Podcast Transcript - S2EP20 - The Veil of the Unknown
Podcast Transcript - S2EP20 - The Veil of the Unknown
Audio and Show Notes I knew after the first season that I’d get much more personal and detailed with the personal details, but I didn’t expect it to get as in depth as I have. Speaking about each of the mysterious experiences I’ve witnessed, especially from a chronological order has been eye-opening. If you’ve been following along and meditating and contemplating on the entirety of this season, perhaps you understand what writing and recording the audio for these episodes has done for me, and what doing these exercises periodically does for an individual. I’ve essentially just done the examination of conscience prayer, or what has been expressed by others with near-death experiences—including myself—as the life review, or one’s life flashing before their eyes. Doing it in this reflective manner occurs at a much slower and steadier pace of course versus the feeling of timelessness that occurs during the mystical experience itself but is still essentially the same thing. I actually don’t know what to add to this episode that wasn’t summarized in the first episode of the podcast when I gave an overview of the months leading up to the mystical experience of Ascending to the Temple of the Father. Everything that occurred is so condensed, so compact, in such a short period of time, one day after another new revelations exploding in my mind that it’s difficult to talk about in a way that makes sense for the listener or reader. With my mind now exploding anew, dozens of books read, coupled with dozens of Great Courses, now called Wondrium courses, listened to and watched, all knowledge that existed within me began to coalesce in rapid fire towards piercing through the veil of illusion and seeing the eternal and real. So, I will have to go to my notes in this episode and as such, I’m already anticipating that I may sound much more mechanical and boring versus the previous episodes. Though I have mountains of journal entries and notes for everything that’s been explained throughout this season, sitting down and actually drafting it has been rather easy. These experiences have always remained in my conscious memory as giant foam fingers pointing to the spiritual and to the experience of God. But much like there was very little I could point to prior to the near-death death experience, specifically because that event became such a catalyst for the next phase of my life, so too during these brief three and a half months after my dream of the statue of Anubis and the goddess Isis, all is a blur, since the new nexus point in my mind has become the mystical experience of Ascending to the Temple of the Father on March 25th, 2018. But I will try to put the pieces together, both for myself, as well as for those listening and reading. I was still heavy into conspiracy stuff at this time, and as I mentioned, there’s something about holding different paradigms of thought in the mind that aids in this explosion of seeing the exact same connections and patterns and symbols, though apparently different, hidden behind the veil of the seen that ultimately reveals the unseen. All conspiracy stuff ended though after these experiences beyond what I’ve expressed as the media driven politically motivated stuff, and even that has rarely seeped through over these past four years. I’m mentioning this because I was reading about the Virginia elections, today being November 4th and two days after, and I was thinking about why was I reading into this and how long has it been since I even peered into these political type things? Well, I’m exactly a year removed from last years elections and the podcast episode that spoke on such things, so the cyclical nature of my mind seeking political news returned at the exact same time it had returned last year. Almost as if on cue, or due to the seasonality of politics and voting occurring in November. It’s a weird thing I’ve noticed after skimming through so many notes and meditating on such things, but it’s as if the mind, or consciousness itself has its own seasons. Like if you’ve ever woken up and wondered why on this day you were suddenly thinking of this song or movie or book, or this memory appears, or these thoughts are crossing your mind when they hadn’t the day before, especially without any external stimuli to conjure the memory or thoughts up, it seems as if there’s a cyclical aspect to the mind itself. I’ve spoken repeatedly of time being cyclical and though we can calculate and quantize time as humankind has for thousands of years, the concept of it still requires mental activity and thought for it to actually exist. Kind of like the old Buddhist riddle of if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to witness it, does it make a sound? Without humanity to contemplate time, does time exist? Anyways, there’s a seasonality of thoughts, as if whatever that part of consciousness that is consciousness and wherever it dwells in the mind revolves through the physical brain like a planet. It has its own grounding or the common and frequently used thinking, but during it’s revolutions within the physical aspect of the brain, the mind remembers or thinks of things that it hadn’t prior since it’s now moving through a storage section of the brain it hadn’t in a day, week, month, year, whatever the time period. Just a quick detour comment that I figured I’d toss in here. I’m only saying this because the conspiracy stuff I’d come across, was essentially conspiracy stuff I was coming across again. Right off the top of my head, I know that at the end of 2017, I’d come across the flat earth theory, or I guess a better way of wording it is flat earth revival during these handful of months leading up to March 25th, 2018, and the months after. If you read carefully in Lucifer Revealed towards the end, I express this a bit as the lies of a spherical universe shown through television as a way of taking a snapshot of what my thoughts were then. There are many aspects to this flat earth idea though, and I’ll give you all the details just so you know how at the very least seeing and contemplating the potentiality of lies having been slammed in your mind your entire life can aid in piercing the ultimate illusion and lie of one’s false self, versus the true, spiritual and immortal self. There were three aspects to the flat earth revival that had me thinking and even as I watched it, I remembered that back in 2010, when I said I’d first gotten into some of the conspiracy stuff, I’d watched things then that I’d forgotten, but had now revived in my mind while watching anew. I also expressed many of these various theories I’d come across as confusion in my mind in the opening of the Vision Explained Deeper work found at the logosofexperienceandtruth.com, and that all of this confusion required clarity. These are the three aspects to the flat earth and the questions that are raised by it that are either presented by the theory or what I came up with as well: 1) Obviously, is the Earth actually flat, and half a sphere and not an entire sphere? 