deremerstudios · 9 months
Merry Christmas! We hope you enjoy this Two Books Christmas Meditation on the link between The Rising Sun and The Risen Son. May the glory of Christ's incarnation be your joy, hope, peace and love as you celebrate our risen Savior's birth!
A Two Books Christmas Meditation on The Rising Sun and The Risen Son While I am far from a morning person, as a landscape photographer, I’ve learned to be a student of the dawn – to scout for just the right spot in relation to the sun’s rising, to study the clouds to predict what type of sunrise we might (or might not) enjoy, and to search for just the right subject in the foreground to interact…
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surgitenachhilfe · 7 years
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"Meidatate on four..Moma be ashamed if she found out more"
Leave me alone
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ariadnasdiary · 6 years
Queen’s War Ask 31 days Challenge: days 21-31.
Day👑 21- From here,we are asking about others royals members,which is your family. Introduce your King and Heirs to your people!
Queen!Ariadna: *proud* I present you my beloved family!! My beloved husband and king Kino and my beautiful children: Áaron and Naomi.
Day👑 22- How many Heir do you have?Do you have a big family?
Queen!Ariadna: We are a medium family, we are four members.
Áaron (Kyoya) “Koizumi Martínez”:
Naomi (Kotoko) “Koizumi Martínez”:
Mun Ari:
The basics: Both were born in the Mekai, they were raised both in the human and demon world. They now live during the week in the human world (since they study there) and during the weekend in the Mekai.
Áaron is a year older than Naomi, however both Ariadna and Kino are training them to become the head of the clan. When the time comes, the ghouls are going to choose who they want to govern them, so they need to know how to rule in case they are choosen.
Day👑 23- What’s the first thing you pay attention to when you chose the King?
Queen!Ariadna: *blushing* I-I *cough* There were many things that made me chose my husband. But the first thing I saw was his kind heart. He truly wanted to help the ghouls. When he apologized after all he did…I was so happy. He’s charming, funny, witty, courageous and many many other things...
Day👑 24- Does your family help you some parts of governing?
Queen!Ariadna: Áaron is closer to me and likes to interact with with our people just like me. Just like his father he’s carismatic, so he earns people’s trust, yet he likes to do it with a low profile. While Naomi is more interested in strategics and, to be possible, not too much people’s interaction. She likes to learn and admires her father greatly, so she’s all laws and stratagies. An office lady, while Áaron is a meidator/diplomatic.
I’m not blind though: Áaron in the human world (his school) is friendly, but when it comes with girls that flirt with him…he’s pretty cold. He isn’t interested in dates…since a few years ago. I can’t tell you what happened but let’s say I’m praying for a girl to break his walls. Naomi at school is an average girl, but suffers since like a normal girl she’s in love with someone that “doesn’t notice her”, plus her protective brother and father seem to always have an eye on her candidates LOL.
Day👑 25- Beside the Governing business what is the challenge your family facing?
Queen!Ariadna: One word: Adolescence.  Identity problems, meaning of life, having a double life (”normal” teens during the day and royals by night), school…endless things.
Áaron is more relaxed and likes to handle his problems by himself, yet, unlike me at his age, he knows when to ask for help and he isn’t scared or ashamed to do it. Naomi on the other hand…she’s all quiet and "acts” like everything’s fine, but I have a feeling she’s hidding something. I’ve talked about it with Kino, but he has told me that she has told him everything’s fine. She’s difficult to approach…at least for me. But I don’t give up to get closer to her. She doesn’t avoid me, but she seems like she avoids my company when I’m with Áaron. Just recent Naomi seems distant with Áaron for no apparent reason…
Day👑 26- Whats the best memory about you and your King?^^
Queen!Ariadna: I have two memories I love: When we finally got married and when I found out I was going to be able to be a mother! There’s still a long way to go…so for now those two are my top precious memories.
Day👑 27- What’s the first trait you pay attention to your Heir when they going become the next Queen/King?
Queen!Ariadna: That they always empatize with those surrounding them. They need to take into consideration their people necessities and feelings, to be humble and of course to seek their happiness.
