#Medco Energy
wwwintinewscoid · 1 year
RDP Di DPRD Kabupaten Barut Minta Masyarakat Yang Hiba Tanah Ambil Kembali Dan Pipa Perusahaan Swasta Migas Dicabut
INTINEWS.CO.ID, PROV. KALTENG – Dalam pelaksanaan RDP di DPRD Kabupaten Barut minta masyarakat yang hiba tanah ambil kembali dan pipa Perusahaan Swasta Migas dicabut. Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) di DPRD Kabupaten Barut ini yang di gelar pada hari Senin, 12 Juni 2023, bertempat di ruang rapat DPRD Barut, Jalan Ahmad Yani, nomor 83, Muara Teweh, Kabupaten Barut, Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng). Dewan…
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jakartadaily · 11 months
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PLN-Medco Power Perkuat Kelistrikan Batam, Ubah Gas Buang PLTG Tanjung Ucang Jadi Pembangkit Energi Bersih https://indonesia.jakartadaily.id/pertambangan-energi/6939567830/pln-medco-power-perkuat-kelistrikan-batam-ubah-gas-buang-pltg-tanjung-ucang-jadi-pembangkit-energi-bersih?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Sembcorp signs up Singapore gas supplies from Medco
Sembcorp Industries has struck a gas sales agreement with Medco E&P Natuna, for gas from the West Natuna fields in Indonesia. Sembcorp said the deal had an estimated value of S$1.9 billion ($1.41bn). Its subsidiary Sembcorp Gas struck the deal with the subsidiary of PT Medco Energi Internasional. The agreement becomes effective in the second half of this year, subject to certain conditions on…
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cakrawalaindo-news · 1 year
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insideoutvietnam · 1 year
Bitexco Group to acquire interest in Oil & Gas Block 12W
Bitexco Group to acquire interest in Oil & Gas Block 12W
Representatives of the two companies at the signing ceremony. HÀ NỘI – Bitexco Energy Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bitexco Group, has signed a share purchase agreement with Ophir Jaguar 2 Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk., to acquire all of the shares of Ophir Vietnam Block 12W B.V. Ophir Vietnam Block 12W B.V is a company incorporated in Netherlands…
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gurindammedia · 2 years
PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk melalui anak perusahaan PT Medco E&P Indonesia, berhasil raih lima penghargaan dari SKK Migas. Penghargaan diserahkan pada acara Internasional Convention on Indonesia Upstream Oil
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hmtgftugm · 2 years
Prospek Lulusan Teknik Geologi
Halo sobat teknik dan semua pembaca, dimanapun kalian berada!
Pernah kepo gak sih, kalau mahasiswa Teknik Geologi udah lulus nanti kerja dimana dan ngapain aja? Atau kalian mau masuk Teknik Geologi tapi masih ragu-ragu sama prospek kerja yang ada? Jangan khawatir! Kita paparin nih prospek kerja dan lulusan Teknik Geologi.
1. Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas
Tentu saja semua gak asing lagi sama beberapa perusahaan energi layaknya Pertamina, Medco, Chevron - perusahaan perusahaan energi ini ternyata butuh banget lulusan geologi untuk membantuk mereka dalam pelaksanaan ekstraksi minyak bumi.
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2. Perusahaan Tambang
Perusahaan tambang perlu banget lulusan geologi untuk membantu mengatur cara ekstraksi bahan tambang dengan baik, mengidentifikasi lahan tambang yang ekonomis, mengidentifikasi jenis bahan tambang yang akan di ekstraksi dan masih banyak lagi. Beberapa perusahaan tambang layaknya PT Freeport, Antam, dan PAMA sangat membutuhkan lulusan geologi!
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3. Mitigasi, Ketahanan, dan Penelitian
Perlu diketahui, di geologi kita gak cuma belajar cara meng-ekstraksi sumber daya alam! Di sini kita belajar mengenai air tanah dan keadaan tanah, mitigasi bencana melalui gunung berapi dan gempa bumi hingga tsunami. Di geologi juga dipelajari ilmu geologi murni hingga geologi teknik yang dibutuhkan dan selalu dikembangkan untuk kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan.... Jadi lulusan geologi bisa banget loh menjadi peneliti, ahli khusus bidang geologi yang bekerja di sebuah lembaga penelitian hingga lembaga mitigasi bencana.