2) Did we actually go to the moon in 1969? 3) Is there a firmament, or dome-like something up in low-earth orbit that creates the spherical shape and prevents us from leaving low-earth orbit regardless of what’s been shown on television and slammed into each and every one’s mind since birth for the past couple of generations. Now, I already stated my current stance on school and media driven material versus online conspiracy material. Believing one and denying the other is no different than believing one and denying the other, at least as it pertains to one’s perceptions of what is true and what is not true. For what is true and what is not true ultimately exists in the mind of each individual and regardless of what’s been shown, explained, or said to be proven, the acceptance and belief of whatever is seen as truth still rests in the mind of each. The issue for the mystic, or those that dive deeply within these understandings arises when a difficult question is asked of oneself in the search for truth. Did I choose to believe in everything I believe, or were those beliefs implanted into my mind by any of the various forms that could’ve transmitted the implantation of said belief? As an example, let’s use something non-conspiratorial that I’ve mentioned a few times: my stance on the Lotus position for meditation. Up until I’d actually tried to meditate, I’d seen people seated in the Lotus position but did not know that’s what it was called. I only tried to meditate in the position because I’d read and heard and seen a diagram of a straight line for the spine while meditating in this position and that it’s seen as the best position for meditating. So I tried it, and tried it, and tried it, but hated and hated it. However as a newbie, my mind wanted to accept what I’d read of it being the best position for meditating, but since my own personal experience and bodily sensations told me otherwise, I was able to reject this position as being the best for meditation for myself, understood even way back then in 2001 or 2002 that seeing it as the best position, though attested to with much proof and many millennia of examples and proof, it was still something that I had to conform my mind to believe. And if I believed it, then I’d believe it because I was being told to believe it, not because my experience was yielding the belief for me since my experience was telling me otherwise. The belief and understanding of the Lotus position as the best position for meditation is a paradigm of thought that revolves around its status as the best position. A paradigm of thought though, when looked at carefully, does not require conscious belief to be seen as true, for if dwelling within the paradigm one does not see any alternative for the alternative doesn’t exist within the paradigm, especially if the paradigm itself forces other paradigms out, and or fights to keep them out. Not saying that’s what occurs with the Lotus position in whatever religion or culture it’s held to such high regard, I’m just stating the reality of most paradigms of thought. Thus, the belief in the Lotus position as the best position for meditation doesn’t necessarily mean that it was consciously chosen by those that believe this postulation, and thus for those within the paradigm that the Lotus position is the best position for meditation, this can itself, now become part of the illusion of maya. There’s a famous scientific work on this paradigm idea. I can’t remember what it’s called, especially because I haven’t read the entirety of it and don’t own a copy of it and have only come across excerpts of it, but it’s on my buy list for future books to find when I make my round back to studying science again. But without any knowledge of this work, I understood this concept by meditating on which of these millions of voices and ideas within my mind were my own, and which ones had been given, injected, or slammed into my mind, specifically seen while meditating on if I believed in God, and why did I believe in God? I’ve already explained the why I believed in God: due to my near-death death experience, but that eventually because of the influence and obvious paradigm insertion into the works and ideas of St. John of the Cross, I began to purge this experience away from my mind as the basis for my faith and that it eventually led to a deeper Desert of the Soul experience versus solely getting rid of teachings I thought were whack, or abandoning spiritual phenomena that though cool to see and experience, didn’t really bring me any closer to both the understanding of God, or to experiencing God again. So again, the question, much like how in the first season I asked you to ponder if you’ve ever really had your own thought, so too if we dive deeper. Since thought is conscious and belief is subconscious: Did you come to believe each of your beliefs consciously, or were they implanted into your mind unawares due to living within the paradigm of belief and structure itself in whatever family, town, city, state, country, religion to which you were born, and that such beliefs simply insert themselves into the subconscious minds of those that dwell within the paradigm of belief? So let’s use a more hot button topic to explore this with. I’ll ask a question, two questions, and the question applies to both sides, since both sides are equally a paradigm when looked at carefully. And only you listening or reading can be honest with yourself on the answers to these questions. First question. Have you already made your decision regarding abortion? I’m positive that was probably a quick answer for most especially in the USA. Second question. Prior to reaching your decision on abortion, did you read the actual law and what the Chief Justices at the time said about Roe v Wade? I’ll pause for a bit, though I’m positive the majority listening or reading, on both sides, had to think about this one and that the majority have a “No,” response