Day👑 28- Are you concern about the Heirs?that they or someone else might fight for the throne or do you concern other stuff about them?or you are sure they are fine?
Queen!Ariadna: I trust my children will do what is correct. I’m next to them as much as I can. Of course they have encountered all types of people and they need to learn how to deal with them. My children are freinds with many heirs of other clans…but some others still have conservative ideals and have threaten that once they’ll reach the throne, they’ll start a war. I don’t like to hear that, but my children knows how to deal with them. Áaron though…sometimes tend to snap once alone, while Naomi is direct and many times has gotten herself into troubles. *sigh* Well…I never said my children were perfect ^^'.
Day👑 29- Is it better for you that your Heir‘s partner is another Kingdom’s royal?Or a noble from your own Kingdom is better for you?
Queen!Ariadna: I don’t mind? I mean if we fight for equality…wouldn’t it be contradictory for us to forbid something like a marriage with any other clan member? EXCEPT if their partner is someone that I see is bad for them! We have had many proposals regarding our children…we always replay the same: “I don’t know. Ask them”.
Day👑 30- What’s the royal’ vow in your Kingdom when the next Heir became Queen?
Queen!Ariadna: “Fight for your people as if you were fighting for one of your family. Listen what they need and try your best to solve it. Be strong, humble and brave. However, remember something: listen to your heart…is ok to be a little selfish sometimes.”
Day👑 31- Your heir became New Queen!Any last word or advice for them?
Queen!Ariadna: Just relax, think before act, take our people into consideration, always fight for what is correct. Now that was as a queen, as a mother I’ll tell you to always seek for help for those you trust and care for you and never forget that you need to look for your own happiness: a happy person spread happiness whetever they go. Find it in little things in life.
*Mun Ari: To be honest... I didn’t plan to create Arino’s kids, but the challenge allowed my creativity to go “wild”. So here they are~ I may write down their biography and story later on~ their participation in this blog...I’ll think about it ^^’
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eksopolitiikka · 4 years
Avaruusolennot tarkkailevat meitä heidän ohittaessaan meidät
Avaruusolennot tarkkailevat meitä heidän ohittaessaan meidät
Lukemattomat avaruusanomaliat ja UFO-muodostelmat ovat näkyneet ISS:n livelähetyksessä pitkin vuotta niiden ohittaessa Maapallon.
ISS:n livelähetys on kuvannut toisen aallon näitä anomalioita, UFOjen ryppään ja romua tuntemattomasta lähteestä.
Kuvat näyttävät nämä UFOt lentämässä suurissa, koordinoiduissa ryhmissä.
On huomattavaa, että tämä toinen aalto noudattelee samaa lentorataa kuin ensimmäinen aalto, mikä viittaisi siihen että avaruudessa on käynnissä jotain, mikä pakottaa nämä UFOt siirtymään paikasta toiseen.
Voit katsoa tätä UFOjen muodostelmaa livenä niiden ohittaessa Maapallon (alkaa videolla noin 50 minuutin kohdalla):
  Artikkelin julkaissut UFO Sightings Hotspot
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thisdaynews · 4 years
UPDATE:Enough is enough of Southern Kaduna killings – Sultan of Kuduna blow hot
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/updateenough-is-enough-of-southern-kaduna-killings-sultan-of-kuduna-blow-hot/
UPDATE:Enough is enough of Southern Kaduna killings – Sultan of Kuduna blow hot
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Chairman, Northern Traditional Rulers Council and Sultan of Sokoto, Dr. Sa’ad Abubakar (III), on Monday, in Kaduna, described the killings in the southern part of the state as “madness” that has to be stopped immediately.
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He called on those involved in killings in Southern Kaduna to stop the act, saying, “enough is enough”.
Speaking during a Council’s Executive meeting in Kaduna, the monarch noted that no man in his right senses go on a killing spree of innocent people under whatever guise.
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The Sultan carpeted politicians as forces behind the unrests in the southern part of the state.
He called on the people of the state and Nigeria in general that no politicians mean well for them, adding, “lf you keep on igniting killings based on ethno-religious differences because it is the innocent children that are killed while that of the elites are protected.”