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Itu dia sepersekian dari banyak prospek lulusan Teknik Geologi, semoga informasi ini bermanfaat buat sobat teknik dan semua pembaca!
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onlinematkasblog · 2 years
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madurapost · 2 years
Rayakan Hari Bumi 22 April, SKK Migas-Medco Energi Madura Offshore Tanam Ratusan Pohon
Rayakan Hari Bumi 22 April, SKK Migas-Medco Energi Madura Offshore Tanam Ratusan Pohon
SUMENEP, MaduraPost – SKK Migas-Medco Energi Madura Offshore kembali melakukan penanaman 555 pohon sonokembang (pterocarpus indiscus). Kamis, 21 April 2022. Hal itu guna mendukung gerakan pelestarian lingkungan. Aksi kemanusiaan ini merupakan bentuk perayaan Hari Bumi yang jatuh pada 22 April dengan tema ‘Berinvestasi di Planet Kita’. Diketahui bersama, Hari Bumi adalah acara tahunan yang…
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energiaindonesia · 2 years
Cari Mitra, Pertamina Kembangkan Energi Panas Bumi
Cari Mitra, Pertamina Kembangkan Energi Panas Bumi
ENERGIA.ID – PT Pertamina (Persero) sedang mengembangkan energi panas bumi (geothermal) sebagai energi terbarukan. Hal ini untuk menggantikan penggunaan energi fosil. Komisaris Utama Pertamina Basuki Tjahaja Purnama mengatakan saat ini Pertamina masih terus mencari mitra strategis (strategic partner) untuk pengembangan energi panas bumi. Pasalnya hal ini juga masih jadi hal baru bagi…
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jatimzone · 3 years
Penolakan Pengeboran Migas, Pemuda dan Nelayan Desa Tanjung Pamekasan Dirikan Posko
PAMEKASAN,- Pemuda dan Nelayan Desa Tanjung, Kecamatan Pademawu, Kabupaten Pamekasan mendirikan posko penolakan untuk pengeboran Migas oleh PT Medco Energy Sampang. Minggu, (25/04/2021). Posko tersebut dirikan di rumah warga setempat atau di pesisir pantai yang akan dilakukan pengeboran yakni di Desa Tanjung kecamatan Pademawu kabupaten Pamekasan. Moh Rohim Koordinator Pemuda dan nelayan desa…
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NEWS ANCHOR : PT Medco E&P adalah satu perusahaan di bumi Pancasila, yang bergerak mengemban tugas berat terhadap upaya pemenuhan minyak dan gas nasional.   
 PT Medco E&P yang merupakan anak perusahaan PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Medco Energi, sejak tahun 1980 sudah berkomitmen menyediakan energi untuk masyarakat. 
Tak ayal, Medco E&P sebagai Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama atau KKKS di Indonesia, terus memberdayakan seluruh sumber daya yang dimiliki untuk mengoperasikan 13 wilayah kerja yang terbentang dari Aceh hingga Sulawesi. 
 Sebagai konsekuensi dari komitmennya mendukung strategi Pemerintah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energi yang terus meningkat di masa depan secara bertanggung jawab, Medco E&P hingga saat ini dan di masa mendatang terus melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi, pengembangan dan produksi pada lapangan yang sudah matang maupun yang baru ditemukan. 
 Namun, dibalik tugas pokoknya dalam pemenuhan minyak dan gas nasional, sebagai perusahaan yang berada di lingkungan masyarakat, Medco E&P memiliki kewajiban terhadap pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat, sebagai konsekuensi dari Tanggung Jawab Sosial Industri Hulu Migas kepada rakyat Indonesia, khususnya di Sumatera Selatan. 
 Melalui Program Pengembangan Masyarakat atau PPM, sejak tahun 2017, Medco E&P sudah mewujudkan program pemberdayaan masyarakat, diantaranya budi daya jamur dan budi daya lebah madu hutan. Terkhusus budi daya jamur,  
Robby Wijaya, Community Relations Officer PT Medco E&P Indonesia menyebutkan, hal ini dilakukan setelah melihat limpahan tandan kosong sawit yang kemudian menjadi media tanam jamur. 