in their mind. The next question, which again, reveals the paradigm to which one exists, is if you didn’t read the actual law of Roe v Wade and yet reached your conclusion and decision regarding abortion, then how did you come to that conclusion or decision, and did you actually make a conscious decision that was not utterly dependent on the paradigm to which your mind exists, regarding abortion? If you’re within the paradigm and everything in the paradigm in which you exist is telling you and reflecting back to you the paradigm, then is the decision actually conscious? Are all beliefs that are believed in conscious, only some, or are any? You can ponder on this yourself and meditate and examine pretty much anything that you’ve accepted as truth: if you actually accepted it consciously, or if all you did was accept what the paradigm that you exist within has told you, and further, is doing this an actual conscious choice? For instance, and I may have done this already and if I did, sorry for repeating myself. The old Coke or Pepsi challenge. If I put a can of Coke and Pepsi in front of you and tell you to choose to drink one, how many choices of drink do you have? The majority will say Coke or Pepsi, for those are the two paradigms that one is being presented with and since its easier for humans to dwell within a paradigm, they will choose either Coke or Pepsi. But there are two other options that exist. Not partaking in the Coke or Pepsi challenge and or not drinking either if presented with the choice, or getting an empty glass and pouring them both into the same glass. So denying either of the paradigms one is presented with, or combining the different paradigms in some way are also options, though not quickly seen. See where I’m going with this? And as a caveat to the atheist or scientist that has listened thus far that thinks perhaps I haven’t actually considered the not believing side of God, hopefully my explaining the nature of the paradigm and my understanding of it as it pertains to actual conscious choosing and believing, and my desire to understand, root out, and find and fully make true conscious decisions, has washed that potential idea away. I said I’d been knee-deep in conspiracy stuff didn’t I? And that after my dream of Isis and Anubis, I had to dive into ancient history, right? Unfortunately, You Tubing ancient Sumerian for instance, brings with it a lot of conspiracy stuff. Going further, for the Catholic that delves into conspiracy stuff, there’s a whole megaton load of conspiracy stuff about the evil Catholic church and the evil popes and black popes. Then it got into the ancient alien theories of the Sumerian Annunaki beings and that the royalty in the world, including the Vatican, are really preserving these ancient blood lines of the aliens that came down and formed the world and that royalty are the descendants of the nephilim of Bible lore and thus contain blood or DNA of these otherworldly god-like beings, while the rest of the world are the mud-people that were created to serve them and many other such theories. Interesting that several other cultures have the same type of creation myth, but far pre-date modern conspiracy stuff. I think it was the Chinese or Japanese where the goddess first formed human beings, but got tired and exhausted from doing it by hand one at a time. So instead, I think she threw a bunch of rocks into the mud like in the Greek myth, or dragged a stick through the mud or something like that and the rest of the subservient humanity came from the flakes and dust, while those first handmade people become the elite or royal ones. If you understand this about thought, belief and the paradigms that exist within the mind, then the question is, or at least for me, how does one change the paradigm, truly? If I for instance believed everything these conspiracy things were speaking about regarding the Church and then moved or merged into the paradigm of disbelieving the Church and believing the conspiracy, then I would do nothing more than switch one paradigm for another and would still be subservient to the new paradigm. I could choose to ignore the paradigm to which I exist and/or ignore the paradigm of the conspiracy, but then I’d be choosing ignorance, and the learning mind of the human being typically won’t allow that, at least for very long. I could choose to shatter the paradigm to which I exist, or the new paradigm, by destroying either/or with knowledge of either/or, but then all that means is I destroyed one for the other and was simply existing in whichever paradigm I chose to champion. If I ignore my paradigm for another though, then in a way, I am ignoring my life, my past, the culture to which I was born, and will lose all memory and learning prior to the shift, for the shift itself would skewer the mind and the acquired ideas towards seeing the old as worthless compared to the new, even though one would have done nothing more than change one paradigm for another. Quite difficult when you break it down like this. But there is a path. There is a teaching. There is a way and it is the most difficult path possible when it comes to the paradigm of thought that exists within ourselves. It is quite possibly the most difficult of all the teachings of the Christ: love your enemies, which itself, was Christ creating a new paradigm of thought. This is not to say that every single paradigm one exists in creates an enemy out of every paradigm that is different, but it does have a tendency of occurring. For instance during my gaming years at first it was Nintendo versus Sega, then Sony versus Nintendo, then Sony versus Xbox. And the vitriol that both sides would heap upon one another for who’s system was the best was omnipresent everywhere anybody started talking about video games, even though both sides were doing the exact same thing: playing video games, though within the paradigm, or system, of choice. And the same patterns would arise. Some exclusively chose one or the other, some tried both but favored one over the other, and then some would buy all video game systems and say they were all the same, and then others would leave the console wars and go PC gaming since Apple wasn’t really a gaming system and thus wasn’t seen as a separate paradigm. Read the full article
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Episode 20 - The Veil of the Unknown
