#Me: Hey man literally everyone I know hates this show and its renowned for trying to make calling people slurs progressive
foxgirlmoth · 2 years
Thinking about a past coworker who just seemed like he was pretty decent, but he really really suffers from skinny cishet white male disease. I've had to tell him in the past that just drawing skinny people is gonna suck and its bad. He literally told me 'I don't draw fat people'. I had to tell him 'hey the term ally isn't derogatory' because he learned that somewhere??? And the thing that takes the cake is that apparently his trans studies teacher, for their final, told them to go watch a goddamn south park episode. I had to explain to this guy that that show is neck deep with alt right bullshit and loves being racist and antisemetic and punches down. He was. So defensive for this show for no reason. 'plays for both sides' does not mean its good my dude. I gave him sources of people talking about it and his response was 'this lady once wrote something talking about sexy monsters so I'm not listening to her'. I blocked the dude and felt like driving my car through his house I stg.
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