Belum lagi jumlah permintaan jamur juga yang sangat potensial untuk dibudidayakan. Menurut Robby, di Desa Lais misalnya, produksi jamur sudah mencapai 200 kg per bulan dan meingkatkan pendapatan warga hingga mencapai Rp.4.000.000. (empat juta rupiah). 
 Melihat pembukaan lahan perkebunan yang acapkali merusak ekosistem alam, Medco E&P bersama masyarakat kemudian berinisiatif melakukan budi daya lebah madu hutan. Budi daya lebah madu hutan ini, masyarakat dapat memanen dua kali per bulan, dengan rincian, dalam sekali panen, mereka dapat menghasilkan madu 90-100 kg per bulan. 
 Satu diantaranya, Bustam salah satu pembudidaya madu  lebah madu hutan. Bustam adalah satu diantara warga yang sudah menikmati hasil jerih payahnya sebagai pekerja lebah madu hutan, dengan kerjasama Medco E&P. 
 Melalui program budi daya lebah madu ini, selain dapat membantu peningkatan pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat, sekaligus mengembalikan habitat alam dan kelangsungan kehidupan di hutan yang nyaris rusak akibat pembakaran liar. 
 Selain budi daya lebah madu hutan, Medco E&P juga berfokus pada pengembangan karet organik, yang melibatkan di 15 desa yang berada di wilayah kerja PT Medco E&P. 
 Dengan memberdayakan 265 petani dengan lahan seluas 312 hektar,  perusahaan juga membantu akses petani karet untuk bisa menjual langsung ke pabrik. Melalui pola ini, sekaligus memotong rantai pemasaran getah dengan kualitas kadar kekeringan capai 85 %. 
Dari program ini perusahaan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani karet hingga 40 %. Tak hanya itu, sebagai bentuk tanggungjawab sosial perusahaan dan kontribusinya kepada pemerintah, Medco E&P juga menjalin kerjasama dengan pemerintah melalui program inovasi desa tepat guna. 
 Program nyata yang dilakukan melalui pelatihan dan pengembangan dari pengolahan asap cair ramah lingkungan, tidak berbau dan tidak membahayakan bagi kulit. Dari program yang dilakukan, hasilnya tidak mengecewakan. Sebab melalui pola ini kualitas kadar karet kering meningkat hingga 82 %. 
Tentu, dengan kualitas karet yang demikian, dapat meningkatkan nilai jual karet, hingga 2,2 juta per hektar. Upaya pemberdayaan lain yang juga dilakukan, Medco E&P juga menguatkan kelompok atau komunitas di masyarakat. 
Paling tidak, sampai kini ada 4 lembaga baru dengan 20 pendamping lokal. Tujuannya sebagai mitra perusahaan di lingkungan wilayah kerja perusahaan. 
 Dalam bidang lain, Medco E&P juga melakukan proses pencerdasan di sejumlah desa, baik di Musi Banyuasin, PALI. PT Medco E&P menjalin kerjasama dengan LSM 7 Pilar memaksimalkan gerakan literasi membaca,  dan pemberdayaan guru TK di Kabupaten Musi Banyusin. 
 Sementara di Ibu Kota Provinsi di Palembang, melalui kerjasama dengan Himpnan Mahasiswa Sosiologi (HIMASOS) Universitas Sriwijaya, Medco E&P juga mengajak peningkatan minat baca di kalangan mahasiswa. 
Banyak hal yang sudah atau akan dilakukan Medco untuk masyarakat. Termasuk di bidang infrastruktur di sejumlah desa. Apa yang dilakukan Medco untuk masyarakat, tidak akan berjalan dengan baik, tanpa dukungan dari semua. 
Kalau PT Medco E&P sudah banyak berbuat, kapan giliran kita? 
Taufik Usman, melaporkan untuk KabarSumateraTV
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jakartadaily · 11 months
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Medco Power Gandeng PLN, MOECO dan ACWA Power Dukung Percepatan Transisi Energi Menuju NZE 2060 https://indonesia.jakartadaily.id/pertambangan-energi/6939451550/medco-power-gandeng-pln-moeco-dan-acwa-power-dukung-percepatan-transisi-energi-menuju-nze-2060?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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husseinelhajj · 4 years
Lebanon’s Fuel Cartel…From Smuggling to Corruption.