Piercing Through the Veil of the unknown The Bible states that at Christ’s death the veil to the temple was torn asunder. Though dramatic when viewing this in light of the claim of Christ being the rejected Son of God and this moment thus confirming His royalty, there is a deeper more mystical meaning behind this. There is a boundary buried deep within our mind that separates the known from the unknown, the physical/external and the invisible/internal, the chasm that separates Man from God. Entering into this boundary is the essence of mysticism, was and is the goal of both the ancient and modern Mysteries and the accomplishment of this merging of the duality of the internal and external, the microcosm and the macrocosm, body and mind, conscious and subconscious, even if it only occurs for an instant is what brings about the mystical experience and shows the Beatific Vision of God to the individual. But the veil must be removed, and it only occurs when Jesus dies on the cross or when we’ve died to ourselves to allow for the spiritual rebirth within. Many know of what I speak but how this is accomplished is difficult to convey. This episode will focus on the types of thoughts and the method of thinking and questioning that occurred during this time period that led to the drug-free mystical experiences I’ve spoken of across these 20 episodes of Season 1 and Season 2 of the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Click Link for Transcript Timestamps: - The exercise of writing and speaking of these experiences is like the life review discussed in the near-death experience, just now in reality-land and not in some mystical experience (01:13)- Near-death experience in 2001 created a nexus point of thought and the next experience in 2018 shifted that center of gravity into the new (03:22) - Questioning and positing the cyclical nature of the mind and its seasons especially if no external or internal stimuli has triggered it (04:06) - Conspiracy material I’d been exposed to (Flat Earth Theory) and was contemplating during the time of the mystical experiences in 2018 (06:05) - Contemplating the lies purported in a conspiracy theory are meant to stimulate your mind to see the lie of the illusion of reality automatically created by your brain, what neuroscience calls simulation (06:44) - Stance on such conspiracy or alternative theories alongside one’s perceptions and beliefs if one can truly ask if they chose to believe in any belief that dwells inside of their mind or if the belief was slammed into their mind unawares (08:05) - The use of my stance on the Lotus position for meditation to illustrate the idea of whether or not choice determines a belief (09:01) - The use of the scientific concept of a paradigm to further illustrate this question of whether or not belief is actually chosen or implanted into the mind (10:19) - Do we believe consciously or is it subconscious? (12:43) - Next example of a paradigm of belief surrounding a more hot-button topic of abortion (13:14) - Another benign example using the Pepsi Challenge to further explore paradigms of thought and belief (15:09) - Further conspiracy material found online during this time period in 2018 (16:36) - Getting real after understanding that there are paradigms that exist in the mind and wondering how to change them (17:52) - The path Christ taught when it comes to paradigms (19:19) - Paradigms tend to create animosity or enemies of the opposing paradigm: video game wars used as an example (19:39) - The problem with paradigms of thought and beliefs is we think we’ve consciously chosen them all and thus assume our enemies have chosen their paradigms as well (21:19) - The venomous USA political media climate and the paradigms citizens exist in (22:28) - Challenging one’s paradigm or seeking to change it is difficult for it is like causing one’s own inner death (23:23) - Mysticism teaches one to identify the false self within and to find the real self but until one accomplishes this, the false self is seen as the real self (23:51) - To find God one must be willing to lose God (24:17) - Paradigm shift that occurred to me during this time was studying the Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian having never done so and causing a paradigm shift in my mind regarding religion and the mysteries (25:06) - Thor’s explanation in the Avengers of impermanence to speak on the paradox of duality (26:32) - Holding the paradoxes of duality in the mind are what pierce through the veil of the known and the unknown (27:32) - Remembering a video seen of Stanley Kubrick and the moon landing long ago (28:48) - Overview of the conspiracy topics considered regarding the moon and Flat Earth (29:34) - Using body/physical mysticism to make sense of the Flat Earth versus the Solar System ideas of the microcosm and macrocosm (31:35) - Clearest explanation of how merging the duality of the external and internal within the mind is what brings about the mystical experience of the Beatific Vision (33:54) - Using this mystery of the microcosm and macrocosm to explain a “reason” for Christ Incarnating physically (34:43) - You only see Christ in your mind when you realize that you only see Christ in your mind (35:25) - Mystical understanding of the Second Person of the Trinity (35:32) - There is no reconciliation between paradigms unless common ground is found (38:31) - The ultimate goal and hope and reason for the Logos of Experience and Truth website and podcast (38:43) - The image that unites each of these apparently different paradigms can be seen and studied at the logosofexperienceandtruth.com (39:40) - The current paradigm as determined after seeing the connection between the images of the Beatific Vision of God (40:57)
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Podcast Transcript - S2EP15 - Experiencing the Mystery
Podcast Transcript - S2EP15 - Experiencing the Mystery
