#Meda just gave it to them once as a joke and they liked that he found it funny so they’ve used it since
mittysins · 7 months
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What happens when the old abandoned android you found and decided to restore happens to have a mind of their own?
Teach them all they want to learn about being human, obviously. While also giving them some sweet upgrades!
Meda doesn’t know who made Drew, but he DOES know that Drew is incredibly unique. They have little recovered memory of their life before their shutdown, and they aren’t quite sure what their purpose is, but Meda told them that not everything needs a purpose. Some things can just be.
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actuallyastingray · 7 months
Hello Supablr. Sorry this took forever, but I've been working on a follow up project once I'm done with these. More on that later, so for now just enjoy the takes
Skarra: Feral, cackling gremlin trying to pretend he's not empty inside. Needs a hug, possibly several hugs, but is too afraid of cooties to ask. He's either going to have a Prince Zuko level redemption or go full Anakin Skywalker
Dingaan: Dammit Dingaan! You can't be both the lovable, clueless himbo and dumb, jock bully at the same time. Pick one!
Automatic: So, if we ever get a Rookie Season 2, are we gonna see him become the third wheel in Skarra and Shakes' rivalry? Cause no joke, this guy lost his job to Shakes and has way more reason to hate him than Skarra does
Max Power: I'm not a shipper, but why are there no pairings between him and Shakes? I mean, technically there's two of him, but still
Dooma: Oh Dooma, Dooma, Dooma. The writers made such a big deal about bringing you back, and then they promptly forgot about you. Guess upstaging Skarra really isn't all that easy.
Uber: Somehow, a 6.5, 300+ lb. German muscle man is giving me more babygirl vibes then a Sailor Moon character. Also, it's hilarious when you realize he outranks his coach.
Ja Nein: The rarely seen lovechild between adorkableness and pure evil. The "first day at the unit" meme was invented for this guy specifically.
Thor: If he grows a beard, we can call him Odin
Von Eye: Why did it take me four seasons to realize his name is a pun? What is wrong with me?
Chuck: Seriously, I want to see this guy succeed. I want him train up his team, pull off a win, and feel good about it just so he can tell Toni to screw off
John Johnson: The most loveable himbo in a team that consists of equally loveable himbos
Miko Chen: The only thing not completely wholesome about him is how little screen time he gets. That's about as shameful as Ura-Giri's strategies.
De los Santos: He really needs his own Boss theme, but does that make him the bad guy? Cause lets face it, he's not the bad guy
Don Aldo: That's not how hair physics works
Ninja: The second most absent arch-rival in my history of watching cartoons. At least they both brought him back and gave him an identity as El Matador's rival. Still wish we got to see more of the tigers
Liquido: Ten years ago, if I told myself I would one day describe someone as a "sociopathic surfer-dude" I would start to question my own sanity
Andre Meda: His name is an astronomy pun, his team uses constellations as a secret formation code, and his coach has them train in outer space. This guy is a huge closet nerd, and you can't change my mind.
Vladmir Savich: They made a few half-baked attempts to make him a villain and the fanbase is having none of it. Good for him.
Riano: WHY IS THERE NOT MORE CONTENT OF HIM AND SHAKES BEING FRIENDS? They were such good friends, and we have like zero content to prove it. Do the writers not realize how much of a foil he could have been to Skarra? Riano and Shakes being best friends, and Skarra is feeling like he's been replaced, thus hating Shakes even more. Sorry for the long rant but c'mon Moonbug, this guy had so much potential
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pokemon-au · 7 years
pokeball choices
She’s rich af, so she has easy access to the luxurious and expensive Pokeballs. Her first Pokemon, Josephine the Ralts, was a gift from her parents, so she arrived in a Luxury Ball. She then used an Ultra Ball for her Roselia, and a Dive Ball for her Goldeen. Being a rich af person, when she doesn’t have Pokeballs, she goes to buy Ultra Balls. These are her basic balls. 