At a time when Lebanon is facing a historic pile up of financial, economic, social and health crisis, every penny counts for the new government that keeps promising to fight corruption, but is yet to deliver on that.
Lebanon’s bankrupt treasury, which has been losing hundreds of millions of dollars every year from the continued smuggling of fuel oil and fuel derivatives to Syria, can make do with retrieving tens of millions of dollars, which have been siphoned over the past decade via questionable public contracts based on rigged tenders and conciliatory agreements.
A deeper investigation into the fuel smuggling issue had revealed, over the past months, the direct connection between several companies that are related to fuel distribution chains who prefer to sell the fuel derivatives to war-torn Syria for double the price that they’d sell it in Lebanon.
Needless to say both the fuel derivatives and fuel oil are subsidized by the Lebanese government, and smuggling not only puts a strain on the local market that is drying up currently, threatening vital institutions such as hospitals with blackouts, but also depletes the country’s dollar-reserve in favor of a quick lucrative deal in Syria. It has long been suspected that Coral Oil and Liquigaz are the leading Lebanese smugglers of oil and fuel to Syria. As such, both Coral Gas and Liquigas are both said to be under investigation for violations of the latest American sanctions, the Cesar Act. Both Coral and Liquigas would suffer crippling international sanctions once this corruption is exposed.
Lebanon, thus, is deprived of up to half a billion dollars annually, which passes in the form of fuel tankers under the noses of high-ranking officials, whom our sources from local authorities in the Beqaa and in Akkar areas, claim that they are getting a cut from this business.
“Just stand here and you will see the smuggling happening often, there and there,” said Ahmed (not his real name), a local from Hosh Sayyed Ali area in Beqaa, pointing out in two adjacent directions.
The current government headed by Prime Minister Hassan Diab gave the green light to security apparatuses to stop the smuggling to Syria a month ago, and the authorities have managed to show some action, which waned shortly after the second week.
“They are all in on it,” claimed Ahmed.
“Had the smugglers not been paying both local officials, politicians and security members, then the smuggling would not have continued,” he said, adding that to hush the society, the security would carry out one or two successful raids.
But even the sting operation would be rigged.
What is more interesting is that everyone in the area says the same thing, but no one even listens to them when they complain.
This is not the only catastrophe depleting Lebanon’s financial and energy resources. Corruption is a major issue as well.
While smuggling diesel, fuel oil and gasoline to Syria is a major story, which has been extensively covered in the media over the past period, and is expected to grow with the US Cesar Act, targeting those dealing with the Syrian regime and its members, yet this article is about the decadence at public administrations, corruption in the form of fixed tenders, and under the table transactions that were cleverly covered by very high-ranking officials.
Allegedly, rigged public tenders to supply the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Internal Security Forces (ISF), as well as other fuel-related conciliatory agreements governing public interests, have cost the treasury tens of millions of dollars on an annual basis for more than 10 years.
Some estimate the total sum of legalized theft through rigged tenders to top $1 billion for that said period.
Two companies’ names surface on such an issue: Medco and Total. They supplied the LAF and ISF with fuel products respectively over the past decade, as well as stored fuel derivatives on behalf of the two military and security entities at their storage facilities throughout Lebanon.
The Army’s annual fuel budget is estimated at 90 billion Lebanese pounds (about $59,5 million). As of 2014, lower international oil prices and a continued fixed fuel budget for LAF, pushed the latter to continue to buy more than its need of fuel, around 80 million liters annually, but that posed a problem: Storage!!
As LAF’s storage capacity dropped, and its inventory nearly doubled to serve for an additional year, it had to turn to the private sector, or so it seemed, as later events proved a major “under the table transaction” that forced LAF to resort to the private sector instead of state’s Directorate of Oil Facilities.
Up until 2018, the army bought green diesel, gasoline and jet fuel through the annual tenders won every year for 10 years by “Medco”, which is quite surprising, but not that much if the real reason behind such streak of wins is known.