I will apologize ahead of time and state that I don’t know where to begin this episode. So many things occurred and continued to occur that though I have all my notes of each of these experiences none of them have dates, so my mind is searching for a timeline to follow. But since there isn’t one, I feel sort of scatterbrained and am mentally trying to group them into categories so that it’s easier for you to follow along while listening to this or reading it via the ebook. After reviewing some of the Eastern religions, I opened up to reading more contemporary writings about God and spiritual ideas and concepts, or New Age stuff, and this is when I began to learn more about synchronicity after reading some Carl Jung, probably while I was in my Philosophy of Religion class. To further drive home the infancy of knowledge between the history of Catholic and Protestant Christianity I had at this time, though I had bought a Catholic Bible, since I was living in West LA, not that far from where I had lived in Santa Monica ten years prior as a child, I wanted to go somewhere familiar for church services and I wound up going to the Episcopal church I used to go to down by the third street promenade. It was an excellent choice, and again, to further this blurring of what makes it difficult to discern the differences between the two, then for me, as I’m sure it does for others now, literally right when I started going to this church, a few of the members had started a Centering/Contemplative prayer group that’s based on the works of St. John of the Cross, a Catholic Saint, that some other modern day priest had formed into what is called the Centering prayer movement within these circles. Father Keating I think was his name, and the book I think was called Open Mind Open Heart. In one of those weird synchronous things, after I read why the Church disapproved of the interpretation of St. John of the Cross’s works found in Centering prayer and the works of this priest, the book sort of vanished from my library of books and I actually have no idea what happened to it. Anyways, it was here where after telling my tale of the near-death experience during the new member orientation when a lady I was talking to told me that God had been trying to get my attention and needed to drop a boulder on my head to do so. Having read the Bible now, I was also starting to form that internal knowledge that God puts those He loves to the test to refine them like gold in a fire, over and over again. Since then, I’ve sometimes seen this idea in the positive, sometimes I’ve seen this idea in the negative, and I’ve loved when I’ve read stories like St. Teresa of Avila recounting a time she was walking along a road talking to God and I think it was a cart that rode by and splashed her with mud, and she told God it’s because of stuff like this that you have so few friends. Or the Muslim way of expressing this conundrum: if God lays hands on you, how can you complain or fight it if God’s the one doing it? So, this is where I started learning to meditate, going to this Centering/Contemplative prayer group weekly that focused on the work of a Catholic priest, two Catholic priests in fact, though I think the priest author of that book Open Mind Open Heart was eventually excommunicated, and meeting this group at an Episcopal Church. Kind of funny when you think about the Catholic Protestant thing. My next strange and horrifying experience happened on one of these nights after leaving the prayer meeting group though, and it’s the primary reason I never ventured towards anything other than the more ancient forms of the Church. Not that I have anything really against Evangelical Christianity other their hostility towards anything not Evangelical Christianity, meaning their hostility towards me since I’m Catholic and that they somehow have convinced their members that the Catholic Church is some type of a cult, which would make it a pretty ancient and massive cult and the fount from which their Christianity emerged since the Catholic Church gathered, compiled, preserved and edited the very Bible they use. Not in King Jame’s time which is what unfortunately many Protestants seem to think, but in St. Jerome’s time around the year 400 AD. But anyways it was because of what happened on this night that I never bothered with anything other than Episcopal, which is essentially American Church of England alongside Anglican, or King Henry’s church, or the first real split from Catholic other than Eastern Orthodox, or. . .the Catholic Church. Just for context's sake, I’m now many moons removed from any and all drug use, so probably starting at this point, anything that I say that I saw no longer has any potentiality as having been the result of recent drug use. I’m not sure how long that stuff stays in your system. There’s that myth of the spinal tap of acid re-surging in a user up to a decade later since it stays in the spinal system fluid or something like that, but I never found myself frying balls within the decade after having taken acid so I’m pretty sure that’s just a myth. I was walking up the street from the church towards where I’d had to park my car. Anybody that lives in the West LA area knows what I’m talking about, but if you’ve never been, finding parking is hell on Earth in West LA. For instance, on my first day of school at Santa Monica College, even though I was stupid enough to buy the parking pass, since there was no parking anywhere to be found even with a stupid pass, I had to drive up and down the side streets trying to find parking. I got three parking tickets on that single day, running to my car to move it after each class and failing miserably at moving it before the meter maid had nabbed me. Over the next two weeks I was more successful and only got another two parking tickets. Hell on earth, just like driving the freeways there. . . Read the full article
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Episode 15 - Experiencing the Mystery
Experiencing the Mystery of Mind, Body and Soul In this episode I provide five different experiences of the mystery of the ensouled spirit, each entirely removed from any possible drug use from the past that may have still been circulating within my mind and body. None of these experiences of the mystery are as grandiose as the near-death experience spoken of in the first and second episodes of this season, but each of them conveys the deepening or widening of the mental faculties in understanding that which is called spiritual or mystical and being observant of all that is occurring within and without. Topics range from the Christian and Protestant confusion, Native American sweat lodge, Masonic meditation lodge and trust walking in West LA. Join me in this episode as we dive deeper into the mystery. Timestamps: - Deeper intonations of the infancy of knowledge and confusion regarding Catholicism and Protestantism since Episcopal Church I went to had a Contemplative Prayer group that focused on the work of St. John of the Cross (01:39) - Learning that God puts believers to the test (03:00) - Story of two Christian demons descending upon me as I walk through the darkened streets of Santa Monica (03:54) - Things seen from this point are entirely from a drug free mind (04:56) - Understanding the near-death experience as some type