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Earlier, Kaduna State Governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai, reminded the gathering that, the Southern Kaduna crises had prevailed for the past 40 years since the first Kasuwan Magani riot.
According to the governor, Kaduna is a mini-Nigeria with over 52 ethnic groups, meaning that 10 percent of Nigeria’s ethnic groups are from Kaduna state.
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Earlier, Kaduna State Governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai, reminded the gathering that, the Southern Kaduna crises had prevailed for the past 40 years since the first Kasuwan Magani riot.
According to the governor, Kaduna is a mini-Nigeria with over 52 ethnic groups, meaning that 10 percent of Nigeria’s ethnic groups are from Kaduna state.
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“Also, equipment like drones and GSM trackers are being used which had helped to neutralized thousands of the bandits in the State. We also set up a Peace Commission to meidate between the aggrieved people.”
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thomlocke73 · 4 years
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stephen,  a late solstice...  good wishess, for  the people of planet earth
 and that   this monster of a goverement,  that we have,  will soon be voted out of office,  and  hopfully    criminal charges,  brought against, the monster, and all of the people,   that helped    it happen, ....  i cant belive any of it... shame on us!.....  very scary, to realize, that the people   voted for this....   the monster repuplican party,  are so guilty,  of so much!.....  they are complety  out of touch,  and   very selfishess, greedy.,., stupid... just stupid!... .. i hope that we have a majour,  change  of paradigmn....  really fast!....... before,  gaia    completly wipes humans from the  planet........  gaia, is  protecting herself. trying to correct the  imbalance...........  take a good look,  at the new  modeling predictions, of climate change,   based   on the latest, new data.,     new  global  temp..s..  it  is defintly becoming warmer. --- and we are defintly   seeing., great great  early warning sighns.... and our  monster goverment, in the usa...   is complety  ignoring it, and     creating. diversions., and miss information, to the  people,.  and the people are choosing,  to ignore   the   warning sighns,,,  and choosing to listen, to   the monsters--------- the moron monsters,. who want to keep us, all inslaved to  guns, cars, and oil, and all the rest of it........-..... i can not belive,  that the american people,    decided, that global  climate weather change..  global warming,,  that it is a hoax, and  fake news,,  fake media, as they call it now..................... as if this monster,  does not think of the american people, as fake  news, as fake media........... it is pretty clear,   that this monster,  is  very very very deceptive,  and   to the point of being called evil........... america,  got screwed!.... big time!.. and the people,  did it to themsleves,     they have knowbody to blame but themsleves.,.....  lets   see,  if they  can correct this, great great great great   error......... and  after this  monster  joke of a   goverment is voted out of office,     lets hope that their is a majour majour majout investigation and   these monsters,  be put on trial.. starting with that jeffery epstein,.... somthing awfully   awfully.,, strange  about it  all, ..... and then   a serious independent,  cia. investigation,  into      the russian,s and other forien.,  goverment.  involvment and contact ,    with the so  called president....-.- if you can call it that...................... --- what a awfull awfull awfull time .,. it has been........   and  a fragil,  time for democrecey,,,   you are seeing,. the usa, on the edge of collpase.. and i think! sincerly  think.  that was the idea.... that we have been. being  screwed over,  by  our elected  president,  who has been  working against the american people from the start........ and the people are  too  stupid to realize it.,....... god help us!---------
 .---- lets    meidate, and send vibrations...  and  good thoughts,      that this  monster and his party.,  go away, with the virus................. lets  every body.  mediate    and visualize,   that  the republican party   and this monster goverment.,  be   voted out.  of power,, and that we as a people,  realize, what we have done.,., and repent!-- repent!.- before it is too late!-.-------
 the world, and the planet., can not survive 4 more years, of a evil   goverment in power... .... i cant even begin to imagine, what it  will  like, if the  good    guy and woman. do not defeat this monster.. you are seeing the most critical,  important election, of out life times.. we  have to  dig us,  out of this hole. that we dug our selves into,, and   the help of a evil, leader,  who  helped push us into this  hole of a mess........  i can not belive it....... and i dont think that we realize how dangerous,   this time is. and what time we have left......... look at  how we wasted      4 years,  with  a corrupt circus , clown show--- that dangerously   brings us   close to so much  doom!--
 lets hope that   this nightmare,   goes away, with the virus.----------- i am sincerly sorry, to the people  of planet earth, and  to gaia........ and to  all   people  with  hope for democratic liberal, balanced, wishess.........and very sorry to the  world of art!. the art world, indeed................
