweet and hits home in a way that left me wanting to read more.
Day Twenty-One: The first novel you remember reading?
The Twits by Roald Dahl. I proceeded to then read most of his novels before turning to Emily Rodda but it was definitely the cruel married couple that started my journey as a reader.
Day Twenty-Two: A book that makes you cry?
The Absolutist by John Boyne. If you are looking for a happy ending this is not the book for you. This book was heartbreaking and left me crying for quite some time. Set in WWI and featuring a pair of young men who meet in a training camp of the Biritsh Army, it follow them as they arrive on the battlefield with very different stances on the war and a forbidden romance brewing between the two. If you do read this book, brace yourself for the ending.
Day Twenty-Three: A book you wanted to read for a long time but haven’t?
Valentine by Jodi McAlistor. It’s been on my to read list for well over a year now and it is currently sitting on my bookshelf in line to be read. A fantasy ya novel set in Australia that deals with fairies is right up my alley and Jodi McAlistor herself is a fascinating author whose studied so much ya fiction, in particular feminist and romance fiction that I feel that this novel is going to be amazing once I get around to it.
Day Twenty-Four: A book you wish more people would’ve read?
The Troutespond Series by Elizabeth Priest. This series is rather niche and only just got off the ground last year but its charming and features four teenage girls as the main characters. The girls find themselves caught up dealing with the world of fairies even as they struggle to study for final exams and getting ready for university.
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inkpot-tales · 2 years
Day three of @caramelcuppaccino reading challenge which can be found here. 3. Share five books on your TBR list.
My TBR is so long but five books on my physical tbr are Wundersmith by Jessica Townsend, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Valentine by Jodi McAlistor, Maurice by E.M. Forster and Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.
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