of mystical experience begins to form in my mind around this time (06:18) - The next spiritual experience story about attending a Native American sweat lodge up in the Santa Monica mountains begins (07:52) - Description of the sweat lodge experience itself begins (09:51) - Out-of-body experience during the Native American sweat lodge (12:26) - The highest high upon exiting the Native American sweat lodge (13:50) - Third experience of the mystery begins, this one having to do with self-healing from acne (14:42) - Meditation helped to narrow down the root of the acne issue in my mind and allowed me to develop a new self-image (16:04) - The number of days it took for the acne to clear up in the self-healing (18:38) - Fourth spiritual experience story begins, and it has to do with secret societies and conspiracies (19:40) - Stumbling upon the local Masonic lodge on Venice Beach Blvd and returning to it for a guided meditation night (21:11) - Expansion of the mind and entering into the occult and New Age materials (22:19) - The Presence of the Lord as I’ve spoken of it and as it’s spoken of in the Bible as the way the mind symbolizes the crossing of threshold into the spiritual realm (23:13) - What turned me off and away from the Masonic Lodge (25:50) - Fifth experience and warning for the spiritually curious wanting to experience or test out synchronicity after something I tested out (27:37) Read the full article
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Podcast Transcript - S2EP13 - Remembering the Ignored Signs
Podcast Transcript - S2EP13 - Remembering the Ignored Signs
Just as the previous episode, this is a disclaimer that if you have not listened to the first two episodes of Season two, episodes eleven and twelve, I highly recommend you listen to them before proceeding forward with this episode or this episode will make little sense from a timeline perspective. Let’s get into it. To start, just to further drive home the timeline of the experiences recounted in the previous two episodes, I had school Monday through Thursday. It was on a Thursday when I smoked the speed and either that early Friday or Saturday morning since I can’t remember the exact number of days when I experienced what to me appeared to be near or actual death, I slept finally, and it wasn’t until late Sunday when I awoke and needed to drive back home in West LA since I had school the next day. Everything is somewhat of a blur as you can imagine. All I know is even though my mind felt like it was back in order, since I was back in the crowded campus of Santa Monica College, the same impressions that I explained were occurring while in the nightclub kept creeping up here and there, whenever I put any attention to it. So, I went about my days as cautious as I could, struggling with all my might to keep my thoughts in order, to think only of what I needed to think about and nothing else and not to give any attention to any thoughts I wasn’t consciously thinking. I’m not sure how long it took, whether it was the next weekend, or two weekends after my death experience, but at either interval, it felt as if my mind had grounded itself once more, and regardless of the depth of experience I knew I had witnessed, the dumbass in me crept back in, the dumbass in me that needs to experiment and confirm, probably gained from a lifetime in school of the scientific method ingrained upon my mind. But I wanted to see if I could still smoke weed or not. I knew there was no way in hell I’d ever touch anything stronger than weed. I knew that for a fact then and there. But I’d been smoking weed for a long time already, seven years at that point and even though I never considered myself an addict, still will say that I wasn’t an addict since I’d periodically stop smoking weed and drinking while in high school and college when I knew I needed to get my shit together to get a paper done or pass a test or something, but I still didn’t really want to give it up entirely. Also, the skeptic in me returned. It was just a crazy drug experience, just like in the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas movie and book, nothing more. There’s not really a God. There’s not really a devil. There’s none of that. It was just drugs. And obviously, the dumbass experimenter that I was and unfortunately am, I told myself, lets test this, by smoking some weed. I know I took one hit, I’m not that sure if I took two hits. Two years later I’d experiment again, and when I recount that, I’m certain it was only one hit. But at this moment, I know it wasn’t more than two, but it may have been, and it may have been one hit. All I know is I sat back into my sofa after the hit, or hits, and simply watched. I looked around my apartment, didn’t see anything pressing in through the walls, no weird voices, nothing. I even remember telling myself, see, smoking weed is fine. And then, all I remember is ever so slightly glancing up towards the ceiling in front of me. And there was the Vision again, the Mindstream ribbons piercing the fabric of space, coming in through the roof of my apartment, no apartment above it actually, and I was actually looking out into the night sky with the swirling vortex of the Vision right in front of me again. When I glanced at it, it began to perform the same actions as the ball of light I’d seen in the death experience, trying to suck me into looking at it and the extension of thoughts over eternal time in the present moment of now started, and time began to slow. A four letter bad word starting with the letter F, is all I thought. It didn’t last long though. Didn’t draw me in to gazing at it with the same gravitational pull as what occurred in the life review death experience, but I knew without a doubt that whatever this was that I was seeing was just as real a part of reality as anything else, and that smoking weed and doing drugs opened one up to it, or at least, since I’d already been opened up to it via this route, it was now always going to occur. By this point I was also thinking further of the experience having to do with judgment or having judgment passed upon oneself when one sees it, and essentially, I saw it in the negative sense and would only see it in the negative sense, especially if experienced through drug use, for quite some time afterwards, until my more recent mystical experiences. I don’t remember what occurred after. The Vision just sort of went away. Or by looking away and telling myself I can’t do that again and acknowledging that this spinning vortex looking thing of eternal thought was real and that it had something to do with God and Judgment, I think I fell asleep. Only reason I say that is because I know it was daylight when I threw out my bongs, pipes, papers and the last sack of weed I ever possessed. Though I’ve drank liquor since then of course, at the time, I also poured out all the liquor that I had in my apartment, and I think I went close to a year without even drinking a drop of anything but church wine. . . Read the full article