 please be gone!  monster, and  virus.......... leave the people  alone !. you   monster!.
  good luck stepehen.,  very sorry.!-- whata  awfull awfull    few years it has been..........  but thes epeople who voted for this monster,  they dont seem to be repenting., and donts eem to realize, or care... yes their are lots and lots and lots  of slefishess, greedy. stupid    people    living and voting in the usa............................ and they consider themselves,  good moral christain people, liek they are chosen  people, or somthing like that... very very scary... seeingt he demographics, of the    people who came out in surport of this monster....  a hell, of a lot of   so called christian people....
 i cant belive it...... very scary.......  thats some jesus.......
  repent! is alli can say , to my fellow americans....  look”! and see!. just how insane,     it all is!. top down!.. ..... that is very scary!..... and i feel awfull, thinking and saying   bad things about my fellow citizens.. . i use to think   that we were a  good  and intelligent  generous, helpull people... i do not feel this , about the  people,   any more.......... we can loose,  loose what we have!.  as you are seeing!-............ greed!”!!! greed!!! greed!!!.... slefishess!! selfishess.--- hatfull!  a hatfull president for  a hatfull people??? is this the case????.. please . lets take  some time, and  re consider,  what we have done!........ and for what,  ? for some filthy rich people, to have a tax cut!...  a fucking tax cut!.-... we reallya re inslaved stupid sheep!. voting against our selves! and out interest!.. and  i wont mention the  rascist! elem,ents!.. .--   ..  . youbet black lives matter!..  fucking study your     history!..... its  complety shamfull!.... shamfull, how little     and  slow ,    change has been.-...--- ---------as if only white americans  have a dream, ....
--------------------------- -lets hope for some very fast,  change! in america , 
-----------------------  lets vote this  monster goverment out  of office- any thing is better then this!---  i am embarrsed, to be writing this.. embarrsed for my country and my people, and the   whole  idea of  our democratic way of life... you are seeing a evil monster., trying to corrupt a election.. what more needs to be said!---------------------------------- i cant belive any of it. it  is a nightmare!.. the monster regime, and the virus are one!........... maybee  we can  be rid of both--- god help us!.-------------- happy solstice!- great solstice  fire to you all-------- not that we all deserve ., it-----------  .- - repent!
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Jutta Gustafsberg ja Juha Rouvinen kertovat, mitä heille tulee mieleen sanoista läheisyys ja rakkaus, luottamus, kunnioitus ja sielunkumppanuus...
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Assignment代写:Descartes and the Cartesian Circle
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Descartes and the Cartesian Circle,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了笛卡尔和笛卡尔圆。笛卡尔圆,指的是笛卡尔通过证明上帝的存在来论证真理规律。笛卡尔圆基于两个命题。笛卡尔认为一个人之所以能感知事物的真相,是因为他确信上帝的存在。认识到上帝的存在,人们就不应该再怀疑自己清晰而鲜明的感知。仁慈全能的上帝不可能赋予人类容易被欺骗的本性。因此,正是上帝创造的人性产生了清晰而鲜明的感知。人们不应该对清晰而鲜明的观念有任何怀疑。
The aim of this paper is to discuss the way Descartes proposes to escape the radical scepticism and whether the attempt is successful based on his philosophical work Meditations. This paper argues that Descartes tries to escape the radical scepticism through the belief in the existence of a benevolent and omnipotent God. His attempt does not fall into circularity and succeed in defeating the radical scepticism. This paper will first give an explanation of Descartes’s radical scepticism as well as the Cartesian Circle. Then, there will be a discussion about contradictory nature of the Cartesian Circle and the reasons for Descartes falling into the Cartesian Circle that leads to the failure.