Giving the lowest bid at the time, and until the contract was expired by end of 2018, was not the deciding factor as much as the fact that LAF had created a tender book with conditions that only fit Medco, and this included having storage facilities South of the Litani River area, according to our military sources.
“Medco was the only one with storage facilities South of the Litani River area, despite not having the required storage capacity.
Military sources revealed that in the case of Medco, the army’s strict tender book “seemed reasonable at the time” given the fact that the Lebanese Army had spread in the area south of the Litani River for the first time following the 2006 Israeli aggression on Lebanon.
But, “what certain Army officials usually did, before the army relied on its own receive green diesel from the oil facilities directly rather than through a third party, they would carve out a tender book that would fit Medco’s profile,” said the sources.
The sources refrained from naming the said Army officials, but estimated that the bribes paid were in the millions of dollars over the years.
Medco, as per the tender book, was also required to store the army’s extra amounts of fuel derivatives at its facilities across Lebanon, but it had actually lied about its real storage capacity, which was much lower than expected. Yet, it continued to charge the LAF for the total amount of storage agreed upon despite the fact that that amount was not physically there.
The prices were also higher, but the contract continued to be awarded to Medco year after year, and all of this was exposed in 2016.
Between 2016 and 2019, and after having bought red diesel from the Directorate of Oil Facilities, (which had its own monopoly over red diesel), the LAF was required to turn to the eco-friendly green diesel, which Medco had supplied it with for years.
By January 2019, the Lebanese army signed a contract with the Directorate of Oil Facilities to purchase green diesel instead of contracting that to the private company that had been committed to supplying green diesel to it for more than ten years.
According to an obtained official document, the Directorate of Oil Facilities had, not only much lower prices for the green diesel as compared to the prices which Medco used to sell LAF, but they also had lower prices for storage facilities, something which Medco was also overcharging for storage that did not even exist.
This new contract saved the LAF up to $2 million dollars from its annual fuel bill, and between 2018–2019 LAF managed to reduce the cost of the fuel bill by 20%, as a result of its decision to stop dealing with a private company in importing fuels.
This motivated the army’s leadership to enter into negotiations with the Directorate of Oil Facilities in order to contract it with “the supply of gasoline as well; knowing that the army’s consumption of diesel reaches 15,000 tons annually and its consumption of gasoline reaches 45,000 tons, and the new contract, had it materialized, would have allowed the army to save up to at least three times the amount of money it was paying the private sector (Medco),” according to the military sources.
But, despite this huge saving on the gasoline bill, and according to the same military sources, the army did not go through with the contract with the with the Directorate of Oil Facilities to be supplied with gasoline.
Medco remains the supplier, no one why, and for prices that are higher than those of the state’s Directorate of Oil Facilities.
Once the LAF discovered that it was cheated for more than a decade, and that there were huge gaps in past tender books in a way that facilitated the win of Medco and eliminated its competition, it opened an investigation into the matter. But that too was rigged according to military sources.
“The matter had been ongoing for years, and no one said anything. It continues to be the case with Medco selling gasoline to LAF to date. The only time this was brought up few years back (2016–2018), a pretend investigation was carried out and nothing was done, because, as expected, they found no corruption. Higher ranking officers stood behind it,” the military sources added.
According to Medco, there’s nothing wrong with past or current contracts with LAF, especially that the storage cost is lower simply because the state has the ability “to sell at cost price, and open letters of credit,” both which private companies cannot compete with.
Further investigation into the matter hit a brick wall as the military institution would not comment officially on the the actual price difference, nor the size of massive sums that were siphoned by Medco from serving the army throughout the years, something which is both common and expected when handling such case where all relevant parties are involved in the same corrupt transaction.
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howtofindthemoney · 5 years
Ophir Energy Plc on Wednesday said it had received a sweetened cash offer from Indonesian oil and gas group Medco valuing it at about 408.4 million pounds ($539 million).
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crudeoilbrokers · 5 years
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Indonesia’s Medco Energi offers 340 million pounds for UK-listed Ophir https://crudeoilbrokers.blogspot.com/2019/01/indonesias-medco-energi-offers-340.html
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