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Podcast Episode 13 - Remembering the Ignored Signs
Seeds and Signs of the Mysteries of Heaven and Hell The skeptic mind is a powerful one. Give me facts and make sure they are only based upon the scientific paradigm of rules I want to follow and trust in, or I will label whatever you give me as false and untrue. I came across many things leading up to what was described in the Descent into Hell and Near-Death Experience episodes.  I thought about these experiences as strange and weird but utter nonsense even as the evidence was staring me in the face. Why? I answer this in the podcast, but it was because if I truly did believe in God, which is what these experiences were pointing towards, then it would mean needing to change the life that I was living. And who truly wishes to do that, especially at age 19?Timestamps: - Back in reality land I struggle to keep the mind together after both the effect of the drug and what was seen or experienced as hell and death (01:45) - The skeptic in me returns and the experience begins to be questioned (03:13) - The idea of Judgment to this experience finally enters into my mind (05:15) - The root of my skepticism was not wanting to change (06:08) - Disclaimer to turn back if one does not wish to open this door further (07:09) - The first acid experience remembered along with the signs and symbols that were engraved upon my mind (07:19) - The worst thing possible to be exposed to perhaps during drug use is talk about the Devil and this is what began to be presented and spoken of to me by a former Satanist or Devil Worshiper (10:09) - Dream that occurred as a result of this lecture on the Devil (14:02) - The second acid experience remembered along with what was seen (15:57) - If there were more guidance during a psychedelic drug experience would more people experience mystical type things (16:57) - Century Club acid experience (17:39) - Crossing the barrier and leaving the mortal world (19:34) - Another Hellish type experience follows after another time skip as well (21:03) - Thinking that something was trying to speak or get my attention from this experience and slamming it away with skepticism (23:24) - Understanding that if I chose to believe in God for real, it would mean life changes and responsibility (24:55) - Third experience in this podcast; speaks of some sort of evil presence or feeling from within (25:29) - Drugs are the easy route to experiencing the Mysteries and it was my reflections on the drug use that had me continue to search for the answers to my skepticism (29:19) Read the full article
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Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast Transcript: Season 1) Episode 8
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Transcript: Truth or Fiction
Welcome back to discussing the mysteries of the Logos of Experience in Truth. We’ve spent quite a bit of time dancing around the idea of truth itself over the past two episodes and though I don't want to get political on this episode, it’s certainly on my mind as it is with everybody else with today being the 6th of November 2020. I ended the last discussion hinting at further experiences regarding the spiritual rebirth, the baptism of the Holy Spirit in fire and the physical experiences that occur from this; that they are not just in the mind but are actually felt and experienced physically and how the experience of this leads one, and more specifically, has led me, to see an absolutely incredible beyond just faith and into actual reality truth regarding essentially everything in the Gospels about the life of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Keep that in mind: physical experiences, not just mental visionary imagery, but physical. Now, yes, there's that obvious question.  “Well, aren't you a Christian?  Shouldn't you believe in this already?”  Well, yes, Mr. or Miss non-Christian.  But when does belief begin from non-belief?  And when does belief become true faith; and when does true faith become factual reality?  These are movements within.  The change, again, the stages of moving towards believing in something so powerfully that it enters or becomes fact and reality. As a mystic, as one that has experienced the visionary sights I've spoken of, along with mentioning the spiritual rebirth that occurs physically within the body, exactly as Christ said: from within, I am astonished at the truth of the stigmata experience, since from my eyes, my viewpoint, the depth of belief that St. Francis of Assisi and Padre Pio to name a few had in seeing themselves as disciples of Christ, in the physical sense, is utterly beyond astonishing: the merging of belief into reality. As a contrast for instance, I'm not a feeder of the poor.  I'm not a clothier of the naked.  I'm not a physical, hands-on type of Catholic Christian.  I don't act out my faith physically.  I'm an entirely mental inquisitive examiner of words and ideas and concepts.  The closest Gospel saying that resonates with me and what I seem to do and the works of faith I seem to follow, are found in Matthew 13:51-52. “Do you understand all these things?”  They answered, yes.  And he replied, “Then every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven, is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the Old and the New.”  (Catholic World Press, 1997). Yet even here, like I said, I'm not an apologist or theologian.  I'm not even a philosopher I would say, since I'm not pushing anything new forward into any of these realms, just seeing them deeply for what they are through the lens of one that has had mental, internal, spiritual, intellectual, mystical experience which is why I didn't have anything occur to me physically beyond the spiritual rebirth from within, which is no slouch by any stretch of the imagination since I can literally tell you how, literally, how a virgin, the Virgin Mary could have, did, become pregnant by the Holy Spirit.  