Descartes argues that people should be skeptical about everything and be careful about believing what they perceive. People’s judgement about the outside world can be wrong because the deceiving nature of their senses. The basic principle of Descartes’s radical scepticism is to be skeptical about the truth of beliefs in order to determine which beliefs are true and which are not. He thinks that people’s senses and knowledge are unreliable, and he even doubts the process of reasoning. There are three propositions of doubt providing the foundation for Descartes’s radical point of scepticism. He first becomes skeptical about what he believes he already knows. Everything include a potential item of doubt should be rejected. After he identifies his false beliefs, he finds the  foundations that support these beliefs and get rid of them. At last, he reach the complete scepticism by no long trusting anything that has deceived him. Descartes proposes the technique for doubting. First, people should only accept information that is true. They should break down the truths into smaller parts. Then, they solve the simple problems first and deal with more complex problems afterwards. Through this process, people can identify the most genuine truth and regard it as the foundation for knowledge. However, it should be noted that by doubting the truth of belief, the ultimate goal of Descartes’s radical scepticism is to establish a belief system of only genuinely true beliefs and provides a undoubtable foundation for the sciences. The way Descartes attempts to build a belief system that can escape the radical scepticism is through the existence of a benevolent and omnipotent God.
The Cartesian Circle refers to the Descartes’s reasoning towards the truth rule by proving the existence of God. The fundamental basis of the Cartesian Circle is the existence of a benevolent and omnipotent God. Cartesian Circle is based on two propositions. First, Descartes thinks the reason for an individuals to perceive the truth in things is that he is certain that God exists and is not a deceiver. He believes that it is impossible for a benevolent God to deceive people into believing things that are not true. As God is a perfect being and creates all the properties of human beings, whatever people clearly and distinctly conceive is true. Knowing the existence of God, people should no longer have a doubt about their clear and distinct perceptions. God is very powerful in making sure people are not deceived by things that are not true. Therefore, the existence of God is the basis of people’s clear and distinct perceptions toward things in the world. Descartes attributes the truth of things to the existence of God. The second proposition is that clear and distinct perceptions ensure that what people believe is the truth. It is not possible for a benevolent and omnipotent God to give humans a nature that is easily deceivable. Therefore, it is the human nature created by God that generates clear and distinct perceptions. People should not have a doubt towards clear and distinct perceptions.
The contradictory part of the Cartesian Circle lies in that people cannot be certain about the existence of a benevolent God unless they have clear and distinct perceptions. In trying to prove the existence of God, people have to depend on what they can clearly and distinctly perceive. This is contradict to the first proposition that people can only gain clear and distinct perceptions due to the existence of a benevolent and omnipotent God. However, this paper believes that the Cartesian Circle is not a circular argument. As God is the basis for Descartes’ the Cartesian Circle, Descartes’s perceptions about God should be discussed. In the Second Meditation, Descartes reveals a universal truth that the individual exists as a thinking thing. This emphasizes the thinking activities as an intuition of one's own existence as well as prove the genuine truth that people can be certain about their own existence. Based on the this, Descartes expand his theories to explore other indubitable knowledge. He tries to prove the existence of God by relating to the imperfection of human beings. Descartes believes that the individual is an imperfect being who has to accept something more formal and real than himself. The existence of human beings as imperfect individuals is because something perfect has created them, which leads to the conclusion that there is a perfect being existing formally. Descartes thinks God as the only perfect being who is able to use his power of create the ideas of human beings. After proving the existence of God, Descartes tries to identify the nature of God, that is, whether there exists a benevolent God or a deceiving God. Descartes states that he “must examine whether there is a God, and, if there is, whether he can be a deceiver” (CSM II 25).
Taking into consideration of the possibility of a deceiving God can be regarded as the most comprehensive doubts of one’s beliefs as people are taught to trust in God without doubt. The belief in God is the most fundamental component of people’s trust in the world. If God is a truly omnipotent deceiver, then God has the ability to render every perception of human beings false by changing the reality of the world. This leads to the result that it is impossible for people to find the truth in anything because there is no truth that can be perceived by people due to God’s will. However, since the senses of human beings can be very deceiving, Descartes believes that God has no reason to deceive human beings. On the other hand, to believe in a deceiving God will lead to any attempt in building a belief system in vain. At this point, Descartes succeeds in escaping the radical scepticism as he has overcome the great skeptical challenge-the scepticism against the creator of all the substances. Therefore, Descartes choose to believe the existence of a benevolent God as the foundation of his further exploration.