She uses Pokeseals when she’s going into a contest. Otherwise, she removes them because she thinks they’re a bit overkill/unnecessary
Josephine – Luxury Ball (with a music note seal; she dances out like a ballerina to music)
Vivienne – Ultra Ball (with flower seals; she bursts through the petals to land in a flourishing curtsy)
Seraphine – Dive Ball (with bubble seals)
Lol she is that person who’s so ready with her 900 Pokeballs at hand to catch Pokemon. But her actual catch rate: 0. Her actual Pokemon: met them coz they all tried to steal her food.
Every time she sees a Pokemon, she’s so excited and ready, gets herself in position to fling a Pokeball. Does she actually catch anything? No. If she’s the main character in an episode, that’s the running joke of the episode.
The only special balls Odette has are from Morrigan, who kind of lowkey, carelessly goes, “Oh yes, I bought a Premier Ball for you.” It’s likely she bought Pokeballs in bulk, like those special offers where everything is cheaper. She bought ALL the special acorn balls once. She then promptly used them all up in her excitement and caught nothing. She also got her hands on a Heavy Ball and Friend Ball, but again, didn’t catch anything with them. Her Pokemon are all in Pokeballs. Irony, I tell you. The Safari Zone, to her, was like going to the theme park was for most kids.
Because of Morrigan, she knows of, and has access to cool seals. She gives her Pokemon food seals (obtained courtesy of Morrigan’s connections, plus a kind of horrified exclamation that won’t Odette want a nicer seal like a flower seal?). She thinks they’re quite a cool and clever idea she had. When she was putting on the Pokeseals, she frowned in concentration the whole time with her tongue sticking out while she veeery carefully stuck it on. 
Burg – Pokeball with a burger seal
Trunks – Safari Ball with an apple seal
Truffles – Pokeball with a mushroom seal
Pokeseal bitch, along with one of her bffs, Day. They collect good Pokeseals and share and exchange them with each other. They shop online and IRL together. Ayla used to literally plaster every inch of her Pokeballs with Pokeseals. Now she’s outgrown that phase but does that mean she’s moving on from Pokeseals? Hell no. She loves them. 
BooBoo – Pokeball with heart seals
She just uses Pokeballs.
Bonnie – Pokeball
Bonnabelle – Pokeball
He just uses Pokeballs.
Lops – Pokeball
Mimi – Pokeball with a heart seal (from Eve)
Shedinja – Pokeball
She is another rich af person who uses Ultra Balls as the basic ball. She travels quite frequently, so rare balls are relatively easier for her to obtain. Her Garchomp is in a Timer Ball because it put up quite a fight (testing her) before he allowed himself to be caught. She had prepared a Timer Ball because she had anticipated how tough it would be.
Cassandra – Pokeball
Ebon – Timer Ball
Solange – Ultra Ball
Garnet – Ultra Ball
Meda – Dusk Ball
You would think he would be into Pokeball customization so he’s not a plebeian, but he thinks that all the Pokeball designs are ugly AF. If you gave him a Luxury Ball, he’s more likely to sell them on Ebay for 999.99 lol. 
If there were 3D printers, he’d make his own Pokeseals. Even if there weren’t, he would find a way to get Pokeseals with trash designs (none of that sappy heart and star shit) just so he’s not a pleb.
Red doesn’t like his Pokeseals. Boots gets the coolest (and least fugly) seals coz she’s special. 
Red – Pokeball with fire and smoke and skulls seals
Boots – Pokeball with electric seals
Elvis – Pokeball with seals (that look like gold Gucci shades??)
Trojan – Pokeball with trashy seals that have a lot of bling and glitter
Big G – Pokeball with trashy rainbow seals
He was a bit shy about using Pokeseals coz he liked them but he felt self-conscious. After Ayla’s enthusiastic encouragement  (she basically gave him a free pack lol, he shyly tried some.
Lilac – Pokeball with seals that release lilac flowers
She’s happy with Pokeballs, no need for anything fancy. She dabbled a bit in Pokeseals when she was a teen, because it was a trend, though she outgrew that as she grew older. Vixey used to have a fire seal, Apple used to have confetti seals, Lemon used to have electric seals, and Star used to have star seals.
Apple – Pokeball
Lemon – Pokeball
Vixey – Pokeball
Star – Pokeball
Amy – Pokeball
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