#Mechi doesn't consider it a person so it doesn't grate on his reclusive tendencies
pushing500 · 5 months
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Our first anomalous entity has appeared while Mechi is deconstructing ruins! Fortunately, he's pretty handy with that biocoded autopistol he carries, but that sightstealer scream will probably haunt his dreams for a long time yet.
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We can do cool anomaly research now! Huzzah!
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Poor Atom needed some patching up after the battle with the sightstealer, but Mechi was quick on the scene to administer some first aid and probably coo affectionately over his robot baby.
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We also captured the sightstealer, but we don't have a proper room for it yet, so it hangs out in the dining room to "relax socially" with Mechi. To each their own, I guess.
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Mechi's tall, slim build doesn't seem suited for mining, but if he wants steel for band nodes and mechanoids, he'll have to put up with it anyway. I think he should tie his hair back, wear eye protection, and maybe put on some shoes, too, but I suppose there's no such thing as an OSHA violation on the Rim.
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Mechi handles impending social interactions about as well as I do...
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