And yes, I will describe it in detail when I describe those peculiar physical sensations that course through the body that literally, not just a faith statement anymore, literally could impregnate a virgin, obviously if it's deemed by God, as was with the Virgin Mary if she had this same experience, which the Virgin Mary most certainly did.  Or at least, that's the conclusion I've reached for there's no other explanation I can give after contemplating the physical experiences that occur, and this, from the point of view of a man experiencing this. And though yes, Jesus does mention the internal spiritual rebirth in the Gospel of John to Nicodemus, and even though yes, renewal of the self, the mind, the soul, was incredibly important to Jesus, he also spent a massive amount of time physically healing, physically being a physician to those around him, which is what St. Francis and all those saints that have received the stigmata emulated at an exponential rate. Now I'm an intensely mental person, so though I had the mystical unfoldment and the testing by God in all of which I've paraphrased and will further explain the details over time, this was all internal and not physical, other than the spiritual rebirth by the fires of the Holy Spirit.  The physical, hands-on Christianity is as I've mentioned, my vocation in marriage, which I'll speak more about in a bit. This is what I want to get across right now and we'll dive further into this: the Saints belief in the emulation and identification with and alongside Jesus, specifically of those saints that have received the stigmata, their emulation physically was so powerful that it brought their faith in Jesus mystically into reality—the physical reality through their works and it was so in depth, so overpowering over and across their mind that it brought the gift of the Holy Spirit into the physical realm with the signs of the stigmata.  Up until this point from what I've been able to gather, all mystical experience was of the internal kind, the philosophical kind.  But this, this was something new.  This is the body also being raised to that divine status we discussed in the last episode which is rooted in the physical ascension of the master, of Christ. For comparison's sake, this is essentially what Catholics believe is occurring a billion times a day with the Holy Eucharist and the power of the priest’s prayer when they say the blessing that essentially calls down the Holy Spirit to transubstantiate the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.  So, this concept shouldn't be a foreign idea to the practicing Catholic.  But as I stated before, these types of connections to the Holy Spirit can't just be for the religious persons and their vocation but also have to be present for married persons and their vocation which is what my journey of understanding seems to have been all about. I feel terrible that I can't actually remember if it was the priest during my marriage prep classes that said it, or the priest that married my wife and I . . . or even if I just heard it on Catholic Answers or something during this time, but I am about 95% sure it was the Father that married my wife and I that posed the challenge, question, reality and truth about marriage being a vocation and spiritually ordained by God. If you don't understand what this vocation business is, it just means that one’s faith is acted out or realized within their station in life.  And obviously in the Church, you're either a religious person: so, think priests, clergy, nun, Cardinal, Pope, or you are not, and are a husband or a wife, a father or a mother.  But that marriage itself is a ministry of faith.  It's just between two people, the husband and the wife, and any that observe or are part of it that are challenged and are changed by the manner in which the husband and the wife are married.  But that's in the external.  As I said, I'm a mental person.  So, while all of that was occurring, inner depth and contemplation about marriage was always occurring.  And it began at this nexus point. This is what the priest said, and it's never left my contemplating mind since.  He said, “that the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven are found in your vocation and that marriage should be treated thusly.”  And I've simply spent the last fourteen years of my spiritual journey trying to understand how this is so and when we get to the spiritual rebirth, to the blessing of the Holy Spirit and why Holy Spirit was feminine to me, I'll definitely provide many a theory on why this occurred and why this is also rooted in what we began to touch upon in the last episode: the mystery of the male and the female, the right and left, or the duality of physical nature and physical reality at its core, and that this male and female, or gender, the apparent reality of binary opposites that are endlessly attracted to one another, is at the basis and foundation of reality, which I already mentioned: the trinity of creation in the atom.  Of proton the positive, electron the negative, and neutron the base, or that which contains both charges and no charge at one and the same time—or the Father, and the Son is the proton, the Holy Spirit is the electron.  Or in the old way of seeing this binary duality: Apollo is the sun, or positive daytime energy, and Artemis is the moon, or negative nighttime energy.  Or the male, the sun, and the female, the moon. This exists inside of us as well and I will continue to unpack this though I've already given many hints regarding this depth inside of ourselves.  So keep this in mind, along with looking up the scriptures we've already mentioned from both Jesus and St. Paul that have to do with gender, and that in the Kingdom of Heaven, there no longer is gender, while there still is gender, for all are one in Christ and that this refers to and means much more than anything having to do with the external physical sexual gender just as I said that when mystical texts speak of nakedness, that this has nothing to do with external clothing. All of this talk about belief becoming real brings up what many, many books speak about nowadays.  Some with genuine wisdom, others not so much so: the power of thought itself to shape our reality.  Since in essence, that's what the saints mentioned achieved within themselves, that which brought about the stigmata: belief in Christ, in sharing in the cross, in the wounds of Christ by carrying one's own cross so powerfully that it manifested into physical reality. Read the full article
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