When Descartes proposes the truth rule that “whatever I perceive very clearly and distinctly is true” (CSM II 24), the existence of a perfectly good God is used as the necessary condition for the clear and distinct perception. It is should be noted that the existence of a benevolent God does not justify the truth of clear and distinct perceptions, but the accuracy of human beings’ memories. What God guarantees is what previously has been clearly and distinct perceived remains true now. Therefore, in regards to the Cartesian Circle, Descartes’s proposition that individuals perceive the truth in things because that he is certain of the existence of a good God actually means that a good God will not alter human beings’ perceptions to deceive them. This is contrary to a deceiving God that renders every human beings’ perception false and prevents them from the truth of things. The second proposition of the Cartesian Circle is that people have to depend on what they can clearly and distinctly perceive to prove the existence of God. Descartes thinks that the existence of God has been proved the existence of imperfect beings – humans themselves. God endows humans with a nature that can recognize the truth in things with their clear and distinct perceptions. Human beings’ awareness of a good God is also attributed to the nature of human beings as well as the benevolence of God.
In conclusion, this assignment have discussed the way Descartes proposes to escape the radical scepticism and the success of his attempt in achieving this goal. Descartes propose the basic principle in the Mediation as the scepticism against what people perceive. He also identifies techniques of being doubtful about the truth in things. However, he is able to identifies several truth rules in order to build a belief systems that can escape radical scepticism. The Cartesian Circle is an important way for escaping radical scepticism as it believes in the existence of a benevolent and omnipotent God. The Cartesian Circle does not fall into circularity because of two reasons. Fist, the existence of a benevolent God is contrary to the deceiving God who keeps truth from human beings. The existence of a benevolent God is predominant factor for humans to recognize truths. Second, the clear and distinct perceptions is the ability given by God to recognize the truth in things. Human beings’ perception of a good God is attributed to the nature of human beings as well as the benevolence of God.
Cottingham, J., Stoothoff, R. & Murdoch, D. (1984). eds. and trans. Meidation on First Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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mattili-blog · 7 years
Luterilaiseen oppiin kuuluva persoonallinen Paha, Saatana, on ollut minulle hankalasti hahmotettava tyyppi. Pari vuotta sitten tutustuimme muutamiin turvapaikkaa hakeneisiin irakilaismiehiin. Pelasimme tiistai-iltaisin jalkapalloa läheisellä...
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gosamiand-blog · 7 years
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kaarlostauffer · 7 years
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Jos ne tuntis meidät jätkinä
130 sivua
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täältä saa: http://khaospublishing.com/product/jos-ne-tuntis-meidat-jatkina-by-kaarlo-stauffer/
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eksopolitiikka · 4 years
Avaruusolennot tarkkailevat meitä heidän ohittaessaan meidät
Avaruusolennot tarkkailevat meitä heidän ohittaessaan meidät
Lukemattomat avaruusanomaliat ja UFO-muodostelmat ovat näkyneet ISS:n livelähetyksessä pitkin vuotta niiden ohittaessa Maapallon.
ISS:n livelähetys on kuvannut toisen aallon näitä anomalioita, UFOjen ryppään ja romua tuntemattomasta lähteestä.
Kuvat näyttävät nämä UFOt lentämässä suurissa, koordinoiduissa ryhmissä.
On huomattavaa, että tämä toinen aalto noudattelee samaa lentorataa kuin ensimmäinen aalto, mikä viittaisi siihen että avaruudessa on käynnissä jotain, mikä pakottaa nämä UFOt siirtymään paikasta toiseen.
Voit katsoa tätä UFOjen muodostelmaa livenä niiden ohittaessa Maapallon (alkaa videolla noin 50 minuutin kohdalla):
  Artikkelin julkaissut UFO Sightings Hotspot
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